oiiutaiiucL SUVDVV MOIIXI.YO, Mil , 1888. .. What has become of that pic ore? Are we t;olng to have it' ? UWl all speak at once. . Gov. Gibbs nod Col. Hawkins announce that they wit nd'lress tbecitizensof the Dulles oa Sitnrdajr, June 2rL ' .. Tas Yreka Jonrnal shows that all is not humbug that bears the name, for the miners on Humbug CreekrSilyjou county, are very numerous, busy, anai rosperous. Pub. Docs. We are tinder obligation to Hon. R. IX Ifolbrook, Ile-gato from Idaho, )'of many public documents, by yesterday's wall. ' ' Tiik celebrated tragedian, Edwin Forrest, nit arrlred In San Fjanciseo. It is expected that he' will'rislt this State before his return Kant. '''.. fat Government Commissioners bnve ex- amined'aod' accepted the second section of tate Union Pacific Railroad. This track is now being laid at tbe rate of a mile a day. , Ova friend1, Mnj Bartthart, of tbe Umatilla Keserratron, arrived from below Inst eve ning. The Sfsjor think be will remain here omit Tuesday morning A Ft duy- ttgfJ Wagan load of quartz, weighing nearly .twelve toes, wasd-auled from Gold BiU to- Carton river. The team which dtew tbti enormous load consisted ot eight mures. Th Democratic County Convention will as semble at the' Court House, to-morrow, for tlit purpose, of nominating candidates lor roUUtT officers. Trot 0UI Tour Stock aud let I the snow begin. Fboh a private note received f.-om Canyon , test on tbe paa-t of, the Democrats of Grant 11 coun'7 tit tbe nominatlun mude by tbe Couuty djooventfoa, Sereral Demoernts say that they will net vote the ticket; but when the ' democfsitio whip is btougbl ItJ bear upon i . them they will be oil found in the' traces .pulling up bill for deur lite.. . - - Thb stage from Caeyon City arrived Inst ' ' evenlngr about fO o'clock. Mr. Wheeler in- 'lorms us tbnt yesterday between Dcs Ubutes (' nnd Bake Oven heptrricrrcein severe snow lorm, snow fulling as thick and fust as it usuftHy does id tbe middle of winter.1 Mo late depredations are reported on the road, : nltbovgh Indians aro often seen lurking about. The damage done by the freshet at ' Canyon City is cstinwted at $25,000, . ; ' A ooanKSFOXDatu of the Hartford Timet says bo was surprised to meet in Hartford, ; lately, a soldier whom be bad helped to bury . uud jteni the burial service over in Virginia, iatUeFallof 18C4.- The fellow was in a , ; trance at tbe time be was buried, and after , wards partly dug himself out of bis very . shallow grovef was discovered by the rebels, helped out and sent to Richmond as a pris ',' ffrtcr fer year, and then to Georgia nntil . tbe warcadedj '' A BiXK.;"--There Is a paper published in Saa Francisco called the Mining and Scitn vfit Prut, wbilt professes to give nil the mlnlntf news of the Pacific coast. . Wa bare carefully searched through that sheet for X . I. . n-jftv anil' frtllod in BA nnA ltm -?n regard to-tbe . mines of Oregn or Idaho ; '-.') jpftlle columns art deroted to the "played .' 7 )" diggiivga ot California, Reese River, -i'Vetc. The mlmtH Jn tbis section should set thai sheet down as it "bilk," . , , .'; Tqs CAifVASs. G. L. Woods and Col. KKolly, candiriatei forGoTcrnoraddressed , V the cititens of Jacksonlle, bn tho 23d Uit. The 5naasiroporU asyaopiis of tbe speeches t ,i. l( T,nlvn Wnnfia n rrr . (1 P . with MK Relly mat toe Btates were noi oui ui tbe Uuion. da endorsed more of the meas- . ' , ., , . . .. ure and pollcj; ,of. Johfnsoa more of them than Col Kelly but In soma things he did . udt endorse Jotnson. ! He ald that'tha States were technically la, the Union, bui those that . bad rebelled bad not ib sanxi rights as those ' nt bad not tor Johnson appointed nrilita- ry itoeeraors ia tbe South, - but would nit, 4'erjiaia1, ctalni any rigbt to appoOot oat vr Sew Xrk or 0go. 1 , : THH NOMINATIONS. The nominations made by tbe County Con- veniion yestordny, are, in most part, entirely satisfactory to the Uriolt vdters of the Connty. The feeling among the delegate seemed to be to pfit unobjectionable men in the field, and how fur they hare succeeded is now be fore (be public. The nomination of Messrs. flogtie and Koeglo, for the Legislature, are good; Mr. Ilogue served tbe people of this county in the Special Scssison, and with his official action there tbe people are fa miliar. Mr. Koeegle ia a gentleman of more tbau ordinary intelligence, and standi high in tbe estimation of the people ns a good, npiight citizen, and one tbnt will fitbfilly discharge any trust reposed in him. Though not a politician, he is thoroughly posted in iho Af fairs of the naiion in its present crisis, and can intelligibly legUlato on nil matters tlint may come belore tbe L'gsla'uro for his ac tion. We cordially recommend bim to the voters of Wasco county as n man worthy of their confidence and support. The nomination lor Clerk, Mr. R. B. Reel, (tbe present incuniben',) is one that will prove satisfactory to every man in the comi ty. Mr.' Reed h is filled tbe po-lion (or the last two years with credit to hnnsclr nnd tbe county. He is the most competent, honest, and obliging man tbe people bave over trust ed with that offli c, nnd we feel confident that they will trouble him with tbe position for ibe next two c,irs. For Treasurer, Mr. Geo. H. Waldron. Everybody knows Georgo, and those who do not will be sure to make his acquaintance on election day when they vote for him. All we could say about Georgo can be best expressed in a few words He Is a " bully " guod fellow, and ought to be elocted. Mr. Craudall, the nominee for She: iff. at present holds tbe position of deputy, under tiberiff White. lie is a trood olGcor. uromDt and vig lant, and if elected Sheriff, will, no doubt, make an clficiont one. He is well kuown throughout tbe county, and we bave no fears but that ho will be elected. '' We wight go through the whole ticket and especially minis the dilfereut men placed upon it for ollice, but we deem i: unnecessary. SitUlce it to sny that they are lie bost men in our couuty, men who are identified with our every interest, and will d scbarge their re spective duties, if elooted, with honor to themselves and their constituents. The platform put furtb by tbe coaventioo comes next in turn. It realtirms the one adopted by the State Convention at Corvallis. We think it would bave been wiser bad tbe Convention passed sqtrarcly npoa iho iseuei now before the people. It would necessarily choke oil the unlimited number of questions propounded to every Union speaker upon Ibe stump, and frrmly fix tbe party where it be longson- tbe side of. the Government, aud In opposition to all traitors. The resolutions In reference to protection on the road hesoe to Owyhee are eminently proper, and a just rebuke tn the commander of this military division. We hope they will be immediately forwarded to-our delegation in Congress, and we bave no fears but that tome of the delegates' will interest themselves in the matter, aud seek lo give us the pi'otec liosr prayed lor. That very pious Christian sheet, tho Cali fornia Exprtu don't like tbe Mountaineer' t ' In dia'a policy." Dua't like tbe brutar course I of tbe people of Canyon City, in offering a reward for scalps, nnd remarks : "Here is civ ilisation for you I" Wonder if Ibat fellow don't belong to tbe JVaasachusetts'Indian Pro tective SocielyT You1 had better come up here as a musionary t tbe Snake nation. You would do an immense amount of good. He closes a column article on the treatment of Indians,1 follows : " Wt hope to see tbe National Admioistration inaugurate a new system of treatment for the Io.lian, so that be may bo made a friend, rather than an enemy, and that while mew, who enaot tba real a . " . -hJ JT - ' "ad of jus- noe, even though It be in the shape of or son ife '' w ; . , f" ..... v , ' ''i.' CATHOtro Covnoit.. Archbishop Spnul- ding, under authority from Rome, has issued letters addressed to aH Archbishops and Bishops In the Calhollo Church in the United Sttftes, convening them at Baltimore on, the first Sunday of pext October, to iMugurate, the Second Plcnar Couooll. Epitome of Telesraptalc News. v compiled rnox rnt oksoomm. ' : t : Waihinyton, May 1. It is understood that in a cabinet meeting lo-day, ibe President invite I uu expression of opinion from bis conatiiutioniil advisers respecting tbe plan reported to Congress by the jecous'rni-.tion coiutnittee. An inieruatinir. nnd animaied discus-ion ensued. Mr. Seward ne. lured himself in n vey decided and oinplmtie manner ugninst the plan of the commiut-e and in favor of the immediate admission of lo.tal representatives. ' DIED. In tlilt city. May 6, MM. N. Vicuer, aged 61 yean. , Tilt lunorl will toko place from her Inte ronldence, oppoalto K. I', Fltagerald'e, on the lllufT, to-day at 2 o'clrok, r.M. ' Religion Notice. Cvthouo Chchcii Morning acrricei Mnai, at 10 o'clock. KrenhiK aorvlce: Veapera nod Uenodlctlon, at VA o'clock, Sunday School at 2 o'clock, i. in. uiWtf FATHER L. DIELEMAN, Paator. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. Mceti every Friday evening at 1 o'clock, in Gatea Hall, corner of Second anil Court Streuta. Brothera In good alnndlng are Invited to atteud. Dy order. KM. Wasco Lodge, No. 13, A. F. ab A. VI. Holda ita atated Conininnlcntion on the Firet and Tlilrd Mondaya of each month, at their halt. In Dalles City. Brethren in good Handing are Invited to attend. Sith L. Pope, Scc'y. Ity order of the w. M. PROF. MURRAY'S MAG-IC OIL, For8aleby' OATHS ClIAl'IN. ALSO, AQKNTS FOH DR. DUNCAN'S Whooping Cough. Spcciiic. GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Waahlngtun Street, opposite French A ailinan'a. Dultca. Uaa on hand a Urge aud well-oawirtud atock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Kernired dally. A largo tot of CWCKKNS alwava on hand. FIIU1TS of all klnda. FttKSIl VEUKTAIILEU every morning. Allarticlea warranted. Give Me a Call; Everybody PRICKst LOW. nul8:tf . F. LIEDK. ORECOX STEAM NAY. COMPANY NOTICE. FREICHT ON FLOUR REDUCED. ON AND A FT Kit TUKSDVY. MAY lat, until further notice, freight on Flour will be aa follower From Dalles to ttnailllii $ 5 00 per ton. " naiiuia i w ' " Wiille Blnffa 15 00 " ' ' " Letlton i 00 " Dallea,Maylat, 1800. FKANKTDOnOK, tneillw Agent 0. 8. N. Co., Dallea. J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. FT Kit NKAKI.Y BtXTKRN YKAI19 XtL Practice In hla profenlnn, would reapnctAilly Infunn the cllir.ena of tho Dallea end the nubile Eenerally, that h Practice In hla nrvfemlna, would St&js. haa leaaed the Uental Office lately occupied by J. W. OUItliKY, Dentlat, where he can be found prepared to at tend to thoae requiring 111. iiroloaalonal aervlroa, (Irrica IIoeM From R o'clock. to 12 u : and Imm . 1 o'clock, y. M. to o p. M. , molt SELECT SCHOOL. nIIH TJNDRR810NKD WILL OPEX A BELEGT i M. BCISOOL for childruu on Monday, May 7th. I9CG, On THIRD FTKEET, between WuWDgton and Conrt. Tnltloti-per quarter................ t)600 m2tf MISS M. SNYDER. JT, JJ. DICKEUSON, Staler In all kind of GROCERIES & GRAIN, AT TUX Lowest Casli Bates. also, JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER, .. , On baud, and received Froah erery week.. Come Ono, Como All, anl Give me a Gall, . AT CONSKR 4 BAKTEil'S OU STAND. , - , Wanted. , A WOMAN TO DO QBST-IRAL UOUSEWORK. J.. . Good vragea paid. Euqulre at thla olBoe. ap2ttf . ,' SUPEHIOIt CALIFOIUU RANCH mjr17TJR! ' A Fete VackaiM Choice, In nnantltlea to sutf.'at aifltf-. r , v, 1MLVWI.1 OHOS: .j Li; t 1 NEW YOltK UAItlOliY GROCERY STORE Mala street Dalles. V t sabSItt -a, ' . . ntUKlUCKIISSURe AUCTION 11 COMMISSION house! ; No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. TIIK UNDERSIONKD THANKFUL FOIl TAyV Favora. renpectfully Infurma t citiaeiM of tl Pillion, and the public generally, that lie cuntiuuee u eellat . PUBLICAUCTION OK PIUVATK BALK, . Real Estate, General Merchandise,' liiocerlen, HurNeM, Mules. Furniture, stock, ie. &.C BKQTJLAR BALI DAY8, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And 1'ItOMlT RETURN m de of talea. Out-door and Special Siilej attended to in y part at the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioned. J. juk.be.,.. Slain Street. Dalles, wnoLisau a tta ama dcaus ir , ' . , CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &o. ALWATS IR STORI TUI IX8T SrARDS Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c PLAYING CARDS. I'OCKKT CVTLERT, . port monies. - COM OS and l)RUSHE, e' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every deacripthm, CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FT8II1NQ TACKLX, MUSICAL 1NST1IUMESTS, .'' ' FANCY GOODS. c. Alao Powder.Shot, Lead. Powder Flaaka, Baaketa.ana ' many ether artlclea too mimerone to mention. . 9Sr Interior ilealera aupplieil with Ciriira, Tobaece.ete. ' at teaa than Portlaud prlcea, wh frolaht added, ectn SEIJimO mfF AT COSfT! J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDINO, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLBI. Offer their well-ae)eeted atoek of tobacco,. .... .. PIPEH, YANKEE JNOTIOINS, .. AND , - STATIONEEY. -. . AT' BAN FRANCISCO COST. . mr2ltf , WHOLESALE ft BKTA1L , , D R U GGISTS, STONE DU1LPIN0, WASHINOTON STREET, DALLES, OREGON. Importera and Jobkera of . ' ' r PATENT MEDICINES, . CHEMICALS h FANCY QOOD3, , gODA, CORKS ACIDS, OILS, ALCOHOL, PURE WINKS k UQUORS, ' " PAINTS, GLASS k BRUSHES. PHYSICIANS' rUESi'RIPIIOXS- Accurately compounded. PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUW, A fuiland eomnlnt haaortment of all artlclea In tha- PhntiiKrnaihlc Line, at a tVMALL ADVANCE ON PAN VKAK0I8C0 PRICES, v 4V Mercliauta wlltpleaae get our nrlcoa before order- Inn below. II. L. U1IAIMN, JUSTIN GATES. Dtttlea. Sacramento, Cel.' LAST CHANCE! WE WOULD CAM, VIIK A1TBNTI0N OF TBB rrablic tvr the hct thar ire arrclealar trad umr atock of , ctiOTEaiiisrG;, DRY GOODS, bC.&.Cr., At Greatly Reduced Raten, And'otTxrllar.'a'na which cannot tiA to'aatlaA' aartody wanting artlclea In unr line. XTE INTKND CTrSlNOiOUR BUSINB88 HBRR br ' W the KIIIST OF JUNE next. aud w. tab. .i.u J . ' portnniry of onco mure ealllnii i.pou thoae indebted ie- wn mii rviiir., a will UUI, II" W CAD IjU If place any of our acuo,.nta In the lianila of legal eriilMi- nirn, uui ii iimigfm uj no bo. v;e auait nave recoarae ta- thn wneu iui Doiirexplrea..i ' . .- . a29tjl M. BROWR k BRO. D A L LES afc 4 ROCK L MX , Landing Foot of I nlon Streetv nHE PltOnniKTOttS ARE NOW PRRPAIttiS Wnst JL STAUNCH AND ROOMY BOATS, to eras . tn a tn.it kaS xpe jltioTiasnn'9'k iL.'at aaiiMa .:'i-.:...':.;:.'-.'-: if,