CM) .vv '. aili) ffio'untainwr. , MONTANA. NKWS. .., . , From tue Montunu 'Post at 'March . Sl.t, wo iodeii88 the following : Aletter dated March 25th, from Mr. John Wliittick, of fipomono District, atalus that the depth of enow Iium pre vent t-d any great amount of prospect ', iug for 8DIUO tiino ijmot, hut Unit ho me men are locking utmut ihe conlli Hide of tbu hillM, now. ! Metwrb. Atinms, Mo, Kinstry & Go's mill will be in opera. ,tion early next week. ShiiflB i'oity foot in depth have hcun sunk on the ' aaniu, " Liberty, " Em iruiii" and " Pliila lelpliiu, " which prospect well. A letter from Door Lodge, dated Muroh 2Stl, comai-nH tho following matiieTs if iiitfrcHi to ilieconuuuniiy : " There in irat niuo news here or. iiiiw -ereat. Tliu wvaihor in tfns mid tho inow nearly gone ot tliiw valley At Blavkloot ttm mio w i Hlill deep, and verv Jillte ground in eiulit. Snovvi shoct) nro, mill in use; and 1 do not1 think that tennm rill be able to rutin Ophir, Wasbiogton, Jiffrreoti or Mo Clollttn Gulclvert before May The peo ple of Bluckfootvre in high spirits. , They have gitod mining ground, and plenty 'wf it BimiK'hs men are repair ing their piuwn hHndHornely,and piopi ertr ot all kinds is looking op, except : good. - Fl-Hir 830 sack j Tobacco ' $3 3?3I6ect.. ' , On the 28th ult , Messrs. J J Roe & Go. dispnK'hed the hleameVGen Grant, from bt. LoniH, tip iho river, for the purpose ot ticking up the freight drop ped at differeut points, last jvur, on account of low water, ec.t. A correspondent writing from Ban ttaok.oiiy,ay8 : .,',':" Gulch mining, his my maturo and honest opinion, will be more protita . ble, thin year, than at any previous time since the palmy duys ot placer mining in Bannack, when ono hundred dollar to the pan, and more, wnrt (re quently on Jimmy! bur, and fortunes were sluiced out in a few months. Messrs. Smith , and Graeter have bought this bur, it being situate I near the terminus ot the Bannack ditch, of which thoy are, 1 believe, the princi. ftal stockholders. They intend to put q large flumes, . and to sluice the whole thing through. Woo 'would not ' like - a share in that " Golden Fleecef" Every miner is confident that tbey have a fortune in this alone, besides the numerous dry gulches west and south of Bannack) which are known to be rich, and will be easily worked when they bring in their new ditoh above tha head of these places. These enterprising gentlemen bare no vv the best store in Bannack, and are, doubtless, on the high road to wealth and publio usefulness. The preok claims are yet un worked, bat have been prospected for six or eight miles, and are known to be rich. Capital and combination are required here, and no individual miner can work his claim -on account of the amount of water, which necessitates a system ot drainage. , Descending a short distance on tho other side, the Blue Wing District is readied. Here a perfect network of silver quarts veins, among which' the Huron, Blue Wing, Arieona, Wido West and Silver Rose stand preemu nontj simply because shafts have boon ; on them, and their richness has been proved up, and thoroughly tosted. : Messrs. Sears and Wright are sink jngon tbe Silver Casket lode, their own discovery, for Mr. Fowler, of New York, who has gone cast for a1 mill fend other machinery. . This same range of mountains extends to the 1 north to tho itattlesnake District, where the veins again crop out: 'The lodes at this latter plaoo are very rich in silver and galena. Lieutenant Johnson is still sinking on the Eaton, the ore of which assays very high. The best leads of this district, as tar as I know, are the Legal Tender, the Whit Cloud, the .New World, the naison ami tire Dictator : put morn aro a thousand others just us good tjtiitea number of prospectors have been sinking upon their various di. oovertes- auring mo pst winter, Thej deserve friiieh credit, for their in tenuous aro good " on tho face j and wo. hope; no distant day, to see these poor, honest men, richly reward od. If . cuiritalisth would bur-from them, instjotid , "of "purchasing front speculators in '! wild-cut," they would never. rtiiylieir bargain.' Union State Ticket .' FOR CONGRESS itiTus itiAi.Lonr, .01 Marlon. FOR GOVKUNORt geo. l. noons, Of YViiscn. , FOR SECRETARY OF STATE ! SAltlUKI. E. Ill AY, . Of Mnrton. FOR ETATK TRKAfURF.R: ' " E. IV.. COOKE, ', ' s .Of Marlon. , f. i , FOR fTATK PRIXTKR: , W. A. Mcl'lltUSOX, '' i Of Linn. j, ) y FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: asS C. H. .11EK.S, Of Wmco. Oregon Stcnm iXavigatloiiH'o, SUMMER 'ARRANGEMENT. THE 8TEAMEUS NEZPKRCE 11IIEF, WE1I-FOOT, ' ' TE.IXO, OUVIIEE, YAU131.4, ; ' SI'UAV K V I . OKINAGOI. Captalm E. F. COK, 0. 0. FEI.TON. J. It. D. GRAY, Ami ; TIIOS. i. STUMP, 1 Will ran dnrlpfc tli toa from CELTI.O to t'MATIlf LA, WALI.ULA, WUIt'K UI.Ui'FS, l'ALl'USli imd LEW1ST0N. One of tlia above numrii bnnla will limve CEI.H.0 fnr tJMATlLLA and WALLULA, DAILY (Minting soeptd) " Xho Paissciiere" Train to connect with etonmure At Celflo will etart from the Hnllruud Depot, DALLK8 CITY, nt 6 o'cloc .A.M. lloate will be rilnpntclied fur WIIITK IlLUKKS, PA LOUSK and LKVMS'lU.N u often u the nensilly of the trade will demand. FOR PORTLAND TUROOOU IN ONE DAY. r , The Steamen "ONEONTA," bALLES 1T1 DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WH0LK8ALS ANU KITAIU DEALEfl llil DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, , , I'ATKNT MEDICINES. Ac, ti-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! yCOS AND PATEUT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! WHOLMM.I AND MTAIl &Sls Ubuogibt; Waahiugton Street, between Main and Second Street l)U,I.ES, OREGON. LEMON la atta to supply partlea In want ofDmira, Patent Medtcluea. Chemicate .' Aclrta. Marfumxrv. and every other article enumerated with the .' WHOLES aLe DRUQ BUSINESS, At the lowext maVketVaten. V Wl'hvatciona ami Slerchanta Intending topurchaae for the Mines, will do well togivehltn a oall. . .. TRUSSE3 & SHOCTLDUR BRACES In great variety. ' , , 8. LEMON, p.3:tf. Waahlngton St.. between Main adn Second. UAILY MOUH'f A1KEEE po rt ia k i v o n ib it i AND t jiAi;mrNE shop, . FIRST STREET, betwoen Yamhill and Morrlion. ATitMnm It. it ii 1 n . 5 olfrom 4 to-lii horae- liii4t t Jteam Kitfrlne j olfrom 4 to4vi horse nower.titlier Portnhloor ftrttldimry. Also. CIR CULAR SAW MILL-" COM PI, KT FT, constantly on hand. Also. Hay Pres ses of all aizea PlAiiintr M ach mea. (.Wood worth 'a putterii.T Wrought and Cast Iron w"rk for Vor- ticalsawnndtirlst nilllaj Brass and Iron CastiUKt not" - ' WltUJUttjllT IROIV WORK of every description. I am also prepared, to furnish 4 Quart Mills 6omriete, off the Latest & most Improyed Patterns. These Milts can beforwarllod to inVtmrt nt fliu'Wlna. as Hie ttelkHt of the entiro machiuerv will mit rvil :l 000 pounds. v r - . . Hone Powers &-Aerioultnrnl TmBlamanta mauulactureil to order at the verr LOWEST CAall I'lllCK N. U. ParticulurittlFutloii paid to HEPAIKS. fe20-tf OK 99 ..Commander, "IDAHO CAPT. 3. MoNDLTY,....iui..a ....;.,... Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays . cepted)al t o'clock, a. -ouniiBctlu, by the CASCADE RAILROAD, with the steamers , NEWWOBLD, ' . . . CASCADE, or WILSON G. HXJlNX, OAIT. J. WOLF,. .u.. .' Commander, f Portland. Dallea. ApillS 1888. FRANK T. DODQE, fnlitfl Aient 0. 8. N. Co. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! REX. IIOELIDAY, f roprletOr. i COXCOKD STAGES LEAVE B018K CITY EVERY OT Ell DAT FOR 1J LACK FOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stage Running to Virginia City, " NeVada, ' AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. ' ' FAUUf Boise City to fait Lake City .'. .....$100 00 ,i i. t, Virginia City, MonUva 12b 00 11 " Missouri lllver, Legal Tender 1300, Oold, $100... .m 400 00 For fiirther Inforlnatlbh apply dt ' OVERLAND 8TAOE LIK OFFICII, '. . Bbiasj CHf, I. T., rohMSm . J. N. TDD, Agent. Ult. li. W. MITCHELI. ; Offios WALDRON'S BtJILDINO. ' XitlMitai Caroer of Third and Wuhlogtori Strtet JVotice. . CJEALED PROPOSALS, In' duplicate, will be received i me omce oi uie undersigned at Van ouver Depot, W. T., also, at the office of rho' A. O. ., at FORT DALLKS, Oregon, end at KURT B0IBb lT.. until TliuiTday. 12 o'clock M, the 10th DAY OF "WAY, 18H8. !r tarnishing the U. 8. Bub-ljieme D partrneiit with Two llnnilred Hi-ad 200 of lleef Cuttle, for tlio fubslst enreof the Troops in the District of'llidse. Paid Cattle to he of goodand Mercliantabie qimlitv. ami to bedeliv. oi d to the A. L S. at FORT B USK. I. T.. or an author lltod agent of the Fuhsisience Department, in said Dis trict, on or before the DOih day of June; I8GB1 . Each Bid to be accompanied by a llnml (with at least two sureties) In ti e sum uf Five Thousand Dollars, for the faltlilul performance of the proposuls contained In the bids. In case the bid Is accepted. (6n)0HeadWl" b" '"" for quantity than Fifty llids must state the price In TJ. 8. OOLD coin. The contract will be subiect to the approval of the De partment and Divisiun Commanders. The umlerelgnid reserves to hlinseirthe rlglit to reject arty or all llids tlmt he may deem un.eosunable. Uids In be addresed to the A. C. nt either of the above named Posts, and endorsed thus: "Proposals for lieel Cattle." OEO. II. WEEKS, Capt. and A. Q. M. V. 8. A., A. C. 8. Vencouver Depot, W. T., ' ap2M3 April 16th, 1809. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND. An Expeditious Cure fur all diseases of the SKXtJAL OUGAN8, II IS prompt and efflcatlous llemedy for the cure , Ohonorraa, Oleet, Strictures, anil Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without tho leas! restriction to diet, exposure or change in application business It will radically cure any case which Can be produced. The disease it removes as speedily as Is con sistent with the production of M thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cauuot bo contracted if the 8PKC1FIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, , lie ingredients are entlrel f vegetable, and no injurious effect, SHIior constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carefully pricked. uuairi i r.n, PHiTii VKiiTt. Agencs, Jy22-m. 401 end 403 Duttery street, cor Clay, Ban Francisco. l.tiAUAOt, . ' 0. W. AKXISe. 8. W. ARMISl ARMES DALLAM, Importers and Jobbers of . , . WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES!, TWINES, CORD AOS. Ac. " ' And Mannfacturirsof California rails, Tabs, Brooms, Ac. 217 k 219 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davis Sen Francisco. ocll:8mdaw. LINCOLN HOUSE, Ouriler Waahlngton and Front Street!, , : s . PORTLAND, OREGON. ' FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. Charges Reasonable. ,.., - .. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Bonis and convey Passengers nnd their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any ether House in the Ciry for to cents. ' .. 8. COFFIN. Proprietor. ' P. S HOT AND COLD BATHS In the House. -All the Steamers for Oregon City. Vancouver, Monti, cello and Astoria laud at the Uucolu House Whorl espltWS , . , ... , ....... , '.., 2SS POWWB PKES8 BOOK 8t .-JOB PRINTING GFFIClu First Street, between Main and B ,:DAI.I.ES v OREGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY executed witu accuracy aiMinispaich. STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY i- , ,: with the very best, and i AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP ST .... , . (. to oxnut: Cards nnd 11 i I l-II c ad n 4 CltECKS. DRAFTS. BF.CEI1VS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES . FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS ' o?c. rfc, etc, , - PMNTrMy tHI MOST ATTHACTITI KAKH1X. AUO, WAV-MILS. , bills or FA1K. LETTJiK HEADS. ' KECEU'TPOOKS. , .: ( ; , , . . , BILLS LADIKQ, (tricfi nnd riuillrls, VlSlTiKO. WEDD1KO AND "AT HOME" CAltDt V . Tmptiitn LnbelPi,' In short everything that cnii he dene In a Rook and Job Printing 'iBh-e, from the jnmllvst end most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest sls nr d most rlu wy I'oaiing mil and wbh h will he turned lint in a ktyle that cannot fail to inxure entire satisfaction.. ' . , ' n one kapiutiks ro tin xxwbtioii or OECORAJIVE PRINTING In the piW beautiful Colors. Shades and Tints. Such i as l4ncy ; Postini? Billsl - : From a stogie". Sheet to the Ijngeet Mammoth, 4 ORNAtlKXTAL iSUOV f.'Ah'Vit. it i. 7 hi hh 7 j nri.x -tm tie unsurpaHsed by tliWful any'other establishment Ik Uregon. V) e uevoto opecini itiirniii'n 10 mis uruurn oi (ie busiuess. and are continually adding ti our already exten sive and well appointed ustorifnent ot mat rial. NEW-TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. ;' ' 1 '' i o5c.,- tc., ' ' efa,: " Ol themiost modern andreluborotst designs. Our stock e -r 'CAtir.Y INKS. TINTS. AC. Are of the Hnest 'quality, and for richness of color end durability, cannot be equaled in the State. - The principle upon which business is asked fur this e- . tahlishment Is, that persons will cumuli their own inter ests, by awarding their cueti.ui to that oOice in which inetr money can he expended to me mar auvaniage. m. this end we solicit nil in want of good Pi lnting, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, end udge for yourselves. ' Orders from the I'pper C ountry Will have our spoclal care, and friends from the interim niay rely upon liaving their orders tilled promptly, asws HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED fiORDON POWER PRESS In the iStBtB of Ori'tzon! Address: . "' , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE oil8-tfj Dalles. Oregon, JACKSON SALOON ! COUNER OOURT AND SECOND STREETS, . DALLES.' ORltiObN. :' THE UNDERSIGN KD, HAVING REMOVED FROV TUB "1IKLLA UNION" CELLAR. INTO Gates' TVJo-Vr- Biiildlntf, ' Beg to inform the pnbllc that thoy ere prepared to eervst their customers With the best . Mines, Liquors and Cigars THE MARKET AFFORDS. . ALSO, A ! Free Ijimcli I .; Every day and evening. K. BCHUTZ , S. KLKIK, dec?-if Proprietore. Hard Wood Lhtnbei'j CARRIAGE AND wagon materials WE II KG TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Mats iilacturars and Dealers to the Large and On, plete assortment of OARR1A0B and VfAUON MATKKIJ ALU we aro Miistajlily receiving from the Knt, specialty selected for the California market, comprising, Oak; Hickory, and Second Urowth Ash Plank, Hickory Axleoj Wagon Pohs. Hubs, P pokes. Felloes, 1; litis, Shuts, Ac. Ac which we oiler at the lowest Cash Prices. JlXsT i rders addressed to our himse will receive praa( , attention. N. W. BRAUO k CO., Jel6:3m. 29 k 81 Battery Btrect, Han Krancisen, aiid 17 A It) Seventh Mreet Bsrrnnieoto. C. WATtnnorjHs, 11. W. Kbaoo k Co., . J. W. Lists 8an Francisib. ' Bacrumetitb. . New Yurg F. TILLMAN, ' son Aotm in OAitrosNiA rot ' tlLTON & MeFARLAND'S ; Fire Ac Troof Maf cim .' '; ..: STEEL LINED VAULTS, V ; :;; :''. ,'-''. ' V ''.' ' -. w""-'vJ'"';; : ' l'.' .'''''' Combination Lock;' ' ia-Coostanlly band a full assortment of PA PB4V ', ' 1 ' .. 31 BATTEUV RTRRKT, . : jyWta ' " .- " ... ah Fraiitleee! ' r?: