Epitome of Telegraphic News. 1 COMPILED FROM THJG OBIQONIAN. ' Sun Francuco, Muv 8 The eastern line is tilt out of order beyond Suit Lake. ' .' A meeting held lust eveuiufj to nrgnnixe a veteran corps composed ot the offioers and and soldiers residing- on this coast, who have seen service in the late war, resulted in the uppoiutinent of a committee Id wait upon the State military commission to ascertain if the rorps can be equipped at the expense of the K'ale. Forty persons signed the roll of mem bership, and a committee ot seven was ap pointed to obtain the signature of all veterans on this coast, irrespective of the States front which they eutered lbe fervice. ';''' qlo the county court yesterday, Dr. J. Grant, one or the Inaers by the Kius House robbery, . tvpplled to the court to; have the money re ; ruilded to him whth he'depoited in the safe, and which whs stolen hy Mills. It transpired that $8,000 in coii, besides a lot ot bonds, iu which Or, Grant claimed no interest, had been ' recovered bV detectives' Lee and. Ellis, and , he claimed that his luss stiould be paid out of that amount. The matter wag discussed . at considerable length, and the court finally made an order directing that the money be paid to JUr. Pearson, of the Hill's House, and . Hiat he might give' Dr. Giant $3. 116' as bis cvueral averaee ot the amount recovereJ. Ttie payment of this money,, however, 14 'not to prejudice his suit against the Ituss House I roprieiors tor me recovery pi ti,jn - ne ' Inner1 parties claim that the proprietors should hear their prnportiau of the expense of the recovering of the money, while Dr. 'Uia.nl holds that the house is responsible for the losses;, consequently the recovery of the iiiuney is their gain, and as they are the ones who piotit, they should pay expenses. VaMouoer', May B.'-r-Ltst night a drunken row took place in the Mount Hool Saloou, which rei-'ulied in the death of Jack MeDn '.iiell, of Co. B., 14th Infautry.' Sergeant In . cram, 1st Oregon Infantry, fiied tw.i shots in ''succession. The first taking effect in the groin, the latter through the arm and into li.n..n..ll'.i hnii'l killing l.iin Injtunllr vyvuvi wi vnatf se,saiiiBj aieau ua i"M sj " Corporal Piior, of Oo; B, 14th Infantry, re , reived a1 shot 'through the cheek. ; Prior's ' wouu4 i not of a serious nature. .:' Mr.: Gold, beck, City Marshal, was nearly clubbed to death. There were five or six persons in tbe alooo when tbe row commenced. Chairs, " gambling tables aud everytblng in the shape of furniture and fixtures belonging to the a looa were literally smashed in pieces. ; -The! rloons are closed to-day oo account of ,'tlit) noldien threatening to burn or tear down tbe saloon where McDonnell was killed,;..,, i . ,v, ; , i. ' t THK MONTANA TRADE) REPORT. .., (From ths Montana ftitj . . '.'' v n. . ViB0iNi4 City, M. Tm April 13. . - fhv market foe tbe weekending April l3ih, saows no material change since bur last re port, except in the further decline of flour. It appears that the bottom has felt oat of tbe market in regard to that staple. ' We can nly quote nominal prices, at we have beard of no transactions to base a correct report upon. ,As at always tbe case in this market there ii no demand when goods have a down ward tendency. We expect to , be able to chronicle a different state of affairs iu thirty days'.'.'"'. Floor St; Louis, $ sack, 28?00; Htates, S34(400 : SallL..ke, $a. nr., !: Uacum. Heavy sides, lb, 65e.j Medina Heu Prime canvassed) lb, 6504 Country LaOD Small eara, 69o.; Large jcapi 6Bc. . . . . 0e. . Canoiis. Werk's Cincinnati lb,' 62s. Other brauds. 67c. r : ),. ' m i-' ! Soosas. New Orleans "fl lb, 6So.( ClariCrd S5c; Powdered, , 6o.; : Crushed, 6To.; Re tined, Me. ' Corris Java, none j, Bior choice n $0 90; Ordinary, 87$. . TS.i-lmperial jr ft), $3S3 24 J Young It - .91Q4r. .l.hanM in hdti.pi 9.4 AO 11TSOM, I", C"" ... ...,rk.-, v SvaUPf. Beecher's 6. 8 St. Lou is, 10 gal. keg, $57 50f S. H. M 10 gal. keg, $&0 Sorghum, t ni. ' Tocoo. Lewis' Kid. .IP lb, $$J60i Ordinary, W 003 50. ; , , , . Bss. Navy mi IDt4oe- w. , . So!1. Palm. 65e (n)70c.; Castile, $1 25.' Ott. CoaliPgaU$4 60; Linseed, $4 50 ,$5 00. .... ; : r. , I ..J Soda. Babbit's in 1 lb papers, D0c; I bulk, ooo.. , . . --mi f.y PswnR. GrainTH ID, W oo; urouod 'Jl Z0 ID box, $20. -' :- ? 'i " Uqoors. Champagne nasxet, tieiasicw, inta.t SCO: Sonrkling Catawba, 440(a$42 50 Umrel ffi case, ;p4t(yoi irmrnj, nuui vuu, t tral., $10 30$I2 i ,Hf r $10$11 Brandy, Imported, I820 ; Uouieslic, lzfto : Uio, tmestle, $1,2. , . ;.. f ,'..- Ames'.Spring Point, doa , $84 00.- v Ptam With Jisndlei ao , u on., , Sluic Foun-f doc, $30 00$32 50. Thk Sacramento Union denounce! (he pol icy of President Johnion in appointing Hol ders those wlio'lmve risked their lives ih drfiinre of the Union to office, in preference to civilliang. .,.,.., , ' The Union ii afraid some of its ftar-et-home patriots will lose, their official heads. Isaac F. Bmch, . San Franclico. C. S. Molk, . Ihitlon. Bloch, Miller A: Co., WHOLESALE TEL O O E Tt, S , ,r . AND DEALERS IN' ... .."Wines : & Liquors, And Import en and Jobbers of ' OLOXHIiNa Boots & Shoes, , '.;;-.' : Under Clothing:, etc., etc., etc. 'ASSAY' OFFICE. VrB HAVB AN ASSAY OFFICE INCONNKCTION W W Hh our bunineiis, under the entire nupervlslon 1 OI nr. nillflr. ns mnito returns in in in tlx nnurw We fUArnntee all onr. Aumvs and pay the 11K1HK8T CASH PRICK for Darn.. . We nlno pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Duit. ,- ,, . lUiOfld. MII.I.KK A C)H myOtf ' Cor. Main and Washiugton streets, Dalles. DEALERS IN ' hardware, IRON 2 STEEL. groceries. BY THE PACSAOli" FOE CASH," At San Francisco Prices, m. AiuiHjnninuuHi,. , f . . , j , ; ' CUMMINQ I GRANT, : i ' ' ' Dalles, Oregon Btistf .. LiATESX NEWS! .. ALL THK 'fflfi LATEST CHE&S KUB0PKAN, KA8TKUN AND CALIFORNIA . NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Roceived Regularly every steamer, by . s. j. Mccormick, FMKLI BOOKSTORE, lOS Front Street Portland Papen and Magazines packed and v TO ANY, TART OP THB MINB3 In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. r ' Subscriptions Keoet red fer any ' NEWSPAPER OK MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. j Sew Books-, Malic, o.,' by every Steamer. .830,000, BOOKS; STATIONERY i FANCY COOpS pUEA.FOB OASII.yV MM1WZW . , , .. , ,.- vA10TlE. i; AIL PKRSONS INDKUTKD to tlw undersigned are resp"trully requosted toconiitand settle llieirae- eouiils within Tltltil X UAB, aud aave costs, i a6Mlaa ' '' . . .. A. I. IIIOlt OO. i - K(ti:e. - ffJEMOVINO Mi RK8HDBNCK TO CDAT80P,' MR. MM) - ntiiUKiia win accas my Ageut, and Is au- lilftriaetl w receive air moneys one ino. jaaikllin A. If. RTBKI.V..M V. JOSLYN ARII CUUTIS' 1IUTTER ! , , At 50 cents per pound, i For Salt by ; , . , , . ', . ' J. B. DICKKRSON. ! m9dl . . 1 i' Becond Street. , The Qennlna Hall's Pulmonary Balsam Is sold for nfty cents only. It Is the quickest and most efflcacloos rant e(ly extant for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and ail pulmon ary affectutloni. TTALDROIi BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Slain Street, Dalles, Oregon . WT. NOW OCCUPY OUR NKW TWO 8TORT FIRS nraif 8tune Lnlliilnir, onuoslto Ulocli. Millar d offer to Clio nnbliQ a full Hud cuinplete utock of Drugs, MediciuM and Chemleala, euntistlug Iu purt of KKR08KNB. ' XAMP WICKS GUIMI TUIIFKJiTINB, UOP8. AMJtttlUb, ACIDS. LIN8KKD, BAOK ' Bl'ONGRS. -v. i UCHCHMt LAKD. U01tK!, CASTOR AND NKATSF0OT Oil, INUKtO AN1X . . LAN fULAOB TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. PATKNT MKDICINBS. Our sKkIi' of FANCY 00008 1 1 of tho flnest and bes quality; new style ond large assortuwuU,j.ucU' LUIIIN'S PKRVUBKKY, . 11A1IU " iUlllN'DTUlLK'r SUAiV t tKSIl, I'OMAOKS. . 8 II A VINO, - CoKMKTICS, 1IAT, ... ! J-. II AIR 011.8, CliOl'HFS,' COI.OOK. , TOOTH AND , FANBY SOAPS AND ''' NAILUHU8IIK TOOTH POWDKR3, AND COilbb. PURB WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. ' I , v) r: Our facilities for tiuylnc nooils are second to none In thu Staus and we shall at all times sell at a small ad va,nte from cost. Ready sales and small pruttls. piirsiciAxs trkscuiptioxs Careflilly eoniponndod at all hours of the day and nlitlit i.aues, oepi. v, low. - seio-ti "T JJ JJ, 'Y IMPORT A?) T .'TO ' Merchants, Families, Hotels and 11AH.ROOM8. TULIUS KRAKMKIt HAVING 110UQHT THE EN 9 tire Stock of Meschaudiee and Book Accounts of the late Ann "I M . Seller 4 Co., ki this olty, to which lie has added of Ills own importation (wlille doing business in roriianuj an numeuse biock oi tne best nianuiaoturcd Crocker), , Glassware, Plated Ware, , Lamps, Chandcllerm, Table Cutlery Lo'oking-Gla&sctiand AH Hinds of Oils. All of wlikh he offers at reihiced rates. ' Parsons wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't Ikil to call on me. nuaiu s Btoue iialiuiiig, Washington street. Dalles. t .IUL1UH lUlAUAUtn. Dalles. March 17 th. 1805. mlilTtf ONE HONORED MILES SAVED ! liL.U'KFOOT & BIG DEM) SIOES w'. . BY WAV OF . TIIE shortest andsafest road For Lana Trril.1 -' .ti'tf'.h syf x Distance from Dalits to White BIu(Ish.....,..100 miles White Bluffs to jfuu d'Oi slllo..'.iao tk to Coltllle..:.: 170 Traveler! by land for either of tbe shore Gold Fields. will save , a t ki Save Time Distance and Money By taking the While Bluffi Road. . ,Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within easy drives The road la now ouen. and nosseases advantairna vr any outer lanii rotate iroin me uauea. ,v .,. n - t, mDiisnen uv omer oi THK CITIZENS OF Till DAUR3. Dallea, Marrk. 10. 18l " . . . i aoiriin. (8accaaw to Wiillam Blrnbaum.) '. . PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, Asm MAin n AND JEWELRY, TNVITKSflUC ATTKNTION OF HIS FBJKS'DB AND M. tit Fdbllc to uls choice selection of , . t New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. ' ' Wa'chea PROHPTLX ad PROi'KRLT repaired tad nsKiisaiSM . n F. DEIIM, , Watchmaker and Jewelf MAIN STREET, DALLES, CLOCKS, Oold Pens, Silver and Plated-Ware, G3t -Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. S-5k -Particular attention paid to repairing Rne&Ca Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. AU Vt'atnhea (epatied by me warraniea lor iweive uumtlis. . N. H. All orders from the upper tountrv. In Sxnreu' llHNolullon Alotlee., NOTWtT IS HEREBY OITKN, that the co-paVtner-ship herstofora existing between 1. II- kVANK and A. W. DAVIS, in the Livery Stable business, has been dissolved; that A, W. Davis Is Indebted to the co partnership' ; aud. that a bill In equity has been lllod for the settlement ot the oo partnership aceouuta.. Alt per sons are notuiea uaa js. rt . vavis nas no power to tlls nweof tbe piopesty, nor tentract debts on Ilia credit otinei m. . ff. m. kvans. fiallre, AarUaa,VSe. aXlm KB FRANKLIN MARKET.' COllNKH 01 SECOND AND-WAiSHINOXOlf BTRKMI ALL&Sr 0Ri802f ' . iOHNKFPlTCOBK IrVopviotuJ. TUB DNDRKSIGNKD having fitted m the- jfTW W Market lutlllK 'B "It-U. . BTXLK,will.kwuouatunP SlVniria ly on liaud all sorts of . "" ' ' ."H'! ' Fresh and Cuved Menti, . : Ofthe best qnollty fiwulslied at the L0WSST HATS ' ; My motto Is to "PLKA8H A LI." . PASTIB8 DAVINO SUPKUIOR STOCK FOR 8AV willido woll to calPat the Franklin Market. J JOUN EPP1NOKI'..' Dalles, lobraany ltth, 186. , ; ., COURT AND SESOND 8TRBETSv DALLES, 6XE00K JOHN MICHELBACH, Buoprietor,, KEEP i constantly on hand all the varla- i uea tnat Uie nmrket ea possi Sly ailuru, of If It ICS 1 1 Sc CURED MBATH ,. . '', ,i .aad always of UtS btaS quality,, n: . . . . . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ' ,r : sopled,on reasonable terms..':' f !': ' Tbe undorstgneq la always nmpared. to pay ths high est casbjirlce lor FAT CATTLE. Parties having t. aj. lgood oondltian, are- rvquesud to ralli on him brur suing elsewhere. JOHN. AlIOIIKI.lt AI'll Dalles, March 31st, 180S,' ' C mliBMt NOTICE TO FARMERS- fHK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING X COMPANY has receutly attached a ' FtOUmNGSllxt',' to their Sttam Bash and Door Factory, in this Cltv. ahd are-new prepared to ClIOl'' BKB, O KIND WHKATai .1 CORN, and wnrrant H give the beat aatilactiou...tii uauircifnniaoiiy anil lor MHO 9xmk MMits noun, v ' ;;-.(.-ii:-t-. ., , SECONDS Oil M1UDI.IN08, , ..... . ' 'i 1 BRAN AND SHOUTS, ' " '. iv, iuoi' KKKi). nntcicnw wuvn . : Alsa. k SuMrior artlclo of COUN xi.kii. n...m Oorn.' . . . The hiffhest market price paid for WITRAT, CORN a BARLEY. ,. 11..A. ILLHiUK. Am-i.i,. Dalles, Not-. 4,1808. ' G. BRADPOR1), ,! ; 1MP0KTBU AND JOBBER OK Hi; ' ' "Wiiie Sc I-jicur.-. ' , 'fRONT STREET,; i.-, '.,,",' Portland, - ,i- -'. Orecnn OFFK1I8 FOR." RACE A ' f ERT LARGE AfSOlii '(-.) .1 .JLlquorit, A The Trade It particularly Invited 'to txiunln y stick before puaolissiug elsewhere.. au2tl n.IIEUMAV&CO MAIN 8T., MLLKS, OPPOBlTIt KMPIRK IIOTSt. ' ffAVK J081EE0EIV1ID A lEABTIPlf L 8T6t K OF !.: :.' 'I.H JV llj.k. SI'ttINO AMD GOQO ".,s,-:l' CoesUtlb'g ln.aart of 'u'.i, V.'.'i'.Jv Fancy and Staple Dry Cbd 'V,:;';;::.,i,;:';;;;iitkcap! , Which they offer to eelUt 8UAU PR0IIT8. ,., - . ! Dalles, March Kth, 1868. . ,' , , . iar27lf MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE .... .,.) .-. ;tJ-. . ..!; . ... ,-. t:,... ' OUKJINAL BUPKHWU BRAND OV ! ft U C1IARTBES COFFEE, li.i ' J.V D0VDS.S G&AZPD' pApSS,' ? ! ' To prsnrv Iu slsonglk and flavor for the 'length ot -. iu u. i n.m iu lue aoora p Acae. Or WU 11V All Urn luliliai mnA ....... i . th,ri.l .'' " ' KAtDVM A TOLOBlt, ;.V J V Wtna Steam Coflee and Splca-Mllls.. . Mftmlp.' ' 220 Front Street, San Sraneieco. ! UOOKS! BOOKS r i WUOLESALS AJSI RETAIL. 1 1 ' ajCHOOI. DOOKCNATlONRRt. 5 Stamlanl aud Miscellaneous WORKS, , Lata NOMHLBv fAAlNK8, PAPKKH.i Ae. Aa.. by awry Steamer Post-Office e Bookature. Main street. Valise. r i Garden SeedS for tbe Bftttlos.1 ' ' 4t':' ' ';' 'V n. j; WAtDRW-V riIUSr WOOL and IIIll. i 3 ; ,' !. in. i i r 1-.. ' .,!' . C 'rt I rjpist HICUUnCASU PRICK PAID TOR I " ' ;i"CI8K WOOL, AMD MIDBSaf1' ' ! ' ' ! ' '" -'', ! McCRAKKN, MRRItILL A CO.'k ' ' mhlK3a f .. . . i III Noctk Viont tttrt, PortlanA ' CRYSTAL, SA LOON .,, XSI1LX.IAKX , ROOM. ; ; : ! -..I JOHN RINDtACB,Prarrl.r. WASniNOTON ST., next dear to VliKNCII A 01LM A X I ' 1 V"! NOTICE. I HATH appointed K. I!. HAFT, my Mthnrlrtd agrsr toeollrrt all moneys due me, and attend to mv tuai hms jcatrally, ;aatt . U. RMilO.