toils FUID.IY 3I0KXIXG, MAI i, ISC. .Tns Union County Convention. The Uniin County Convention wil.1 meet at tho Coart House to-morrow for tbe purpose of making nomina tions to fill tbe Various county offices. The steamer Yakima will leave The success of the Union party in this Celilo tomorrow morning for White county will greatly depend upon tho Bluff. ; men put forth by tho convention. TnK revenue on the manufacture of -Lot tbe delegates look to this matter, matches during tbe past year amount ttnd see that good men are put in the ed to 53,450,000. The O. S. N. Company advertise Ibis morning to carry flour" to the towns on the upper Columbia at re duced rates. t field nion who are not objectionable to the voters bn accounl ot any pre. vious transaction in which they may havo committed themselves. Partic ularly do we desire to soo men nomi nated for tho Legislature who are RcllgloHi Notice'. ' Ctiiou(! CnunrH Jlnrulns aorvlre: Mmp, nt 10JJ F.venlng eetvlce: Vespers ami itenedlction, ut Vi o'clock. Sunday School nt 2 oVInrk, p. m. Colnm1ta Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening Ht T o'clock. Ill Oaten Hall, enrnur of Soeond and Court Street, llrothers In good standing; ro invited toatteud. Ityorder. N.G. Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. efe A. St. - Hold Its Mutnil Communication' nn the Klrrt and Third Mnndiiya of fHoli niourti, Ht their linll. In Dnlles City. Brethren In good standing niw mviten to nttenn. BOTH I., rum. Boo y. uy orner ot me . ai. Tiis City l.ocorder was yesterday identified with our interests, and can making '.he rounds of tfie town asses, legislate intelligibly upon matters of sing all property within thecorporato importance to our County. At the limits. coming session of tho. Legislature The Astoria Gazette thinks that tbe there will bo legislation required that weather would probably clear up so deeply effect our interests, and it is as to give the yoflng ones a fino May for this purpose that wo desire to see day. It never rains in that country, men go there who thoroughly under . rt ii -i 1. 1 r-t a Tr... stana tne importance ot tne legislation v;oitahi , w J i needed by this County, now at Vancouver, aro under orders to join MnJ. Marshall's expedition on Fkom Can Jon City.-We learn from the Chico road, this summer, and may Canyon City that high water in the be looked for by Saturday's boat. il'eok btt8 dono great lnage to that : . town. From Woods' stable, at the ' . . upper end of town, to Baker s store, is ' ' ' . , , entirely washed away. Several mcr . ' . rtwv chants have been compelled to remove reoenion, ufuk;.B0 v uu , thef dg tQ thj ba(.k of tQwn ..It - T USUi (a. k t?HnAHmiin 1 1 owing to tho rapid rising of the water, Auction. John Williams, Auc- it ia tho intention of tho. people of tioneer, will offer a fine lot ot turni- Canyon City to remove ull the stores ture, bar fixtures,- o., for sale at pub- fr0m tho creek, and establish them lie auction, this morning at 10 o'clock, above high water mark. Tho miners' at tho loot of Court street. See adver. claims aro all filled up, and itis thought lisement. that it will be at least two months bo- Lieut. Browne, 2d U. S. Artillery, fore they can get fairly to work again at Fort Stevons, has been released bn 1,19 rek. r from arrest, tbe court martial by The City Marshal is doing a good which bo was tried having found bim work in tho way of having tho yards not guilty. Tho charges wero frivo' and public alloys cleared up before tbe lous, and wore made through malice, I warm weather sots in. The rear of by bis company commander. tbe Chinese dons on Second street Tni river at this ' noiat is now re- neods tho attention of Marshal 'Heeler. coding. During tbo few warm days The8 Pc8t8 of 80ciely bhould bo cor of last week it threatened to reach its Pollod t0 c,ean UP lhoir J'ard8 or giv0 summer beight,but the suddon change too City Reorder a chance to chalk has caused It to recede. Tho danger tbem up to tho tune ot several green. backs, wo think that it there is any to IT tho weather conlinuod warm, so that D0 (, drivo these somibarbarians out the greater part of the snow would side its limits: Let the work go on. i. ii . 1 'T I , , . . . nave meuea ooioro tuo regular june Thtn-k nn. rr W nr litrinrf in rise took plaoe. - strange times. Hed handed murder AUCTION SALE I Will lull THIS 33 A. Y, AA, lO o'clock, ii. m. At tho l.i.ll, Unit foot of COURT BTKKKT. on th. wlinrf, formerly occupludtu n "llurdy Hotuo," nil the contanti cuuaUting of liar Room Furniture and Flxtnron, l'icttiruii, l.ooldug (llusi, Wln, Mquors, Clock, htitnpd, Clitilrit, Tnblet, ijlgna, Storra, I'nlu Muttro"c, lllnnkvtR, Uedntcudii, Counter. Ac, 1c. Snlo Positive anil without llcaorve, JOHN 'WILLIAMS. Anct. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE! Xo. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. rWHK UNDKRSIOXKD THASKJUI. KOH PAST I KtivoH. rtuuiei-tlllllr llil'oi ma Ilia cltixclia of tli Diillcn, mid the inl)Ilt generully, tlial lie imiiiIuum to aollnt PUBLIC AUCTION OK I'lllVATK SALR, Real ENtate, General merchandise, CJtocerleti, llorxcH, Mules. Furniture, MockN, &.C. &c. KEOULAIl SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT KETUKN m de of wilea. Out-diHir Hud SihtIiiI Snlea uttvuded to In nn; lir' ot the etiy. JOIIK AnotlontcT. 0REC0X STEAM NAY. COMPANY NOTICE. FREICHT ON FLOUR REDUCED. ON AND A FT Kit TUI5?I)AY. MAY lat, tiutll further notlee. froluliton b'limr will ba aa follow: From Dalles to l.'nmtlllu J 5 0(1 per ton. ' Wnllnln -.. 7 61) " Wliile lllitir....- . 15 00 " I.ewltoii 25 DO " Dallea.Mnylst, 186U. FRAS'K t DOIKIK. nildlw Agent O. S. K. Co., Dalle. J. J UKEE, Main Street. Dalles, WHOU8AU KM ItOTAll DBAUOt l.X cigars, tobacco; snuff, PIPES, Sco. ALWAYS IX BTOItC TH! HUT UltANDB OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. LAYING CAltDB. M. POCKKT OUTLKRY, POKT MONIK8. ' ' COM 118 nnd llltVJSHK9. o' all It I nil., PKIIKl'MKIt Y. ot erj deacripttvii, . CHINA OIIN AMKNT3. toys, dolls, etc FISH IIOUKIannd FT8H1Q TACKLK, MUSICAL 1NHTKUMKM8, FANCY GOODS. e. Alao Powder.Shot. Lead. Powder Flaaha, Hiiaketa, nnd ninny other nrrticlea too numorooi to mention. iff Interior ilmlera anpplted with Ctxiwa, Tobacco. etc. at lean tlmn Portlund pricea, with freight udded. oc-D iIiLl.W OFF AT COT J. GOETZ&CO, gJTJXxEOT SCHOOL, btosbbuhjhko.wasuikoton strkkt, dalles, Orftr tliolr well-selected aturk of TOBACCO, SKGATIS, i . ; pipes, YANKEE JVOTIONS, AND STATIOXEEY. AT S-4.N FRANCISCO COST. nirt'tf J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. FTKK NHA11LY 8IXTKKN YKAlls J. I'r.icticn in lna iirntvarlmi, would reaiwctfiilly Infiiriii the eltltena of the lltillj.M i.urt tho linhlh irenel-Hllv. thnt ll - hi louned Hie Dontiil Olllre lutely ocrnphd by J. W. UUKLKY, iMitiat. wliero he can bofoiuid pn )red to at tend to those requiring Ilia profeai-ioiiiil acrviiea. (imm Hours From 8 o'eloek, A. ., to 12 u i und from 1 o'clotk. r. M. to ir. ll. mStf T HK fSDF.ltSTONF.n WILL OPKN A 8KLF.CT tiCUOOL for children on Monday, May Ull. 18G6, , On THIRD tTKKET, belweeu Wiishliigtoii mid Court, Tuition per quarter, 30 00 ,2tf MI3S M, 9NYDF.1I. .r tiinh nntna inminrranmTTipr wa . . ,6 . ... ,.f . , . I thinif ihat would prevent tho cholera iniDK, is pasw. n wuuiu uo fr0m vimting a community it would I a. I I I ! J - Pp.nsovAr.IIon. lridLocan nr. "ot vulY wt ,loru,lu. u" l ,,UBl , , , . . out he nan grown popular. li is do med from bolow last evening, en funded b the and uppilludud -m route for the upper country. We are the Tabernacle. He is toasted at tho pleased to announce that he has con- convivial board, and blessed at the .onfall tn .wtrtrAaa triA !t.tRnn ot thn family altar. ' Men follow him ndmiri ... , t, inuly as sj'cophanta follow their leudor: Dalles this evening at 71 o clock, at ,,5 ho ig exalled Cbapin'allall. Mr. Logan as a speaker, 00Vuted to the dignity of a "coun- bas not an equal in tho State : aud his selor." He subsidizes tho daily papers, efforts in behalf of the Union cause and their praise of him is only equalled ever sinco the organization ot the denunciations or his enemies , , . . O but ho is a " brave " Und " honorit party nas naa a vasi inuuenco on onr b,e doilvj no 8tont8 uawreB nil0n people. Lot everybody turo out this his victims, wbilo his admiring toadies evening to bear him. I stand at thecornors ready to, succor , . . --: ': , him irom tuo ruao goze ot tne raoblo. Wb ore having all kinds of weather Hono8t raen-Mormons, Jews and at tne iaues mis weeis. juonuay unu uontiles, applaua his noble work ' Tuesday woro ploasant sun ohiny Only thieves, gamblers, whora mong o.n nriiln VVilfindr and ThurHdav ers the dirty and the vile, conderar 1 u ia .k otn taa)a bm in the least ! Ho who approves of have been bo cold that a stove fee s bU cour9o ,g ft hQnMerem ravuer uuuuuriuuiu. xiuijr ku,D " liable, " responsible j" he who con , Btrange weather for this season. From denins him is n "miserable bound,' a gentleman who arrived from bolow only tit for the bowie-knife or the last bvoning we loam that tho farmers bnllatl Such is the situatioo.-SaH in tho Willamotto have been unable I tn nut in all their croDS. owlnr? to The saw mill known as Greer's saw the cold, constant rains which havo mill, was burned last week. The work .. ' . . m. ,,, is supposed to have beon done by an prevailed this spring. Tbo ctops will ncieVd The loss is about fourteen t . .it I . iL.. ..... 1. L.m T.. 11a ,oo an laier vuBu usum iu m 1 thousand dollars, without any insur- this gutnmer. -.. ance. (Jregon statesman. NOTICE. BOARD REDUCED AT TUB IMPIREJIOTEL! TTTNTIL FlIltTItKH N0TICK, TUB P1UCK of BOAlltJ J nt tills Hotel will lie: BOAUI) A. LODGING, per Week, 87 to $10 pcrDny 91 Ot) Lodging, Of Slntrle Meal - u 11i I'ronrletor thankful for the liberal twtroniKto be- atouiul on tills I'onnhir Ilonae for tho int Five Yoara, Innea iy Uric t nttentlou to tho uuU of Ilia gtteata, to nl ways merit tno auiiie. niltf XI103IAH H3IIT11. I'ropneior, Kmplre Hotel. 1'iillea, J. 15. DICKERSON, Denier In nil kinds of GROCERIES &. GRAIN, AT T11K Lowest Cash Itates. ALSO, TrtGT.VM Xt rTTHTTS' nTTTTTi'P Inx below. On hnnil, nnd received Freeh every week. Come One, Come All, ami Give mc a Call, AT C0NSKR A llAUTUR'S OLD STAND- GATES cSc CIIAPIIV W1IOLE3ALK k RETAIL DEUGGISTS, ET0NK BDILDIN0, WASHINQTOS STRKKT, DALLES, OREGON. Import era mid Jobbera of ' PATEST MKD1CINE8, CHKMICALS t FANCY GOODS, SODA, CORKS ACIDS, ' OILS, ALCOHOL, PUltK WINKS LIQVORS, PAINTS, OLASS A 15HUSUKS. rilYSIClANS TUESCBIPIIOXS Accarntelv compounded. PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM, A fail nnd eomnlete naeortmenf of nil nrllrlea In ttio Photoitrntihie Line, nt SMALL ADVANCE ON SAX FKANC1SCO HKICK8. 7MerchiuiW will please gel oar pricea before vrder- L.CUAPIX, )nll9 JUSTIN QATBS. Sncrnmento, Cnl. LAST CIIANCE : WKTVl WOUf.t CAM. TUB ATTK.NTT0N 0T TItE public tv tho tnct tliiai we are cloaiiiK out our WOK 01 CLOTHING tlieaettleineiitorthucoinrtuerahiiiu:coniita. All per- nQV GOODS SlC SlC boiib me notllied'thut A. W. Darla Irna no power todla- w v y vw.r ww.f rime of the pioperty, nor contruct debts on tno credit ortlielllu. a. m. zino. Diillea. April 20, ikbo. n'ioiin Dissolution Notice. TaVTiVriCK IS lIKItKIlY OIVBN. thnt the co-unrtner- 1 ahin horetororo exUtltnr liutweuii 1. M. .VAN8 mid A. Vt. DAVIS, in the Livery St.iWe bnalneHB, hna been iliaaolvea: that A. . imvm la inueniea to inoeo partiiendilp; nnd Hint it bill In equity hna boeu filed for Wanted. -.; WOMAN TO DO OKNKRAI. HOUSEWORK. hhI wujtcn paid. iiiiiiro at tula otllce. imtl. siim:rioii AMf;oRivi. JZAJSCUL 13XJTTJEH,! A Few Pnckniroa Choice. In ounuMtiea to snlt! nt 20tf . BALDWIN llltflS. NOTIOG. TTMKM5VIN0 MT RKSTDKNCB TO CLATSOP. MR. JLfc 11. J. WA1.DU0N will nctna my Agent, midliuu- thoriied to receive nil moneys due me. ulMdlm A. II. STKKLK, M D. TrfEW YOllK BAKEBY . AND GROCERY STORE, Main ftrect Dalleii. mb23tf . IBBDKUICK BKNtBlt. At Greatly nedaced Rates, And offer Imnm'n whldi ennnol fell to antlafy an) lly wauuug artieiee u onr line. . Fair Wntniiiig-! lirj 1NTKND Ct,0?!NO OUR BUSINESS llKRE-by tire FIRST OF .1C.NK e.t.ud we tke this n)i portnnfty of mice' more citllimt upon those hidehted to ua to rail nnd nettle. Wo will nut, If we can help It, place any of nnr nceonrrta In the himihr of legal eollen- torir, Din n ornigenni r aoi r aunu have recourse to that wheu thla uotice expires. '.flit M. UKUWNtBKO. DALLES & ROCKLAND, FEEEY. LandInerFot of I'ulon Street. TIIR PROPRIKTORR ARR NOW PltRPAIlKD WITU 8TAU.NC1I AND ROOMY BOATS, tucroat ; ; Travelers, Horses & Stock, la Safe nnd tlpaditluua manner, sod at Rrnmnabl