bssassi Frozen to DkatW.' On tuo 1st inst., . ns private Stephen Ilulleck. Co. 1,'1bi wregon lniamry, was returning to l'ort iUamath from Kocue, reiver Vol liiv. ho became contused and lost so that ho wandered about until after night, when be became so exhausted . I 1. l ,.. I TJl . v uub no win unauiu vu reuun me run, althongt no was hot ft fourth of, a mile away. He hoard the bugle when t tttoo Bounded, and fired two shots from his revolver, but they were not Heeded, as the boys bad been Aprili looting eacb other an day. A est mor ning he was found. Though not quite ilofirl. ha died dnrinir the dav. from the effects of exposure Sentinel. Administrator's Notice k N APPLICATION HAVINQ BEEN 11118 DAY 1. made ty jr. V. Beis. administrator, lor no order to ni I the real property of Mr estate of M. li. Adanis, de ceased, for the purpose of paying lb0 webts of void estate Willi VAffriiBvn u' nuiiiiiii.viuuuu, i, in iriuuruu win. eiilil iiunllcatloii be heard on the drat Mommy of Mny, lboft. H tliut thia due (notice thereof be given by publishing imo aunie in tire uwnutmi, a newspaper puuiisned in Wusco comity. . W. LAIR HILL, toigo of Graut county. Canyon Cky, March 13, 1889. np20w Sunirnoni.' In .liuflMfi Conrt for West Dalles Prectectt John Epplnger, plaintiff, v.. John Vonng, defendants Civil Aettun. . r10 JOHN 0N(J, DEFENDANT In tire name of M. the Stare of Oregon, you are hevoby reuulred to ap pear before the undersigned, a justice of the Peace of ma Kioromia precinct,on ine za uey otJuin,loo, at me hour of 10 o'clock lu the forenoon of said day, at the of llco of said Justice of the Pence, to auswer tho above Homed plaintiff in a civil action. The defendant will take notice, that if be fall to aprSar and auewor the plaintiffs corap aim. the plaintiff Will take Judgment aualnst bliu for tlra sum of Ninety Dollars, with Interest thereon. Given under my hand, this 10th day of April, 186A apSuwo V. 8. HOLLAND, Dulles, April 10, 1868. Justice of the Peace. . Administrator's Notice. TkYOTICH 18 HKRBY GIVEN THAT I, WILLIAM D. CAMPBELL, of Wasco county, Oregon, have this day been duly appointed by the County Court of Wasco coftnty, Oregon, administrator of thh estate of William II. ft. Biirtlow, deceased. Tliere.ore, all per eons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make iuimetliate payment, and nil persons having claims agulnst s:iid estate, are also notified to present the same to me, at my residence on hlgftt Mile Creek, within six months from dite, for payment. W.M. B.CAMPBKLL Dul.ei, April 7th, 1868. aplDwi Adin'r. Summons. In Justice'! Canrt. for tipper Canyon City Precinct, County of Grant, grate df Oregon. P. II. Potadexter, vs. John fHtWttch. rmyO JOHN STRINQBACn, defendant above named: L You are hereby reqnlrod to lie and appear before i the Undersigned, a Justice of pie peace in and for anld Pranlnot. county and State, on the 2nth day of Hay. lstfA, nt 10 o'clock In the faaenoon of anld day, at his office In said precinct, then. and there to answer in a Civil action to rhe complaint cf P. II. Polndextet, now on file In my office aed defendant wilt take notice, that If he full to appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff will take Judgment agaidst him for tho sum Of 152 89, and coats o this action , and take notice further, that your property has been attached to the payment of the said sum of 2 n9 and costs. Olvon under my hand this Alh dav of April, 1888. apl.lwB B. WIIITTBN, Justice of the Peace &lierlltN Sale of licit! Estate. nl VIKTUB Or AN EXECUTION lasnod by tbs -sjs- k ui mi vwmiiij vuut. in nnu inr younvy, State of Oregon, In favor of P. C. Hursley plaintiff, and anal nit W. It. Hurst defendant, for the sum of four hun dred and Aftv ($460) dollars, principal, and thirty-three and 42-100 ($33 42-100) dollars, with accruing coita ind costs of execntinn. and to me directed. I have this 10th day nf April, 1888, levied noon and will sell at public miction. heforetheConrt house dnnrln Canyon City theConntyaent onirant Connty.on SATuKPAY.thor.iTH DAY OP MAY. lSOfl, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, r. at , to the hitch st bidder fur cash in bund, the followina described Ileal Kstate and valuable Mining Ground, viz : One-half interest in ine eiaims T.iriiierly known as the Conrad claims, lying In Caoyon Creek, one half Interest in the certain mining claims formerly known as thn Husband A Fullford claims, the same lying and being tn Canyon cr ek. Two and two-thirds Interest in Ave olnlma known ns ine iteu Lena claims, me same lying in the nat near ine jaiawon oi saiu uanyoncreex wiui .lonn unv ffiver. M. P. BKIIUY, Sheriff, Canyon City, April 10th, 1808. ap20 4w NOTICE. - i Orrirs nr Cnitr Qt'ARTSRmsTsa. 1 Dr.rARTM.sT or Tn Coliimria. ' fitrl Vanmuntr. W. T.. March 28. 1808. SB. LED PROPOSALS will be received for the Tit ANS POItTATlON OF GOVKllNMBNT FRKIUHT ovor the following named routes: l.r. Vl-ilm Vnri n.lla. n rliMmi.. vr.. son and Wright. Blddem tn state the pride per pound In Coix, they will take the frclnlit fur. 8eparate bids rfdnlnid for each Cumn. Bids for this service will be received at Fort Dalles. Oreeon. bv Cant. Jumea Qilllsa. A. Q. M., U. 8. A., and at thi. ofhee, up lu id ji,, un ine ii uny ni Slay, inno, 2d. From Wallula. W. T. to Fort Colvlllo. W. T The nrlce uer nound In Coim to he sratml hv hhiiW.. lllds for till, service will ho received nt Fort Walla Willa, W. T., by 1 t Lieut. John Noble. A. A. Q. M..and in line omce. i:n to ii si. on ine 1st nny or liny, ISoo. . . .ni. rruin uniiuia. . r.. io son jtoise. 1, J', J lie . prlco per pound In Coin tn be stated by bidders for this tiiiusnortatlon. Bids for this service will he rerelvn.l 1, I'apt. T.J. Kckorson, A. t). M , U. 8. A Fort Boise, i, T.- and at this office, up to 12 M., on the liitli day of May, I. 18118. . 4th. Ernm Fort Dalle.. Oregon, to Fort Boise, I. T, thn price ner pound In Coi,fr whlcli transportation will be furnished over this route to be elated. Bids for tht. .Mrvlnn Will lis racAlvnil Vrtrl rtnll.,. t.w , llnpt. (lilll's. A. Q. M.. U. 8. A.: Fort Bol.-e. I.T.. ' by Cipt; T. i. Rckersnn. A. Q. M., U. 8. A.: and at this uflc i, nd to 12 M., on the 1.1th day of Mny, Wm. U'dJors for all the routes will be required to give bon Is with good and sufficient sonnrlty for the faithful ' perforrainoe of any contract which may be awarded mid accompanied by an oath of allaglanoe to the United ' Btntea. ... ' ' '1'he rlcht to reject any or all bids la reserved, if to deemed best for ths interest of the service, . All contracts made subject tn the approval of the D . part meat and Division Commanders, .. , HRNRY ft ItODOBS, , ' ' Br-et If. Col. and Chief Qn irtermastor, a3dl weM Jtml . Department of th. Coluuibas. Oregon Steam Navigation Co. 'SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. THE STEAMERS NEZ PERCE CHIEF, WEB-FOOT, TEN I NO, OWYHEE, . YAKIMA, .. SFRAY & . OKANAGON, Captains E. V. COB, 0. C. VEI.T0N, J. II. D. GKAY, and TII08. J. STGMP, Will run dnrlpg'the season from CELILO to UMATIL LA, WALLULA, VY1UTB lll.tlftS, PAL0U8E and LEW1ST0N. One of tho aboVe named boats will leave CELILO for UMATILLA aud WALLULA, DAILY (Suudayt eacepted) Tlio J?a.menfgov Train to connect with steamers t Celllo will start from tho Railroad Depot, DALLKSCITY. at 6 o'cloc i, A at. limits wilt be dispntclred for WHITK BLUKra, PA LOU8K and LKWItiTON as ofien as the necessity of the trade will demand. rOR rOHTLAND TIIROU0II IN ONE DAY. The Steamers "ONEONTA , 99 OK "IDAHO," CA1T. J. McXULTY,.. Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Bnndavs excepted) at t o'clock, A. K.,coniiectliit by the CA8CADE HA1LK0AD, with the steamers NEW WOKLU, CASCADE, or WILSON O. IIUINX, CAPT. J. W0LF,s.. Commander, f i Portland. FRANK T. D0DG 13, Dalles, Api II 4, 1888. nl2tf Agent 0. 8. N, Co. Union Stete Ticket.. , , ' FOB CONGRESS ' RIFUS MAIXORY, Of Marlon. FOUGOVKIlNORl GEO. Is. HOODS, ' Of Wasco. ' s FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: SAMUEL E. MAY, Of Marlon.' FOR STATE TREASURER: is. nr. coohe, . Of Marlon. FOR STATE PRINTER: W. A. McPUERSOX, Or Linn. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C. U. MEIGS, Of Wasco. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! REX. IIOLXIDAY, Proprietor. C0AC0R9 STAGES LEAVE B0ISK CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR BLACKFOOT, Salt lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting nt SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages Running to Virginia City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. in jCm. is i Boise City tn Pnlt Lake City S100 00 ' " Virginia City, Montana -1:6 00 ' " Missouri River, Legal Tender $300, ' Gold, $100 400 00 Fur further Information apply ut OVERLAND STAOR LINE OFFICE, Boise City, I. T., mli6.l3m J. N. TODD, Agent. LAHGLEY, CROWELL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE ' . Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., ; SAN FRANCISCO. mh2S:d8m. ' J rit. , ii. w. MiTJcHEriiL.. Orfici WALDRON'S ilUILDING: ttiaiDBrtcS Corner of Inlrd and Washington Blreots, DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, . WHOLESALE AND BCTAlb DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MKDICINE8, Ac, DRUGS AND PATENT MED I VINES!! DRUGS AND r ATE NT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND rA TENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WB0I.UALI AND BIT AIL NT D11UGGI8T, Washington Street, between Main and Second 8treets DALLES, OREGON. CJ LEMON la able to anpply parties In want ofDrngs, fe iJ patent Medicine.. Chemicals. Acids. Perfumery. ana every otuer article euunieratea tun tne WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. star Physicians aud Merchant. Intending tonurchase lor ine nines, win uo wen to give Dims call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. 8. LEMON. ajv.8:tf. Washington St...between Main adn Second. PORTLAND FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. 0 ream a,ngines 9 of from 4 to 40 iiorse- power.either I'ertableor Stationary. Also. CIR CULAR SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constantly on hand. Also, Hay Pres ses of all sizes; Planing Machines, (Woodwurth's pattern,) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Vor tical Sawn nil G list mills; Bras, and Iron Casting. ana WROUGHT IRON WORK ' of every description. I sm also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest ft most Improved Patterns. Then Mills can beforwarded to anv nart of the mlnea as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed a, 000 pounds. , Hons Poweri ft ABrrinnltnral TmDlamanta manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH PH1CB n. ruriicuior aiiention paid to KarAlrlH, ie20-tf 2Votice. SEALED PROPOSALS, In duplicate, will be received nt the offlce of the undersigned at Vancouver Depot, W. T., also, at the office or tho A. f! a .t inun DALLKS, Oregon, and at FORT B0I8E, I. T until Thursday. 12 o'clock M, the 10th DAY OF MAY, 18oo, for furnishing the V. 8. Subsistence Departmout with Two Hundred Head 200 of Beef Cuttle, for the Subsist ence of ibe Troop. In the District of Boise. Said Cattle to be of goodand Merchantable quality, and to be dellv ered to the A. 0. 8. at F0KT B01SK, I. T, or an author- iieu ageut 01 me ouDsistence Department, in said Dis trict, on or before the 30th day of June, 1806. Each Bid to be accompanied by a Bond (with at least two sureties) in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, for the faithful performance of the proposals contained la the bids, In case the bid la accepted. N bW UI t received for a less quantity than Fifty mas must state tne price In TJ. 8. GOLD coin. The contract will be snbiect to the iimmnl of the TW partment and Division Commanders. '1 ne unuersigned reaerves to himself the right to reject any or all Bids that he may deem unieosonable. Bide to be addressed to the A. 0. 8., at either of the above named Posta, nnd endorsed timet "Proposals for BeefCattlo." , OEO.TI. WEEKS, n.,. l-Rnd A- 0- M. U. S. A, A. C. S. ' VancouvorDcpo', W.T., P22-12 Apri inthi i88Ui DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL ORGANS, fTMHIS prompt and efncatlons Remody for the cure O. Ghonorrosa, Oleet, Strictures, and Disease, of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure Without the least restriction to diet, exposure or chsnge In application business; It will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disease it removes us speedily as Is con sistent with the production of 11 thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease ennuot be contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its ingredients are entlrel v vegotahle, And no injurious effect, cither constitutionally or locally, can be caused by It. use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cent, per bottle. . Sent by Express carel'ullv packed., SMITH A DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 Buttery street, cor Clay, Jy22-6m, San Fraucisco. 0. DALLAX 0. W. AtlMKS. 0. Vf, AIIUI8. ARMES DALLAM, Importer! and Jobbers of WOOD AHO WILLOW WARE, DltUSIIES, TWINES, C0RDAOE. Ac. . . And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, &c. 217 A 219 Sacramonto Street, between Front and Davis fau Francisco. oelltSindAW. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Street!, PORTLAND, OREGON. . FIRST-CLASS HOTKL. LARGEST IN TUB STATE. Charges Reasonable, ' . AN O.NislIIUS will attend all the Ronta and convey Passongers. and tbetr bngage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other llouao In the Clry for 60 cents. ..' ... 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8. HOT AND COLD BATHS In the House. All the Steamer, for Oregon City, Vanoouver, Monti cello and Astoria land at the Lincoln Uou.a Wharf, . ' ri-tf Tt a tt XT rHTtn rrt a ti-tttiti POWER PIIKSH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES... OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY KYAAntftd with acenracv and disnatch . . IN A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the ery best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP A8 TEX CHEAP BT to onoin: Cards and Bil I -II e a d n . . CBECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR . THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS of c, fc, wc, niKTXD IH TBI HOST ATTKACTITI MAXRU. AU0, BILLS Or FAXX. LETTER HEADS. RECEIPT BOOKS. BILLS LADIXO, Rriefs nnd Pamphlets, VISITING, WEDDjm AND "AT HOilE" CARDS TJrttKKtata Label. In abort, everything that can be done In a Bonk and Job Printing- Office, from the smallest and niost delicate Card or Circular, to the largest else and moat showy Posting Bill and which will be turned out in a style mat caunot full to insure entire satisfaction. ooa FAciUTiia run thi ixicdtioh or DECORATIVE PRINTING In the moat beautiful Colors, Bnades ana Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a slnitle Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, Ars unsurpassed bv those of any other establishment In Oregon. We devote special attention to thi. branch of the business, and are continually adding to our already exteiir ive and well appointed assortment of material, . NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. tc- i etc. etc.. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Onr stock o. FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of the finest duality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot beequaled in the 8tate. ' ' The principle npon wnicn Business is asaeu inr mis es tablishment Is. that oeraons will consult their own Inter ests, by awarding their custom to that offlce In wblrh their money can oe expended io tne oesi advantage, j o this end we solicit all In want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, aud judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have onr special care, and friends from tbs Interlo may rely npon having their orders nitea promptly, as e HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon! Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE BilS-tf Dalles. Oregon. , jAmrsmM sat niw i ViXVlVUVll UilJJWAl . CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLKS, OREGON. THE TJNDF.RSIQNED, HAVING REMOVED FROM TUB "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' New Building?, Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best . . ! Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. . ALSO, A Free Lunch ! Every day and evening, E. SCHITZ & 8. KL.EIW, dect-lf Proprietors. Axuru vr uuu Ajiunuei . CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE BRO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man uiacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com plote assortment of CARRIAGE and WAGON MATEKI ALU wo are constantly receiving from the Kast, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second UrowMi Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes, Folloes, Kims, Slialts, Ao. Ac' which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. IUT Orders addressed to our house will receive promp attention. N.W. 1111 AUG A CO., - Jel5:Uui. 29 k 81 Battery Street, San Francisco, and 17 4 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. 0. WATrnnousx, 11. W. UrtAoo A Co., J. W. Ltnvan Ban Francisco. Sacraiuouto. New York F. TILLM-A-IST, B0LC AOEXT IN CALirORNlA FOR 1 . TILTON & McFARLAND'S Fire As Kurglnr Trool' Safca. ' STEEL-LINED VAULTS, , ' ..'j '; .-WITH Combination Loci. -Constanlly ' band a foil assortment of SAFBfl. . : 818 BATTERY STREET, ' JyMm T, ' .' , San ranclsc: