D aHf IPoIutiiiiccr. 8AWR0AY-MORNING. A AT 12, 18B0. Thi materia! for a G'errpjtii paper to be printed at Portland, arrived' on the Orizaba. Tin Columbia river at tbis point is rapid ly risinjr. Company 'B," 14th U S. Infan ry, arrived on her last evening, n route to Fort Bo se. A som pf Mr. Ho n, residing in Sou born Oregon; aged sixteen mon bs, swallowed a uraatl quantf 7 of ley, and died from the ef fects of it. . Tui number of children in the State of New York between the ages of five and twenty-one years, as reported by actual enumera tion and' careful estimation, is 1,398,759) and of this number 910,017 liae attended the common schools during the year, the av erage being more than one-third of this number., ' Wi learn by stage lust night, says the Idaho Stxlttnan, that a man by the name of Austin oame to his- oath yesterday at Samp, son's mill, by falling -upon tbe saw. The man was fr ghtful y mangled, liis bead and neck being split open down to the fboulders by the saw.. ( Tb Oregonian no ices tbe mysterious dis appearance of .Prof Say er, of. the Portland Academy. This same Prof. Sayer mysteri ously disappeared, from here last fall. He opened a select school, and after he had col lected tbe tuition, money, in advance, he came np missing , one fine morning. Don't be uneasy, he'll turn up. , :. Mclbodbns, in Australia, has a population of 120,000 inhabitants and is lncreas ng rap idly. It has many of the aspects of an Amer ican city, American laior-and Ameri an capital having added largely to its growth. American coaches, A me. lean, wagons, Amer ican teams en, American pioneers, Ameri can merchants and American ships are so common that, although in a minor ty as re gards popu ation, as an influence in enter prise the Americans are the rui ng people. . Miutaet Itihs. From the Oregmim we tearm that Capt. Small's Company O, 1st Oregon Cavalry, bus been brdeied to Fort Vancouver to be mustered out of service. Capt. Lafollett, with his company of the Oregon I fantry, is repbrted on bis way down from Camp Polk, but detained on the route by high water in the Descbutsi. Green 0. Patton, lately promoted to a Sec ond Lieutenancy in the Oregon Cavalry, was mustered in as such at Fort Vane uver, on tne liunanit assigned to Company B. ' Tbi annual session of tbe Grand Lodge of Udd Fellows of tne State of Caliiorn a com menced in San Franci'co, on the 2nd in stant- One hundred and twenty-two new members presetted their credentials and were admit ed. During the past year over 900 persons have been initiated into the Order, which nw o tinkers 7,489 affiliated members, divided between 122 Lodges. Tbe Order owns forty halls throughout the State, valued at, $J92,7i)5, besides, other nroperty to tbe amount of neady $500,000, exclusive of funds on band in the d fferent Lodges "Jv Wi 8.," tbe editorial correspondent of the- San i Francisco Bulletin, writing from New Yorkr April 3d, says of the President's proclamation of peace : ' , Head the- President's nroclamatlnn nf t day, declaring tbe war at an end and peace absolutely restored. Note the record nutria ly Mr Lincoln and by Congtesi th oughout from the beginning of the war to tU end, and see bow entirely consistent therewith is Mr. Johnson's proposition that tbe Ian re. bellious State ate in tbe Union, and never uts uopu out, oi ii. it (ory nave n ver been out of tbe.XInion. ther are clean an titled to reuresm ation in Congress, subject to no eonditiun except that the r rep eseuta tirea shall be thoroughly tuyal men, and have been regularly elected acts of.wuUib eavh nouseol Uougresi is for .itself the suprem juugo.. - . Bow vastly different ts tbe position of President Jounson from- that assumed by tbe deraeeralio cand mares, who pre cud to cn dors-,bim... They, favor. ,tbe. admission of all who present hemsolves fqskseatsin Cm gress without questioning ' their lovalty l'resideati JoliDsop favo s the admission of loyal CWtt oa. . Do they endorse his policy? Ail Outback, We publish elsewhere' an I :m from Hie Oregonian, tbnt Capt SmaU's j item Company of Cavalrv, now stationed at Camp Watson, on the Canyon-City road Jis under orders to be mustered out of service. ' Tbe e W no mention made of tbe company be ng relieved by jinof er, so we are left to Infer that it is tbe Intention of the military author l ies to abando i tliejaamp, and thereby take away tbe only shadow of protection our people have for travel on that road. We have thought for H e past few jears tha' tlie people oi this section had been outraged enough by tbe sham protection they receiv ed from tbe military; but 'bis last act goes to prove what we have often said,' that Gen. Ilulleck is determined to even sacrifice the lives of our c tiz ns in order to' accomplish his speculative designs by depriving us of nil the troops and p acingtbem on the Cbico route to Idaho. In t ie face of .tne almost daily depredations that are committed on this thoroughfare,' tie withdrawal of Capt. Small's company should call for h tbe Indig nation, of tbi whole section. It is now time that tuts mutter was taken in hand by the citizens of Wasco and Gran' coun ies, and see if tbo men who control the military 1i this division, can witbimpunity aid in these murders and robberies by the withdrawal f tbe few troops now etationed at Camp Wat son for our protection. It is only a day since we chronicled the stealing of a band of bors"s from the Warms Springs Reservation by the Snake Ind ans; and it isreisonable to suppose that when tbe troops leave the road, that tbe settlers will al-o be compelled to aband.m the boinesteads that they bare labored for ye irs to build up. Let tbe committee appoiuttd by the Pro tective Association of Grant county call a meeting of tbe citizens of tbe Dalles, to de vise some means by wbicb this evil ran bt remedied. A represent ation of the condition of tha country, and the motives which no doubt actuated the mllitrry authorities In withdrawing these troops should be made to our delegation in Congress, and by tbem laid before tbe War Department. We do not be-' lieve that it is .the intention of tbt Depart. ment to sacrifice tbe lives and pretpi roprrtj ofj other, ,anyj one class of citizens to benefit anot therefore this last act shonld be- in Its Hue light. Tbere is no time to lose now. Tula matter must be attended to THI WaiTK BLUrrS RoAD.-There ! acari-rlv a day tliiit part ea are not leaving hern for Montana by tbe way of Wtyte Bluffs and Pen d'Oreille Lake; and the-tes imony of every one of thi-m is that it is a gond road, with p outy of wood, water and g ass for camping purposes. About two weeks since a party of Califomians, wbom'we mentioned as fit ting outttt tbe store of tbe Messrs. Baldwin, bave been beard from. William Darwine writes from White Bluffs to these gentlemen, as follows : " We left tbe Dalles' on Wednes day and got to the Yakima river on Saturday Pells' Crossing. Tbe road is good, with an abundance of grass. From tbe Yakima to White Bluffs is about forty miles by tbe wagon road or upper crossing. ' Parties coming from the Dalles bad bet er keep tbiB . .... ... j i. ah mat is wantea is proper guide boards, with the distances distinctly marked on tbem ; and no one will bave any t onble, as it is a good road for packers, cattle, or, in tact, any person going to tbe upprr coun try." This is only one of a number of tet ters that have been received here from par ties who bave traveled over tbe road ; and we only men ion this to show what men who are entjrely disinterested in the matter, say of it. It is, beyond a doubt, not onlv the be t but the sboitest route to reach tbe mines of Montana and Big Bend. A number of men started out yestcr lay over this route for Montana, and to-day a saddle-train of some twenty animals will follow, thus show ing that the route is fast becoming known to the public; that no misrepresentations bave been made in regard to it. Tbere is anothrr inducment wbieb men bound forth upper country take into, consideration, and that is the low prices at which horses are so tt In tbU market. A good animal can be purchased here at prices ranging f om $J5 'o$5u; and we know that in no place on either side of the mountains 'tan animals be purchased for anything near the same prices iucy can ns oougnt lor Here. ; ; Botakik was last heard f omt Marysville Be is lecturing on revelations. - -Coxoimrtioii. This """'J " '' i fatal dirndls prevented by th... .Pulmonary Balsam. Give It . trial before- it ( too late. Sold tijr all di 0 gilts fur flay cents. " ' ."' Religions Notice. . , Cuttiouo ClluacB Mornlne: service : Mass, at 10 o'clock. Evening service: Vespers anil Benediction, at 7 'clock, gnnday Rclxml at io'clork. p. m. aildtf FATHER L. DIKLKMAN, Pastor. Columbia Lodge, Mo. 6, I. O. O. F. Meets every Frlilay evening at 7 o'clock, in Oatee Ilall. corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers in good standlug are Invited to attend. Byorder. N.G. Wasco Lodge, No.' 15, A. P. A. M. ltnlde its staled Commnnlc -tionb on fhe Flrrt and Third Mondavi of etch nmnth. at their ball, in Bailee City, llrethren in good utandina are invited te attend. lly order of the W. M. Beth L. Pops. 8ec'y. Kotlce t Democrats. MB.Un.MtN having declined the nomlnatlod aa Candidate of the Demwratlo party for County Duminlasloiior. we do hereby nominate JOHN WIL LI AMU iu bis. etead. V'. I. NKWCUMII, llwl Ch'n Dem. Co. Comuiiitee. aoi-ici:. rpiiR UNDKHSIONED IIAVtN'O BOUJIIT the Wl Mhooiir Ptrttvtrance an-l half the eciti.otier It li pid, fruit Toreuue Uuiu. all deht4 against the ab.ive named Uoata aiuet be presented to me b the 2uth day of May. ' ASA 8XKO.SU. Dalles, May S. 18". ' mlud2. Herald copy, 2 weeks, an I fend bill to this office. PROF. 91 U It KAY'S MAGIO.OILV: for Sale by OATE8 CIIAl'Itf. ALSO, AGENTS KOIl DR. DUNCAN'S Whooping Cough Siccific. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, . AND FRUIT H T O RE , Wuhlnyton fltrft, oposlt French t Oilman', Dal lei. litu oa huuU t Urge autl well-iuworted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh liutter &. Ejjjjs, Received dally. A large lot of CIIICKKNS always on head. rRUlTtt of all kinde. VKKSU VKiJTABl.8 very morning. All articlee warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICES! LOW, ol&tf ; P. LTKBB. ohegox steam nay. compaxy NOTICE. " FREIGHT f notice. frel FREIGHT ON FLOUR REDUCED. ArTHH TUM4D I Y. M AT let, antll farther ireiKiit on riour will be as followi: uatllU S 6 OO per ton. allula 7 &o " " ' Wnlie B.Bfh 16 00 ' " " " tawleton 26 00 Dalloe, May let, ISM. FRANK T DODO B, mt llw Agent 0. S- N. Cu , Dalles.' J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Blaln St., Dalles, Oregon. AFTER NEARLY 8IXTKBN YKAR8 Practice in bin orefe-idon. would reeoectnilly Inform the citlcene of the uanes rim tne nuuilr aeneral v. that h ha leaaed the Dental Office latelv occnnlrd bv J. w UUIILKY. Drntiit. where he can be found prepared to at- teuu iv muve requiring uie proioHioaai eervicee. I vnci Ilouaa- From 8 o'clock, . u., to 12 a j nd from o'clock, r. h. to 6 r. H. U3tf SELECT SCHOOL. Tnit TJNDRRSTONKD W1LI. OPEN A SELECT SCHOOL for children oa Monday, Nay 7th. 1S66, On THIRD FTEEKT, between Washington and Court, Tuition per quarter,... 0 00 M HISS M. 8NYDBR.' J. 13. DICKEBSON, ; Dealer In all kind, of GROCERIES & GRAIN, AT TUB Lowest Cash Rates, ALSO, JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER, On hand, and received Freeh every week. Come One, Come All, an4 Give me a Call, AT CONSER A BARTER'S OLD STAND, SVPUKIOR CALIFIIRIVIA RA.IVCII BUTTER! A Few Package Choice, In qaantitiea to salt, kt L 1 3M 1IALVWIN BEOS.. NEW YOKK UAKE11Y - AND GROC,EflY STORE t ' Mala Street Dalles. hMtf FREDERICK BHNZBR. A. CARD. JATJAME LK TKLLIER WOULD RESPECTFCtLY 1.1 M. (hrorni the Ladlee of the Dallee and ve Inlty, thai she is now prepared to do all. knd of DRaB, CLOAK and PALRlUr maklnir. Also, CUTTlKO and KHT1NU In a new and Improved style, never before introduced is this Dlace. She will warrant to Rive satlafactloq, and, would mo( i-w.iiit bihicii nuerni pawouiae. . . , -. In- tbe Roolna letelv nftonnU.1 k 'tli.ii. ML D?'2?.T'l 8twr 0B VYashlngtoai street, betweea Second ftua Tuira,' a jlr, m a it im Mil llltlflf AM M II 1 til 11) VI l I ii II 1 HOUSE! No, 100 MAIS STREET, DALLES. TITH TTNDKl.SIONED TIIANKFtTfi FOR PAfcT Furors, reMpM;tlnll,v Infornig the eltlseni of tliv PiiIIm, and the public generally, Hint te coutlnuee te ell lit ,r PUBLI C AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE, Real Efttate, General merchandise, lis oceriett, liurrteM, ... t-. t. i Mulm. ' . " ', 1 S i : i .' - Furniture. ; Mockn, &c. &o ''' REGULAR BALE DAYS, ' Tuesdays and Saturdays. ; Cash Advances made on Consignments, And FROMIT RKTD"N m de of Bales. Ont dnor and Special Sales attended to ia any part vl the oily.. jpilN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J.J UKE H, Main Street. Dalles, vaouuuLS ana amii nun CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, , P?PES, See. ALWAYS III STOa'l THI BUT BllAXDI Of lisars, Tobacco, Matches, &r PLAYINO CARDS. I'OCKKT CUTLERY, PORT MONIES, . COMRS and BRUSHES. o all kind, . ' PERFUMERY, ol every description, - CHINA ORNAMENTS TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH IIOOKK and FI8RINO TACKLE, ' v MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, V : FANCY OOODB. As. Also Powder. Shot. Lead, Powder Flank. Daikete.aitf many other articlee too nomeroue to mention. ' SNf Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobaece.etc.- at tese inas roruana prices, witn ireiitut aaaea. oo- SELLIJi; Oil AT COST I " J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING, WA8UINQTON STREET, DALLE!, Oner their welllected stock ef TOBACCO, ' 8EGAIIS, YANKEE JSOXIONS, . i , AND STATIONERY. ,. AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. mrZJtf GA.TJES fc CHAPIN , WHOLESALE k RETAIL DRU-GGI8T8,. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, OREGON. : Importers and Jobbers of PATENT MEDICINES, CnEMICALS k FANCY GOODS, i SODA. CORKS k ACIDS, OILS, k ALCOHOL, PURE WINKS A LIQUORS, PAINTS, QLA93 A BIIU8IIE8. -. puisicians FBEscBirnofls Accurately compcunded.' PHOTOaRAPHTb EMPORIUM'.". A foil and. complete assnrtment of all articles la the PhotoKraiihie Lttit at a SMALL ADVANCE ON AH -FRANCISCO PKICES.- - Merohaula will ptease get oor prices before order ing below. U. U.C11APIN, JUSTINOATES.. Dalles. Sacraaiento, Cat. . LAST "CHANCE!. WETVOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE 1 stock of" t0 " " c'ul,, fRY GOODS,, 6VC., &c:,. ' At Greatly. Reduced Rates A ml offer barn as which camiot'eui to satisfy aavbadr;, wanting articles in oor Hn. ' ' , 1Y 1NTKNDLS1N0 HUR BUSINESS HERB k- wV the MRrtOK JUNE neat, and w. tak?Thk , Zv portnnity of opce more calling i pon those ludebttd Iu . m to sail and settle. We will not, If e can helVfl ' pla.e any ol our accounts In the hands of lent rrE ' tore; bm if oWlgrt i to do so. 1r. .hail have rmrmZv that when bls notice expires. . - . ,. M; DROWN ABRO.-I : DALLES A ROCKLAHO I.aiidlng-loot of I nlon Street.' . mod1 ttVAniiVitfewv..- "1 M. BT A UNCR AN D ROOM Y BO ATsTto erw5.'' , : : Travelers, Horses A stock: III ft Rufik fttist arVwaulttnu. 1 t..... Dalle, Msmh orthtlSte- mr manner, ana at BeaaoMwaa'V v