SET-4.- WEDSKSD1T, HOUNINfi, JMAI St, 1800.' 1 t i i i i i i " Fivi j, thousand i new, houses Umve been erected at Memphis, Tenn.,dur ing tho punt year,. , ' .. ,' C '-'''v Pinto Chask, of Milton, Conn., who has taken no nourishment but whisky body thiuk of ill Freight from Sun IDAHO NEWS. ', , Wo take the following items from the Owyhee Avalanche, of the 21st ult : The California Steam .Navigation Company, and the Pucifio .Railroad Company are carrying11 Idaho freight free ofcliartji to tho '.present terminus of tho railroad. The Tea-msiers' As sociation have taken freight at 14 cenls'per pound for carriage to this country. Merchants, millnion, every io. l00 MAIN STREET, DALLES. as a State. Grant Hook at. Ladder CoRegular Meeting tills KVENINU, at 7J$o cluck. . By order. fe ll. L. CIIAPIX, Sec. . Religion Notice. .V '" Cathoup Cnuncn Mornlne service : . Mas", at. 10 o'clock. Evening sei lcn; Vespers anil Benediction, at Vi o'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p. 111. aildtf Columbia FATHbUt L. DlliLKMAN, Putor. Lodge, No. S, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday rreninf ';at 7 ' o'clock. In Oaten j ! f . . j. . IV ,;,. to nmt'lion nl U pnnta nr HalU eoniM of Second ancl-Court Street. Brothers In and milk for over twenty years, died raneisco to uw neo at 1 cents per .1 gooUltaBdi,llrBlBTite(l t0 attend. By order., n.g. tMJUHU. UU innvn ou lincng novo in I ' v " t . . .. ... ... Waano l.n.lir. Wo IS. A. ?. Ar. - l March, the shipping receipts nave ".:,'.. ,.,, alroudy come to hand and there is no Mondays or eo month, at their iiaii. in Dalies cay. m.lnb nhnnt. I h 1 hllH neH. Men and IMMnren 'J iroouiimiili8are limicu io nurnii. "ut the age of seventy. : Raw mutton, or beef, given in con- Innnlinn vUTIfk .1li.twl I inl. rl in flmull noses, is now used in the treatment .of consumption in France. Srril L. Pops. Sec'y. companies representing millions of capital havo taken hold of this mat ter. Orders tor gooua to come uy mis .. ;tl - r -.l..,. ,1.1-ibl. rs . i t- rmiio win oo proiupnH lot wurutiu. Alio avuuKiurutiu (in wputiper 01 xw T ,. , , , W. .1 . Itoliablo assurance is grven that with- onoater, N. Y., has put up the namo in-a fow ,r,()ihs freight will bo dis. of Gen. Grant lor the Presidency in patched here at seven cents Ship via 1868. . Sacramento and get your goods cheapi iV''-'w'TTT : ... 'r o ... Iv. ouicklv and safely freighted. . ' 1 11 w nniHpnnu mnrpan rir finm n I " r . . . ' .. ' . . Things are 0 'couragiiiij. Wouldn't Carolina baa deeded to rectima its h bo weil f((r tho q g N; Co, ,0 ' AnnAnlinn with t.hA Phnrith nf triA Qn..iA P;..Mf..i. 'it ',.... I.i. r.....u.. i...j9 in... ...,1.1;,. ...;ii lake n lice that Bliinniiii? receints sent Miss Iaabotla Quid, f Virginia, who here from Umatilla show that 20 cents filled her lover, IS ibert II Meade, has are tbe rales by Blow freight. I.oon found goiliy of unlawful shoot- The AinRWOrth Mill, on Sinker, is ing," ana sentenced to pay a line ot I jn rather a dilapldtted condition. Air. one cent in lawfat currency. Leonard, Superintendent, is expected lodging, to return soon to overhaul and thor single iieai ouch I v reoair the batteries. Dans and ' Thi O S-. N. Compar.y has changed proptlliiii; power. Its location at tho the time of .their boats on the upper junction of two main branches ot tho river. Tbo boat will leave Celilo until Sinker, insures water power for ten ' ...u. .:: m" rin ...j stamps at leust one-halt the year. .. further nottee on Tuesdays, ltiursdays . r ..... . j ti J ' I We understand that a now double auoavurua-ys. ,. ine passenger tram .rbine . wheel is to reDlaco tbo old By oMer of tlie '". M. SELH:CTSOiiOOI,. rrwir. undf.rsionkb will open, a sklect JL bCUOOL for cliildren 00 ' ,. . - ; Monday, May VUISGC.' ,. OnTHIUD TKKET, lietweoa WalilnRtoii-anil Conrt. Tuition per quarter,... 96 00 m2tf MISS M. SNYDKR. rnHK UNDKltSIONKD TIIAXKFnr. FOR rAW . 'JL Farora. roKprctt'iilly InfuiRii I lie citUen' ( ta Dulles, and the publli. ijeuerally, tlial lie evutinne ellut . ' '.; :; . - JPUJBLIC iA.XJCTIOIV :.-.: .. OU PitlVATE SALE, , . . Real E(ate, . ; , . 1 . , Ueneral Merchandise, - Gaucerleei, . ,,, , ; ilorNcx, . Mules, ; ' ;. Furniture, ,' ' ' Mock, &C. &C. , KKQOLAR 8ALK BAS, ' ; 1 ' , Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PltOMI'T UISTO'IN m de of sales. Out dour and Special Sales attended to In any parte! His city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anctlonitr, NOTICE. BOARD REDUCED AT TUB i . EMPIRE HOTEL! will leavo tho Railroad Depot at 5 A. arrangement, and tho steam works t M.,on tba above named days. ; wm oe nitea up aiso. ino company r. tare vigorously prosecuting work on HW f I. rrl ll Hi likoir I mrii.n ltnal.i ci . l-- j ..i'r.. 171! " "5" lino ourpius irrouna 01 wie urn rino, rboeo organized at Salrm, by A. L. and have already considerable pay josi-YN CURTIS' BUTTER ' Slinson, 41. W.G.M. The new Lodge rock out at the mino, and, to facilliate . ' ,ii a 'L k - ' 'i - IS e,V A,..,ivnrarW 1 fiilirn NVi the Work, have erected whim for , ; Onhan,.,andreiTe,lF...I..rJ e,k. , ( . T y ,g' , raW.iK water and rock.. All things Como One, Oomo All, an-l tlvo me a Call, . UNTtr, FUItTHBIl NOTICE, THE ri'.lCB of BOAliD at tills IMal will bet i ! , , i ; DOAItU &, LODGING, per AVeckj 97 to 9lO per Uajr..;. , 91 00 50 SO The ProiirMur thankful f-r I he liberal lalronaie lie- stowed on this Pmmbtr tlouse lor the iiiwt Fire Yunrs, hopes by tt.rii t intention to the wniiLof his gnwits, to alwavs morn ine same Mitt ..i - THOMAS SMITH, rroprlitor, Km. ire Hotel. Dul.ea, j. u. jiicKKiiWbrsr, . . Sealer In all kinds if GROCERIES & GRAIN, .... AT TUB Lowest Cash Hates. ALS-l, J. JUKE K, Main Street. Dalles, woouml ass RrjAiL nuua M ' CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, '- PiPEsi &o.v "r; ALWAYS IM STOai Il BEST DaAMIlS 0 , '"'f Cigars," Tobacco, Matches, &c 1JI.AVIN0 CAHDS. ' - i ' COCKKT CUTLERY, ; .-, l'ORT UON1BS. COM US and UKUS71KS. o' all kinds, l'KHfUMKUY. ol erery deecrintlon, CHINA 0HNAMKNX8 ' TOYS, DUI.I.8. etc.i f I a. j am new uciuife rcHUJisirom mo n.iA.nA c:u i,..r -,. , -. . : , I uuuniuui oU itiio iwinaci 1111110 uuvg i overgrown momoertiiiip ot Ohernoketft acono of prosperity not far ahead. .. 4i i i , k ;A large number are preparing for ox- "'"' ""-'' ' . tended prospecting for many miles v! Sbleot Sonoi)i,.Miss Snydor will round, making Owyhee headquarters. . .,1 I Ii jiiiniiAa H u 1 1 if rnnAxI uil opeB a select school, on Ihird street V, i AT CONSER k BAKTKlt'3 OLD &TH: iiuted. WOMAN TO DO OKNKUAL H00PEW0HK. Good wages paid. Enquire rt this ufllce. np29lf. nSII-UOUKSand FISHING TACK1.I, ' Mvoijnu inoiituuiiAiB. FANCY O00D8. At. . Also rowiler.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskta,a4 inuny oker articles loo nonierouH to mention. t ' lateriordealers su)ilied with Cimr. Tubacce.ets. at leas than I'ortlaud prices, with Iroiuht added. e4 - MUMjINCt OFF AT tOVri J. GOETZ & CO.- (TOMB BDILDINO, WASHINGTON STHEKT, D ALL, . Offer their wellelected stock of ' tobacco, v.; j BEGAR8, PIPES,' AKKEE iSOTIONS,j STATIQNEEY, SAN FRANCISCO COST. . . : . mr27tf' . The nrttaiuiil attmmAf r 1 1 rlrtiv Kt I..UD ka rtnii s . .n a. J'tlT , i uivviiu ouiiniiui nui uvuvuvno V I " between . Court . and Washington, on f .;, disnovorias. Waare told Monday next. Miss Snyder has been that wonderfully rich discoveries are etaployod as -teaclier ' in the Public kept sucret and neither claimed nor Sohool in this nil v for inns timn n-t. worked for fear of lawsuits the bane k. ,..,..,...: . , ,t of rich mines. No camp escapes these . and ber reputation as such is well L-.k,.i,. k u k aJ WE WOULD CALL Til M ATTBNTI0N OF TnB pnblis to tba I act that we are closing oat our took of ' ' ' -j iC'LOTHING. D R Y G OODS, &C, &C, At Greatly Reduced Rates, : 4 an an in sir a t f f in itri.ia s a VAll n I trvl ! " i'1 ' " ' . ''''.'...'' . ' . ' . ' 'W. 'il.'U.i .1 n 11 ' ru ' Ul""iu w;1" v And offer bnrna lis which cannot fail o satisfy anybody , Known, inrouguout the .Dalles. . 1 b grow right up to importance despite wanting articles ia our in... . , absent crowded stato of the Publio them. rTi ! ' -s :.-. u : u ; .5 C . ----1 :-y- SV aobool rendors H almost impossible for' - Viie' neonle' would w'eloome almost Fai Warning ! ' tbennmborof toachera row emnlnvnii 1 p ti..k . rx intknd closing our business iibiie by luouumuurui veacnirs row employed any chango in the curroncy it but W theFiiuTOr1 junk nxt,an,( wetak. mis op- tojnstruot the children altoudi'ng hat for the sake of variety., Merchanis Srn'iul;J,ct,,t;e wK"wiit u.T.f cinifp 1 .institution, and w understand that tanu mecnanios generally reuiso neai iy piareany or our accounts m tns immia 01 . ,' ... rrn ana..!.. nrTr.rl ! "Trnhnrinrr . mnn If "bligeil. to do so. w. sl.aU bav. rur , mo directors 01 tooocnool oaverecom " '' "r- - . . . tllM when tul, uu,lc, ,XDi, "... . . . . eannot procure articles ot gruo anu . mended to ncrents who can itmirrl it to I . . .... . . b . . . r . .. . " l cioines witnoub naving inoir currency 1 nlll'i Ar Itill'la'l ,1 1 11 rud their children to. Miss Snyder, bloed and culled. We are informed nAI,L, Ac IIXUA1U ( For term seoadyertigementinaoother that a number of companies will soon ' Jc Jdj JtC X ' ; ;eoloai. ' , ;: , , . 'establish the ule of paying In green J Landlng-Foot of I'nlon street. t " ' " IN HBMORUn, 1 oai'KS. joiu cutn or uioan uusi is To nil O.P. H. P.'ahu BnoTBitts or Klu I lovely and our favorite circulating toi Bioaiukmt No. ' f, . Q. 0. Y.-PatriA medium, but just nOvr greenbacks , Tktttd sad mourofal tidings having wouiu 00 a grear, nnaneiai reiiej. reacbol our Eatampmeut that Dc&tb hai ; : taken frew at ear beloved B other and P. 0; V , WH0LE8ALK A IIKTA1I, . DRUG GIBTS; : t ETO.NK BUILDING, M-A8UINGTO!t BTRKBT,'.. DALLES, OREGON. rylC'.: : v Importers and Jobbers of PATENT MKHICISES, : CHBMICAL9 A FANCY GOODS, SODA. CORKS A' ACIDS. r. . :' T. A f v : ' OILS, A ALCOHOL, " . ' ' i., ' PURB WINKS LIQUORS, PAINTS, OLA33 A UIICSIIKS. t 'tU'- ' i j rnYSICIANS' PRESCBIPriOJfS 1 A Accurately compcuodsd. , .: . i g . PHOTOG R A P HIC EM PO RIUM .' A cum pip te assortment of all articles la lb Photogiaphic Liua, at a SMALL ADVAKCa) ON SAtf VHANU1800 MUCKS. - '4 f i , t . 4UT tlrrchauta will please get our prices before erae- liiK below. ,.. ;ll. L. CUAPIN, r . . ; JUSTIN OATM. ' i Dalles.. ! a i bacrawriito, Cat. ' NOTICE. ' Vy tb. 7th day coffee Guloh-ono mile .of March, 1806 ; v &Q oxaroinatlon; Kiunlotd. That ohMa era .I1. J 4- . r . ' . Tub Adriatic Tho ledgo bearing this name, lies across at the mouth of wos of Silver. Inst : Wnnk. ns Rutlved, That whrle we are celled t !. j ' .; 1 : i, i. U.; woora hi. loe. lo .e .oeleiT or PatriArths, 1UUT u Tul 1 V 7'"" . would we at taie time reader to the fami 80Ulh' and a ebaU da,W"i tW0,lty fe01' il and friends of our deceased Brother our Iu the tunnel the ledge was a mere ,Ueaitfelt tvavpathtei fer the lose or oae who seam, and ut the bottom of the shaft was ever reepected by all who knew him, not fully six feet wide and increasing very rZSJSfV.X! ' Assays ol the rock range from MlrBiied him' to enter that Oread Ka. 28 .t0 Per ton ; ;Mst(Beat abova where thai rest can only be Lionua iaat we sees is rain on eartu ninB PROPRIETORS ARB NOW PREPARED 'WITII X STAUNCH AND ROOUY UOAT9. to Cross , . . Travelers, Horses & Stoek, la a Safe and expeditious manuer, and at Reasonable lUtea. !n,'f ' SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA ... ItAiNCiTII BUTTER! A Pew Packaces Choice, iu ojoantltlee to suit, at aMtf BALDWIN BROS. - ' NOTICE.' "'''"V 1 TTl EMOVINO Mt KKStDKNCK TO. CLATSOP," MB. MMi H. J. WALDRON will actaa my Agetit, and U an- tuorisea to recsivaaii noneye wn me; -a20dlnv . . A H, STBKLR, M. D.. - Dissolution NeticeV Orrioi op Cater SmaTimjAsm, ' USFAaTHMt or THB 1'OLIIUBI. Art rancouvea, W. T, Menh ill. 1869. From Fort Dulles, Orepon, to CampsCurry, Wal nl Wright. Bhldeia to sftite tike price per wis JTJKALED PROPOSALS will be rreelted lor theTRAtf S- TaTOTTCK IS IIBREBY Q1YKM, that the co-ovtne IV . 1 1 .... ...I . v. ... ..... uoiua . 4-.m . . t. snip inBTewiore n,M.iiiH unnnBii s. ra. A. 6. Turner is renorted as havinff I r:.,i .T iavi uer atunta busiuem.ha 'elZl li! 1, 1 ,1 r ' " . CAaur narl liU hr in lh - Tnrlinn been dlssoWed! that A. W. l)ii. Is Indebted-to the Co- thlsseririce a III U receieed at rort Dalles, Orae, to J, v&MoM, 3lt these resolution! bespread 'AlgnOO r HIS SnarO in ine - Indian pn,,,-. dthatabHl Inequity lou.UeaflU.1 lor Oapt.JameGilUa. A. 0,.M.,Ui8. A.; tort BokM,nT. P0IITATI0N OF OoVbUNMeJST HUG11T. uie louowing nnnien rouies: 1st. From Fort Dalles, Ol sonnml Wright. Bhlileis to sftite tike price per poaM l.vuin. 01. wii o iu. irriKiifc or. ..,.. Bemrate bids required for each Camp. , Bids for I his serrice will be recWte.l as Fort Daliea. urnron. a Aim Jamea Uilllse, A. 4- M., U. S. A., and at UiiaoOfte. wt to 12 M.. on the let day nf May, Hti6. y , 7 T 2U eioin nauuin, n.i , 10 rort Volelfltv W. T. ine price per pouua iu iui 10 ue auiea pe oieuere Bids fur senica will lie received a Wulla, W. T., by 1 t Lieut. John Noble, A. A. 0 Maad at this office, to 12 M. on the l.t day of May, 1844. 8U. From Wallula. n . T., to Fort Boise, f. T. TV ' price per poemd io Com to be stared by UilUera for tkla iraneioikiuoo. juue mr tins service will ue receives ay Capk T. i. Kckersun, A Q. U , U. S. A., Fort Bote, f T.- and at this otke. uu to 12 M..OU the 15th dee at u.. wee. , ; - r-", 4tlu Erom Port Dalles, Orrgon, to Port Boise. 1. 1 the pries per pound in Coin, i r whioh traaspeHatloa 111 be mrnisheu overall, mute to be staled. Bids tw Ha the tUaKitea of this' Encampment, end ,Jt coprpf IbSiHtm be sent to the family and ttf det!eue4 Brother. : ' :.' ". 4 -"''v WM. MOSTOX, ' ' , 'ii' k:"? ''' 1 ' Blto, i ...1.-.,' .v L. Qoon4, j '.i -''. ii ifUr, . ' Oomajtetea. : ,( Mulfd, .Tfcet a eopy fee teat to1 (kt Atom . inp Qrynmn, Ortf on HtrtU, ' jJaJJjfrt ' ,0tnrsst,Jlol Vrw 4,Oal.,(ilpjea3 . t'.l... . ' ' TjTm . rttiuM W... L- f. rr .l".. -'IV. -J- ,e MiMwsrr, uviivf , Agency business. Arch., after wit- the setUement of the co partnership acoonuts. All per- I by Copt. T.J. Kckersou. A. Q. II. U. S. A.: and. at . i,,., ( . 1 sous are oonuea trH a. v. vavis one ve, u uir .r v ? i nay, 1000. ncSSIflg the lruneau treaty WaS SO rn4r 0( th. uiopeny. uor contract debt on the credit Bidders for all the mutes will b. r. quires , to innrnuirtti oihtiihlimi aa to tnrow nn 1 01 neu m. . i,.ii . 0 .7 1 .. . T " ' t I tWIlM the sponge. ' Sensible Dalles, April M, ItOS. . , a23dlm . Weatbef for the past week has been Variable. A. mixture of equal parts of rirs snow, and sunshine.' A slight ljr'9fe one or two nights, but snow leaving (ater than coraiog. ... ' NEW YORK UAKERY GROCERY STORE, Alalia ttrcet Dalles. sktf .; '-t 'nififciuw T-j(zrB. bonds with good anil auHtcleut security lor the ttiiMM peruirauuce ei any couuaoi wincn tuny he waraesj theai under ibis advattiwuieiit. iuds to br Iu duplleas and aecumpanisd by k'u bath of allegiance to tbe UailaA Sutea. . , . ,-; ... . v"7. The rirM Io H''Ct Any or all is reserved, ifse deemed bast ,r tl( In erost of the srr(e,; . 1 . All soutracts rnadeanhjedt toihs approval ef tike XXi- te..lnaMt a ...4 m.l.l.M Hjhm..J. revet LI. Cot . and Cbief Qu .rteraeatsr, '' OVUwef.t rlkal ,. P-rHi'itnl vf the CrheaiW