SUNDAY MOKXIXG, APRIL 20, 1866. PnnM fTiHivnM City. Mr. Piure. 0ttlltlttltCCL Wells, Fargo & Co.V Mosson-rer, urs rived here yesterday: Tho troasure'box of Well, Fargo & Co., which was lost eorao timoHineo in the South Fork of tho John Dny, has been recovered about a mile below pronounced tho whole ,h 0 t.aoe wie,.e it was Iobi. Tho box ug. ' Wonder whore tho oonluill0(j $3i000 in ti the letter express llifeh water nt Canyon City,, line ' Tub gold mines of Central America liavo exploded, several miners having returnod and thing a buinb tho next excitement will turn up treasure, beside . Ex . Pit kb id k nt Buchanan is said to spend most of bin lime telling stories about tho grandeur of his ndminiHlrn. lion, Tho old publio functionary is evidently in his unocdotuj;o. . Religion Nolle. Cathouo Ciicbcu U.inilun aerrire: Mf, at 10J;J o'clock. Kveninir mi vice: Vuapera nnd lleiiediction, at Vi "Vlock. Sunday Bcltnnl nt 2 o'clock, p. in. iTM " FATHKIl IDIBI,EMAN, l'aator. Columbia Lodge, No. 0, I. O. O. F.-- Meeta every Friday erenlug nt 7 o'clock, in (Intca Hull, corner or Second and Ciiurt Street, ltrnthrra in good etaiiding aro Invited to attend. Uy order.; N.G. Waaeo Lodge, No. 15, A. F. fc A. M. Holds Ita etated Cotumuulc itlon- on the Fire t and Third Momtaya of rich month, at their hull. In Dallea City, llri'tlirrn in iruod ataudiiignro Inv.ted to attend. eitu L. i'oie. sec y. uy order oi ma . M. DB.VTAL NOTICJS. UVlng about to make, a professional tour to tiie town and aettletnenU up the Columbia, I respectfully call the attention f thorn uf my patrons who aro in need of Dental Operation ot nuychar- The gold bearing quartz in tho vi inity of tho Great Falls of tho Fo- washed away tho greater part of the tomac, about fourteen miles Irotn l0wn, and mining operations on tho Washington city, is beginning to at- Credi were entirely suspended. Tho tract considerable attention. Hnmnrrn dnno in Lho town and minim? - -t- Early. Tho farmers ure bay.mak claims is very great. ing in tho Sacramento Vulley, and All tho streams between hero and ripo strawberries aro plenty in the Canyon City wero swimming. Tho Marysvillo market. Jiow our mouth 8lat,0 fr0m Canyon City was com. "'" " -oii.atti.oym.y an opportunity " , I to avail themarlvea of my eurvlcaa before my departure, VratOFS I polled to Stop on tbO Other Bide Of tliO if ,0.iealrod. I will luavi abont tho 20th of March, and I We learn that Col. Hodges has South Fork, being unable to cross that purchased enough horses to mount stream ,;,tbe present number of cavalry at Van- lho Canyon Crty btago Company couvor, so that we may expect to recovered six ot tho horses stolon trom ee them along bore e wite tcfChioo, them Bomo timo Binco at Muddy, on some lime next week. the head waters oi Crooked ltiver, and WE undeTstand Co.. Hawkins, of thought by tho men who found WT ,n? M J'JttDV XUililUOOUy) U' lOUbUIIIIU III blllD I , I in .nttiiiM huilf mvt nan mnna w AvnAiArl tn mutt. Inn 1 In 1 iin I during tho coming week, and del n IahI nv rvn. t it a luitit.imil inti(n l.h ' I Tiiil!na ttti0t tltnv val unn 1 ""J . And offer banrn ne which cannot fall to eatlefv anvbodv return to tlill place to resume my practice, nbout tho liii or June. ir.Ttti j, . uuiu.i-.i . A ADCTION AKD COMMISSION HOUSE! No. 100 MAIS STREET; DALLES. THH UNDKltSlQNEO THANKFUL FOP. TAW Favora. rean-ctlullt Inform the citizen of the. Diillea, and the publli, generally, that lie coutinuoa ta toll at PUBLIC AUCTION OK PKIVAXB SAI.K, Rcl Kxtafc. Cicncrsil RIcrchandiHO, Giocci leu, Ftirnllnro, , loek, iiC. &.c. REOULAK SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT IlKTU !N m deof ealea. Out door and Special Salos attended to iu any part at the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. Parties Wanted. WOMAN TO DO OENKItAf, UOUSEWOMv. Good wagoa paid. Eiiquiro at thia office. ap'JVIf. LAST CHANCE! e wocr.n oai.Ij tiik attestiov of titb we ar cloaitiK ont our CLOTHING, liver are now out, and it is to be hoped that ppy GOODS, &CU &C, ., . they will find the hiding place of the that ..... At Greatly Reduced Rates, aro now b.foro tho " dear people.' TherO 18 Very litlln travel On tho wanting artlclea in our line. ,; Two hundred and forty pounds of roat ut present, owing to thocoostant qnaru taken from Columbia Ledge, fear 0f th0 Indians, who havo almost near Yancotvvor, assayed 526 29 of excIiiBive possession of the country gold ana silver, 'lho roeK was not between hero and Canyon City. . elected but taken from a quantity Tho people of Canyon City intend thrown out by a blast sunk two feet toprosentGen.iralleck witlva medal in me itugo. of what material wo have not learned Iair Warning! .1TV 1NTKND OI.OSINO (IUU ntlSTNKSS I1KRK hy Vt the FIUMT OV JUNK next,and we take thla op- nortunitv of ence more rall n upon thoae Indebted to ua to rail and fettle. We will not, If we can help it, place any of our ace.ii.ntB in the hand of loyal crdlec tore; but If obliged to do ao, re ahall have recouraa to that when thia notice expiree. I'AJl iu ini"wn IHIU. I)A(iU;s Ac KOCKI AI FERRY. ft J . J TJ K E K , Slain stre-t. alles. WHouaALt xn art Ait dialkb in CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPKS, V o. AI.WATS IN 8TORI TRI BT.ST BASD8 Of tars, Tobacco, Matches, &e. 1JI.AYIXO CAHDB. .. POCKET CUTLKKT, POUT MiJMKS. CO V 113 and UliUSHES. o' all ainda, PKRKIJMKItY. ol eviry description, CHINA OltNAMKSTS TOV8. lfOI.1.8. etc. FISH HOOKS and H8WTNO TACKI.K, MUSICAL 1NHTKUMKNTS, , ' VANCY Ol NILS, tc Alao Powder. Shot. Lead. Powder Flaake. Baaketa, a4 aianycther artlclea too nuuieroaa to nientien. arar lnterinrilealnraeuipliedwltliClrar.Tuliaccej,etc. at leaa than Portland pricea, with freiKbt added. o4 SaCIJaOtt Off Al COST J. GOETZ fc CO.i 'TONE BUII.DINO. WASHINGTON STKEET, DALUC9, Offer their wellnielected atock ef TOBACCO, PIPES, "VA-JS KEE JS OXIOIN s, . AND STATIONERY, -At- SAN FBANCWCO COKT. rar27tf GtICS & CHAPIN WHOLESALE A RKTAId DRUGGISTS, STONE BUILDING, WASUINOTON 8TKEKT, . DALLES, OREGON, Importera and Jobbera of PATENT MKDICI.NKS. CIIKM10AU A FANCY GOODS, . SODA. CORKS A ACIDS, . , . OILS, t AlJCOIlOt, -PUIIBWINK8ALIQU0U8. ' K PAIXT3, GLASS A UliUSHES. rnYSICIANS' PRKSCttlPTIOXS ; Accurately compounded. ' PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A faul and complete amnrtment of all artlcha In tlx PhntoKraphic Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SA FltANCISC-0 Pltli'KS. ajer Merohauta will pleaaa t our nricea befura order- lg bebiw. , II. UCIIAI'IN, JUSTIN UATKS. Dallea. Saeramento, Cal. . NOTICE. OrricaorCHtF.rQiWBTMBiBTfa, ) bcrAiiTMtNT or tm Columbia. Tart FiincouMr. IK T .March 2H. W00. V ED Pllill' J.--AI.3 wHI kenrcelrad lor theTIU.SS- AT10N OF (lOVKllNMaM FUE10IIT over , followlua: named rootea: Int. From Fort Did Ion, Orecon, to CnmnaCurry, Wat- aon nnd Wright;- Ulddea to atuta the price per'poao4 InCi'Ui, they will tnke the freli;lit nr. i d. i i ,. r 4 f.n?i i. l i I- oenaraie inaa reqinron ior eiion uimp. uina lor idii IhO eonloHSlOn Ot iltlMrOy, I tho first da- Of April 1867. It ia de I fcOnilUOnS. aerTlcewillbereceUedat Fort.Daliea.Oroern. byeapt. -a fit.B 1, Kan fil ... . . . In tho Clrcnil Cfturt or the State or Oregon ror tiio jami-euuiiM. a. h. m, u. b. a., anu at una eUlce, tt jPOrter, 8IVJ8 U10 Oan l'lariCISCO UW, I sirublo that tho interests ()f OrOirOn County nlUrant lur.eTorut.18W. A. I.. Sutton, plaiu- to UM.. on the lutdayof May, 1800. i w i .in' ... m A u' ... ... ........ . l vji vmin nniimn. w. 'I' m tri i:n mu u w L t lNU, Deielllianr: in llie name oi I i ne price per iwium in win- in oe eiweu uy DlQiiera. r Oroion you aro heroby n mill oil and I Hide fur tela nervlre will lie received at Fort Walla uuanor the complaint against mum, v. v., wi i uieubdonn nouie, a. a. V. h., ana : ' SuoeTiDB Cared For. Wo noticed for the disinterested manner in which . yesterday, on Second street, a soldier bo distributes tho troons under bis lately discharged from Capt. Borland's command. This acton lho part of the Landing Foot of I'nlon Street. ComDa-uv of volunteers, who is dw citizens of Canyon is deservinir of the rHViBPitopaiETtms ake now piio.pared wiiu r , ... r I, i , iir JL STAUNCH AND U00MY DOATS. Uicroea inonioa, aiiu buouiu oo tauen caro oi. uppruumnni ui mi guu jn-ujnu. ,,o 1Ti ia riilan 1 1 tr .I'liVir nil rntlitMitf n(. I WAllIrl anirirnat in mil liammnri tin v.mmj v j . -..J,. ..V......H ' I In a Safe and exptdltloua oianuer.and at Keaeonable foiru'ha r niilirH frnm l.h A mnnlii'r in 1 tteioMiDOra InO nronriUlT OI UilOWmlf I Juitea. nzni u.. w, "..j- ---- - 1 n i i --- n i wbioh be called for the "olBoeF of the tho dear people of lho Dalles to "go suii:iUOIl CALIFUKJVIA Uay," sergeant of tho guard," &c in with them" in this worthy tribute UA.IVCH" BUTTISIfc! JIo should bo taken into custody by to a valiant soldier. If tho material a Few Packages cuoice, in quantise tn auit. at .tho uuihoritios. I and size of tho medal have not been aSUtf UALIlWl.N DII03. NOTICE. I ilnAiltnl Mvtfttt A aniMitil HafiAmmnnll Y T ji a uvuiusu iiuviii nuuiu i ovuiiiiuoiiu ..v. , i .... I j i I Tarek KMfiYIVfl MY HKRlllKNtiK Til CLATSOP. MR. hand0in ""M,M'ua ""l,M""u,cu uy uul if ll. J.WALDitONwlllactaaniyAgeut.,andUau. townsman, Tom Ualioway, ot his DeBt ruB'V -XiTsteklk, m d. solo leather, the aize of a fehoe- ma Iter's lapstono, nnd be inscribed as IoIIowh: "To Wuj. Gen. llalleck,from the citizens of Dalles nnd' Canyon Cities, for the imparUnl manner in ftfnnolt have made some improvements to the Umatilla House this Spring, in order to uocoiamodate the wants of the .raveling public, but during the past weett tbey have cap. pod lho climax by tho addition of ton beautifully finished rooms, in that part of tha building formerly occupied as a cigar store and tailor shop. Tbo on torpriso displayed by thoso gentlemen in 'fitting up the Umatilla ilmiso to its kktter fro.h govehxoh oidbs. : present state of comfort is certainly commendable, for wliich they deserve J and receive a fair sbaro of public riupport. . , Ordinance No. 38. An Ordlnanoe directing tha City Hecordor to make an Aerieminioiit or all I lie taia do nronerty wimin ine corporate iltnlia of Dallea City, Oeegonv a d make re- turna ol tun aaina. The iVime of Dalla CUv do oruVzi'a oUounj KiotioX 1. That the Iteronlur of eald City be ordered lo make an naaeaament of all taavibl property wiihlii which he distributed the troops under ",c"y ,lm,.u.5,r S" TtZIm'TIZ?JI'Z I of the aaine to th Common Council, at their aecnnd re- bia command lo protect tho Chico t '. bt,a m" p"- ' . I Paaaed April Ulat, I860. route, and none othci." o. n. oilman, Mayor. Aurll 21th. 18Ce. a25d5t. Dissolution Notice. TeVTOTTCK IS HEKEDY OIVBN, thtt the co-partner. vyi aliln liprntolVire oilatinir bntweeiy 1. M. r.VANS EoiTOtt AloUNTAINBEtt : Enclosed and A. W. DAVIS, in th Livery Stable buah.eiia.hai UOen UIBiOIVUU, IllUfc A IT. m ni're"wu iv in. vw State of (Jukoon, Exeoutivb Dep't, Portland, April 27, 18G6. herewith yOU Will pleilSO find COmmU- rartnerahipt and that a bill-In equity haa been Blail fr .,- r theaettlenient of thaco partnemliip accoiwta. All per- lai 5J.,r nicalions recently received by me for no..a are notified that a. w. Dana nn nopowe todia- J . , n rime of tho pioperty, nor coutract debta on the credit tiie ioiiowi Tns Adams Kobbeuy. Tbo arrest d-mtribuli.0 rehui0 t0 lho Puri J ..".Vn,. of tho thief Lambert, in Now York, UnivurHal 1,," to begin on A"ttm- I. M. EVANS. a'iSdlm . i .i us to ino in wnicn mis roo I slioultl bo represented on that occasion,, SJt. . whwino, : bory was committed, is ot more i'm- Lnd I have written to tho nuent, uslc rtStlr!!?":l;HirU3. n.iitinrn In KTr Ail. una nnd In llin 1 .1 . .1 i- you now 011 Hie with the Cleric r the above eutltlud at tnia oince. r.p 10 a M.on ine nt uay 01 jiny, 130S. pOltanCO 10 JUT. AUamS nnu lO IHO ing that tho time for IhO reception Ol Court by the plalntlir In tha al.oo entitled action, with- Sd. From Walliila. v.. T-to Fort Bidne. 1. X. The niihlic I linn tlin mi rn rccnvi'l'V f)P thft 1 . v V 1 1 j In 1011 daya from the aorvice of tliia Huminona on )ou, if price per p.iuud In Cots to boaiated by blddora for thia PUOIIC, llian UIO imiO rt eovtiy or tne arllOleS at XseW Yortt may be CXteild- ,Hved hi the Cuuaty ..rtirnnt, and il..orvod lu uny tranimtaii.n. Hide lor thin eervlce will he received by mnnn.. Wliitn il volitiiTPH I hn f'nrmiir J .1 other County in thla State, then within twenty daye Capt. T. .1 . Ki-koreou, A Q. M , U. W. A., Fort Bolai I. mODC). , 0110 11 Fl HOVCS 11)0 lOimor od, SO that W0 may nartlClimtO in thO U Jr ,ucl, eorvlco- T..aTidatlhlaUIBce,uptol211.lntlial5thdagf Jjiy. irorn tho unwarranted suspicion wbiWi exhibition. An answer is expected t cortain newspapers wero wou'ttocast j,y telegraph. upon him, ol complicity in tiie roD- .CuHBi M. Carter, E-q., of this cily, bery it ia a satisfaction to tb public wi bo in jaTa nt t,e time f nie t.x to know that tho integrity, ol a high hjbition, and hs. kindly consented to oflloial has boon vindit'aied, and thai tt(.t for tl0HU j lhfj mUer whodesiro tho road of evil-doers is a hard ono'to l0 Bend urlil,e8 f. exhibition.; ' ' travel in this community., Captain Very' respectfully, i Jeosapd Det,ectivo Ellis are dusorv. Your ob'l servant, .''. ing of mncb. praiso lor working out ' : ' , , ; -' a q GibbbV w,.avB4.arMM ' ' -' nnvfrnop of Oregon, r! niter liaolratlon ol uubllciitioiii and tinleKa yon lll o. Khali and amweraiid coniplaiiit, the plaintiff 4th. will lakoju l:iu.)iii a jiint yo i ur toe iioxi iur.ii 01 on mdil I'oiir. f.r tlu sunt of $1 Jl'J 50 an I iuteriat from the loth d ty of Augiiit, l:i04, and tit hia ooata and di.bura. inetita. W. L.AIK 11II.L., Att') furl'lllf. Viitoilr April 17, lRjn. .... . . n.iii.rd. Tlmt tlia t'oreeolnc anmraona he aerTml by piibliahlng the Mima lor eix a-'iiKvuuia wuckh 111 m l' klt MauMTAiMUsn. a Bauer iiuhllHli.d nt Dallna t'lt), .u. nju'i.i. tfiii.K' lu tiiuco Unuiity. N'I3W YOl. UtVltliilfcY AW ' ' ., V'. "GROCERY STORE, Main trcet Dalles. tnbtltt . . . '' f lUiDOHCtt CBNZEri. Erom Fort Dallea, Orecon. to Fort Bolae. T. T tho prlie i er )K.uud in Oil, f r which trnuaportatlon will be furniehed orer thU route to be atu'ed. Dida f tlila lerviro will In rvcelved at Fort Dalles Oreioiu, by C'npt.Ja 1 oaOilli-a. A. Q. M., U.S. A.; Fort IM-. I. 'I., hy t'apt. 'f. J. Eckeraon. A. (f. M., U. S. A.: and at tbw ollicl. up to 12 M,, on the 16th day ol May, IHUU Didder foe all tha rontea will b" 0 quired to rte boi-ula with gooil and aulnclent aectirily lor the filthrul performance of. any coutract which may I a awarded lliein under, ihiaadvnrtlaeniMit.. Ilhla tn be lit dupllcata and accompanied by an latili of allegiuncu to tho Uuitul Statea. . Tiie right la r"Jcrt any or all tdda la reserved, if ao deemwl beat for Um in' ereaa of the aut rlce, All ciintnu ta mude euhjeea to the approval of tha lM pnrtuieat and Divleiou CuuiiuauderA. IIKNKVC. IIODOEt?, ' ' Brevet LI. Cot. aw) Chief Qu rtarmaetcr, ' aSdtwat.t attul , Vepawlmeut uf. tha Coluujila. '