' ' The editor of tbe Salt LakV Vedette haa received a letter wrkteo in blood or red ink-which reads fttf SkeJad loo. It Is tbe " red hand " of the Di's- . ; ft I . i . I . Hassination. I he editor is not much Inglitoned by the order, butBays: tit II I - I f .1 a - A - HOII, HD Blll.ll KVVJ MIVJ UUvUwsUV and leave oar readtors tojuaVe wbetb er we are much frightened. 1 IT these .miserable hound, and f cut throats 'think they can intimidate the Vedette, .why they aro simply mistaken we have spoken plainly in the past,' and ve shall Bpealc still more plainly in the future, holding ourselves accountable . laws of the land. " r i ; ; ; i ed another warning, of which be says : VSTa fttnn thai nMai ri (viva nlaoA ffn l.ha following: M Now, " as the lark said to the young ones, " It ts time tor us to I I If UT. I J 1 L. u U,t ... hand, " and the . skedadlee "of. the ', other, warnings' bat the following go is us. J ust count us oat r Salt Lakk City; April 9th,1866. . ... Mb Editor Vidbtte: If yoa don't quit abusing Stenboose and the Mor. mons, we'll come and marry you. t We don't " mean blood, " but we won't stand to have Steoboaae maligned; so you lookout.1 r . TMft. 27 MOEMON WOMKN. Wo woaken on the turn.' Will some one take our place I "27 Mormon women " P-hew ! ' ' Wo ' apologise. "We don't edit the Vedette'-Stenhouse - . i a-tl- - j I i is a (coon leuuw - urnvu man nuu he can look a dog in tbe lace! Be - sides, he never did borrow a pair of brass knuckles.' " 27 M ,' O Lord Lave meroy upon us miserable sin nnH. f flstuS alinAt lki ( I ' Wa 1JQ1DI . 1VUU DUWW IUID T. . II f are not the man! 27 Wives! We'll go! , Thk Last Mohints or Senator .. Foot. The Washington correspond ent of tbe Alta California thus depiots the scene at the deuth-bed of Senator Voot of Vermont. His illness was of about six weeks' duration, but up to a week ago, hopes wore v entertained j of . bis .recovery. His death'bed was that of a nobleman &nd a Christian. At about 7 o'clock 'on Wednesday morning, as if admon isbed by some invisible attendant that his moments were fewi be signified - bis desire to see once more tbe light of Itn aiin in (lAanan ernl . I nA Ar.ifal sin which it shone, and where be bad so lonff serveq me people oj,ui,oiaio u nnd country, and where hid associates .. would Boon again assemoie.. iney im d bim tip, but his eyes were already dim,, and be sank back upon bis pillow. Seeing bis time was at hand, the uinrrli nf thn 23ii PasJm . vera read. and a solemn prayer went np from ; earth. . He called her to bid ido. told- od her In hit arms ; for, a moment, then, bm his breathing became choked, l.. . it I Ann that AAt-K f UV BttlU i if uoi van uuia uv uvuvu at mi t-. . Is it oome aireaay f ' inen, tying a . fflw mnmenti loncer. with eves all full of celestial radiance, he s lifted hi .hands and looked op exolaiming: " l cce it! I see it I The gates are wide ' onen t ' beautiful 1 " and without a I AMManM . ImrAAlllAl&llf A n red. His death has cast a gloom over Congress,' and this community, wbero be was held in nign estimauoii . for his many admirable trait of obar nntnp. KiiPrlira Rule of Rent rrtrty BT VIKTDH Or AN KXKCVTION iMntxl by tin Clerk of tin Coaotjr Owrt, In awl for Wmoo Conn 1 v. Mnte nf Own, nod to Bw directed, in fot of 8. . iiunntll, plaliitUT, nd urtlnrt R. O. Atwell, defooilaiit, inp iii at i iti in two iinmirea aira Auiri w sw j ,,rtnclpl, 40100) Mid $4S 83-lOt dollus eoiti of nut Inn, with luterntt uni remlnit onl', I ht Ioyipo ll)n mid will fell t pobllo aortlun befcro tbo Court . llunut U"r. In vkiim cuy, on nuBeii. o Uv of Mnv. 18M. batwoen th hovr nf 11 o'clock. M. hihI 4 o'cliick, f. M., to tho biglmt Uridor for coin in I.hii.i. the wt hull oi uomuon vinm oi n. u. niwtn '.NtitlftaiTlon Ko. H034, 'oMrrilioa M lollowai "A parti kWH..a . , Miami twalV Mitt. Ton 1 North: RU Fk.I. and l'rt f Section oil () and tana (7)1 lows S i Jurin, IIAIIUP O AMI, tVUMllliui ,w v. , CllARUKS WHIM,hrir. I Jiy ll. TTt l.THWOau. ipuryi . . ' ' iuiic city, Apt u a, vw. - . . , Union State Ticket; . ' '' 'OB CONOBB88 ; ' - ; ' ' BIFUg M A I. LORY, . .. Of Marion. . , . ,. : -FOR G0VKBN0R I ' GEO. L. WOODS, ,. Of Wmco. ' FOR SECRETARY Of STATE: SAMUEL, E. MAY, Of Marlon. FOR STATE TREASURKR: E. S. COOKE, Of Marlon. FOB STATE PRINTER:' W. A. McPIIEIlSOX, or Linn. , FOR IB08ECl'TIK0 ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C.H.MEIGS, or Wmco. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. I: ' THE STEAMERS NEZ PERCE CHIEF, WEB-FOOT, TEXIXO, .. , ' OWYHEE, YAKIMA, SPRAY A OKAAGOJV, Captains E. t. OOE, C. C. FEI.T0M. J. H. D. ORAT, aud T1I08. J, STUMP, Wilt run durinK the acaion from CELlt.O to UMATIL LA, WALLULA, WHITE Bi.UFVS, PALOU8B aud LEWI8TON. One of the above named boats will leiive CEMLO for UMATILLA and WALI.ULA, on TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS and 8ATUBDAY8. The Passenger Train to connect with teamen at Celllo will itart from the Railroad Depot, DALLES CITY, at ft o'cloc , A. . will be dlioatcbed for WHITE BLUFFS. PA- LOUBK and LEWI8T0N ai often aa the neceulty of tbe trade will demand. FOB PORTLAND TIIROU0II IN ONE DAY. ' Tbe Steamer, ONEO IS"T A.,99 I , ob , ;. , ; irA.iip;, CAR. J. McNCLTY,...... .Commander, VIII laawa DALLES. DAILY. (Sunday, excepted) at ft o'clock. , connectln, by Uie CASCADE BAiLBOAD, with the eteamera .. NEW WOULD, CASCADE, or WILSON G-. HUNT, CAPT. J. WOLF, ........ .................Commander, (. Portland. FRANK T.D0D0B, Dallee, Apiil, WW. lnlt kooi u. B. n. vo. Virginia City, Montana & Blaekfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEN. UOLLIDAY, Proprietor. CONCORD STAGES LEAVE B0I8E CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR MLACKFOOT, Salt lake City, Denver City. MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stage. Vlrflfinltt' -City, Nevada,' AND 8ACBAMENT0, CALIFORNIA. ' ' FAUKi Bolae City to Fait Lake City ....100 00 .. v irKinia UIT. amnwim........ .aw w m 'i Uiatonri RlTer, Legal Tender 1300, , tiold, 100........................... 400 00 For further information apply at OVERLAND 8TAOE LINK OFFICE, BihOdSm BoU City, I. T J. N. TODD, Agent. Sheriff's Sale of Real Eatate. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION luued by the Clerk of the Connty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Grant, and to me directed, in taror of K. B. Hood and 8. 0. Boardman, plaintiff, and agalnit W. U. Hunt and Oeo. Farmlngton, defendant, for the urn of Foar Hundred and tvuaty-eigbt dollar and twenty cents, ($!28 30.) principal, and tweutv dollar, and anYonty-nlnecenti, (I) J8)eoet.wltliintenst,cuati and accruing coiti, and coate of execution, I bare, thll ldtb day or April, A. D. I860, levied upon, and will aell at public anctlon. before tbe Court Honae door In Canyon City, on SATURDAY, tbe Mth DAY OF MAY, A. D. I860, between the nouraof 12 and J o'clock p. m., to tbe high eat bidder for cash in hand, tbe following real eatate, Tin: Oae half interest In the claim formerly known aa the Oonrod claims, lying In Canyon Creek one half In terest la tbe certain mining claim iornierly known as tbe Husband fUllford claims, the same lying aud being in Canyon Creek.; two and.two-llilrdl Interest In five claims, known as the Red Lead Halms, tbe same lying in the flat near tbe Junction of said Canyon Creek and Johu DayKlver. SI. P. BEBHY, Bluriff. . Canyon City, April Wthj 180e. p20w , . -, - DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. i P. craig; WBOI.I8ALI AND BITAlb DEALER. IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, , Perfumery , Fancy Soaps,- PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. V fit' DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! VRUOS AND PATENT MEDICINES.'! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES I! S. LEMON, WOOUSAU ARS RETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. tt LEMON la able to supply parties In want of Drncs, e ratent Henicine. unemicais. Acids, terrnnierr. ana every otner article enuniemiea wun tne WHOLESALE DRUQ BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. ' jr Physicians and Merchants Intending to pnrchas for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES A SHOULDER BRACES In great tartety. ' i 8. LEMON. ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. P OUT LA X D l'OtIDUV AND 'J MACHINE SHOP, FIRST 8TREET. between Yamhill and Morrison'. CHeam Eaglnst . . : ...... offrom4to0 horse - ktlTa. a power.elther Portable or Etatlonary. Also, Gift. CULAU SAW MILLS COMPLETE, oonstantlT onnand. Also, Hay free- ,'t. of all tiles i Planing fft niacninee,inooaworin s -battern.) Wrought and WL Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Grist mills; Brass and Iron Castings ana WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish QuhrtE Mllla complete, of the Latest A most Improved Patterns. These Mills can befbrwarded to any part of the mine as tbe weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 8, OOOnonnds. Hon Powers ft Africnltnral Implements' mauuuwtured to order at tbe very LOWEST CASH PRICE N.B. Particitlor attention paid to REPAIRS. fciW-tf ; Notice. v SEALED PROPOSALS, in duplicate, will be received at the office of the Undersigned at Vnn. nm Depot, W. T., also, at thk office of the A. C. at FORT DALLES, Oregon, and at FuRT BOISE, I. T until Thurdy. 12 o'clock M; the lOth DAY OF MAY, I860, for furnlahing the U. Si Bub-rtstence Department with Two Hundred Head 200 of W Cuttle, for the Satislst enceof tbe Troops In the District of Boise. Said Cattle to be of (oodand Merchantable quality, and to be deliv ered to tbe A. O. S. at FORT BOISE, I. T or an author ised agent of the Subsistence Department, 111 said Dis trict, o or before the 30lh day of Jtine, 1B5B; Each Bid to be accompanied by a Bond (with at least two sureties) In the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, fir the faithful performance of the proposals contained in tbe bids, iu case the bid ia accepted. . .,, No bid will be received for a less quantity than Fifty (W) Head. ' Bide must state the price Id U. t. GOLD coin. The contract will be sublect to the approval of tbe De partment aud Division Commanders. The undorslgned reserves to himself the right to reject any or all Bids that he may deem nnieasunablri Bids to be addressed to tbe A. C. I., at either nf the abov named Posts, and endorsed thus: "Proposal, for Bf Cattle.1' . OEO. H. WEKk", Cap,, and A. Q. M. U. 8. A, A. Ci I. CSsScMHTtxcBOrncf.,. . Vancouver Depot, W. T, ap" April 18th, 1808. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cur for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS. THIS prompt and efflratlous Remedy for the cur Ohonorrosa, Oleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least reatriclon to dieL einoeure or chanire In aDoHcntloa business; It will radically cur any case which can b produced. The disease it removes a speedily aa Is con silient with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease canuot be contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its ingredient are entirely vegetable, aud no Injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its use. - Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per tot tie, Bent by Express oarertllly packed. U06TETTMH, SMITH A DEAN. Agents, . Ul and 408 Battery street, cor Ciay, -' Jy22-6m. Sab Francisco. I. DALLAM. O. W. ASKS. S. W.ABJIEt. ARMES DALLAM,' Importers and Jobber of ' WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAOg, Ac . And Manafactarerl of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, c. SIT A 219 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davis San Francisco. ocll:8mdsw. LINCOLN HOUSE, Cerner WMUla nl Frost trU, ' PORTLAND, 0REOON. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IK THE STATE. Charges Reasdnabls. AN OMNIBUS will sttend all th Boats and convey Paesengers ami their baggage to tbe House Free of Charge, or to any other House in the Clry for W cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. . P. i HOT AND COLD BATHS In the Hons. All th Steamer for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti eelio and Astoria hud the Lincoln Bouse Wharf. apli3. ; . .( .,v , . ... . ,. : DAILY II0UNTAINEEE POWKH PKKSH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINOOr EVERY VARIETY Kiacuted with accuracy and d snatch. IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very beet, and ' AT BATtS AS CHEAP AS XEJ CHEAP BT 7 to ounia: ' C nr i s'a n d Bil 1-11 e l . CBiCKS. DRAFTS, RECMll-TS. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS etc- etfc, ' etc., raiNtiD in tei boot attaciiti MAasu. auo, WAT-BILLS. . HILLS OF TASK. LMTTJtB HXADS. HMCBJFIBOOKB. ; BILLS LAD! KG, sa l.i. mJ l9Mklf aSa IrlVlS iiliu at suiraivf as, rismm, weddixq avd at bomb cjbdb Im8Bit, Xsbela. . In short, everything that can be done la a Book and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest siae and meet showy Posting Billand which will be turned out la a style that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. oca pAciUTiKS run m mcirwn er DECORATIVE PRINTING Iwa ha mnal KsklMlfWll OlUsTPsL RhaUlM Sftli Tf Btfl. ' Such as Taney Posting Bills! from a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ' OBNJBJUfTAL SHOW CAJtDS, fVKl VMMMtt- LABM.LB, SM Are unsurpsssed by those of any other establishment ia . We devote eoeclal attention to this branch of tb business, and are continually adding to wur already ezten- Oregon. business rive and well appointed assortment of material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. r StO Oa sfe. ere. sf. Of the mosi mod era and elaborate design. Oar FANCY INKS. TINTS, AC An of th finest quality, and for richness sf color aa durability, cannot be equaled in tne ovate. The principle upon which business is asked for this ss wmiaamou. w, ini yv. wvum wii. v..- " - ests, by awarding their custom to that oeSce la which their money eaa be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit Ml ia want of good Printing, at very rasonabU charge; to call and eumla specimens, aud Judge for yourselve. Orders froth the Upper country Will bare our special (tare, aad friends from tbe hiterlo may rely upon having their order Oiled promptly, as a HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Btatsi of Oregon! 'T MOUNTAINEER OFFICE, mlMf - Bailee. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, , DALLES, OBKQON. TnB TJNDBBBTONED, 11AVIN6 KEMOVEP FROM THE "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' New iiuildinir. Beg to Inform the public that tbey Ur prepared to serve ueir customers wun uie nesi Wines, Liquors and Cigars TBI MARKET AFFORDS. FreeLii Every day and evening. " f deex-lf LtJT' f Hard Wo CARRIAGE AND ?!' WE BBO TdCALIli nfaoturers and t plete assortment of CABK ALE we are constantly rect elected for the Califeml Hickery. and Second Growl Wagon Poles, Hubs, 8pohes, 1 wbich we offer at tbe toweaj IT Order addressed te o, attention. , I ieledlm. M A SI BdtteiN and IT A 1 Bvi C. WATrjtBOrss, . II. W. Bofl tan Francisco. Bacniui tt. ttlt;: . sou Aosiri is CAUrosJti TILTON ' tt McFARLA. Fire fc Burglar rroof jS. STEEL-LINED JAULTSy' At jaA A ' a. . . Y lan ' I . ,i 'I, "with i , ; Combination. Loci Aaar-Constsiitle hand a full sssnrtment of ti 911 BATTEHT BTREl . Jy4sa BaoFrant