S7k vol. r. DAI.LE8, OKI OON, FBinY. APRIL ST, lOVV. NO. OO. PUBLISIIEI) EVEliY HOMING, . . , ;,. ., (MONDAY KXUKrTltD,) UT'y' E. C. CO WIVE &J. SItLKOUA, t HDITOKS AMB fltOPUIKTOHH. ' r TcRMif TmntyiHvecenU pur week, payable to ttie carrier per month, by mail, $1; three mom In, $3 60; six mouths, to I uue year, td. Advertlseiueuta imorted at . , low rates. 1 ;,. Job Printing. Every description of plain uud fancy Job Printing exe nted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per i'ijr to any part of the country. PajiiuHtJor Job I'riiU ' ing utt In mailt on dtlittry oj worn. Iraotlco.l Watchmaker, 2 TO And Dealer lu FI.E WATCHES A. JEW ELK Y, : DALIES, OREGON. ' ' ' Established 1857. BALDWIN BRO., DEALERS IN ' ' J';;; ; . " CHUN BR OK . . i- ' Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J.C. BALDWIN V ni'Jt-tf ' t. W. 1IAI,DW1N. J4JRNITURE ! FURNITUR . : DIEUL Atl & WENTZ. QWW'T( Q LOB It HOTEL BUILDING, , WSfrM Household Furniture, Uedsaud Bedsteads, UedUtig.Carui.at ic, etc., all ol which will uoaoldirt low rates. -FurnituNi Repaired, and Upholsteriugdoiie tu order.' Also.un hand elattrossesaud Pillows. Bpi'lug Uodg maoo to order, null ' W. MOABOS. ' t .' V V ' ' j ; 0. 9. KOSUBL. WM. MOABUS'&CO., CITY fBAiiERY, Comer of Flmt and B Streets. WIIOI.KHAI.K AND Hit'CAUDRALKKSia DREAD, CIlACKfUSuiid Family UKOCKKlUd. a.OrderafrontadlatucclMly filled and prompty . iwputulied. -' 1-tt JOSEPilTELFELT, Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, clothing, boots and Shoes, Ilk'l'S ANO CAPS, AND dentlemcn's rurnlshln? Goods Fire-proof Sunn Store, corner of Mala and 'Court 4treet. . , . oc-t-tt . IB&mVSO 'Ac ODGfiliy ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WIIX PKACTICil IV TUIt BUl'KKMK ANDCIll cult Court of Oregon, and the District Cuurta 0 t Washington Territory. ' ' , '. particular atteuiiuu paid to the collection -of claims. . 0. 11U.MA80N ; Dalles, Oirn: : t J. A. DIIKI.U FURNISHED liOOMS TO LET,";', ". j6y the Night, Week or Month, ; j . NKXT D0011 TO JACKSON UNO INK UOUBE; ' wtf M118. Bl'ttKNOEn. . It. . SATIS. . f f t . . B.WT. . GATES &z HAFT, ' Attorneys & Counsellors at) Law, A - DALLES, OREGON.. , JDR. A.. II. STEELE, ACTINO ASSISTANT 8URQK0N, V. 8.' A. " orncsAT ' ' WALDR N BROS. , DRUO ' STORE Y-X: . 74. WJI. BROWN WARNER. 51. D. OFFICB-7 SECOND ETItBKT, between Washington ' and Court. i Ornciliorjns 9to12. . .;2to4p it.; nnd 0 to 10. p. M O. 13. IIUOOKS, M. T. OfHee At Dr. tru'a Store. DALLES, OUEQON: TO I.ET. T" THRDESIRAnf-EBBSIDnNnEsltrntedontheninir, formerly occupied by 1. I). KRLI.Y, is for rent. Thore are Ave rooms, partly furnished; also out lionsnr, a gooil spring of cool water, together with one aero or rlcli garden urnnnd, with n secure fence around tlio snme. ? Terms reneouable. Apply to- KKl.LY & DKNNY.' , 7,;-, 11. win .;doijtihtt, : .,. ; . JT ATTOBNEY AT r.A. vV, ;";; BANNOCK CITY, Idaho Territory. , ' ' ,'l-rartlcDlar att(titlcrpldto Collectine-'pi.'iti, ' . &' it iu A ii A at - i li A. A .1 , ;. 1MP0KTIU AD WHOLUALI Dealers in Wines, Liquor? GHOCKKIES, Sllners' Cioods, lluat Stores, &c, BAVI REMOVED TO TUCIA . ; NtW STONE BUILDING, ,. - coasts or , Second und Washington Streets, ' , DAX..XS CITY. TOW IN STORK A LAItOK AND COMPLKTK AS X'l aiirtincut of the very best brands of WINES AND LICTJOllS. : "! ' ' Also, a lull assortment of . GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. i- Ooustuntly receiving our supplies direct from New York and Sau Fruucisco, ,we are able and willink to sell at a very small advance on Ban Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patruuuge cl the pub lic, ftl'lwl UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. ' HANDLE! &S1NNOTT, 1'rop'rs. THIS POPULVn UOUSI, dNTRALLT LOOATKn, Near the Steamboat Landing & Bailroad Depot, llus beeu recently enlarged aud improved, aud will now accoiumuuuie : a OO GUEST 8. : II WILL BK CONDUCTF.D aa Heretofore, as a FIRST M. J1,AS3 uouMci, na.l the patronage or the traveliug public is respectfully soliclte v llaggage talteu tu llie Ilonso free of charge. House opuii mi nigiu. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Diiios,oct.4-tr. . : , EMPIRE HOTEL, KAIX TI!T, DAI.Ha, OIltOOH, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN TIIB OBNTftR OF 0U8INU9, , , Near the 8temboat and Bailroad Landings Snperinr Accoinuioihitiona for Familius-and aan Ac souiinudate One Uuudrmi aud fifty Guests. Heuls...........60cst. ' Lodging.., . 60cUs . . Fire Proof Safe foe deposlteof valuables. . tS House open all night. Baggage taken to the flouae rroe or charge, , THOMAS SMITH. m8-tf 'J Proprietor. CD, UMBIA RIVER MINES. A. . Tt .BO O T I I , WIIITB BLTJFFS, W. T FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND OINIEAI, DIALER IX ' "s MERCHANDISE ' i ABB : M1JUERS' SUPPLIES. PACK AND SADDLE H3H3E3 FOH SALE., ClItBIQIITS C0N3IQNFD to my care for Colvllle B? Kn,itenai. or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re celve prompt attention! White Ulnlfa, Oct. 1st, 1864. ;" ' oc2tf IVEW riUJIT, GKOCEIty ' '' AND '.' ' '' PROVISION) STOKE. 'PIIH UNDEnSIONBD. INFORMS niS FRIK.HDS anil 1 the public generally,, that JiaHuis just established on Main street, next door to 1:, Jukor, Tubacconist, a neW'Storei where he keene cohs'tniitly on Yand a large assortment 0 selected FRUIT. Also, In store acompletestock ofchoice oiiocehius, piormoivx, veqetahlks, te. . All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at HE DUCKD PRICKS. . Come and see and satisfy yourself. aqia-tf ' - . JOHN 8P0S1T0. FUEO. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, ' AND . "FRUIT STORE, Wnshlnoton Street, opposite French AOIImnn's. Dalle. , Has on hand a large and well-assorted stock of - GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ITrosli Butter & Egf ar Received dally". A large lot of CHICKENS nlwave on hand. FIUJI'M of all klnda. FRKSII VliGETAULES overy morning. All articles warranted. Give, Me a': Call, Everybody , l'RICKS LOW. ,. anlStlf J. MRRB. M. BROWH & BRO., ' WnOLMAia AUD RETAIL DEALERS IN ' FANCY ANP BTAPLH; DEY&OODS! . GROCERIES, PROVISA0N3, &o, , , Mr. M. RROWN, being A resident of San Francisco, we tro enabled to ofler groat Indcenients to purchasers. We respectfully Invito the public to examine our atock befor iiurchaslug elsewhere, ..... , mlfi-tt'., 49 Stone 8lor, nortb side Main (treat, Dnllvs. -;a Democratic btateTicket. FOR CONUl.KiSi JABIIt.S''i. VA, ' Of Jackson. ' - 1 ' ; ' ' for oovjiiNoii-! ' ; " 'JAMES It. KLL1.Y, -v Of Wascu. ; ': yit-: FOR BKCRI.TART OF 'STATE: ': LAl'AI'LT'll'L LA.L, ;. ,. .', ,. : . r or MultnomaM ; . v. ' ; FOR STATU TRKAtURKR': ;': '-' JOIISi C. IIEM, ' , , ',, ! ': f Marlon. .. .. ;v- ; 1 FOR STATE PHISTKIlS " .' : JAMES O'MEiUAV ' Of Linn. . i ; ,;' , '.'- FOR PR0SF.CUTINO ATTORNEYFIFTl'l bVaTRICT. ' ; J. II. SLA ICR, " ' ' N O II OE. THE P10NEEU STAGE COMPANY ' ' 1 .' ' Will carry r ' FAST FREIGHTS ... i . FROM :. i . . ' XT M: Al. rF ILLA, AFTER TUE FIRST OF )CT')IIKR, AT THE FOLfjOW- 1NU HKDUVKD UATUb: To Doiae City., 15 Ceuti per pound laauo tii.y u.su - - " " Owyltee X0 ' . ' For lesa amounts than one hundred poiVnda an addition of Five Oeuta per poauu will uo cnargud.. , TIM K FKOM UMAXlLLAi To llolsot lty,. ......3 Oujh. To lduiio City ...3 l- KJayS, TO Owyuee, 4 Uays. ' JOSEPH PINRIIAM, Ai'en't.' '-.Umatilla, Oct. 1,1865.., , -wUstf.' m. i' ai a. v iA t f. mi it .,.,. lL, iiiiij m. 1 1 . .Tniiriii .n i UAJIIIOT UltA A A A VlAASj JUltlt ..jjili'is'', ?tNE IS' NoV IN COMPLETE RCNSINV JC niil,'i frv'm I niniilin to Iduho urty. via llolsu tits ; . ani pru.uk:d, to 'oui'iy,l,iuii:hi apd Yuliiable s'ui'kum'. i ;biuw,'crj tlu ae inii uit inieiiui'diute poiuta wilhcertaiuiv huo uruiiucii. .. . , '. J.J.C xjiuis rjbucAeu wiu tug cobi At;inn ;Ue Country alfcida and entirely . ..-' iMow Ttioic'ueh-Brace ' ' y-i',.1 T-k ., . - FOR IIOISE MltfUS D1UECT. THE 2W WALLA WALLA &. BOISE LINE ' OF CONCORD STAGES) '' CARRYINO ' THE U S. OVERLAND MAILS . . AND : j . Wells Fargo & Co.'s Express, ' la now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to I'l cerville, (Uoiso Mines.) . , - , Through In Two and a Half Days', Connecting, with the Wallula Lino of Stages, and th Boats of tile 0. 8. N. Company. - . UKO. F. THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf r , Proprietor Q.UAUTZ MILLS! ' And all kinds orMnclilnerjr ' ' "' " l: Manufactured at the ' OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and TTU streets, r-W'l-iu ' PORTLAND, v ; . . A.. C. OHUS CO.. . 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Sitcfessora to Portland. Dec. 6th 'M. , dnQtf . R. L. Jonrs t Co. TO .TEAMsTpS ANl) MIKYMENI FJEED! FEEDl! CS-RlTV'j . i'i'l VV.':..'":: !. :AND'fc.:;r: ',. I ,,: ': rr'JOiiiio .'.!;.;; OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAK BY It.' H. LAW, '25 Front 8treot, Portland, , - Opposite O. S, N. Warehouse. nlMf. NEW SALOON. , JJRW BTflVE RTOItrc. WARUTYfi'pnw ernm. THR UNDERS10NKD would respectfully announce that he will open a first class Saloon, tn French t Gllman'a Kr Stone Building. THIS KVK.MNG. and la prepared to serve cuitouwrs a ith the beat of vt incs, liquors and Cigars. -'.v , .: . also, A': ; v fcUEE LUNCII 'feyery day and Evening. , . ' ', .' ' oc25tf. v i JOHN B1NDLAVD: Vre.Kl't, I'tv.-r t'vtve t'llfii'd to Jibiho. ofltT Fi)ii. Vior tuinkct-uitniiH trtlilijni) (Jowls liom fan J'runrr'? nnd urtlHiiU u 'MhI.o, mh iur Rvntitrrui?iit8 ttiuu iif nm are mwy, tuni utf mouum cuijipfu vj '''ii km win UOtlw hUlJiCt lu tin UbIwI UblHJn, but m&$ tlllODgli um Qitotfii ili.DtK'il IWii .ix FiVmcIhco 'to. onr curt t rort- ihiju, ClitirVtf wilt bu iuiu uu Uuuuit tuitiJ)ia to d8tni-i UJ0D8 8H0IM UK MAnKKD: CARR B.H.';iD. k ', I'JI V I . I i L ' 1, . S 1 il LStl BISS ll UOI I it at mmt t A llllls A I J nt Voitluiiil.aiid Umutiliik. .... .. - ; t , Advance Cburg( b for Truusportatlon Paid by the Mi.0 umMV-iioctfJ lit uHtiuntlon, Goods wl tV lurwtiyiui wit.li biciiiuii to o'.vl uud South Boiae. , VPA68'B.aLK8 t.AKKtEU AT OHEA'lV llinbCEU ' H.IK.V ,11,1 11,, U 111 I1M 111, IIIMIIt n IL1II1 .llllMt'llil. Ac- - Vniiiniutlatluiis in Nea mid jbnsy liiiliug 'iborouh itrave , iigous.oii ti.e Mum t-ibeial 'letins,. M.e lay uvui; tuu., lughl on tne lttin.1 at Uisid and Conretiivut etations, ( tliul passenvra wdl iut le lU-piived ol regular lest. ,.' . ACilUN'Xlsi RICTTARPS McOliAKHN', RICll UDs A McUtAU,r.N' JO.iliPIl X'UAii '.V. PJV. ..LI, t(J Ji...'.. J. II. MLlvli.Su.s... B. M, lium.l.L, CO. II. UuKI.Li, Cu tAJOK rjI'KhH UuUIiLL 4 .MOOltii.. B26tf .,'..vSan Fraiii'lrro ,.4'ortluitd , ..t)altr. . , Umatilla ., i ,...J.eUranU t. .....Bills. City -....luiiboCI'y ..,.Rochy iuir (South Uol.n .....Ilul')' aud Silver Cities - ii'. ni. buuELi, to., Proprietors. ' ." ........ A UtKU ion THE v Fall & Winter Clothing Trade. ' ' OF SAM FUA C ISCO. '; '. No. 411.4ibem'd415 Battery Street, v (nr IV I ornliant. Man VritMAlunn. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. . ENTIBE, NEW, AND FREI! SOCEl ! WTB WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Countrv Mer.. '. .iff chants to our usually large stock or (luods.- Our ,' stock compriaee every artirla in ti e Clothing and Fur nishing line.- we nave constantly on liauti .the largest and L'rfiHleHt variety of Cassiinore aud Wool HATSol " any liotUe ift San Franolsco, and. our prl es fur tlieso Uoodtar. ita than those, of any house, na we roceiv. . them direct frutu the lunnutacturer'a consignment Our stock of Hummer And Fall Uoops Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country merchant la tl, uuuaually low prluva. Less Than the Cost 6f Importation! We also keep tlie STAPLE ARTICLES In th e Dry Oooda Hue, which Unods wo have piircltased In this murket un- -'. dei the lutminer, and are oliering them nt Kew Yoik tlnmt nnj iUJ. .... . We publish this card In order that we may make new Acqualiifatutea. and induce those whohavo not heretofore purchased of us, to call and exnmiuo our atock. . Good Ar(linl nnd I.nw I'rlro! Are the greatest Indncementa to all who purcliase to sell again, .Merchants who buy of us can make a gooii ...v..., u.iu .v., ,.. tiiuir .uiiuuin, mi . iu. u.ui i, - remain, rosprctlnlly, . , - ., Your Obedient servants, ., , . t I) A DO ICR t LINDRNRtiRGKR Wholesale Clotlilng ami lint Warobome. ' ' Kitm All Jl'l A..A Jl A llu.... -l. Son Francisco, February 0, 1806. 'fil-Sniw. ' . MRS. LEE'SER'sT""'. FREXQJI MILLINERY ST0SE, . ,-i .... ASD v Dress Maklnx EHtabllshnicnl, ;' Oppoaite Cohn tu Bohm's, ' 1 . , I ' r: . fWOULD CALL THE TTEKT10N of the Ladloa i : l.the Dulles to my lar and One stock of . ' ,, FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, ; , Il'blVKETS, II ATS, FEATHERS', ' fr-na'a T'.l I . .vu '. It. r, ITatlng accltrcd the services of MRS..FRARY, In th Dress M iklnjr iipa'tmout. wc wllldoull work lu thai lint ' and guarantee porfrotsatislactlou.' .i : DYING done In all colore. ' ' . . t '. . fllvo nie an earlv call nnd I will endeavor- to suit overybody In TASTE and nt RKASONAIILE PRICES. , Particular nttontlor paid to . . N v , , . . . Embroidery and Braldlnc fitamplng, STRCALLTflE ATTENTION OF THE PCRUCt V v tlio fact, Hint we have coucluilpd to give tu, bus iness ami there ore. all parties Indebted to us MUST PAY -I P WITHIN NINETY DAYS or Ivgnl prooeedinirs wlU Iifilmd. M. DROWN A lll'.O. ; Dalles, March 10, 1866. ;. tullt