I 1 1 5 A WKDXE3DAT M08SIS0, HAT 81806. Gi!nihl3tkqb' headquarters "are ordered to Portland. .. 'v y - i: ' ',' jjj J Rtoawbsrries four and five inches in cir cumference,re ool very uncommon in MaryS ville, Cal. ' t Is estimated that eighteen thousand ..elephants are yearly killed to supply Shef field, England, alone with ivory. , , ' -IT .1 Pkrsonai.. Mr. w".,Q. Holman, an old rest' lnt or the Dulles, returned from the Eal on 1 . Monday night, where be bad spent the winter Spiakwq, The Congressional candidates . will address the people of the Dulles this evening at 7 o'clock, at Cbapin'i Hall. Turn out, everybody I. "' -.ii ; ; 'v The Catholics are making preparations to praudly celebrate the eighteen hundredth an- niversary of the martyrdom of St. Peter, on the 29th of June. Thi Appeal, always assiduous toward the - commercial interests of Marysville, says that nearly every man and woman Id the city own 11 dog, or two dows. . . Ii) Virginia City, a company of forty Clitna tneu have hired two wagons tor $1,300,. to carry tbem to Idaho. They will be welcome inhabitants of Idaho.' On Saturday night last, a party' of Indians made a descent on a bund of horses belong ing to J. N. Clark, between Bridge Creek and Pennington, 00 the Canyon City, road, and succeeded in running them off. . During) the present politisal excitement our citizens should not forget to make arrange ments for appropriately celebrating the com ' iug Fourth of July. It is near time that some action was bad on this matter. Let some person take bold and start the ball a rolling. " Too Tboo ?' The Virginia City Enterpriit relates that a Boston getleman visited that . city, and when asked bow be liked it, said that be liked it very Well, bol, nevertheless, . b mouKOi ia going auiuug iuo nunes hdu I i. . i. . i i mountains there was 11 rather too much exer cise to the mile." . M Tight at Vancouver. A 'tight occurred between a party of soldiers, of the cavalry, and some citizens, at Vancouver, on Monday .night, In which one soldier was killed and three. others wounded, besides two hurdy gurdy girls bad their legs broken. It appears . that tbe soldiers were paid off on Monday, and after nighty went to tbe town for the pur pose of "Cleaning out" a hurdy-gurdy bouse. Several shot were fired and stones flew thick and fast,., The fight lasted some time, but finally tbe soldiers were driven from tbe : bouse and order was restored. .., ... . : i. i . 'How to Kier Cbolira Off! Many people are anxious to know bow to comport them selves In conduct and , matters of diet, 'so as to bo free of the danger of an attack from 'cholera.' Medical authorities generally agree ' in the following proposition! : Keep the per son and: premises clean; have rooms well ventilated avoid excessive use of intoxicat ing drinks; be careful of the diet, and eat nothing but healthy and plain food; eschew ahelUfisb when the cholera Is about; expel nil fear from tbe mind; be quiet n'nd nt end to business at usuat; be regular ia ail habits and general! abstemious. jr. Paoa rat Uppaa ..Coujhia. The t?amer J'orty-Niti, plyln(f on the Oolumbia river be iweeu I.iltle Dalles, V. T.,and Death Rapids, H -0,, Capl. L. Wblw.coromatidltig, has 'ro Ado Imr first trip. Sba left Little Dalles oa tbe 13th ot April, tod arrived, at Deavb Rapids or "iLe th a distaoce, of, Dearly 300 miles.--Mje had rga number, of passengers, en rovtt for th Columbis. miuei: Tbe trip wai nut a ..leasaat po. t ?M to(tiOd neatly a,) tbe time, oesiaei ney ,su w ' " . .t ' mi. .... ' tbrooglf tw.lv. miles tt ice The snow on tbe river banks ranged from two to Jour reet ii aepm. tjoiy ' pu- r--- - from tbe other ;side this 'P'1" j ol'''tlb" Imd their tee badly froen.: Tbej report that the trail cannot W4rvHea itn aaiety over a month yel. aeany ju rered io the mhief. Several moreereeks hare heen discovered that s; ve promise of great .i.k.... Tk. .iraiaar mid her return trio in IweolV-Bi running bouri. The rtad from . r.vK-IIU in . Mttla Dalles ll in eeod order. ' Tbe iteamtr was to art.op br second trip on Mandar, April 30th. If. W Slat . ', . : '',f - THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. The Democratic Convention which met in this city on Monday last, put forth a ticket, which, to say the least, is weak. The ex pectation that the convention would put forth candidates who " would sweep the county1 has hot been met, and wherent some of our Democratic friends feel very sore, though like good Democrats "will support the ticket." The nominees (or Representatives to the Leg islature, Messrs. Humason and Dodge, were put forward with a double purpose, the for mer to catch the voles of shaky Onion men, and the latter to use the influence of the 0. S. N, Company for the ticket. Mr. Humason is not by far the choice of his present party in this county, but his nomination was forced .u . iu ii a.u . on the old " stand-bys," and they, as a matter of course, were compelled to swallow the pill. If the men who urged his nomination suppose that any man in the Union party is weak enough to vote the ticket because of Ibis nomination they are badly looled individuals' While we recognize in Mr. Dodge a gentleman of good standitig n the community, be is not tbe person the people of this county desire to eend to the Legislature. Employed at this point as Agent of the 0. S., N. Company, be is no further identified with us. He is here as a transient person, and has no interest among us. 'Subject to be ordered to a dif ferent elation at any time, he is not capable of representing the wants of Ms people of tbe county, from the fact that be is unknown to them. To represent tbe wants of any people in a legislative body, a man must be known to his constituents and be familiar with their in terests.' If tbe Democracy of this county have not men in their party who' are of the peoplo, they had better have made no nomi- ualions, but let men who own property to the value of thousands, pay taxes, and are in other ways identified with our interests, go and represent us. This county needs men who win work 11 tbe nut Legislature men who will work, not for tbe interest of any corporation or company, but for tbe wbole county. " These men the Union party present to the -voters of Wnscd comity for their su f frage, "and we haVe no fears but on tbe itb dar of June next tlier will roll nn a malnrii 8Uch R, tuig county ha, neTer Wen . - - cundidatest , The candidate for County Clerk, Mr: Hoi land, ia a good citizen, but of bis clerical ability we know nothing! Tbe people have tried tbe preseut incumbent of that office and find him all that they desire. We hardly think the citizens of this county can better tbem selves, and we know they do not intend to try , i j .' v , .;i ,v , 'U Mr. Ferguson, for' Sheriff, was as good a nomination as could be made out of the ma terial before the convention, but will have lo go wijb bis ticket up Salt river.,; t, Mr. Buchanan, for Treasurer, is a good nomination. He is a competent man for tbe position, and If elected will make a good officer. ' ' .The whole ticket is one that can easily be defeated iu the county if the Union men will (10 to work between now and election. It is lop heavy, and we are of the opinion that 1 will require .more steam to nrboel it through tbe canvass than tbe candidates' are able to carry.;- ; Good Orb. Mr. Smith, of Beaverhead. """"u uuw aiictiiuicua oi name- snake ore, among others, we specially men- iton mat or uoioen wate . lode, whicli is balnly silver ore, though assayine $59 68 I per ton, la gold, t A deep shaft has been sunk on this lodge; by Mossrs". Smith k Graeter, ana me total assay irom. sn average speci men is worth' $523 20 per cord. We bear that furnices will spring up there, in all di rections within the next few months. Lieu tenant Jdhnson', who with his lady, has late ly paid us a visit from Rattlesnake, is delv ing and digging ' on tha Iatot'and other lodes, the assays from which are most satis factory. A large mill is coming np from the river, to be placed on. the ledges under his management Montana J ott. Spbino FmcioutinO. On Sund&v 'last. miu.uio tiniur ui cimni nuguua Bvarieil lor C(lch9 Vttlley, Utah. " Prank Koon's traiu of . , .doMB wagon, U(l tot Salt Lake City. if: M.rK r' . Oeorg, weu i charge of the Allen & MiUard wagons, tho old Buttcrfiold freight. exBrcMj MJora train of twelve waroni in or cha . Cha(n wa0B.B1M';r b roUed but en roote lor the summit of the Dlv,de betwMn this aBd Snake rive j0 fetcb fl , t ,h fc , UM.w H f ;fomit . ' : ,u 11 ' -" Oaanlpe Uull's Puhnwar ll.Uam Is sold for flfly s only, Jt Is the quickest and moat eBtaclooi rem edy axUnt for Conjhi, Ccld Asthma, and all puUdod - j ffsctatlons. , m " ' ..;.. . A CARD. A my name was used yesterday In the Democratlo County Convention without my consent, I hereby fWe notice that I decline the nomination and would request that no pen-on be Influenced to voto forme, I will not era ma (f elected. G. II. OILMAN. Religions Notice. Cithouo Chorob Moraine; aorrlca : Mi, at, 10J 5 o'clock. Kteninu nor vice: Vespers and Benediction, at Vi o'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p.m. uiWtt FATHKlt L. D1ELKMAN, Paetor. Columbia Lodge, No. 0, I. O. O. F.- Meets every Friday evening at T o'clock, iu tiatoe Hall, corner of Second and Court Btreeta. Brothera in good etaniliug are Invited to attend. By order. fl.U. Wasco Lodge, No. 19, A. P. A. M. Holds Its stated Communications on the Flret and Third Mondays of each mouth, at their hall. In Dalles City. Brethren in good standing are Invited to attend. . Setu L. Pops, Bec'y. . By order of the W. M. JOSLYN AND CURTIS' IIUTTER , At 50 cents per pound, For Sale by J. B. DICKKltSON. ' Second Street. mudi , I' It OF. MURRAY'S MAGrIC OIL, for Site by ' ' '' ' GATES ft CDAPIN. . AL80, AGENTS FOIl DR. DUNCAN'S ' i Whooping Cough Specific. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, ..,.-.( - AND i . . i TIP It, XT 1 T STOKE, Wttnlinuton Street, oppoalte French k (itlmnri'ii, Dttllet. lliu on hand a inrgo hiiu wtll-aurjorteu stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Frcsli Butter &. Eff ffS, Recnlved dally. A Inrgs lot of CHICKENS alwaya on hand.. FHIII'M of all kinds. 1 VKKSII VKUETABLE8 eiory morning. All articles warranted. QfrQ JJe a Qat Everybody PRICKS LOW. au!8:tf 1. LTEDE. ORECOX STEAM MAY. COMPANY Notice.; ' ; ' FREIGHT ON FLOUR REDUCED. T N AND ArTRU TUHiDAV, MAT lit, nntll further 1 W notice. frulL'hton Flour will ba aa follow i. from pultun to Umatilla.......'.....) f 6 SO Ber ton. . " " W Hi I till. 7 Ml " " Wnlte lllnffa . IS 00 " Lewiiton 21 00 " Dalles. May lat, 186(1. FRANK TDODQB, mtillw Agent 0. S. N. Co., Dalles. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. , . t AFTRR NEARLY 8IXTKKN TEARS gnayi.i-l.t practice In hie profBtiin, wonld EkS;!' rertpoctfnlly Inform the cltlzeus of the (JffVy'V11 Dalles end the nnblle aenernllr. tlint h- -t I I I I has leased the Dental Office lately occupied by J. W. OUKIiKY, Dentist, where ha can be found prepared to at tend to inosa roqmrlng un proiessioaal sarTioea.' ( Ipriot Honas From 8 o'clock. A. .. to 12 : and from 1 o'cloct. l. u. to 6 p. M. . matt SELECT SCHOOL. rvpiIR UNDERSIGNED WILL OPEN A SELECT JL BCUOOLter children on .'' f E ' Mnniliiv. Mnv VtU. IfiAA. On THIRD FTEEF.T, between Washington and Conrt. Tuition per quarter,....,.... ....1....90 00 m2tf MISS M. SNYDER. J. 13. IJICIERSOPir, ' . ' Dealer in all kinds of GROCERIES & GRAIN, , . AIMS ..,.. TiOwest CaBh Rates. . - i v iAL80;.'iit a Trt(3T vt a, pTTOTTS' nTTTTtTTJ JUOlilf JM (tlUttilB UUXXihtl, -. On hand, and received Fresh every week. ' Come One, Gome ill, and Give me a Call, AT C0.N8EU k BARTER'S OLD STAND. Wanted. 7 1 v ' i. A WOMAN TO SO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 2m. flood wages yald. Enquire at this ufflco. apJUtf. SVPCRIOR CALIFORNIA RANCH BUTTER! A ew Packairti CholM. In auanHtiw to iuii. nt -ofitf iiAi.nwiM nuAa NEW YORK 13A.KKIIY and; GROCERY' STORE inuiis eirvvi uuiies. . .., ;.T ,i mhffltf FHHDEItICK DINZER. "a WADAMElS TRLLIER WOULD RR8PECTFULLT IV . Inform tha Ladles ot tha Dalle and rkAuttv. thai Xotm tha LaiUea of tha Dalleaand TloliiUv, that she ii now prepared to doall kinds ot 1RESS, CLOAK, aad PALETOT uaktiR.' Also, CUTTING and FIT'lINd lua new and Improved stjrle, aaver berora Introduced id thisDlace. ...... . -..r - ' -. r r- .ni' She win warrant to cits aatisiacnon, ana would most reeneotfuIlT solicit a liberal natrons ir In tha Kooras latalr occaplad by nn, hue, orer I jhU'""' V jjt ; ".' ' ''." !MiraneraBior,oa waaasngtoa streat, eatwean oecona AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE! No, 100 MAIX STREET, DALLES. THK UNDERSIGNED1 THANKFUL FOR 9 Aft Jffwom, reirctriily Infm iub the citizen of U . PnllM, and tlio public geuer.., that lie coutmue tv PUBLIC AUCTION Oil PRIVATE SALE, Real Estate, General Merchandise, Giocei'leti, .. , liorNCN, .. ..Mules, i t r , I A ;. i -i V Furniture ' StOCAiN, iiC. &c. I,'.; regular sale bats,' m :,'. Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT 11KTURN m da of salos. Oat-door aud Spociul Sales attended to Id aay part of the city. ; . . JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. JTJKER, Slain Street. Dalles, WHOU9ALI n IlITAli VEAUK IN . CIGAES. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &o. ALWATS IS 8T0KI THI BC8T URANUS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c P LATINO CAHDS. POCKET CUTLERY, JOB MONIES. i - ' COMDS and DUUSHE8, o' all kinds, , PEltFLiMEHY. ul evry descriutioD,- i v4 CHINA ORNAMENTS ' . .-' TOYS. DOLLS, etc. F1SII HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL 1 N bT It U MEATS, JFANCY GOODS, . ' " ' Also Powdar.Shot. Lead. Powdur Flasks. Baskets, aal many other articles too namorons to mention. & Interior dealers supuliml with Cifrars. Tobacco, rtt. at less than Fortlaud prices, with Irelitbt added. oe4 SELLING OFF AT COST ! J.GOETZ&CO..'.. PTONB B01LDINO, WASHINGTON BTRKVT, DALLKt, .;" Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, : Vt;.:-" ',- J y , ., 8EGAB &, ''" ', . . , pipjgg . YANKEE JNOTIONS, . i 'i ' ' AND"- V V " ' 8T.A T I O N"E RYr; AT BAN.'FRAN CISCO COST, . ....,. 1 i mr2Itf GATES & CIIAPIN WHOLESALE k RETAIL DRTJGG'ISTS!, BTONE BUILWNO, WASHINGTON 8TUKET, ; pA.iLLX:s, OKEQON.J: . ' Importers and Jobbers of , PATENT M KDIOl.VES, S ' ' i - ' 1 ' t t v ', i CHEMICALS A FANCY GOODS, ' " " 1 SODA, C0RK8 ACIDS, " . OIL8, ALCOHOL, . Jt . ? J? , J ' PUUB WIN ES A LIQUORS, . 0 ' - vT, PAINTS, GLAB3 k BRUSHES. ' ' 1 ! PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS A Accurately compenndad. ' . i. - . PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. Anillftnd coridIMs aflfortment of ll hpiIm im m. Photographic Line, ntr SMALL, ADVANCti ON SAH Murchauu will plMrt get out prlcf below ordoA Ine below. L.CIIAPIN, .. ' JUSTIN OATK8 Dalles. - Sacramento, CM. LASy( x CHANCE l WE WOULD CALt THE ATTENTION OF TU public to tho tact that Wo are elualuz oat ..r itocko( DRY GOODS; StC, ' &c;v At Greatly Reduced RateaJ1 And onof barci'ns wbich ean'bot sail t'aatlf eiAajr wssvttm arthrtrs l wir line.-' ; i WINTKNCLOBIN0Ua BUSINESS 11KRE ti? t the FIHST OF JUNM na.L.nrf t.wA portttolty of onca mora calling upon those iudabled ui na to rail and sattl. We will not. If we can halnii . place any of our accounts la the lianda uf leaal cnfiatlJ tors; but if obliged to do so. w. shall lr awJ"-.-.,.: ': iA -.... HtOVytMtO... . DALLES fc nOKLAHI( i , ( HI TtiT'T? NTT I it f' -- v v Landtng..Fott of Enlon -Street. THE PKO.pRIET0It8 ARK NOW PREPARED WITB STAUNCH AND ROOMY. BOATS; to woes " ; TraveIersj;More & ,itocWk , ; Jj" ewjesjjjoij- Mmk at'tUaibl, ..' V'. J.: