vol.. r. DALLES, OREGON, WEDAlSSDAY. MAY ' no. rb. Jlailgpountranr, PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS KXOKPTID,) BT ; , ' 12. G. COWNE & J. IIALLORAN, IDIT0113 AND PB0PWET0R8. ' l'muM Twrntf-JlmanU per weak, payable to the carrier per inontli, liy mail, 1; three months, $2 to; tlx months, ft j one year, IS. Adverthremente Inserted at tow rule. Job Printing. Every description nr plnln and lancy Job Printing exe ,uteil with neatness and despatch, and forwarded a" pgr order to an J part of tlie cuuutry. Ihiymenljor Jobirint in; mutt 0 mads an dttivtrt t work, i w. n. Douglass, Practical Watchmuker, And Dealer FIXE WATCHES A. JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. , Xstnblltelietl ItdS?. BALDWIN BXtO., v , DEALKR8 IN , GROCERIES! corner or Slain and tnion Streets, Dalles. J, C. BALDWIN) Hihai-tf I?. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIEHLAM &, WENTZ, WITU' OI.0DK IIOTEL BUILDING, Household Furniture, embracing Tables, Chain, Bnreaul Bodsa'lid Bedsteads, BeddlnK.Carnet'i 'kto ate., all of whloh wlfl be sold at low ratal. Furniture .Replrl,aod Ujhol.t.rlngttArrfl to order. Alio, on bang alatu pes seen) l'lllowirfjprfag Bede made to order, atli ' fcat, KOAIOI, i '. . . .. 0. . E0IU, WM.MOABOS &.C0., , OI TIT , ' BAKERY, mm , .TROrtStON 3 TORS,' 'Cornerorrirlft.:ndB Streets, ' ' . WltOLReULK AND RNTAIL D8AfcRt SfRBAD, CRAOKERSwdFaltiflyOROOKRIKo.., ' Ji f uOH.rerromediBUucocarerullyMledeodpromr'ty rspatchod. . ': , ' ' vtOSEIH ELIfElilN IUtU tllD UtllL HUUl III v. Fancy & Staple Dry Gbedsv tLOtHlNO. iOOTS AND tKOES, in W AJVtV AND beatlemea's Fariilshln froodft Fireproof Stone JtJtte, euros of Mali add) Court Weate, .." .. . .. ' .v. - IHIiTIASON c ODELhe rTT0RVEYSi4 COUNSELLORS AT LfW , PRACTIC IN THE BUPREXN AND CIR ' i : f J lha IHatdi.1 ruikrla A Washington errtury. 11 . , Particular atteatiea paid te the coReetlon of clalma. , V. (ly.MASON c .. Dlleo Otni J. A. ODKLL. tt-.'V. ;..:, Tb tET, V. ' . By thd Nighty ''Weei nt Month, , NKXT DOOK TQ iAKBON KNOlNB AflfegK. nttf t . Alts'. 8PM5NOKR. a.u'ut. , , . . 1 . .Brr. "GA'TElS Oc IIAFt, " lltterBaert Jt CAantellork at Law, . . ,; DaLu3, ORKOOW. - wtir. Bttown WAniVfeit. m. d. VmCR-7l BC0N StBIlT, Det'ween WHtil'njten ad Coord ' t OmciBooaa-f Ull a.mltbi M.and9tol0, a-M "i ilv aaakttrl 1 ill KttlWiroi (rrar of frrf and WaiMnttnn Btreatn. '.j '-'"cj. n. tinooitt. M. r. fflc At lir." "'I'RiB'n' Tlr4 Store. " . i-Aa : . ' - ' : ' ... . lltLiVCH (ilLUAIX, , lKFOHTtM ADD WBOIISAII , Dealers in Wines, Liquors 6ROCKRIEH, Mlnerti. CiootlK, liuat Stores, tc, HATI aiworiD to Tuma NtW STONE BUILDING, CORNER Of Second and Washington Streets, D Alt CBS CITY. NOW IN 8T0IIK A LA 110 K AND C0MPLKT8 A8 ortmcnt of the very beat brand) of WINES AND LIQUORS. Alao, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. 49- Couitantt receiving our toppllet direct from New York and Ban franciaco, we are able and williiik toiell at a very aiunll advance on Ban Pranciaco price. They hope by adopting a strictly a orrect and prompt method 01 doing business, they will receive the patronuge cf the pub lic, . arlo.ll UMATILLA HOUSE, " ' DALLES, OREGON, ff A1VDLEY & S1XIVOTT, I'rop'rs. .. TniS POPULAR HOUSE, ORNTRALltT LOOATKD Near the Steamboat Landing & Railroad Depots Hiu boeu recently enlarged and improved, and will now accomniouftie 300 GUESTS. IT WILL BK CONDUCTKt) aa heretofore, as a FlltSf CLASS UOUitK, and the putronuge of the traveling publle is respectfully aollclto'l. j mg- unggage taken to the flouse rree of charge. Kutue opeu all tilght. 1 LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dsiies, Oct. ,-tr. :' i, : v r; , : ,; A EMPIRE 'HOTEL, 1 . . '. , ."A"' tnCt, DALLES, 0RE00R, ,; THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A JI US T-C LA SS HOU S. i tai eutTRi p lustitiaa, . Near the Steamboat and Bailroad tandlngi Superior Accommodations for Families and 'cat! AO oommodate One Un'hdred end Vifty Outsats. . 1. , Meal 1. ....to est. , Lodfhg......,, .'6qcta. t ' Fire ProofSafe for doj)oirfteor valuables'. " : . M. ft arise Men all atgnt. Baigijo e ta'en to the House rrBeof charge. ; TRgHAB 8MIT11, tnlit-tf , ; , .. Proprietor. CO UMfilA RIVER MINES. 'A. . Xt I B 0 0 T II . WAITS BLUFFS, W. t., !, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . . I I ': AMD OlHtRiL BtALER IN ! ' MERCHANblSE ITI ITERS' SUPPLIES. PACK AND SADDit HOBSKS FOS SALS. fREIOHTS 'OONSIQNFD to my care for Colvllle 7. Kootenai, or the Upper Ootjjubia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention. . White Bluffs, Oct. let, 1884. .... e.f IV EW Fill) IT, GUOCE11Y AND ' ,PltjpVistoiv Isxoitto. rpHB UNDKRSIONKD INFOnSV? HI 8 FRIKNto8,nd X the public generally) that ft'e hae just entabllWed en Main street, n'ext doot to J . Juk'er, Xobaccouist, A NEW STORE! wneVe fl1 ViteWe eonlYantTy on hand it large a'sVortrnVnto elected FKU1T. Also, I'A More aColtipletestock ofcholce OR0CEKM8, PHOVM0N8, VESETAm.ES, arc. Aii 01 wnicn win ue sour, wnoiesaie ana reiat), at kb DUCRD PBICKi iwme aeQaeeanasatiBiy yjjurseiT. 1 sel3-tf JOHN BfUHllU, COLUMBIA RlVEIl MIxVES ! a. a. oote.i..4...........i....'.'.....HiRiT mvisrjs. BOOTti Sc NtevisoN; Ip'ol-wardlAl'Ana ComVnaalori ket-Vhanttfe " "AND DKLtRg IN OKNIRAIMKHCHANDIEK, . Whltd ijiuirw,. mi;T, ' TAnEiortY Fon colvillk. uppeii 'coV.cmbia, JL? KOOTKNAI and BLACKFOOT MINKS promptly, lorward'd. ..J . ;,. jt jt i . -,. 4 .- v 1 Marie doodsB. A N. Vlille Bluffs, W. T, REVntEtrcnt ; POinilcharift 'AMcfJnixeb, AUaa A Le'wte,Aad ' ',' Itodge CaW. . , . I Balfcatneta, MtlieV M tUsack faaiak e . M eK A. nv . v wV U . H JLtU W JN ' OS i U & U , wrouiau Aim retail iAi.tM tn 1 it , , OROCBRIH8, PRoyisjiOua, sjto, ,i Mr.M.BItOWN, belnn reatdent of Ban Francisco, we re enabled to offer treat Indeesnenta to purchasers. We respectfully Invite the pMie to examine onr atook belbr ftnrchiulnv elsswhara. tnla.tl. I IW atoae.Itore, north elde Main street, Dall." Democratic State Ticket , FOB CONOUK881 . , JAMES U. FAY, , Of Jackson. . FOR GOVultNORt ' JAMES K. HEEL.Y, ' ' Of Wasco. NR SECRETARY OF 8TATK1 1.AFAYETTE LAKE, Of Multnomah. ... FOR 8TATE TRBASCBERt ' JO II IS C. HEEL, .. - ' ' Of Marliin. ' ' . , FOR STATE PRINTKRt , ' , . : , JAMES O'ME ARA, Of Linn., FOR PROSECUTING ATTORN ET-F1FTU DISTRICT. J. II. SLATER. ; !' ' " Of Union. ' - NOTICE. , THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY . . Will carry . FAST FREIGHTS - , , FROM , . . y ,. . um 'Aire ILL A. , AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THK FOLLOW ING REDUCED KATEb: , To Bolae City 15 Cestte per pound IdabaCtty SO . . ... "Owyhee.. , ...SIO . ," For less amounts than one hundred pounds An addition of Five Cents per pound will be charged. ' , . ! ' TIMK FROM UMATILLA I To Ilolse City, ....... A...3 Days. To Idaho City. 3 1-4 Days. TO Owyhee, ....4 Days. , . i ri :i J08EPU PINKIIAM, AeenV. ; Umatilla, Oct, 1, 1865. . oclfttf. FOR BOISE MINES DIRECT. "the'' WALL.X WALLA 4V BOISE LINE ': OF . ' ' ' CONCORD STAGES, ; , , . CARRYING ' THE M. S. OVERLAND MAILS .. . :., and . . ' Wells, Fargo V Co.'s Express, ' IsVtoW makhll. Reimlar Trln. rrnm Walla Walla io PI cervffle, (Uolie Mines.) Through in Two and ft Half Days i Corfrtertftig With the Wallula Line of 8'tAges, and Vn ' uoataoi toe t.s. a. company. ' . . V, , GEO. F. THOMAS CO., , . kpSMtf :...' ,1 , 1 - . Proprietor lilTARTZ MIIiLiSl And all kinds of Mothlney v " ' ' Manufactured. altVh'e . . OREGON IRON WOftKS CORNER OF MORRISON and t tft siVmU, ., ' PORTLAND. . . , . A,. 0. 6llBB8 tO.,'!' ' , fenccmsors to .' Portland, Dee. 6th '64. ' ' dettf E. L. Josirs A Co. TO TEAMSTEllSANft bAIRlMEN J : - FEE3D-: FEED ! ! v. - ' ' " And Jl :, rIirtS JL 1 1-,1; Of ili JCIR'PS, tOKSAB BT I -,:, .' ,;: : n. k. l,aW,,.., i 2 Front Street, Porththd, ., nl9:tf. ' Opposite 0. 8. N. Wathout. iviEv saloioN;, NEW STONE BTORtJ, WA8TUNGT0N STREET. THE UNDERSIGNED would- respectruil an'ftoun'o'e that he will open a first-clam Safo'on In French ft Oilman's New Stone Balldlnx. THIS EVENING, and t prepared to serve ctutomere nitlj the best yf : . . v.. AVInes, Liquors and' ligart. t - 1 ' ALSO, ' '' I' I ' EREE LUNCH ;' Xvery day and Evening. oewtf. . Umatill a9 Boisej ' AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS LINE 18 NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla to IduhoCity, via Boise Cli.v l aud prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Peckatvs betweeu these and all intermediate points withcertaiiiiy . auVI despatch. The) Line la Stocked with the Beat Teams the country affords and entirely - New Thorough-Brace ' . CONCORD WAGONS, Which ensures Speed and Snfoty In the transmission of ' Freight, never before offered to Idaho. We olfer Kupt1 rior Indncemenls for Bhipping Goods from Hli Fr'ancUr.i and Portland to Idaho, as our arraugementa with ib'e Ocean Steamehip Couiimny and the Oregon Steam Navi gntlon are such that all Uooda shipped by this Line ill not be subject to the usuul delays, but puss thruugh u Fast ITrelgflit. Goods shipped from Ban Francisco to our rare at port land, Charuea will be paid and Uooda shipped to tiVslIha-. tlon. . GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARE B. tt. t. CO- F. LINK, and Blilpplhg Receipts sent to our Agents at Portland and Umatilla. - Advance Charges for Transportation Paltt by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded With Dispatch to owyliee and South Boise. PABBEN0ER8 CARRIED AT GREATLY EKPl'Clili RATESv ramllleawlllbe ftirtolslaU with Superior Ao commodntions Ih New and Easy Riding Thorough Brace Wagons on the Must Liberal Terms, We lay over earn night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so that passengers will uot be deprived of regular rest. , AOKN XW !' ;.t : ; RICHARDS A McCHAKKN. Pan Francisco RICHARDS BlcCRAKKN. I ;...Portland JOHKl'H TEAL....i.....,...i..... ....... ..w...v....lwll. 10WKLL A OK... v......... ,....Umatill f. B. WILKINSON. ...........-.I.c0niiM . II. M. DURKLL t CO...........,......M.,.......,.i...Jliilse City U. hi. DuRKLL A CO. t..t i Idaho City - MAJOR SPKKHmu .....Rocky liar (South Boise ) DuRKLL A A10011K..-..............Huby aud Silver Citlek .-, , ;; .B. M. DttRBI.1. CO., t . ' bWtf , . Proprietors. A CARD FOR THE ., Spring, & Summer Clothing Trade l- OF SAN' FRANCISCO. '" , 1 . . . i i... i BADGER & LIIVDENBERGER - ifoa. 4lk41Soaiol 4lOBlttekT Street,' .....Cor. Merehsiut, Bale x-'finntlaco. . . n . ' Irnporters and Wholesale Dealers. ; SNTISB yEW'U'fESa ST.OCSi. WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Bier chants to onr usually large attfek ofOoods. Our bKk comprise every ertkla fp ti e Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly oh hand the largest -and greatest Variety of Caasiniere'Aud Wool 1IATB of any koan In 8uh fraeVlaeoyaWr pelres for these .Goods are less than Ih. of ah houae, as. receive them direct from the ntahttnteturer's eonslxc'inent. Our stock or Summer and fallQwps Is particularly attrsct Ive, and tile (treat feature to the cohntrv merchant Is tlie utiuseally low prlese. ,u !. ". 1 ' Leu Tbaa too CWt Of ItapOrtBtlont We also keen the; STAPLE ARTICLES in theDry'Gonde line, which Goods we have tiurchitrtal lw this markat uu. der the hammer, and era oa.ribg (beta at Kew Yoik Cost, and less, i,.i !i. ,1.. i . J- !.. Ltd litl ne pnnnsn tnis esra id oraer that we may maxe new acqualnwncHI, iVi indneethoee who have hot' heretofore . purchased of o, tp call and xsmifi our stock. Good Articles ah!a LoW Prices ! Are the greatest iUdufments ro ajf who purchase (o sell again., MVrchants wkobWof itcaa nmkeagnl proBt, and sell to their cuatoikiers at a low figure. Vi e reaiaJn,resveetftilly,: t . ",IJ ' VoUr Obedient ffrvahts, . , , . t.. .. . bXWOKR LlNtiENBRROER,' ' ' ' '. W llTna.. I. uj tL' 1 Nos. 411. 41.Yar.il4H llatler street, i Soh Franclsoo,. April aaWtM. "xl .. . 8mW.' ,. I Id l.na. 'AW ,'irl.'J -l!.,l ili'VrVT- Dress MaklttK Establishment, i' i, , bppejettW Ch e Bohlat'i,' ''' l- I WOULD fcALt TB imTioh'oVlne itdi;, the Dalles to my larj And une stock f , ., o "; FLOVyiRS; IMBROIDSRY, . DONNatTS,' - II ATS, vFEATliEh's, '. Having secured the aervlcinnf MRS. PRArY, In tti'e presaaaklng apartpieot, we Will do all Work ia that line knd.sAinrahtee perfect Wllilkctlon, i , j. j, -'J)YINOdo.ielnalleonr.. ' " '" ' , Olvei me an early call, ne'rl I will, emfestrir .to suit everybody la TASTE knd R REASON AdLb PRICES. Particular attention paid te- f ( - , fetabroldety kh'd Brisldlng Btiabng', 1V1 CAM, tt'lE ATTENTION 01 THE PUBLIC te T w . the fact,. that we have rnnrlndrd taglvr tinbiie. ine. and thera.0Te.al1 parties indebted to ns MU8T PAT UP WtTUIN NINETY DA YS or 'legal MoVeedlntV, "ii . n 4