Epitome of Telegraphic News. ' ; roxpiun raoa tui oauonuN. I DATKS TO APUIL . New York, April 21. Paul Atzoft, com missioner of Russia to tbe Western Union Telegraph Company, arrived in tbe steamer I'trtxa aud will proceed to Sin Francisco by tbe s earner of tbe first of May, there to join bu kloy's expedition. Dr. Kissel, deputy health officer, reports that the steamship Virginia, Capt. Powers, culled from Liverpool April 4th, and arrlvid in the lower bay April 18tb. No sickness appeared on board until April 13th. Three deaths occurred on the 14th, seven on the 15th, four on the 16th, eight on the 17ih, seven on the 18th, and seventeen on the 19th ; total, 40 ; of these, 44 were I'eerage passenger., two were of tbe crew : 20 pas conger aro sick ot the cholera J four are bad .' cases. The sick are being received on tbe . floatiag hospital steamer at the quarantine. New York, April 22. It is said the cholera is increasing on tbev steamer Virginia, at a fearful rate, thirty-three new cases having occuneu. Cincinnati, April 21 There has been three deaths by the Asiatic cholera thus far, In tins city.. Responsible physicians have de blared these cases to be of this iearful epi demic. . ,, , Chicago, April 22. The Reconstruction committee will report this week the follow ing important proposition : . , Section I, Thxt the constitution be amend ed so as to provide that alter ibe 4th of July, 1876, the e shall be no discrimination in race or color In the elective franchise in any estate. Sko. 2. That until the 4th of March, 1877, representation shall be apportioned on tbe iiasis of legal voters, and after that period, uy population as now. Sko 3. That from and after the adoption . of this amendment, there shall not be any discrimination in civil rights Sbo. 4. That nq obligation incurred by the rebellion for slaves emancipated, ever be paid by the Uni ed States or any State. To this is attached an enabling act to the effect that Southern States may be admitted . in no way excepting on these terms, provid , ed their Senators and Representatives can take the test' oath. It further recommends Congiess to pass a law, that those who were members of Congress or the Cabinet In I860 nd afterwards took part in tbe rebellion shall not be eligible to July 4tb, 1875 New York, April 23. The Tribune' corres pondent says the reconstruction committee have not fully agreed on their report, al though it is believed it will be substantially , as indicated in a previous dispatch. There is no doubt, however, but that a final com prehensive plan will be embodied for careful action by Congress. It is probable the re port will be accompanied by a bill or joint resolution malting it Impossible for the po litical power or toe soutu to be controlled . by those who were in active rebellion. Chicago, April 20. The testimonv of A. II ' Stephens before the reconstrnction commit tee fii 8 nearly a page of the New York na pers and provokes most decided comment. The Timet snys : True, Stephens says that uis opinions ana tbe opinions of tbe South generally on the abstract question of State sovereignty have not undergone much change. Why Bhould they ? The sword can not cat down opinions, though It prevents tueir application, it is enough for the pres ent purpose and for the country that the suojeci emerges irom tne struggle convinced 1 that its interests are to be found in hearty ' and unwavering acknowledgment of the . Union society, adopting its relations to the . changes by the abolition of slavery, and on thftAA nntnta WA nnnalriAl StDnkana' arniul. I . M.U.UVUS V.IVEI tion satisfactory. Not-lean we trace any in berent hostility to the negro in other than civil relations. Individually Stephens is rc ported to have said, I should not be opposed Wm p . W If u 1 PlOVUUI VI VAH.UUIUU Ot IltUliOU proper system or extending Br,uffragJe!?!thisucia8S ,f,our p?platio-r Beyoad this, what could we of New Tcork . Hsk? He is averse, moreover, to any action upon the subject except by the Southern States tnemselves. In my judgment, it is a matter tbat belongs as constitutional right to the States to regulate exclusively each for itself. Is there anything damaging to the South then, in Stephens' declaration that it will not yield to negro suffrage or other amendments to the constitution as coodi' tinns precedent to re-admission to Congress. ' We think not. - Stephens says : They, the people, think tbey have done everything tbat was essential and proper, and my mag- rasnt is that tbey would not be willing to do- . anything further as a condition precedent. They would simply remain qutetana passive The Times concludes in these sentences: - Should the North continue to insist upon . Conditions whirh excludes the South from' ' Coneress tbe Southern States would then, nays Stephens, present themselves as willing ' for immediate Union nndcr the constitution, while the Northern States woulil be opposed to it. The former di unionists would there by become Unionists, and fornv-r Unionists ' changed to practical disunionists. Tbe prac tical dilemma Is worth thinking about. : . San Franciv April 23, A French wat Vt se) bad arrived at Acapulco with' full ronfir- I nation of too' reported deteat .of the French at Mazatlan, March 22. TheFrencb admit the loss of two pieoea. The Mexicans claim the captnre of four. Corola got iu tbe rear and demanded the capitulation of the entire lorce before opening fire. Tbe French claim tbe greatest slaughter was made by two hundred Americans under Frank Daney. Tbey sat one American with a Henry's rifle was seen kill fif teen f rrnchmen. ; The Mexicans have advices tin Acapulco of tbe defeat ot Lozada by tbe Liberals afler tbe deteat of tbe French. Mercantile houses have letters admitting the defeat of their forces, but saying thin a second expedition was going out April 1st to co-operate wiib Lozada, and tbat be had defeated the Liberal at Acapulco. On tbe down trip the Stephens bad a large amount of forage for the French horses which are starving, and other supplies; also S00 stand of anus. Corana, aware in advance of tbe fact, sent Major Daney with a party of Liberals across from Altola to Capo St. Lucas, wbere tbey seized tbe steamer, took ber to La Paz and unloaded the arms and supplies bleu tbey shipped immediately to- Altola. They proposed at first to confiscate tbe steam er, arm and sail ber as a Liberal war steamer,. but at length dismissed ber on guarantee thai she should carry no more contraband f war t)ibe trench. ; ( Tbe steamer Continental arrived this morn ing ilb 94 passenger?, most women, who came out on tbe representation aud under care of Mercer, of Washington Territory. Im mediately on tbe steamer being telegrapbed a large number of people rushed dowu to the wharf. It is said to be the intention of the consignees to transfer the passengers to some other steamer bound north, arnd convey them to Olympia, Washington Territory, their or iginal place of destination. lSAaO F. BlOOB, 0. 8. Muua, Dalles. Han rranciaco. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GJ-RO CERS - AND DEALERS IN Wines fc Liquors, And Importers sod Jobbers of CLOTHING- Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. MfB HAVE AN ABSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION 1W with onr business, under the entire super.islon of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars In six hours- raK "th,uH.Hgh8S n..U Do.ta tn.r tltAA Tsnail ' VSflUlllVVIV uwmo vi"". BLOCH. MILLER ft C).. myStf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dalles. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, v IRON 8l STEEL. GRO CERIES. BY TIIR PACKAQB. TT "T, A i "-W ek aa 1 m g M m M hi ban Jjrancisco rnces, .i.n. -. n.... i. Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINS ft GRANT, mUtf Dalles, Oregon, P. DEHM, Watchmaker and Jcnclcr, MAIN STREET, DALLES, TEALER IN FINE WATCHES, .IRWKI.RT, j uuuuhb, uio rens, silver ana riarea ware, ' DiwHtcivB, tjtii'iery, so. -riirucuinr niiencion paia co repairing- nneteiiak Watclies, Clocks, Jewelry, eto. All Watches repaired b me warranted ior twelve nioniiis. N. B. All orders from the upper eountry, by Express or obusrwiim, prompiiy aiienueu iu. .A. CARD. ADAME L TELLIF.lt WOULD RESI'ECTKULI.T lya Inform the Ladies of the Dulles and vicinitv. that she is now propaml to do all kinds of HHKMS, CLOAK, and PALETOT making. Also, CUTTINO and Kl'lTINO in a new and luiprorod style, never before introduced In Mils uloce. She will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage. In the Rooms lately oecupied by Mm. White, over Degener's Store, on Washington street, between Second anu imra. Dalles, March tttb, 1S0 , . :. mtt,it WALDROS BROS.r . , Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon.'' WJC NOW OCCUPY OUK NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof 8tone building, opposite Uloch,- Millet , Co., and offer-to the ptiblio a Full, ami complete Mock of Drugs, Medicines anil Chemical, eeaslstlngiu part of KEROSENE. LAMP WICK8 CMMNBY8 UOPSi ,f . BAOH. " BPON8-H8. -IiBKCHKS, ' TURPENTINE, ALCOUOB, jiAKU, : Ai"TOR AND NKAWPOOT OH, COKKS, IN9T00 AND LANPULACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. ' AND PATENT' MlCOICriVKH, Our stock ot FAN015 0001)8 i of the finest audi Best quality; new stylo oiid large assortments, mob ar LUBIN'8 PERPUKIiltY, HAIR, LUBI N'S TOILET SOAP, FLESH, POM AUKS, . BHAVINO, COSMETICS, ' HAT, UAIKOILS, ' CLOTHRS, . COLOGNE. TOOTH AND FANCY 80AP8 AND NAILBRUSHES TOOTH-POWDERS, AND COMBB. PURE WINES AND UQUORS, For Medicinal purposes Our facilities fur baying goods- an second to none In ins ataia, una we snnii at an tmiea sen at a small ad- yance from oost. Hearty sales aod-stnttu pronto. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully componndedat all hours of the day and night. iMuostaepi.v, 1000. sulu-ii VEHY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, HoteW and UAR.UOOMH. TULIU8 KRAEMKK HAV1N0 BOUGHT THE EN. tire block of Merchandise and Dook Acoemita of the late Arm ol M. Seller A Co., In this olty, to which he has added of his own Importation (while doing business in rorue.no.) an immense stock of me best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, . Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaarscs and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wlsht Ing to bny any of the above-mentioned articles, will do won to give me a call Deiore pnrcnasing elsewhere. Orders from- the Interior promptly attended to, and' gooas pneaea to go secure, von t inn to call on me. i pock Rudiya Stone 1 i Unllulug, Washington streen Dalles. JULID8 K11AKMKR. Dalles. March lTth. 1808. mhmf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED BLACKFOOTOIG CEXD3IIAES BY WAY OF THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White BIulTs 100 miles ', White Dluffs to Fen d'Oiellle,.....l(W - " " to CoUrill ..170 " Travelers by land for either of the abote Gold Fields. wlUsavo ' ; r , . Save Time. Distance and Money I By taking tbe White Bluffi Hood. Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on this Rood within easy drives ' The road is now open, and msseseei advantage! over any other land route from the- Dallea, lubiuuied by oruer or , ' ' THE CITIZENS OF THE DALLE3. Dallos. March. 20. 1866. niSOrim . COLUMBIA BIVR MINES! A. B. lOOTR. : ..BHT RITISOR. , BOOTH St NEVXSON, Forwarding and Comratsatem Uerehanta AND DELKUS IN OENERAT MERCHANDISE, White I31uft't, "W. rX" FREI&HT POR COLVILLB, UPPER COLUMBIA, KOUTENAI and BLACKVOGT MINES nromntlv . j . - lorwerueu. Mark Goods B. ft N., White Bluffs, W. T, uraEMoas: roRTUSD Klchsrd ft McCroken, Allea ft Lewis) and Hodge ft Calet Dutss Bloch, Miller ft Co,, French ft Oilman. W. 13. DOUGLASS, (Suecessor to William Blrnbaura.) . PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, " AXD BIALIR IN ' ' . Fino "Wixtclie AND JEWELRY, f NTITP.8THR ATTENTION OP HIS IRIKNDS AND jl me mono turns oliolce solectlon of New and Fashionable Goods, Rcspoctfully soliciting their patronage. Wches PROMPTLY and PROPERLT repaired and nnitnnniMi, niStf Nazi Ooor to the Post Oftlo. COI, OIL! COAL OILt WTAI.DItON BROS, have Jmt received a large in w voice oi uu&uuiij. wmcn inev offer at greatly dneed rates, - , jnltf i PRANKLIN, MARKET. CORNER 09 SEOOND AND WASHINGTON BTREET3- DALLES, OREO ON, , . JOHKFBPPiIiOXR Proprietor TOTtE UNDERSIGNED JL having fitted np the atHive Murket In the BH.-B 8DY (IB, will keep constant ly on hand all sort of Fresn and Cnred MeatSy Of the beat quality. Amlshed at the LOWEST RATE' s Wy motto Is to "PLEASE ALL." ., PABTIE8 IIAYINOi BtlPKKlOR BTOCK'fOR SALE will do well to cnihai the Vnmklln Markrt. JUHM EVVl'OBR. Dalles, Sobruary Mth, 180J. , :,, , ... WASIllIXtaTO MARKET. ' ' ooaaiaof " ' COCItT ,AND'8R80ND 8TRKETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Prspriator. jff consvuiiiyon nana aunns eema. a v i tUt the market cn.poaittly atJoM,-eP TIEH 8c CUBED HEATH, ' . andilwys of We brst quality. ' FAimtltS, HOTiElS, AND STEAMBOATS . " supplied oareneonoble terms.. . . Tbe undersVirieo Is alwavs nrHDared. ta na the lil.h. eat oosh prloe ir Ir'AT CATTLE, l'artfoe Laving itm il la good condttioa, an roijs4iatad.to rail on Mm before? goinir eisevrnere. JOUtt MiaUKI.UACII. vanes, JUaransuMiXW. mhbuf NOTIC5 TO FARMERS. TMVIK DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACIUKIhO, JL COMPANY has recently attaohed a FLOUKING MI3L.IL. ftn.Hijilv Rlilni D. .1. ...1 T.. T I. t I.. iu. ' a are now prepared to CHOP KEKD, UlllND WHEAT and: CORN, and warrant to ghre the bert satlsbstiou. Or BBBa eonstanny ana lor sale . , XBR FAMILY TLOVR, SECONDS OR tHUDLINOSi i , BRAN AND 8U0KT8, , CHOP IEED, CHICKEN SEED. Alao, a Snperlor article of CORN MEAL, from new Com. The highest marter pdoe paid for WIIEAT, CORN a B.lrK, . . H. A. HOOUE, Agent. Dalles,.No.S,188o. ,, u3tf. -A.. G3-. BBADFORDe IMPORTER AND JOBBER 01 " . "Wine Sc Liquors, FHONT 8TREET, Portland, - . . .. ogn. OVFKKS F09, SALS A VERT LAK9E AS04l3 meut of Brandies,' ''. ' . .'' Wlneftr ' . , . Liquors . v.. -. ' Case Goodsy . '- . &C, .. "' &C. J- The Trod htparthralarly Invltsd to examine m. r r ,..v ( aU . H.HERMAN&CO.y MAIN ST., MILES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE IIGTEL, J J AB JCST RKCEI VED Al BEAUTIPtTL STOCK OP ' SPRIKG AXD SUMMER GOODS . Coaslstlby la part of Fancy and Staple Dry Good Clothing, " ' ; Iloots & Shoe, ' ... , ,. . '.nut fc'capgy Whkle they offer tn eelVaS SXAU PnomS. . , Dalles, March 2Tthj 185. . mrZ7tf. MONTANA! IDAHO r WASHOE W ABB PB1TISO ' VV OCtt OltlOlNAL SUPERIOR. BRAND OV , GHOlfND JAVA COFFEE, CHARTRES COFFEE, , IN DOUDLE GLAZED PAPERS, Tb presem tta strenpth. and fllivor for the; hngth of time reiutired tone t rwnnled to Uie above p aces. Por sale by all the Jobbe-t, and HARDEN POLOBR,' Plooee Steam Coflee and 8j,lce Mills, 220 Pront Street, Sow Smuclico. 18nilp?. BOOKS! WHOLESALE BOOKS r AND RETAIL. - aCIlOOZ. BOOKS, STATIONERY, O Standard anil Miscellaneous WORKS, Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAl'KltS.i o Ac. by every Bteamer. PoM-Offlce Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. Garden Seeds Tor the Mllllonv aT-tf ' n. 3, WALDROK I V IIS, WOOL and HIDLS. rjrtHE mauBST cash pwcb paid for " IFTJRS, WOOL, AND niDES,at MeCRAKKN. MRRP.ILL A 00 .'8' 1 North Piont Street, Portland'. mhT83m NEW YORK AND GROCERY DAKEltY STORE Main street Dalles. h23tf .. FREDERICK BKNZER. NOTICE. ItlKTK appointed K. K. ItAPT my authorised ami tocollset all noneys dne me, and attend to v ee.t asu (eaerally. aStfJ . M. kijllr