HIofcejr fflnrkot. Kew York ftuM Qinttntlons Sua Vciiiuiici) l.eiiU LWLir fAtea,..,',,.. Epitome of 'fTKr?iyUIc News- ...127 ..WA Isaac F. luxwn, 8an Francisco. C. 8. MlUIR, Dalle,. Button, April IWSftk'.Jrn'tl'i Etstiio t, llniiie. correspontitMitiny ?VV 8clioouer arrived frctni Portly inl,:".wtli ntins t'ur the Koninm, mid tlie Unittii 'SiutF Collector had iu.struoions from Wiishtiifctoit to seize tbem it' there iippenro lujs "iijf danger of the Fetii.tns uiitig thcniirjngthe f illow itig nijrtit, eiijtit citses weNJ u rrepti t iuu S'y removed from tint sc K)oflei yvlioruupoa the Collector seized 'lie b luime, numb ring 122 cases in all, 1,50 rifles of the Spr nglieitl or Enfield ptt er ., second bund, and removed them to Fort Sullivan lor safe keeping. Gen Men le arrived next day and approved the p-oceedinjii, and since tlieu all has been quiet on tho 1'asnniaquu 'dy. " New York, April Hd T' o Deputy Health Officer's report stio.vs but tliere has been 32 new cases n 'milted to the hospital -hip, and two deaths since last report. Acnmmu- nicat ou from Dr. Sivinuuin, Health Ollieer, to the Hoard of Health, states that matters . urc progress ng f.ivorulily, and that lh dis ease is assuming a milder type. Tbe in creased number of the admissions to the hospital hip was occasioned by sudden changes ol tern eiature. Clii ai", April J6. l ho bill to amend the , intern I revenue law, reported to tbe Mouse yesterday, reduces taxation to tne extent of $ll,UiiO, UUO per aunum, aKd provides for tbe "following taxes :' Five cents per pound n cotton, with drawback on coilon pood ex ported ; five per cen1. tax on incomes in ex . ress ol SI,"' 0 Ther- is no change in the tax on distilled gidritsi Tbe tax on crude petroleum is takcu off, hut kerosine oil is taxed tea cants per gallon. Apothecaries, ronfectiono s, and keepers of eating houses, hotel' or taverns, pay no tax. Tbe only ' change In the tobacco t x i- a reduction of tax ou smoking tobacco f om 35 to 25 cents per pound. .Schedule " A " is stricken out ' except as to billiard tiiMis and carriages ''valued above $300. Tbe tax on Express Companies is increased from 5 to 6 per cent. on the irross r ceipts. S 8 made by brokers, whethet made for the benefit of others or on . their own account, rial' pay a tax at the : rate of 5 per cent.' for eve-y on h indred dollars, on contracts for stocks, bonds, for eitrn sold, giver bullion; coin, uncurrent money, etc., twen y cents on every $100 of . amotiutof gncb sales of securities, having banks are exempt from taxation on deposits invested in U. i. securities, and such other deposits less than three hundred dollars, as are ma le in the naino or any person. Tho stamp duties on weights and measure re' turns are abolished. Nea ly every kind of e (cultural, implements, pb itogranhs, en graving sold ies- than ten cents, or used ' fur books and photographs go small that stamps cannot be fixed thereto, are exempt Cluca-jo, April 2d. M. A. Albert, being prevent-d by the Infirmities of age from visit ing Chicago, as emb t ador Irmn the r rencti people to Mrs. Linclti. for tlie purpsse ol transmitting the gold medal iu cointnemora tion nl Presideiit Lincoln, it lias been decided to forward the same to the Secretary ol State through the Amric n Minister at Paris. i Washington, April 2(5 In the Senate, Sum ner, of Massachusetts,' presented a petition (or the expulsion ot Uarrett Davis, of Ken . ' luckv, for having said in debate that, should the Civil Rights Bill become a law, he slum It . lie compelled to regard limine r as an enemy of the Uivernmedt. D ivis said the language I . attributd t'i him was correct, but it ought to bave been taken with the context. 0'herwie 'it was a garbled statement. Tne petition was referred to the Juilicitry Uommittee. ' . New York. April 26. Tbe Commtrdatt spr. rial dispiitoh says there Is not much chime tor the pateage of Ibe Northern Pacific Hail rof? Bill. . Chtcaqo, April 27 The President yester . day transmitted to Congress a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, in relation to tb Central' Pacific Railroad Company Kastern Division. The Company were require to complete) 100 mile within bree years alter . their acceptance of the conditions ol the orig inal act.. This provision expired Uecemne Zd, 1865. Only 03 miles had been completed and tbe commiaKioners appointed for the pur nose have examined and reported upon it, uo ' an application has ben made as to (is accep lance. The failure to complete 100 miles wiihlu the period prescribed, rendered questionable wnether lit executive olhVerg of the government are authorised to i.'soe the bonds and patents to which the Compauy would be entitled if thu and other require menu ot tne act nan oeen ooservpii. ini t iliiue may to BuJite exte t be ascribed to th finatic'nvl t'oiidiiion of tho country incident to thi recent civil war, eg t'ie company appear . n bp etigaged in the energ-ttu prosecution of the walk, and manifest a ilMptitUtion to coin lilTjvitb the conditions of the grant Tl President recom neniU that ihe time for com '. pleting that part of Ihe road be extended, and that nil b.inty tie gin n fo thr i-Bue of bond s and. pivteuts on account of this section, now offered lot acceptance, no withstands the failure, shoti d the company la other respects , bo tbcreunto eotilled. ' Blocli. Miller & Co., ; 'WHOLESALE . & JDL O C E I S , ' AND DKALBItS IN , ' "Wines . & Iiquora And Importers and Jolitiori of CLOTHINGr Boots Shoes, - Under Clolliiii?, Itlankets, etc., fie, , etc, ASSA.Y, OITFIOJi. OTBrK nVK AN ASSAY OKFICK IN C0NNKCT1ON vv wl'iinur litilncfR, iintlor tlio entire fliiperviRlpn of Mr. stiller. We make return in Har in lx lianr W'n eiiaranlne nil nnr Aatinvi nml pay tlm I1IHI1K3T VM'H fttiuil rur mm. we. auu pay the lllnliosi Uaah I'rlce lor i.nia van. ni,onri, miu.eh o mj6tf Cor. Main and Waahlnutan atreetii. Dallen. waldros wnos., . FRANKLIN M ARKET. Wholesale & Retail Druggists, corker or second and Washington BTHEKTfr Matn Street, Dalles, Oregon. rB now ocorjpy oub nkw two stokyfihr f I nnmf fitirtto biillillnir, onuuslte lllucli. Miller A On., and utter to ihe public n fall aud cnmplete ttuck of Diuks. Medicines and Cuuulcali, conldting in pHrtof KKP.OBKNE, 1'UKt'KNTlNB, Al.C.MIOb, AC108. L1N8KKD, LA It l LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS HOPS, i : 8AOB. ' ' Bt'OXOBS. coiiKs. r- ' DEALERS IN . ' HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. ''.'''..'. ii GRO CERIES. BY THE PACKAGE. FOE CASH" At San Francisco Prices, ' Adding cost of Tramiportatlon. CUMMINO A GRANT, ml3tf . Dalles, O'ezon. CAi-TOTl AND 1XD100 AND KKAT3F00T Oil, ' . LANP11LACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND , PATKNT MUDICINKS. Our eKick of FANCY OO JIlS I of the ftne't and belt quality; new mylre und lanjo m-mirtuieiitu, such at LUltlN'ti PKHFUKKHY. HAlIt, LlIBlN'STiilLISTBoAP, i'LKSir, ' l'OMADK9, SHAVING, CuSMKTICS, HAT. IIAIlt 011,9, ' CI.OTIl"S. COI.IKJNK. TOO'l'U AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAM, UHUSHKS Tut) I'll raWDKItS, AND CO.VlDd. PURE WINES AND LIQTJOKS, For MrdicttiKl purpoBM, Our fiw-IUtlen fur Iniying gondii nre nmrond to aone In the BtHi, vul weitlmllAt all limes kII at a maitU aU Tame from cont. ltuady al antl mnnll prtitlti. piifsici.i?is pituscBirnoNS Curefully cnmponmleit lit all hours of the day and nlirht. Ilallet.Si'pt.a, lbitu. ' selO-tf DALLES, OREOOlf,. JOHN KP P13VGXCH, Proprietor- npHK TJ.NDEHSIONFD S liiurlnic nttwl. nntlie nliiiTa Murkct In tlio UK T WVtK,wlll httop coiMiuit- ' Ijf on hale) all tortt of fr rcHii anrt Urrrcrt Ifieals, Of th but quality fumlsUrdat the LOWEST RATIO ' My motto Is to PLEASE AW , PARTIES HAVING SUI'KIUOIt STOCK JO BAt wMl Uo wall tu call ut til Ernnklln Mnrkrt. JOHN ttrlNGKH. DulWisFeliranrj 18th. 1866. . . ' , UASIIIJiTOi MAKlililV . ' CORNCR OF ' ' . ', COURT AND SECOND STltKKTS, DALLES, OREGON. JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. r&ma AVlliD KEEP IfyJzf comthnty on liuiul nl) the turio- i AA.nUUtitliw tlmt llie niarki't can pomibly Vui,f' atlordiuf ' . ifiZU FBK8H Sc CURED rflKAXlSv. and aVways of the bst quality.. ' FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ,; . mpptliM raaaniMtbl terms. . ... Tb nndrralijicq,lH nlvaya iiri'iiarcd to pay tho Micli. eMcuih price l'ir. FA'' f''tTI.K. I'artloa having ntw fc. , in Kuoil oondttlou, ure rtiiiaostod to rail on liiin bpftiw .' t-oinir lowbw. JOHN MICH KLUAOit.. Dalles, March 31st, 1804.' - uiliSltl VliKY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and UAlMtOOMS. JULIUS KltAKMEIt UAViMl UOUGIIT THE KN lire tftiK-k or Merchandise und Buok Accotinie of the Intetlrin ot U. Seller A Uo.. In thlncliy, to which he Km atliled of lila own iuiH.rti.tiou (while doing, bualnoselu torlland) an liiinieime .-tuck ot the belt mamit'aclurod Crocker), CilaMswure, Plated Ware, Lumps, . ChandelierM, ' Table Cutlery Lookliig-GIuftNCN and All Kinds ol Oils. All of which he olfvra at reduced rates. Person, wltb- lug to buy any uf the above-mentioned -article, will do well to give me a call belore pureliujlug elsewhere. urnere Irnm tn Interior promptly atienueu to, ana guutle parked to go woure. Doniti tail to call on me. Ituuio s Bioue liuiidiug, n aatniigioii sireei, dm in. JULIUS KUAaMKK. Dallee. March 17th. 181)5 mlilitf . LATESTJVEWS! ALL THE . LATKST KUItOI'KAN, EASTKIIN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, ReceUed Regularly erery steamer, by s. j. Mccormick, FUWKLl.V BOOKSTORE, lOG JFroiit Street I'oi-tlund Papers and Uagailnes packed and Forwarded by mail or Kxpreem TO ANY PART OP THE MINES Iu Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. Subscriptions Kecelred fcr any NEWSPAPEU 0B MAGAZINK Pl'BLISIlED. Ksw Books, Masic, fte., by every Steamer.' S30000 ' WOltTII OP BOOKS. STATIONERY 'and ' . FANCY GOODS, CIIEiVl? FOB CASH. al9dlww . F1 . I li II M. 9 Watchmaker ami Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DKALKIl IN FINH WATCI1K8. JKWKLItV, CLOCKS, OM Hen,, Silver and Pla'ed Ware, Bpeutacleii, Cutlery, Ac. Jpr -l'nrllcnUi' attention Bald to renalrlng AoeVitJ "Vatcliea, Clock,, Jewelry, etc.' All Uatohei. repaired by me warranted fur twelve itiontltH. i N.U. All unlar, from the iippsv country, by EiproM or uinerwieo. inuiiitiy attemi.'il to. ONE HUNQREDMILES SAVED! BLACRF00T & DIU BEAD MIXES BY WAY Of Wliite Bluffs! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land rJLVavel. Dlitanc from Dalles to White Bluff, " ', White VluOa to Pen dVieiilai .. tuColville .....100 mile, ....160 ' ..MO NOTICE TO FARMERS. MI8 DALI.K8 LUMKKIt AND MAKUVACTUKINff J. COMPANY hiw receutly atiacbed a FLOUltlNGMILi; ! V to IHelr. Steam Ennli and Door Factory. In tbl. City, and' are auw prepared Ui CHOI KiiKln UltlND WHlvAI'uii'l COIIN, ami warrant t i:lve the ke, aatlafactlou. Ou. Hand coRntautly and for aale 7X1KA FAMILY VLdUrt, 5 ' SKCONllSORSIIUDI.INOSi . BHAN AND SHOUTS, ; ' ' CHOI' VKKD, CU1CKKN FKKD, , Aim, a Superior article or COIIN llXAk, from new Corn. ' The hlcUeet market price paid for WIIKAT, CORN a -BARLKY.. , . II. A.UOODK, Agent.- Dallea, Nov. 2, 1805, ' uatl,' A.m Ci. 13 liL T) K O J) , IMPOllTEIl AND JOUDEK OF Wines Sc Liciiiors FRONT STREET, ' Portlawdf, .', bvKa. . OFFK1IB F0U. 8AJ.E A VtttY AIt(Ht AKSOJtJT meat ol . . -,, . Wine, Liquors, . . Case Ceodify ; &c., . tit. Tlw Trad, I, paetfcolRrly. Invited to- eiamlne at at-ck before purchanliiR eluewhere. anM-tf Trareler, by land for either of the above Oold Fields, will ,ave II.HERMAN&CO., MAIN 8T DA4I.ES, 0VEO61TK EI1PIRB HOTElv ffATB JOST REHia VD A. BKAVT1VDL STOCK OF Save Time Distance and Money siiung ad hvmniER good8v By taking tbe White Bluff, lloafl. Con,l,tln In-oart oT i i ' ' Wood. Water and Grass. Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Are found on this Hood within easy drive I ! eT'lL''3l,tr , .., I, im.w iipen, and pneraiMes advantages orer '': Ilats&.Capii, i Whlclt.they offer to tell at SMALL PROFITS. . i : . DalbMi Uarch 274b, 180. .: ,.. sirZltf The roa.1 any other laud route from the Dall ruuiutueii uv orner 01- TIIK C1T1ZKN8 OF TUB DAT.LK3. Dalle,. Marrh. 20. 1SCB. m20:2m. COLUMBIA RITER MINES! A. B. 10OTH.... ..nawi KITISOH. BOOTH Sc NEVISON, Forwarding and CommUalou Merchants AND DKLKIlS IN OENKIt AT MilllCflAVDISB, ' White Ulufl-s. W. X. RKIOHT FOR COLVILLH. UPPBIT 60I,VMDrA, KOnTKNAI and BLACKrOOT MINES promptly lurwardid. - Mark OuodsB. A H.n White Bluffs, 4T. T, . wsr ssxcm . PonruXB Richards A McCraken, Allea A Lewis, and Ilndge A Calef. ' . '. ' , DiuM Dlnch, Miller A Co., French A Oilman. W. 13. DOUGLASS, 9s MONTANA! ID AH0L WASHOE. WXl ARB PUTTING P OCK OU101NAU BUl'KlllOR BRAND OF CttOVIVD JAVA COFFEE' . CIIAIITRES COFFEE, 7 lit DOUDLE GLAZED PAPERS to preierre lie strength antl flhTor for the length otf time required to be t rwarded to th, abov u acee. . For sale by all the Jobbe-a, and . . , - , " MAnDKN A Foi.orrt,' ' r ' Pioneer Steam Coffee , nil Spire Mill,, "" aJSmlilt 240 Front fctreat, San SranclwM..;) books: ,. WHOLESALE books: AND RETAIL. (Successor to William Blrnbaum.) Btauaaiuann niisceiinnuou, WOIIKS, Lata N0VKIJ1, MAGAZLNK8, FAl'KIIS. Ac, Ac by every Stoiiinet. PuM)Jaae Bwkntore. Alain ttreot. Dalles. Garden ScetlS fur the MItlion. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, WOOL and IlifJJL AM0.DCAI.1tIt IN A. CARD. TTADAMELE TKLL'KIl WOULD UE5PECTF0LI IV M. lulorni the Liuilo, nf tho lln U- and vl iiiity, that he now prepamd tu doall klmli if lil;K.Jsi,('l,i)AK and l'AI.KiOL' mi, I uit. Alao, CUI'l'iNll and HTTIM1 In a. new aud ImpruveJ style, uever bofore lutnxluscd In liiin place. She will warr urt tn give mtlifnctlnn. and would moat rciirctfully ,'illclt a liberal patniiiKe. In the Iukiiii, hituty ucniulej bv Mrs. White, over Degener', Store, on VYaelilnaloir slrvel. between cecoud andTlilrd. . ,-. Dallee, March 87th. 130(1 ' ''' mr27tf 'i : NOTICE. 1 AI.LPKltfOS'S INDEIITKD to tt ' anders'lfC"! ara rp ctfully rrqucateil to rump and m'llle their ac count, within TllUU'lf DAYS, aud ,ara cinta. . , aWJ.m riA. 1. 11WCU ACO.' U"ino . iWat'clics AND JEWELRY,, WNVmSTHK ATTNTI0Nf OF HIS FRIENDS AND JL the i'ablic UiuU choicu stilfCttou of , New and Fashionable Goods, IWnpoctfnlly soliciting their patronage. , . . Wn'ches I'ltOMl'TLY aud PUOPKltLY repaired and WAHhANTKD. uiOtf .... Next Door to the Post Office Olll. OIM COAL OIL! WALDIION DIlilS. bars Jnat received a large In voice vt COAU pa, which they offer at preatl; utiovd rat.,. ' JuTU - flt - rjfUK highest casq fkick PAID FOR ; .: . , IPIIRS, WOOL, AND HlDKS,at V t . . . ilcCRAKKN, MKKltlLI.AGO.'B ..1 mhl83m , . 16 North Fi.intctiei'M'ortlandj CRYSTAL SALOON' , . ' ' '...,''sb! , ; ;"; .V , niLLIAItl) ROOM. ' .. ' JOIIX HI Ji DtrAIRr Proprietor. ' WASWINOTON BT., nextdeor toFHENCU A CUM AN. ' ' HUIH Ii.' --, .1:1 C I HATH oppolntert E K. II A FT vttr ,ntor!,,d (rml ucollMt all Dcuey, due ma.and aitend to try biiu- Bt ,oerallj. ' aStf 1 . - ' 11. KtNlO. 4