liug P. IlLoca, i : , San fraucieco. C. 8. Minn. . ., . v Dalles. 1 Money Market. ' New Turk Ould Quotations Sau Fnanclaco Legal lender ratee. r... Epitome of Telegraphic . OOVF1LKD rnoH TUI ORnaoMtK. News. , . DA.TtS$ TO APKIli !10. , WaMngton, April 28. I'be president tins pardoned John T. Mouroe, mayor elect of Hew urleaus. : - I , . The presence of nearly all the Senntos n l Representatives wliu support the Presi dent, iv t tlie .While House Ual evening excites ; . remark. r , ' ' ., i . There seetni to ben misapprehension itbont the tax bill mid t id now stated lis against the , reduction ou . certain articles. Tbo change ou rates ot"ot -erj will increase ti.e ' , ,rrcgitlo product of internal revenue nearly 00,ou0,0U0. It is estimated Unit tbe eottoj UX iilotie will react! $3,21) i,0 0 additional Blbch, Miller & Co., W-J,;-- vHOLESALE . r -err -t" cj Mi : jr JUL ;v JU i3 I -. I' ' ....... " , , .. AND DEALKRB IN" ; ; Wines & Liqviors, 1 And Importers and Jobber! of ; OLOTHINGr Roots A: Shoes, , ' Under CIotliins, r :""r '."'.'.' ' ". Itlaiikets, '""etc., . , . etc., , , . f;, . etc. jVcto yoik,, April 'iL The ftarald'i spe ial - - Siapatch says it m' asserted ou good authority -'.that, the Spanish Minister has proposed to "0'.ept tlie uiedj tiou of ibe Unite! States iu tbe Spun so .lillicully witb Guile, Onai'o, April 8 Tlie New York shipping lilt of tbe HU(hvsiiys that buiiuess continues impartia ty dull, and there is a getiet'iil de '. pre'ssiou. Motiey Hi so very plenty as to be ' almost a drug in ibe ma ket; inle es is low. y goods are dull. , The ' Providence tpnnliut; clot I market ts very dull, printer's generally us well as epu -ululo s declining to buy at p '4cnt quotations, nud pnticipu e a j ; further decided change. Tbe stocks ou band 1 ere ucvumulating, and will be rapidly declin ing after the first of May. : - ' iSince tbe last report by the health officer, there have been fifteen ti'jw cases of cholera ., admitted to tbe hospital - hip and live deaths, :. leaving Dinety-six cases still. ii the hospital. TUe sloops of, will1. Saratoga and I'orttmouth have bee i sent to I t lower quarantine as hospital ships.. Dispatches from Halifax say J the passengers by the EngUnd left there i ro now well, nn l that hero has not been : ' any deaths among them during the week. -, Ch engo, April 29. The RccouBtruuion orqui ttee bad a lew houri1 .session ye-.ter-'4ay, ut which till the members were present and agreed upon the following joint resolu ' 'tiou, which will be iepoitedto Uongress to. too row as n:i amendment to the Constitu tion lamely SBorioii l.'No State drill make or enforce ,any law whici shall ai ridge tbe privileges ' or immunities of the United rt:ite ; nor shall - any Stale d prlve any person of life, liberty or properly without due proce-s of law ; nor deny any person witniu its jur.satctiou equal ' protection of law.. ; , i . Seo. 2..y Representative shall ; be appor- rtipned among lb several Slates which may : be in ludei within' the Uu on according to their respectiye numbers con ting the wumo aumber nei sons in each State, excluding ; ; 4u lians no tuned ; but wherever the elective franchise slut I be denied to auy por ion of . if mule citizens, riot younger than twenty-- yours -or, uge, or in. any way nbrldged, except for purticipi'ioa in the ri beUiou or . ' auher crimes, Ibe basis of representation of ' vucb State shall be .reduced in, the propor. : 1 tion Li which the number of su. h male citi zens not entitled to the franchise1 shall bear to the wbole number of male' citizens not ; leis than twenty-one years of age. 11 , SiUi3. Ouwnd up to the 4tb. of July, 1870, . all persons' who voluntarily adhered to tbe ' -late -insurrection giving aid and Comfort, ,. shall be eioluded frpoi ibe .righ) to vote for members of Uongrs and for elect.TS for President' and' Vice President of the United Butes. , ' ,! !- ; '- ' Sic. '4 'Neither the United States nor any State will assume or pay any d -bt orobliga . tion already ipcurred, nor which may' here; ' after be iHcurred, in nit) of the Insurrection again t the. United States, or claim compen - sation. for. tM. loss of involuntary eevltude 'reis shall have power to en tijite legislation, tbe provl- ASSAY OFITIOT5. iiri! II1VK AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNBCTION V irl'iimir IiuhIiipm. nii.lcr tlio nutlre nnporiiilon nrMr. Miller. We make rotiirns in Kara In lx Irnnr. I W miaranlm all nur Aiianva und pay tlio llinil H8T 'CASH PKIOX lor turn. We also pay the IliKlieal ' Cain price ' niu uun. IfljillTII, MIUI.Ka n w.. : niyOtf i Cor. Main anil Wnlilntftn ttrHOtM. Dallea, , , , VALDROi .imOS., .. Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. vtirK NOW ococrY OUR NKW two stohyfirk v lirmif DUine baitilintr, npnualto Uloch, Miller A Co;, and offer to the public a full ami ooinplete etock of ; FRANKLIN M ARRET. CORNER OF SKCOND AND WASHINGTON STREET " DALLES, OftEOON, " JOHN KPP1NGKR Proprietor Drugs, UMllcitiet ami ClicnilcaU, conalatiUK iu part of KKROSKSB.' 1 TUIIPKNTINB, ALCOHOL, ' AC1IIS. . -LINMKFO, LAMP WICKS A OIIIMNE 110P8, . BSOR. 8PONOKS. . LKKCIIB3, J ; COUKi'. nIIK tmnKHSWNKD JL haTing nttcil tip tlie 1NDIOO AND iASPULACK v 'H r.. . ,,. ' ' , J)EAU!R8 lit HARDWARE, -; 3:m' IRON 8b STEEL. CrROOERIES,5 BY TUE PACKAGE.' " : ', I" ' EOK .OASHi'" At San Francisco Prices, Aduln( cost of Trampnrtntlon.' ; : 1 .. .,..''' ' - ''' , . . CUMMIN8 QUANT, ml3tf . .. . ' ., . ., , Dalles, Oregon, CAfTOR AND . NKATSFOOT OH,' TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, . : ' ''' i , ANO ,-. . ' .., PAT1NT MKDICINES. Our etock of FANCY OOOU9 1 of the fluent and beet quality; new t.vl ond urue anaurttneutii, tucu as LUIIIN'S PKUVUKKIir. IIA1K, LUBIN'STiiILlif jAP, .fLKSU, t ' 1'UMAUliS, 8HAVINO, CoSMKTICS, . 11 AT. HAlltcill.i?, CLOTII''8, ,, , . COLUGNK. , .: i IO0TIIAND Jp'ANUY SOAPS AND ' NAILH1IU8IIKS iiKJilUMW DIiltS, . AND COMDS. PURE WJNBS AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purpOBM, , . Our tHi ilitlt'ri fur: buying goodB nrv trcnond to none In tlio ctii' m, Kit! we intuitu itll titnua wll utAtnuaUttu tud,' 9 from r.ont. Ruity mli8 and tumll pruAta. PUVSICIANS PKK80K1PTION3 Carefully coiniiouncd at all hours of the da; and night. Uaiiee,Bt'pt. i, iit. setu-u V 10 11 Y .IMPORTANT - -TO Slcrcliants, Families, Hotels and liAlMtOOMsl. ' TULIUS KKAKMKK I1AV1NII UOUU1IT TUB EN- t tire Htix:k of Moruhauitie aod ltouk Accounte of the late Ann ol M . teller. A'Oo. In tliU oiuy , to which he line aitilwl of hie own iuipurtation (while doing UuRlnewtu k'oruanm an iniuteuae toes ot tne uem mauuiuciureu Crockrj i'J ' CilaNtiware, "'. Plialod Wars. I.amna.' C huiKlfillem, Table Cutler j Louklng-tilaftNCH and i' All Klnda nf OIlH. All of wlilch he ulfem at rednced ratei. Perioni wlib- tng to tinyjMiy pf the abovo-roeiitiouwl artlolea, wllldo Onler. froui the interlur iiriniiptly atteuded to, and gooiu ackeii to icq euctire.- Uou't tall to call on me. inwivcs etuue jjaiimug, nauiiigon eiren. iiaim. ahiire Market lu IheUR T BTYLB, wliV keep cuuitaot- I ly ou tiaiHl ail aorta of ; ' , ' ' ' fretiu and Cured Meals, Of the beat nvallty firnleld at the LOWEST RATI . Sly motto le to PIB ASK ALL." ' frjAITIKS nAVINO SUl'BltlOR STOCK roll SAbl M. will uo well to call at tlie Vrtankliu. Maakpl. DalVea, Fobruary 10th, 1861. JOUN WMNaiSR.. Dalle. March ITtti. 1RI14. JULIUS ttUAKMKH. -mhlltf LATEST ONE WSI p3$ MM : . 1 ' ,r ALIa TUB .-7fi LATEST EUKOl'KAN, EA8TKHN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Received Regularly every atearaerj by s.j. Mccormick, FURLI ; BOOKSTOUE. 105 Front Street Portland Papersaad llagastaei packed and " '."',', Forwarded by mall or ICxpre.ia TO ANY PART OP THD MINB3- .. In Oregon, WaahlogtoD, Idaho or Montana. ' I ' ,' Eabacrlptlonf Received for any NEWSPAPEtt OS MAGAZISE PUBLISHED. Hsw Books, Mailc, to., by svory Steamer, . w ',: -i. i ; WORTH Of .'; BOOKS. STATIONERY ;"': ; and ',:,,vi':-',;. FANCY GOODS, ; CHEAP FOR CASH.' ONE HUNDRED MiLES SAVED1. BLICKFOOT & K1G BEXD MIKES i . BY WAY OK V';-V-'.. Yliite OBliilTs! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD FQr JL,ancl, Xuyepl Distant from Dalles to V'hlte Blnffa. 100 miles White Diode to Tea d' elll.....,.l W i ,'.,'.' cdKMExor , .:, v. :-, COURT AND SKCOND STKKKT8. DAI.LE8, OREQPti JOHN MICHELBACH, Pjoprletor.' jfTFS, "ILL KEKF u flJJjK'conatmitly on hatul all the Tarle- I tl'iiiiilniiT-"" that the market can poaaibly attonl, of . FIIKSII Ac CURED MlCATri, and always of the bi at quality. . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS' ; " auppiled oa reaannable terma. , ' Tbe ntidvraluneq la alware unnared to tiar tbe fclrh- eatcaah price fur 1TA1' 4'ATTI.K. 1'artiua liaviuK atk ' la kochI cunditlou, are rutuwteil to rail on ulni beroM going elaowl.ere. , JOHN MICUhLUACU. . uauea, starch iiiai. iboo, , mhtlllt NOTICE TO FARMERS. rejMIB DALI.KS AND M ANUFACIUR1NO M. COMPANY hae recently attached A . , te their Etam Eaah and Door 1'nctory, In thla City, and are now prepared to CHOP FBKD. OIUNB WUKATsnd CORN, end warrant t give the beat eollalaatlun. Uav baud conatanlly and for rale ' 1XTKA FAMILY FLOUR, - ' ,1 , , tUCOUNDD OR MIDltMNOa. ' ) - ) BKAN AND 8UOKW, ' ' i CHOP VKJSD, CHICKEN FBKfr. Alan, a Snnerlor article of CORN 1IBAL. from u Corn. . , , . 'J he blL-hcal market Mice Bald for WfTRAT. CORNa BAKLkY. . ... U. A.U0aUB,Aent., Dalle. No. 2, IMS. . - ' V .. u3tf. A.. G5-. BRADFORD "; IMPOUIEIl. AND J0BUKK OF v ,.;(, Twines Liquors, I:" "" FRONT STREET, Vvl Portland, ' ''. - - - .. , Oregan. jTfcFFKI18- FOR 8AU A YtRI ' LASOB AbBOUl V rnetit ot , , .v!, . ; ; llrandleK, :. .. ,' '; .; J : Wines. .".',',;. k .'S Case .V,- . v .V.'i IN'- Ooodsr to Colville... ,...uo ' Wii to the bH acoorapa. rifjpsilioD8, one oi wuiuit ui6aloaf of Senators and ( late rebellious States, fie above amendment is e. Federal. Oonstitution) es leAdintr rebeU Irom ,tnte or Federal, includ- beads ol departmeots, pi- ies, jro vernors, officers a the rank of Colonel, . . above tbe rank of Major : dFederat ioSlcei in 1862, (itoiqel, imliciarT, or mm .ae. Who subsequently gave .ibe rebeltio. r : .propositions' were adopted by ,rn bv a 'vote of 12 aiminst 3. nson add' Representatives Qrider ,: tie rjiieation requirmif neero-suffrage after 4 years', was not pre-sed lnlhe cOrhuiittee, veo .Tbd.; Stevens consenting to drop it. Tae-cairttaiUre tbtm voted to remove the bua If seerftfiy, and considerable satisfaction nas "fretsed that the committee bad cone ta a Trawlers by land for either of the above Oeld Flolda. willaave -. ,tS. . ' ; . Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Blojff Rued, t y & , J ,f ,j (wood, Water and Grass Are foand on tjils Road within eaay drives .'. . The road Is nnw otien. and noaaeaMB advantairea over any oilier latin rnuie iroui ine imiiea. moiliineil ot orner oi S" Tbe Trade It partloelarly Invited to examine ay t ck before pDrebaalug elaewhure. ( , , aui!tf, II. HERMAN & CO., MAIN ST., DALLES, 0FF08ITK UPIRB II0TZL, JJ A JUST RECHI VJBB A BfiAeTOfUL STOCK OF SPRIKG. AND tilllUMEn CiOODS, ' - " . CanttoUeK la port' of rancsrand Staple Dry Cbod Clotailn(r, ,-,,.'';','v,' Uoou & gncs. .,?. - Dailei'Wi nrrh. 20. 1868. TDK Cl'UZKNS OF THB DALLR3. j COLUMBI A.'KIVRMINES ! A. K. 10VTn.,H HURT JIET1WIV.W :X5bOXII &'NEVI80N,U'' Forwarding anil Cbrnmlsklon Merehamts . AND pKLKItS IN OBMERAT MKUCIUNDI8B, " ITTt. T1 m'. . VV ",-.-rp,-. PRR19HT FOR COLVILLK. CPPRR COLUMBIA, KOUXBSAI and DLAv, JOT U1NKS promntly torwardi-d. '-' ' " " ' , Uark GoodaB. A N. Wl Ita Blotfa, W.T, ; I, ,vi- '( g .8 ' ' ,',', ,'';,.,.;; Hats & Caps, ..; 1 1 thtb they effer to asll U gMAti PROFITS. .)? , 9olts, March SttbalMS. ... t t ,' i ,'M.'arSHfV ' j MONTANA! IDAHO! WASH0? 1 ARK s FBTTI'SC''''VP : -OVIll . . , tHUOINAL SUPUtlOR BRANS 01 1 CRO tXN IS JAVA COFFEE.7 ' ., ,t '..; rjis-,;t.-i; :;;. .'?'':(-; -;'v ;.';; CIIARTRES COFFEE, : n i." , 1 " r'asossi Fdstuxb tUcbords A UcCraken, Aflea A Lewis, and '' ". ' IlndM Calef. ' - . y'., 13. DOTJG1UASS j To preeerve Its strength and' Savor for the length If lime nqnirau w m i rwaraea to tnv asove n sees. ' - . - Kui Ul L all tha J.,l,h.- aui ' . .: -ii f - ' I ' ' r ' UARBKN FOLSKR,'-. alWJwUw If. DEllM, 1 - . ' .... s . . I - I- Watchmaker and Jeweler, , - . MAIN STREET, DALLES, TRALKR' IN FlNH WATOIIB8. JKWSf.IlYi IJ CLOCKS, Gold l'ena.Silrer aud Plated Ware, I Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. ' ' ' J eearPartieular attention nail to repairing flnaW 'Watches, Olockn, Jewelry, elo. All Watr.bu repaired by me warranted for twelve months. . .- ' -.'-..! N. B. All orders from the upper aoontry, by Xxpreas ! otnerwiae, promptly attended to. v-, . ,, r : V'a5 ::; . r ' I- '. - . .- r 1 alSmlpJ . Ptoneel Steam Coffee and Spies Mil), V . t20 Front ttreet, 8aa gr.ndaee. (Sacceetor to William Blrnbanm.) BOOKS I 1 OO.KS t . WHOLESALE AND 'RETAIL. 5 Slaudard and tlleoellaneous WOitKB, Ute NOVkil.8, MAUAUN1C8, FAPKH&A? AOm At. by every Bteamei. PuaKfllaeta'"""r .' Bookatore, Main alreet, Bailee.. . , A ....... Garden Seeds ror tne Illllon.',! ' 'saaT-tT j ',,'., I ,' ;'",',..' i ' . v '. i Jl. . VAUBiUi , PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, 1 WOOL and Illtil S. 'U'.lM IA1 CARD; ? Am aausa u Inform the Ladiea of the Dalles ami viciuity, that alia ib now prepared to do alt klnda of UKsUS, OL0AK, mfADAMS LB T8LLIBR WOULD RKSPRCTFOLLY ITJS Inform the La ahe ta now nrenared 1 laud PAUSfO'C u inking. Aleo, CUTTING and H IT! NO In a new and Improved, style, sever before introduced. )a tkle place. She-will warrant to give aalafaetlon, end would most reepectAjlty eulieit a liberal patrouage. - ........ Ia Hie- Roeiaw lately oeeunlod by Urs. White. ver Bgeae'e8torel on Waahlngtok street, between Second Xfine3 eclaslo. - v. . ej.,- . ...... :andjewelry;: TNYITKS THK ATTBNTION OF HIS FRIIND8 AND JL the Pobtle to hla choice aeUet ion oi New, and Faslionable Goods, Reeyectfnlly suUdtlng tbslr patronage. ",'. . '. , Wo-ches PROMPTLY Bad FROPJCBXT repelreo) one) pas Btonist oabq psica pai for ' "(rilRI, WOOIit AID HIDES, at sahlSaia - i lr MetTRAKKN, MRRRILL A CO.'S " i ' It Nwlh Float Street, Pertloa WARUANTBB. Ml . Meat t. tb. Feet Offlee. NOTICE. A tl PUnSONS iNPBBTtl) to the andeislgne a JtlL -etmi ly wmii w eeme and settle their a w.klArit-taLT V UAVSL an aeeakaa . ' - . . a, . aArva W. ' COAIOIM COAL. Oil,! rAiDRON BROS, havs iaat reeelveeVa Urge la WV rvotcl COAL Oil eVkb Ih-y effer at greatly ratesa . jww) - u CRY 8 T A L S A LOON ,'; ' HUJULXIZD ,'. ROOM ';, " , ' . JORM ItrjIpLAVFf, Pr.prle'a. V WASniKOTON ST., next deer to FRKKCU flllMSB " " -.- WOTMIE.'.i-..,..'...,,.- ' fBATR FFlale41 S.BAtT my aatkerlseS Semt ' to eaaV' t aR swsarys dee avv and attend to n leal-' as geajtraai., . ;ISifj ' .,- . M.kSuST "cu ',t:!:: ! mh iiwim a