omilamccr. T-' . - I I i-ibney Marital. Seir ia ;JiK'yi li'tii.......i 127 EpitiMi)! jti Telegraphic News. iti.klnglfAt . tfc.-, 1 ! iqV.df li ;f Silefktu resolution wliicli wi tioitot ''uWtijj;'. tho- l'rcsideut to cuu' inutamtV. ,jiiy rotulactpus entered inlo oi (rroppsi i, i U'ifion j lt tbu public debt, , Kiiwii-ji tlli"ft(iyi Toat:. 'Uun'clelli of . fi-nnsjlvaniiv, offered n reso lution wlii(!li'-iii' ixbjl(id, instructing tlie coinmi.tteo'.o'i'cummoii.'e to inquire what leg islatioii'is ii063:ry lo prevuut foreign Vea scls briujfijig hither' pussougers in undue proportion to their capacity, whereby cliol cni is likely,to b. iiitroduei'd. i , ' " The Speaker resume I a statement from the Siiucriuteudortt of im die buildings sin- tine tbitt be hud i-nu.oJ tile encutcncun of West Virginia au I Nevada, to be puiuted ou . the gla33 panels over the ba l of the House. The hill to secure 'be speedy construction . of 'the Union Pacific Railroad, mid linn guar uutee its bonds', wa: taken up and read twice. Wcntwoi tij, of liliuois, Delano, of Oliio, and Spauldiug, of Ohio, spoke against 'the . bill, uu.i Woodbriiice. ot Vermont, iu f.ivor of a. ' .Morrill, of Vermont, from the comrait'oe ' on ways and meaus, reported a bill 10 aui.-nd tlie revo: ue act. . In the Senate, Sherman, of Ohio, from tho comiiiiuee on agriculture, reported n resolu lion 10 print lu, Out! cop es of the report on , the subject of tho rinderpest. Sherman said the committee bad considered the subject of the rinderpest, but bad come to oo conclu sion as to the modo of preventing its spread iasi in the coun ry. in r.ugtand, the Par 1 i u n cm had ordered tue procurement and slaughter of cuttle in a 1 imealed districts but this ho did not believe could tie done iu this count y, under our form of g'ive uuicnt The senate then tooli up the (Jolorado ques 'lion. Doolittlc, of Wipconsin, in the course of Ins speech, defended Ins position relative to the lesulution oi the Wisconsiu Lcgisluturc, asking bim to resigu. Howe followed, commenting upon Doolit tlo's reinars. After lurther debate, the Senate by la against 3, reconsidered tho for mer voc, and then by a vote of 19 against 13, passed the bill udiuitt tig Colorado. In the Tennessee 11 use oi representatives ou the 23d inst., ihe majority rojiorton elcc- ' lious recommending tho Hdiuission of the boiters to their seats, was rejected by a vote of 42 to 18-; and by the same vote, the mi nority report refusing the bolters seats, was ' adopted. sumner, of Mass., before tho Bnal vote, offered an amendment providing that Colo '. rado shall amend her ootistitutiou iu lavor ' of uuiver-ul suffrage as a condition prece dent to aduiis-ion. Rejected, ayes 7, noes 27. Those voting in the iiHirmativo were Edmunds of Vermont, Foster of Connecticut, -' ti'imea of Iowa, Howe of Wiscons n, Mor gtn of New York", Poland of Vermont, trod Humner of Massachusetts. Wiuliinglon, April 25. There is a rumor current at the Capitol that the Reconstruc . tion committee at i s meeting to-day, fated to agree ou a report, there being some disa ' ureeuient among the leaders. An effort will, ' . however, be made to reconcile the conflict ing views A'eio York. April 20. Tho Deputy Health Ollicer reports iwdve individual deaths from cholera tin the hospital ship, and the recep tion of five new cases; Ofiicinl statistics were pnbUbed by Otto Bnrtenbender to-day, charged with the ship ment ot nitro elyceriue by Wells, I'argo & Jo.'b California Express. Alfred Noble, the inventor, was called tor the defen-e, and d( fined the properties of the oil as follows : 1st, It is a liquid ; 2d, it is poisonous ; 3d, if set oh fire, it does not explode ; 4th, il confined and bcuted to 3(i0 degrees it expioues ; atu it has more concentration o.- power than gunpowder. He said : " We aro trying the esnerimeut of m'xing it with sawdust. My .. belief is that the mixture will prove more dancerous than the oil itself. Nttro-glyccr ine is not inflammable, for if fire is set lo it . it does not catch like turpentino or Bpirits but iroes out wheu the match is withdrawn . It does not explode by the application of fire lis uso through biasing is only possiui through a pateHt fuse, as a shower of spark will not exnlode it. Tho application of Br has been tried hundreds of times. Uoncus ion will not explode it. Wo trod tkrowiu it from heights of fifty feet, and in lhimbur tho experiment was tried of tyiug it to rocket, an'l Us fall of more than ono thou ' .and feet did not explode it. we aitcrvraru proved it by boat iu confined spaeo, showing vt to be pure. iVew l'ork, April 22. The steamer City of . Italian, from Liverpool, April 11, via Queeos town, Aprd 12, has arrived. - , . . lon&m, 'April 12r Consols closed at 80j .' "8i for money; 5-20's 7lJ7l. . The Austiia-Pruss'iin- dilliculty coutinuo'.. r It is assetted tbt Prussia decidedly r-fused '.' to comply with tho Austrian request to with ' ' draw the order for the mobilizatiou of the laaac F. Bi.. ; can Prauciacn. 0. S. Mum. - - Dalle Bloch, Miller fc Co., , WHOLESALE GR OCERS, Co.. AND DBALKItS IN , , "Wines & Liquors, Ami Importer unit Jolilwm of OL OTHING Boots fc Shoes, Under Clotliin?, JBlankets, etc., etc., etc. ASS A.Y' OFFICE. Tltirv. niVB AN APPAY office in conmxtion w win, our linilnomi, mnlcr the ntlr luperrMnn nf Mr. Miller. Wo make rutnrin In Ham In l hnr- V iiiwrKiilue nil our Aiimva unci pny llin iihiiikni CASH PRICK for Ilium. Wo kino pny tn iiiKiio'i Cash Price for Gold Uiint. I1MJUII, Mil. i. r.n iJ., mjOtf Cor. Main And Wiwlilnzton .truetH. Dhlloa. riF.AI.EUS IN HARDWARE, IRON Sl STEEL. GROCERIES. BY THK PACKAGE. "FOR CA.SII," At San Francisco Prices, Adding coat of Tranaportntlon. CUMMINO A QUANT. Dalle, orepon. mlStf t. AT JEST NEWS ! ALL THE LA.T EST EUHOPUAN, EASTEltN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Roculvcd Regularly orury atsanior, by s.j. Mccormick, FllVMiLIN BOOKSTORE, lO5 Front Street Poi-tlnnd Paper and Magazines packod and Forwarded by mail or Express TO ANT PART OP THE MINES In Oregon, Wunhlntton, Idaho or Montana. Eubar.rlptlons Received for any XEWSPAPK1 OK MAGAZINE PtBLISHEl). New Books, Hasio, &o., by every Steamor. - 830,000 WOltTU OF , BOOKS AND FANCY GOODS, CIIEA.17 FOR CASH. ald1w2w F . DEHM, WalchninEier and Jeweler, 1 , MAIN STREET, DALLES, rvF.AI.RR IN FINK WATCIIK3. .1RWK.I.UY. 1 ) CI.OUHS, Gold iana. Silver and Plated Ware. i spectHcieri, uuuery, e, . n a. II.. I II a it M...I V rin i-iuiiirti t.t..iii.i'U wiiu rnuiiiriHK nut11 WAt,:hex, Clock. Jewelry, tc. All Wutcltoti repulrvd ly N. 11. AU urdrtrri From tho upper wuutry, hy KxpreM ACAED. ADVME.LB TBLLfKIt WOULD KKSECTFULI.Y If JL llU'oriu the Liulloa of tlio Dallea and vlcinllv. that ehe . now prepared to doall klinUof DltKrt, t)lAK, and t'ALBIOL' umitlnn. Alas, UUTTINU aud HIT I Ml In a new and improved atyle, nevar before introduced in tbia uliice. . . Blm will warrant to give aaiinfuctlon, aud would moat reaiaclfullv adlclt a liberal natronaue. In tlie Konine Lite'.y nccupiml by Mm. IVIiUe, over DaKener'a Store, on Wellington atreet, between ecoud ana mini. Dallea, March 27th, 1869 ' - . mr27tf n '.'',''.'.' NOTICE. , ' - ,:. A It PERSON'S INDUUIHDi to the anderalzned ara reop-ctl'uilv reqneateil to-come and aeitlo their ao count wltlUu.TUlKi'V 1UV9, and aava coata. , . aiOJlua - , L 133 A. I. DL'jyU ft CO. -. waldros nuos.,; Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalle, Oregon. , Hint NOW OCCUPY OUlt NKW TWO 8T0HYFTTIR V nrmif ftuno knllilliit:. piMlt lllooh, MllUr k mid olTer to ili liiibnc full ami cmnplvte Atuck of Diun, Medlclneii and CliutntcftU, cimslittiug la purt of . LAMP WICK9 CI1IMNKYS HOPS. SPONOKS. ( tKKCIl:3v ; KKnOSKNB. TUKl'KNTINB, -AI.IXII10U, . Ai;ni.-. LINHUKD, LAItl), CAH'on ANJ NKATIHMHC 041, I.N 1)100 AND LANPlll.ACK TRUSSES, SHQULMR BRACES. SUPPORTERS, AND PATIiNT MfcCUICIIVKS. Our utock of FANCY 00)1)? I of tlio Anvnt nml beat (U.iliry; new .tylin ontl largo MtHurttiioutri, aucu M bUIII.N I'KIIMJKKIII, 11 A lit. LinilN'dTulLKTSuAV, FI.KS1L siMvisa, , HAT. 1'OMADKS. O.IHMKT108, , I1AIII 011.8, C0I.0ONK, SOOTH AND FANCY 80AT8 AND KAlLUItUilirKS 'JMOTII P0WDKK8, AND COM lib. PURE WINES AHD LIQUORS, For Sledlclual pnrpoaea. Our fmailtioH fur tiuylng nooda lire eo.onil to none In tho ftRix, mul we almll t ukP times wll t mll ad-viuii-o from cHt Hetuly aiilea mid aiimll protlta. PHYSICIANS' PRESCUIPTIOXS . Carefully eomoundd lit all hour a of tho dy and sliclit. llullea', Sept. 9, 13U5. ' aolU-tl VICKY IMPORTANT TO ' Merchants, Families, Hotels and UAB'RUUMS. WUI.IUS RUAKMKR IIAVJNO B0UQ1IT TUK KN tP tire ftuok of MerclinndlKe and Hook Aixoann of the Into linn ot M . Keller & Co., in thla clly, towhtoh lie hat added of Ilia own Importation (while doing kualneM Id t'ortluaO) an luiuieuao tlocli oi tne uost nianuiactureu Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandelier, Table Cutlery L.ooKltig-GlaKCK and All Kinds of Oils, All of which lie offora at reduced ratoa. Teraoiia wleh- iiiK to buy any of the above-mentioned nrtlelea, will du well to icive mo a call before nurchaalnir elaewliere. Ordera Irora toe lutorlor iirompiiy atienaeit to, ana guofte tuu'Keu to ico aecure. uuo t lull to call on me. . ltudiu astoue uuimiug, rtasiiincton etreei, uauea. Dnllea. March 17th. 18HB niliUtf ' ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED! BLUKFOOT & BIG BEAD MINES BY WAY OF :. "WliitO'.Bluflk! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. DUtance front Dallea to White Blnlfa .... 100 mllea , Whito DlulTa toPeu d'Uiellle......l ' , toColTllle 170 Trnrelere by land for cither of tlie nbovo Gold FlohU, will aavo Save Time Distance and Money lly tuklnp; tho While Bluff. Heail. Wood, "Water and Grass ; Are found on thla Iload within easy drive Tlie road ia now open, and poaacaaea advantage over auy other hum rot.te rroui the liauea. . - ' l'uuilalien ov orwer it Til K crt'lUKNS OF TUK BAI.LB.'. Dallea. Mnrch. 20. 181m. ni2():2in. COLUMBIA. KIVER MINES! A. K. BOOTH. i .....HAKRV XlVlOX. BOOTH Sc. NEVISON, ForivardlngKuil Commlailen IlereUaoti AND DKLKI18 IN OENKHAT MEUCUANDISK, WlAlte BliiiTe, W. T, mRRIOIIT FOR COf.VII.LK. CPPEH COLUMB KOifl'KNAI and DLAI1KF00T MINES promptly lurwardnl. .'; Mark Oooda B. c w., w nit mam, n . i, . UEF'EKSCIIS: Portuxp lllcharda A McCrakim, Allea ft Twls, and Iindgc 1 Calef. DH. Bloch, lllllur ft Co,, French ft Oilman. PVV . 13. DOUGLASS, ' (SucceflHor to Will tain Dtrnbuum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ,. '- ' AVD PEAltnt IS Fino "WtitelieS a.n;d jewelry, ; fNTtTKS rm: ATTicNTrox ov inf. priends and tbu l'ubtio to.itVcboic BtiLectiQii ot New and Fasliionable Goods, Itoapoctlhriy eollcltlnc; their patronane. ' , ;; AVa'cbea I'llOMPl'LjT aud 1'HOl'KltLY repo.Ire(I aud WAItl.A.NTliD. . ' mlltf Nut Door to the PoatOffioo. :oii. oilmoaLoii.! WAI.DKON lUlus. have )nat rerelvcd a Urv-e In volve of COAL OIL, Khich the olTer nt pr-ally dttcid laea, . .. .Jat!I- ,r: fill. ., FEANKLIN MARKET. cohnkk ov skcokd and wasiiisotoi stukkts JOHJfKPPlNOKB 1'roprittor riniiic rNBUissioNKW JL lirtTlnir tltreil up tin iUVr Mnrkel In Hie 1IK'3 hTTLK,wlll keepcunamut- ly ou linnn all aorta of Fresh ami Cured Ulcnts, Of Uiebeet quality liirutshed at tlia UWE8I It AIM , My motto It to VLB ASK A LI'." , PA11TIK3 HAVING 8VJPHK10K STOCK FOR 8AUR wilt do well to tail at the Fmilln. Market. MUM ill'l'l.NOKK. ' -Balka, February 19h, 1866. ' WASHINGTON MAItlitiT. coasts or . '. i COVM AND BKCOND 8TKKF.T8. DAT.UCS, ORKQON JOHN MICHELBACH, Picprietor. . WILL KEEP r oenataiitly on liamlall tlie rUTJJ?TXB itlea that Uio nmrketeaii uoaaibl vLaCtifVl ulltir.1, of . .. . , if tl miKHII & CTJIiTiD MEATS, v , . oaeialwaya of the bt at quality. . FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS , ' ',. mpp,1eaon reaaouable terma. ' - Tbe nnderalRiiee; la alvtaya prepared to ray the Mh eataiah price fur FAT OVri'l.K. l'nrtlea liarlni; turk lngooicouinilou,ure miuealel to rail nn him beliaa gohiR elaewhere. JOUN MIClIKLriAClf. . Dallea, March 31at.l865. nibtltr t.' NOTICE TO FARMERS. , fHK DAM.K8 WIM11KU AND MANUFACTUlUNtf JL COMPANY. ha recently attached a FLOUKING MIHiXj ' to their Bteam 8ah and' Door Factory, tn thle Cltv. amr are now prepared to CllOf FKKU, UliJN VI 1IKAT ai .1 . IXlItN. aud warrant to kIvo the beat aalialacliuu, On nana conatantly and for wile FXTIl A FAMILY FLOOR, 8K0OKD8 OR MIDDLINGS'. ' - 11KAN AND SIIWICBS. " CHOP FKF.D, CU1CKKS FEKD. Alao, a Sunerlor orticlo of CUUN MEAL, from new Cora. The hleheat market price paid for TV HEAT, COItN nr . BAULKY. H. A.UOUUK. Aisent.. Dallea, Nov. 2,M. , nStf. . IMl'OltlKR AND JOIIDEH OF Wines &c Iinnors, FRONT STREET, Portland, ' ' - - ' ' Orcgoii. 0FFKH8 FOR 8 A Lit A VKUY LAKlrB ASSOIlX aieut ot Brandies, : Wtneis,' ; 'Liquors, ' ; , ",( Case. Goods, t &c, &c, '' he. ' The Trade la partlrnlarly Invited f exanHne my aiick befoee purcbaaiiiK elaewhere. nu24-tf UAIN ST., D ALIAS, OI'rOSlTK I JIPIKE HOTKL. : If ATU JVbT ItECKIVED A EEAl'llFCL STOCK Of spring axd sraiaiER coons. - Conaiatlng In part of . Fancy And Staple Dry Coocte Hoots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, WMrU they off to a.11 at SMALL TitOl'ITS. . ' Dalle, Murh 2"tb, lStiO. HirSttf MONTANA! IDAHO r WASHOE ABB PWTTISO TJP OVK Oltlttl.T AL Hlil'ElUOK BTtANDOF ' GROITAI) JAVA COFFEK, . . " ;' alio ':' '; u '' V CHAKTRES COFFEE, IX DOVDLE GLAZED PAPERS,'. To nreaerve tta alrcnctl'v and flavor fur the lenuttr ot time required to lie I rwarded1 to the above p nee. ' '' jror aaie uy an ine douue'a, ana . . ., v i .1 .' . MAIIDKN ft JOWKB. ''. ' Pioneer Ptcnm Oeffoe and Splrti Mill'. ' a .tfBnilpZ,' . ... UiO Vaunt btreel, Ean Sraliclaca. , BOOKS ! I300Ii:S I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. V o(;huuij Jjuwaa.i9, niAif.r,Hi, ,9 Standard nud Miacoltanemia W0I1KS. LatO, MAUAZJNK8, 1' A I'f.HB.o' Ac, Ac., hf every Steamor. Poet-OUlceaa Bookstore, Main atreet, Dallea, , " v .. ; Gaideu Seeds for the Million. . a7-tf 11. J. TVALDKON FUJS.), WOOL and 8iaL. rjMIR HIGHEST CASK I'UICB PAID FOlt . " ." ' , . ;PCKS, ,WOOL, AND HIDES, at JI(!RAKKN. MF.nillLL A GO 'S mhlSnm ' - J North Viunt Kiieet, Portlwrf. ' CRYSTAL SALOON .'"'''' v. 1 . AN ' ,' : ' ' '.. . ' JOII1W Kl. niAUn, Proprltor. WAStliKOION f.T., next door to FltKNCH A OILMAN . I IIATR appointed E. E, II A FT my anthcrlrcd ffet tocollectall money' due me, and attend toiry bial UfrUjr. , lauj v at. ItlMA