V vou failg llUuntaiiuw, PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, ) (MONDAYS KXOMPTSD,) BY E. b. COWIV E & J. IIALLORAlt?, EDtTOM ANO PR0PRHT0R3, tnntTietUy-fivtetnU per week, payable to the carrier i per month, by mull, fl; three months, (3 60; tlx wuntlii, AS; one year, $8. Advertisements Inserted at low rate. Job Printing. Kvery description of plain and fancy Job Printing tu rned with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per order to any part of the country. Payment Jor Job Print no mutt be made on delivery 0 work. IV. II. IWUKLASS. PrAOtlcal Watchmtikor, And Doaler In VIAE WATCHES & JEWELRY, DALLES, OREGON. Established ISG7V BALDWIN BRO., SEALERS IN OROCERIES! CORNER OF Main and Union Streets, Dalles. 3. a BALDWIN ' mhffl-tf F.W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE ! IURNITUH . JOIERLAM 6c ENTZ, aaN1TVk GLOBE HOTEL BOILDING, iiiiajiiiiwwe.ii. Tt-11-.rm., kiMMi..,)...!.. Household FariUure, embracing Tablet, Chain, Bureau 'itedsaudUedsteads.Beildinx.Carpeti site, etc., all of which will bo aold at low ratea. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering dose to order. Also, or nana Mattreesss end Pillows. Spring Beds made te-srder. aU . eiOABCS. 0. B. KdQCL. WM. MOABUS &COM CITY BAKERY, Am PROVISION STORE, Corner of First sad B Streets. WH0LB8ALR AND RKTAILDRALERS Id BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GHOCKKIK8. .Order from a diitance carefully filled and piompty hpaaafced. Ml JOSEPH ELFELT, WH0USAL1 AMD EITAU. DEALER Fftnnv & Startle Drv Goods. ICLOTHINC. BOOTS AND SHOES, I BATS AND CAPS, AND (Gentlemen's Furnishing- Good Fire roof Stone Store, corner of Mala and Court fwtreete. ' ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PBACT1CB IN THIS BUPRRMB ANDCIR cult Ooarta of Oregen,and the DUtrict Court, o Weshlngtea vesmtory. ' Particular attention paid to the collection of claim,. 4. UUMASON Bailee, 0n. J. A.ODKLL. FUBNI8HED ROOMS TO LET, By the Night, Week or Month, NIXT DOOR TO JACKSON JtNGINB HOUSE. N m2tf ' MRS. 8PRENGBR. ..Half. . GATES Ac HAFT, Attorneys Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGON. . 74. 74. WSf. DROWN WARNER. M. D ATFIOI 14 SECOND 8TRKBT, between Washington nd Court. - 1 Ornoi Hours t toll A. M.. i to 4 1 ny.andetolO,?.'' LANGLEY CROWELL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WH0LK8ALB DEUGQ-ISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts;, SAN FRANCISCO. C. D. BROOKS, M. T. Offie At Dr.. Craia'a Drag Store. XR. B. W. MITCHELL, A-..mJltir AT.nRON'8 BUILDING." " : SsWWO ofthlrd and WaahlhiWeVrtot. D VLLES, OnEGOX, 1 K L A II V U 1L.HA l, IMPORTER AXD WUOUUAU Dealers in Wines, Liquors GROCERIES, Miners' Goods, Ooat Stores, &c. ATI RSMOVED TO THUS NtW STONE BUILDING, corker or Second and Washington Street! DALIES CITY, SkTOW IN STORE A LA HUB AND COMPLBTB AS A eortiucnt of the very boat brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. . ' Also, a full assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. 49-Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York and Han Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. The) hope by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method o' doing holiness, they will receive the patronage of the pub iio. selO-tf UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE &S1NNOTT, I'rop'rs. THIS rOPULAS HOUSE, OIHTRALLT LOCATED, Near the Steamboat landing & Sailroad Depot, lias been recently enlarged and Improved, and will now accommodate 300 GUESTS. IT WILL BB CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and the patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. JKf Baggage takeu to the House free of charge. House opeu all night. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIN STRUT, DALLES, OBROOH, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IK TU1 OJENTRI Or BUSINESS, Near the Steamboat and Railroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao commodate woe Hundred and JSmy uuests. Meals...... ...64 cat. ' Lodging.........50cts. Fir Proof Safe for deposlteof valuables. wa House open all night. Baggage taken to the nones free of charge. . THOMAS SMITH, mns-ti rroprietor. CO UMBIA RIVER MINES. A.. TL. B OOTil, WHITE BLUFFS, W. T.f FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . AND QSHERAL DEALER IN MERCHANDISE AND ' 1T11I.ERS' SUPPLIES. PACK AND SADDLE HORSES EOS SALE. FREIGHTS CONSIONFD to ray care for ColvHIe Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1884. ocjtf NEW ritUIT, GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. rPHB UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and X the public generally, that he has Jnst established on Main street, next door to 1, Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE I where he keeps eonstaotly on hand a large assortment 0 selected FRUIT. Also, in store a complete stock ofcholc VKUUKKina, ruorjswjxs, ruuJsiABbua, em. All of which will be aold, wholesale and retail, at Rl DUCKD PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself. telS-tf JOHN 8P08ITO. FRED. LIEDE, GROCERY, PROVISION, AND FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalle. lias on nana a large aua weu-assortea iioce oi OROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Butter Sc EgrffS, Received daily. A lane lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody PRICKS LOW. aolfctf T. LIEBS. 01. BROWN & BRO., vniiuii in una tiltnt n lTA-NOY AND NjeOPtiE DEYGOODSI OROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &0, are enabled to offer great Inicementa to purchasers. W respeotfnlly.lnvlt the publio to examine oar stock betorg pnrchaslng elsewhere, ' . mlt-tt r Bte'ae Stork, north n, Msl,ltrst,,tslls.- TUESDAY, MAY 1. 1866. Democratic State Ticket. FOR CONQKKSSt JAMES I. FAT, Of Jackson. FOR OOTsiRNORt JANES K. KELLT, Of Wmcu. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE I LAFAYETTE LANE, ".' Of Multnomah. FOR STATE TREASURERS JOHN C. BELL, Of Marlon. FOR STATE PRINTER: JAMES O'MEAltA, Of Linn.. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT. J. II. SLATER, Of Vntun. NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY . Will carry FAST FREIGHTS FROM UMATILLA, AFTER THE FIR8T OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW- . INQ REDUCED RATES: To Boise City IS Centa per patmd Idaho City...... HO " Owyhee SAO For less amounts than one hundred ponnda an addition of Five Cents per pound will be charged. TJMIC FROM UMATILLA r : To noise City 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-2 Days. TO Owytiee, 4 Days. UOSKPn PINKIIAM, Agent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 186S. ool8:tf. . FOR BOISE MIKTES DIRECT. T II E WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Weill, Fargo & Co.'s Express, : Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI eerville, (Boise Mines.) Through In Two and a Half Pays Connecting with the Wallnla Line of Stages, 'and th aoataoi ins u. B.n.uompany. usu. 1. 1UUVAS a tju., ap27-tf Proprietor . auARTz mills: And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and )IQ streets, . PORTLAND. A.. C. GIBBS A CO., Successors to Portland, Dee. Sth'M. dectf B. L. Jonxs A Co. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED! FEED!! J3IHA3V. SHORTS, AND ' jFE:EX OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAEBT n. II. LAW, 96 Front Street, Portland, nlt:tf. Opposite 0. B. N. Warehonse. NEW SALO ON. . NBW BTON1 8T0RI, WASHINGTON STREET. Tn UNDERSIGNED would rpeetfttlly announce that he will open a St-st-ctAm Saloon 'jn Stench Oilman's New Stone Bnllding, THIS EVKN1NG, and Is prvfmrea mi servw cmsiomers a icq toe beet or . Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ; ' '. ' ': A'L80,A '-, -, , .- . : "EnEE,,LUNOH..;.J Ivsry day1 AndlvsRiDg. M2str.. yoHir ainoLAVB. ; , : NO. 03.,. . laaaaaewawawasawawaaaawaaap ' . . ... ajmssswssss , UlnatiH a, Bois e, ANI3 ipAUO " J , Express and Fast Freight Line. rwtelS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING Jr. order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packagta between these and all intermediate points wllhcwtaiuty and despatch. - . The LLneU 8tockd with the Best Teams the country affords end entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD W ACirOXN , J Which ensures Speed and Safety hi the transmission of Freight, never before 'offered to Idaho. We offer upe- , rior mducemente fur Shipping Goods from San Francisco and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the ' Ocean Steamship Company aud the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all Goods shipped by this Line will not be subject to tire usual delays, but pass through aa Fast Freight. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid and Goods shipped to destina tion. , GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED r-ARE B. W. D. A CO, F. LINE, and 8Mpping Kvceipts sent to on Agents at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee and South Boise. . PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCES RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations In New and Easy Hiding Thorough Brace Wagons 'on ills Most Liberal Terms, We lay over acu . night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so that passengers wHI nut be deprived of regular rest. . AGKMSi RICnARBS A McCHAKKN. ... San franc he RICHARDS A McCKAkEN................ Portland JOSEPH TEAL , Dalles POWELL C"E.. v................ Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON... L Grand B. M. DuRKLL A CO........ ....,......Hole CHy B. U. DuRKLL A CO Idaho City ' MAJOR BPEKM Jiocky Bar (South Boise) DdRELL A MOORE. a Ruby and Silver Cities B.M. DaRELL eVCO nittf . , i Proprietors. A CARD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAW FRANCISCO ;'; BADGER &LINDENBERGER, Bos. 413 and 415 Battery Street, , . Cor. Merchant, San Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND PRESS STOCK , WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually laree stock of Goods. Our stocV estnprises every article In tin Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largeet and greatest variety of Casslmere and Wool nATB of any house In San -Francisco, and our prlres for these Goods are 4ess than those of any 'house, as we receive -them d tract from the manufacturer's consignment. Our stock of Summer and 'Fall Goops Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country merchant Is tb unusually low prices. i less Than the Cost f Importation I We alsotteep the STAPLE ARTICLE8 In the Dry Goods line, 'which Goods we have purchased In thtslnarket un der the hammer, and are offering tbem at New loik Cost, ant less. W publish this card in order that we may make view acquaintances, and Induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine oar stock; Good Articles and Low Prtoegt Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase t sellRgaln. Merchants who buy of ue can make a-good prdHt, End sell to their customers et-a, low 'figure. W-e remain, respectfully, Your Obedient sfirwtts, BADGER A imDHNBERGBR, - Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Nos. Ml. 8 and Alt Battery street. Bon Francisco, February 1,1868. f-8mw. MRS. LEES ERS TKENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND Dregs Making "EstabllsUnietft Onpoalt Conn at BoUsnt), f WWLD 'CAtL TiK ATTENTION of fh Lsdiss e M. the Dalles to my larse and' fine stock of . FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, TJOlSIVETS, IIATS, TEAniERS, . DrfcMBM rlTO'mlaijB., sScO. , navtng secured the services of MRS. FR'ART, In the Btbss sialtfng apartment, 'we will do all work In that line and iVMranree perfect satisfaction. TING done ht all colors. Olre'irre an early call, tend I will ndedtor to suit eterytiody in TA8TB and at RBA80NA'BIJtTRICK3. Particular attention paid te Embfoldory Snd'Bi'aldtng StaoiplDg, ' : NOTICE. !" VT CALL THS ATTENTION OF THI PUBUC te FT the fact, that we have concluded to give np bus Iness snd there.ore.all parties Indebted to us MUST PAT UP WITHIN NINETY DAFSr legal nroreedlnrs wit behad. . : ujsjg M. BROWN A BRO. ,' Palletyifircb 10,18a!, ' - 'U '