Thb Gdekilla Qcantbkll. Tho'&rreatof a man, supposed to be (lie uoied guerilla Quan- .irell, io flew York (Jny, or. or about the lotb ,! Miirch,' hng beet) Hi ready noticed. '; It seems .' that tlie police rnceircd inlormalion Hint the - suspected person wai llvinp; in a house tap town under the name ot Hamilton ; and npon receiving authority for his arrest trom Wasu ington, the officers proceeded to (he house nnd learned that the person known as Hamil ton wai nl dinner. The tervaut was told to request liim to come down as a gentleman wished to see him. The. supposed guerrilla complied, when be was taken Inio custody. The baggage, of I lie prisoner was searched, mid a number of important documents and litters discovered. They were tubpe quenily forwarded to the War Departments The pris oner asked why he was arrested, and upon heirig informed that he was suspected to be tlie guerrilla QmntiolI, he replied that it was a mistake ; that he was not the man. 1 He confessed having been a trooper in the Con federate service, but positively denied toeing the guerrilla Quanlrell. Senator Line of Kansas, and his wife, were t legraphed for, but on their arrival in New York Mrs. Lane failed to positively identify the prisoner as Quanlrell, whom she had seen while on a raid through the State of Kansas. Before seeing the acvnsed she gave a discrip. tiou of Quant til, whtcb tallied with ' that of the prisoner. Ti.e Senaior not having hid a fair look at the guerrilla during the troubles in his State wu?) of course; unable to say whether " Hamilton " was Quantrell or ant. Several conversations took place between .Mrs. Lane and the prisoner, but the lady was unable to take the responsibilty of swearing mat he was the man who had burned down her bouse in the summer of 1861. The prisoner was sent to Washington in irons. It is understood that there were no li-ss than '23 indictments for murder louad by t'te Grand Jury against Quantrell at Lawrence Kansas. The prisoner is a man xbaut 35 years of age, with blonde romplezioo, pale golden hulr and beard, aud bright blue eyes ; ol a compact and sinewy frame, and with re. fined manners. ' These characteristics are said to be strikingly similar to. those odserv. able in Quantrell; ' : Heathen linn Feeding the Dead. Tho Chinese keep up their heathen practices us regularly in this lund of their sojourn bb in their own. The JIarysville Appeal, of the 6th ult., Kays : Ycstorday bur Chinese popula tion mado their annual visit to the dea'dfeeiling the dead as the " Moli ean men " cull it. The two parties the two rival CoihpaniesiM-sent. out delegation!), well laden with commis sary store?) and the usual ceremonies over the gravoSj where their dead companions woro 'buried, woro per formed. It is an old custom, and we Christians cannot "see it." Wo sup. poso, howevor, it is all right. We see no- lpStwft; practice, and so long as the Cele'stials believe that their dead iriends are hungry, let them be fed. There Wan a largo attendance of spectators at the ceremony, though many arrived after the ceremonies had closed. It had been customary with tho mourners, till last year, to leave their roastod pigs and other eati tiblos on the graves, but this custom has been broken up by the Diggers, who, as soon as the Chinese leave the cemetery( come flown on the proven der, carry it off, and bavo a greut feast. . Simcoe itE8EttVATloi. A corrospori dent of tho Bulletin, writing irom Low iston, says of this Reservation t During the quarter ending March, rieven boys made fifteen sets of har ness, besides fifty or siitty pairs of Bhoes, The children do remarkably well in school, and like all the lower faces excel in imitation, and conse' quontly , write arid. draw with , great facility. ; I hey also haVo much musi cal talent and excel in singing. -A boy . of fifteen constructed a violin, "ntrung it with lihen thread) made a bow, and was able to play correotly any tune lie heard dpon this rude in. Btrurrtent. - The Indians attend church regularly, and are much interested in religion, SinCo, 1861, 160 have been taken Into" thb' church,' ahd 150 cou ples married.. Some of. them aro fine oxhorters nnd fouf of these aro li censed to preach; ' They live in frame houses,' drosB like white men, keep horses, horned cattle and sheep, and seem , to be bppy otid'in a tbrlvlng , copdion' -'; ,;V,V wZ- Union State Ticket . ' ' for coxgiuJss 1 ; RL'ffTS mVilorv, s ' ", Of Miijm. ' I j , ,..'$" ' , ' FOR (TfjfltNOIl : ' ' . ft' ' ; ; . ' CEOi X.: WOODS, ' ' t.'y v Of Wasco. v ''' , tOR SECRETARY OF STATE: ; SAMUEli E. MAY : Of Murloa ": , . '..' ' ' FOU STATE TREASURER; ' ... E. IV. cooke-, :, Of Marlon, FOR STATE PRINTER': tV. A. Mcl'BlERSOtf, 'J - Of Llun. 0R PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT; ' H. MEIGS, '' .Of Wasco. ' Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TUB STEAMERS KEZ PERCE CHIEF, ; ' . WEB-FOOT, . 1E.MXO, OWYHEE, YAKIMA, SPUAY & OKAIVAGON, Captains E. F. C0E, C C FELT0N. J. II. D. DRAY, and TII08. J.STUMP, Will ran during the season from CELTI.O to UMATIL LA. WALI.ULA, W1IITH BLUFFS, PALOUSE and LKWI8TON. Olio nf the above named bonts will leave CELTI.O for UMATILLA and WALI.ULA, on TUESDAYS, TllUKS DAYS and SATURDAYS. Tho Passenger Train to connect with steamers nt Celllo will start from the Railroad Depot, DALLES CITY, at B o'cloc t, A.u, FOU WniTK BLUFFS. 1 , THE "YAKIMA," , CAFT. E. F. COE Commander. Will' kavs CELILO every SATU11DAY, for WU1TE BLUFFS. - - i FOR LBWISTOH. ' .'. THE "OWYHEE, CAFT. FELTOX Commander. Will leave WALLULA every WEDNESDAY (npon the arrival of the etoxmer that itarts from Ctlilo ou Tue day), for LEW1ST0.N. FOR PORTLAND TIIR0UGII IN ONE DAY. The Steamers O NEONT -A.-, " , ..... oil . "IDAH O CAPT.J. MoNULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sunday excepted) at S o'clock, a. M.,coniiectlut by the CASCADE RAILROAD, witu tue eteamers NEW WORLD, CASCADE, or WILSON G. HtJIST, CAPT. J. WOLF .'...Commander, f. Portland. FRANK T. DODGE, (n!2tf Agent 0. 8. N. Co. Dulles, April 3,1800. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! RE IV. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. & COMORO STAGES . LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR BLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting a SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages V Running to "Virginia- City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. . , , ; . FARMi ' Boise City to Fait Lake City lm 00 " ' " Virginia City, Montana ".. 126 00 " Missouri Klver, Leical Tender S800. , Uold, HUU..... 400 00 Forturther InformatlUli apply at - OVERLAND 8TA.GE LINK OFFICE, 7 ....... Bblak City, I. T., mliM3m , J. N. TODD, Agent. . AdiiilntMtrator's Notice. AN APPLICATION HAViNfi BEEN THIS DAY sell the real property of tho estate of M. II. .Adnms, do oeawd, for tliepurpoee of paying the debts of enld estate and expenses o is ordered that snl.l application he 'heard on 'the flrst Monday of loy, 1860, and that this due notice thereof be given Ty puKilshlng the same in the Mouaianitxn, a newspaper published In Wascoeounty. W. LAIR IlILf,, ... :i -; ' Judge M OrUtitconnty.' Canyon Qltyj Jlirch.13, 18o0i itml UAUEStm DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WBOLKSALB AI KSTAIL " DEALER IN DRUGS. ' MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soavsj . PATENT MEDICINES. 4c. 1-tf UJiUOS AND I'ATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND rA TENT MEDICINES!! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ssri druggist: Waslilugton Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties In want orDrngs, Patent Modirlues. Cliemicnls. AcIiIh. L'ert'utnurv. and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest markot rates. B- Physicians ami Merchants Intending to niirchasa for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. S. I.EMOV. np.3:tf. Washington St., between Main ailn Second. roSlTL AJVI lOUNfillY ... and . ; MACIIINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. ttenm Engines ... 3 offroni4to40 horse- ' -1 .riOJXTxM. A power.eltlier PortaUloor jTS'K'btP sir Stationary. Also, CI1V- tfiP W COMPLETE, constantly ounanu. ses filachines, pattern. Cast tlcal Sawand Grist mills; Brass and Iron Castiugi ana ; WROVGIIT IROIV WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish ' Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to anv nart of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed a. 000 pounds. Horse Fowera & ArrinnHnrnl Tmn1nnxTit manufactured to order nt ffie very LOWEST CASH PRICE N. B. Partlculor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf Notice. SEALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, will be received at the Office of the nnderslcrned at Van. nuver W. T., also, at the office of tho A. C. S.; ht FORT DALLKS, Oregon, nnd at FORT BOISE, I. T.. until Thuraday. 12 o'clock M, the loth DAY OF MAY, 1800, lor furnishing the Ui 8. Sulwlstcnce Department with Two Hundred Head 4110 of Reef Cuttle, for the Subsist ence of tho Troops in the District of Boise. Bald Cnttlo to be of goodnnd Merchantable quality, and to be deliv. ered to the A. 0. 8i at FORT BOISE. I. T. or an anthor litod agent of the Subsistence Department, In said Dis trict, on or before tho aoth dny of June, 1806. jmiiii diu in ut nccoinpanien Dy a uoml (with at least two sureties) in the sum of Five Thousand Dollnre. for the faithful performance of tho proposals contained In the bids. In case the bid Is accopted. No bid will be received for a leas qnantlty than Fifty (50) Hend. mu must sraie ine price in U. 8. GOLD coin. Tlie contract will be viiliipet t,i ti,u i.iimvi.i nf h.a Tiib partnient and Division Commnniler. Ihe nndersigned reservoeto himself the right to reject any or all Bids that ho may deem nnieasuimble. Bids to bo addressed to the A. C. 8., nt either of the above named Posts, aud endorsed thus: " Proposals for Ueef uaiue. GEO. II. WEEKS, Capt. and At Q. M. V. 8. A., A. C. 8: rj, g. 8UD8ISTMCS Omen, . tancouvor Depot, yr. t., pj' ,2-12 April 10th, 16G0: DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, ' An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS. THIS prompt and cfflcatlona Remedy for the cur Ghonorrma. Gleet. Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the lewt restriction to Ulet, exposure or cnange in application . bnslness; It will radically cure any case w hich can bo produced, The disease it removes as speedily as Is con sistent with tho production of a thorough and permanent oure. Further, tho disease cannot be contracted If the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, ' Its Ingredients are entlrel V vogetable,and no Injurious effect, elthor constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Bent by Express carefully packed. ' 8MITII k DEAN1. Agents, 401 and 408 Battery street, cor Ciay, Jy22-6m, . San Francisco. . B. DALLAM. " 1 . 0. W. ARMCS. . . S. W. ABKISi ARMES DALLAM,; . v Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AKD WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, 4c T AndManufacturers of . California Palls, fubs, Brooms, &c. 217 ft 210 Sacramento Street, between Front nnd Davie Bnn KmnclBco, ooll:8mdtw. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Streets, . 1 PORTLAND, OREGON; ' ' FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE 8TATE. Charges Reasonable. - AN OMNIBU8 will attend all the Bonts and eonvey Passengers and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other House In the Clry for 60 cents. . - 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. ' a All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria laud at the Lincoln House Wkarfc - . sspltUw, .,i r.t., . , 3f3e Also, ua rres- Sf. rtWX1?? MS ! I Ji of all sites! Planing tK&aZZyTte&W'S (Woodworth's .m--ZJ ;uw?Cvr w&mmm? DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWER PEESH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. : First Street, between Main and B DALLES...... OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with tho very best, and AT KATES AS CHJSAf AS iJiJS ViiJb&y SI , . to order: P, .i r (I s and nil I -II e ;ul .. CHECKS, D BAFTS, SECJSII'TS. POSTERS AND PR0GRAMBIES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS c, dc, cCc, - PRINTED IK TDK MOST ATTRACTIVE M ANNUS. ALSO, WAY-BILLS. iiTT.r.s or FARE. LETTK& BEADS. RKCXIPT BOOKS. SILLS LA DIKO, - f?ricfs nnd ramphlets, VISITING, WEDDING AND "AT UOIIB" CARDS IruKfitf't'B Labels, In short, everything that can be done In a Bonk and Job Printing Offlco, from the smallest and moBt delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting Hill and which will be turned out in a style tliut cannot fail to Insure entire satisfaction. OUR r ACUITIES FOR till IZICUTI0N Of . DECORATIVE PRINTING In the' most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills ! From a single Sheet to li Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS. i lMJrvMmaS LABEL8.y Are nnsurpnssed by tines ol My utatt estauustiuieni m Oregon. We devote special attention, to this branch of the biiBiuess, and are continually willing to our already exten sive and well aooointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. , stew die, Afc, .-v ' Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o, FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of tho finest analltv. and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled In tho State. The principle npon which business Is asked for this es tablishment is, that persona will consult their own inter ests, by nwnrdlng their custom to that office iu which meir nionoy can ue expenueu io ine ueet auYnum,c. jw this end we solicit all In want of good Printing, nt very reasonable ebarges, tu call and examine specimens, and judge for yourselves. . Orders from tlie Upper Country TVill have our special care, and friends from the interio may roly upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon I Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf Dalles. Oregon. . JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES. OREGON. T HIT! UNDERSIGN RD, HAVINO REMOVED FP.05I THIS '-BULLA UNION" CELLAK, INTO Gates' New Buildingr, Deg to Inform the public that they arc prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. ' ,'AKD, A Free Lunch. ! Every day and evening. B. BCHVTZ A. S. KLEIN, decl-lf Proprietors. ; TTrsT-H Wood I.iimbei'. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE P.EO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ! iifacturors and Denlers to the Large and Coin, plete assortment of CARRIAGE and VTAUON MATKHI ALS wb are constantly receiving from the East, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hlckorv. and Second Growth Ash Plank, 11 Ickory Axles, Wagon 'Poles, Hubs, Spoke Felloes, Rims, Bhaits, A. Ac. Which we oirer at the lowest Cash Prices. Mtf- Orders addressed to our house will rocelye promp attention. N. W. BHAGO A CO . Jel6:8ut. 20 31 Dottery Street, 8an Pranclaro, ' . ami 17 A lu Seventh Street Sacramento. 0. WATr.niionss, , U. W. USaoo Co., J. W.LmrJt San Jrunclsco. " Sacramento. New York F.TILLMAN, , SOLI AOINT IIT OAlirORMIA.FOB TILTON & MoPARLAND'S W Ire Sv SII jjS m wvm K7aavsia STEEL-LINED VAULTS,-, . .-.''.. : ; i 4 with 'I jomuinauon jjuus , -Constantly ' ' hand a ftill assortment of PAPK; ' mrwm 7 318 BATTKKT STRKKT. . ' JyO-flm : . - -i ' . v : - Boa IfraiwssSl!.