L3 THUSBDAY MOKXIXO," MAT 8, I860. TUB TIME HAS COME. , We publish this morning a letter addressed to Mr. C. S. Millor, of this city, from Mr. Morehead, Secretary of the Grant County Protective Associa tion, which deserves the serious con sideration of every business man in this town. As stated by ns heretofore, the people of Grant Connty have on ganized this association, for self pro tection from the marauding bands of Indians that infest the John Day coun try, and who have thus far retarded r.he development of its mineral wealth. The Association has adopted a Con stitution, the preamble Of which sets forth that " the depredations of tbo In dians aro daily becoming bolder, threatening to interrupt and eventu. ally destroy our communication with tbo Dalles, thus causing an advunco in the price of all tho necessaries oi life, bpsides placing the lives and prop erty of our citizens in great danger." The preamble further Buys that " the Mass meetings vf Germans are be ing held in New York, to, try and f effect a reduction in tbe rate of ronts. A party of six men. with pack ani mals started for White .Bluffs yester day, en route to Blackfoot. Thus they go, but how they, will return remains behind the curtain. THE Orleans Hotel robbers, now in . confinement in the Umatilla County jail, endeavored to cut their way out, a few nights since, but were fortunate ly discovered before they bad finished tboir work.VThe term of the Circuit "l Court fs approaching, and consequent ; )y these gentlemen are becoming very .uneasy. ' CoAt Mines. The Pacific Tribune : says . that the Bellingham Bay Coul ,, Mining Company has sold out all its protection attempted to be given to ictorest for 8800,000, to tho Culiforaia our settlers by the Government is en Steam Navigation Company ; also, tirely inadequate, serving rather to that K. V. Peabody bas sold bis dona- entourage than deter Indian hostil t.ion claim on: Bellingham Bay to the it,je8i Every man living in the Dulles same parties for $20,000. knows that the facts sot forth in the ' The mu Hauxburst, who was in extracts above quoted are subwtan. custoday for the murder of Wm. San- tially true, and without , tho least , "born, at Salem, has escaped" from jail shadow of coloring.' The people of : last Friday night. "No barn, bolts, this Beclion have suffered to the '. &c, were broken, and the locks wore umount of thousands of dollars in prop. tound all right and locked in the morn- erty, as well as in tho loss of trade ing. Tbe jailor had charge of tbe with the John Day country, and nil -prisoner, and ks yet can discover no of this owing to a band of miserable , clue to tbe escape Indians who infest that recion. Tbe Parties both above and below this Government expeditions that have nt ' point often talk about the scarcity of tempted to rid us of these savages horses in this market, and the exorbi' havo every one signally failed to nc: tant pri charged for animals; but complish anything, owing to tho com suoh is frot the 'ease. " Horses of every manders in the field, us well as at : kind are pFeniyrand as to the price of headquarters, being incompetent to nnimnln wa havn rim IV to add Lhat WO toe lasK. :, We are informed by Mr. Jlobb, Wells,''. Fargo & Co.'s messengor, that three men were drowned in Snake river, near the mouth of Tueanon rivor, a few days since, while attempt ing to cross that stream.; I The District Court of San Fran cisco has issued an injunction restrain, ing Chief Burke from executing the order of the Supervisors, to destroy all the nitroglycerine in the city., nellef Hose Company. Evening at o'clock. ' Regular Mooting This O. A. LIH11K, Siic'y. Kellglou Notice. . 1 C.iTnouc Church Miirnlnic service : Muss, nt 10 o'clink. Evening servlco: ' Vespers nhd Benediction, nt 1' o'clock. Smiday School lit 2 o'clock, n. m. S nStdtf FATHER I.. D1ELEMAN, Pastor. A J. F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St., Dalle, Oregon. FTKlt NEARLY SIXTEEN YKA11S ractlco In lila profiiliw, would igc.3j.ri respectfully inform tho rlllRmM of tlio Dulles pint' tlia nubile irenemll.v. Hint li Ims leased the Dental Olllco lately urcnptril by J. W. HURLEY, Dentist, where liKcnn bo found prepared to ut- tuud to those requiring ins professional services Omen Hours From R u'clock, a. ., to 12 x ; and Inmi 1 o'clock, r. m. to . m. . - matr AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAN STREET, DALLES. . ' . i t i " - " TUB UNDERSIGNED! TflASKPUL FOR PA Favors, respectfully inform' tho ctlwn of te Dulles, and tho publli generally, thi ho coullnuea f sell ut. ,-:-- , n i 5t, ( :pub jic!atjction ' OK PRIVATE SALE, Real Entalc, General Merchandise JlOrNCN, , Mule. ". - ' ' Stocks, Wc tic ' f . i jjj REGULAR SAIV pAXS ' i Tuesdays and Saturdays. Casli Advances madpn'nsignmcnts, Ann ritOMIT RETUHX m (! of hiIm. Otit-iloor add Siivchil SulN uttoniloil to In any lrt ii the city. . " - .' 1 JOHN WILLIAMS, AuctUaeer. 8ELECTSOHOOL. TIIK UNDKIlSiOXEn WILL Ol'KN A SELECT tiCUOUL lor children ea Monday, May Till. IStiG. On THIRD FTEEET, Lotwcon Wnshlngton nhil Court. Tulllon per quarter,1....... '.. ,...$0 00 mar ' ''" ' M13S M. SXYDHR. ' saw a horse bridle aiid saddle sold yea- ' torday,' under the hammer, lor ?12- ; A DiSHATCH to the Oreijonian, from San Francisco, May 1st, suys the east' em line is down.'- Tho R Y; Grand It is now proposed to adopt another plan and to our idea the best one of raising sufficient money to pay as rewards lor scalps, to those who will undertake the work of wiping out Encampment pf Odd Fellows are in lbe8 vagos. . To accomplish" this it NOTICE. BOARD REDUCED v. AT THE : i-.i EMPIRE HOTEL! UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, THE TRICE oriJUAItu at tliiM ll.itnl will BOAltU & LODGING, per Week, 87 to 10 per Dajr 1 OO I.odrlnK, O" Start Meal.'. -ij . .l0 The Proprietor tlinnk Till for tho liberal iitrnnniro l. towml mi ilib Poiinlar lluimo lor tho nnut Fivn Ymtm, Iiiiiea by strict attention to tho want- of liU (Uoatu, to alwnya niortt tiiu aania niltf j. ; TUU.UA8 pjiitii. rroiirii-inr, V. . - Kni;.lro Hotel, Dulles, Dunlur In nil kinds of , u-i ' GROCERIES & GRAIN, ' AT TUB . . ... Lowest Cash ..Rates, ' ' ALSO, ' ; JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER, On hand, and received Fresh every week. Come One, Comb All, an Give me a Call AT COXSEll A BARTER'S OLD BTANi-. , ; sosaiori nt. the .Odd Fellows' Hall, on . Montcomorv Btroet.; ' The attendance is unusually, lurge numerous repre sentatives frrm " Oregon and Nevada being present in addition to tbe rep resentatives from all parts of the State. The Montana I)rift. The Plaoer is necessary that every man in this community interost himself in the matter, and give in proportion to his means to the funds 'of the associa tion. Grant County will contribute two thousand dollars, and we of the Dalloswhoare equally interested ought ... n , . e to be able to raise an equal amount " " I Wrt.h thia anm r rnnrl nnrl.ir nun ha emigtation,. consisting of every con J ; J TJ K E R, . .' , Main Street. Dalles. ' WHOLUIAll AKB RITAIL HKiLEB IM CIGARS. TOBACCO, i SNUPF, PIPES',"''.1''.' , ALWAYS IS 8T0IU TBI DMT MUXd 01 - V Cigars," Tobacco, Matches, &c. nutrii OAttna. ' : '' 1 JL 1'OOKKT CUTLEUY, -'t POUT MONIES. COM IIS nnil lHtU8IIES,o'llklndi,( PKKMIM KIIY. ot evury dm;ri.tion,-' CHINA OKNAMK.NT8. . TOV8. DOLLS, etc.- V " 1 HM1 HOOKSuml FISH1XO TACKLk, SIU.SIOAL l.NSTKUMENTS, FANCY (iOODS. c. Also Powder.Sliot. Lend. Powder Flaaka. Baakett,tn4 many ether articles too numerous to mention.. W Kjf Interior dealers Hiiuiilied with Cigars, Tubacco. etc. at less thati Portland prices, with freight added. pc-S OFF .AT COST! JGPETZ&CO;.1 STONE UUII-DING. WASHINGTON 8TRKET, DALLK9, - ' c . Offer their well-selected ttocafor 1 , TOBACCO,; ;; , : , PIPES, YANKEE iNOXIOISH.C S T A. T I 0 3ST E H Y, )''... -AT- f, f . 'SAN FRAivcisco cost. ceivable descuption of mau, boast . , .... i.--. - . . i ' ". . nrmvalent to ten times the amount in and wagon, from , a four-horse mule , , . b . V. " a short space Of time.' Let the poople . i. ir ' j t . u be careful in solecting this party, and through town Moutanaward. , If tho , .. . ? L . emigration by othor routes is as great ' t. J S -. - ... . , them. They should be experienced ' as by this, California will be depopu- .. . . . , ' , ... luted . bof!re the Eood of emigrants Indian fi-hier. who can travel with- irom the Hast arrives to fill tbo vacant out the incumbrance of baggage, ex . 'places. . vji V: ,y .... s.c ', cept the aetuaLneoessaries of camp v NiTOO-GtYCERlifE in GEaMANT. A lift men who will disregard the Hamburg pnper of. January last con- clomoy. of tbpry! Christian editors . : , , - . ,. , and others who are always shocked tains the aciyenreement of Tlncklor 5: at lhe kHin(J of an jntnan, but who Co., tbe agenlrv of AlfredNobel & Co., nre never effeoted at tho wholesale ' iy manufacturers of ifiiro-glyceoine,1 as mnrders and robberios .that are per ' fni!nw '' , - , V. , nctratod almost dwily on our people. f0te ' Let the motto of the party be "Death Kbrta "German Kuiwfty Association 0 f 1 ru"fl' 5" n1 g f"l v. :.'to:ttai.Hto;glyeo4ror glono mll-o end - that i is the only true (nftWsT-tyaiYtea,- the advertisers P""' . . ..,'.-. are propardlowid by wagon and to b Rbmoved;' We mt stated . j enter, intJ.:rpscial contracu . for lur- that-taotinjrv Governor; Meagher,, of ntsiun; n, du inquaiuiues ot not icsu Montana, has 'commenced removing , than i 100 pounds.., f" . , ,.. 1 oil Territorial offioort who oppose tbe . v.lt ,. wonja ucem uy uiit vant our. 1 rresiaent jteview. t landman was T misinformed in the I r -ifyou salcl thai' Gov matter, las fce stated' before the Coro. movinif ail Union men from office, and i' , ; lner'a jury 'lfeat.it' was transported In I appointing" ex rebels'. . it would,.- be , Europe wis WUSO other froight. J nearer rigbt-.jo Wanted. . A WOMAN TO DO (JKNKKAL II0USEW0IIK GihkI wanes paid. ' Knqulre t this office. apiMtf, JL.SrIT CHANgE! TWTK WOULD CALL TIIK ATTENTION OP THE 1 V public to the luct that we are. alining oat our stock ol . i ' '.:.': M OLOTHINGV D R.Y GO ODS , " & C . ' : & C At Greatly Reduced Bates, And iiffiT barsa'tu which cannot fall to satisfy anybody wautiuK articles la our line. i': . -i ... , . . i i ., " . 1 I-.-.: J W TIS 1NTRND CLOSINO OUIl B11STNKKS 1IK.RB Ii I tilt PIU3T OP JUNK uext.and we take this op portunity of once more chIIItik upon thoae Indebtiid ns to rail and settle. We will not. if we can help dace any of our accounts In the hands ot lonui ci'iieo- or but If ohirnwl to do so, wo Slum nave recourse tlmt whon this notlcQ exnires. ' ' B'.Mtll M. iimiw s in"'. . : W1IOLKSALB A RETAIL . '' DRUGGISTS, , STONE 11U1J.DINH, WASHINGTON BTKKKT, , dalles; OREGON, 3" ,. t.- "i :.-v UK-I , Importers and Jobbers of ,, , TATKST JIKPICINES, " ' 3 J 1 CHEMICALS FANCT QOODSh- 'V SODA, CORKS ACIDS, i ! ' OILS, 'fr ALCOHOL, v ''' I" I r' PUKK WINKS A LIQUORS, - , I'AINTS, GLASS UBL'88H8," IJC - if ' i PHYSICIAM PRESCRlJPTIOyS ; , Accurately ouuipcnotlwl. j .-;; .ti't 1 r v ' PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM'. A foil mill cnmpleto assvirtment 'of' nil articles n the Photographic Line, at SMALL ADVANCE UN SAN VKANCIHCO PK1CKS. i i) , f ; ,sr jf ( M J-Mf rchauts will plsase get our prices kofore order Inx below. M i J,,t v i , 11. L.UHAPlS, t JUSTIV OATES. - i.-Uv. . KHe-J . " .3 :'! U ' Sacramento, at. ' OrficB or Chikv Quarter Masvn.. Department or tiik Covrmaia, inn vantnuxxr, w. alaceli DALLES & JltOK LAli Landing Foot of Inlon Street. TIIK PHOI'ltlKTOIIS ARK NOW PREPARED WITH STAUNCH AND ROOMY BOATS, to cross Tiavelersj Horses & Stock.'-' In it Safo nod eipedttlbns Wanner, and at Keasonnble Kates. , aaiH KANOH; BUTTER! A Vim Packages Cholae, ,q' qaantltlei to suit, nt aJOtf. .. , HALDWIM. UKOS. .oTi e. ;.y ; TTJEMOVINO 5IY RESIDENCE TO CLATSOJv'tlR. $L, II. J. WAl.DRON will act as my Aseut, and is au thnriKCtl to reccivo all moneys din) me. i WMdlm: v. '.j j -A. tti 8T8KLEM D. j neay iyoisic BiVictaitv .RVjo.-r3'ASiDu':;x; sr. . j GR O C ER Y rS TO rl E. '5Ialn' treeC iallefl. '".7:. j j ailiU . 'tr " ', -; ; ttlOBKICS MINim!. IVOTICKa:;': IMSVR,- y ,'oim. r y SRALETPKOP08AL8wlll he recelvmmir tlie'TltANg POH'L'ATION OV OOVKKNMKiN'lV iKKIUUT oyer the followiuie named routes: 1st. f rom Port Dalles, Oregnii, tn ChmpsCurry, Wat son and Wright. - Bidders to ettetiie prtreriier poaud ' In Cots, they willitake the freight for. . J '' Snpiimte kids required for each Camp. ,.Mldii lit this service will be reaelea at t'ort Usllm, Onum byCapt. James (lilliss. A, Q. M., V. 8. A and at,tlLbottlce(.ap to V2 M.. on tiie 1st day of May, lKGtt. . v, 2d. Prom Wnllula. W. T ,. to Kort CoUJUe, W. T.'. Tho price per pound. In Coin tu be stated by llihlws. lllds lor tois service will be rcruiviaL at-Vort Wuila Walla, W. T., by 1 t'Lleut. John NobleA. A. Q. Mand. at this ofllre. i:n to VI M. on the 1st day or Slay, ISclC. 3d. Prom Wallula. W. T., to Port llnlno. I. T. The prlco pen pound. lo Con to be stated by. fexldera for this transportation, lllds for this aervico will be received bv Capt. T. J. Kckerson, A Q. M , lU.8A.rlfort iWni', i. T.- and at this ofllce, up tol2M,oa the litHday of Alar. 1KB. ' ' ' - - ' 4th. Ktm Port Dalles. Oregon, to Port Boise. I. T.. the pricu t cr pound In Con. l'.r which traaspiutatloii will bo loriilslied'Oter thia ronte to be-atatod.' ids for1 this service will he recolved nt Port Dalles, Oregon, by Capt. JitDies Uilliss. A. Q. M.. U. . APort lloisn, 1. T... by Cttpt. T. .I. Eckeraon. A. Q. M., U. fl. A: and at this. ' olHca, up to 12 M., on the 16th day of May, IHtH). Didders for all tho routes will hi' ri iiuircd to pits bonds with R-ood mid millltlent secnrlty lor the t'althhil . pprfiirnimiee of any .contract whloli. may lie, awarded them uuderihis adrortlsuiuoiit. lllds to" be in duplicate ' and sccouipanlcil by an oath df allkance to the United 'States..' j-i ''it: i ..? I , t) - The riaht to reject any or all hiils ls.nuer.vel,4f so. deemed beet for th Interost of tha'Sorvlce; fl tt V ' All contmru made subject to the approval of the De partment ud Division Commanders. ,, ,..f , , r"'.-i.KNKJ. UOPOKS, . ' HrevetLt. Col. and ClilefQiiiHeniioxer,, '.: tosJJOIwasJsluU - . ,u XspitujutotihJoJ,vti4 '