Saiii) lBon:tfawccr. Kpltome of Telegraphic .Nqjrs. OOMNLID SSOII THS OttOnNIAN. . DATK8 TO MAY S. Chicago, May 5 aiienuau a loan bill au IlioriZM the Secretin; nl ilia Trasury to"ia sue reniHirrnl or coupon boml in sued form or deiiuiuinnMoii as lie may piesuribe, intensi payable in i-otn, litaruix mterert licit need tog live per rent, per aiiuuiu, payable senii annuaiU ; the bonds to mu urn i-x.fe lint; 3J years, ntii tu be dtspuseu of at nut lees than par; pruned tu tie used exclusively in le-ducui- l lie buud or uttier iu'l. biedueiut' IUe Uniied Stales, ricrpl U. S notes Sec loll ice Dd pi'UVIlleS t'likl llieVitnie id tied under this act el.a 1 be know n as the i'Onolidne i dnit ui the United 3 mrl ; snail ba exempt truui txiiuu by or mmer S.aie or uiiiDicipHl au horny. an I in consideration of the reilui-ed rale ul iniere-t, shall tlsi be exempt fnui the tux uu mcume derived there t'ruiu. - . Section three requires t'mt Ibe amount of interest paid to the U .ve uuieut snail be ap plied tu pnyiiifiii ot tne principal, and that tor ttie iur one ol usuring the payment, those ut an i m iieinol the sinkitu lund con teinplaied by act of 25 b ol February, lclu2, tbe sum ul hi It-ait thirty millions including the suviiiu; of interest atureaaid, snail be an nually applied to the redemp tun of the dent. SfCiiuu lour tetiuires ilie holders of set en tbiriy treasury u-ster to info m the Commis- toner at least six niuutiia before the matur ity ut surb noiet whether they desire 5-20 bonds in lieu tlitreul, and a Uilure tu u,tve uch tiullce will he dvtui-d conclusive that lie said leveu-ihii ty'a sh uld be paid io lieu. Senator Sneriuau in otreii,if the bill said itcuulaiued twu proposition likely to excite oppuaiiion, namely, the exemptiou. from taxa liou, and the upiimi of the tiu ders of seven thirties. He said a strong reeling gros out oi tti exemption from Suite taxation of so large an amount uf property, and while the United' Stairs bunds ber tu'.erest equal to that paid in niusi Sit a uu notes and securi ties BM' j' i t lo taxat ou, this leeliug will con tinue to increase. T.ieae bunds are now sub ject to income tax. but owing to the $UU0 ex emu. ion elans , winch it is proposed to in ereaae lo$l,0uU, ami alro tu the la ge amount beld abroad, won b cannot be reached, and (be readiness with which the tax is avoided, it comes to l sa Ihau oue-teutb of one per cent, on the suiir. gile debt. This bill by re ducing the raie ot interest will save one sixib per eeut. in'trest, and will iuvolve but trilling loss on tbe revenue front the income lax. onerman iniimaies mai oy tne saving tuua made, a I'm tlicr sum t-q ial to three ceuta oti the dollar will in ttuny-Kve years wipe out ibe whole debt, thus in effect paying the debt by the savin of inteiest. The second proposition likely to eicile op posi ion is that which gives option lo the holders of seven Uiinies. This option will compel the Secretary ol the Treasury to accit mutate vast sums lor the contingency that may not happen, and it places him at the nercy of sudden combination when the notes mature. To avoid this the bill requires the observance of the common custom and law otgtving reasonable notice. If no option be taken, then it Is held to be it cboi 'e of the money, and the Secretary will have six niontbt to prepare tor it. Sherman says thrt the bill t approved by the Secretary of the Treasury and had been partially considered by the Kiiauce Commit tee. It is txpeciel Ibat the holders of the present bonds will convert them, ut fortu nately nearly all our securities will soon be within reacb by their maturity. It it the con fident belief that this pioposilion reducing tbe rate of interest will be so lar adjusted be tween the ennUicliug interests ot tbe bond holder and tax payer that it will ba accepted .by both, and,ttius consolidate the debt of tbe united atate!. Ail tne advantages proposed by tbe bill will be more properly considered when it is reported to tbe Senate. In tbe meantime it is but right to submit it to the partial test of pub'ie judgment and to the csnsidernt on o( those who par taxes or who hold national securities. The, bill was re ferred to tbe Finance Committee. faawMiasSwSsi am i i ' IjirijS in Hi JJIjJUMifT npe. By eight nVtoHcHn the morning about twenty men, well mminted and arms I, had started in pnrs'iit, of whom we hope to pave gond ni-w before the next Issue In the inntti-r of whisky it Iias been noticed for seve nl mnnt s that If a bottle of 'b- ex hiliratincr liquid1 happened to be left In the stnire while the pnss'-ngefa were breakfasting nt Bnb ngton s, it was sure to be mis-ing by th-time he mewl was over. A friend of outs who came over last trip was among the snf. fe ers. He left a bottle of tangle-foot in the singe while lie tonk break'ast, and while he w s eating, his bottle was stolen -by Indinrs of course, too white man, would do anything so me". We hope, that when that ot' er rejr m nt f soldiers comes up, a sufficient number of them w 11 be pn ted there to pro tert the s ock and whisky whirh mny be taken into tha1 very dangerous neighbor hood. --Idaho Statesman. Ibaao F. nuxin. 8an Kranclaeo. 0. 8. HiLLtR. Dalles. WAI-ITROS RROS.. j?. iWtfolesale & Retail Druggists. Main Street, Dalles, Oregon, Wt NOW 0OC0PT OUR NKW TWO STORY FIRR nmr8baie bniWinif, oppoalta llloch. Miller k Oil., and offer to tll nillille ft fall anil MimnUli -t.Mk nt Diugi, Ueillclnes and CbcmlcaU, eonalattngju part of - rRANKLlN' MARKET . CORNER OF SKCOND AND VV'ASFfTNGTON BTRRITS- DALIES, OREGON, : .. , JOHN KPP1NOBU rXpj-ietov LAMP WICKS CUIMNEY8 " ., 8P0N0RS. WSKCHK9, INDIOO WD LANPB1.CK Bloch, Miller & Co., VHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IN Wines Sc Iiqviors, And Importers tml Jobbers of CLOTHING Boots &. Shoes, Under Clothing, .Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASS A-T". OFFICE. WB HtVR AN ASSAY OFFIOR IN CONNECTION wiri our tinfllnoffi, nnder ths entire aopervlalan or Mr. Sillier. We make return! In Ran In l honm We guarantee all our Auavt and pay the IIIOIIKST CASH PRICK 'or Bars. . We aim nar the Illghui Cash Prte for Gold Dust. ' HI.IXMI, HI LI. Kit C n)., Biyfttf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. Danoiroos Nsioubohho.iu. Babington's, on Revnolds creek, is getting a bad renuta tion. IC is a daoiterous place for eit ier stock or wb sky to be laying around loose Last February Kale's pets moved aboul every boof in the. neighborhood across i he Uw) bee, and now -just as we were flattering ourBelves titat the road between here and Uwyhee wa . safe one, news comes to us kbat a pac'ter who built his camp fire almost within sight of Babington's, bad nothi g but bts camp tire and apnr.tioes left tbe next morning. ' Aleck Weir, witb a train of f 'rty-eight moles, camped io a gulch tbree-fourths of 'a mile this side of Babingtn', cn the e enins; -of May 1st, Half m Ie nearer tuoJoli gate a teamster was camped 'witb "two teams of horses. , Early the next, m iming- It Wat d s- covei ed tb t the pack tram anaicams bad joined in making ujiroad trail, pointing in tbe same general rlfrec ion as that taken by lliil Be wbeyVhorstjaiatt February. It was supposed front the sign 'hat about -fifteen rascals red or White were -very close to rtock'when tbey started oa their pilgrim- DEALERS IN ' HARDNrYARE, ' IRON 8l STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TUX PACKAGE. FOR CASH" At San Francisco Prices, ' Adding cost of Trauportatlon. CUMMINQ A GRANT, Dalles, oregsn. KWtOSRNR. TBIIPRNTINB, - AIjIJUIIUIj, ' ACIDS, L1N8KED, i LARD, ' . i CA.-TOU AND . N K AT8KO0T Oil, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATKNT RIKIOICIMBJS. Onr nu'ick of FANCY 00 )U I s of tin finest and best quality; new trim unit large annurtmtnt. such as- LUUIN'B PKKVUKKIlY, II A 111. LUIllN'STillLliTauAP, VLK8H, P0MADK8. BIIAVINO, ' C0XMKTIC8, 11 AT. UAIItitll, ' CLOTiyS, '' " 0 Li KINK, TOOTH AND t'ANCl 80AP8 AND NAH.DKUSIIR8 T.HJIil I'dWDoltS, AND C0.UDB. . PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. . Our fai illtira for ha ving icnods are second to none In tne stai. and we uliall at all times Mil at a xmall ad' Taa e from coat. Keaily ialaa and small pruflti. 1 PHYSICIANS PKK8C11IPTI0NS CareAilly cuninunili'd at all hours of the day and nlirht. liallN,at'pt.. isno. soto-tl VlSli Y IMPOlt TANT t TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and HAR-ltOUMiS. JULIUS KUAKMKIt 11AV1NU UOUUUT TIIB KN lirt) stock of Merchauiliie and Book Account of tlie tale Arm ol M . feller Co.. In tlila city, to which lie haa auueuoi mi own unporuion (wniie uuing Duaiuenin roriiaau) an mimeuM toca ol me Inst nianufaclured Crocker)', Glantttvare', Plated Ware, Lamps, . Chandeliers), Table Cutlery Looklng-Glasscs and All Kinds of Oils. ' All of which he often at reilnced rates. Persona w tail ing to buy any uf the above-mentioned artlclea, will do well to give me a call belore purchasing alaewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and fooli packed to go seenre. Don't tail to call on me. Studio's stone uulldiug, Ut saliington street. Dalles.. JULIUS KKAKMKR. Dalles. March lTlh. 1805. mliHtf rflllK 7NDllSiaNED liavhig fitted np the hits Market in the UK T STY LB, will keepeoustaaS- ly uo hanil all sorts of resii ana cured in eats. Of the beat quality furuiilied at the LOWEST RATI. ' . My Btotto is to " PLEASE ALW PARTIES HATING SUPEKlOlt STOCK FOR 8AM will do well lo call at the Franklin Market. - . JOHN EPP1NGIR.. Dalles, February 19tk MM.' -tfr,'"'S ' W A8IUI.TOill MAIlItili'lV coassaor eOUHT AND SECOND STIt-HETSv DALLES, ORfeflON JOHN MICHELBACH PiopjlotOr. VV11.I. KEEP conitantly on band all the earls- l itlos tnat the mai kutcan noaslDlv aBoriLof . FRESH JSc CURED MKA'TSt. . and always of ths b) st quality.' . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonabls terms. Tbe underslgneq is always pnipared to pay th, blth-. est caiu price ir 'AT CATTLE. Parties baviug stock, tegood condition, are r.iuoated to rail on him before JUUH M1UIKLBAUIIV. goiugelatwiiera. lialles, uarcb 31st,18W. ml3tf IiATEST NEWS! ALL THE lst t ImST LATEST KUUOPEAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES. n ... . jmfcoivou naguisiri vTory iiwtmer, oj s. J. Mccormick, F1UKLI BOOKSTORE. 105 Front Street Portland ' Papers anil Magasinaa packed and Forwarded by mail or lxpreasi TO ANY PART OF THB MINES , la Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. Subscriptions Recelred fcr any NfcWSPAPEB Oil MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. Kw Books, Mailc, o., by every Steamer. . S3oTb'oo WORTH or B O O IC S , STATlOlVEJlY AND " FANCY GOODS, : CHEAP TOR CASH. alSdlwlw - ' t KOTICE. A l PERSOHfl INDEliTED to tli. anderslgned are .f ..""p'ciiniij reqneiaai to eeme ans snttie their a ts within TUlUTIf DAYS, aud sare coats. . A. I. BL'IOII A CO. counts wl a&aoin ; At SOccntgpcr ponad,. For Sal. by J. D. DICKEttSON. -. ecoa4 Streak ONE HUNDRED JILES SAVED! CL1CKF00T & BIG BED SllKES , BY WAT OF ' THE SIIORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance item Dalles to Whits BlDtrs..... 100 nilcs V W" Bluffs to Pen d'i i.llle......l60 to Coltille... .170 " Travelers by land for either of the aboya QnlJ FI.1H. will UTS , Save Time Distance and Money By losing tbe White Bluff Head. "Wood. "Water and Grass Are found on this Road within easy drives ' The road k nnw open, end posaeases advantages oyer muj wmih miri nmif iniin 1110 uniiM. PublialHid by order of 1 ' - ,. . TH" CITIZENS OF TUB DALLE3. Dalle. Marrn 20. 1869. nfl:Vm. W. 13. DOUaJLA.H, 8 x (Successor to Vvilllanl Blrhbawn.) . PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, Iino "Watclies AND JEWELRY, f NVITKSTnR ATTENTION OF HIS FRIKND8 ANS M. tne ruoiie to Ms choice selwtlon of New and Fashionable Gdods, Itespectfnlly eliciting their patronage.' Wa'chea PllOMPTLY and PROPiSRLT repaired and mtf ' West boor to the) Post Offla. UiL8Kf NOTICE TO FARMERS- raMIB DALLKS LUMRKH AND MAMIFACTURIKO M GOMPArNY has recently attached a FLOURING MILL to their Steam 8ah and Door Factory, In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEUD, U III N D W II BAT and CORN, and warrant t. give the beat satisfketion. Oa hand constantly and for sale SXTKA FAMILY FLOUR,. . 8t:CONU8 0K MLHHI.IN08, Bit AN ASUVSIIOkW, . 01WPiFKUD.OIIICKENFF.lD. ' Also, a Bnnerlor arttel. nt nniiM unit i Corn. ' " " " ""7 "w ?'.'!? !,,.?n,', ": Pr'cs paid for WHEAT, CORN a. BAULKi. . II. A. IlOOUic. A,.t . Dalles, Nov. 2, 1865. natf." - I i ISIPOitTKU AND JODUER OF Wines Ac iiubrti. . FRONT STfftET,' - PArtlaqd, - . -. . Ore. OFFKItS FOR 8ALI 1 VARY LA HO I A880HT sunt otu Drandleir i Wlnec.' ' . ' -.', Liquor, ' ( Case Goods ' ' . i AC, ; ' &sjiV. &.c.';.'.f AO The Trade Is nartfenlart lit i ,'. - ' at ck before pnrckasiuK slMWIier.. . suSTtr H.HEUMAN&COs, ,"" Br'i DALLES, OPPOSITE KUPIRBBOTU, JAVB JUST BECKI VXD A BEAUTIFUL BTOCBWJi SPRING AND NVMB&CR GOODS, "' Consistini In part of ' Fancy and staple Dry Goodie Ctcshlns;, Dooti tt Staoeis . , i;:iv. Hati& Capiy , men may ooer fossil at 8a ALL PROFITS .' , Dalle., March Wth, 180k ... ...... KtTll MONTANA! IDAPO! WASHOR. XTn.--. ARB PUTTIJTO BP - OVsVi : 0K1QINAL BUPJSHIOU BRANDOF 1 GROirND JATA-CaFFEE, " ' -ALSO " . i ( ;!. CIIARTRES COFFEE,.. t ! ,v . IN DOUDLE Gl'AZSD PAPERS?; To preeants its strength and flavor for th. lenWtn 'ef time rMioh-ed to be. I rwarded to the above n acaa. Foral.bjallth.Jubb."s,and P ' ' . ' I -.1-. alSmlpl . HARDEN A FOLORR,-i PleoeOT-StsaraOofR). .ndgplceillll.. . Ifronl etret,.8jla graaeusjo. . 17UKS, VOL and OIDJOi. rpH ntOHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR : :rca wool., aid hides, m mhlRSm UoCRAKKNURRRII,iaoO.''( i 18 North Front Street, Portland. . :P. DEHM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, . MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, , CLOCKS. Gold Pens,Silv.r and Pla'ad Ware, I Bpectaeles, Cutlery..Ae.-: , ..i ..n-.., nj 49"Partlcular atuntian paid to rspalrln. flne'i Wauhet, OJocka, Jewelry, .teK All H'atrjies repaired by me warranted for twelve month.. . . N. B. All orders from the upper aonntry, by Ixnreas or otherwise, promptly attended to. . .'. . .... ilsNolullon Notice. " NOTICE IB HEREBY OITHN, that ttie ertn.r.! ship beretofore esiMliiK between t. Mv-kVANS and A. W. DAVIS, In th- Livery Stable buslurrt. has. been tlis'olved i that A. W-Davls Is Indebted totheco partnenihip and that a bill In eqnfty haa been Bled for . tlte settlement of the co partneraliip accounts. All per sons are notified that A. W. Davis baa .na.po.wa tadis. rose of .the pioperty, aor contract debts on ilie credit of the S tn. J, it. EVANS. Dalles, April 20,1861) aUdlsa ' . f BQOIiSI BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.' tilOOh BOOKS,TATIONBRT, wsViii.' O Standard and Miacellanaous WORKS, JltlS! Lat NOVELS, MAOA8INK8, PAPeVT A e., M avarst.8taames.ii PgsMnsAwaataaisss Bookstore, Main .trees. Dallas.. .. , ,t . ,,',..u r Garden deeds for the JMUlloBf w7-tf . H. J. WALDRW rs r j o ., a . . : .a, s w s r L. O.AI.UU.N; T " '. anbi;.' . WA8IIINOTON ST., aet deor to FREliCH A OIL! fHAVl appointed 1 B. tlAFT say sathetlsed aiiBBJ aitsss to y (rMraiiy. ;iesitj M. RKNHt.