mrnnn tnnni'iTimmTriiriTi llglllauiitainccr Slightly Mixkd Yesierdiiy maun, itig ' gentleman who resides in the southern portion of the city culled at our office and reluted the following in cidont as huppenmg to himself, -aitd knowing bim to be -a touti uf'verucilj 'Wo give credence to his story and heartily sympathize wixh him in ; hit dilemma. -Shortly niftee, appearances of events indica'ed to lrim (hat Home body 4n bis household wim going to have a "spoil of sickness," and he ac cordingly secured the -services of a physician and professional nurse,to ren dor such "help us the exigencies of the ease might demund. On Tuesday night the event occurred, and ut the propor time 'a wr.y young member of the human family was placed in the hands of the nuino to wuhIi and dress. The happy father had only titno to discover that the new . comer wasn boy before a vigorous pull at the door hell culled him to the street door, w4ero, instead of finding an old ac qoaintanco.he discovered a small bnn die on his dror step, which ho carriod into the house and opened, and found to contain a male child, evidently just born. As th'm child had not been dressed, he gave it into tho hands of the nurse, with insi ructions to clothe it, while ho proceeded alter d police man, by whom to send tho littlo waif to tho County Hospital. Tho nursu performed hor duty, and placed the two children in a crib, and went out of the room to minister tho wants of tho sick lady. Tho husband, alter a short absonoe, returnedjand inquired lor the.strange child," when he was told it. was lyiny in tho crib. Tnither ho proceeded and discovered both in fants. Which one of theso is mine 1" ho cxclaimod, in an excited manner. The nurso was unahlo to say, arid the d6ctor wira in asimilar fix. Ilere was a queer tlilemma for tho fattier of a ami1y to bo placed in-. ' lie could not send either of the children away for foar ho might sond his own instnad of the ono left on his door step. Ho did not relish having twins in this , man nor, hut was compelled to submit to it. We have often heard that it" was a wisechjld that knew its own father," but jn this instance we think it bo a wise father that knew his own ch Id. S. F..Call. ; Pbbsentimknt ok Dkath. The Susi box (N, J ) Register relates a si-ngular Btory.of u citizen of Newton, in that State! It isuf a Loronzo Demurem, who summoned his pastor to his house last Wednesday, and said he -should certainly die that iiiiiht, with tho further BttUemeot that the n:ght previous his laibor, who had beeb dead many years, , enme to him and kissed him, aud drew his cold hand over his brat. -. Here Mr. Demarest showed with his own the direction his lather's hand had taken. " ' That," said he " moans death 5 it-is cold there already." lie then said he, wanted his body conveyed to a certain place for interment, that he' wished a funeral discourse to bo preuched after his do cease, and that irreat' care should be taken lest ho bo buried alive. At mid night of the same eveniny ho was fonnd dead in Ins bed iKFLUBNcfc OF Flowers. -During the raid of Qtiantrell in Kansas, .and the sacking and ravaging of Im w ranee tho gungeame to the residence of Geo' Ford, whoso neat house whs surround ed with flowers. 1 he sold-ers appeal) ed to the leader to spare I ho place, ''as it was too pretty to burn." lie as son ted, and tho house i was spared, almost the only , building loit. Mr, Ford snys now he shall cultivate flow; crs as lonij as ho remembers the rebel- lion. The charm of a' few flowers touched 'the -hearts of men whom no misery, or suffering in tho midst of nuivii tnuy were roveiiinp, until i reach, and from destruction tho house referred to; ' Who does not love flow ers, and who will not 'devote even 'a little "spaco to thorn? They rcflue, tney elovato. : .1 Oregon - Steam , Navigation Co. SUMMER -ArtiFVA NGEME NT,,. . ' tilK STEAMUnS - - ', .' IEZtfftC 13 II1EF, WI3II-FOOT, "lTSXINO," 1 . HYIIEE, ; YAKIMA, : ' - srAv & , OKtNAGOS. Captains E. F. COE, C. C. FELTON. J II. D. Gil AY, anil .. .. TH0S. J. STUMP, r Will run dnr'r-R the season frcm CF-LHO to TTMATIL LA. WALLULA, WI1ITK lll.UFFS, PALlUSlS ami LKWI8TON. - One of Hie above named boats will leave CF.L1LO for CM ATI 1,1, A and WALI ULA, ou TUESDAYS, TIlUllc DAYS and 8AI OltDAYS.- Tlie PiikiSfnccci- Trnin to connect villi steamers at Oellln will start from the Itailroad Depot, DA LLK5 CITY at 6 o'cloc , A. a. FOU WHITK BI.UIFS. f ' ' TIIK YAKIMA," OAFT. E. F. COB Commandor. Will Wve CELILO every f ATUUDAY, for WHITE FOB LEWISTOV. . THE OWYHEE" . K CAPT. FELTON... Commander. Will leve WALI.UI.A erery WEDNWIHY (up.n the arriVHl of the stenmer llmt starts I'roui Ceiilo ou Tues day), for LEWISTOM. ; . , . . . - - FOB PORTLAND TllliOUOII IN ONE DAY. : The Stmrnen - "ONEONTA, ' on ', ', "IDAHO," CAPT. J. MoSULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sun-lav -cej,te.l)at 6 o'clock, i. m.. commotio, by the CASCADE HAILI10AD, with the steamers . , rf ' NEW WORLD, CASCADE, or WILSON Gr. HUNT, CAPT. J. WOLF,.. Commander, Portland. Dalles. Ap'l! S I860. FRANK T.DnpQE, , n!2tf Agent 0. 8. N. Co. U m a t i 1 1 a, D o i s o, Express and Fast Freight LlW. THIS LINK IS NOW IN COMPLETE BBJiWo order from Uniaillla to Idnlio'ity, via Uoii-e City. and prepared to carry Frultht and Valuable Parkanes betweeu thee auuVU iateimediute poluts withcwlainty and despatclt. The Line is Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely, - New ThOrough-Brace CONCORD fs; W AO ON S , ffiStiil Which ensures Speed nnd Safety In the tmnsmis-lon ol Freight, novt-r before ollVred fo Iditho. Wo otl'or buja rior inducements for Shipping Uoude from ban Francisco and Portland ti Idaho, as our arranuiuents with (lit Ocean Steainsiiip Coiiiimny and the Oregon btentn Nitvl gatiiln are hiu-Ii that all Uoods -.hlj-pi-d l,y tliis Line will not ue euuject lotne unnai ueinrs..uui puss tnrougu us Fast lPrelflit. ' i . Ooods shinned from eAn Franclwo to oi r cure at Port land, Charges Will be puid and Uoods shipped to dL-tiuu-Uon, . -,,', ' t ;l ' fc . OOODS SflOULDBEMAIIKKD: CAKE II. M. D. A CO.. F. LINK, and Shipping KCceipts neut to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla.. , ' Advance Charges for Transportation Pa Id by the Line and Collected at Destination.' Goods be forwarded with Dispatch to owvhee aud South Home. PASSENGKltS.CAltRlED AT GHEATLY 11EDUCI1I) RATES. Families will be liirtiisiMd wltlr Superior Ac commodations In New and Easy Hi-ling 'Ihoroti h I race Wagons on the Moet Liberal Tetuis, 'e lay over earn night on the Road at Good and Convenient rotation's so that passengers will uot he deprived of regular lest I AWHiJI ABI IUCRAT1DS 1 McCIIAKKN, RICH RDd A McCIIAKKN JOSEPH TKAL. ................ POWELL & G 'K J. B. WILKINSON B. M. DuKhLL A CO , U. M.buUKLL C0 . MAJOR SPElill DuRELL MOORE...:........ 'I ' 4. ' B2itf (1 : fan Francioro Portland -..UiiIIpk v Uni-itilhi LeOrait i y..lloi;e City m... .... ldiiho City Rocky llur (South B.iire') I......... '..lluliy and rllver Cities B. M. DuRELL A CO., ' ' ' Proprietors. l i 'i Summons. ' " Tn Justice's Court for West Dalles Prei-lnct. i J-hn Eppinger, plalntilf, vs. John Yunug. defeudant. Civil Action.!-. ' - rw) JOHN yOUNO. pEFFNDANT: Jn the nnmo of Jt the Prate of Oregon, yon are here' V renuireil tn m pear before the unrieri-Uned. a dixtire at the l-eace of the oreaid precinct.-on the 2d dy of June. 18H8, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of raid d y. at the ol. floe of raid Jnstlce of lh" Peace, to answer the nlmve named plaintliT in a civil ar-tlou. The de ei-ilaut w-ll take notice, that If be fail to appear jtnd aneu-tir the plaintiffs crimp aim. the plaintiff will take Judgment against him for the sum of Ninety Dollars, with luterest thereon. 1 -v.- Given under my band, this 10th day of April, 1WM. '" np20w8 ' F.H. HOLLAND.' 1: "Dalles, April 10, 1806. Jnstlcoofthe Peace.' i v1 ; Final Settlement. i ' ,' "V'OTTCEia IIKIlfcBY GIVEN tnall i-riinnrhtere. l od In tie estate of Andr w Watson, deceased'. 'th-if A. L. Puttnn. Administrator of wild eststi-, lia- filed his final account In the County Conrt of the Plate ororewm for the Comity -f Dr lit. and that rill HAY the Nih-lnv of June 18C0, has been set fu.- bearlnrsuld a-mnnt by said Court. ;. ,,... - W. L HILL, 1 ' ' .Todfce of Grant CoWtv Canyon City, April 30111,1800..,,,, , tullw -ALLliS til l DUCli STOR iPe CRAIG, ' WHOLBSALK ANU BltTAIL ' ., DEALER IN-DRUGS. Perfumery; Fancy Honrs, .. i PATENT MEDICINES. Ac. (i-tr DKUUS AND I'AU'EXT AlEVIt'nS!." DRUGS AND TATEST MEDICINES .', DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! i U0LII8AI.1I AMD RBTAIL WusUiugtun 8treetr between Main and Second 8trcets IJAI.I.IOS, OHKGO.X, gj LEMON Is able to supply pnrtlos In want of Drugs, aud every other article enumerated 'whh the ' ' WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At tho lowest market rates, t -' T ' Kir Physlciana and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. ' TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. . . 1 1 S. LKMON. ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. r o u t hK w v oin w in AND FTItST 8TKKKT; betwoen YamhiU and Morrison.' St mm Knineit olfnmi 4 to-bt lione )iwer.tHlier PortaMoor htatinnary. Ainu. CI 11' CULAU SAW MILL" C0MIM.KTK. consmntly onlmiifl. Also. Hay L'rud- pes ir nil Hizei; I'liiniriir Macliiuos.fWootlwurtiri put tent.) Wrnnirlit And Cunt Iron work for Ver ticu.Sfiu'ftmlUHflt iiiIIIr; Hi AKSund Iron CuHtings " ' J - w' and ,! . " H ROVGIIT IRO WORK of every description. I am also prepnred to fnrnlsh - Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any nnrt of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. . s s - .,, - Horse r'owers ft Agricultural Implements Dinliillactured tn order at the very l.-UVKST (JASII PRICE n. Ji.i-arucuior attention pam to lll-.l'AIHS. fe0-tl : --- ISTitice.' - . SEALED PROPOSAL'. In duplicate, will be received nt the office of tho umloroigued at Van onver Hep-it. W, T.. also, at tho offlco ol tho A. C M., nt K(il:T DAIXK.8. Oregon, and at FORT UOISE I. T .. until Thilr-diiy. 12 o'clock M, the 10th DAY OK MAY. lHi'fl. 'or liirnishlnR the V. 8. Suhilsieuce D-partnicnt with Two llttmlred Head 200 of Beef Cuttle, for the Suh-ii-t- enci-oi inn i roopn in me uistnci ot noise, haul t attle to he of goodand Merchautahle auatitv and to be deliv eied to the A.C. 8. at K.iRT B IISI'I. I. T.. or mi lyiilior ined agent of the PiihsiHionce Ih-partnient. In said Dis trict, on or before the .10th dny of June. 181"". , Kncli 111.1 to heuccompanied by a ll-'iul fwith at. lcasf twuHi-rctt s) lot e sum of Klvo Thousand Do Inrs, for tlie fallhlnl perf -nimnco of tho proposals contained in the bi-ls In cone tlie bid Is accepted. ' - No hid will bo received for a less quantity tlmu Fifty (611) Head. Hols mint tate the price In II. P. HOLD coin. The contract will he sub-cct to thu niinroval of the De- pariiueiit nnd D vision Commander. - The u-oh-M:gn--d resorveito hitin-etf the right to reject itnv or nil llhlsthat he niav deem nn-tasoiHihle. Rids to lie aihlruKscd to tli A. ('. P.. at ell her of the. noovr oiioiro ruHis, nnu ciiuurteu inns: rrojiusais lor ucei tjaitie." GEO, II. WKKKS,. " ' - Cnpt.ahd A.Q. M. 0. S. A., A. C. 8. U. 8. 8oosis isci Orncs. t i Vancouver Depo1'. TT. T., 'X ., , ap22-12t April 10th, 18S.0. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND,; An KxpodittouH Curo for ftlt diHOiiBca of tlit) SKXtfAL OUGANS. fgHIS prompt nnd i-fflcatious Remedy for the cure . 8 -illi-in-irrm-i, Oleot, Strictures, and lilsenses of the Urinary Cleans makes a speedy euro whh, nit the hw restriction tn diet, cxix-stirc or change In application hnstui-ss: It will radically cure any cae which can be produced. The dhciiHe It roinove as speed i'y as is con si-itent with the production of a thorough and' permanent cure. I'nrthi-r. tlie dh-t-iiHo cnuiiot he cntracied if the SI'KCII-'lOCi'MIMlllMi Istnken when expneil. Its Ineri-dients urerutirel v vegeta'ilo.ainl no injurious en'ect. either coiistitutitninlly or locally, can be enured by it u-o. r Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. " Sent by r.Aprat,B eiireinii v (iiH Keo. II JSTKTTKIt, SMITH 4 DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 Ilntteiy street, cor Clitv, ' Jy22-flm., ' . i San Frnnclsrn." DAILY MOBIsTAINEER J. 4 M&' Of ' lbJ l If : 0. W. ARHSS o. w. nmtiir . AR.MES O AUAM; ! Imt'orters and Jobbers of; t . WOOD ASD WILLOW WARE, 1 UKC81IE?, TWINES, COIIDA0E. to. , ' ' And Manufacturers of V " California Palls, JulK Brooms, 4c. 217 k 210.cnnnniciitoSf,cet( between Frnnr tmd DiivId ISati Fmncirtro. oc1I:UiimUw.., F , 'Lincoln house;; - Corner Waalilngton ami Front Streets, ,t - PORTLAND. OREGON. .' TRFT-rUSS IIOTI'L. LA1IOEST I.N THE STATE. Uhargis KeoHouuhlu.- - AV 0IMI1IIH will attend all tho floats nn-l convey Pa'seogers and their Imge-tL-e to the llonso Free ol Clmrgo, or to uny other House In the dry lor 00 ecu is. ' I ' H. COFFIN.. I'miiriotiir- P S H it AND COLD BATHS In the House. All MliH steamers for Oregon City. Vaticonver, Monti cello and Astoria laud at the Lincoln House Wharf. epliSoi , , , -;r ; , 'i -- i I'OWKI! PHFS8 BOOK & JOB FRIHTINO CFFICE; First Street, between Main and B l '-' DALLES... OhEGOS. JOD PRIHTINC OF EVERY VARIETY- Kxecureu wiin accuracy ana nn-psicn 11 A STYLE THAT Wll L COMPARE FAYplUBt. ' -' with the very Lett, and '' , AT BATES AS CHEAP AS 1HE CHEAP 8T 1 to orout: ' C i r (1 1 n n l IS i 1 1-B3 c ail w . CHECKS. DRAFTS. XECEIVTS. - P0STEUS AND PKOGKASIBIEa FOR THEATRES . CONCERTS .EXHIBITIONS, tfC. it'C. dc., PRIKTrtl l tn HOST AtTEACTITI KKKSIK. iLSO, WAY-UU1.R. ' ' ' , . BILLS OF FAHK. r. j o 1 IXTTXJX UFA VS. ,, , , ... ; HVLJJ'TP(lOKS, . , -,- . BILLS IJBIlta, Prirfi ni!l rflR!)hl(l, . riSlTISa. WEVD1KG AXD "AT iioxk".CJitbl DriipaintH Labela, ,; ', . u , In short, everythlnit that can l-e di ne In a llook and Jo Prltitlinr (iftlce. from thesnmllist bihI n ost ilelkaleCard or circular, to ti e larresi s ce in a n-isi imsj l osurir Hill and which will he tu-ned out in a ttyie that cannot r.ill t. ., ra uollrn atl1,u tfl:t1. ; oua rActUTiKS ro tii rJl;ruTle it tcrrD a t i rr ddimt I f.i rs u uu v it n i i v u iti is tsvvs ' In the most benutilul;Colors. Shailes and Tlnta,i . Such as Fancy PoEting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Lnigest Mamli.otb, ' OKNAilhfi'lAL SIWU VAhlt,. ' - . i'ij.iiL-inifii;'FT..i. Alt unsurpassed by those ot any ther eHtiildirhmentin Oregon. We devote epei-ial atti nt mm this I rt nch of the business, nnd ore continual!) auiit' g to 0111 alriady exten sive uud well upj-ointed usiorimeiit ot insti rial. , , w r.-1 NtW TYPES, BORDERS, CKKAIvlENTS. Of the most modern and elaborate deHlgns. Our stock o. ' ; FANCY INKS, TINTS. Sic.', ' KnaX the finest qunllty, and fhr richness of color aud durability, cannot be equaled in the StKte. ' The pnncipls upou which biiflm ss is iifkeil fi-r this es tahllshnieut is. that persi.tis will c-iliillll tin il own inter ests, by nwanliffir their ci st, in to Hint of! ce in which their moiioy can lie expi n-'ed lo the h- si n, vantnpe. To this end solicit all In want ol iri Oil Plil.tlnu. at vet r nwsoiiaMe chai'iirs. to call and oxauiinc S eoiiieus, ai d udi;e for yournolvcs. : srlt'r(i la ons tl:c l'ppcr ounlry Will have our special care, and friends Iroid the Interto may rely upon havini: their orders filled promptly, as w e HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED IjORDCN POWER PRESS , 1 In tbe BUIe ol Ori-fonl " , :. Address: . MOUNTAINEER CPFICE mlK-tf ' ballus. Oregon. . . JACKSON SAUK)! CDItSER COURT AND SECOND -"-THEIiTS, ! DALLES. ORKGONi , njinKUNDKl'SlONl'l), IIAVIVO RF.:it)VED FHOJI Jl .TIIK "1IKLLA UNION" CELLAR. INTO . ; ., i . Gilt-',. I'ev. rSilHfir, , llec to Inform the public that they are prepared to er their customers with the hest . . , r . Wines, LIqucrs 'and Cigars,- THE MAIIKF.T AFF0KDS. . , ALFO. A i Free Iiiiicli ! F.very day and evciilnir.-- ' ' . ' '' i K.MCHt'TZ &. S. KLEIN, I 1 decMf . I'loprletors.-,; Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE nND VAGON MATER'ALS,, K IIKO TO CALL ATThM ION ol t.arrisRe sinn. .-iiiHi-miari n,l HvmIiom to the l.Tiixe and Com i.i.-ii, xiuniioi if iAbhlAOK and VA(.i) llAltia , AI.S we are eonstantly lereivlnir li'i.m tho I nt. specially selected lor the Cailtornhi market, comprising, Oakj . II cliorv. iiiidrecond Or-iwlh Asb-l'innK. incKoiy axics! VI ilium Pule. llnhs.Ppokes. lellois. l.iiiw,6httits,4c. Ac. which wes-ni-rni ineiowesi uiibii rnrre. Mr rders addressed to our hoiiee w ill receive promp ; ttttintlon.. N. W. IlltAOU CO Jeliiuui. 20 81 flattery eliei t. ri.n Irancli-co, , - nnd 17 10 Keventh meet biicnunentc." ' C. WATrnnocei!, .: . U. YV. Lbaoo A Co., . J. W . Ltersm . can tiniisinu Sacramento. - ., Mew Xoik f. ti Hi Tasi a; 1ST , V 1 oui Aatxf tn OAi.iroitMA on ' ' TTT.TON & McPArLAND'8 1 I r ' . - . ' t it c A Ritrslar B-'roof Sale. . ' STEEL LINED VA ULTS, ', ! ' ' ' WITH -I . . Combination Ijocli.. i i0'instntly ' hand s full assortment of PAFW: '' ' 1 . ncin..n'.T.VL'niWn. .1. J 1 . . t can rrancuwel jy8-0m IU-' p. V