jotaitawecr . Jllouey Market. New York Quid Qunfcnflmis 137 .Sun Ffimcigy Lok.iT J Jndrr rates 79J.1C Epi TvleraDhlc News. -. v- ' Drtroii' .was uulo Milwaukie u barrel ot, tiug botii to Soiuo forty ji tea. ol whufu 1 i k J. IV ft 1 I8A10 F.Br.oca; ;' "i 8an Francisco. C. 8. Miuxa, ' ' Dalles. m APRIL, BO. A tlie eteauier Windtor ight ut the Detroit and ; lu'o'clo k this evening, i Exploded on board, Bot- ihe hud depot on lire. sajris rcro on board tlie boat, '9 knowrf to be drowned. The steamer. Hunted jlown tuo rtrcamaud was to tally conjumdt. TboJl e destroyed both tho passenger an I freight depots, n loaded train it'id all the oiliuea of the Company. The loss is estimated at half a million dollars. It is feared many lives have been lost. Nashville. April 2d. Cve Johnson made an elubonto speech to-day, arguing his right to be admitted to a teat in the btulo benale, bis partieipaiion in the rebellion, to the con trary notwiths andiug ; after which the Sen ate udopto.1 n resolution by ayes 12, uoes 7, excluding him on account of treason. New i'urk, April 27. Tho rimes' special dispatch says tr.e meeting of the New York (Joug essiooal del gatiou, bold on Yvednes day evcuiug, 25th, o consider the question of reconstruction, has been tho iubjout of much comment and has created considerable Kurpritfo among the extreme men who count i'd on n mnjority of that delegation for uni versal suffrage. The substauce of a plan which, though not formally adop ed, was teceived with the greatest favor by the meeting, is as follows : I'irst, a constitutional amendment basing representation upon population, and provid ing that where any btate demea sulIYae to uny class of citizens except p irticipating in the rebellion, such disfranchised clasi shall be excluded Iroin the basis of representation. Second, t iO cousiitutional nmendmeut pro hibiting the payment of rebellion debt or compensation for su.ves. Third, that when ever, these umeu'lmonts shall be fully ratified and incorporated in lh. Federal Ocnstiiution each of the lately rebellious States shall be entitled to the admission-of its representa tives ou their taking th" oath prescribed. Fourth, tho fol. owing clashes to be forever debarred from holding ollicc, namely : ( he 1'rcsident, Vicc-Presideut, Cabinet, Senators, Members of Congress, Judges, foreign agents, etc., of the Confederacy, all persous who left positions under th'u United States to join the rebellion, all officers of the army abovo the rank of colonel, and officers of the navy above the rank of masters, and all persons guilty of treating prisoners of war inhuman ly, lue above plan will oe submitted to the Reconstruction Committee. The question of negro uBrag immediaie or remote was re ceived with very little uvor. Waihington, April 27. The District of Co lumbia sunrago bill will be taken up in the Senate next week. ... It is being asserted that if the Colorado . bill passes the House, the President will veto it. Among the nominations made to the Sen te yesterday, were D. L. Gregg, receiver of public money at Carson City, Nevada, John A. Clark, Surveyor General of Nevada, and . tho following receivers of land offices, viz : Iloyal Buck, Nebraska City ; Cbas. K. Dor ey, Brownsville, Nebraska.; and Wm. T. Sweeney, Omaha. ' New York, April 27. At the board of Al dermen yesterday a resolution was adopted instructing the committee to report tbe most expeditious method of removing the W ash ihgton market. Tbe board of health will occupy battery barracks immediately. There have been three deaths from cholera, but no more new cases since the last report.- The Fenian war has been resumed' in this city by the returning veterans, who bandy epithets more freely thanever, and charge each other with the failure of it. It having been an O'Uaboney expedition, there is a new bolt from the old headquarters, and tho Roberts faction, enjoy tbe fresh trouble of baton square, uulian keeps quiot so far, but his Lieutenant, In command, is very bitter on O'Mahoncy, and tell Fenians to stop sending money to the imbecile chief.' It appears that when the Fenians were en rout for home, some of the belligerent ones drew pistols and ordered the captain to re turn to tbe seat of war. They were put ashore on an island on tbe coast of Maine. Wtukihgton, April 27. In the House, Mr. Kasios, of Iowa, offered a resolution which ' was adopted, requesting tbe President to cause to be furnished to the House a collec tion of tbe provisions relating to freedmen Constitutions and laws of the Southern States. The House then resumed tbe con siderotion of tbe Northern Pucifio Railroad Bill. .-, Waihington, April 27th. There seems to b no doubt, here that Mrs. Jefferson Davis is ''now ' 'en ' route hither from Montreal- She has obtained permission from the au thoritics to visit her husband in Fortress Monroe-' . . . , . 'i, . m m m . . . Persia has been ostoDiahod by Blpch' Miller "& Co.. WHOLESALE V O ROGERS AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors,' And Importers and Jobbers of OIL.OTHIISrG- Boots & Shoes Under Clothing, ; Blankets, etc., ., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WE ITAVR AN ASSAY OFFICE IX CONNECTION with our business, nnder the- entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We niako return in liars in Mix Imurs We jrnarnntee ail onr Assays ami pay the HIGHEST OASII PRICK rr llnra. We . also pay the Ugliest Cash Price (or Gold Dust. 111,0011, MILLER A CJ., myCtf Cor. Main and Washinirton streets. Dalies. WALDKOS tlliOS., j . Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Kin In Strtet, Dalles, Oregon. je now occupy noit nkw two stoisy fire Drool Stone huilrilinr. niiuoslte lltoch. Miller ft Co.. end offer to tlie iiulilis a full im.l complete stuck of Drugs, Meilicines unci Chemicals, cotulntinii iu part of KEROSENE,- ,; TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, AOIIKS, L1NSKKD, LAIllli tAMP WICKS 4 CHIMNEYS HOPS. . . SAUK. , . , . BI'ONnh'S. LJ4KCIIKS,' OATOR XNft l.SDIOO AND " NEA'ISFOOT Oil, LAMPULACK TRUSSES, - SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, ANU ' PATKNT MKDICINKS. Our stuck of FANCY GOODS i of tho linent ami best quality; new ptylt-nond large assortments, suoh as LUHIN'S PHIlFUKKilY. HAIR, LUniN'STOILlil'SOAP. KLKSII. ' l'O.MADKS. SHAVING, COSMKTICS, HAT, UAIKOILS, CLOTH'S. .T t'OLOONK, ' ' ,'i'OOTH AND ' 1'ancv soaps ant' nailukusiir3 tooth powdkkSi : and comus. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our I'ncilitieH for buying Roods are second to none In the HtniH, tail we shall at all times sell ut a small d Tunce from coH. Heady sales and small pronts. PHYSICIANS' FUESCBlPTIOSS Carefully compounded ut all hours of the any and night. jinnee, sept, u, io'ib. seio-tr DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON tb STEEL. CrROCERIES. BY inn PACKAGE. ' FOE CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation. ii CUMMI.NQ k GRANT, Dalles, orogon. IiATEST NEWS! ALL THE LATEST EUI10PEAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Becelved Rogularly arery steanur, by s. j. Mccormick, FRANKLIN BOOKSTORE, lOG FrontStrect Portland Papers and Magazines packed and Forwarded by mail or Express TO ANT PART OF THE MINES In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. , Snbicrlptlons Koceived fcr sny NEWSPAPER OB MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. New Sooki, Uasio, fto., by every Steamer. ssoTooo -; ' ,i WORtB Of, , -; BOOKS; STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, CHEAP FOR OASH. al9dlw2w . F. DEIIM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEALRR IN FINS WATOIUiS, JIWILRY, CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silru and Plated Ware, spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. ' 9"Prtlculr attention paid to repairing ftne TFstohes, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watnties repaired by te warranted for twelye months. . N. B. All orders from the upper eoantry, by Express or oinerwise. promptly aitenqeu IO. HkTADAMB LB TKLLIEIl WODLD RKSPKcrvrrr.T.T 1X Inform the Ladies of the Dalles and rlolnity, that she is now prepared to do all kinds of DIUSK8, CLOAK, and PALETOT maklni. Also, CUTTING and flTTINU in a new and improved style, never before Introduced in this place. 1 : - ' ' She will warrant to gire satisfaction, and wonld most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage la the Rooms- lately occupied by Mrs. White, owr Dogener's Store, oa Washington street, between Beoond and Third. . , . , . , r , . '. n&llM. MArnh. Wt. 1RAA ' , .V. ' mrXtf 3V0TICE. A LL PERSONS INDEBTKD to the' undersigned are xm respectmny request eo to eonie and settle tbelr ac counts wltbl 1UUU.V DAYS, and sat cost. ,, aMdlni . ifilA. LBLOCHtCO. '( ; FRANKLIN MARKET. : CORNER OP SKCOKJ) AND WA8UINGT0N BTREE13- r-T'' JJALLES," OREGON", -.7 " . JOHNKPP1NGER Proprietor rfflllB rJNDERSIONKD '- B. baring Sited the alnre Market in the 11K.-T SIT LB, will keep constant ly oulmnri all sorts of r ' , ; :,':' .. FresU and Cured Meats. . Ot the best i.uallty fnnnlshcd at the LOWJJST KATB , My motto is to " I'LKAtiU ALL." ' "jjAUTIKB HAVING SVI'KHlOlt" STOCK FOR SALS' JIT;, wUtdowell to call at tun Vrankllu Market. . ... . ,JOUN Ui'l'INGJSR., Dalles, Febnnuiy 1Mb, 1806. , 1 AJslIliKa!Tr, MAJatKliTa,' ' '. -.. . : cohnerof - ' COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLKS, ORROON. .' JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor.. ACS-pa WILL KEEP . constantly 011 hand all tlM Tarte sMMuwiies luuv fiie.maraetoan jwsalbly ;'( FBESH & CURED MEATri. ,' and always of the but quality, FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ; ! supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe undersigned Is always nrcnared to nav tlie htoh. esteash price for 1'A'l' CATTLK. Parties U.vliig stock; in good condition, aro miuested to rait on him before going elsewhere. JOUN MICHELBACH. Dalles, March 81st, 18M. mhSltf . VKRY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and UA.H.UUOM8. JULIUS KRAEMEK HAVl.NU UOUOUT TUB EN tire Stock of Merchandixe uod HikiIc Accounts of the late firm ol M. Seller A Co., In this city, to which he has added of his own Importation (while doing business in l-oriianu) an immense ctoca 01 the best inauulactured Crocker j, Glassware, 1 Plated Ware, Lamps,. ' ChanUcUerit, Table Cutlery Looking-tila&scti and All Kinds or Oils, ;. All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish- lug to buy auy of the nbuve-mentioned articles, will do woll to give me a call before nurclmsiiig elsewliere. uraers irotn 111 e interior promptly attended to, and goons pacKwi to go secure. Don't tall to call 011 me. lludio's stone Building, Washington street, Dalles. JULIUS KRAEUBR. Dalles, March 17th, 1M5. mhl7tf ONE HliNDREDM:LES SAVED I BLACKFOOI&BIG BEAD MIXES DY WAY OP Wliite Bluffs! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land. Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs ,100 miles " ', White Dlufls to Pen d'Oielll 100 " " toColvIlle 170 : Travelers by land for either of the shore Gold Fields, will save , - Save Time Distance anMoney jiy taxing tne nmw uiuni uoaa. Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within easy drives. , The road Is now open, and possesses advantage over any otuer lanu rnr.te irom tne vanes. 4 -i , Pabllahed by order of ' ' ' TIIK CITIZENS Of TnE DALIBS. Dalles, March. 20, 1866. , nMa. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! , a.B.ooTa..,...i....,.....,i.;...BAit inso. " 1 BOOTH Sc NEVISON, Forwarding and Oommlikton MerehatU ' AND DELEKS IN OENERAT MBR01IANDI8B, White TBluflss, W. T, FREIGHT FOR COLTILLK. UPPER COLOMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLACKVOOT MINKS prompUy lorwaruru. , - Mark GoodaB. k N., White Bluffs, W. T, PoaTLiKD Richards A McCraken, Allea k Lewis, and Hodge k Calef. , . Diuts Bloch, sillier k Co., Trench k Oilman.' Ji 13. DOUGLASS, . .. - j ' (Snccessor to William Blrnbtnm.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, 1 Fine V atciies AND JEWELRY, fNVITKS THH ATTENTION OF U1S FRIENDS AND js, tne ruuiic to nis cnolos selection 01 i New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. ' ' Watches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY Mpslrod and miMf . Next Door to the Poat Offle. !' COAL OIL! COAL, OIL, I YVrALDHON BROS, have Inst nu-aiv.A . 1.,-. 1. ,f voiced COAL Oil, which. Uiey offer at grenly luced ratH. ' . ' , Jn7W ' j,tf. NOTICE TO FARMERS- riXHS DALLES LUMBER AND MANUPACTU1U.NO jR. COoiPANY.has recently attached a 1 FLOTJIIING MILL . n trial fltnan. On.l. . ...1 T. H4 l 1L1. 1 are now prepared to CHOP tiED, UH1ND WHEAT and. CORN, aud warrant to give th beat satisfaction. On. nana constantly and lor sale FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, BKCONDS OR MIDDLINGS, , BRAN AND SHORTS, ' ' .' . CHOP FEED, OUICKKN FEED.. Also, a Bunerlor arrlchi of CORN MtiL rrnm Corn. - - Tlie hlaheet market pets paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLEY. . H. A. UOGBB. Aaeut. DalIos,Nov.,18. . n3tf. ' ' IMPORTER ANB JOBBER OF ' "VTines ; Sc Liquors; FRONT STREET, Fortlaad, . . .,, . Ocegttrw OFFEHS FOR 8AL& A TERI LAR0B, AtiSObJ meat of Brandies, Liquors', 1 ' - .uage Goods,, Th Trade Is nasticnlarly Invited to examine mje stock before pnrshMlug elsewhere.; , avuit-tf - II.IIEUMAJV&CO MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, -, JJ AVB JUST fiECEI VED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OP 8PRINGND SCMHIEU GOODS, . Conslstttig In part of ' ' f 'J'?,'. , Fancy and staple Dry Goods. Clothing,' ' - -i ' Boots & Shoes,. i'.f,'";- ;' , - ' J Hats & Caps, i Whfch they offcrtOMll at SMA1L PROFITS.' . ' DaHes, March 270vl66. ; " nir27tf MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE. w ARK ' PUTTING ' tP OVR ORIGINAL SUPERIOR BRAND OF . ', GnoiriVD JATA COFFEE ; ;;'V;'''t;iao; !,);'.-;-' . .J '.' CIlAltTRES COFFEE, ' I D OUDLE: Q LAZED PAPERS ' To preserve its ttrengUt and flavor- fon Hi lenath ot ti.n- ... I. t,..kd..l. . 1 . ror saia uy ait ma Jovor,.ana . . , ; . -. . . . , ; ISmlgK I,! J MARDHN.A F0LOKRV , . rionesr Steam Coffee nd Bplc Mllla, " 2-20 Front Street, San Srauciico.. BOOKSt OO IS I : WHOLESALE 'AND RETAIL. ;' tOIUHUUll BUUIVS, 91A1IVS SS 1F lC5 Standard and Miscellaneous nouns, Lata novels, UAUAZ.iMta, ririiis, Ach e. by every Staanier. - Post-OUc ! Bookstore, Main sueet, Dallas. Garden SeedS for the Million BaT-tf ' .IL J. WALDRO , 1 IKS, WOOL and lllUl.!. I-'- ';,! a; -J . .1" ';t-s!.i' fi;!.: ti US HIGHEST CABIIrtBICal PAID FOR hil . f :. fi TH1 'PCRS.: tVOOIik ABB BIDBS.'at ' " " f'-. '' Ml'CnAKRN. MrHHII.T. fVI' '. v' mhlMm v ' ' k m in North Iiont Street, Portland. r D V e T 'A ' I ; ' C A 'l ' fVrS Wr."4 j ' IIIL.jL,IAJ1iI I ROOM, V ' ; JOHPI RIWDtAtJ Prvprletor, ' 1 WASHINGTON IT.,-sext FBENCII GlLUAtT W HAVlS -sppolntbd . . BaI M. to collect all moneys due m Btu rensrally .. . a3tf NOTICE., v.1-; dne tne, and attend to ny Bm-