Epitome of Telegraphic News. fOOMMLID MOM TBI 6ataO!IM. San Franciico, May 7. Th6 eastern line is (till down beyond Salt Lake ; no eastern news received to day. E. A. Swain, one of tho Salvador pirates, has been pardoned by 'resident Johnson. He was released front the Penitentiary on Saturday. Xem H'eslminiiter, May 7. Latest news from Big Bend mines Is to the 1st inst. New d'jtgings have been struck on Clements (Truck. Nine dollars to the pau have been taken out. The snow is too soft on the mountains yet for packing with animals, and Indians had to be got to pack freight at Oil cents per pound. Great reduction In prices of provision! at the head of the lake in con reqence, and large amounts are arriving which it is impossible to get packed into tho mines. . Flour at Seymour, is worth 16 ceots, in the mines, 4Uo. Building Is going on l iskly at Seymour. Fourteen boats ar- mrrnA t U n P.. 1 ... t. ', .. ....... I 4 - ... I tl. . vu U l lUUUVIHlUUII IU VUD unJ I 1 L 11 men and provisions. Hundreds ot boats are reported on the way up the Columbia river with men and provisions. -; .. : The stR'imer Forty Nine bad arrived at the M.id of Arrow Lake on the 15th tilt., with 230 miners. The passengers landed and the boat returned for more miners. , ., Claim "Slate,'1 on Clemens Creek, is said to he worth $10,000. i There are rumors thai the United States soldiers at Fort Colville had deserted and gone to the mines, taking their arm with them. . . Since the above, forty more boats bave ar rived at the mines. Two new gold bearing croeks. tributaries of French Creek, have been discovered. The greatest confidence iu these mines is now felt here. DKMOCItATIC CONVENTION. The Wasco County Democratic Convention urn at the Court House oi Monday, May 7th, pursuant to Adjournment, and was Called to cider by Col. N. H. Gates, President. After the adiniB8ioo of proxy members to fill vacan cies, and the appointment of committees, the . convention pioceeded to bti.-iness. The com . nmtee on resolutions made the following re port, which was unanimously adopted : - lienoived, That we approve and endorse the platform ol principles enunciated by tlie'Uem . oaratic State Conver.tiou ; mat we will heartily support the candidates nomiuaied by the said convention : ' . Retolotd, That we are in favor of a rigid economical administration of our cuuaty mat ters, in favor of low taxes, a strict accounta bility of publio officers, and a proper protec tion by the State and General Government of ' our people nd properly against the bauds of Indians mat ate now robbing and murdering ' our citizens and friends, and we will insist on such protection. Retained, That in the passage of the Civil Rights Bill over the veto of the Pregideut we . recognise another attempt of the Radical ma. jority iu Congress to degrade iba white man down to the level of the negro, and to ceo? tralize and usurp power ; and that; believing as we do, that this Government was instituted for the. benefit of the white race, we will on pose with all the energy we possess, and by all legal' and constitutional means any and 'every attempt to give the right of suffrage to uy oilier than tna wuite man. A' t i i Retolvcd, That we are in favor of the res (oration of the Southern States to all their civil rights, so soon a they comply with the requirements of the Constitution j that being the Organic law or, the land, we bold that Congress has no right to. enforce, any other laws than such as are In accordance with the Constitution; that we are In faVor of the Union of the States one and insuperable -as toey wire handed down to os by tlie apostles of the Revolution; that w.t will, oppose their dismembermeut, whether, by the, Radicals ol toe Nortn or tbe extremists of the South, and that we bold with the immortal Jackson.1 that ' the Union mutt and Shall be preserved." The Convention then proceeded to the nomination Of candidates tor tbe various of. Ike's iq the county, which resulted as follows For Representatives O Homasou' and Kranic T. JJodge. 1 -. " ' i ' ' -vi. 'Pop mark V: H tTnllanit " V I" - For Sheriff A, W. Ferguson . , ' ' . For Treasurer A. W. Buchanan.' ' 1 ' ' For Commissioners G, F. Herbert and G B. Oilman. , , ,.' r ,,, V, ,'. ...:,.. For Assessor Harrison Coram. !. For School BnperiDtendeot K. T., Fin. , ' For Surveyor Yf. T. Newoomb. ' v : 'For Coroner Dr. O. B. Brooks. " ' - A resolution wet adopted inviting Hnas. Joseph 8. Smith and Beuj.IUyden t6 visit Ibis county and nddrest the" people ou the uoiiticar istuet or the r, :? Vi ' L l The Chair appointed Jamd Fnltoo, G. F, Herbert nd W. T. Newcomb to act as a Deul uufatlc Central Cbnnty Committee.', ', . . On motion, the MouTiHia and Portland IltraUl were requested to publish tbe proceed iagt ofibbicoaventiofj. :" J The OQAftntioa then adtonroed. ' ',--.n.',:; '"' H-'flAtn,Chirm)..",. Nsw'Roao'. Messrs.' Crepio, Faxtdn and Taliaferro's Montana and Pacific Wagon Road, from this city to . Mud Lukes, California, is now being lined out. It runs from Virginia, crossing the Stinkingwater (our friends would nhline the ladies bv calling this river the " Buhlcnn,") at Peter Lrreaux's Rancor, and passer over the Beaverhead, two miles above the Deer Lodge road, and passing; over the Big Hole Divide, follows the course of that stream to near Fort Lemhi, where it turns southerly, by way of Salmon river, to Owy hee, Boise and Idaho City ; from this locality, it goes nearly in an air line to California. The road is straight and good, and will carry a great deal of the southwest traffic Mori' tana Pout. Isaac F. Dloch, 8n Francisco. O. S. Miller, Dalles. Blocli, Miller & Co., .WHOLESALE , G R O C E I S , AND DEALERS IX ' Wines & Liqiioxsi", And Importers nnd Jobbers of CLOTH IN Or Boots Sc Shoes, Under Clothing, ; Blankets, etc., etc.," etc. ASSA.Y OFFICE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OKFICH IN CONNECTION with onr business, under the entire supervision crtMr. Miller. We make returns In Bare In six hours Wo guarnntee all onr Assavs and pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICK for Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dost. BLOCH, BULLISH OJ., my6tf Car. Mala and Washington streets. Dalles. & 9 IN . ., , J HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TUB PACKAGE. , FOR CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding eoet of Transportation. GUMMING A GRANT, , r Dalles, Oregon. ml3tf LATEST NEWS! LATEST EUROPEAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, ' j Becelved Regularly evory steamer, by j j (J s. j. Mccormick, . FUKLI BOOKSTORE, IOB Front Street lortlanJ ' .. . Papers and Magosinet pukel and ' 1 Forwarded by mail or Bxpreaa TO ANT PART OF THE MINES . ... ". In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. ' ' 1 !,; i .'. ":' " ' ' "' 1 ; . 8nbscrlptlons Reoelvedfcrany. NEWSPAPKtt OS MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. Raw Bookt, llasio, sto., by erery Steamer. SSOvOOO- WORTH or BOOKS . i t i.. 1 51 ,r.ltU.f-A ,:.. S -ius'Tn FANCY GOODS, , I a!9dlw2v . . .J ii r- 111.1$ ':' 'l ; t nil . NOTICE. A IX PERSONS INDEBTED to the undersigned are respretfnlly requested to come and settle their ao- oouute wiiua luiuxi uaxb, ana save costs. et3ds . . . A. I. BLOCH AOO. NOTICE. T1EM0TJ EMOTINO MT RE8IDENCH TO CLATSOP, MR si. j.walukun wtllaotas mtAsent. and is a tbiirlssd to recslvs all boosts due me. tmim A. U. STERLR, at. S.' ' rwALDnos DROS.,' Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. , WE NOW OCCUPY OUH NEW TWO BTOItT FT EH proof 8tone building, opposite Bloch, Miller a Co.. and offer to the pitbllo A full and complete stock of Drugs, medicines anu unoniicais, consisting iu part oi KKROSRNE, LAMP WICKS ft 0UIMNEYB 110PS, 8AOE. SPONGES. ..... LEECH E8, TUKPJCNTINE, ALCOHOL, ACID3, ' UNSHED, lAUII, (JOH1VS, CASTOR AND - INDIGO AND NKATSfOOT Oil, LAN PuLACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. ....' .5 J. ' AU. ' PATENT MKDICINK8. Our stock of FANCY GOODS I s of the nnest and beat qmilllji new styles ond large assortments, such ee LUIUN'ri PKKVUEEKY, 11AIK, lil'HIN'S TOILET liUAP, Vi.KSM, ' POMADES. ' , SHAVING, COSMETICS, II AT, lIAIUOll.8, , C1.0THK8, COLOGNE, TOOTH AND l 1'ANCY 80AP8 AND t, NA1LBKU8HES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMB8. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes, t t . . Our facilities for. buying goods are second to none In (lie Biaip, nn we snail at nil limes sell ai a smuu aa vunce from cost, lteady sales and snwll prufits. rUYSICIANS' TRESCKU'TIOXS Cnrnfiilly compounded at all hours of tb day and night V It Y IMPOHTANT TO Mcrc&ants, Families, Hotels and llAlt-HOOMW. . VULIUS KKAKMBK HAVING BOUGHT THE EN. V tire Stock of Merchsmlize end Book Accounts of the lute firm ol M . Seller A Co., in this city, to which he has Kuueuoi uis owu unportuiion (wuue uulng Business in l'oriiuuu ail immense fiiocl ol the best manufactured Crockery,") Glassware, ' Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-GIasscs and All Hinds of Oils, , All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish. tng to buy any of the above-mentioned arttelea, will do wen to give me a oall uelore purcbeslng elsewhere. uruurs irorn tne interior promptly attended to, ant (wuB iwcKwi uj go secure, von't tan to call on nie. liuuifs Htune JJulldlur, Wasbinttton street. Dalles. ' JULIUS KBAKMKtt. Dalles. March 17th. 180S mhl7tf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED BLACKFOOT&BIO BEDMIES ' ' , BY WAT OP . . ".Vj ' THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel," Distance from Dalles td White Bluffs., ,100 miles ', White Bluffs to Pea d'Oiellle. " '- " , toColvllle,...... ,100 u .170 i " Travelers by land for either of the abovt Gold fields. will save , Save Time PIstdncc and Money By taking the White Blnffi Koad. , . r Wood, Water, and Grass Are found on this Road within easy drive ' ' i The road is now open, and possesses advantasM m, uy utuvr laii'i ruuw iron! ina iniiee. rnniisiiea ny eraer or ' ' 1 r ' '. th mrrxiiMa n en Wis t l.' t j- we tun vauuoOi Dallss, Mtrehi 20. 1808. m20:2m. ' . v;. 1. :'! .7J CJ It f I- tcoww v "p"1.- m siu.j ' v PRACTICAL WATCHMAEEB, AJ$T JEWBURY, WNvTTESTHB ATTENTION OP HI, PRISND8 AND JL the r ublle to his choice aelsction of New and Fashibnable'16oods! Respactfnlly soliciting their patronage. Wa'ehes PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and Warranted. aiDtf . Next Door to) the Peat Oflee. ;. .v P. DEHM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, ; . MArt STREET, DALLE8,- DBaiiSit in rinn watuiiko, jiiislit, b CLOCKS, Gold Pena,lUvef and Plated Ware, ttfftv Spectaelee, Cutlery, As. , , . .,. .. . JS-s : a-PrtiVlsrttsntloa paid to repairing InaUudsl Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ete. All watnhea rspaired aie warrantea lor twelve nwntue.r .....v-v - ) N. B. All order from ths upper aonntry, by Or otherwise, promptly attended tv , . OlMolatlOH Notice. OTIC1 IS HEREBY 01YEN, that ths eo-partnee- anin neretorore esistiur between 1. M. van i. W. DAVIS, in the Livery fctuble buslnese. has and A neen aiseoiveoi mat a. n. vavie is indeotea to tne co partnership; and that a bill ia equity has been Bled for the eeilleojent of the ee partnership accounts. All per toes are aetuled that A. W. Davis has . no power to ills. rose of the pioperty, nor eon tract debte on th credit qfthetVs. r jd. 1,11. EVANS, i ) FRANKLIN MARKET. i CORNER 01 SECOND AND WASHINGTON BTRLXTS '" DALLES, OREGON .-, . JOHNEPP1NGEB Proprietor milt UNDERSIGNED liKVina title no th above Market In the BE: T 8TYLE, wil keep eoneuat. ly on hsnrl ell sorts of Fresh and Cured Meats. Of the best quality furnished M the LOWKBT BATE My motto is to ' PLEA8K ALI..' . ARTIES HAVING BCPEKIOIt BTOIIIt Ott flaVM JL win uo well to call at tbe franklla llarkrt. .. ' . ' . JOHN EPPINQEK. inutes, jreoraary iutn, less. U ASIUAt.TO MARKET. COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. m WILL KEEP rjlconstantljf ea hand alt the vsrle- aUord.of.,, Hrt FliKSH & CURED MB1ATbJ and always of ths btstcraallty. ' . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ' supplied on reasonable terau. ' ' Tbe nndersixnea Is ulwuvs Drnnarid to est cash price for KAT CATTLE. Parties baring Shck in good condition, art rei(uesled to rail on biro before going olsowhere. JQUN MICUELBAC1L ' imues, siarcn eist, isot, sabUtf NOTICE TO FARMERS. fBAHB DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING J. COMPANY hnsreceutly attached a FLOURING MILL to their Steam 8nsh and Door Factory, In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP PEED, GRIND WHEATaod CORN, and warrant to give the best satltOetien On hand constantly and for sale ,. . - .. . IXTKA FAMILY FX0UR," r . .. BEC0ND80R MIDDLINGS, . 1 . V BRAN AND SHORTS, ' ' 11 I . CHOP PEED, CHICKEN RED; Also, a Snnerior article of CORN iieii. i Corn. - ,. , ' r"" The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a BAULKY. , . J HJA.UOaOB.Aaai. Dalles, Nov. 2,1806. . , , .. . , , , n3tf. , , IMPORTER AND JOJBER OP " ' v : FRONT STREET, A..-i . OFPKI18 FOB SALE .A . TEST, LARGE AtwOkt msut of ' '. " ' . Brandie, ''Wine,'. f IU: I (.'.' .'lit. a v. ' Ac.; . Ac: - 4 The' Trade k particularly rnvltcd 16 examine my sWck before purchasing elsewhere' - aaJt-tf II. HERMAN & CO., I. MAIN BT DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL,' J J AVE JUST RECEIVED A EEAUTIICL BT0C OP SFRlW 8PMMER; COODh. ': '..:'-': onsjstins;lnptof j,;;,, Fancy and Staple Dry Good 5 ClOlblng, i;! ''VOi.v .il J.'r , Boots A Shoci, UataACaps; ; Which they offer to sell at SMALL PROFITS. sDsllee, March SftMSofl. ,""..:. ' ' irttf MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE 'are !! w PUTTlSri trn ' n.i 0K1UINAL BUPEU10U BRANDO . I .,;. ..w Inr.i. , ...to! -1K-'.:1!0,...,. i-:, rtc ( CIIARTRES COFFEE,, Z.V: DOUBLE BLAZED fAPSRSM v To preserve Its strength and fiavot for the Is&sth of tlmsrequiied. to be I rwaided to tbeaboet p.aose." .' 1 '.ilcol HfiV'U-n MARDEHs) JOLEVrii ,s . . ,,De8'.a' Coffee end Bplce Mills,. , nlSmlpJ' "';' Front Street, San granslsU.' ' ' BOOKS ! BOOKS I eCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, mrtnL1 O Standard and UlsctlUneeoe W0RES, Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPBR8,? r A04 Ac. by every Steaauri PostoausaniSlawsan.. Bookstore, Main street, Dallas., , ,. , ., , , Garden SeedS for the MllMonf ,., j v,.i;,.y H. t. WALBRON FURS. WOOL and UIULS. rpns nionEsr cissmtici patbtob i irvRU, wobL'Iiiri iiiDKB,.t ,, MoCRAEKN, MERRILL A OOt ; mhlS3mr mw atvui oixeet, rttmese , C R Y 8TAL 8AL00 N' (' ' "I' J! AM !..... .( .'u.. , ; i. BILLIARD ROOM,' rjil t.(. ' " JOItn MDfc.BE, PTrt..r. WAgHlHOTON IT, not deer U niHGH A BUM AS i: hotice. v.-,;;:.,;' I?AT.?Jf'!?t-,,-1LB,T m vrsid-w. weoUeeleU. snsssendM lie, as atNsss) la e tWl- issse (caeraU,. ;tutf) l. l)a.