urn jpilg Mountaineer; JLRB WK PUIBND8, Ott ARB WE FOBS ,,',. Are w friends or are we foul I " j , ' ' North emd South the aueetlon Koee' ' ' . Cell me bow the moral tends; " ' 1 , tttandlng In our garb ot blood, ' , ; .t )n the soil wlwe freemen stood, . We, the question, aak ol thoee . ' 7 Who woarld grind us 'math their feet, . i, "" '' Are wo friend or are we foea 1 Y.; ia the brotherhood complete? ' " Ry the blood that fell like ralu ' ' '' , -,t 0u Manassas trampled tilalu t "'. , ' By the inein'ry cherished allll , ' ' " , Ofour dead at Malvern Hill ; , ' , Hy that hero bones which sleep In the vallty, calm and djp; Uv our flair, now laid to rmtt. .'J ilA Typing all our Mteer woes, - ' . And by every nobler test We woo Id bo ne longer foe. ' We bare known a torUnng hour, We ham felt the weight of power ; Felt tbe blow which dunked the cup f i Aa we held ft trembling up; . ' . Ours haa been tire fete which drawl Mourners ronnd a conquered cause J Miwlly aa we nay have fought, . " A With the flfrht our hatred ends ; ' If onr brotherhood is sought. We are ready to be frieuds. -Would yon have us cringe andbow f mck uie nana inas airuca wo uiuwt ' ., And, above our storied graves, '' . Clank eur chains like willing slaves, .. . Till the dvad snail atart with fear " ",. , Aa the wailing sound they hear J ' ,' II thia pledge ye would demand , If ye'd have ua bend thns law, Better were the fettered hand, ,';): .While our manhood thunders No ) ' c I : ivi If ye'd set our hate aiame Taunt na with our burning ahame. " ttebe la " we mayhap have bea, But we've kaown no greater sin ; K ( Lett he choice then be with you ( I . ; Rising o'er our mutual woes, it , . Choose ye now betwixt the two Be It rriends or be It dies f .Not Dead, But Chloroformed. The Shasta Courier is responsible for the follo wing grave joke: 'Between Yreka and Jacksonville, Oregon, there was a wedding Inst Win-tw-about the time of the deep snow, when Dr. Peihara and others of our citizens were corralled in in that cold country .v" The families of the respect ive parties to the marriage were in at tendance, and the party was rather after the old-fashioned style, made up of neighbors, with their wives and ba dies, and everybody that happened to Via arnrmino an v where' within acoessi- bio distance. ' U was a pleasant affair, I . f j.' It . t n linn ..an mm t I A mab S . OUD, II HO nil Biuiiiai BaoniuuiagvD, m dispersed, and the bride retired to her chamber, first having whispered to the fond groom ; J'Don't come up for half an hour' -This being the first request he obeyed, waited the time anxiously, nor let the hand of the tick ing clock pass, by a second tbe limit, ere he was gone to ber with whom his life was joined.' Rapping gently at the bridal chamber, door, and receiving nn t-Anlv. ha entered unbidden, and aw his wife Jyjng on the bed, array ed jn night-gear of purest white, pre Renting a picture of beauty, taste and loveliness beyond comparison. One tep forward, a closer look, and the blood rushed back to his heart she was doad I Jjoudly calling for help, father,, mother,', sisters, bridesmaids, all all the house1 hold rushed . to the .win' TliAni'nifiaraiw tlint hprrlnitrrht- er still breathed t but horrors upon horrors I' there lay the empty viol from which tba fatal draught baa been ta ken, Messengers were dispatched for physicians ) the patient was rubbed and snrinuiea, ana nopeB were onier ... . . i - . l i in favorabloVI. At tble juncture, some one picked up a piece of folded paper fromlba table, on which was written, in thedolioate band of the fair young t Be not alarmed, dear husband.: Feel int-that the occasion would be too much for mv nerves,.! have taken " Your Own Wife. , A.jnottent:more,.and the room was not so populous. Summons. . To the Ctrealt Cottrt of tbe Slate of Oregon, for t rnunt nfvTssRnv Isaac M r.Vans, alaintiir, ta, A. Davtajelendattt;""-';'1 ,l , . ', fma A. W, DAVIS, Defendant : Yon are hereby ram- B.. nMneaan reqvirM to appear ancr answer me eiw plaint In the above entitled suit, (which haa been fllrd in the offlee ef the Clerk of Waicn cuhnty) within eight weeks frees the! nt pdblleatlon of this sbninlotti, or If von fair to do en, the plaintiff will apply to the Cottrt for the eettleaeatvf tbe partnership scoounts between the plalntllT and defendant, and for Judgment against the if- fondant for the amount fonnd due the plaintiff, end lor all ,' the relief demanded In the complaint. , , By order ol Uok. J. 6h VviuoH, Judge. , ' ,1 y4w , it 1 BATBi BAFTrt Dejlo, City, AprU lW,lW..e.eatt,y for Pl'lit, .H U iMWt. .tl v. V" w. Union State Ticket. , Burus hi alloiit, v i i ..-.: Of Marion. . , FOll GOVERNOR1: CEO. I,. WOODS, . OfWasco. FOK SBCIIETABY OF STATU! SAMUEL E. MAY, ' " ' ' ' " Of Marlon. . 'i '. ...... FOll 8TAXB TllEASDBKl: E. Hr. COOKE, . i - 1 Of Marion. I.. FOR STATE PRIKTRR, W. A. Mcl'IIERSOIV, Of Linn. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: c. n. MEIGS, . Of Wasco. . . Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THK STEAMERS MEZ PERCE CHIEF, WEB-FOOT, ' TEXIXO, ' OWYIIEE, I YAKIMA, ,n;-, . SPKAY & OKAIVAGOIV, Captains K. F. COK, C C. FELTON, J. II. D. ORXV, and , .TU08.J.8TUMP, Will ran dnrlrg the season from CKLU.0 to TTMATIIr I.A, WAU.ULA, WIIITS BLUFFS, PALOUSE and LEWI8TON. One of the above named boats will Icavn CEl.Il-0 for UMATILLA and WAM.ULA, on TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS aod SATURDAYS. The Passengrei Train to connect with steamers at Celilo will start from the Railroad Depot, DALLES CITY, at 6 o'clock, 4. H ) f1 ' -'( 7 FOR WHITE BLUFFS. : v ; . THE "YAKIMA," CAPT. . F. COK. Commander. Will leave CELILO every SATURDAY, tor' WUITB BLUFFS. , , " '' f FOR LBWISTON. i ' THE " OWYHEE , CAPT. FELTON M.Commandor. Will leave WALLULA every WEDNESDAY (upon the arrival of the stonnier that starts from Celilo on Tues day), for LEWIBTON. - FOB PORTLAND Til ItOUOH IN ONE DAY. '' The8teamers O N E O N T A. , 99 OR IDAHO i " CAPT. l MoNUI.TY......... ...... ,.t..,..Commiknder, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Snndaya excepted) at & o'clock, A. oonnectlui by the CA8CADB RAILROAD, with the ateuniers ..... NUWWOBLD, CASCADE, or WILSON G. HUNT, CAPT. J. WOLF,......' CommSHder, f m Portland. Dalles, Apill,18M, FRANK T. DODOB, n!2tf . Agent 0. 8. N. Co. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! DEN. UOLLIDAY, Proprietor. COCORD STAGES LEAVE BOtBI CltY KVKRY OTHER DAY FOR BLACKFOOT, Salt Lakb' (Dity, Denver- City, 7 7- MISSOURI RIVER, ; Connecting at SALT LA SB CITY with Concord Stages '. V( , Banning to ,;. '.-,: t.v ; ' Virginia City. Nevada, j 11 " AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. ' ' , ,,. .. v'B''vCR.K:iv, Boise City to Fait Lnke City ..$100 00 ' T. I " Virginia City, MnnUna.La... 126 00 ,! " Missouri Rivet', Legal Tender 1300, " 0old,100......A.... , M 400 00 For farther information apply at j r ) 'OVKRLAND 8TAOK I.tNlj flWtCB, " f avwaav vaay, s. s-,, . j: n. TODD, Agent. in .Tttiure's cpnrt ror west Dalles Precinct. John Kpplnger. plaiutilf. vs. John YonoK, dafeudant. Civil rtpO JOHN YOUNG, DEFENDANT! Ih the ham of "M. , .... JB.' the St the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap- fiear before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace of he aforoaaid precinct, on the 3d day of Jnne, ISM, at the before hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at tha ol- tea of said Justice of the Peace, tn answer the above named plaintiff In a civil action. - The delendant will take notice, that if he (all to arfcenf and answer the plaintiff's eomp'alnt, the plaintiff III take Judgment against him for the ram of Nittety Dollars, with lntorest thereon, v "" ' ' :, ' " I Olven under my hand, this 10th dny of April, 1a68. " " 1 :anwS " ' '' ''.. Unt.MNlV " " I bailee, April 10f18M. . JuaUc.ofthe foote;'. UALEE8 CITY DItUG STOkl P. CRAIG, ' WBOLESALB AMU RETAIL . DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, PeVfumtry, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. 1-tf VkVGS AND PATENT MEDICINES I! DA'tTGS AND PATENT MEDICINES.'.' DR:UOS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. L.EMOIV, WaOLBSALI AMD RKTA1L DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OR EGO IV. TJ LEMON la aid to aupply parties In wont of Drugs, Patent Medicines. Cheniicnla. Acids. 1'erfunierv. and every other artfele enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowent market rated. 49-Phytic ians and Murchnntn Intcirlinc to purchase tor lite mnei, win uo wun to Rive nini a call. TRUSSES ft SHOULDER BRACES In great variety.'"' 8. LEMON. ap.8:tf. Washington St., bVilVrtten Maiu adn 8econd. POIITLAJID rOUINDKV AND MACHINE StlOP. FIRST 8TREF.T, between YanihlM Ahd Morrison. team ungines of from 4 to 40 horse- power,elther Portablo or Stationary. Also, CIR CULAR SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constantly on hand . A lao, liny Pres aeanf allBir.es; Planing Machines, (Wood worth's pattern,) Wrought and Caat Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Qrist mills; Drass and Iron Castings ana WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I Km also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to anv sart of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Hone Powers ft Agricultural TmDlamanta manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH PRICE n. li. rarticnior attention paid to REPAIRS, fetv-tf . IVtitice. SEALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, will be received at the office of the undferalirned at Van. nnver hen.it.. W. T., also, at the oWCe of the A. C. S.. at FORT DALLKS, Oregon, and at FURT 1IOISK. I. T.. until Thursday. 12 o'clock M, the lOthDAYOF MAY, I860, for furnishing the U. 8. Suttalstonce Department with Two Hundred Head 200 of Boef Cuttle, fur the Subsist ence of the Troops in the District of Hoiae. Said Cattle to oe oi guodand Merchantauie quality, and to be deliv ered to the A. C. 8. at FORT BOISE. I. T., or an author food agent of the Subsistence Department. In said Dis trict, on or before the 30th drty of June, 1806. Each Bl.l to be accompanied by a. Bond (with at least two sureties) In the sum of FVe Thousand Dollars, for ine iimniui permrmance oi tne proposals contained in the bids. In enso the bid Is accepted. No bid will be received for a leas quantity khan Fifty (50) Head. ' ' . 3 niaa must state the price In U; S. GOLD coin. The contract will be subi ect to the aunroval bf the ru. partment and Division Commanders. , . The undersigned reserves to himself the rlgllk to reject any or all llldathat he mny deem unieasiinapl)'. Illds tn be addressed to the A; C. 8., at hither of the above named Posts, and endorsed thin : " Proposals for ileercattlo." , . . . ,, , - . '" 1 ' GEO. H. WEEK8. Cnpt.and A. Q. M. U. 8. A., A. C. 8. TJ. 8. 8uBSisi!tcit Otrics, Vancouver Depot, (, t r , ap22-Ut .,,,. April 10th, 18M. ,, DR. DAVY'S SFClFlC C O TVt i? o uNx , An Espeiltious Cure for all diseases of the SEXtiAL ORGANS. THIS promhk Utid efficatlons Ramedy.fur the litlre Ohonorrceai Oleet, 8trictnrea, and plaenars of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the renal restriction to met, exposure or change in application business; It will radically cure Any case which onK be produced. The disease it removes as speedily as Is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot lis contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND la taken when exposed, Its Ingredients are entire! r Vegetable, and no Injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Itsuse. Price One Dollar Add Fifty cents per bottle. Senl hy Express cnrefnllv packed. , .-,,,, - HOSTATTKR: SMITH DEAN. Agents, 401 ahd 403 Battery street, cor Clay, ' Jy22-6nU San Francisco. .DALLAM. . W;aR)m: O. W.AMtCSi ARME9 i D ALLAM, Importers and Jobbers of wood and Willow ware, BRU8H8S, TWINES, C0RDAGB, Ac , v . , And Manufacturers of, . r , . . California Pahs, Tubs, Brooms," Ac 1 217 A 210 SacramentoStreet, between Front and Davie San Fntncisco, , , 'i, ' oelljSmdaw. 1 LINCOLN HOUSE, Curhbr WAshlngton and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON . "ilRST-CfcA88 HOTEL, i LARGEST IS itifi STATB. JP. Charges Reasonable! . .jlt't .);., , AN OMNIBUS Will attetid all the Boats And cojivey Passengers and. their baggage to the House Free, ut Charge, or to any r oaer uouse in tne uiry lor bQ centa. j t ' " iJ wrnn, irropri ,B. uurrm, Proprietor. HOT AND COLD BATH8 In the Hones. 4 I All the Steamers for Oregon,City Vaneoujreiv Monti eelloand Astoria land at tbVLiiicolu Uotss Whait , . Plj3ni...,.,; ; at.;?.;-. DAILY M0UKTA1NEIR POWER E03K&JOB PRINTING OFFICE , First Street, between Main and B J ILIES.... .tii.. OREGON: JOS PRINTING OF EVEbY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IN A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVOKAM.T with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS TEE CHEAP ST TO ordii: Cards and Bi I l-Henri . CHECKS, DRAFTS, llECXirTS. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES ' '-. ' V FOR v ". THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS aUct d?en rfc, t rxiNTicB is Tin osi attbactivz kanhu. Also, ' WAY-BILLS, ' BILLS OF FARE. iktiEB HEADS. RECEIPT BOOKS, BJLLSLAD'StftS, triers and Painplilelfi, riSITJKO, WEDD1KG AND " AT HO HE" CARDS DFuegtsts J-ihbelB, In short, everything that enn be done In a Book and ."fob Printing Office, from the smallest nnd most delicate t'krd or Circular, to the largest site ahU most showy PoaMjijr & II and which will be turned out in a atyle that cannot II ko Insure entire satisfaction. our rAcitniu ron th( ixkhtior or ' DECORATIVE PRINTING Ih Ihemost beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! Frotti a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS. FURFUflERS' LABELS, fe Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of the business, and are continually adding to our already extn- aive and well appointed assortment ol material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. etc.' . ' etc. 1 off- 1 "; Of the moat modern and elaborate design!. Oar stock . FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. Are of the (I nest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled ih the State, . The prlncible upon which business is asked for this er' tablishment Is, thnt persons will consult their own Inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office la which their money tan be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of gnbd Printing, at very reasonable chitrges, to tall and examine specimens, aid fudge for yourselves, . 4 . " '' Orders f rom ttt Upper Couiitry Will have' our special care, and friends from the. jhterio may rely upon having their order niled promptly, as HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State bi" Oregon ! rtoUHTAINEtSR OFFICk ' rolg-tf Dalles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON I CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DAL1LK8, OREGON, THK CNPKtlSlPNKD, HAVINO REMOVED FUOSI THK "lUCI.lA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates . New Buiiain, Deg to Inform th public that they are prepared to aervd " their customers with the best ' Mines, liquors ithd tlgnrs, TUB MARKKT AFF0RD8. ' ' ' ALSO, A .-. 7 ' Ilee Luiifcli ! Every day and evenlhg. . r i .. .. deeflf . Proprietors. Hard 'Wipba CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS W1 K BKO TO CALL ATTEKTlbN of Carriage Man nfactnrera and Dealers- to the Laree and Com plete assortment of CAltlllAGE and WAGON JIATKRI ' A 1.8 we are constantly receiving frosa the Fast, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oakl. Hickory, aod Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory A I lit, Wagon Poles, Ilhbs,8pbkee, Felloes, Ritns,8faaits, Ac. Ac. Which we offer hi the lowest Cash Prices. " Kf Orders aUdrSsssd te ait house will receive prvmp attention.' ,. K. W. BKAtiQ CO.. : Jel6i3m. ' "A 81 Battery Street, San Francisco, ' and 1), A It Seventh Street Sutra memo. C. WATtaBoBsx,. ' , U. W. BaAOa Co..r r J. W. l.wni -rjmk Sen Francisco. cacrasaenio'. , flaw Voik F'Tii.lj'Mlsr.;', , oti soia Jit eitirosjiiA rb y:. ,, t . 1 TILTOiy 4 Mct'ARLAND'S Fire Sc Burglar Priof Sail. STEEL-LINED VA iLT3, W ' iHsrCoostantlrj hand a fnll aasnriment of SAFflO JyOas J, - A 7 - Baa FraaciM; .