4 y TUESDAY MOttXING, MAT 1, 1860. Government Reform. Daring the A large number of good looking past year much needed reforms bavo young women are employed by the been introduced into the publio sen British Government as detectives to vice. The most important of these, ferret oat Fonianism has been the abolishing of the custom White is the Court Mourning iu of levying tribute upon all employes .Pans. ' ' ". of the Government for political pur There !s a famine at the Capo of poses. The system hasgrown op since Good Hope, Religious Notice. Cathouc Chobob Morning service : Mm, at 10'J O'clock. Evening service! Vesper and Benediction, at 7K o'clock. Similar School at 2 o'clock, p. m. ' tho days of Jackson, and the extent K ; ' ' I Meets evnrv Vrlrtnv MVAnlnir At 7 n cluck. In llikteii tO Which it Was Curriod during the last Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets, Brothers in few administrations amounted to little " "8 iDYitwi t0 at""ld- "y ord"- N-0 less than downright robbery. The wTf "c"' "T ' A'.f ?T 0 Hal da Its stated Communication on the Flrrt anil Third salaries and pay of many, of the era. Mondays of each wonth, at their hail, in Daiios city. pioyes in ine ean i ranciBCO uusiora i i 8KTa h 101 Sec, By order of the wm. -Belug about to muke a It is good sense for a young lady to urge as an excuse for not learning French, that one tongue is sufficient ibr any woman. , Hon. .Lewis Cabs, nerhans the old-I ixaa ingiU Dnin;nni v , 1 uvuiu ..v uvmiui jr ouiuvicuu ivi I nvaitalaa. VMrsnnai. : ...... . . . . ....v. von ua iiviujj .ttiueiimii Biunjouiuu, 10 lne,r uupport, and yet they Were rei professional tour to the towns and settlements op the failing daily, and his death, it is stated QQired under penalty of losing their Oo'umbl.Iep!""J'"hatteDtionof thowofiny ... .......... I O 1 natron whoni'H in iinnd of Dnntnl Orutrftt irtnn nf anv rhnr. a AM I v n I. n VA l l.;n.vlntaM..i I . . 1 " " - J' uuu"y "'llou loi uj ul places, tO give a Certain proportion Of cter. to the fact. so that therm bavo an onnortnnity their pay as a fund for political PUr1 o avail themselves of my services before niy departure, . . . , 'If so desired. I will leave about the 20th of March, and bos. lbe tax was not only levied retrn t0 tll nlace tn rosnma mj pm(ltlC(). ,lh(,ot , Dr. Gurlby will leavo for tho upper country thiB morning, on a proi fessional tour. He will return to re sume his " biz " in about a month. Pob, Doc. We have received, from Senator Williams, the reports of Lieut. Gen. Grant and Gon. Carl Schurz, on their tour of inspection through the Southern States. The Louisville Journal warns all rebels in Kentucky that tbey are for.. poses. upon the fow receiving large salaries, but also upon the many mechanics and laborers in the navy yards and custom houses. This system of robbery has been nearly, if not entirely, stopped within the past year, greatly to tbe disgust of professional patriots; and the politician Is no longer allowed to collect the tax in the Government of- 18th of Jitoe. j, w.g.uklky. NOTICE. BOARD REDUCED AT THE EMPIRE HOTEL! ""TNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, THE PRICE of HOARD AUCTION 11 COMMISSION! HOTTSEl No. 100 MUX STREET, DALIES. rlVIR UNDERSIGNED THANKFUL SOU'. PAW JL favors, respectfully Informs tho oltiieii"of tbe Dalles, and tho public generally, that h eeutltoues to OR PRIVATE SALE, Real Estate, General Merchandise, , Giocerles, ,, . , , ..-,,,, Hoi-Men, Mules, , ( FurnltuifS ' t . REGULAR SALE DAYS', ; , l Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN nmde of sales. Ont-door mid Special Sales attended to In any part ot (no cur. ' JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. at this Hotel will be: BOARD &. LODGING, per Week, $7 to $10 per Day $1 OO firAR. with t.ho nnnrnr nf rlnonnil AtinT Iodgtnir . 50 , , v & ver out of the political influence, and those who refused to pay. Not long The Plol.torito7kwi i that if they attempt the formation of since, the Commissioner of Internal Jinv fllHtinPt. tmrt.v it mill titrht t hnm I llncunnn nltomnlnd t kono o nlalr in always merit tne same j , j 0- '"f .vmm niltf with all its zeal and power. Tbe steamer the Paymaster's Department removed because be refused . to contribute THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor, Empire IJo cl, bullet, (Sierra JSevada was een about a half mile below the mouth monev for electioneering purposes in of the Willamette yesterday morning, aa the Cascades got into tbe Columbia Tiver. Tbe passengers and express J. B. ricicERsorsr, Dealer In all kinds if GROCERIES & GRAIN AT TUB passengers will be here this evening. New Hampshire. Tbe President, how over when informed of the fact, not only ordorod the clerk to be retained, Lwest Cash R-tites but that he should be promoted the also, first opportunity. This was a wise JOSLYN & CURTIS' BUTTER. and a just act On thO part Of the Pres. I On hand, and recelTcd Fresh every week. ident, and a proper rebuke to the offl- Come One, Corao All, and. Give ms a Call; Pio-Nio. We learn that it is the in Mention of our German citizons to have j i .. .i ' piu-mo una unooung matcn lor cial who attempted to uso his position icn, ai urove, on me tin insi. t0 oxtort a tux from a Bubordinate for Jk. general invitation will bo extended I electioneering purposes. 4 f AnnnirklHlf QA4 ha )aih h tTnaa n I m I " vvvvoivuvur. uou ud uuiru iui aiow. o ti i tt r T J I I rf H! I ,wr.T.P.i a H u ra .iMimnT at I AT CONSEIt k BARTER'S OLD STtNl. A Wanted. WOMAX TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Good wages paid. Enquire t this office. aplttltf. , Tat Statesman says that at about five Health gives the following suggotions, o'clock on Thursday afternoon, a ter- which deserve the immediate atteo Tible hail storm passed over Walla tion of all who wish to avoid tbe "Walla. Tbe bail oootinued to descend I scourge of cholera, which threatens for ten minuteB, and in that space cf I to attack us time the earth was fairly covered 1st. Evory householder owes it to with hail drops of the average size of a himself, to his family, to his neigh hazol.Dut. Wb were pleusantly surprised by to garret, from street curb to tho rear some of our lady friends last evening, ".ne ol, iot m081 scrupulously who tin d ft visit to our f.mnfl hut. w T"1'"'' " "r"Z "S " ' whitewaHlnnrr. D LAST CIIAIVCJE! WE WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OV TnE public to tha tact that we are closlnz out our SIOCK 01 CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, AC., &C, At Greatly Reduced Rates, bora, tO IbO Community in which be And offer banra'n which cannot fail to satisfy anybody rnnirlMR. n hacA hia hnnaa from nallui.1 -"""' 1 ' - W.IU. U'air "Warning ! llfE INTEND CL0SINO OUR BUSINESS HERE by It the FIRST OE JUNK next, and we take this op- nortunltv of once more nullinir noon those iudbted to 2d. Every man who has any aathon f to ca" ?tad w" w'" nnt' if w? n heipit, ., . . , , . - t.il iuac any ui our accounts 10 me nanus oi lOKni coiieo Ot well, we won t say what tbey are, vty in city or town government should tor but if obliged to do so, we suaii Ave recourse to who came in and interrupted our so- consider himself bound by the oath of """" """"" soniok Ri,Kh ia;ioit,a fiM ome, una oy every consideration oi : numanuy. to give nimseu no rest un-i UAiiiiUS cc til very street, alley, close gutter -r-r -rri "r cy "V and sewer, is placed in a state of per- Jt? JtLi Jtv Jt i were much more surprised by a party named are always pletisant, but un fortunately are "few and far between." ; ,Th Walla Walla Statesman advicos from Washington to the efi iect that u the bill introduced by Wit feet cleanliness,, and kept so until the LandingFoot of Union street. trosts ot next season come, 3d. Those cleansing should be done nnUR PROPRIETORS ARE NOW PREPARED WITH JL STAUNCH AND ROOMY BOATS, to orosa now, bocause if put off till hot weather, . Travelers, Horses & Stoek, In a Safe and expeditious manner, and at Reasonable Autos. a27tr linmii nil! nnrlnnhtAriiir nn Thn e very enort necessary ior ine re. ... m .. . , moval of filth, will only tend, in the " essential nature of things, to- hasten ported in its favor, and so you Walla tne appearance of the disease, to ins Wallrans may calculate upon becora' j crease its malignity, and to extend insr part and parcel of Oregon, and tho tim of its devastations, because, -thai too at an early day." the suns- of spring and summer the 1 sooner warm into life and intensify :, A ; correspondent of the Herald the viperia and malignant influence writing from Walla Walla says : which in it8 remorseless tread, wrecks th"",inM .ydue h... SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA RANCH BUTTEtl! A Few Packages Cholco, In quantities to suit, at a26tf BALDWIN BROS. The Pen d'Oreille route is now onen m ,uuuu OI uumau "Py es. i. . . A , j . olates so many hearthstones. NOTICE. TEM0VINO MY RE8IDHNOH TO CLATSOP. MR JL II. J. WALDKON will act in my Agent, and isau STEELE, M. D.. to pack and Other animals, and a large number have started lately for Helena Dissolution Notice. "PATOTTCE 18- 1IERERV GIVEN, that the nvimrtner. jx. widow in iimaaor county r uaii- L7A"n.!)' ship lioretofore exiitiiiit between 1. M. JSVAN8 n that route. The Montana express, forni di ed of her. hou80" b 1qU mMK!.' WaMrOn, Edgar& Co., Came through in I , , . . . , partnerships and. that a bill In equity has been (lied for nH J ... lk. Ifnllnn i.nn,l Hr VY, BIIU WI1UU VUO UrBWOr OI IDA mhibuioui uinne CO parmersilip accounts. All per ll days, OVer tne MUlllin rOUO, and TO- m , . sons aro notllled that A. W. Davis has no power to dis torts 20 miles Of SnOW.. OVer Which the prize Went for it, She told him tO take rose or the pioperty, nor contract debts on the eredlt - , . ' , i ." , . ,- of the fl m. i I. M. EVANS. Tnoaannnor frnwlnrl nn anngr nnnnn. hm hnnRs nil, hfin lot on annn aa nnaai- naiim. Amiiwi iiw .oji file thinks tbe road will be opened to ble. for she- intended to build a new tvigw youk nAKinv v. Wllu.u. uro,D.,Kr no0Ba on th0, ppot Witb the money ' . , akd .mm HIUiT li v W mm V UW M.t uui va 1 MV au s vu 1 a o . a, ma a I c (hi side of the mountains) determined wwc?.n? 8. lor lue oia ? 1 GROCERY ; S T O R E tV go through. ThiB town is very 1 " Bo-rpst pia w wiuqw wok , ; Main Street Dalles. J. JTJ.KEEy Main Street. Dalles, - W110LR8AU AND RBTAIL DRALEE IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &.' ALW.1I8 IN STOIII TBI BUT BXAIIDS Of ' Jigars, Tobacco, Matches, &e P LAYING CARDS. . " ' ' ' POCKET COTLERT, PORT MONIES, C0M11S and URDSHE8, o all kind, PERFUMERY, ot every description CHINA OKNAMENTS. N ' TOYS, DOLLS, etc. ' . .- FI8H IIOOK8 and flSHTNO TACXLB. ' v MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, 4c. Also Powdor.Shot. Lead. Powder Flasks. Baskets, axf many other articles too numerous to mention. r 1 ntorior dealers supplied with Ciaxrs, Tobsicce. etc. at less than Portland prices, with frelnlvt added, oc-8 , SULLIIO OFF AT 'COSTS J. GOETZ & CO.. STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALUSSr Offer their well-selected stuck of TOBACCO, PIPES, YANKEE JNOTION8, AND 8TATIONEEY, AT BAN FRANCISCO COHT. ' , tnr27tf GsA.rrjas & CHAPIN WII0LE8ALE h RETAIIi DRUGGISTS, .. STONE BUILDING, WA8HIN8T0N STREET,. DALLES, OREGON. Importers and Jobbers of ' PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS & FANCY GOODS, ' SODA, CORES k A0IDS, ' OILS, ALCOHOL, PURE WINES A LIQUORS, PAINTS, GLASS 4 BRUSHES. .'. " MYSICIAIfS' BEKSCRIMIOIfS Accurately compennded , PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. Afuiland coranlete assortment of all oriole in .i. Photographic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON BAN' FRANCISCO PRICES. . . . T Merchant will Dkaae tet oar nrku hr.,r nri.. ine below. ... U. L. CDAPIN, . JUSTIN GATEK. Dalleai. . . ., Sacramento, Cah ,; NOTICE.. Omcs or Cam QuitTtRMABTm, DWARTUNT OPITBE CoLUHUA Tart Vancouver, W. Ti, March 28, 186. i I if , SEALED FKOPOAL8 will e recelvedfoVtheTRANS POKTATION OF GOVERNS! aiNT JiUSIQHT ow the following uamed routes: ' - lt. From FontDalles,Oregoi,toCanipsCnrry,ATat son and Wright.. Bidders to suts the price iwr ooand' in Coin, they wi take the freight .'or. , . Sepiirnte blde requlrud for h Camp. Bids for' this . service will be reeolved at Fort llall, Oregon, by 0t James Gilliae, A. Q. M, U. 8.-A, and at this office, up. to 12 M., on the Int day of May, 186ft. 2d. From Wallula, V. T , to Fort Coir III r 1!.' The price pm pound In Com to be stated by bidders-' Bids for ti.ls-serTice will be received at Fort Walla. Wulle, W.T.,byl t Lieut. John NoWe,A. A.ftMaiid. at this offlset i p to 12 M.on the. 1st (ley of May, I66 ' 3d. From. Wallula. W. T, to Fort Dolso, I. T. TliO' price per poaud in Cola ta be statod by bldders-for fills' transportation, ilids forthia service will be received b. Capt. T. JLEckeraon, A. Q, M , U. 8. A., Fort Boise, I. . 1800? UP 12 M-," ib Utb dJ! of May, . 4th. Errwn Fort Dalles.. Oregon, to Fort Boise, I.T... .?. Prlr,92"rv IX'"'" lnLCoi,f, r which traneortatloi, will be tarnished over, thla route to be stated. Bids for this service will be received. at Fort DalWa, Oregon, br Capt. James Qllliss. A. Q. M., U. S. A Fort Boise, I.T by Capt. T.J. Eckerson, A. Q. M U. 8. A;; and at tbis. offlc up to 12 M., on the 16th day of May, 180B. Bidders for all the routes-will be required, to give bonds with good and sufflciont security ior the faithful. ; performance of anys Contract which -may he Bwarded' them under this advertisement. Hide to be In dilplicate and aooompanled by au oath of allegiance to the) United. Stalest i ... 1 The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved, If so deemed best for th intorust of tho service, ;. All contracts made subject to tbe approval of 'the De . partment aud Division Conuuanders. . .- HENRY CHODGES,. . ' 'Brevet Lt.Col. 'and Ohtef Qu irtermasterv , . S41wM.t.stmL . , Deflartaieu tof. the Colunjkia