CNIO COUNT CONVENTION. The Waaco Coiin'y Convention met at the Court IIoiinB yesterday pursuant to adjourn ment, and was called to order by Hon. J. O. Wilson, President. A committee of live wits . Appointed on resolutions, who reported the fallowing, which were unanimously adopted : Jiaolved, That tve do hereby affirm and hen.-iily endorse the resolutions adopted by tn Union State Convention. .. Jienotved, That we condemn the total dis regard of the Interests of the pool 01 this ami the adjoining county of Grunt, by the tutborities of this Military Division, in oen Itititing to furnish protection to the g eat thoroughfare from Dalles City; Oregon, to Owyhee, Idaho Territory. Uenalotd, That we hereby request our del- . elation in Congress to use their influence with the Wat Department, and the Lieut. General commanding the armies of the United States to furnish the uece-saiy pro tection needed by our peop o for the safety oi their lives and property much property nnd many valuable lives having been sacri ficed during- the past three years. ' Uuoived, That we he eoy instruct our ; reurrgeula'ive iu the legislative asenbly of Ureg in to insist upon u law lessening the expenses of our County Ilospial by provi ding fur State assUtmice. The Convention then proceeded to the notniuaiioa of candidates for the Legisla ' re. : . C. B. Koa;le and H. A Hozue having re . ueiveil a nirtjo'ity of the votes cift, were de c'urod the uo'iiinees of the Convention. The following persons wore oomiuated for . iiintv oim-ers : . , For Clerk R B. R ed . Kor Sheriff it. W. Crandull. Kor Coumi8toueis R. Mays and R. H. Wood. - ' Kor Sohool Superintendent Thomas Con dew. Kur Assessor L. L. Rowland. For Surveyor V. B. Caiiihell. For CmmVr-Dr. W. B. Warner. The toliotviug persons were appoin'eJ County Central Committee : Gorge A Liebe. 0. N. Denny, James Hal lorau, J. il. P. Ciiok, and 0 VV. Weaver. " , MIXING MATTERS. , The' Civil KigbU Bill provides that no ; change shall be made is relation to the priv ilege of sutfrnge. That is to say, thai bill ' does not pretend to alter the sulfrago laws ensting in the various States. In relation to this matter a, ve y interesting point has - recently beeu sprung.. The Civil Rights Bill de litre that all persons born in the United Status (ch Mren of Foreign Ministers, Consuls, etc., hloue excepted) are citizens f the United Stales. The Constitution of ' the Uui ed States provides that " citizens," (no distinction of color made) can bo Prest ' Uents. Vice Presidents, Senators, Represen tative-i'in Conirress, etc. According to the. ,'; Bill of Uightr, nogroes, Chinese, etc., born iu this country ure citizens of the United ' (States and therefore are eligible to the Presideucy, se'ts in Congress, or any other United States otliee: but accordiug to tb ' suffrage laws of the various States this class of oeoole ae prohibited from voting In all the States of the Union except livo or six. The Constitution of the United Su es does not confer the privilege of suffrage upon any class : neither does it deprive any class of that privilege. The privilege of suffrage has hitherto beeu regulated solely by the Matef Under the new order of things a singular aaomalvH presented. In California, as in . most of the other States, none but ' white citizens " can vote, yet any native-bora ne gro residing In tins State is eligible to a seat in (Joncrcsi. or to any uuuea otaies omce, That is to say, negroes may be United Statos Marshals! Judges or Collectors in this State, but they cannot vote nere i . is mere noi conflict or discrepancy . hee 7 It it not rather singular that a person is eligible to- the highest office in the- l md, and yet is not entitled to vote for any office? Those who tliiul tktatthe Civil Riguts bill is simpiy a nmasiire . tor Drotectlnir the negroes of the South, are greatly ruieUker ' If that bill is carried out, its logical results will be to place rvery nttive birn neg o an 1 Uuloanian upon i pettect tOO'ing 01 equality wim wmio men "tor no audi anamoly lu government can exist as that a nerson can bo- eluibi" to the liigb est offices (rnd lull ue-t entitled to vote ' And not orvlr this, under the Civil Rights bill C:.liiee may become naturalised citizens of . the United Slater, and wnen bucI - w ill be el inble to Untied States offices after ihey have Wn naturalized a few years.- This will be the Inevitable result of the Civil Rights bill. mi linns who ar bow rejoicing over it will poon And out, when they calmly consider anon the bar! eRvcts of that measure. eti ' r lawk and constitutions must' give way lo the 'Jtvll Rights bill, or the latter must give way t ttbetoruier ir..tne tormeroo noigive way -' tben'tone of the main ooiecu oi .ioe.uui, au nrnteetion of the 'Southern negroes, will not lie gained. i 1( 8'V '! M eopstitutions ' mift tiarticu'ar.' tliet uiusi In all, 'indao atiiversal and iiurestrioled suffrate nan be nueomBllsbed. and thee will has r " ihn downfall of. ilia Republic. Too touch Toiiig and ooany .voter. were maiolv the '-' cause of our greit nationar twublei." what, ' . (ten. will be the result of adding over a inn MtlB.jC.igoprani, emi-wru-iru. v'K C.S., Dullos. Blocli, Miller & Co., v;holesale ;:. G R O O E'R S , ' 1 AND DKALK.nS IN , Wines fc Liquors, And Importurs and Jobber! or CLOTHING-, Boots fc Shoes, , Undei Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY, OFFICE. HaVH AN ASSAY OFFIOR IN CONNKCTION w v wl'h our nmler the entire iupervlln of Mr. Miller. We moke return. In Han In nix lionre We cunrnntfe nil our Aukvi nd pay the IlIOIIKST CASH IMtlCit for Bnra. i We alio pay the Highest Cain Trice in' inu uux. BlIOIt, HIM.RR 0).. mjfllf Onr. Main and WiuhlnKton etroeU. Dullw, & 4 DBALEUS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TIIK PACKAGE. :' '. a FOE OASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding coat of Transportation. . ... , ; , CM1MIN0 a 0 RANT, ' ' - DuIIm, Oregon. ml3tf ' ' . LATEST NEWS ! ALL THE LATEST KOltOPKAN, EASTKliN AND CALIK0UN1A NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Recelrod Regularly every ateamer, by s. j. Mccormick, FR.ORLIX BOOKSTORE, IOCS FrontStrootPortlund . Papera and Magailuei packed aud Forwarded by mail or lxpreem TO ANT PART OP THB MINES la Oregon, Woahlngton, Idaho or Montana. - ' Sabtcrtptlon. Received for any NEWSPAPER OB MACHINE PUBLISHED. Sew Books, Kailo, to., by aver Steamer. S3o7b6o . ; WOUTU 0 : BOOKS, STATIONERY AND . - . . ;' ' FANCY GOODS, CHEAP FOB CASH. aiodiwuw ;;. F . DEI I 1M! Watchmaker nnd Jeweler " ; MAIN 8TREET, DALLE8, rvHALKR IN FINH WATCH K8, JIWRLRY, . IF CLOCKS. Gold len,8ilTer aad Plated Ware, Bpectaciee, cutlery, ac. -Parrlculr attention paid to repairing to Watchea, Clocks, Jewelry, eto. All Watnhea repaired by me warranted for tweire niontna. . I N. II. All ordera from tlie upper nnuutry, by Ktureai1 or otherwise, promptly attended to. A: CfAJElD. ADAMB LB TRLI.IEIt WOULD RKSPECTFULLT 1TJL Inform the Ladieeaf the Uillee and ti. lulty, that tie u now prepitrea to aoan auM ot ULlM-3, utiUAK, atidPAIiHim'sMklng. Alao, OUTPI N and KMT1NQ In a mow and iinproired etyle, never .before introduced in thia nlacH. ' ' J Site will warrant to gle tlfwjtlo, and would moat reepectfuliy aolicit a liberal patronage. . In the Raonu lately occeptoi by Mm. White, oref Degener'e Store, ea Waabkigloa atreet, between Seovuit ana iinru. r-1 ' 3 ' 'i.,, i a lioJlee, jfcrch3!llh,lM . BrTtlf ALLPfiltBONS INDBBTHD to tncaaderslgnea ar re.P'ctfally reqheatvl to come and eel tie their aa ...... I. atihln VIIIHTV SAWH. 1M eavi. enata.: ' ' aMJIet A, I. BlJCet eVCO. Isaio K. nuicn. -Ban Francisco. : WUDROS RROS., i : Wholesale & Retail Druggists. Mailt Street, bailee, Orogou. . ) WK NOW OCCUPY OUft NKW TWO STOltY K1IIB V orixif Stone bllllilluir. oniKielte llloch. Millar k C.. enil oflor to live public a full ivtiil omiiilete ituck uf vrugs, Aicdiciuee una Uliuuiical., con.ttftlug Iu part or KKUOBKNR. LA Ml' WICKS 4 CHIMNEYS HOPS, 8AUK. Bl'ONOM. LKKCIIKS, TViKI'KNTINE, - ALCOHOL, ACIUS. L1NSKKB, LAK.. CAeTDtt AND NKATSKOOT Oil, UOIkKH, IMMOO AND LAM'lli.ACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES.' SUPPORTERS. - ' '; ANO . PATENT MKDICINKIS. , Onr stock of FANCY OOOUS I e of the nnett nnd best quality; new etyln uml'luruu luaorttueuu, encb M LUlllN'bl'KllFUICKIlV., II A tit, LUUIN'STOILKTBUAP, JfLHSH. " PO.MADKS. . . ... SUA VINO. - C08MKTICS, MAT. '" i HAlll OILS, CI.OTIfS, ' COLOONM, 100XHAND ' FANCY SOAPS AND NAILUIIUSIIKS DOOl'II 10 WD KUS, ! ANDCOMUS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicine purpose!.. - , ' Our facillilei for huylng anode ere aecond to none In the BtuiH, hioI wo eliull at ull tiuies tell at a .mall ad vance from cot, Itemly .ntoii and etiinll profit.. PHYSICIANS' rRESCKlPTIOJrS Cnre fully conipounclej at all hours of the day and night. jnuios, oupi. v, lO'Hl. aeiu-ti VKHY IMPORTANT -TO Mcrclianis, Families, Hotels and BAR.KOOMS. TCMCS KHAK.MKIt HAV1N0 IKJUGUT TDK V.N. I tire Stock of Merehnnitiie and Uuok Account, of the late firm ol U . Seller Co., Iu tlila city, to which be hoe added of hie own linportntiou (while, doing buaineeeln i-uruuuu; an .uinieuae etoca ol ttie beet manufactured Crockery, Glatiaware, Plated Ware, l.anijrjg, ChandellerN, Table Cutlery LooklDs-Glasca and All Kinds of Oil. ... All of which he offer at reduced rte. Parana wtl. Ing to buy any of the nbove-mentloned articled, will do well to give me a call before porch" ing elsewhere. Ordera from the intorlor pro riy urtuiuied to, and ooda nocked to m aevim. Unnllnlli 11 uJlo'a Stone Jluildiug, Weahilton atreet. liullra. tvlI.tllS KlliliMUrt ' Dallea. Jlarcli 17th, 1865. mhlltf , ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED BLACKFOOT&IUG BEADMLMS : " .,-: , BY WAY OK ' ' the Shortest and safest PtO ADi for Land Travel. Dlataaco from Dnllre to White Bluffs... ;...,100 rullea V White BlufJattt Pen d'thoille 1I!0 WColville... u Trarflera by land for either of the abova flnl.i vi.m. will antra , , .j. , . .. .' ., ' Save Time Distance and Money uy taaing I lie unite Ulnm Uoad. Wood, Water and Grass Are found oa thia Rood within eaay drlvea . The road la now open, and pnaaeaKea adrantagea over any other land rm.te from the Bailee. . . i . rubll.liwl Uv order of ' THKCmZIS.N3 0PTHItDAf,LK3. Dallea, March. 20, 188. mJ0-2ni. B.DOUGLASS, (BuccMBor to Will. am Blrubaum.) . . .... i . PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, If ine ) WatciicW AIsTD JEWELRY, i TNVITKS TUB ATTKSTION OF HIS FKIKND8 AND JL roe rubiio to hia choice aelectlon of ' ' New and Fashionable Goods, Reapeotfnlly eollcitlng tlielr patronaie. Wa-dtee PROMPTLY and PIlOfKRLY repaired and WAIlltAWTJtD. . T ,. . . tliQrf . Kal n.u.aa eo. el. TA.A jTk JM A UISNoIutioa Notice. ' NOTICK IS UKIIKBY OITBX, thnt the co-partner, alrln heretofore exlatlnir between 1. M. KV'ANS anil A. W. BAVI8, In the LiTOry Stable bualuew, hoe beeiidlaiolTodi that A, Yf. Darla la indehtel to the cot pnrlnerahlp; andtlmtatilll In equity hoa been Hied for the eettlement or thooo partueralilp occonuta.i AU per. aone are notiaod that A. vY. Dle boa no power to dla roae of the ptoperty, nor contract Uehta nn tlie credit oi ine a m. . . t V J .1 : . I, U. KVANS. Dallea,' April), 1804. , ., h oJ3dtm NO'i'Ii'E. it I TrpEMOYINO MY IfESlDRNCK TO CLATSOP, 'MR. JL II. J. W At.DStOS will act aa my Agent, and li at tboritcd to receive all raoneva due inc. ' ' I . a46dlm .... ... A. II. STKRLR, M. Vi ' ' coii.; oil! 'coal' oiLr.:.;, WALDKON BROS, lien Ikal reoeired a lorita In voke of COAL OIL, which thor offer at treat I 4lMectMM.4i, .inIHi'A.MOtf J FRANKLIN ' M ARKET. '. V , CORNSU OW SKQOND AND WASI1INQT0N STIIEKTS r DAM.SS,. OREGON, : .IOHTNKIi?lfNGHCI Proprietor rTVIH UNPEIISIGNW) , Js. liKTlng fitted up the eMive UaiKot it. the UK T tfiilMiB, will keep ooutnnt- ly vu Imiul nil aorta of . fresh and Cured MeatN, Of thebmt quality furnltaad at the LOWKST HATH ' My motto 1 to '-Iil.KASK ALL." .. v PARTIKS nAVIXO SOt'EUIOIl 8T0CK ?0R 8ALB wlll'do well to call w the Vrankliu Market. Hall tw Wth. ,8. MUH. T1"0"' LPOURT AND8KCONDSTIlKEia,A!I,LE8,01lEaON. mlCiifjliBACH, Exoprlotor. RI9. WUiI. KEEP rbTr'eonetantly on hand all the varle- alkali attiMue that tlie niaikct-oan uoaeUils aflordtof ; PKK8H dts CURED MiA.T(S " , aad-alwaye of e butqnalltj.. ! FAMILIES. HOTELS, AND SIEAMSOATS ' ) ' luujiiled on reaaouablk terma. , Tbewadentlenea le afna mcaebprto. for tAr CaITI.K.' l'ortiM Cilu, 'to in goodxomntion.are rc.tuealedto rail on bin IwMe goiugelaowheee. ' JOIU M1CHICLBACII. Hie. Narck tW,imK . . . . , .. mhSltf ,' MOTICE TO FARMERS. JaV WM VANI hoa reeently FLOUHI1NG MILT. to their Steam Soah and. tVmr .. i. . . band eonauntly i,d for Siu -,"T ' . ,, IXTBA FAMILY FLOUR, ' . " . SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS. " . . : , UK AN AND SHOUTS, ; . , CUOP WCliD, CHICKEN Bl. Alao, a SaMrlor article of CORN URir. r,.. . uorn.. ' . '. ,-" nI!!!li',t,U4rk,kl),1,,1l fWnKAT,CORN, ' ..'i':; UvA.UOOUKAireM w ,v- aUtf.. r " V lMrOKTEIl AND JOBUEU OF , Wines Ac Xiquior FRONT STREET, ' 1 Ie)eJllaad,.'u . . m a...; ' Irmiulk. - v.,'....-,.' I'';; ;:" . Ltquorn, . " ' & The Trait le nMiei,ii,ri j . . "lock before Duiehaal.-. .l-wi i V" Mam'T II.HEKMAV&CO.t MAIN 8T DALLES, 0PP08IIK KMPIRB lIOTIX, AVB JUSX BECKI KD A BHADTIFOL BTOCK (l SPRIIVG AlffD MVAIMER COODfiy , . jCOeltgtopM0-:v- Fancy and Staple Dry G'ood ClOtaiBg, !,.,;l;...:;,--rv-'r-Vi';; - . -I . UuoU&Sbeiei, . .!.. 1 Uuts&ca. Which they offer toiell at SMALL PROFITS : Dollee, Mnroh nth, 1866. ;, , ,: , , i . mrJ9,r MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE W ; ARB PVTTMO Vf ' nno, , , .. , OU10INAL. SUPJtUipir BRAND OF ;. GROKA'D JATA COFFEE, CUARTRES COFFEE, , '' ;.-.i,V DOVDLB GLAZED PAPSR, X preeerr He atranitk and Brreoe for Me learth Jt time required, to bo I r warded to I lie abw i i.?ace' IrorealebyalllheJobbet.and ' "v , . ' ', 'v ' ' ' ilARDKH FOtiea'.'' Ptotteerfteain Oiiff., and alemipl ' ami oreociece VV1VH 5 HOOKS I - W1WLE8ALE AtfJ) RETAIL.: aCHOOI. BOOKS, STATIOJfRRY, 3 Suudard aud Mlacellaueone WORKS bate NOVKUJ, MAUAS1NK8, PAPKK8. Si. . If. !'" "eamer. . PoatUct Bookstore, Main atreet, Ballet ,,- : Garden Seeds Tor f his flUUloa. '"'"'r''1 "" r-' n. 3. WALDROSJ V?VTHaW lkrjftetktf "" tvuuu ana UlUllH. rjtHt HIOUS3T C1SU fBIOX PAID FOR . ; ' ;Pin8, WOOL, iD niBBftVa MERRIM, A ,:.n " . .10 Ioeih.Fiont Street, PorthkaeT i mhl&aro j CRrSTAL:SAl.OOfJ .- . t- ' ' AND 1'-',, t . iiixiAiip noon WASUIKOTOK ST., aemMeorteFRRKCU ahA I "Pfeiao u. K. HAFT any aatheVleoeT M. to collect all ;. due aea mitt itiv 'Mil-