nmtmttt. Railroad Incident. Railroad men In tho -discharge 'oftbeir duties often exporioncoTich things which seldom become public. Wo will ' give one 'case., One of that class of iudividu als who are always "dead broke" had occasion to go to Columbus one day last week, and made up his mind oa a preliminary, that he would travel on his good looks. Having thus de cided, he took a seat in the splendid saloon cars of the Central Ohio Ilaih road, putting on as many airs as if be had a pocket full of " rouus," The train bad nearly reached Claypooi's, betoro the Conductor, whom wo call Jones had reached our deud-hcad friend in his round of collating tickets iinri fnrA v ' Tour ticket, ifyoa please) Baid th Conductor. ' Haven,t any,' said dead head. Where aro you going? inquired .Jbe Conductor. , , ' Columbus, replied deadherd. 1 $2 10,' said Jones. ; Haven't nary stamp, ' remarked our dead head acquaintace. You must pay your fare, or got off tho train, ' said the Conductor. Stop her, '. quietly remarked our dead bead. The train was stopped, and bo was left on the side ol the road, to await, as bo Baid, the next train, on whicb he eucceoded in getting. The same scene transpired, ending by dead-bead telling the conductor to ' stop her,, and be being again leit on tbe side of the road. Train after train was boarded, und each put him off a little nearer Columbus. Tbe last train on wbiob ho got was that of our friend Jones, who was on his return trip from Bo laire to Columbus. Dead-bead got on his train at Pataskalu ; and it was un der full headway before ho being dis covered by tho Conductor. , ' Going to Columbus again, I sup pose,' remarked Jones. Haven't boon there yet.' Baid dead head. I can't get to ride more than six miles before they put me off. 1 don't think I'll have to get on more tban one or two trains after your'n hot'nrn Pnlnmhim nil! hn thft nnttinir r o off place. Well, do you think we can - carry you unless you pay your fare?'inquir ed Jones. . ' Stop her, ' quietly remarked dead head, Well, I do think,' said Jones, 'of all brassy individuals I have ever met, you ratbor head them all. I'll take you there for your infernal impudence, nothing else, and dead-head was car. ried into Columbus, on the same train he started on there days before. Zanesoille Signal Printers. Printers beat tbe Dutch and everybody beat their wives. We tiavA nnn in the Press office who preached tbe gospel, ran a siae snow to a circus, kept a singing school, ran away with a man s wilo an two child ren, practiced medicine, been agent for a concert troupe) and clerk on a steam boat. Ho bns now reformed, and set tled down to a legitimate business that of Btlokintf typo. We'll make a man of bim yet. Exchange Administrator's Notice. W APPLICATION llAYINO BEES THIS DAY J made by F. 0. Spin, administrator, for an order to ell the real property of the eatato of M. It. Adams, de ceased, for tbe purpose of paying tbe debts of said estate and expenses o administration, It la ordered that said application b heard on the first Monday of May, I860, . and that thia due notice thereof be given by publishing the same In the MotJaTAiitiEk, a newspaper pnbllsbed in Wasco county. w. Judge of Grant county, Canyon City. March 18. I860. ap2flw4 t Summons. , . Tn the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon1, for jvfc 1 comity of Wasco. Isaac si. ivaus, piaimin, vs. a. w Davis, defendant. TO A. W. DAV18, Defendant : You are hereby sum moned and required to appear and answer tbe com nlulnt In the above entitled suit, (which has been filed In the olllre of the Clerk of Wascn connty) within eight weeks from the flrst publication of this summons; or If you fail to do so, the plaintiff will apply to tlie uourl lor the settlement of the partnership accounts between the plaintiff and defendant, and for judgment against the de fendant for the amonnt fotlhd due the plaintiff, and for all tbe relief demanded in tuecompiaini. By order of llow. J. 0. Wtttfoic, Judge. my4w8 OATF.8 HAFT, DalleaClty, April 28, 18O61 , Atfyt for Pl'tfll x TJftion State Ticket. ' . . '. OH CONGRESS ' '., ' " ;, HCFirS Of Marion. ' . , ' teOR GOVERNOR: - GEO. Wj. WOODS, Of Wasco. .' . , ' ., FOR SECRETARY OF STATE? . , SAlUUEL. E. WAY, Of Marlon. FOR STATE TREASURER: E. N. COOKE, Of Marion. ' ' FOR STATE PRINTER : w. a. Mcpherson, Of Llun. FOR l'ROSECCTINO ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C. K. MEIGS, Of Wmco. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. m few Vm Tllli STEAMERS IV EZ PERCE CHIEF, - WEB-FOOT, TEIVIKO, OWYHEE, YAKIMA, SPRAY & OK.AIVAGOX, Captains E. F. COE, C. C. FULTON, J. II. D. CRAY, and TIIOS. J. STOMP, Will run durtrg the season from CETILO to TTMATIL LA. WAL1.ULA, WII1TB BLUFFS, PALOUSE nnd LEWI8TON. One urtlieanove named nonts will leave uki.imi Tor UMATILLA nnd WAI.l.ULA, un TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS nnd SATURDAYS. Tlie Passenger Train . to connect with etenmcre nt Celllo will start from the Railroad Depot, DALLE8 CITY, nt a o'clock, A.M. FOR WHITE BLUFFS. THE "YAKIMA," CAPT. E. F. COK Commander. Will leave CELILO every SATURDAY, for WHITE ULUfrs. FOR LKWISTON. THE "OWYHEE," CAPT. FULTON ... .. Commander. Will leave WAI.l.ULA e'vory WEDNESDAY (upon the arrival of the atenmer that atari from Celllo ou Tues day), for LKWIBTON. FOR PORTLAND TIIROUOn IN ONE DAY. The Steamen "ONEONTA," OR . "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNULTY,..., Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sunday excepted) at 6 o'clock. A. H.,connoctiuij by tbe CASCADE RAILROAD, with tbe steamers NEW WOULD, CASCADE, or WILSON Gr. HUNT, . . . CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, U Portland. FRANK T. DODOB, Dalles. Apt 11 8, 1860. nlttf Agent 0. 8. N. Co. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEST. HOLLIDAY, Proprietor. COMORi) STAGES IiBAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR BLACKFOOT, Stilt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages Running to ' Vijfrfcliila City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. FAKKi Boise City to Bait take City , ....tlOfl 00 .". Virginia City. Montana 128 00 " Missouri Hjver, Legal Tender $300, Gold, $100..... 400 00 for further Inforalailod apply at OVERLAND STAOR.LINR OFFICE, Ubiee City, I. T;; mhM3m J. N. TODD, Agent. Suimhohsj. ' In Justice's Court for West Dalles Precinct; John Kppinger, plaintiff, va. John Yoring, defendant. Civil Action. , ... , TO JOnif YOUN0, DEFENDANT: in the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to ap pear before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace of the aforesaid precinct, on the 2d day of Juno, i860, at the hour tjflO o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the of floe of said Justice of the Peace, to answer the above named plaintiff In ft civil action. The dofendnnt will take notice, that If he fall to appear and answer the plaintiffs complaint, the plaintiff will take Judgment against bim for the sum of Ninety Dollars, with iutereat thereon. Given under my hand, till 10th day of April, 1866. ' ap20w6 F. 8. HOLLAND, . ' Dollcsj April 10, I860) Justice of the Peace; UALL.ES city drug store. P. CRAIG, ' WBOLI8ALB AND HITAIk , DEALER IN DRUGS. , MEDICINES, Perfumery. Fancy Soapt, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. , , 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT il ED I VINES!! DRUGS AND rATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT. MEDICINES!! S. liEMOlV, WH0LK8ALI AND RITAtL DRUGGIST, Waalilngton Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. LEMON la able to supply parties In want of Drnga, Patent Moilicines. Chomlcnls, Acids. Perfumery, anu every outer article enumerated wim me ' WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lnweat market rates. ' Kir Pfiytilcliinn uml Murchnnts Intendlnfi; to purchiue for tlio Klines, will do well to give him a cnll. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. r ' ' 8. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. PORTLAND fOUMDitr ' AND MACHINE SHOP, FIR8T STREET, between Yamhill nnd Morrison. 3 of from 1 tn4u horse powor.elther Portable or ftntlonary. Also, Ullt- Ey CULAR SAW MILLS jfi COMPLETE, constantly ?if oulinnd. Also, Hay Pros stts of nil slr.es; Planing Mnchiiies,(YVoodworth's pattern,) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Orlst mills) Brass and Iron Caatlnga ana WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of tbe Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to anv nart of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, OOOponnds. , Horse Power! s Aarrionltnral TmnlMnaTita manufactured toorder at ilie very LOWEST CASH 1'KICE N. R. Partlculor attention paid to REPAIR8. fo2u-tf IVotice. SEALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, will be received at the office of the undersigned at Van. ouvoV Depot. W. T.. also, at the office or tho A. C. 8., at FOltT DALLKS, Oregon, and nt FORT 1IOIRK. I. T.. until Thnreday. Ill o'clock M, the 10th DAY OF MAY, 1800, for furnishing the U. S. Subilatonce Department with Two Hundred Head 200 of Beef Cuttle, for the Suhsist- eiiL-irui vne irwips in tue uiHTnct oi jjniae. wild cnttle to be of goodnnd Morchantnbie qnalitv. ami to be deliv ered to the A. C. 8. at FOHT 1101SK. I. T- or an author ised agent of the Subsistence Department. In said Dis trict, on or before the 80th day of June, 1860. Each Did to lie accompanied by altond (with nt least two auretles) In the aum of Five Thousand Dollars, for the faithful performance of the proposals contained In the bills. In rase the bid is accepted. No hid will be received: for a less qnantlty than Fifty (50) Head. Rids must state the price in TJ. 8. GOLD coin. The contract will be subject to the approval of tho De partment and Division Commanders. - The undersigned reserves tn himself the right to reject any or all Rids that he may deem nnieasonable. lthls to be addressed to the A. 0. 8., at either of the above minted Posts, and endorsed thus : " Proposals fur Reef Cattle." GEO. H. WEEKS, " Capt. and A. Q. M. U. 8. A., A. C. 8: D. 8. ScMistixck Orrini, Vancouver Depot, W. Ti, np22-12t April 16th, 1800. DR. DAVY'S .SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS. rrVI19 prompt and efflcatlona Remedy for the cure JL Ohonorrcea, Gleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes li speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application bnsiness; It will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disease It removes as speodlly as is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted If the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients are entirely vegetable, and no Injiirlnns effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its use. Price One Dollar And Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carofnllr packed. U08TETTKH. SMITH It DEAN. Agents, , 401 and 403 Battery street, cor Clay, Jy22-6m, San Francisco. o. PALUK. 0. W. ARHUi a. w. ahvu. AR.ME8 DALLAM Iulporlers and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BRU8IIE8, TWINES, CORDAGE, Ac And Manufacturers of ' California Palls, Tabs, brooms, ic. 217 A 210 SaoramentoStrset, between Front and Davis San Francisco. , , . ocll:3mdaw. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Waihlngtoii and Front 8treeti PORTLAND, OREGON. FIRST-CLASS nOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. Charges Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey Passengers and their baggage to the Jlouse Free of Charge, or to any Other House In the dry for 60 cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS In the Uouae. All the Btoimers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria Und at the Lincoln Hbtssa Wharf. . sepl:3a DAILY MUUJYTAINKTC POWKR PBEgH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, between Main and B ' DALLES........ OREGON. . JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. , IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY . with the very best and ' k . AT BATES AS CHEAP AS XHX CiLEAf 87 tO ORDE&f . - Cards and 11 i 1 1-H e a d . CHECKS, DRAFTS. &ECB11VS, '. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS etc., ate, rfc, PRINTKI) IS TDl HOST ATTKACTITB HAMRU1. AU9V WAY-BILLS. DILLS OP FAltK. LETTER nr.ADS. HECSIPTBOORS. . BILLS LADING, Rrtefs nnd Pnniphlcts, riSITlXQ, WEDDING AND UAT HOME" CAIiDS ' Dr-ugelstB' Labels. In short, everything that can he done In a Book and Job Printing Office, from the rmallest and most delicate Caid or Circular, to the largest siae and most showy Posting 1)111 and which will be turned out In a style that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. oca. vacuities ro H uicimou or DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, Such as Taney Posting Bills ! From a slnnle Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CAKDS. luRFUMER3 LABELS, afo Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment in Oregon. . lVe devote special attention to this branch of thb business, and are continually adding to onr already exten sive and well appointed aseortmeut of material, v NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock m FANCY INKS, TINTS, VC, Are of the finest nualitv. and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled In the State. The principle upon which bnsiness la asked for this es tablishment is. that porsona will consult their own Inter' ests, by awarUing their custom to that office In which their money enn be expended to the beat advantage. Tii this end we solicit all In want of good Printing, at very reasonable chargea, to call and examine specimens, aud fudge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the Interlo may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we , HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS ' In this Btate of Oregon I Addreas: ' . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE lril8-tf Dalles. Oregon. , JACKSON SALOON I CORNER C0DRT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLESjpillCGOif.' TII15 UNDERSIGNED, HAVING REMOVED IROJI TIIK "BULLA UNION" CKLLAR, INTO . Gates' New Building?, Beg to inform the pnbllc that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best Mines, Liquors and Cigars, THK MARKET AVF0UD8. AL80, A . Free launch. X Every day and evening. dec2-lf Proprietoia. Hard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS ; WE BED TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man nfacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com plete assortment of CARRIAGE and WAGON MATKRI ALS we are constantly receiving from tbe Kast, specially aelected for tbe California market, comprising, Oak, Illckorv. and Second Growth Asb FlanK, Ulcxory Aim, Wagon Voles, Ilnba, g pokes, Felloes, Rima, Bbalts, 0. Ad which wa offer at the lowest Cash Frier. Hr Orders addressed to our house will receive prorap attention. N. W. BRAGG A CO., Jel6:8m. 29 A 81 Battery Street, Ban rrancisco, and IT A 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. jl WATiaHOtBi, U. W. IIRaoo A Co., J. W. Lm Ban Francisco. . Sacramento, . New York F. TIHiIiM-AulSr, ' 80LI AOBNT IK 0AUPORH1A FOB "TILTON & Mdt'ARLAND'S Fire & Burglar Proof Sales , STEEL-LINED VAULTS, ; ' WIIH-r. tJombination. ixclt i4V-Conatantly hand a toll assortment of BAFBSi f, , .,8J,8 BATTaRJ 8TRJSKT,