rw r . .it, i TUVRSD.IT M0MI.V6, HAT 10,' 1866. Judob Oilbi, (Maryland, bin decided tbat the military parole of a rtbel officer does not exempt him from civil process upon charge of treason. Ox the 2d Inst, a man named Jucob Ottr wiis severely Injured by falling from a build ing upon which ho wa at work, at Turn "Wttter," W. X ' - - ' ' :' Thomas Smitu, who wim tried and convicted dt the last torm of the Circuit Court fur Linn ' co'uaiy, for the nmrdei of bW bfpther and wife, will be bung to-duy at Aldflny. , . . . TiiKun &r now 93- Generals in- tbo array rolls, besfdei two or the retired lief; one Lieutenant GenecaVr fire Major. Generals of itcjtulars-, tweny six Major Generals of Vol unteers, twelve Brigadier Genorals of Rejju litrs, and foty of Volunteers. It Is observed in New York that since the commencement of. tbe earr the prices of do meatio Mid foreign1 manufacture have fullen twenty-Bve o thirty per cent. A good miwy " articles of cotton good, have Ua at least iifty per cent- . j. " During the month, of February last, 1,131 claims, involving the large amount of 14, i!0O,82G, were settled by the Fourth Auditor of the Troasury Department.' The claims 'we're divfiled. into Navy Agents' and Paymas ters' accounts,. and pension, murine, uuval storekeepers prize and general claims. . ' When the Proideut's veto message' was considered la the Senate, Senator Johnson was la Baltimore. ' lie was telegraphed to, and at once started for Washington on ft lo comotive j rode forty miles In. forty-one min utes j. readied the Senate Chamber and cast Ws vote to sustain the veto- t ' ' A rttoawd generou ronat Salem, Mass., . invited all the children, to dinner, the other ilav, and each of his sons and daughters and sons and daugtMers-in-law found a cheek fur 35,000 when the plates: were' turned. The grandchildren were remembered also, aod the present, which be made amounted t 940,000 ' IKirrib. The editor of tbo Eugene Jburn. nt whq has recently returned trom a trip east of the Mountains, told a friend. In this city that from what he saw and heard, op there, the IMack ticket is a gone goooe. ' Be nays the Deraocratlo ticket will come down, tiom there-with at least 000 majority.-Wr. landllerald : Wa neves told any person in Portland or uUewherey that tbe Union ticket U a " gone ' iroose " or that the copperhead ticket will ' " tiom down-from there with 600 majority " u- ui mAinrit. You Invented every word of it. The Union ticket will be eleoted in .the State by a bndjoine majority, notwitn .tunrtintr the barofitced falsehoods to which copperhaadi are now resorting In-order if possible to (receive me pouum. ' ... Owvmi Kw The Owyhee Atalancht, j "April 28th, ajrs, every day btisioe a be coming more livery. The mow it leaving; rpldlyrand mill and mini owner are shov eling it off where-large drifts accumulated. Tbe Lincoln, Cosmos and Minear mill, wiil urt Mit wee not to suspend again. Co. uios ha been crushing Trook k Jennings rock, and is probably running now. The Oro Vino being the only accessible mine for teams at present, will supply all the mills. Upwards ef forty stamps will be in operation before our next taueJ" Business Is beginning to On tbe night of April Slit, forty-three ltories were- driven off by Indian from Jot dan Valley -bui twentv-nitie were subse qnently recovered.', ItiuViiMis hare been oper aiing or lower Owyhee, and toward Burnt river alto. ' ' . .'..,, -Member of the Masonic Order in Owyhee are taking pielimlnary steps to-organize a Lodge in Silver. i. t ' Tbe Morning Star Mill cleaned up $14,000 within the past week. V', The JurdiMti i booming with the melted mow. It Interfere with creek mining, biit the bank are being: ground sluiced down at ' A rapid rae. Ditches that were dug parallel with and along tbo mountain tide for' o". .leeiing (new water for wehlng the higher bare, are now full, Red the water' I being use d day anoj nigHe, : ':'. ..' Tu Canvass. The largest audience tbat ever assembled In Chapin's 'Hail, was there last evening to hear the opposing candidates for Congress di-cuso tbe political issues of' the day. Mr. Mallory opened the boll by sailing' Into the antecedents', of tbe Demo cratic party ; charged them with sympathis ing ad fivinir aid and comfort to the rebels white in arms against the Government; charged Mr, Fay with openly advocating ttbe right of secession, and denouncing every act of tbe Government to suppress the rebellion, as an usurpation of the Constitution... On the present question of tbe difference between the. Executive and' Congress, he sustained the President in his veto of the Frcedmen's Bureau Bill, tbe appointing of military Gov ernors fn the Southern Sintes, and with tho exception of bis action on the Civil Righis Bill, sustained the President in every act which tended to restore the Southern Stntes to their former position. He read extracts from newspapers to prove that the resolution in the Democratic platform lauding tbe sol diers who saved the Republic, was a sham, and only iuteuded to catch votes. Mr. Mal lory spoke an hour, and according to agree ment between the candidates, had the right to reply. ' , Mr. Fay started off by relating an obscene anecdote one that was not fit to be repeated before 'any' audience of intelligent men. This be did by way of comparing the positioq of Mr; Mallory with the subject of whuni' he related the story. Tkt was almost enough, to disgust his hearer., wlihout listening to hi in further.. He said tbat Congress bad no right to deny to any man wbo piescnied his credentials of election, a seat in that body ; this, be said, was tho position taken by Pies Ident Johnson. Ho did not qualify it as did tbe President by saying any loyal man, and that Congress should be the judge of his loy alty. According to Mr. Fay's doctrine, Jeff. Davis or any other arch rebel should bo ad mitted to a seat in the National Legislature n poo the presentation of credentials from the State authorities. He rustained Presi dent Johnson in his veto of tbe two biiis and in overy otner act that tended, to create a nature between the Executive and Congress; is in favor of taxing U. S. Bonds for State and municipal purposes , Is opposed to the State Militia law ; thinks tbe State ought to have co militia ; tbat tho United Statrs should furnish all the protection that the S ate may require. He did not deny being opposed to giving a bounty to volunteers ; but he said that it was a speculation among the State officers, and therefore his opposi tion. On tbe bond and militia. questions be had considerable to say about cheese-knives, cinches, taxing tbe poor man for tbe benefit of the rich, Ac, -.. In Mr. Mallory' reply he emphatically nailed the- main questions advanced by Mr. Fay, and sbowdd that his endorsement of Prtsiueot Johnson was a matter of policy ad do matter of fact. Mr, Mallbey is too much, for his opponent.. Mr. Fay has an hill Job of it in trying to advocate the doc trine he attempted t expound last evening, Tile whole of bis spceoh consisted fn endors ing two acts of tho President; favoring the unconditional admission of all members of Congress from the Southern States tho tax ation of U. S Bonds; the repeal of our State . militia law. and Gov. Gibbs' cheese knife and cinoh. SUFPORTIBS' Of THS PnKalDRNT. Who SUD ported Srnator Johnson, of Tennessee, when be stood up nobly ngMiust tbe tide of secen sion that rullrd ihrouith Congress? Did the Democratic party? Who ejrmpatbized wiib Mr. Johrrson', when Be was driven from bis home, bis property deatroved, and member of hi tamilv murdered by the heH-bounris of rebellion r via ine uomocratia party 7 Wbo upheld Governor Johnson, when hewn stand ing iii tbo breach 'like a Spartan patriot, to wrest Teunesiee irotu tne grasp of treason Did the Democratic party? Who rallied around, tjie. " booricli hackwoodi tailor," and as a rward rni' hii fidelity, elected him to the second office in the gift of tbe people Did tbe Demnrratio party I. No: the Demo cratic pnriv did, not discover tbe virtue nn stnteauiansiiip of Mr. Johnson, until tbe wu in which' he bud tacrtriced so much, nn which it opposed- so bittn-rly, had elosed In glorious triumpb for tbe Union ,-: until th reins of tho Chief Uagistracy were In- hi bands. Ex. f '.',. ...j,, ,.)..' i -,'.) . Firms men were dreadfully burned' by tbe explosion of a pit of molten metal Id Loo don, not long since, caused by drop of ral UMog In It from tbe skylight. .Tuckion F.Kirlne Company -DIULLTniS KYiSNl.Nt-, at clock. "....':' Vy order of the Foreman. Yaiuabli. There lino hotter blood puriAer In the nrld than Uall'. Sanaparllla Yellow Dock and Iodide 'otnM. . ' Itcltgtons Notice, Catdouo Cnoacu Mornlnu aarvicei Mna, at 10J clock. Krenlnu mrvlco: Tanpont anil Ileiicilictlon, at Vi i.Vlock. Sunday School nt 2 o'clock, i. in. ' s aituti rATiiEii ii. inKbKMAH, i-aaior. Columbia Lodge, No S, I. O. O. F. Uvata every Friday evouing at 7 o'clock, lu Oaten Hall, corner of Heconii and Court Street. Brother in good Handing are Invited to attend. Byordor. - N.U. Waaco Lodge, Bio. 13, A. P. & A. M.i Hold ita atated Couiiiiaulcntion' on llio Vint and Third Mondaya of each month, at their Imll. In Dnllea City. llrethren in ffood atanding are Invited to attend. - BTll u. von, Sec'y. uy order or the w. si. NOTICE. CSDKRSIONKD ItAVINQ BOUQIIT the W1H tichoonrr l'ttttvtranct and half tlie aciii.oiier Ha- 'd. from Toreuce Quin, all debta aenhMt tho above named Voata inaat bo ureaeuted to me b- theiOlh day May. ASA STIIU.XU. D.illen, May 3. 1800. .. , . nilOdliw. Herald copy, 2 a eeka, and prnri kill to thin office. PROF. HI U 11 HAY'S MA'Crl.C OIL, For Sale by OATfcS 4 CHAl'lN. ALSO, AOKNTS KOIt DR. DUNCAN'S Whooping Cough Specific. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, U .' AND ' ' " ,- FRUIT STORE, Waahlniton Street, opposite French 4 dtlninn'a, Dallua. ila. on hand a large aua wellaaaorteu atock ot GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Received dally. A large lot of CHICKRNS alwnya on hand. FlttMTtt or all kind.. I'KIMIl VKUhTAULtH every morning. All article, warranted. , ,', Give Me a Call, Everybody FBIOEH LOW. " nl8:tf, . . , ' . - F. MERB DREU0X STEAM KAY. COMPANY -NOTICE. FREIGHT ON FLOUR REDUCED. ON ANft'AfTKRTUKSDAY, MAY lxt, uutil fnrUier notice, freight on Plour will be ea follow. . Prom Dalle, to UiiMtllla 6 00 per ton. - nainim ...M ou i ' Wnlte Uluff.....i4..... 14 00 ." ..'" '. " " Lewi.ton 2a 00 " Dalles, May 1st, 18W. PRANK T DODO ft, m4dlw Agent 0. 8. N. Co.. Dalle..' J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, . Main St.. Dalles, Oregon. ' APTKR NKARLY 8IXTKKN YKAR8 Practice In hi. profaaion. wonld reapectfully Inform the cltlien. of the Dallea end the pnullc Renernlly, that h ha. leased the Dental Office lately occupied br J. W, UUKLKY, Deutl.t, where he can betound prepnred to at tend to thoae requiring 111. proloaaional aervlce.. t irnca llouaa From 8 o'clock, a. m.. to 12 m : and lrom o'ciuca, r. n.oa r. h. mail SELECT. SCHOOL. nrWIB UNDKR8IQNF.D WILL OPKN , A 8KLKCT MUUOli lor children oa ' Alondarj, Nay ItU. 1866, ' On THIRD PTKKKT, between Waahlngtoo and Court. Taltlea iter qmrter,.. $ OO tnatf MI3SM.8NYDKR. . eT B. DICKERSON. Dealer In all kind, of GROCERIES & GRAIN, ':.. ',,. . ' at mis '' ; r . f Lowest Cash Rntes. AL80,.' ' JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER On hand, andreceWad Freeh er.ry week. 1 , Come 0ner Come All, oivl Gi ve me a Call, ATCON8ER k BvUITBR'S OLD'STAND. ' Wanted. WWIAiK DO. DO OKNKIUL. llOtrSBWORK Ooed wag. paiSl Xnquire at thia odk.. apaitf SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA RANCH , DUTTEB! A Pew Packages Cholcej th quantities to auit, at . a0tf ,, . . BALDWIN DUOS. NEW YOKK BAKERY " AND, ' G R OC E R Y 8 TORE ' Main street Dalleti mh2atf ' I 'FIIKDKRICKUKN7.HU,' ACARD. mTATASIK LRTKLLIKK WODLD UKSPBCTPULL' 1 Jl inform the lAiUea uf the Dalle, anil vicinity, that In la now prepared to ! all kind, of DRKS8, OM)AK, aud PALHIOt making Alao, CUTTING and PITl'INt in a now, auddmprovediatyJe, aerer before Introduced in till, iilaoe, She will warrant to Jw meiafactlon, and- would most reapectfully eollolt t'ltileiwrparronare - In the Rooru. lately occupied by Mm. Whlta, over Degener'i Store, on Waahiugtou atrwl, b.tween. Second BMI lUIOaw '.',... . . Dallea, Jlareh. 2Rh, 18M ' BrlTK UCTION MD COMMISSION" HOUSE! Ro. 100 MALM STREET, DALLES. THK ilNDERSIONKD TTIANKFUI.' VOH VAST l'avora. reapoctinlly Inform, the cltitena of the Dallea, and th publik generally, that he contlnnea i sell at PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATJS BALK, Real Estate, ucnerai Alcrcbaudlse, , Gsoceilen, i lloi-NeN, , , . Furntinre, . Mockx, &.c. kc. " BKGUliAR SALE DATS, f . Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, Aod PROMPT KKTURN m de of aalea. Ont-dnor and Special 8ul attended In any art the city. , JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. JTJKEE, Main Street, Dalles. ' .. . waousmnMiAii, Maua in CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, pipes, &o. AlWATI IK STOR1 THS BEST UiD OT ., K, '. , JIgars, Tobacco, Matches, &t. JkATINO CAIID8. m. POOKKT CUTLISRY. . . ' , - . COMU8 nnd 11MUSI1ES, o' all kinda. PKltyuMKItV.ot every deacTiMieuV TOYS. DOLLS, etc. nm HOOKS and PISHJWO TACKLE, . . MUalOAL INSTRUMENTS, ., ' ' VANCV OOODSi e. ' ' '' ' ' A1h Powder. Shot. Lead. Povrfar V1..V. ti..k... many other article, loo nuawroaa in mention. Interior dealer. aniplled with Clgnra. Tobaceo.etc. at leu tins Portland price., wnh freiKht added. c-ft SELLIIVG OFF AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO , FTONK BUILDING, WASHINGTON STBKKT.DALLKS, Offer their welt-wlected atuck ut -. ', tobacco, ; ,;""'. ' -" , 8EOAH8, YANKEE iNOXXOISS,r AND !' i i e 'i STATIONERY, ., . -AT-. ,, , SAN FBAisrcisco COST. P. ' ' : I . , -. -ssrSTtf '. GATES & CHAPIN WnOLKSALK A RKTA1I. DE'tr&GISTS; BIOMJI UU1L1UNO, WASHINGTON 8TBlltt, i DAtLEjOREQbN. E ' 4 Importers and Jobber e ?,n.,v : PATBNT MU)1CIN18,.. ,u.v ' a CHEMICALS A FANCY GOODB. ' CU aT A nADITS A. imna ' OILS, ft ALCOHOL, 7 PURB WINK8 ft LlQUOItS, a , PAINTS, GLASS ft DKU8UBS. rCISICIAXS' PBESCWPII0XS Accurately ceaaBcaDded. ' , PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM.. A full and eomnlete unrtmut r .n ..n.i .. VlTSRStStJUXl? MALL ADVANCJi ON A iiM,rcll,TrtU pl 9m ,rice, ord- U. L.C1MPIN, .,, DaJI. JUSTIN 0ATE8. Sacramento, fat. LAST CHANCE ! WK wf?'-l OALI, nil! ATtKNlIOM OP TIM VT pnbli. w-th. Wto clitV',1 DRY goodsV &c..' 1 t , I J . . M ) i. ir. . i . ' l W At GWatly R43duced Rates, t Iaiir Warning-!. r I!4TKNDOTX)eiNP0R BUSISS88 lIPRM k. the PIRnT OP JUNK neat, and wJuk.?," portunlty of once more calliim i.poa thoae ludehrld .1 uj lo cal! nd..ttle. W. w4ll'n, 11 Z Place any of onr account. In the hands of leal cniulel torm but If obliged to do wo ahall hare recanrlv that wheathls uotion esjilrea-S . ,V " 'ecosrwt I'VW M.. BROWN ft BKO. DAL I.US & UOK t AI 1 H 1 t-c. T? "V lAndrn?.'.Fiiot of U nion 'striety"' THR PROPRIEBOlt's ARB NOW VltKPARKn (im 8TAUN0II AND ROOMY BOATS, locroee I Travelers II arses cst;'",." ' I.tfr'.i "P'tUtlou. maDutr, audi at KfaaM " -aW W U 1 swr