ailn fflountanucr; . " P. Benson, Sr." A vciy clever and atnuHintr tortefiioiideni vtritt-tt over i iial pigiirtt tire to the Song JUcsseA cerotheAortk West, publilioil mniah ly at Oliicngo, 111. , hy Hoot & Cudy; and wtiicli costs only 50 cent u yeur From ono of Iris recent leiteis we clip toe following: " llinir is noil to bo u room or ot u report lieer tlmi jel. davis is goin era) ly. I rihood think ho dot tA trt irnVKV nt" nriv rttliut iriini u-litrl, - e" j v .. - wood iilnieo It in w attic by wmi'iiii; our clotlit'H, IfHvin hr with hnrdly inul to jirouci ncr irum ihe mcii iiu-niiy ot theeuhx btrioiiH bri'iiees of llio leiirct mi minor Dir. She mile hcv eny cot n oold or u lew tcctlmclie, or if xho wan Incliciied tlml way tdio mito hcv col berdelli ol iiliilibliisio. Tho other day i met u erring mith- orn broihering and sic I to li.m, 1 ro. marked, " How du you do 1"' He wan pcroiEii g a iinoHcpuprr ai d he looked up at mo with 1 i, wliiUt ilie uthercn linyoud to reed, and nit; ho to me, whilst the lite ot his opinio i bcetned .cum and cereen upon ine, ho 1 du wbul I" Evident Ire he diddt nt coin perr) lieiid me. 1 cea be looked droopy inspiiriiH and i i tidevvenvd to cheer : i .... it... ... , .. good Kunny In the cull rn corfeduri acy for raiein Htrobberyi atd breem f Ho myced bin hand to deniollinh a mix key toe u hitch wiiHanxj uoly screwtln. izin hi s ami eifc he, yoo BE ituinmd. ' I npuso bo wan uddesf iu the micBkej too. . I turned, quare round ko that he could hev a tool vuo ol mi bnnzem pin and kommenst. Kiijii in Mi nioaet in sinyoualen Milo my urate Hotij ol 'rich mond is took. ' Overeum by lond emo tion o pbeelingH i ch'ped mi eyes shut, stuck my two tliunm in tho arm boats of my J ickel and poured 4lh a stroem ol'ln kwid malady niich as cel. dum tails to the lot of morlel man to hoer. When I had conkluded and finished i unclosed my eyes open, and looked upon the man but he wuzfcenl there. The powwer of that mewttiu wuzno grate that it must bov anulgli Iilghlayted bihit , .Signed) P. Benson Stt, whiteh the 8r it stans for 8inguer. i Sttmmoiii In 111 Circuit Cotirt of tit State of Oregon, for t tounty nfWaeco. Imum M. EVU, plaintiff, Ve. A. W. Davit, defendant. TO A. W. t) A VlS, Defendant I Tod are hereby um atoned Mid required to afopear and auiwer the com plaint In the alio emlileil tult, (which hiu been II I id la the oflha of the Clerk of Watcn county) within eliriit week frum tho flrtt puh Icatloo of thla aumejona; or II yon lall to do to, tna planum win apply 10 ma court lur tha aettlement of tha nartnerthlp acconnta between the plaintiff and defendant, and t"T Judgment nirallint tha de landant for tha ami-nnt found due lha plaintiff, and for all tha roller nemanaea in tne compiamw Br order ol Uon. J. 0. Wiuo.1, Juilgat , n.y4w OAYE8 k IIAFT. Pallet City, April M. lMi Alfyt for t'l'tf. . Adminlstratof Kotlce. 1 mjOTlCIMS ft Kit BY UttBM TltAT T, WIl.LtAM 11 U. CAUPUKI.L. of Watco count, Orraoh. Intre thia dajf been duly appointed by the Comity Court df Wmco eoflnty, Oreirn, admlnlttrator of tlih ettala of William II. B. wiriiow, uecraaea, mere or, an prr ona Indebted to Mid attala are hereby notified to make Jmmedlate payment, and all peraona havituiclaimt aKaiwit aaideelate, are alto HoiINkI to preteut the aaitle to aid at my ra Idenca on Unlit Mile i:rtk. within elk hioutbi trom ante, lor iiaTment. . nm. u.tiAaii'iJr,i,i4. Dollot, April 7 tb, 1680. aplSwi Adm'r. StaerllT's sale of Real i:stnte. -nT VIRTUS Of AN KXKCCTION Inned by the MM Clerk of tne (.limit uoart,tn anu ror w mrii county Oteiion.and to ni directed, in ravoror 11. K. lllock, nlalntin. and aminat J. II. Nevce defendant, for the til l' of nix hundred and thltty-tliree dcliare and eiKhly-elght ' oanla (9033 W) in u. o. coin, ana aTewy-nTe nouart ana flftr-our cenle (176 64) In lnWftil mou-y of the Cnltrd Htnte. anil thlrty-tlitee dotlaN and ninety-four rente ilea (Ul ixati of nllt. with interett and accmlnir cnti. 1 bare IctIM npon, and win aeii-nt public auction, nerore thd Oonrr Hnnae dopr In bailee City, nn 8ATUIIDAY. tllE l'rll DAT OF HAY. 18Sfl. between tha hour of 12 o'clock m. and o'clock n. nu. to lha hlRheit bidder for SutS in hand, all of the defrndatt'e interett In and lo the illnwlna- dcerrlbed renleltllt, to-wlti Lota Nn. two (1) throe (3) foor (4) flea (S) tlx (n) eeren (?) eight 18) ulna (V)in lllocK nra(Si. uoit no tnn (o innr ij dtoio; all (0) and aaren (7) In Block eight (8) In Neaca (111- .....1 MrfriltL.n ft., DmIIm Pltv ahfl lha i-aKf half of Int Nil. tw..(U).ln block fonr (4 In Langblin'l addition to Dallei rity, alia knuniliridfd one-tvnnll C Intercut In lot one m and ban 121 Ih bluek two F21 In Dallea City, anu all that lot or parcel of land altarteA In Wiwco ennnty, Ore Yin-on theaaaleldaof the town plat of J. H. Nayca'a k jO. II. Olbon'aaddltuin to Dallea Fily. It being the lot knrehaaad br J. H. Neyea oHfoj ry Olivar. ileecrllwl aa Pdlowa, to wit : oommenclng at the north wnI corner of tne lano pntrnawn oy nwnrj vm.ot iroiu " . v. iKr,, thane rannlntreaet twenty 20 feel, tlwnsrwmih three hu ndred o00) feet, thtnea want twenty 20 (rot, thence north three hundred (300 fret to plnce nl onioning. Alwi, a 'atrlp of hind pnrrhaacd ot II. J, Waldrhn by J. II, ftyr.'tv-'nty leetwlde, ten 101 rada long, and ill- wml w th went title of told II. .1, Waldrnn't land, and ' adlainingabeloMorji U;eycen ineentt, ' . . . Clt ARI.ES WIHTFv tJ-mt 1.-1.. t -r ik.,..;r i-. t Union State Ticket FOIt CONQKKfS RCFVS III AI.LORT ' Of Mnriim. FOR OOYERNOR: GEO. L. WOODS, - Of Wiuco. rOR 8ECIIETAUY OF STATE : S.iltlUIX E. MAV, Of Marlon. FOR STATE t E. IV. COOKE, Of Miirlun. J FOR STATE PIUXTKR: W. A. IUcIMIERSOX, ' Or Liun. FOR t'UOSECCTlXO ATTORNEY F1FTU DISTRICT: . II. .UK U.S. OfWatco. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Tlili STRAMKR8 RTEZ PLRC E C HIEF, UEii-roor, . TEiMIt'O, OH YIIFE, YAUIAIA, SPRAY & OKAlVAGOiV, Captain E. F. COR, C. C. FKI.TON, J. II. D. GRAY, aud TI10S.J. 8TUSIP, Will rnn during thr M-woh from CKLII.O td t'MATIIi LA. W.M.I.ULA, WIIIVK UI.UHS, l'ALOUSK and LKW1HTON. . one of the nbova named bunt will lenre CRIiIIX) for CMATIM.A RlidWAM.ULAv oil TUESDAYS. 1I1UUH. DAYS And SATURDAYS. The rns.;iffoi' Xrnlil to connect, with ateanior kt felllo will start front iha Hnllroad Depot, DA1.LK8 CITY nt6o'i-loo . . K. will be ilinuitttiud for WIIITt: III.UKFS. fA- L"U.-K nhd I.KH 16TON a of, en a the uecoMity of the trade will demnud. FOR rORTLAKfr-TllltOUOII IN ONB DAY. The Stenaier "ONE ONTA , 99 ; OK " I D AIIO , 5 CAPT.J. MoNUI.TY,. Commander, Will leave DAM.K8, DAI LY, (sundayt -cepted)at i o'clock.. M..coiinctiu,. by the CASCADK RAILROAD, witn tne neanier . , , NEW WORLD, CASCADE, or WILSON Ct. HUNT, CAPT. J. WOLF,., .....Commander, .. Portland. FRANK T. DODO IS. Dallas. Api IIS, tset. n!2tf Agent 0. 8. N. Co. Virginia City. Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! DE5. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. COXCORD STAGES , LKAYE D018K CITY EVERY OT' KR DAT FOg ' ' BLACKFOOT, - ... Salt lake City. Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LARK CITY with Concord Stafe jiunniug lo Virginia City,' Nevada AND 8ACRAMKNT0, CALIFORNIA. .'" FAKKi ' Dolae City lo Palt Lake City.. ...u......tlOO 00 .i "Vlrnlnla City. Montana l!i 00 '. llluourl Hirer, Legal Tender 1300. , Uold, $luo.. .... 400 00 For further Information apply at . ' . V OVERLAND STAOi f.INF. 0FWCB, ' Bolaa City, 1. T., mhSdSm J.N. TODD, Agent. Sheriff's Sale of Ileal Estate. . BY VIRTUB OF AN EXECUTION lamed by tha Clerk of the Conntr Court of the Mate of Of.aon. for Ihe County o'Orant, and to tne directed, IS larur of H. It. II.lnnd H. H. Bnardman, piaintine.ana agatnti W. R, llnrat and Oeo, FiirinlnKton. defendant, fbi the turn of Fonr Hundred and twenty-eight dolliift and twenty cento, (U'JH ).) principal, and twenty dollar and MTenlvnlnecent. il20 791eot. totl and acorulnR coata. and diet of execullon, I barf, till luih riny of Ai m, A. D, louo, icricd upon, and will tell at nnbllc auction, before the Court IIoum door in' Ca'riVoH City, on SATURDAY, the 12ih DAY OF MAY, A..D, tM, between thr houiaof IS and t o'clock p. m.,tothhlgN ett bidder for caeb In hand, the following font citato, rla: One iialf ineret Intheclnlint formerly known ad the Cmd claim; lying Inl'anynaj Creek; one half In ters t In the certuln mining elaini lornierly known 4 the Hntband Fullfnrd elalme, the tame lying and being In Canvnaraaki- two and two-third liitrt In Or claim, known aalh lied Leadclalnia, llietame lylngin tha Sat near ! Junction ol ald Caiiyod r-th'X and J dt Riwtiv':.-:;;. ' ?' -vi. kwkMr sbnff. uALLCti il l Y DltUM STORE. P. CRAIG, , WIIUI.KHAL ANII RkTAlb DEALER IN DRUGS. MKIJIC1NKS, Perfumery, Fnney fionvs. I'ATKNT JIKDICINKS. Ac. Mf btlUOS AXD l' A TENT 31KDIV1SESH bRUOS AND PATENT MEblCWESH Mugs and patent medicines a S. LEMON, WUflLJUAU AMD RETAIL I) 11UG(;IST, Waahlngton Street, between, Muln and 8econd Stroett IIAELES, OREftOiV. (JJ LKMON la ahla to supply partle In want of Drue, la Patent Meilicliiet. ('Iionili-iila. Arldn. i'lirfuinurv. nnd every other article eniiineriitvil with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the loweat market rate. M Phviiiciana and )lerchanta Interiillnir to nnri-luuu. for the Mine, will do well to girahim a call. TRUSSES ft SHOULDER BRACES III great rarloty. s. r.Kvnw. ap.3;tf. Wnahington St.. between Main adn Second. PORTLAND 1 OlWDftl- AND ' MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill aud Morrieon. 4 team Knirlnoa ol from 4 to 4o lioree. unWer.tither Portable or Stationary. Alto. CI It- y Cl'l, A It SAW MILL COMI'I.KTK. cnnttantiy on hand. Alan, lluy Pre- 'j: mol all air.ra; I'lanlnv MachineMWood worth' pattern.) Wrouirht nhd Cart Iron work fur Vor tical 8a wand llrltt mill; Brain and Iron Caatitig ana WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am alto prepnred to furulali Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & moat improved Patterns. - Theae Mill can beforwardod to u nar nr il.. min.. a the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 8. 000 pound. now rowers Agrioulturnl Imuiementi anulactnred toorderat flic ery LiiWKBi'CAbII l'KICK H. 11. Partkolor attention paid to REPAIRS. fa'AMf lVotice. SEALED PK0P08AL, in dnpllcate. will be received ... the lifllca of Ihe nnderalifncd at Vim onver Deiit. J::,?:'.1"0' "' ol,,c" of "io khit nAl.l.l.fli IIImhih mt.A ... itn.u.. - Thiinday. ,IS o'clock M, the lOih DAY OF MAY,18f6, Sir lUriilahliig tha U. 8. Sulwlsunce Department with Two llhlidred Head a00orUeefCutlo, for Ihe Hnlni.t enrellf the Troon, in tha Dlttrlctof Uoite. Bald Caltla tn nil or viinttitnil U...I 1. 1 . j ""i,uio iioainr. aim to ue nenv eied to the A. Ci 8. at FailT BOISK. I. T. or an nnth-r- ...,.s.u., mi. ruoai.ience Department, in laid Dif ,'I!,,h;tK"r',,,,,'",:i0l,'aJ"''e.l888i ' Each Bid lbbcoiihlMnleii by a, Ihmd (with at lenat twn .nrtttl.-Al In .i.& -ll ii.:-1i . ..... .. t i.V.i. 'j " ' ',T' inouennn uouart, tor SM.ffi?ffi of the propoealt contained In No bid will ha rar.l.k r.;. J. x' i.' . (50) Head. " Bid mutt 'Ma he pHre In t: i. OOLD cln. .... UDIecl l0 , approval or the De partment aud Divition Commander.. . .. .ii ,. . i . . "iioneii i ne nem w reject .v or all Bldii thai ha may deem llmeaaonable. null l,i 1m I.I.IHU.J .V . i. . ... ... .bovenanied l'oal, and andoraetl Ihiiii 'Propoal for Jieei v .... OEO. II. WEEKS; .... C"n -n4 . J: M. t. 8. A., A. C; 8. ' ... vn"'erDepoi,Vf;T:,v . ' " apj,a April 16lh, 1808; DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Kftpedltlou Car for all dlteatct of the SEXUAL OKOANS. THIS prompt and rfflcntlona Remedy for tb enr llhonorrota, flloet, Strlctnrea, and Dhwnaa of the Drinary Cinant makee a eiieedy cure wiilmnt the Iraat reatrictlon to diet, expneureor change in application bntlnraai it will radically cure any caw which can be produced. The dlteaae it remove, n ipeedily n I con Ittent with the production of thorough and pernlaneut cure. Fnrlher. the dlaeaa cannot be contracted If the SPECIFIC COMPOUND I. taken when txpoaed. It. iucrallente araentlrelf vegetable, aud nninlnrlnni effect, alllier conttltollonally or locally, can be canted by Ita una. r Price One Dollar and Fifty cant per bottle. Bent by BxpreMcarefnllv pnrked. IIOSTKTTKII, BM1TII k DEAN. Agents 401 and 403 Battery (treat, cor Clar, iytt-taa, , . San Franriaco. B. DAIXAM. C V. AlMaa. ' a. w. iun. ARMES DALLAM, ' Importer and Jobber, of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINE, C0UDAOB. Ac And Manufacturer of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 317 k 310 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davit San Francliaw. - ocll:8nnlaw. ; LINCOLN HOUSE, '. Crner Wahln(tom and Front Street, ,!.:; I , WRILAXp, 0REQ0N v. . FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LA HQ EST IN THE BTATE. Charge RoawuiaWe,.,., , , ,, , ,. , .. AN OMNIBUS will attend all th Boat and convey Paatengera- and their baggage to th IIoum Free of Charge, or to any other House In the Clry for M cent. . .'. S COFFIN, Proprietor. , P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS in the Hou.- r . All the Stearrie'r for OreKn City. Vanconver, Montt cello and AsUitil laud at tha Lincoln Honaa Whatf. DAILY M0KMA1NEEB POWKH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE Flrat Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGOJi JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and ditpatch - It A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVOR ABIT with the very liett. and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP St TO 0RDEE: ' '1 CarilD a it l II i I I-II end CHECKS. PPAfTX. KKCKWTS. ' TOSTEUS AM) P1.0GltAMME3 FOR .. . ' , THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS ife.. ire., rfc, rltlMTrn IK Till MOST AVTSACTlVt HAKMUI. ALSO, ! WAY-BllLR. ,' , HILLS OF TAKE. MTTJM nKADX. IMCJiJrTJIOOKS. ! BILLS LADING, rriefx and rniitlills, 1 VISITIKO. WKVD1KG AND " AT JI01IE" CARDI lrocttiKts XRhfl. ' tn hnrt. everything that can be dine in a Rook and Job Printing Omce. from the emallrat and n.otl delicate Card or Circular, tn tha large! tile and tnit thi y Peeling Hill and which will he tinned out in a ttyle that causal fail to inniire entire Nitlafartion. ou rAciuviu roatm rarcuvioii c r JECORATIVE PRINTING . In the most beautiful Color. Shade and Tlnta. , , Such as Taney Posting Bills)! 1 From a tingle Sheet to the Lai gut Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL &110W CALV&. - rVRHMtRS' LAhELS,4t Ale onaurpHMied by thoee ol any other eatal.liahnient ia Oreaou. nedevoleeperiHlntlentlnhtotliialimnrh oftho , butiueK. and are buntiuually adulng to our already xt ive and well appbiuted aacortnieut ol matt rial. . NbW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS . . , li Of the moat modern and elaborate detlgn. Our ttock FANCY INKS, TINTS. AC. ' Are of theflneat quality, nud for rlchMea of color and duniblllly, cannot be equaled in the State. . The principle upon which bunion I aiged fnr thin tablithuient It, that nenona will coiitult 4tielr own intr ett, by awarding their custom to that ofl'Ce In which . their money can be expended to the beat advnutag. Tt till end we (illicit lilt In want of good Printing, at vary reaaonable charge, to call and examine apecuneua, and Judge for yourselvM. " Orderit froth the Upper Country Will have our apodal care, and frieudt from the Interl may rely npon having their order Oiled promptly, a wo HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State ofOreaonl ' ' Addren: " MOUNTAINEER OFFICE O mia-tf Pullet, Oregon. JACKSON SALOON t CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS DALLES, OREGON, THRUNDKltniGNKD, IIAVINO REMOVED FROM TIIK "BKLLA UNION" CELLAR. INTO ( . GutCH1 New JiuUaing', Dcg to Inform the public that tbey are prepared tn aarvt their cuiiomer with the beat .' ' Mines, Liquors and Clgan, TUB MARKBT AFFORDS. ALSO, A". Free Luncl" Every day and evening. ''" '' : , B.ICHVTI eV dec?-lf Hard Wood 3 CARRIAGE AND WAC WK DKO TO CALL ATTL ufnclurer arid Dealer I plote natortment of CAIIIIIAOi ALU we art eonttniitlt receiviim erlectcd for the California Bui Hickory, anil Second Omwth A' Wagon I'nlet. Ilnbi, Hpoke. Felli, which we oflri at the lowaet CuA 4fT Order addreated to our h, attention. N.I Jel6:3m. 11 k 81 Battery tt and 17 k ID HeveutbiV 0. WAiianoust, U.W. UxaooHI Ban FranciKO. Bacranienfb. ,etxllM . . lout Agist, in; OAiironKiA roa-v TILTON,, t MoFARLX Fire k Burglar Proof SU. STEEL JfiySp 'AVLTS, !l ;' hi w'I-ijI1'i!'.""wi'i't .'i ' . n-;'. rt V i Combination Lock V r Je-Conitaatiy bind a fnll attnrtment of 8A Ftt: .' jio-oaa , .ttiDgn flUMtta '.ft