Civ vol. r. O VLLES, ORKGON, StJDAY, MAY . 100. PUBLIS1IEU EVERY MORNING, ' (MONDAYS KXOKPTaU,) BT E. C. COWSE &. J, IIALLORAX, KDITOHS AND PHOFUIKTOlts. 1'krms Twenty-five cents per week, puyable to the carrier per month, by mail, $L; throe months, $2 60; six months, to j ouiiyear, $8. AdvertUeuieuu Inserted at low rates. ': Job Printing. Every description of plain and runcy Job Printing exe uted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per ener to any parr of the country. I'uijaieiitJ or Job Print itijjr mutt be made on delivery oj work. . . . . V. It. IlOM.LAlVV - Practical Watcliinulcor, And Dealer In FIXE WATCHES A. JEWELRY, 5 -DALLES, OflEOON. Established 1857. BALDWIN BRO., DEALERS IN . Groceries i , ... , CORNER OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. "V'J. C BALDWIN jn'i21-tf ' F.W. BALDWIN. . EURNITURE! , FURNITURE ' OIERLAM & WENTZ. tatt.ftN'TU., GLOBE nOTEL BUILDING, Household Furniture, embracing Tablet, Chairs, Bureitm Beds and Bedsteads. Bedding, Oarpeta etc., etc., all of which will b auld at low rates, furniture Repaired, and Uphotateringdoue to order. Also,on hand Mattroes.s and Pillows. Spring Bed made to order, aula WM. UOABOS. : 0. B. KCKOltL, ' WM.MOABVJS A CO., CITY BAKERY, :.),;.. m PROVISION STORE, ' OoerofFlrtedBr'treets. -txrn0LK8AI.K AND RBTAILDKALBR8 la BREAD, V CRACKKKSend Family GROCERIES. wOrdera front a diitance carefully filled and prompty Inputched. ' 1-tf JOSEPH ELPELT, ' ; WHOICSAll MTAIL linn m Fancy & Staple Dry Goods; CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, nATS ANU CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Klre-proof Stone Store, corner of Main and Court treeta. . oo4-tl ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRA0TI0M 1M THK 8UPRBMB AND CIR cnlt Court of Orfoa,aad the Dlitrict CourU o Washington Territory. ' . I Particular attention paid to the coil action of claim. 0. UUMA80N DalkahOxn. J. A.ODKLL. . ITXJItNIHIlED BOOMS TO LET, , By the Night, Week or Month, ' '' NEXT DOOR TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE. milt It KB. 8PRRN0RR. I. M. OATH. ; GATES te HAFT, Attorneys k Counsellors at Law, . .. DALLES, OREGON. ' 74. ' v- r-4. WM. BROWN WARNER. MI. D.; flFFICB 74 SECOND STRUT,' between Washington mm unan. .- - . ; f : ; ' Orwoi Hoom 8 to IB A. '( to I M.j anil fold, k LANGLEY, CROViELL & CO., IMPORTXRS AMD WH0LB8ALB '," . i)iiTjaattBT8, : Corner of Clay fend Battery St banfuaWoisoo. nih22:ailm. C. B. BROODS, M. I. i i i ft v pi. B. W. MITCHELL, , ' iwpb WALDbll'S BUILDING, ; i' U A Ul 4 I I. .11 A A, 1 IMPORTliBB ASS WHUUSALI Dealers in Wines, Liquors Miners' Goods, Uoat Stores, &c, . . BAVI RKHOV&D TO TltKlB NtW STONE BUILDING. ' ooitNxa or Second and Washington Streets, DALbES CITY. , i . NOW IN 8T011K A LAKOK AND COMPLKTB AS ortuicnt of tile very beat braucie uf I WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a full assortment uf . : GROCERIES &- STAPLE GOODS. 49 Coustnntly receiving our sunDlies direct fmm Nea Vurk aiid oan Vrancisco, we are able uud willing to sell at a very sntull advance on 8au Franciaco prices. They hone by adopting a strictly orrect aud prouivt method 01 doing boaineas, they will roceive the patrunuge of the pub lic. . . sviu-ti UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE Y JtMlNNOTT, 1'rop'rs. Tills POPULAR HOUSE, 0IMTBAM.T UdATKD, V Near the Steamboat Landing & Bailroad Depot, ilaa beou recently euiarged and luiproved, aud will now aucomniudute 30Cf GUESTS. IT WILL BR CONDUCTED M heretofore, as a FIB8T CLASS IIOU.-iU, mill the patronage of the traveling public is respect fully solicited. Air- llaircHge taken to the House froe of chargo. House open all night. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dallae. Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIM BTRKST, DALLsB, OREOOg, , , THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor., A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE.j IM THR CKMTRB OV HIIIU1,RNM. . 1 Near the Steamboat and Bailroad Landing! Superior Accommodations for Families and can Au' ooinuiodate One Hundred and fifty Guests. ' ., . Meals.........,.....60ct. Lodxlng..... 60cti. Flro Proof Safe for depoaltoof valuables. i flu Tlonse ooen all night. Baaznee takon to the nonsa free of charge. THOMAS SMITH, mne-u , Proprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. A. . R-. BOO T H , WniTK BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AND ORHBRAI, DIIIK tit i M E H, C II ANDISE ,.-t -.,...! AitD- 3PACK And saddle horses foe sale. TrltRIOHTS CONSIGNFD to my care for Colvllle E Kooteual. or the UpDer Columbia Mines, will re eelve prompt attention. White Uluns. Oct. 1st, 1894. oc Stf 'iVLW 1 Ull T, GllOCEIlV . ' AD ! " i ''5 ; " PROVISION STORE. TMIB UNDBR8IQNKD INFORMS HIS FRIKNDg and the public generally, that he has just established on nam street, next floor to 4 Juker, Tobacconist, , A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment o elected FKD1T. Also, In store acoinpleteatock ofcholca GROCERIES. PKOrlSlOXS, VKOXTABLSS, sfc. Alt of which will be told, wholesale aud retail, at RB DUOHD PKIOKS. Gobi and see and satisfy yonrsrlf. ael8-tf . JOHN 8P0SIT0.' COLUMBIA RIVER MINES ! A t BOOTH. Hh etaUM ..BAftRT XXYUON. ; BOOTH' ate NEVISON, Forwatrdlng etna Comntlitltn Blerchanti AND DELKHB 111 OBNBRAT MERCIIANDIBK, r White Bluffls,' W. T FRRIOBt FOR COLVILLK, UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and ULACKFOOT MINES promptly torvaidrd. . Mark OoodiB. A N.,WI,lte Bluffs, W.T, urtuRcnt . PobtUItb Richards A UcCraken, Alien A Lewis, and Hodge A Calel ' : DiUtt Bloch, Hitler A Co., Trench A Oilman.' ' H. flBOWN & BB0., roluau AKiatTAasiALiaiu - FANCY AND STAPLE BUY GOODS! , OROCER1BS, PROVISIONS, Ac. Mr. M. BROWN, belnr resident of San Francisco, wo re enabled to offer great Indcements to purchase. IT respectfully invito the public to siaoiaegur stoca txior pnrciineins; rimnni , 'AsT StaiM Store,, north Htlti jtriht, Dallas. Tt Democratic State Ticket. ' FOR CONGKESS: ' ' :' JA.1IUS IC FAY, . Of Jackson. , ' FOIl OOVJIINOn: JAMES It. KELLY, , Of Wasco. ,. , ., ; FOR SECRETARY OF STATE! ' LAFAYETTE LANE, ' ! . ! . " " , Of Uultnoniah. FOR STATE TREAEUBER: JOIL J. 1IELL, 01 Marion. FOR STATE PRINTER t JAMES 0'31E.4RA, ' ' Of Linn. . ' FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT. J. II. SLATER, .. Of Union. ' : NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY :' ' . Will carry . )' " ' FAST FREIGHT FROM ' ' UM.T Ili L.A, AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW ; INO REDUCED UATEbt To Boise City IS Cent per pound "Idaho City .... " Ovryhea , 0 . M ' . - .For less amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Oents per pound will bo charged, ' ,,TIMKFROSttJSlAlirLL'i''i; To Ilolse City,........:...3 Uuvm. To IHjiIio City 3 1-2 Days. TO Ovvyliee, 4 ways. JOSEPH PINKIIAM, Aecnt. Umatilla, Oct. 1.1865. oclSitft FUU IIOISE MIKES UIKEt'T. THE WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE . t .0? -CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING , .. THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS . AND Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trlss from Walla Walla to PI eerville, (Boise Mines.) . Through In Two and a Hair Days Connecting with the Wallnla Line of Stages, and th Boats of the 0. 8. N. Company. ueu. I. xiiujiab uu., ap27-tf : .. . Proprietor QUARTZ MILLS! And all klndti or Machinery ' , " ' ' ' Mannfacturfcd at the ' . OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and JTU streeta, PORTLAND. t " ' v - ' ' A.. C. GIBBS A CO., ' ' ' ' Snccessort to ; Portland. Dec. 6th '64. de6tf X. Li Joxu A Co. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! i FEED! FEED1I: ' SHORTS) ! ' a OF ALL KINDS, FOR 8AE BY r B. H. LAW, ' l U Front Street; Portlabd, . pil9:tf. Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. ;, SALOON;. tNKW STONE STORK. WASHINGTON STREeV. 1 PflHR UNDERSIGNED wettld fefpectfnily maoonee that he will open a flrst-cb," Saloon Jn.FreqclvA OUman's New Stone BnlldlngyTMIS JcVENlNOjnU la pnparea w serve cuaiomers aim ine nest oi, Winfes, Liquors 'and Clfcari ' ' . :' : also,a , : EBEE LTJNCH . ltfy day and Ivenin j. ' V , , ' - S8t'r,- ,.y' ' eTOHlt RIItD&AVti, Umatilla, j3o Vs e . ANl) IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line rjIUS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLKTB RUNNi W M. urder from VjUiatillu to Idnlio'Cfty. via Boiae C'liy. 'tind prepared to carry. Freight and ltiable I'HCkauvto uotweeil iiiuae nuu ail luturuivumie puiu wiin uviiciuij and despatch. . 1 Thtt Line is Stocked wllh the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-'Brace CONCORD Wagons, Which ensures Speed and Safety In the. tranamlsiion of Freight, never before offered to Idaho. We offer Supe rior iiiduceme'lils for Slilppiug Goods froni tm FronciKO and Portland to lilnlio, us our arratigeuieiit, with tli Ocean Steamship Coiuimny and (lie Oregon Bteam Nvi giitlon ire such that all (iooda aliipped by this Line will not be aubject to the luual dolays, but pusa throngii as .;. Fust ITr'offibt. ;. Goods shinned from San Francisco to our care at Fort- land, Charges will be paid and Goods shipped to destine- . tton. ' : .... nnnnn gnoni.tttiv marked icarb n. m. n. a CO., F. LINE, and Slilppiug Receipts sent to our Agnus at Portland and unatuia. . Adfancc Charges for Trunsortatton Pahl by the Line and Collected at Duatlnation. Goods will he forwarded with Dispatch to 0 J bee and SuufU Bolae. piaqpvnpnn catirivii at fiiiKATi.v pvnirrKn RATES. Fniuillos will be fniulshtd with fiipcriur Ae commodatlona In New and Easy Biding Thorough Jlrarn Wagona on the Moat Liberal Terms, We lay over earn ulght on the Roid at Oood and Convenien,t Stations, eo mat passengers win not oe oepnveu oi regular rest. , AGH&STfcSi RICHARDS A McCRAKEN'....'.....;.;.....Siin Tranclsoo RICHARDS A McCRAKEN .......Purtliiuil JOSEPH TEAL, POWKLI. 4 C"Ku. J. B. WILKINSON ; B. M, DtiHKLL CO B. SI.ITOHKLI, C0.... MAJOR St'EKIUl.......!. ..'....Uniatiliii M.i...'M..H.L'eUruiiit m ..Bnlast'liy , .V. .'. .....TilRlioCity ..Jlocky Bar (South Bolee) i BBiU(LL4 JUHtlBBwfciu.., ..Kany auu enver ittits -nMtf ' , . " Proprietors. A, CARD FOR THE Spring & Surnmer Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. ' BADGER & Li5dENEEKGEII, Noe. 411, 413 and 418 tfaUery IStVeVt, . Cor. Blerettstnt, San lyi'auolsco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIDE NEW AND FRESH STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of'coupfry Mer chants to our tlaiially UrVf stock of Uuoda. Our stock comprfses every article in ti e Clothing and For niahlng lino. We have oouatantly on hand the largest and greatest variety or Coasimere and Wool IlA'IHof any house In San Francisco, and our. prl e, ,for tliens ' Ooodiare Ima than those of any Wnse, aa e receive them direct from the inauulnctuMr'i consignment,- Our stock of Snmmeraud Fall Uoops la particulnrly attract ive, anil the great feature to the country merchant is the unusually low prlce, . , : v . ... less Itian tfae Cost of ttportatlohi We also keen the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Qooils Una .kUk 11 l Hu I I 1 ... . 1 i ' : . ....v, nuikii w. ui,v puiuu.TOM u litis nmraei un- der the haiiiiner. and are ofl.fitii. Oi.n. .,. k.. Vm, ' Cost, and loss. ,., W. O.I, tn .V. . ' Vl .. v '"""i w.i u .a. muni mn, wn umy Ifila. new cqnainiances, and induce those who have, not heretofore yuivuMBUui in, Wl.ll HUHUIIIUIDIOUrilOCKi ' Good Articles and Low Wice! Are the greatest Inducements to all wha'purchaee to . woiumuiB wnv ouy oi ns ca,n iniiKa n Nou profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. We remain, respectfully, ' ., Your Obedient servants,!. BADGER A LINDENBXRDEt, ' . ' Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse. ,, Noe, 411. 413 and 416 Battery stferr, Bon Francisco, April 20,1668. 8mw. IKK LEESEH'S FBENCH MILLINERY sVoEE, bress MaklnB: EKtaIl8hWeb't, bpVoeitlt Coh'it 'eY. Bohim'i, 1 ' "JW0ULD CALL" THE TtENTION' of ine adl o M. the Dal lea to my larte and fine stock of v . (LOWERS, EMBROICikRV, nOIviVETS, HATS, Ve ATII e)rS , Direscs TrlWani'iiWt,, "'&Vy. j i ' ... ' e . navlnr secured the services of JIB Si FlARYi ,fn. ,he Dreaa Waking apertmeut, we will do all wotk in that Una) and guarantee perfect satisfaction. DYING done In all color. i. '.:..:., , Give rne an early call, and I VlU endeavor- rp ult everybody In TASTE and at REASONABLE PRICES. ,.' Particular attention paid to . v , ' , Embroidery and Braldln j 8taniproV NOTICE. . W' CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBMOtn the fact, that we have concluded to give an bua IneM and there.ore. all parties indebted to ns MUST PAY UP WITHIN NINETY DAt or legal prwriaVwUl , saui i V.; ' '; :-tfcnoftW-yt B treeta, '"'V-.. lKt . - ' " : ' i : l:.'.i