I ai m it S.lTUttDAY MOUSIXC." APRIL 28, 1858. .There jvill be an eclipse ol the moon on the 30th of this month. It will be visible horo. JiiVEBYBODY, including- uninamen, are loafing Virginia, Nevada, for Montana. Heap men go I . Yesterday morning the hills nbont the Dalles, wore whitu with snow. The weather at present is fluctuating. The Columbia river at this point is rapidly rising. Within the last two days it has risen about four oet. The 8-tearaor Sierra Aevadu is ex pected to arrive at Portland on Sun day night. . , Stow . Coach. We received last evening, the San Francisco Flag, by mail, dated March s,iM. Jsuuy tor tne daily overland mail ! rn i i.i. - m e n i1 tiT Y.f have employed 40 physicians to inppoet all parts of that city for sani L ready to leave for Idaho and Montana. IDAHO NEWS. , We take tho following items from the Idaho Statesman of April 19th and 21st: . Notice bas been received at Head. quarters of thin District' that tlireo companies of cavalry and two of in.. tanlry have been ordered, and are by this time, on the, way lrom ban .bran Cisco to Idaho, a part of them by tbo way oi the Columbia rivor and u part by the Sacramento by land. When these shall arrive there is reason to hone that the days of Indian murders niiii robberies will soon CO live to an end. From the vigorous manner in which Major Marshall keepR the men he bus on tho move, lively limes may bi) expected when ho gets live more companies to work with. There is a hotter prospect ahead lor the security of life and property. Tho order of Mj,or Marshall this morning is to abaudon Camp Alvord and to move tho men to points where they can be mora useful. V hue Horse creek is to bo reinforced by thirl)1 men and the property xemoved to Camp Lyon. A friend writing from San Fran cisco on the 1st inst-, says: "1 have just seen parties from Chico who tell ino that there are some thirty wagons Religion Notice. , CiTiiour- (,'uuncu Morniuv eorvlie : Mn. t 10 'clKk.. KrenliijciHiivIce: Yeapcra nml Beiiedictlu'i, nt 'o'clock.' Bnnduy School nt 2 o'clock, p. tu. iizjuii . , rAiunu i.. vir.UE.ji a., i-n.iur. Wueo Lodge, No. 15, A. F. & A. M. Hold Ite .tilted Cuiuinuulcntion. on the Vlrrt mid Third Monduyn of each month, at tlielt lmll. In Datlee City. Brethren In ihh1 MtikiulluK ore Invited tu attend. engkl'tn,ItC)'. Jly onier of the w. .u. - DENTAli NOTICE. Ileitis nbout to ntnkoa profcaaioual tour tu the town anil aetttenieute lip tlio Columbia. I respect fully cnll the attention of thoae of my itronit who are In lien) of Denial Operntfona of any r-aar- nctor, to the fact, ao tbnt tJioy m ly have an opportunity avail tln'iiidi l ve nf my ecrvlcea before my depnniuro. no desired. 1 will lour nliout the 2Ucbnf Mtu-rh. mid return to this place to rciime my praclletMibout tlio 18th of June-. finf! .. W. UUItl.KT.. FEEEY. audlng Foot of Tnloii street. IVIH I'ltOI'KIETOUS AHKKOW PKKPAIIKD Willi . STAUNCH AND UOOMY BOATS. loeroHi Travelers, Home- & Stock. In n Safo aud expcditloua xnaiuiur, anil at Itenanmtble- r.utim. mil Sl'PUKIOU CALiroitNli liVISCH BUTTER! A Four Puckmrvs Choice, In BuatitftU'n to siril. ttt HOtf ItAl.UWi.V IIK03. R"ll" tary purposes. A KtLXt has passed tbo Georgia Sen ate punishing horse stealing with death.' A similar ono would stretch many a thief's neck in- this Slate. From patties who have recently come over them, we loirn that the roads from Umatilla- to Boiso are in a tirirriKljA nnrlit!nn Miftt. nniff. Tub New Orleans papers- say that tho Adams Express Company has loaned 82,000,000 to Southern rail roads-to enable thorn to resume opera tions. A petition is boini: circulated at .Umatilla, praying the Stale Legisla turo to pass a rcliof bill for tho benefit of Mrs. Ilart, the widow of tho Dops Tho stage company will bo ready to start from Chico in a few days, and in spite f all Web foot the Chico route will come out all right yet. My friend. Mr. Cratt, or tuo farm of Vantine& Co., ns also your humble servant, are shipping goods that way. Everything looks encouraging lor Idaho. Tho following ordov was lately issued by Maj. Marshall, commanding tho District of Boise 1st. Tho detachment of Co. B, "1st Oregon Cnvulry, which has just re turned lrom llie jrurieau Valley, with tho addition of ten men from Co. D, 2d batlallion, 14th infantry, will pro cced to'm irrow movninu at 10 o'clock to Sauaw creek. Capt. P. Collins, 14th Itifuntry, is assigncKl to this command. Ho will scout Sauaw Creek Yallcy, searching every canyon thoroughly and will destroy all Indian camps ho AUCTION . SALE I will sell at pnbllc auction oa ITiaO iY, A I ML 3S(b, 1SG, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., 770 lbs. OF TOBACCO. Fold' by order of Cant. J. OUllm. A. 0. M.. U. S. A. This sale will bo without re-ierve-li&d In btttu .uitpup- cuaaora. 'lerms i:nnu mi unvernniem rnnaa. upH3. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anci. , j . .l rnnj" find- Should anv whrto men be V.ty oneriu, wno-was murueieu un me fuUn(j jn e time of tho arrest of Yaughn. ' Wrs rn timier oblirrntiong to Mr. A. "W. Buchanan, Agent of Wells, Fargo . & Co., for many favors during the ; wook. Also to Messrs. West and llol . land, Messeogors, for files of news- papers. . ';. FotiTX'KHJB newspapors, located in tho different States of the Union, are representod. in tho reporting galleries of Congress. Tho Congressional Globe, the official paper of Congress, has nine (shorthand reporters. " Thk btate Modical Society of New 7 York, have adopted resolutions ex , ressivo of the opinion that the chol era may bo prevented from becoming cpidemio in any city, town or locality by tha adoption and rigid enforce. ment of proper hygiemo measures. D. O. MeCAtrniT has retired from tbo editorial charge of tho S. F. Flag. This is tbo bcet'thing that could aune with the Indians it is hereby made tlio duly of Capt. Collins to see tuat they are hanged by the neck until tncy aro dead. A correspondent writing from Idaho City, says : limas a-ro brisk in tho Basin. Bo turns from the sluices are numerously reported at from $2,000 to $15,000 a week: every avaiUthlo inclt- of water is being used on the hills and in the gulches. Tho crooks aro yet too hig to be worked advantageously, but th surplus water is fast running oa. . Tho White boys claim on Barnnoc Bur cleaned up on Saturday last over Sii.UUU this don t look as though Jjoise nail played out yet. Wages aro $7 and laborers scarce at that. Abmy Movkments. Four compa nies of tho First Cavalry have been assigned to tho Department of th Columbia, to report to Major Gonera bteele. (J rue is have been issued fo their necessary equipment and tran portation. The time of moving aud route of travel will bo so arranged as to anord tho moc protection to crni grant freight trains cn route to Idal,o AUCTIOtN JKD COMMISSION : H; O TJ S Ej ' So. 100 MAIX STREET, DALLES. THK VNDKItSIONKP THANKFCF. FOR VAf-T VftVm. renpttrt fully Infnt ini tlir dttxfiii if fit m1I', anil tbw public generally, flint lie cuutimu i I1J13L,IC AUCTION OR l'HIVATE BALK, Real Estate. Cicneral Merchandise, CUocei icN, lavrNCM, Aluloei, Furniture. stocks, &.c. tic. BEOULAR SALK AH, Tuesdays and Saturdays. tCasli Advances mbv on Consignments, Ami I'llOMIT KKTU1N m deof mIm. Ont-iloor nnd Spcclnl Sule. attt'Mled to In our )mrri the city. JQI1N WILLIAMS, AnclUuter. KMOVINO MY ltHSIDKXCI! TO CI.ATSOl', MB. J. WAI.UUON will actiw niy Awnt. and id mi- iurixcil to rucvivu nil motley, dim iiiu. a2Udlin , A. II. STEKLK, M D. Ordinance No. 3S. An Ordinance iliroit lu(; the City Krconlrr to make nn AHueriMiiient ut nil the taxio.le iopcrt,r wiiliin Hie corporute llniiiH of Dulloi City, Oregon, a d make rc tiirn ol Ihn snine. The Itojile of Ihdkt City do mdai at fiillmct: Skvtiux j. That mo lUM-iiriter or natri t.'ity ue onli-red o imikt1 mi iiitienrtiiifiit uf nil tuxnbl pi-unerty within the city Uiiilta tor I ho curront yi-nr, iui.1 iiinko rotiirna of the ..line to the Common Council, nt their H)ni)il re gulxr nicotine in M-iy. 1HCC, helug the lutli proximo. 1'iuscu April ant, lauo. G. 11. OILMAN, Mayor. II. Catlkt, Rerr.rder. April 2(tli, 1801). ni'uljt. Dissolution Notice. NOTICK IS IIHIIKI1Y OIVUS. tlmt the co-)iartner-dliln hnrotolore existinir Iwluecn 1. M. iiVANS nnd A. V. DAVIS, In th birery Stnhlo Imilinfa. luta heen disiiolvo.l: that A. V. l)-ivU la indohteil to tho eo. pnrtnAi-ship; nud that bill' in i-ipiity him been Hlud 1'or tho HOttli-inrnt of tho co pnrtiierAhip nccounta. All pir bour nre notiUt'd that A. W. linvi. Iin no powe: to din roue of the uiopurty, nor contruct ilebtn on tiie credit ol the fl in. llnllua, April 20, 1SG8. J . JUK BE;. .ttaln street. Dalles. . . WHOtU.Uli AMD iriAtl HULIK JX C1GAHS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &,., ALWAIS IS BTOH1 TDt OUT aitAMDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1JLAYIMO CAItftS. , I'OCKKT CUTI.BBT, rOKT MOMKS. COM1IS nnd 1IIIUSIIS3, o' nil klnda, PKIIKLMHUY.ol er.ry dxeriptioa, CHINA OHNAMESTS TOYS, 1)01.1,8. etc. FISH HOOKS mid FISIUXO TACKLK, MUSICAL 1NSTKUMKMS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. Alao Powder.Shot. Lead. Powder Flask., Bnakete, ami many ether nrtlcUa too nnmerona to meution. Interior deulern aupplledwitli CiKnra.Tobacm.cte. nt Ib.a thnn Portland prices, with freight udded. ecS OFlv AT CVr"! J. GOETZ & CO. fTON'E BHII.D1SO, WASUINGTON 8TRKKT, DALLKSv OfT.-r their well-aclected atock; f TOBACCO, PIPES, YANKEE 1SOXIOIVS, AND 8TA tioneey; AT SA.IV FRANCISCO COST. rortf I. M.KVANS. ttllliii happen to tbo Union parly in Culifop lorniiv,. fop ever sico tliovpublication lrom CImoo und other t'uvorublo points of that sheet ho has mado it obnox. n Utililornm. Vrcgoman. NOTICE. OrricE op Cmer Qiukikhu isti n, 1)KPAKTMCNT OV THK COLU9IUIA, Fori Vancouver, II-. 31. Jlanli 28, lWio. J SEALED I'lUILObAI.S will he received for llmTIU.V? PiMlTATION Ol" OOVKItNMKM JfHKIUUi over the following named routea: lat. from Fort Dallea, Oregm. to CanipaCurry, Wnt aon nnd Wright. Uiddoin to ttntu tho price per pound In oia. tnev win nine tne lreiiriit 'iir. Sepur.ite hlda roipiirud for each Camp. Bide fur thla acrvlce wilt be received nt Fort Diillea, Urepin, hv Cnpt. Jai.tcH Uilliaa, A. Q. M., U. S. A., nnd nt thla olllce, up to is 31., on tne jmi tiny oi May, iwu. 2d. From Wnlluln, W. T, to Fort Colville. V. T. The price hit pound In Com to be atated hy hiddera. Hida lor tui aerrico will he received nt Fort Wnlln AValln, W. T ,.by 1 H.ieet John Noble, A. Ah . M.,uud at tlii. oftkc, i. to VI M. on the l.t day of May, 1800. 3d. From Wnlliiln. U . T., tu Fort llolev. 1. T.. The nrico per povnU in -Con-to. be et&reil by bidder for this triinapoiTatinn. inua lor una .ervice will no rvceivou uy Cant. T. J . Ki'keraon. A. O. M , U. S; A.. Fort llol.r. 1. T - nnd at thie olllco, up to 12 M.,uu the 16th day of May, 13C0. 4th. Krom Fort Dulles. Oregon, to Fort Boiae. I. T., tho prlco .er pound In Com. f r which trnnaportation will be luniivhed over thl. rouln to be atated, lllda for thla eervloe w ill be roceiveil nt Fort Dnllua, On-jton, by Cant. Jauiea OillUa, A. Q. M-. U. S. A.; Fort lluive, J. T.. by Cnpt. T. .1. Kekeraon. A. d. M., V. S. A.: nnd nt thia ulllri. no to 12 M.. on the 13th day uf Muv. 1K00. Biddera for nil tho routea will be required to Klvo bonda with good nnd uutticlont aecurlty tor the taltbful pcrforuiiinco of nny coutract which limy he awarded them uuder iliia-advortlaeiuout Hida to be in duplicate nnd accompanied by an outli of ullegiauco to the United Slatea. Tho rli;ht to reject nny or Ml hide la roservcil, if ao deouiod beat for tn-f lnlereat oi tne aorvice, All coiitraeu-maila aiilijvct to the uiinruval of the Ue- partmejt nud Division Coiniiinnder.. IIKAIII V. IlUlJUftO, Brevet Lt. Co) . nml Chief Qn irternmater, aSJlwit.t stiul Ucnnrtineiit of the Columbia. jous to all good Union raon. , John.. Williams, Auctioneer;, will ncll, this morning, at 10 o'clock, nt bid storo,'on Main street, 770 pounds of - 'obitcco. This tobacco is sold for tho (Jovcrnmoiit, nnd tbo terms aro gxeen . lmcl8 at par. Ibis U a good oppor . tunity i'ur traders und others to mako ' money, by investing in Uncle Salt's tobacco. Also, at 11 o clock, ho will It is rumored here thut Hal leek is half owner of tho routo. Of oourso every man will protect his own propi ort ' Thk. Odd Fellows nt Oregon City and Portland piud a visit to ib mom. hers of the fruternity at Vancouverj on tho "61b, und tho ihroo ludgus eel ebrated tlw unni-vcirHury l3' a iiimnio. Tho procesbion , marched to General Steele's quartern, . wliero ' addroHses neli thedesirablo residence bolonging were inada bv tbo General and Gov. tu Capt. . l'Ved. Wilson, whicb, may be Gibhs. Tha whole ultur pasaocj off ojcpecieo at a iMucgaia. ;, iieaaati. YH0LKSAL1S k RETAIL DRUGGISTS, ' DALLKS, OREGON. Importera nud Jobbera of' .. PATENT MKUICrSBS, ' CHEMICALS 4 FANCXO0OD3,. . SODA, CORKS A ACIDSi. OILS, k ALCOHOL, PURE WINES & LIQUORS, 1-AINT3, GLASS I BHUSHES. PHYSICIANS' rUESCBIPTIOAS- , Accurately compcuuJetL . v . . 3 ' PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUMS A finl nnd'complete na.nrrmont of all-article. In the l'llotoirnihlc Line, lit a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAM Fit AN CISCO HitKEH. Mir Merchauta will plcaae get our pricra before order lute below. .1. li. llUlin UAlLfl, Dallea... tlaeniurato, Cal. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PUIJIIC AXJCTIOIV I WILL SKBti AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT II O'clock in the furenooai, un , Saturday, Arll 28th, 1SCG, Tlmt Beslrnbh) Cottajre Rcaldence, the property nr.jCapt. Fred Wilaon, altuatcil on Second a l reel, nenr Union, oc cupied by Mr. J. Croaaeu. The liouae la iu apleudid or- uer, coiuniiid inree inrpe rcoma; wator ou tne prcuiirea r: nnd la aurrou-ded by a new, neat and aiibatantlul lenrv. xeruia liberal, wnii-n will Ue wade Kuown on npplka tion to tlio uuderaigned. npxuu jjhn H1LL.131S, Auctloiioer, - Summons. In the Circuit Court nf tho State of Oregon for the County ol Urnnt Jnno Term. 1 HtA A. L. bultoii, plaiu- till. v.. T. a. wntinur, iiuieiiuanv. fiiVJ T. A. WIUTl.NIi, Defendant: In the name of ii tho St ito of Oiuou you are hereby uotllled nnd required tu appear und nnaa-er the complaint uicaiu.t yuu now ou Hie Willi tlio uierK. or tou uuuvo entitieu Court by the uhilmllT in tlio nhovo cntitlei nclion. with in ten day. fru:n the aorvice of thla ainuiuona oa,'bii. If ai'ived in the County of Urnut, nnd it nerved in any other County In thia tttito, thou within twenty diy. niter aucli aurviro; nnd iu ciue of publication, within ten (inve niter exniruilou ot puhlicullon,. nud itnle.a you kImII ao appear aiid-nn.wereald coniplniut, the plaintiff will InKo Jiulnmuiit iiuiit vou at liiu iiei:t term oi ino aaid-Cimi-i for the emu nf $iJl'i 60 nut tutrreat from. tho 16th day of Augnat, 1SU4, nud for Ida conta nnd dl.hnra- incut. . iiAiti uii.ii, Alt- lor run. Dated. Aiirll 17. 18(111. . '. Ordered. Uliut the foreinlnz aumninna be aerTCil by, Tiiiblielilnc the aauie fur lix c.mwi u-ivo week. Iu the V'atKLt Mountainuk, n fkuer jmldialud at liallea Clt), in vt mice uiunij. j.u. iiilwii, juugt, Kale ol iioverraiuent Stores. orricior A.C 8., 1' FOIT DAIXUh OltlWO.V, ) Jpnl 21, 1806. ) Will be-eolil nt Public Auetlon, nt Dalle. City, by Mr.. Jolin-WiUiauie, Auctioueer, un statiKdu, the 28tbduyof April, 1HCU, . 11 0 I'bunds of Tobacco, - Muro or Ld. - Tormn Cinli,ruOovument Funda. ' . .UVKSOILIiI3S,Jl np?2l . Capt. k A. Q. M., U. S. A., A. O. IC , AND GROCERY STORE,, . niatu street Dalles. ahsstr' - ' ' nwEaicKVBRUta