xja. B an vol.. r. ..uId Unirtainccr, PUBLISUEJ) EVERY MORNING, . ' . v (MIINIMVi aWO-tTKU, ' BY . E. G. L'OWAE &. J. II 4 LI. OK A, ' ' l""'''0K8 AHU PHOlMIUTOk!'. K kxm, Ttoenty-AvtctnU per week, payable tu thecarrler pur month, by mail. $1; three month. 2 40; aix wuntha, tit; ouo your, AS. AdvertlMiweule iuaerled at ' low ratoe. Job Printing. Every description of plniu iimt fancy Job Printing exe - Bird witti neKCiiujM and denputcli, aud forwnrded as per w'er to any part ol Km country. liynicntJor Jvli ltnl ing matt 6c made ok delivery J mrk, , w. if. dum. i, as!" Practicul Wutcliiuulcor, And Dealer la riE WATCHES &. JEWELRY, I TJ.ES, OREGON. Established ISGV. 13 A.ii vTrsr dr.o., DEALERS IN i&lROCERIES! w CORNER OK Main and Union Streets, Dalles. r-i. C. BALDWIN niTll-tf P. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE ! TURNITU . DIKIILAM Ac WEISTZ. JflMlTUl 0I.01IK HOTEL BUILDING,' lBgBJjr Dalle City, l:ae on liau J a variety Household Furniture, ; vjL embracing Tablea, Chuire, Hiireaui atat lladaand Uedateada. Bedding, Oaruela 're., to.. all ol' wulcli will lie aold at low rate, Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering dune to order. Alao, ou hand Uattroama and I'iilowa. Spring Bed, made to order. aula X, KOAIinS. 0. B. BOtOSL. , WM.M0ABU8&CO.,: 3ITY BAKERY, u - AKD ' ftt 0 VISION-STORE, ?1 ' ' Corner of Flratand BStreete. . -ATIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL DKAI.KR8 In BREAD, V CRACKBUSaad Family GROCERIES. tjaOnlere from a distance carefully tilled and prompty 'lapatchod. - l-tt ' JOSISrH ELPELT wuoiuiu un atiAii. tuin is " . Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, , CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES, UA IS A Nl CA PS, AND , Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods ri re-proof Stone Store, corner ol Main and Court ' etrnate. oct-tl . II IJ II ISO? fc ODEfiL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL I'RACTICK IN TUB gUPUKMK ANDCIR cuit Court! oT Oregon, aud the Dtetrict Court, o 1 Waahlngtou Territory. ' Particular attention paid to the collection of claim,. 'Ol UU MASON ' Dalles. 0n. J. A.OUKLL. FUBNI8HEO UOOM8 TO LET, ; By the Night, Week or Month, ' NEXT DOOa TO JACKSON ENGINE HOUSE, nttf "' MRS. 8PRBN0ER. H. M. eatlM. .. . HATT, ,' GATES & HAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, ,r,,ww-- PAM.KS, OREGON. " ... W ' - : . 74. IT. ilROWN WARMER. M. D. fFFICtMl SECOND STREET, between Waeblngton and Court. ' Ornt llooaa 9 tolJ i. m; 2 to 4 r M.: and to 10. ;:LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO., v: - .. .' IMPORTERS AND WU0LE8ALB 5 "PvTlTTinTQTCl .v. Corner 01 tiay ana ijauery o Ill OiBotr-At Dr. rmifi'm T)ranSt' . '. ' DALLES, OREGON., ' : hll. U.-W. MITCHEtl. , OUrtcs-TrALPttON'S BUILDING. t KIAOIl V -II. li;V , IHPOKTUKS AND WUULUAkl Sealers iu vViues, Iiiquor? .lllners' CooUs. liuul .toreii, &c, HAVK tHOVU TO TIKtU NW STONE BUILDING, Cuk.NlKOf Second and 1 u.tilugton Streeta, DAL I1H CITY. NOW IN STOItK A LA 110 K AND COMPLETE AS aurtuiuut uf the very hest brand, of WliVliift A1N1 JL.1QUOIIS. Alao, a lull aMortmeut of GROCERIES &. STAPLE GOODS. ' 49 Conatnntly receiving our aunplitia illrect from Nea York and dan p'ranciaco. we are able and willing toaell atavery email advance on San Vrauciacu pneea. Tbey bope by adopting a airictly aorrwl aud prompt niethul ol doing buaiueaa, tlioj will roceive the patronage cl Ibr pub lic, aelu-if UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON, il AND LEY VStl.HAOrr, Irop'ru. THM MPUIAK KOOSt, O'MTIIAUT LOOATCD, Near the 8ttmbot Landing k Eailroal Depot, Una been receutly enlarged aud Improved, and will now accuniiiuidate 30 O OUEHTS. IT WILL BK CONDUCTKD an lieretofore. a, a FIRST CLASS IIOUkK. aud the natruuage of the traveling public i reepecllUlly aollcite . XT llagxnxe takeu to the Uouae free of charge. Home open all night, LARGE FIR:-PR0OF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES D.ille,0cl.4-tr. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN ITKKT, OAUU, OHtUOB, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A. FIRST-GLASS HOUSE. ' i , , in TBI niNi or luai.inia, ' -Kear the Steamboat and Kailroad landingt Superior Accommoilatioiia for Paiuilfea nd can Ac sotumudate One Uuudred aud Pilty UueeU. Mea!...............60t. " ,' LodKiog....M- Met. - Fire Proof 8fe for depoalteof valuable,. Hooae opan all night. Baggage taken to the Honae free of charge. . THOMAS SMITH, mli8-tf . Proprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. A.. R, BOO T II, WU1TE BLDPP3, W. T., FORWARDING AND (COMMISSION MERCHANT, AID OIHiaAL UIAIIR III . ' MEUCHANDIS E - -"l : axd . ',....'. v MINERS? SUP PLIES. FACK AND 8A9DLK H0BSB3 FOB BALE. SltKiailTS C0N3IONFD to my care for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Ulnea, will re live prompt attention. White Dluffe. Oct. lat, 18M. oe2.tr ev riti rr, aiotEiii .., - and' ''''''. PRO VISION STORE. 'I'lIR DNDER8I0NKD INV0IIM8 HIS PRIKNDS add L the public generally, that he haa Juat eatabliabed 6s Malnatrtet, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconiat, . . , A NEW STORE i v where he keepa conatantly on hand large aaeortment elected PKU1T. Alao, In .tore a complete ,tocte ofcholca GHOCSRISS, I'KOriSlONS. VEOETAULES, do. All of which will be told, wboleaale and retail, at KB DUCKD PRICKS. Com and aee and aatiafy ynurneir. elS-tf . . . . JOHN 8P081T0. PRE0aLlEBE, QaOOERY, ROVI8IQN, -' '"' " AND ''."' Wuhlnattn Street, oppoalte Preach 4 Ollman'e. Dallea. Haa on hand a targe aud wrll-aAaorted atock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. JTrowlt Butter St "Efgm, '. Received dally. A large lot of CHI0KFN8 alvraya on hand. niDIl'S of all klnda. FRKSII VKOKTABLES every mornllif. All article, trarrfcnted.' ' Give Me a Call, .Everybody : FmOEiH Low. ' anlfttf '; . T.IEBE. M. BROWN & BROm " ! '0'nu and aiTAit DiALue tu '; : tu ''FANCY ANt) bTAPIiE "i DRY GOOD 8! annnnnrnn .pnnvrai.ma a Mr. M, nROWN, beln:a reeWent of Ban Praneltce, w vira anaUed to oftei treat !dc4iuentf to pnrchaarra. - We reapectfnlly Invite the publlo to examine oar atock befoif. ohrcliaatnglae,wlie(l., ,r" f ' -t '," ml5-ti., VtT Stout Store, aortk eide Mai atraat, TTall,,. -. BemocraticState Ticket. 1 PoR COMJHKiS: JAMLM l. VAYa Of Jackaon. FOR 00TJ11N0R: JAM EM It. liELLY) Or Waaco. ' ' FOR SKCRETAHY OF 8TATE: LAFAVETi E LA.E, Or Mutlnoniab. 1 FOR BTATE TRKAtURERt JOH V UELL, i Of Marlon. ' FOR STATU PRINTER 1 i ' JAMES O'MEaKA, Of Linn. ' ' ' WR PROSECTJTINO ATTOltNEY Finn DISTRICT. J. U. SLATER, : 01 Uil n., IV O TV ICE, THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST FREIGHTS FROM , UMATILLA, AFTER THE FIRST OF O0T0IIKR. AT THE FOLLOW 1N0 KKlUV.i KA'I Kbt , , To Bolae City IS Cent per poutAlt Idaho City )( Uwy bee .. XO ' For lea amount, than one hundred pound, an addition of Five Ceute per poHud will be charged. T1MIC FltOM UMATlLLAt To DolNetity, 3 Days. To Idaho Lily U Uay, TO Owjltee, ...4 Days. JOSEPH PINKUAM, Aaent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1808. - eoWttt . WOil JJOISE .111JVE8 ItlUECT. the: 'fefea WALLA WALLA V BOISE LINE of. CONCORD STAGES, CARllJINO '.'" . i THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS ' ;' ' ' ' 'AND , , Wells, Fargo & Cos Express, , la now making Reirnlar Trlua from Walla Walla to PI oarvllle, (Bolae Minea.) : . .. ,. . , Throagh In Two and a Half Daft Connecting with the Wal'WA Line of Btagea, and th uoatsoi tua- v. e. a. vounnmy. 0K0. F. THOMAS k CO., . . apJT-tf .' Proprietor dUARTZ MILLS! And all kinds Of Mnchlnery ' i Mann (Act ured at the I .. OREGON IRON WORKS COKNKU OF MORRISON M TT& atreeta, I PORTLAND. ' A.. C. GIBBS A CO., ' ' ' Succeaaon to Portland, Dae. th '64. etf E. L. Jottia A Co. ! TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN. EEED ! FEED 11 ; ' : : '' .' AND ' I -5 OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAB BY It. H. tAW, f ,. ' , So Front Street, Portland, ! ralOttf. ; Oppoalte 0. 8. N. Warehouse, ' NTiiW SALOON.A NEW BTONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. TiikVnbusioned vcould reapectfnlly annonnc fhatne will open a flratclnaa Saloon In Preach A Ollmon'a New Btone Bnildlnir, THIS BVKN1N0, and la prepared to aerve cuitonura a Itb the beat of . Wines; Liquors and Cigar's., , ALa0, A ' "i 'V', ' 1 '-""'IS R 13 1L. IT 1ST a it : KVervdaadtvealnc. '' ': ' ;' rt ";''. ' I eczitr. .;. . uon ntNOiAr tf,' U mtitillay Ooise, ANU1UAUO "" F.YnrivKS imii Fnst I'H'irrhi T.iniV rg lllS LINK IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING M. order mini Ituaiilia tu fdnhoC'iiy, via Bobe City, and preened to cany trelit aud Wuable Patkanee Letaini ilioxe and all ltiieiniVdiai'eiiul,Ulicrtauty The Liii6i -Stocked with tUo BoatTeRina thu ootnitry arfcida arid ntltely . New Thorcueb-Btact) i t , CONCORD iSk AVAUOJN Mia: n iiiuii vilPurr. riinu uo.i.j .1. .... ii....iihiuh u. Freight, iievrrlwln're ,i)tlirrd 'to idiflio. Me oiler tape Vior lunun'nit'tita torrlilppitia'tiiaoia IruYu tan rncl.co and Portlaud to Idaho, aa br ai rHiiLBinente with the IU.. UAm n.'.h in I.... u'uri it.V IiihAiii klMhi K..I- Kiitlou are ailch th'ht ail Oouda ililpted by thts Line will aul be. it'ultltst lotlie Ui.'tiul deiaVa, but wae through a 'Oottdti aldpped IriAn Hit) Tnitlclrco to our car at Port land, Charge will 'be paid add tiidda ahipp'ed to deatina. tin. , UOODS SflOtJLD 1TK MAKkED: carIs b. v. . A CO. F. LIN and Shipping Uecelpta eatit 'to lt Agf ate at Portland und Umatilla. '" llvnjAf1fifl.ia fii9 Twm rvej, tln PotA . by'the Line aud Collected at beatlniitltlh.' Oooda will be forwarded with DiVUb tu (jv.j'bee and Bouih Bolae. -. PAB8EN0K1IS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCES UATKe. Funilliea will be luinUhtd wlfli rnpwia, Ac eouiniudatlotia In Ne and Juuy lllulhn Ihoroajb llraca VNhkoii. on the Moel Liberal l aima, W e lay uver each nlgbt uu the llid at Good and Convenient Statloaa, a that paaevuger will not be deprived ot 'regular IkeW 4 . . AOUlN'AUi ;',.!,) i.t '" K1CITAHD8 A McCllAKfcN....... ..s......cSln Trantlace ltlCU HDS Mc01tAK.N.,..i..,u.,...:;.;i.....Pottl.nd JOtKPU rKAL............ ......:.t-......:.;:.....l)ilM PoW f.LL A C' 'K M...M..M.M.M..OU. ...'.....XJtaiaUlla . J) 11. VlILKl.XbuNM ..-.. i....'.U.;...'U0rn4 11. M. DUKhLL a CO...m.. -....;.;.:..... .v.. .Hull. City II. l. DultkLL CO .n..:u......,'o:;.r. V..IaboCity MAJOR St'btilt ,.;;.KouKy liar (OMUtti Boieel lIVRELL A Mtl01tE.:.M....'.....::.....Hiiby aud silver Cltiea . . M. UelHIbXl.'eV.VO., ' b26tf Prdjirielora. A CAUOVOR TIIE . . Fall & Wintet Ciothlng Jradc OF SAN FRANtlSCOv' BADGER & UNDENBERGEIt. 'So. 41I,41SaaitlS tf'a(tF Cor. Bl'erelaaknt, Baat FraaoleV. Importers and Wholesale calcrg. ENTIDE NEW AM) fBEff STOCK WB WOULD CALL A.TTBNTION of Cdm'rVy Mr elhint. rbimr naoallylariie etork ofGotida. Our atock oohltiritea .every article In tl'e CtothlttK and Fnr nlahiug IIAe. V'e have coiwtantly on haod rtii targeet and greatf'nt aVlefy of Cattltn.re and Wool 11 ATS sf auv nimihl fh Bah Vranclaeo. and our nrl aa Air IIim Uooda are le tli'an thlae of any nouie, aa , racetvw them direct from the maliWeeturer'a etinalnriiiien't. Oar atock of Sriihmth- and Fall GiWpa la 'particularly attract ive, and the greait leat'ura lb the country merchant ia the uuuauany low priuve. toss Ybtn iUt Cost of hriporturto! . We alao keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In fltelrrjr Good line, which Uooda we haveptircbaaed In dijaWrYet aa- Am Ik. kamn. -n.l i,Hfk ".kJW J. V ' V I. ... , SUM WW I.IIU ... B U. mt . W. B Coat, and leea. ., , , , . i . , . We publleh tha tard In .order that tre'may'niaVe e acqnaltitHncaa. and "uce thpe who have not hweWfor Durchaad of oa. Id call and examiha our atock. iGoott AsWcIe aid toW HtVt! Ar tht gfeteit InduMHieDU, to ll Vho 'pVctiw U ell ttntn. Merchmti who buy of 'Itf -cao nmke fnoJ ' P,', ! w .at vi ,UBwVMlAO Bio. m AUW JIKUItei n W V.3.h.j-Bl. 11 a .. -i,- , ivw vv.ui.iit isrTsnH,, . v ' " i,a. 3 J .. BADGER a LISIJKNDKRQEB, laala riml,lnanJ II. t tt.nl,.,. t. No. 411. 41ff and 416 Batleryjltreet, iv-amw. . v , . Whofeaal Clothnca,nd liat Warehonee. lion rranclaoa, February t, ISM ; ' MRS. jLEKSEtr'Su ' ' ' ' - it i ' -. -i . ' FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, '.I. ''iiS?H t'i' T . ',;'ir.i..i ' Dress Makfnx EstallsVnicVr. ajppoeittj vaa BMm'l,( tJ t,- , I WOULD CkVf. THE I TTENWQW ef tb'e aidiel the Dallea to my lar( tod Due Mock f, t . a DONNEtS." HATS.' FEATIIKTlit. . Ta vV.k TlWn,lnn.. , fe,'i. lTavftw aerMred the' aeftlcea of MRS. FBARYV n tka Drea Jinking apai rment, we will do all work in that lia audkifnarantelB perfect aatiafaclloa, r.Vf (', ut pxirjtj eWaeiBaii eolora. . , , ,., . ' , : 01V fna early call and t wlHendvA, rig ,slt averybody in HsTJI and at R EASONABLtt ?UJt KB.' Partlsnlac itteotlep paid to... V, . "T , L Embfeijeiy'itnd BraUdirrg'BtVti)ifVj, WE CALL TIWATTKNTIOX ot THS'Mftc W Ui tut, that we have eourlwlad ta -rlre an b. lne,B and there, ore. all partlea Indebted to uaMHtf.l'AT UP WITHIN NINETY DAT8Jut legal prnerdiHi Ut