C3) ' , i i, ' Money Jlla-rket. St York fluid Qnotatlone , tian Francisco Legal Tender rates ....127 WA LETTER FHOII CANYON CITY. , Cakvos City, April 24tU, 1806. ; C. S. Mulish, Esq.: At ft meeting of the " Grunt County Mutual Protection Associa tion," hold at the Court House iu Canyon City, on Sunday evening, April 22(1, 1806, It was ordered that the Secretary forward you copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of said society, that it might be used by yon in soliciting subscriptions of the citizens of the Dalle, for the benefit of said society. The object of said society is to rid the ' community of the savages who now W-'St . Our borders, and threaten to cutoff coinmu , uication" wftl) ilie Dalles. It is proposed by said society to raise sufficient means to ef- ,.' fcctually accomplish this object; and it is i necessary to offer such inducements' to pnr--.' tics who would engage in the tmpC, its, to insure success.. AV have , been . .troubled with Indians since, this place came Into ex ' isteuce ; but it seems to be of e, more serious character now than beretolore. From tho lethargy of our people 'heretofore, they (the Indians) are led to believe that they cau ac complish anything, however bold and daring , its nature. They have passed within two ' id a half miles of our city, and we are fcar . 1'ul that something of a more seiious nature than the mere stealing of ttock - will be the result if they are not arrested. ' " We propose to raise money enough so as to offer $100 dollars for scalps, and in. order to do this, We ask ya to co-operate with us. Farmers aud others here who are able, are giving trom $25 to $200 ; by this means wo will be ableqto raise some $2,000, and if your .'' place will do as well, I think we may be able to accomplish some good. As you must a i- . uilt, this is the only feasible plan that can . be adopted, to accomplish tue end sought. ' Messrs. Ilnlloran and French, of the firm . of French & Oilman, ure on the committee with you'.' You can confer wi h them and see, what can be done. . ' Yours, . 1 A. II. Morkuuad. , ' " The Trade of Montana. A Mon- tana correapondont, of the Sacramento Union thinks California merchants may diamiss the idea of securing' the trade of Vthat Territory at present, :. especially , the eastern portion of it; , V I think that goods will be put down hero from St. Louis this year at irom 1') a 11 Don t a nnv nrtn nil nnH 1 It 11 rl ftr. j c fl:..u, . f.. J VAM' ni.aiiu .' iruui it eiguvoio iiviu , u aim Walla, that they cannot freight from; there to thin point for leas than 20 conts.' The distance is about 500 miles, nnd the roads bad. , Tho Mullan road I think will bo opened this year" for) wagons, and then, porhapiy froight will be brought cheaper. Stages wilt then be put on the road, and it will be a favorite route for passongers in the fall to co to the States by way of San FranoinCO; and in tho spring for pasi , songors to go by boat aown tne aiis eouri. ' " - ' ' Public ScnooL. The . following is the Dalles Publio School t April, 1866. rtmcnt.--W hole num ; males, 19; females 1. f I rtment. , TV hoi 48; males. ,20 orage, 89. ': 1 ... . 7epartnient.-yv now 't-Hj; 48: males, 20 rterriL'ie.-39:'s K tfeuartment.' Whole yiuro op: maios, ao ily rtterage, 62. ' . puvtii Minks Mr,- W i justvflnished workine reel pounds more of tho Van Ar quartz,, tue result or which wa iit ed bv Kinc' Mynek & Co.i fln a j roiuni is snpwn.' rraper aig- : havo been found that pay well: d VIOinicy Ol l" ivugtra,' wuiuu idj i fifteen toilea inorth of Yantou fori V f V m .'be V f L j -m-Oregoiuan. . ':'.;.-:V:i S llttC F. BtOCBj '. ,( ff . 'a... V 1. - ; , Dalle. Bloch, Miller & Co., ' '. WHOLESALE V--y.';" G- 3R- O O ISOR.S :, -;, AND DKALK119 IN Wines & Liqvtors Anil Importer! and Jobbers of OLOTHINa Boots fc Shoes, . . . . . , Under Clothing:, 'Ulankets, etc., etc., etc. .!' A.SSA.1T OTTFJOE. WK ftAVK AM assay omcK in connection with onr hnslnnsa, under tli A entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We nuke return In Bars In sit hours. We gonriMitee nil our Aseava and pay the HIUHKST CASH PRICK for. liar. We alao wy ,the Uigueat Cash Price for fluid Dust.- ' . ' RLOCII, M1LLF.R A CJ myOtf. Cor. Main and Wiudilnutnn streets. Dalles. '.C.V ;5 'r.r HARDWARE, . . - - . '. r , IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. -- BY TIIK PACKAGE, .'.':-, FORCASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding coit of Transportation.; V ' ! ' , CUMMINO A ailANT i m13tf Dalles, Oregon. LATEST NEWS! " ALL THE LATEST l EUROPEAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA ' NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES) Received Regularly every steamer, by S. J. McCORBIICK, FMXKLIX BOOKSTORE, 105 Front Street Iortlan.a ,. Papers aud Mngaxlnea packed and . . , I . ' Fotivupded by mall or Kxprem TO ANY PART OF THE MINES In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Moutaua, '' It M "' 8nhscrlitloiu Received fcr any NKWSPIP EK OR X.VGAZINB PUBLISHED. KewBooki, Muiio, &o., by avery Steamer. S i W l l ' - 1 I V t i . t i. '.4 $30;ooo v B O O K s , r I 1 ' . 1 . JL. Js. JLJT XI :A Mj JU ''" ' 'And - '';l ' FANCY GOODS, 5 li" CHEAE FOB CASIlJ , alMlwftr 1 .. '' in . I) 13 II M i Watchmaker and ' Jcwelci r-;; ; mpain street," dalles, Dr.Ki,nn in pink watciiks. jkwki.hv, , CLOCKS. Oold Pens. Sliver end l'lsted Vint: Bpectticles. cutlery, Ao. : ti -FrtlculHr intention naid torenalrini line1 ffatches. Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watnhea repaired by me warmnted for twelve, months, f .... ... N. U. All orders from, the uptier nonntry, by Kxnresa or otherwise, promptly attended to; i MADAMK Lit TRMJKK WOULD RKSPECTtftTU, liifnpm the Lihdies of the Diillea nnd vlrlnlrv; tlm that sho is'now prnpitreil to itbnll kinds uf DUBSS. CLOAK nndPALBfOi'.iMklnpr; AICOTXINO np.J isTII'IM In n new nnd improved stylo, novcr hefore Introduced id (hi trine. ?' ' ' ' '. -i ' ; niih win wariuiui tfivesn.iisiiiction.niia wouiii mn8B respectl'ullv solicit ii lihonU patroimiru. - I '' lit tho HUSH inteiy oocupma .,y r. Ytiilte,over DoRnner's Store, on Yi ashlugton street, lielweetlt toopw ' Dulles, Mrcir2Tlh,IC0'. . .' mrtftf A LI. PKUSONS IN'DKirrCD. to.lhef.nnderahrne an 'JM. respectfully mpti'sted to come and set lis tlialr ac counts within THIBCK DAIS, and sum if-sts. . ,; . . : aUUlnt - A. I. I1L00U ACQ, '. imos. Wholesale & Retail Druggists; Slnln Street, Doll, Oregon. i : - t s ;i I i.' : I WK'NOW OCCUPY mill NKW TWO 8TORTFIRK prraif Stune Imllillng, opiimiltu Illorh, Miller A Cot. and offer to the public a full and complete ttork of Drugs, Mediclneaud Chomlcale, confuting lu part of KRlinSRNB. -, if LAMP AVICKS t CUIMNBY8 TUIII'KNTINB, UOl'S. ALCOHOL, ' ' BACIK. . ACID. 8POSOR8. . LI5SKKD,'- .;( V LKKC1IKS, i LAKU. , . .COltK. . i OAOtt ANI k l.NDIOO AND NEA'SKOOT Oil, LANl'ULACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS " ' " "" " . AND Onr atoek of FANCY 00009 I a of the fluent and beat quality; new atyleaond lurge anHortmunta, miicu u LUHIN'H PEKVUKKKV.i UAlll. LC1II N'8 TOI LET UyAP, . 1'LKSH, POMADES. .m j . ( V. SHAVING, UiifMKTICf", HAT. 11AIII Oil"". CLOTlll'S, COLOOXK, ' , TOOTH AND ' ' 1 ' - FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BKUSltES TOOTH a'UWDEllS, (. AND COMliS. PTJRB ' WINE 3 AND LIQUORS, ' , For Meilldnal mirnoeea. k Our fiwlllliea tor, lnTlng gooda are tecond to none Ini the StaiH, and we Hlmlkat air times elr at a nmall ad vance from noat. Heiuly auleaaml ainiill pruftta. , PUISICIAXfir; J'BESCRimOXS Carefully ciinipoumleil at all hours of the day and night. Dalle,Stpt.u, loilo. aoiu-tl VEBY IMPORT A.NX -to.,: Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAR.OOM. i ft TULICS RRAEMER 11AV1NII 1IOUQ1IT TIIK EN- 3 tire Stock of .Murchandixe aud Rook Accounts of the Into Arm ol M . Sellrt A Co., lu this city, to which Ue Iim.I added ol his own importation (while doing I'fP lauiij an immense Mqcg 03 me best maiiuiactureu ' CrocUerj ,; .; GlaMHWure; , , Plated Ware, Lamps, ' , .Chaiidcllens - Table Culler) . Looklng-sUlasscif and All Hinds of Oils, , All of which he olfera at reduced rates. Persona wish- iig to buy any of tho above-mentioned articles, will do ell to give me a cull betoru piirclianing eisewiiere. Orders from' tlia iMterkir itrotuptly attndeil to, and goods iiacked to go secure. Don't lull to call unnie. Ituuio s atine lluildlng, aslilngion. street, uaues. ' Dalles, March 17tli. 1605. mhl7tf , . . 1 ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED! BLACK-FOOT &-BIG BEXD MIXES . t i u. iiv way of i '')' x , I THE SIIOHTESTANDSAFEST: KOAi for Land Travel. el' Distance from Dallea to Whllo DIulTs 100 mil u , White 'Blafls fo Van it" i ellle....;.160 ' toOolvllle.'.."..;...il..lT0 I " Travelers by kind for either of the above Oold Field. will save - r t. .-i. m ) . m a Save Time Distance and Money By taking tho White Illnlf. lloeik fc i Wood," Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within easy drive ' I n ... -I I . . i 7. , I The road Is now open, and possesses advantasei over any other land rnr.te from the Dallas. ' : ;. . J 1 ...... ruuiisneii ny oniwr oi TIIK CITIZENS OF TIIK DXl.LKS, ,' Dalles. March, 30, 186nV. (j'f ' ; ' mli-iii. COLUMBIA. RIVER - MINES 1 1 A.K. BOOTH... trtiiuo ...HAHRT 5IVlrW!f, Forwarding and Commlitlon Meroh AND DKLKUS IN OKNEI1AT MKHCIIANDlFK .V'XK PHKIClrT FOH, COIAILLK. tPPUll COLUMUIAi KOiTNAI and BLACKVOOT MIKKS promptly lorwardnl. ) V f . HI I Mark OoodsB. A N. Wlilt 11 lulls, w. T, ,' t: v tr-3'wiMi -y.J PontUJtD IlttharilH A McCntken, Alien A Lewis, am I . , ; J -f i .noJge A Calef.& fl . DAUK8 Bloch, Miller A Co-, French A Qllumn, W. 13. DOUGLASS . ..(Successor to AVUllani Blrnlmum.). i?RACTiCAL WATpHMAKER- -,.-.: !, ..- i'l ') A Kit D(AM!R nt - il ' Ii.') 4 S . i -l "1 !..- .'ft'. - i-j.n I.,: 1 wXVirKS TUK ATTHNTIOK iOlf II1S liTBSDS AD L the Public tvliit choice aelectloM of. . New and Fashionable Goods, : Itespoctuilly sulicitlntt tliolr patronage- . j;( .,ry Waich.iC PROMPTLY and PU0P1SRLT repaired ani W AHitAnTatw, " ' ' ' - "t uiiitf : i ' ' ''Next Dear t (he Post Oflea. , i COAL OILt t COAL OIL: , WAIUUON BROS, have just yecIyc4 a. larfta In vulceof COAb OIL. ffhkh they offe( at (rreally ducrd rates.; '. v - - ' ,;:;,; liultf .) m II If ' f&ii ':'r''i;,! . i.ra yRAKKLii $ abket:; CORK EK OF SECOND AND WASBrNOTONf EtRSET DALIESr OREGOX,..- , . , JfO.HflPPlNGER Proprietor . ,mili UNDKK9IONED.. ' M. liaTlim fitted nn the a, -abore Market iutke UKi'T " . STYLE, will keeptoMtaaf- ly ou hand all aorta of - Fresh and Cured Meattu Otthavbwt quality haniahed at IU LOWEST IIA1B . ta My motto la to " BLEASE ALI."K ( . TJ ARTIES HAVING SUPKIllOU STOCK FOR BALK JL , will tie well to call at tu Frnnkllu Market. JOUN EPPINOEU. Dallea. February 18tn, 18M. H ; ASIIlNttTON ItlAUIiLT. , ..iu.;.. TOSNrto;-i i ;. ......... COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DAI.t.F.8, OltKQPN ' JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. i WU.I. KB BP '-Ml. conatantly on hand all the Tarle ' J itles tuat me market cav ptNMtkly l .-if ufloid, uf FHK8H As CX.TIIKD MEATS, , , l ;T , , and always of the b.tquallij. . : , ..FMIItllES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS . . ' , supplied on reasonable terms. . . ' The wadenilgiieii Ik klwaya preyared to pay the high est cash palce tor FA'' OXTl'lJt. Parties )mvlng stei-K In good coiutitlon, are roquestedi to call on him beftre going elsewhaw. i . ' '. ' .JUilN JlIGilELUACU. : Dallus.Maiskat,J804r. .. . utliUtf NOTICE TO, FARMER. S . rmVK .u.ks lvuher and manufacturing JL COMPANY biwieeently at tMU.da , i , .., ; , FLOUl tlJNGir MILL to Ihsfai Steam Sash and Door Vik-Ioit.' la tills Cltv. and are no preimred to CHOP FEED. H11I1SB H'HXAT ami J-"N- u,, w"rrn'1, J" Kl,( tliebest, .MUaJuution. On JXIIIA fAMlf.V FUflUHi '-, I'.j' , 8iC0NDSOlllUDUNia94 i.r I t; ' ' , UUAN AND SIIOH'IM. , n ' t f;. '.MiillU v CIIOl''KKD,CUICKKS JKBD;'' Also, Superior article or COUN JIKAL, froni iwvt Corn. .. 1 ' '' ... 1Wihtt ninrksl pslce paid for WHEAT. COUN a ; BAKI.KV. U. A. UOUUK, Agent. .. DeJlee, Kov. S, 1809.; n: y.ii v u -nUtf. i.BRAI)lV'ORD. i v-Vront street,1-'- rV'lK VOit SAUi. i. YEttS LA KG a! AB801VE 1 f"" .,11 jurnnaiest. . , So iji Jr.f IVlacti ((ii t-iiJ LlqaorN, Case .Goodw. Arete., 9" the Traide hi nMtfcnlarl'v Intlrvd to'einmnio m iitt.ifkMo'pnKhiuiltiBeliwwVpii,: UlJ) : uJ-l". , iMAIfl T, MjXffy erPOSIJK J1MWRE UOIEL, f f AVE JVsi UEftElVKD AatKADTIFui, STOCK p ,; spring am KvsnliEiit goods, . ai'W 1. 1.1 lomng'tiM of '' U' ' LiflDlMags) 'vxi Si ti?.: I h'.i'.'wt ;', 1: it j..; -t Uqots JSUoen4Mn' i i i jiljjil oil J oitwa.wu;) flats & 'Caps '1 Which fttjbffsftiltt8MXI.l.V0FW. ;'. i Dalle, Starch UwJ84i,i ,flito,Jn t. lirtTtf OUR M,.:Hl0lfXI JlAVA COFFEE, ? ' Cri-IUTKES'COFFEE, lr Tn heessrv It A'ri.ne:th' anil fitVoT finr the vUtAi if tkne reiUlre.l to Ire rwarded, to Jlj abyvf p'lwiw. , , .!!.: :s:HAl:',.i n.l-11 I J- t.J A ., If J? , UA1IDKN A F01.GKK, PUCC Steam Coffee, and SpWjIllls.'. 18uv14i2,IS'. rxoni siseet, nan sraaeuc. Jt HIIUl OUUU.BJ, BTATIONKHY, i Stiiiiilaid aud Miscellaneous U'OltKi Ut NOVKl.d. MAOA.IMKB.''PAPKHI c Av every. Bteninsr,,, Poet-Oltlce-v Bookstore. Main street, Dallea. , ' ... Garden SeedS for the million; '.W.tf'i'i.'J hiil, on; ..,.,; W'X,4,H0I "Hfi ' -ft 'I' !'." !' ' ,WUV,OQl,u amliiniL . i ;.-.' V .r l his 'SUiTIHAKKN:' MKKRH.I. A rni'siS f AWSm t d-illi ID'honh ifront Mtrvet,' Pilrtlnud! 'A l ""I"1 ) - I- 1,1 ', i III,,'-' ..I: . . ., , CK'T'AL'TSACOOM li.vn II. .iri :. t- .;. a ,y . .1.1 V " .n.i I. i-i,ti i I ! itii;.-iu aAh'D I, k,.',xjix.xtvjiix'.:'TioM; , " . !Yr.l V .Vo.ttW: kli.tiiuiCDs ProprUtor ' ' , WASU1N0T0N STrtitat ileor to FRENCH A OILMAN Wit-! ni"i ' n " r '"n n ". i -i J.fl' AV; K.l-.t tfl" KOTICE. .)! '-' '": - IlIAR aptiyfpteiir'Ji.inAFT av avnWiud sgt tochlleil aU motny'Oile u',.andatlfnUn ri-T o.L. new generally. . , ,-'3lfJ, .. .M.SKKIOi. , -,' - '; ; .,' ,'f