s'o. Vi. vol,, r. DALLES, ORKGON, THURSDAY. MAY lO, 1800, PUBLISH E 1) EVERT MORNING, (MONDAYS BXOEPTBD,) BT , E. G. CO WIVE & J. IIALLORA1V, ' KM TO Hi AND PROPBIITOBI. ' ' TeaNS Twenty-foe etn par weak, payable to the carrier per month, by mail, Hi three months, W60; tlx " mouths, $A ; oaa year, IS. Advertisement Inaerted at lowjate. , . ,;. i Job Printing. '"' , Rvery description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe nted wltli neatnees and despatch, and forwarded a per -order to any part of t he cou ntry. Payment Jot Job Print tag mutt Be mad on aeuvtrg ay war. . ;t IV. II. DO Hi I, ASS. Practical Watchmaker, And Dealer In . FUSE WATCHES JEWELRY, -DALLES, OREGON. ' BALDWIN jBTHO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES! , ' CORNER Of ' ' : ' - Main and Union Streets, Dalles. 3. C. BALDWIN . , mh.l-tf (F, W. BALDWIN. , ETJRNITTJRE ! FURNITURE J V " .. a- i u iivu n dvi nu uvwwinui h mi r aa. 'vnr ad ti TviBnr ntut ttiui f Household Fornltare. 1 C v embracing Table, Chain, Bareani alii n Beds and Bedstead. Beddtnr, Carpet terete, all of which will be uld at low raUa. furnllar ' Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. AlM,oa hand MattrweeaandPtllowa. 8prtag Bod eaad to order. aa . moaioi. " ' - , ? WM.'MOABU$ & CO.; ' i OITYy BAjcCERY, t o vision. STORE,, . ; : ' i 1 fcarW of Ptret and 8 Street. WHOLESALR AND KBTAILDKALBRSIbBRRAD, CRACKERS and family GROCERIES. eOtwanfromadlataaceoarefMllyfilledandfrrolnpty fcpaajhed. 1-H JOSEPH jELIJSLX, i 'T . ' ,. torottaua: tm ixtatv nun m f ' rFancy tt Etapia Dry Goods, CWOTMINQ, BO0T.fl.p;8HQK8, .. . , ' - - UATS ANV CAPS, AND . ' C,entlemn FttrntRnthg Good fire-proof Stone 8 tore, of Mala and Court aVMta. .-. . .i..H' ''.v a i- ' oc4-tl lit HAS OK & UDEIil,, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW WILL PRAOTlOi IN f IIM BCPR1MB AND CIR eallOoorta of Oregga,ad tA IMitrict OoarU o WMhldktoo territory J '-- ' ' lartlcalar attention paid to th eolieetloa of claim. O. IIUMABON - Dalles, Oku. i. A.ODKIX. FUIlNtSHED ROOMS t .'-TO LET "'. . By, the NightWcek pir Month, ' Nitirt soon to Jacsbon Matin nous . nr : .' - -'V MBS. BPMN0BR. N. an. , . . m. Af. , GATES &IIA.B'T, i. Attornert Jt Coanaellori at Law, 54. ' Mi WM. BaOWlf Tf AtWEI. M. D. OFriCB-74 BBCONO 8TBXKT, betweea Waahinfton ndOonrt. ;-y A f;UUU. V ' 0rnonort-6tot K.Sto4r ;andBtalO,y. M LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO., IMP0RTKR8 AKD WH0LB8AUI . JDRTJaGhlSTS, ; Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., ; .f "SAN FBANOISOO. ; mhiitdSm. Dll. B. W., iftJII.CIJELTa, , OrwoB-WALDRON'3 BUILD1JJ0., , f;; Kaipnres Corner of Third and Waehlnttnn Htrwita. vO. B. BROOKS, M. !. ,.' VffiA JL. Ti-. ilff'ai Dralat Store. DALLES, OBBQOW. i IIIPOKTIItSAXBWBOLBaU , . Dealers in Wines, Liquors GROCKUIE8, . . , MlnerN' CioodM, lloat Stores, &c, ' BATI UMOTiD TO TUIA ' ' ' NW STONE BUILDING, 0OR.in or ' V !,"'; Second and Waaulngton .Streets, PAI.I.ES CITY, NOW IN BTORI LA HUB AND OOHPLBTB AS ortuicut of the very beat brand, of , wines and liquors. Alio, a toll aawrtinent of ' GROCERIES &. STAPLE GOODS. York suid 8n lyranclnoo. w Hre able ao4 UkiDk to Ml) doing butinMi, ibej will receive the pairotiiwv cf Hie pnb- lln uin UMATILLA HOUSE DALLES, OREGON. ? ItAIVDLEV &S1NIVOTT, Trop'rs. ' I - - TB18 Porvlt B0U, 0IVTK1UT UOATBD, Hetr the Steamboat Landing Ballxoad Depot, Una been recently enlarged and ImproTed, and will now nccomuiudata .. .,.1) ; !,,,, - , .o i , 3 OO O UE8TS, IT WILL BR CONDUCTKD at heretofore, aa a FIRST CLASH HOUXB. and tbe patronage of the traveling publlc l reipectlully ollclterf. - .- u , Baggage token to tbe Bonn free of charge. Home open all night. . , k j . . URGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Pallea.0ct.4-tr. , , i EMP.IRE -HOTEL, ' HalB ataur, nam, OMOOB, ' TUORfAt SMITH; 'Proprietor ATI R BT-CfcA S S B( 0 U SE. , 1 ir mi cixtBB or Dtnrua,) , aTr the 8Uwnbot tad EUroid lnding- Snperlor Aoeommodatlon for Fahilllnl and can At oomraodate One Hundred and Fifty Uoeele. Meal...........M cat.--i;. lodglng..,L:..,Mct, ; Fire Proof Safe for denMlleofrattiable,. t Boom open U night. Bgge taken to the Houet free of charge. THOMAS 8S I SMITH, nne-ii 4 ' Proprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. 1 A. It.. 13 0 6TH, winti nxm, w; ti ' FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ABO OIlttBAL BaaUB I 1 .ME RC II A' IN Tb I S E ' n 1 W E It S ' 81) P P L I G 8 . PACK ISO IADSLB B0BU8 TO 8AUt FRBI0BT8 C0N8WNFD to ray eat for CoMlle Kootenai, or the Unner Colombia Mlnea. will re noire prompt attention... niu-f .! j ', wnitemuna.Uot.iit.lgM. oc.gtr IVI?W FllUlTy r OUOCEUY fiHB UNDRR8I0NBD INFORMS BIS FRIENDS and J. the public generally, that he haa Joit eeublitbed on Main etteet, neat doqrto t. Joker, Tbeooouit,4 v v A NEW STORE! where he keepe constantly on hand a large amortment o elected FRUIT. Alto, In tore a complete (tor k ofchoice GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, o. All of which will be told, whohnal and. retail, at KB DUCKD PKI0K8. Come and ae and eatlafy yonrmlf. ,. ;eel9-t, K-: r1 ' " . i"A JOHN BP081T0. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! , l , f lle.eWffltoeatMtBaaaeia ....BiUT urnaoB. 1 ROOf M afc NEVIS ON, FrwrdlB;Mi(1 Csmmlaataa Hareknnti AND DBLRR8 IN ORNKRAT MEKCIIANDI8R, I White t BlnfiV, VT. T, FRRIOrTT fOB fcOltlLLR. TJPPritl COLOMBIA, KOOTKNAI and BLAt.'KFOOT MINKS promptly torwardrd. , . ) MarkOoodi BN-, WIUBloualW..T, Btrmuicni . . Potmd Richard McCrakejf; Allo tt, end " j C) 'T Hedge Clt..i' ..! . Daun Bloeh. Miller Co., French Ollntan. Mi BROVn & BBO., WHOIBIUB BBtAltBlalSB IB .' pancy' and Itait-k . GROCERIES, PH0Viai0n8, q.. ;, ' Mr. M. BROWN, balnt reeldrtit ef Ban franelJ. we re enabled to offer great Indcemente to pnnhaMra. Wa Minectfnllr Inrite the vsWlc toeaaailnaMuratocli hftr . trchaaag.elaw,heri... -, ir .1..;, .i im-. mla-Uc AT Btoae store, norm ie Mala Hrtoi. Dallaa.neS' Democratic State Ticket. ITOIl CONQKKSSl " " . JAMES If. FAY, ' 7 'V, ' 1 'Of Jackson. , ( , .. . . . . . 1. , :r , ' , ' . FOE OOViiRNOR: ,, JA91ES K. KELLY, ;' - ,,. i I ,,.,!, .. . Of Waaco. ' FOR SECRETARY OP STATE: .' ! LAFAYETTE LAKE, ; j " : Of llnltnomall. ' ' ',' ''. FOR STATE TREASURER: ' . . . . '.. . JOHN C. DELL, .. . 7 . ' .' ', , Of Muri.m. f ! , FOR 8T ATE PRINTER: ? JAMES O'MEAItA, ' 1 Of Linn.' '" ' ' ' . . '" ;rv : FOR PR08ECCT1NG ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT. J. II. SLATER, S ' ' : . ' Of Union. . i , . Democratic County Ticket. . . , , , ' For Representative", ' 0. HUMASON,. .: . ,:. V' :. , ... F..T. DODUS. ,';; .,,.'!.-,' , ' . For Sheriff, t- ; ; , . ; A. W. FKRQCSON. . ';.':.':. '. For Clerk, ' '': F. 8. HOLLAND.'' 1 '' ' ' ' ' ' j '"" For Tresurr, ' 1 w ' j ' ; a'.,'w;bdchananJ'.'",' . . For ComniisioMrt, y.. ;"' ; .' O. F. HERBERT, ; , , v , v "O. B. OILMAN. . r : y T.,.,.. .. For Aiietaor,.. ,n ,.j ' , '7 " HARRISON COROM. ;,.,..(;: j j .. ! .,.', For School Superintendent,' 1 '' j ..; . E.P.FITZGERALD.! " 1 ' i: ' For Survejor, ."."' ! '.'V"'-' I W.T.NKWCOMB.f',';;''i'."u';' For Coroner, " . . . V' 1 DR.0. B. BROOKS: ' ; ... ., .......... r.) , . 1 NOTICE. ,'"'! THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY ' -' S "Will carry ' '-: ' '"' ' , FAST FREIGHTS XJ M 'Jk. T I. XjJAL'y i AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT f HI FOLLOW- ; INO REDUCED RATES: ,..'..... J i To Botaa Clty.,......M..l CJanla Br palUU ' Idaho City... St6 i " Owvhoa..v......'.....i...)tr..-'. r!.M. i'.';u""1 For lew amonnta than one hundred poefndit aa addition of Fire Centa per poand will be charged. . , To noise tlty,.........i..3 Days'. 4 ' i To Idabo City 8 1-a Days. TO owyuee,.. ... uays f sail JOSEPH PINKUAM, Agent. , Umatilla, Oct. l,18oS, 0010:11. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN J PEED 1'FEEDI I. shorts; a. '. i ''.Ml' -.. I i1 AND FEED ' ' -. .1 '.. I. I. I1 'r'l OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY. ' " ' S Front Street, Portland. nl:tf. 5 ' '" : ' ' Oppoaiu 0. 8. N. WarebonM, NEW SALOON NEW BTONB STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. . TBR TJNDEH8I0NED wonld rubectfnlly annobhb that he will oocn a flrat-clam Saloon In French A Oilman' New Stone Building, THIS EVENING, abd M preparao to terra agnomen witn me sen oi Wines, Liquors and ,.t ALSO, A ...! V V : . ... EEE;LUNO K t Brery day and Inning -V;' ''?' oc08tf. ' JOHBJ RlNDt AVO., U m ta, t i 1 1 tx, O o lis e-, Express and Fast Freight line. TBIB LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUKK1N0 order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via "Bolw .'lt) , and prepared to Wry Vreiirht and Velthble Pucltura between then and Ml Inteiniisdiate poinu wllhwuniuiiy and despatch. ' . ' ' . Tho Llnelaetocke'd Wlt'b tho BOBtOVaniB ' the country affords tend autirery IIw Thorout-Brao , 1 CONCORD Which enures Speed arid Safety fn the transmission ,of Freight, never o'efon ollered to IdHho. W ofir Cn)- rtnr fnitnrMtntttit. fur ftlifnnlnv'nnnil. trrim itan Vr...lLi. ' and Portland to Idaho, as our arraugem'euts ilh the Ocean Steamship Company-and the Oregon Steam Kavi- i gatlon are such that all Uoods shipped by this Lhl. .will not be coldest to the usual delays, but pass through ae fan mt. TTvaIo-Ii . . ' uooa thinpM from can rrancisco to onr care at fort- . land, Charges Will be pafd ahd Goods aulpped to dosliua- , Uon. ............... i '.'. ., , GOODS SHOULD BR MARKED l-CARK B. M. D. A . CO, F. LINK, and Shipping HeceipU aant to oar Agnus ( ln.tlBk.jl BnVI IlHaultllu Advance ihnrges for Transportation PaM by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be. forwarded With Dispatch to o'wyh.t aud South Bolet. PA88EKORRB CARRIED AT GREATLY REDCC1.0 BATES. Families will be furnlsht'd Willi Superior Ai commodations in New and Easy Biding Thorough Brar'e Wagons on the Moat Liberal Terms, We lay over eacn night on the Road at Good Arid Convenient Stations, to that paaaengera will aot be deprived of ngular rest. i, . AOKMTHi . . RICHARDS McCKAKKNw..,w....,.Saa Francisco RICHARDS a McCRAKKNv... ....k......Portlscd JOSEPH TKAL-..,...ii.... .M....,.u....Dailrt POWELL A C'K .a.'.u.... ................. .....UnitllU J. B. WILKIN80N......i..b....M....iM.n.iM...LGtand B. M. rAtUKLL A CO.. , ...BniM Cl! 11. M. DuRELL A CO......w .....M-......IdahoCiiy MAJOR HPEEII v.. Jtock, Bar (Bouth BoIm DuKEIX MOOKEA....u.-...ltaby and Sliver Cities I ,, B. M , DatBEbXi k CO . , -. . Froprletore. ; n48Vf i ,f A, CAPP FOR, Tllfi , , finrlnat JaV Cnmmae tVntnnt 9n-b OF SAM FRANCISCO; BADGER & IINDENBERGER, "..' 411, 413 aisd 41 lBttar ttVoet. ' ' tor, uercaaat, ana vraueeisaov Importers and Wholesale D'cafm. ENTIBE. Ngyg AND, FRESH STOCK, WI WOULD CALL ATTENTION 'bf Count ry ltr . clients to ofat a.Uallt large stock of Goods. Our . MockoompriaM every ajticl fn tka Clothing aad Far Itishinf line. We have eohituitlV An hand ike lirmit and greatest variety or Citssimer and Wool HATS of any nouaa in Ban mncitcoj and our price for thee , Oottji are It than. iiiiee of thy, hoas. aa. aa receive them dlreaVfrobn (he inau'iclure'r'airanslKnmenU Uur Atock.'of KumnioraMd Fall.ttooya Is pMticttl.rly attract ive, and the. treat feature (6 the eountrv neroLant la the uueually:low pricea. let ,.,,,! ; ; .... kt'ttilTri Cbst 'or Importation t We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Drr Oaoda line, which Ueods era have parchased In tliiamarhet uu der the hammerkand Are offering them at Mew Yoik Cot end leas.'' ' .'' , , ... j, , Wftbublish this card la erder that wa Wiaw aiaka a.w . acquaintance., and Induce thoea who have hot aeretvfora purclianMlofae, to call aud'.exahtine oar stocky ; boott Artltlca attd LeW Wlcea Are Vtia' greateeV iiToi'mra "to.'ali erno p'urchaee id priidt, and tell to their cuatomirs at low flgun We , rdmaJw, respectfully, 5 " v . m Your Obedient imrantl, n i l ' - .. . Vk.. j BADOER A llNbENBEROEBy " . I-!, !.' V. : nnoieaue giothtngand Hat Wareaoaa. ' -vv-.V. Npe.Jl.ilaahi)4tIlatlerr1ret, r , floh !AMklaW AuVtl on lean . "a ' ; , v, uw. Bmi ' ' ; St ' leliz aT-.ta lrHrlia " French milunerysVore, .-., .'i '; ti and i ' v.t .' Prehr lali.nK iBttabltfiiiment, Oppotlto Cohb Botiia'a, WOULD CALL Till TTENTION of lha Ladiea JB. thtj Daltat to my lare and tne stock of feiowERS. rMBRblnWov 'k BONNETS, II ATS, FEATHERS!, nLti rrilali a 'j. ' ,' . , . aivan. iiiiuiuai eaa.sl3ta V Bavlng aecured the service, of fclRSi FRASY, la trio . ".H. "myu mii wur lautatiina andgnaranteeperrebttaUsfactlOh. . DYING done In all.dolora.. , t ... Olva m ah early eall-and tWl)l emWofto .uit T?rS'b!,dr,h A8ta JlIASONABLK PRICKS. aruruiar atientiop pal to , ., ;,f . , ' EmbrbfeerVVnd pValr3igfeaWplniP ','.;vhticb.'V- :r: ,a.t. WI CALt. Tni ATTRNTIOM OF TBI WrklC t the fact, that we have concluded to give tip bn lnenj and there, ore. all partiea Indebted to us H U 8T PA Y IIP WITBIN KINKY Vy or lvg.l ror3".iv oe had. i ,. .. . .M. DROWN k AtRO Sallea. March 10, 1808. . ? f tSm . i,