mill) Vy ; , KASTKltN . ISTO V S. Vaahington,' April 24. Among tlip docii Ttienu sfiut to tli HuDsa . to-dy on, Mexican iffira U the followinff Ititereslimg diploma" . ic cprrpsnouilcnrfi Drouyn de L' Huys inyt France went to Mexico to eXercise the right uf war which Is exerci.sed ty theuuited Stales, niid not in virtue ot uny purpose otlulerven . llou, concerning which she disagreed with the Uulieil niU"8. France. went there not to . prosecute hut to obtain reparations and gtinr- ' nntce, Being there, she sustain the Govenn- tu cut which is founded ou the consent of the jieople. y lie now wishes to recall what re uibim of itie army at a moment When the will be able to do it with safety to French citizens ami due tespect fjr l.orsslfV ' ' Seward replies Whatever the motives of .invasion, the means taueo for destrouug the .Republican institutions are regarded by the . Unite States as wiihout authority aud con trary to the will o( the people. Tlio military i.-ni uid of satisfaction seem to have become fu'iorjinatu to u political revolution for which ' France is responsible. The United States bare seen, no iittiufiiciory evideuce that the Merlcon people hiive occupied the so called li upire, and the withdrawn of the French is deemed ne'ieasnry to determine that question; it ther -lore recognizes the ancient Republic, mid can in no case consent to Involve itself directly or indirectly with Maximilian, Drouyn de L' Huys replies that it depends .iitinn the Federal Government to facilitate .the withdrawal. He also raises a queslioc as lt the compatibility of nionarihial institutions on this Continent as witness Brazil , which H-Wiirii declines to discuss, hut reasserts our ilesiro for the withdrawal of the French troops. Drouyn de IVIIuys sums tip that the United himes acknowledges the lig-ht to make war in Mexic6t while we almitalso the principles of. uouMiiterventiou who have not directly 'crossed the ocean merely to show our power or to inflict chatiseinent. We hope the legit male object of our expedition will soon be 1 entlied, aud lire striving to make arrance ments with the Emperor Maximilian, which by satisfying our interests and honor, wtllpor lii it us to consider at an end the of ' our ai my upon Mexican foil. We fall back mi that moment on the principle of non-iuler, veniion, and from that moment, accept it as the rule ,of our conduct.. We expect the American people will themselves conform to the law which they invoke, by observing, iurei gai d to Mexico, strict neutrality. Mr. Seward says t Diplomatic assurances given by the President in behalf or the nation can at least lie but expressions of confident expectations on hiB part that the personal administration is ever changing in conformity to the nation al will, but he does not construe the settled principles aud policy of the people. With Ibis explanation, Mr. Seward says : It is the opinion of the President that France need not for a moment delay ber proposed withdrawal of military forces trotn Mexico - and putting her principle of non-Intervention into lull practice, in regard to Mexico, through . any apprehension thai the United States will prove untrue to the principles and policy in that respect, which, on their behalf, it has been my duty to perform in this now length ened correspondence. Chicago, April 25. Mr. Scbenck's army establishment bill, which is being considered in the llou e of Representatives by sections, ' for amendment, has occupied seven days aud and is only half through with. It diners from the Senate bill in being more favorable to volunteers, nod providing also for a vete ran reservo corp", and in reducing the staff department. The section relating to the Provost Marshal's Bureau, as amended yes terday, requires that it shall be closed with in six months nfter trig pnssnge of this bill. The House held n protracted session last night on Pacific Umlrond matters, when the bill in aid of the Northern Pacific Railroad -was pressed to a rote, but the opposition carried an adjournment. The outside press ure for the passnge of Ibis bill Is tremendous , Aud the struggle in the House Is earnest. : - suaninoiiN. Tn Justice's Court, before D. tVlillton. Justice af the Pooro In anil for Upper Canyon City Precinct. J. C. llordv . A, F. Askln. ffnO A. F. ASKIN, DKFKNDANT A BOVK KAMKD: ' JL In the name nf the State of Oregon, you are sum v.oned nd required tn be nnd appear lu th above enti tled C nirt, within nix inautlislrmti (late heroof, then unit ' there tn answer to a civil action, ciltltlod hi above, the complaint In which is on fllo III edid caurt j and tans no lire. Unit If you fnll to appear unit answer, plaintiff will tak.ti judgment against you for the sum of J&7 76. and fur Ills coats herein. ii. C. HAItbV. Canyon Cltv, March 20. 1S09. nplSwS Union State Tfcket. ;; ron CONQKESS RlTl'S 9IAI.LORr, , ; Of Marlon. . . FOIl GOVERNOR: ' . . .. . GEO. I.. HOODS, Of Wasco. sTOtt 8KCRF.TAKY OF STATE I . s.3Im:ie. may, Or Marlon. FOR STATU TltKASURKItt E. AT. COOKE, Of Marlon. ' s FOR STATE PRINTKR: W. A. Mcl'IIERSOiV, Of Linn. FOR PR0SKCUT1X0 ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C. II. MEIGS, Of Wasco. Orcsoii Steam Navigation Co. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. TIIK STEAMERS IVEZ PERCE CHIEF, W EB-FOOT, TEXINO, OWYHEE, YAKIMA, SPRAY & OKANACOIV, Captains E. F. COE, C. C. FKLTOX, J. II. D. GRAY, ana TII03. J. STUMP, Will run diirlrft tlio pennon from CKLILOto UMATIL LA. WALLULA, W1I1TB ULUFF8, l'ALOUSK and LKW1ST0N. - One of thoiibova named bonta will leave CK1.IL0 for UMATILLA and WALLULA, DAILY (Sundays excepted) Tlio I'asiseiitrei. Train to connect with atoamorant Celllo will start from tlio Jliillniad Depot. DALLES CITY, at o o'eluci, A. it. Boats will bo dl8.atchd for WHITE ULUFl'S, l'A LOUSK and LEVt I8T0.N a often aa the necessity uf tho trade will demand. FOR PORTLAND TIIHOUGH IN ONE DAY. The Steamers "ONEONTA," . . OR "IDAHO," CAPT. J; McNULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sunday" excepted) at 6 o'clock, A. M-cnmiegtlui, by tho CASCADE RAILROAD, Wltn the Hioamem NEW, WORLD, CASCADE, or WILSON G-. IltTNX, CAPT. J. WOLF, .'. Commander, fe Portland. FRANK T. DODOB, Dalle, ApillS,186n. nl2tf AfjontO.B. w.un. slicrin'M Sole of Ileal Estate. TrY VIRTUE OF AN KXKfiUTlOX tsuuen by the 45 Clnrk or the County Court in and IbrOrant County. Htiite of Oregon, In favor of F. C. Hnreley plaintiff, and ' ' iiLiilnat W. K. Ilnrnt defendant. Ibr the sum nf lour bun- dred and fifty dollar. prlnclial. and thli tyTtliree 14-11)0 (ISIS 4'i-iuu) llolinr., Willi arcniinnconu, nu ' nt of execution, and tomodlreeted.IlmvethlalOthdny i.f abiII. IRtiO. levied iinonuml will aollat nubile auction. ' bnfoietlieCointhoii.eilonrlnOativonClty tlie('nuittyet ofOrant Count.y.onSATI) DAY OF MAY, 18.10, between the lioom of VI and t o'clock, P. H , to the l.l,rl.t bidder for rmli In hand, tho t'ollowine dewribed Real Katnte and yalnable Mining Ground, via : One-half Interest in tlio chilnn formerly known a the oonrao claims Irins In Canyon Creek, one ralf Intereat In the certain mlninit claim, formerly known t) tho Uiiaband A Fnllford olaiina, theeame lylne "d belnptln Canyon creek. Two and two-thlrda intereat In nvccbilniakn.iwn a. thea tied lnd claim, the entne Ivlnit In the flat near ill Junction of aald Canyon creek with. John Day Itlvor. V. ill. r. Oltlini. rimui, , 1 ,-' CaajonCIt, Aftll l0th,H08: - I DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WH0L18ALC AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, " , i Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac .' fi-tr DHUOS AND PATENT MEDICINES:: DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! WHOLES.ll.J AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Waaliiugton Street, between Main and Second Street DALLES, OREGON. Qi MCMON Ir nMe to supply pnrtlus In want of Dmirfl, I'lttfnt Mediclnen. Cliemicnl.s Acitlw. I'urfuumry, ami every other urticle enumuratuj with tho WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the. lowe.t market rate. 4Ttr I'hyaiciana and Merchanta Intemlini; to pnrchaae for tiie Mlnea, will do well to irive hi m a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES lb great variety. , 8. LEMON. ' ap.3:tf. traelilnKtoti St., between Main adn Second. DAILY MOTJHTAIMeS i'OllTLAA'I) ruuiVDitr AND. ' MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill aud Morrison. .N t m M m Itl.irln.. 3 offroin4 to4u liorao- power.either Portable or Stationary. Alao. CIK- CL'LAR SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constantly ' oiihaud. Alao. Hay Proa- ?grm aeaof; PIihiIiik Jri fo aiaciiinea.f oouwuriii a pattern.) Wronjrht and Caat Iron work fur Ver tical Sawiind Urlst mllla: Itrase und Iron Caatinga aud WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mllla can beforwanled to any nart of the mines aa the weliiht of tho entire uiachiuerv will not exceed 3. OOOpounde. Horse rowers A ASTricnltural ImDlemonta manufactured toorder at ilie very LOWEST CASH PRICK n. rariicuiur attention paid to ItKrAIItH. fcU-tl Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEN. IIOLLIDAY, Proprietor. COXCORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTKR DAV FOR BLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City,! MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages jtuuniug iu Virginia City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. . FAKKi Boise City to Salt Uke City.... $100 00 ' " Virginia City, Mnntnna 125 00 " Missouri River, Legal Tender WOO, ' Uold, (100 400 00 For further Information apply at OVERLAND 8TAOE LINE OFFICE, Boise City, 1. T., mb0d3m J. 8. TODD, Agent. ISTotice. SEALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, will bo rerelved at the office of tho undersigned at Vancouver Ilepot. W. T., also, nt the oltice of tho A. C. S., at FOliT DALLKS, Oreeon, ami nt FORT 110ISE. 1. T.. until Thursday. 12 o'clock M, the llltliDAYOP MAY, lSiirt, for fniulablng tlio U. B. SulHlsteuce Depnrtnicut with Two Hundred Head :!U0 of lleel'Cnttle, for the Subsist ence of the Troops in the District of Boise. Said Cattle to bo of goodnnd Merchantable qualltv. nnd to be deliv ered to tho A. C. 8. nt FORT B01SK, I. T.. or an author- ageui oi ine piinsistonce Deinrtmenti in aald Dis trict, on or before the 30th ilny of June, 1800. Each II I1 to be accompanied by a Bond (with nt lonst twoauretlea) In the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, for the ralthlul performance uf liio proposale coutultied lu the bida. in case the bid ia accepted. no uiu wui o rcceiveu lor a lesa quantity than fifty (60) Head. 1 . ' mas iiiusi siiiieine pneo In U. 8. GOLD coin. The contrnct will be siibiect to 1 1 in nmiroval of the De partment aud Dlvlslou Coinmandcra. The undersigned reserves to himself the right to reject any or nil Bids that ho may deem uiiieaaoiiahle. Jllda to be addressed to the A. C. 8., at either of the above named Poata, and endorsed thus : " Proposals for ii....i-nmtli. OEO. II. WEEKS, Cnpt. and A. Q. M. U. 8. A., A. C. S. SrraisTixpK Omen. Vancouver nnn. W. T ,,,"2-12 April 18th, 1608. V. 8- LANGLEY, GROWELL & CO., IMPORTERS, AND WHOLESALE DEUGaiSTS, Cdrner of Clay and Battery Sts., SAJS t'llANCISCO. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditioua Cure for all discuses of the SEXUAL OllGANS, npllI8 prompt and efilcatlona Remedy for the cure JL Ghonorraa, Oleot, Strictures, and lilseaaea of the Urinary Oi gana. inakea a speedy cure without the least reatricilon to diet, exposure or change In application business; It will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disesse it removes as speedily aa is con sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND la taken when exposed, Ita ingrodionts are entlrelr vegetable, and nn Injurious Wect. either constitutionally or locally, cau be caused by its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Exproaacarefullv pneked., SMITfl k DEAN. Agenta, 401 and 403 Buttery street, cor Clay, Jy22-6m. Sau Francisco. If. DALLAM. 0. W. ARUIS. 0. W. AMIES, mh22:d0m. bit. M. W. SlITCHELL. , Orriei WALDRON'S BUILDING. , ', ' JtsstBiitos Oora'elf of Itai and" WMlf.tigton Streets, 7fy pX 1 ARMES DALLAM, loiportert and JoWer of WOOD AXO WILLOW WARE, BRB8IIES, TWINES, CORDAGE. Ac. And Mannfoctnreri of California Falls, Tub, Brooms, Ac. 21? A 210 Sacramento Street, between Front and Dnvli 8an Francleco. ocll:3indtw. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner WeiiKlngton and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON .' . ' IIRST-CLASS II0TEL. LA KG EST IN TIIE STATE. ' Charges Reiujonable. - -. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey Pasaengoni and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other llonse In the Ciry for 60 cent. 8. OOKKIN. Proprietor. ' P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATIIB In the House. All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria land at the Lincoln lieu W harf. POWKK PRESS BOOK & JOB FRtNTING OFFICE. First Street, between Mnln and B ' DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch jr:A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the vory best, ond - AT EATE3 A3 CHEAP AS THE CHEAP ST to ORnra: Cards .i ii d IS i 1 1 -II fads, CHECKS. DRAFTS. EKCldl'TS. POSTERS AKD PROGRAMMES FOR .' Tiinrnrn nn&IOtnTC CVf tllDITmllO I lltri I IILU UUUULIIIH bnio.l 1 IVHV ate. tc, 5c, i patSTKn Il till HOST ATTRACTIVE KANKLH. ALSO, WAY-BIIIS. , BILLS OF FARE. LETTER HEADS. REVXWTBOOKS. 1III.T.S LADING, !?rier$ and ramirhlets, nSlTlKQ, WEDDIAO AND "AT HOME" CARDS Druggists Lftbels, In abort, everything that can be done in a flonk nnd .lob Printline Office, from the smallest and most delhaie Caul or Circular, to the largest aiae and moat showy Posting Rill and which will he turned out In a style that cannot fall to Insure entire satisfaction. OUR FACILITIES FOB THR IXKCIJTION OP UECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colore, Shades audTlnta. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Laigeat Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS. l'VRtiMERS' LARELS.dc Ale unsurpassed by those ol any other establishment !n Oregon, We devote special attention to this branch of tl e business, ond are coutiunally adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. , rfc etc., etc., Of the moat modern ond elaborate dealgns. Our stock o, FANCY INKS, TINTS. &C, Are of the finest quality, and for riqbnesa of color aud durability, cannot be equaled In the State. The principle upon which business Is ashed for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own Inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office In which their money can be expended to the beat advantage. To this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimeus, and fudge for youraelvea. . , Orders from llie Upper Country Wlllhnve our special care, and friends from the interiu may roly upon having their oraere nneu prouipuy, HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In tbe estate oi uregoa Address; RJinilNTAINtTER OFFICE m!8-tr Dalles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLKS, ORKGON. TIIP. CNDF-RSIONKoTllAVINO ItK.MOVED FI10M TIIK "BKLLA UNION" CELLAK, INTO Grntct' Now J3wil din jar. Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve -their customers with the beat Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TIIK MAHKKT AFF0HDS. ALSO, A Free I-suncli ! Every day and evening. E. HCHl'TZ fc 8. KLEIN, dec?-lf I'roprletura. Hard Wood Lnmber, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WK BK0 TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Sinn ulacturera and Dealers to the Large and I'oni. plete assortment of CAItlllAOK aud WAtiON MATK11I) ALU we aro constantly lecelvlngfium the Hast, specially selected for the California niarket, comprising, Oak, Ilickorv. nnd Second Uruwtu Ash Plank, Hickory Axles,' Wagon Poles, llutis, Hpokea, Felloes, Jlims, Bhalta, 4c. 4c. Which wa offer nt tlielowuet Cosh Prices, , sT orders addressed to our bouse will receive promp attention. N. V. DKA0U CO., Jol6:3m. 20 HI Battery Street, Kan Kranclsco, and 17 A 19 Seventh Street Biicrainenlu. ' C. WATBMiouaB, U.Vf. Hraoo 4 Co., J. W. Lists Sun Francisco. Sacrameuto. New York . SOLI AOBNT IN OALironXIA tOl TILTON & McFARLAND'S ,'ll t: .- JBtlll JjIsir 1TUUI i5UllB ' STEEL-LINED VAULTS, WITH .- Combination Lock. 4i-Constantly band a fnll assortment of SAFEf. . , . . . . f Jig BAXTMKY 8TRRKT. jytHIOi,' ' csa lliuvmv.. k