-ry CHI, - fflatln ppntaiittcr; .Th MussEtrSWiiii , , Boadb.- We liftHten to lay before pur readers some adcMl'ioD&l facts connected with these important lines of commoniontfon with tbo fiver and the East. . Messrs. ' !Langford and Vivion hove "just re turned after a thorough survey of the line from Helena to Muscle-Shell, "Going up WhiteWuVch, the party fol ' lowed on through the hills for lour days, locating the track. The pass over the Belt range is very easy. There is a gradual rise of nine miles, 'ind no hill to prevent sijc yoke of or vlinary cattle from drawing 6,000 pounds across the divide, withont doubling. It is not more' than, sixty miles from Helenat-o the head waters of the Muscle. Sholl, and from the sum rait of the ranpe, the vrood-ed hill, over the oapital of Edgerton, and the direc tion of the MuBclo-Shellaie both Wis iblo. The road, at its greatest point f elevation, does not deflect 1 mile from an air line. There is a good company ferry' oyer the Missouri. Along the whole road the feed, wood and water are magnificent, and in al most boundless quantities. Indeed, the freighter may safely calculate that i detention on the road, or at the term inus, will fatten his cattlo. From the headwaters of the Muscle-Shell to .Kercfaeval City is about one hundred and fifty miles through a glorious val. ley abounding in game with plenty vt wood, water, and a smooth, level road. The road to Virginia City runs by the South fork of the MuBcle-Shell by 25 Yard Creek and Gallatin. It is at least equally good, and not ' more than fifty miles longer than that toi Ilelena. . Parties can also follow the Helena road across the rango, and then striking up and across the Miss eouri, at the ferry near Crow Creek, they can come by the Hot Springs route to Virginia, over the new chart ered road. 'Mr. Brewer, the contract or, will have the roads' roady for trav el early in May, and this useful enter prise. is thus put on a practical foowing. Montana Post 1 Matrimonial. Not long since, says the Montana Posf,' a lone emigrant wagon was seen wending its way down the Bannack hill, just as the sun was Betting with , resplendent beauty;'' They halted' at the' first empty cabin on ' Yankee Flati' A young J Hiawatha' bad followed bis Minehaha ' and at each step, a mile he measured. He went in search of a preacher or an esquire.' Konecould be found, He 'was informed that Judge Hosford could 'tie the knot.' The Judge told him that be could do it" ,with .' neatness4 and ' dispatch Forthwith they repaired to the cabin, , and without farther ceremony they were pronounced ' man und. wife.' The old- lady remarked,' ' that ' toey would not have beentn such a hurry, 'only .bedclothes woro scarce with them, and the . nights were getting ' pretty cool.' ' A model molhor she is 1 The neftt' day, ' Hiawatha' paraded the streets With a big turkey boeftard's feather id bis bat, to the infinite amasethont of the town. ' The follow ing day the party left for Helena, where they are no doubt living the happiest of the happy, w .., . , '$lvkavb to Salt Lakk Cm. We are ihfbrmod, on the authority of P. 8. Pfouts, that John A. Crelghton will bo out here in May, to solicit sub scriptions towards the building of a telegraph line to Salt Lake City, dur ing the ensuing summer. Mh Pfouts had a long conversation on the subject witb Mr. Creighton, of Omaha. This announcement will be hailed with do light by every citizen of odr Territory. Besides our professional interest Id the matter we reel, on general grounds, that' nothing of a material nature could more enhance our general pros purity, except, indeed, the completion of the magnificent railroad enterprise, elsewhere 1 referred to. Where the gold is, there will the miners be gath eroa. together. Montana rest. . v Union State Ticket" ' FOR CONGRK8S , - i ! ' RVFVS MAL.LORY, : .':" '-'.'Of Marlon.'' '''." m . w , :. . : ' ." ' : FOR GOVERNOR ! ' ' ' GEO. Ii. H OODS, . . . Of Wasco. t. , , , , FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: . .. SAMUEL E. MAY, Of Marlon. . ' ' FOR STATE TREASURER: :' ; E. Iff. COOKE, '' Of Morion. FOR STATE PRINTER: W. A. BIcPIlERSON, Of Llftn. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: V. ! C. It. MEIGS, . ' . Of Wmco. ' Union County Ticket. A ',;'. For Representatives, ! v. H. A. HOGTJE, ). -. U': C. B. KCEGKIi. . , ' . ,, For Sheriff, j , ; R. W. CR AND ALL. f.' :'; : , For Clerk'i '.V ' R. B. REED, For Mreasurer, G. B. WALDRON. For Commissioners, R. MAYS, v It. H. WOOD. For Aiseaior, ' L. L. ROWLAND. For School Superintendent, ' T. CONDON. For Coroner, DR. W. B WARNER. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. K'7 : i.'. i. A ' '' THE STEAMERS r NEZ PERCE CHIEF, t -j.,' !. WEB-FOOT, : TENINO, ;"';(" .' . ; OWYHEE, v . , .'. .' .." YAKIMA, , .. SPRAY & I ; .;,' ": OKAWAGOK, Captains K. F. COK, C. C. PELTON, J. II. D. GRAY, and TH03. J. STUMP,- '..," Will ran dnrlng the season from CKL1I.0 to TTMATIIi LA, WALMJLA, WHITS BLUFFS, PALOU8K and LEWI8TON. On of tha abort named boata will leare CKLILO for UMATILLA and WALI.ULA, on TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS and SATURDAYS. The PaBsenger Train to eonneot with it earn an at Cclllo will atari from the Railroad Depot, DALLES CITY, at 5 o'clock, A. a. FOR WHITE BLUFFS. ' THE YAKIMA.," CAPT. E. F.COE,. .Commander. Will leav CELILO mtrj SATURDAY, for WHITE BLUFFS. i. FOR LEWISTON.V '" THE,''OWYHEE,M CAPT. FELTON........:..................:. .Commander. Will leare WALLULA arorr WEDNESDAY (upon the arrlral of th itenmer that atarta from Calllo un Tuaa- d.rJ.foT.LKWISTON, Mr i . 4- ' ' i .J r-.Ji, . , FOR PORTLAND TH HOUGH IN ONE DAY. . The Steamera O IS" E O NTA , '1 x '(' ' 'OR ' I , (. i r'., . A , I D A. II O , 99 ! CAPT. J. MoNTJLTY,.........:..k............M....Comman(larJ, Wilt leara DALLES, DAILY, (Snndara aeaptd)ai 5 o'clock, X. Meonnactluk by tba CASCADE RAILROAD, with the ateamera .,, .. m '.: v.; t'.. . NEW WOULD, CASCADE, or VIt,tetN G. IITJISX, CAPT. 3. WOLF,. L.:.......i....1;..f.i.....r...Commander, t Portland. - :( ' FRANK T. DODOK f . ; Dallaa, Apill 3, IBM. nI2tf Agent O. B. N. Co. ; , , "i , r ;.: '.'if, ,i , Sumihong. ' i In Jnitlce! Oonrtfor Weat Dallaa Precinct.' John Bpplngar, plaintiff, ra. John Yohng, defeudant, Civil Action. 1 .... nr0 JOHN YOUNO, DEFENDANT: In th nam of , Jl the State of Oregon, jnn are hereby required to ap pear before th nnderalgncd, a Justice of tha I'eooe of the aforesaid preclnct,on tha 2A day of June, 1880, at tha hollr pf 10 o'clock In th forenoon of eaid day, at tha of fice of aald Juntlce of tha Peace, to aniwer the abora tamed plaintiff In a etrll action., The dofepdant will take notice, that If be fall to appear and aneper the plalntlffa comp'alnt. the plaintiff will take Judgment againtt him forthe tarn of Ninety Dollar, with lutereat thereon. "',', "' .i. I Olren otider illy hand, tali loth day of April, im. ' , apMwS , ; F. 8. HOLLAND, ' Salle, April 10; Mfc- - 1 ' Jutttc of the Peace. , UALLES CITY DRUG STORv P. CRAIG, WBOLI8ALI AMD klTAIfa DEALER IN DRUGS. ; 'MEDICINES, ; Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES. Ac. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES .' DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. L.EMON, VHOuaiu and amiv ' ' DRUGGIST, Waehiugton Street, between; Main and Second Street '--' DALLES, OREGON.' v; : LEMON Is able to supply partiea In want of Drues, ) Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with th WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the loweet market ratea. , Jtf Phyaicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to glre him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great' variety.' .'' ' ' ' r ' ' 1 8. LEMON, w ap.8:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Becond. PORTLAND 10UDKV ' "'" "p ,; . MACHINE SHOP, ,,. FIRST STREET, between' Yamhill and Morrison. ' team unglnea ortrom toeo norse power,either Portable or Stationary. Also, CIR CULAR SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constantly onhand. Also, Hay Pres ses of all sizes; Planing Machines, (W'oodworth's pattern,) Wrought and Caat Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Orlst mllla; Brass and Iron Casting! ana '. - WROUGHT IRON WORK of erery description. I am also prepared to furnish Qnarti Mills complete, of the Latest A . most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of th mine aa the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed S, 000 pounds. . i Horn Powers m AgTlonltnral Implement manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH PRICE N. B. Partlculor attention paid to REPAIRS. (eiatf SEALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, will be received at the office of the undersigned at Van. ourer Depots W. T., also, at the office of tha A. Q. 8., at FORT DALLES, Oregon, and at FORT BOISE, I. T.. nntll Thursday. 13 o'clock M, th 10th DAY OF MAY, I860, for furnishing the U. 8. Subsistence Department with Two Hundred Head 200 of Beef Cuttle, for the Subsist ence of the Troops in the District of Boise. Said Cattle to be of goodand Merchantable Quality, and to b dellr ered to th A. 0. 8. at FORT BOISE. I. T, or aa autlmr laed ageut of the Subsistence Department. In said Dis trict, on or before the 30th day of June, 1864. .y Each Bid to be accompanied by a Bond (with at least two sureties) In the sum of Fire Thousand Dollara, for th faithful performance of the proposals contained in the bids. In case the hid is accepted. No bid will be receired for a lea quantity than Fifty (60) Head. ... .v.. , .,,,, Bids must state the price In U. 8. OOLD coin. ' .. ' ' : The contract will be snbl ect to the approval of the De part men t and Dlrision Commanders. The nnderslgnid reserves to hi melf the right to reject anv ur all Bids that he may deem nnieasunable. Bids to be addressed totha A. C. 8., at either of, th above named Posts, and endorsed thus : " Proposals for BeefCattl." , ,. . ... . : t : tii. , :' " '-' ' OEO. H. WEEK8, . Capt. and A. Q. M. U. 8. A., A. C 8, . TJ. 8. BuBSistxc Omoe, ' - Vancouver Depo', W. T., ap22-12t , . . AprlllCtb, 1866., 1 . DR.. DAVY'S 8PECIFIC COMPOUND, Vi. An Expeditions unr for an diseases 01 tne, 8 EX UAL.OBGAN8, THIS prompt and elllcatloni Remedy for the cur llhonorroM, Qleet, Strictures, and Diseases of th Urinary Organs, makes a speedy euro without the least restriction to dist, exposure or change In application business ; It will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disease It removes as speedily as Is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cnr. Fnrther, the disease cannot be contracted if th SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its ingredients are entirely regeta)l,aud 0 Injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Ite ns. Price On Dollar and Fifty cents per oottU. Sent by Express carefully packed. ' (- ' HOSTKTTKIt, SMITH A DEAN. Agents, . .. ,401 and 408 Battery street. or Ciay, ,v J.v22-Snv, X v.'C, 1" .. 1 '. - San Franelacn, k. DALLAM. 0. w. A nun. a. w. Alain. I ARMESO; D ALLAS, ' Importers and Jobbers of WOOD 'AMD WILLOW WARE, j BRUSHES, TWINES,' C0RDA0B. Ac ,' And Manufacturers of California Pails, Tabs, Brooms, tie. 317 A lit 8acramento8treet, between Front and DarU Saa Franoisco.- - oell:8mdw. LINCOLN HOUSE, : Corner Wstahlaglon and Front Str, , . PORTLAND, OREGON. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE BTATB. Charge Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all th Boats and eonrey Passengers and' their baggage to the House. Free of Charge, or to any other House in the Clry for 60 cent. ' 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. J P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS In th Honse. All the Steamers for Oregon City, Yaneonrer, Monti sella and Astoria land at th Llncol House WkarC ' !sli3i . , DAILY MOUNTAINEER I V T'm'1' , POWKRPRES8 BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. .,, ' First Street, between Main and B ' i't DALLES......... i... , OREGON: JOB PRINTING OP EVERY VARIETY , Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY ': with the very best, and ' " AT BATES AS CEZAP AS TEX CHEAP ST ' '.to omnia: 1 ' ' Cnrds and BH l-II e a dm. ' CHECKS, D HAFTS, XECBIITS, . POSTERS AND PR0GUAMMES '-'A -'," ,- FOR '' " ' " THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS etc., ate., ate . ratKTIB IM (HI HOST ATTKACTITI ItARRU. Also, WAY-BILLS. , BILLS Or FAS X. . , LSTTSK ffFABS. : , RECEIPT BOOKS, '' ' ' ( BILLS LADIXe. Rriers nnd Pamphlets, VISITIXa, WEDDING AKD "AT HOME" CABDS .' Drutatltal, Labels. In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and moat delicate Card or Circular, to th largest alae and most showy I'wtine Bill and which will he turned ont in a style thataeur fall to Insure entire satisfaction. oua rioiUTiis ton thi ixicttior or ' DECORATIVE PRINTING In th most beautiful Colore, Shades and Tint. .. Such as Fancy Posting Bills ! 1 From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, OSJIAMEMTAl, SHOW CAKDS, I T " PURFVUEKS' LABELS. Ars unsurpassed by those of any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of th business, and an continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortmsnt of material. 1, . NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of th most odernand elaborate designs. ' Our stock 0. FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Areof th flmst quality, and for richness ef color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which bnslnes la asked for thie es tablishment is, that persona will- consult their own inter ests, by awarding their enstom to that office In which their money can he expended to the beat adrantage. Tn this and we solicit all In want of good Printing, at rery reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and udge for yourselrea. , ... -!.;' m , s Orders Urom the Upper Country Will have our special car, and friends from the Interto may rely upon baring their orders Mled promptly, as w HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS 1 ' ' Iii the Stte of Oregon f " JACKSON SALOON ! CORKER CO0BT AND SECOND STREETS , DALLES. OREGON. , Tm TJNDEnFIONRD, HAVING RKMOTB1) FR0H TUB "BULLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO ' Gatos' New Building, : Beg to Inform th pnblle that they ear prepared to eerr ' their customera with the best . Wines, Liquors and Cigars TUB ilARKET AFFORDS., ,. AL80, A ; ; ! ' " ' Free Lxmch ! j Erarjaayandtranlnf.'i' i'1."''! -'. -' - B. ICHVTl tt . K1.BI1T, r 5 decJlf Proprietor. , Htard Wood X.uinler CARRIAGE AND. WAGON MATERIALS Wt BRO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Men ufacturers and Dealers to the Lara and Com Diet assortment of OARKIAGH and WAGON MATF.MI ALB we are constantly recelring from tb Beat, apeelally selected for the Callfortila market, comprising, Oak, Hlckorr. and Becond Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Aalfs, Wagon 'Poles, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Rims, Shalt, Ac. Ac. which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices.. . : .: .. " jot orders addressed to our honse will reoelr promp altiullon. ' . N. W. BRAGG A CO., JelMtm. ' ''' M A 81 Battery Street, Ban Francisco. I and IT A 1 Seventh Street Sacramento. , C. WATntnoosa, H. W. BaAO A Co., . ..Ljerf , Baa Francisoo. . Sacramento, ,, New Fork F. TILLMAN?" ; ' aoLi aoiitt nt oAurostiiA ro .TILTON '& IMoPARLAND'S Fire & Burglar Proof Sales. . STEEL-LINED VAULTSi 1 '':". , -.' ' WITH tw-;, 1 Combination Ijock. -Constantly band a full asanrtment of SAFItB ' "r ' . ! BATTKinf STREBT.,.. JyMni ,.',,: ''.,,,:' ' . '' ,fcf?",t'.' . 1 1