. Size or ths Ark. Infidels havo ob , jectod to thosieo of Ibo urk.-have ass aortod that it 5s quite absurd to sup pose tbattver ttoete could bo, a vessel constructed large hougli to hold nil iho creaiuros which mtiBt have toeon placodinit, with sufficient food, it rtiiiy oe fornix or twelve montbs, waier, for tish, corn for the four footed nnimulu, need for the birds, and so on. Now wo - will take the dimensions of the ark . from the rocord of Moses, and calcu late thorn on the lowest possible scale, O.I1UIV KIO twu uuuiiibiuiin ivcil tun cqdii: one that it is eighteen Miches . We will take it only at the lowest. Mosos states that the ark was Ibreo hundred cubits long j this would make it four hundred and mty feot long, or about the length of St. Paul's Cuthe. drill, London,. The breadth, ho states r. k frnttn Atitiftat n. k lkAn 1 . ...... I noventyfive ' feet in breadth. He "btates it to be thirty cubits high, so tnatij was torty.tivo icet in tieigbt. Tho tonnage of, tbo ark according to the computation of modern carpen ters, must have beta thirty-two thousand tons. ) The largest llingiish Pbip, ot a size altogether unimaginable to those ; who have never seen it, is two thous and five hundred tons burden ; so that tho ark must bavoeqo equal. to sev enteen first rate ships of war, and if armed as such ships tiro, it would have .'contained beyond eighteen thousand men, and provisions for them for eight- 1 T BP ' I. . ..I.I . toon mo in, n h. liuuoti nas usserieu linn all fouffooted animals, may be re1 duced to two hundred and fifty pairs, and the birds to a still smaller number. . On calculating, therefore, we shall find that the ark would ' have held more than five times tbo neoessary number of creatures, more than five times the MnniMil liinnrtr.tr nf fVinrl tft mninlmn Vljllll VII Vt.V.VJ " . HV ...U...VMI.J them for twelve months. Dr. Cum NgS Ot THS IlUMMINQ Bird. The nest of the humming bird is a miracle .of, perfection in domestio economy. For beauty, fitness and safety the wis1 ilnm and taste disnlaved tn its arrange' - - y - - - ci ' mont are irreproachable. ' Bedecked ' in plumage of emerald, ruby and topaz, 'remarkable for the delicacy of , its form and grace of its motion, unsul lied by rain from tho clouds or dust from the earth, leeain upon tne nec- tar of the flowers, its habitation should be in character, and so it is. Shaped , like a half cup it is delicatel, formed : of1 lichen, colored like the branoh on vwhioh it is fixed, and lined with tbe soft down of plant blossoms, of mulle in leaves, or tbe young fern. . It is del. iootely soft, sheltered, and 'undistim jguishable from tbe bark of the tree, .AMAM miea tvvnmn Irnnff. P mi n white eggs, as large as peas, adorn tbe nest, upon which, as asserted by some naturlistB.'tho cock and hon eit bv turns for ten or twelve days. The lit- tie birds, scarcely larger than flies, en ter anon their ezistance in a chamber tapestried as with velvet, and are fed with the tweets of flowers from tbe maternal tongue. Tbe tiny 1 bouses hold exhibits not only a commendable ',,'nninnali. bwk ArrlnlRite tastn and deli- v cacy in all its arrangements, uan nntln hnmanitv derive do lesson from vBUCn an exampiet , '; Mining News. From the ' Idaho World, ot Apfll' 21st, we take tbe fol '', J.owirjg mining items : "Wbito & Co.; inf.. Churchill Bar. took out in one week's run. S28.1661. On Tuesday last, Charley Young trink but of onJ fludle $4,888. n; .Mason & Co., or. the bill, back of " Buena V ista Bar, last Week, from dmv a small portion of .the bed. rock, tdbk : out oVer HOW. , On the hill back of town, J. A. Tloborts.ln one (lay's run, took out $1, 800.-and tre are (old there are several ib.Frn in .bat locality "hioh aVbrage 'TiOOO per daw ?. ';' i. ,. On kooiVsWeek, French Borapa. tiiriiililiiflritiTMIifliiWiiini Union State Ticket. 0R CONQUKSS . : nui ts MAi-Lonv, Of Unrion. . fcOR GOVERNOR: CEO. Ii. WOODS, " Of Wmco. ' . FOR 8KCRKTAHY Of STATE: C. MAY, ' Of Mnrlun. FOR BTATK TRKASURKR: E. RT. COOKE, Of Marlon. FOR STATE PRISTKRl w. a. Mcpherson, Of LIiiii. roll l'ROSKCCTINO ATTORKEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C. B. MEIGS, Of Wiuco. Orci iron steam navigation to. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT W ',Vll TIIK BTKAMERS , NEZ PERCE CHIEF, , "" WEB-FOOT, ,.- TEMXO, OWYHEE, YAKIMA, Sl'RAY & , , OKAXAGOX, Captain. E. F. COE, C, C FULTON, J. II. D. ORAY, and T1I08. J. STUMP, . ' Will run iluflppt tlin .piuon from CELIT.0 to tTM ATIIy LA. WAI.I.ULA, WHIT IS BLUFFS, l'ALDUSK and LKWIBTON. One nf the aboro named boata will leave CEIJLO for UMATILLA and WALI.ULA, uu I'L'KhUAVS, XUUI18 BAYSuiid 8AUURDAYS. The Passenfjer Trtvln to connect with ateamer. at Oclllo will atart from the Railroad Depot, DALLES CITY, at 6 o'clock, A. M. FOR WHITE ULUKFS. THK "YAKIJIA," CAPT. E. F. COK Commander. Will I. are CELILO every SATURDAY, for WHITE BLUFFS. , FOR LKWISTON. THE OWYHEE," CAPT. FKLTON Couiraander. Will leave WALLLLA amy WEDNESDAY (npon the arrival of the steamer that atarta from Culllo ou Tuea day), for LKWISTON. FOR PORTLAND THItOUOH IX ONE DAY. The Btoamera "ONEONTA," 1 OR . "IDAHO," CAPT. J. MoNIILTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Snnriav fx copied) at 6 o'clock, a. M.,couivoclink by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the itoamera NEW WOULD, CASCADE, or WILSOTV G. IIXJIST, CAPT. i. WOLF, Commander, f' Portland. FRANK T. DO DOB, fnl2tf AKent O.S.N. Co. Dallea, Apill 3,1888. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BE9f. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. COACORD STAGES , LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR . BLACKFOOT, ' Salt lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Btagea i i . Running to Virginia City. Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, v ' ,:' ' F aTr, IS i Bol.e City to PM Lake City.................. ....1100 00 " VlnrinlaOtty, MnnUna 125 00 Mlaaonrl River, Legal Tender $800, ' ' '-' ' Oold.llOO 400 00 For further Information apply at ' OVERLAND 8TAOI LINK OFFICE, uoia vht, r hdSm I J. N. TODD, Agent. Summons. Tn Jnrtlee'. Conrt for Wett Dallea Precinct. John Rppinger, plaintiff, v.. John Yonng, defendant. Civil Action. TO JOHN YOCNO, DEFENDANT i In the name of the Bute of Oregon, yob are hereby required to ap pear before the ttndenigned, a Jnatlce of the Peace of the arnrewld precinct, on the 2d day of Jnne, 18M, at the hoar of 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon of aaid day, at the of. See of aald Jn.tlce of th Peace, to an. war the kbtve named plaintiff In a civil action. The delendant will take notice, that If he Bill to appear and an.wer the plaintiff age! net I thereon. olalntltr. eomo'alnt. the plaintiff will take Judgment agalnat him for the mm of Nih.ty Dollara, with lul.rert hereon. , Olven indtr my hand, thii ioth day of AM1, ; apaowt DALLES CITY DRUG ST0RE. P. CRAIG, WHOLKSALK ANU KKTA1I. DEALER IN DRUGS. 'ilEDlCINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES. Ac DRUGS AND PATENT MED1LUNESH DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!!. DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WHOLE3AI.I AND BKTA1L DRUGGIST, Washington Street, betweon Main am 8econd Street. DALLES, ORECaOXf. S LEMON l able to aiipply pnrtloa In want ofDmc, . Patent MeUcine). Chemicals. Aclila. I'erluiiirrr. and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowent market rates. iff Wiyslc.aim aw McrchnntB Intomlinp topurchaH iur tut luiuwi, win uu wtu io five iiini ii eiiu. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BHACES In great variety. S. LEMON, np.3:tf. MTashington St.. between Main adn Second. I O RT li A X DI.0 U N K ' ' AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrlaon. Clteam Knilnta k5 offnnn 4 140 luirae. -j5"51i":ar-. power.eltherl'orubleor j'Jr tfjl!&m;l$ voi.a haw mills j ,flivr. asa-a tlcnl Bawand Orl.t mllla: UrAneand iron Utiutiug auu j WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills oomplete, of tho Latest & most Improved Patterns. These AT Ilia rut, i..r,,ri. ,1 A . -r , a. tho weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3. 000 pounds. Howe Poworg Agricultural Implement manulnctured to order at ilivvery LOWEST UAS11 1'ltlCH n. a. Particnlor attention paid to REPAIRS. feMMf IVotice. SEALED PltOPOSALS, In duplicate, will be received ... !' the. ofl,c r "' nnderelgned at Van. ourer Peuot, h.it Jd V. ... iijo n. v. p., n( lull) DALLKB, Oregon, and at FORT 1IOISK. I. T until Thursday. l'J o'clock M, the loth DAY OF MAY, 1866. Two Hundred Head 200 ot Beef Cuttle, fur the Subsist ence of the Troon. In tin. ni.,vtr n..,. r - - v'nui..ii Ulnar. cum pilule to be or goodand Merchantable quality, anil to be dcliv. Al-nil til tllN API! a VAUW h.klcu m tn i j . .7 U . nuion, it r., or an nuritor- Iticd agent of tbe Subsistence Department, in eaid Die- Irict. nn nr lif.rnrn ,k. A i . .... Z , . i . ' " W,H .luno, loco. Knell Ttiil tn tin ,miiii....i.j , ' i v.i.. . . . --- .w....,i-i, uj n minu iwhii at least two sureties) In the sum uf Five Thousand Dollars, tor ............... v., ..,..,., tji i0 prupoMin coniaiueii in the biilH. iu CHe the hid Is nccented. No lilt! Will tM roru ... . i .i wit. (60) Head. Huu., ...an amy inn. must .taretne prleo In V. 8. GOLD coin. Tim rrnitmul urll. ...l: . . . . . . . . ... , buuik. io menuprovai oi me de partment and Division Commanders. ii :Z . . ""iio iiiiuseii ine rignt to reject any or all Bids that he may deem itmeasunable. Bids to be aildrossed to tha A. C. at either of the bovo named Poets, and endorsed thua: Proposals for GEO. II. WEEKS, . Capt.and A.Q.M. U.B.A..A.C. 8. U. g. StrwMTtmg Offwt, ..uuuuTeruepoi, w. T. ap! ,o.-12 April 16th, 1668. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditioua Cure for all diseaaea of the SEXUAL OUGAN8, THIS prompt and efficatlons Remedy for the enre Ghonorrcea, Gleet, 8trictnres, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application bnslneaa; It will radically cure any ease which can be produced. The disease it removes aa speedily as Is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disenae cannot be contracted If the 8PECIFIO COMPOUND la taken when exposed, Its Inaredlents are entirely vegetable, and no Injnrlnns effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its nae. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Bent by Kxpresa carefhlly packed. II08TETTKH. BMITIT k DEAN. Agents. 01 and 403 Battery street, cor Clay. . JytMm. V. , ), , j . ; ! , San Francisco. B. DALLAM. -" 0. W. ASH as. i.l a. W. ABHU. ARMES DALLAM, Importers and Jobbers of ' WOOD AND. WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, Ac ' ' - ' - ; And Mannuctarera of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 211 k 210 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davis San Francisco. ocll:Snidaw, LINCOLN HOUSE, Ctfraer Waahlnctoia atnd Front ttraati, . t. jf . -r. PORTLAND, OREGON. . , - FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN tHE STATE. Charges Reasonable. .... AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boata and eonvey Fatsengara and their baggage, to tha House Free of Charge, or to any Other House In the Clry for to tenia. ' 8. COFFIN, Proprietor.' ' . P.8 HOT.AJiD COL BATHS Mi tha Hons. , All the Steamers. for Oregon City, Vancouver. Monti telle and AitotU Md at the Uttvla Uoose WhirS - fl-tf DAILY MOUNTAINEER ' , POWKR PRESS BOOK & JOB FRINTING OFFICE, First 8treet, lot weon Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OP EVERY VARIETY Kxacmeo witn accuracy ana dispatch IK A STYLE THAT, WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY1 . . with the very best, and Al BAITS A8 CHEAP AS TBE CHEAP ST to oaorl: C a r d s n ii I II i I I-II e ady. CJTECKS. DRAFTS. RECEIPTS. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR . THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS rfe e., , tc, , PRiXTin is tnr. host attbactiti mannlm. also, WAV-BILIS. " BILLS FARE. LETTER HEADS. UECEll'T BOOKS. BILLS LAD1XG, Rriefsi and Paniplilef s, riSlTIKO, WEDD1KQ AND " AT HOME" CARVH DrcifcRists' Labels. In short, everything that can be done In n Bonk and .lk Printing Ofllce, from the .mallest and most delicate ( ard . nr Circular, tn the largest else and most showy Posting Hill and which will be turned out in a style that caunt fail to insure entire satisfaction.. OUR fAUIUTIlS rOR VHI IIIt'DTIOK Of ' DECORATIVE PRINTING In the moat beantiful Colors, Shades audTinta. Such as Taney Posting Bills! From a single Eheet to the Laigest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL ShOW CARDS. I'URf LMERS' LABELS- de Are unsurpassed by those ol any other establishment in yjt uuii. ti q uDiu.e piai;iiii ni.en.luu ID tills urnncil ol If e. business, and are continually uddlng to onr alrtadv exini.' slve and well appointed aatortineut of material, . . NEW TYPES, BORDERS. ORNAMENTS. lie.. e- fi Of tha most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o. FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC Are of the finest oualitv. and for rlchnesa of color and durability, cannot be equaled In the State. - - - The principle upon which business is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that omce In which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To. this end we solicit all In want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine epecimeua, aid judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Count i f Will have onr apeclal care, and friends from the tnterio may rely npon having their orders tilled promptly, aa h e HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oreaon t Address; MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mlR-tf llHllel. Orenon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COCRT AND SECOND STREETS, TJA-LLSS. OREGON. ' TITK TJNPER8IGNF.D, HAVINO RF.M0YKD FROM TIIK "DKLLA UNION" CKLLAR, INTO Gates Now Miilldlnjx, Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best . Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARK FT AFFORDS. , ALSO, A , FreeLuncli! Xvery day and evening. ' K. 8CHTJTZ dfc S. KLKIff, decJ-lf Proprleuna. Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WI BBO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man u factors rs and Dealers to the Larae and Com plete assortment of CAItHIAGF. and WAGON MATF.Kl ALB we are constantly receiving from the F-at, specially elected for the California market, comprising, Uak. lllcKory. and eecond Ornwtn Asu Plana, Hickory Aalea, Wagon Poles, Hubs, P pokes. Felloes, Rims, Bbalts, Ac. A, which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. 4aT Orders addressed to onr house will receive promo ttention. M. W. BBAOO k CO., Jel6Jm. . A 81 Battery Street, Ban Francisco, ' and IT A 19 Beventb Street Sacramento. C. Watiuhousx, H.W.Bbmo ACo, J.W.Liera Ran Francisco. . Bacramento. New Ivrtf F. TILLMAN,; i toix rnirt i oiurogm ro . , TILTON & McFARLAND'B Fire & Burglar Proof Salt. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, . '' wit '":.'' ...... ::r-. Combination Loolf. 4V6tilMtiF,. handafellaaeortmentef IFUn, . ''. j:w out tovyw in o noar t rum MAjWHOtlic Iwikeolihe raali) - a