ipailn 'JfHomUiiiuccrJ Money Market, . . New York (Wild Quotation ..................127 ta KMiidicu Irtiit Tender rutiM .."Uli Kpltame of Telegraphic News. ! fcojtnun raos the obloomiax. DA.TKSJ TO APU1L. . BWitnyfoii, April 24. In tlio Sennt", j-cb-terday, (Jounoss, ot Uiilifuroiaj oflVrud res olution which was nduptii.l, instructing tho vjinmitice au comim-rco to inquire into the xiatli!ir.'y of proliibitiu thu importation, ir.tiidponutiou or stile of nitro-glycorine. Wuslibunie, of Illinois, said in the House, iht the committed ou commerce, of which he is chnirmiin, woul I leport toou ou thu . kubjuct of niiro-gl ceriue. ilic House judiciary committee yesterdny, - rrutle n rcpu t, iigaiutit tho inodiliciition of t-.e test on th, h j a ked by the President, iSecic iiry ot the .Treasury huJ l'ostuiustcr G.'itornl. The r-jiort declare Unit fielder the Prt'sidont uor auy of his Cabinet, hud nny right to dispense with the law, and that such mi einmple is d.ingerous uud uot to be tol erated. Wells, Fargo ft Co. have sued Burtinhin der, Prcutico & Dovoe, snippers of tiitru-tfly-ee.ine, laying their dnningea at $10il,00u. The court held thu d feuduuts to bail lit the mm of If 100,0 . 0. No fresh vuao.-t of cholera have appeared ou the steamer England. Heukh oiliucr Uisscl reports front on board tho hospital ship t'ulcun, Inst eft-mug, thnt since last report ten deaths hnvo occurred onboard that ship from cholera. Twenty new cases were r.ccivcd ou board from the Virginia, and eleven deaths had occurred on luinrd the England, but not from cholera There are 73 cues of cholera ou board the h js. ttai ship. Wxthintton, April 24. The President sent to the ncnate yesterday tho following nomi nations : Col. 8am. McKelvy. of Pittsburg, If. S. Marshal for the western district-of Pennsylvania vice Alex. Murdoch, removed J K. "Shoemaker, Collector of Internal Reve nue of Pennsylvania vice Col. Tiiggurd, re signed ; Josinh Ileiricb, Collector of Iiitcruul Ueveoutt of the I lib Pennsylvania district, ' and Robert Clink, assessor for tho 13tli l'onn iiylvania district. The Presidout also ap pointed Wade Hampton Postmaster of Pitu burg, Pennsylvania, vice Van Dunhtirst, re moved ; also, Gen. Sam. Cscy, Collector of Imerual lie vc una for tho 2d Cincinnati dis trict, vice Taylor, removed ; Gent-mi Win. . (.iruze, collector ot the 5th Iudinua district, rice present incumbent, removed. The Oiiicugo Timet' Washington special dUputcb says : The President yesterday iu formed it prominent West Pennsylvania Con gressman, woo bad called relative to the 'YhangeB being made in that State, that he intended to remove eveiy officer who was opposing his policy. The Republican . Congressmen from the H ate of Indiana have bad a conference tela live to the plan before the Reconstruction committee which proposes to acquire uni versal suffrage in Southern States by 1870, and four out of nine members declared them selves opposed to it. ' The statement of the public debt for April will show a reduction of sis millions. The receipts of internal revenue last week were f3,l(i4, 194. 'There are If 130,000,000 of avail able funls in the treasury. The Secretary of the Treasury ia authorise I to :ense or sell such marine hospitals us lie may deem ad visable, and also to sell revenue cutters if found ill adapted to the service, and expend the proceeds in the purchase or co&struc.tiou of other vessels. The Quartermaster General has records of the m'ermentof lully 100,000 Union soldiers, , a large number of whom it will be necessary to remove to cemeteries. Otto million dol lar! will be required o prot. ct them from desecration, and it Is generally recommend ed that such a system bo adopted. New Yurie, April 2 1. It appears to be taken for granted that Secretary McCulloch will offer a five per cent- loan in pairs, and the degreo of public confidence in the experi ment may be judged fiora the steady advance of national securities on this expectntion. San Franciteo, April 25. The California, Oregon an I Mexican Steamship Company have substituted tho Continental for the John L. Stepheni, which is advertised to- tail for Mttzntlaa and other Mexican ports on, Tues day next. May 1st, ut 2 o'clock p. m. The following au tho catcs of passage to New Kirk by the Golden Age, which mils for Panama next Monday. 30th ini-t., to connect with tbe Arizona at Aspinwult : First cabin, outsido rooms, $23') ; first cabin, inside rooms, $180 ; second cubin, $115 ; steerage, $65. . Tbe conductors and drivers of the street cars, numbering 100 men, nre ubout to form an association lor mutual protection. Tbe first step tbey propo a to take, is to ask that twelve hours mny con titnte ft tlay s labor. . Tbe Uove-nor has appointed Dr. Elliott quarantine officer or this ci y. Personal. We riotico Dr. Jesse .Robinson," of Boisa, and W. II. Burn hart, of the Umatilla Agency, in town last nigbt. ' ' O. S. Main.- ' .- Dulles. , Bloch, Miller & Co., ' WHOLESALE Gc I O O E R S , v AND DEALERS IN '.v ' . "Wines & iLiqnors, Anil Iniportera and Jobber, of CLOTHING Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, , Blankets, etc., etc., . etc. ASS A.Y OFFICII. TLTX tUVK AN A88AV OFFICK IN CONNECTION V vrlt'iour hn.ineM, under tint entive anpervliilnn of Mr. Milter. We make rettirintln Bam in nix linnrn- We irnarinitee nil tmr Aaanv anil pay the I1I01IK8T cash rmurc mr un. vt ana pay tne utgneet cairn rrice lur unni vuei. nt.ooir, Mii.i.Kit r.. ItiyOtf Car. Main and M'anlilnfttnn etreata. Put In. 40 " e BEAlKItS IN HARDWARE, IRON Bi, STEEL. GROCERIES.; BY TUB PACKAQE. ft FOR CA.si-i,ar; At San Francisco Pric;" Adding coat of Tranaportnl lon. CUMMINO k ailiNT, miaif D.tlli-,f)ri LATEST NEW! ALL THE LATEST EUUOI'liAN, KASTKItN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Rucolvcd Rogularly every atuamcr, by j. Mccormick, FRANKLIN BOOKSTORE, lOS ITront Streit Portlana Papera anil Magaainea packed and Forwarded by mail or Bxprasci TO ANY PART OP THB MINES In Oregon, WaakUcton, Idnlio or Montana. fiutwcrlptloaj Kocelved fcr any . KEWSPAPKE 0U MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. New Books, Mnsle, Sec, by avery Stoamer. 8 3o7boo WOltTII Ot J B O O K S. STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, CH13AP FOll CASH. aWdlw2w . F. DEH 1I , " Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, D BAUER IN KtNK WATCIIK9. JKWKt.ltV, CLOUK8rOvid Pena, Silver and Plated Ware, BpectncloK, Ciitlury, Ao. AlS-l'nHicnlHr attention paid torepalrtiur tin.1 Tiitiiliea, Clock., Jewelry, etc. All Walnutta repaired by nte warraneed ftir twelve montlia. N. U. All ordera from the upper nonntry, by Zxpreaa or otlterwlae. promptly attendud to, .A. CARD. MADAMK tR TK1.LIRR WOOLD IlKSPECTPDI.I.y Inform the lAdioa of Ot D.illea and violulty. that ahe lit now prepared to doall kind, of HKKS8, OI.OAK, and l'AI.KTOt' inaklnK. Ainu, CUTTING and KlITINO In a new aiul linprovod ttyla, never before introduced In thia place. Blto will warrant to Rive mtlafaotion. aud would moat reHpeetftUly aollcit a liberal pntrouitKe. In tlie lttionia lately nccupiml by .rit. White, over Df-ftcner'e Store, on WuahlnKtati atreetk between Second Mti Thlpil. Dalle. March 37th. Id0 mr27tf ' . NOTICE. " Att PF.n?0N3 INDKttTKD to the nnderalirned are r.ip'ctfnlly rpqitenteil to come and a. tile chair ae couuta within TUlll If DAYS", and eave enete. a3dim A. 1. UL0CH l CO. ISA HO F. IlLOCH, Situ Frauohco. i walduos nnbs.," ": Wholesale & Retail Druggists; Mails Street, Dallee, Oregon. WK NOW OCCHl'X OUR NKW TWO STORY FIRR prmr f time- bnllilliiK, iiptlta llluch, Miller a Co.. and offer to the pniiUu a fulliin.l cuinplut atock of il!i8i .uBuiuiucvtnRt'uiiuuncikiR, cotlfllltng III part 01 . KKItOSKNH. ' ' ' Tliltl'KNTINB, ALCOHOL, . AC1IW. LlN.SKF.Dt LAMF WICKS CHIMNEYS iWP8. BAOR. " V . SYONC1FS. LKKCHK9, . 1.AIIU. CtMlKS, I.NDIOO AND LA.NP11LACK CASTOR AND NK.A'KFOOT I1, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. ,: ANU( ' IA.TlIrX MKDICiyES. Onr ftuclt of FANCY 0001)8 1 a of the flnont and beat tltiiiiirjr; new nljlin onil larie aiwuiitiuenU. uck u LUtll.S'S PF.RPVtiKIIY. II A I K. LUHIN'it'l'tmjt'fSuAP, MLJUn, ' i'OMAUMS-. SHAVINO, CMHMKTICS, HAT. UAIlt OII.8, CI.OTHF9. COUKiNH. TOO!A-ND- FANCY eOAPS AND NA!I,BIUJ8!IK3 .miuiurillllllllij, . AND COMHa. PTJRB WINES AND LIQUORS, For MedieFrMt nurnoiiee. Our fan HktU-e for bylng uornta are itoflond to none In the tai, and wealmllat nil limes mill at a nuialliid- vunce irom coat. Ken.ly wilea and aninll pruflti. PUYSICIASS' rKESCBlPTIONS Cnrufnlly compounded at all honra of tbe day and night. v-itiea, opt. H, looo. - aelOtl VERY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and UAIMIOOMS. ' TDI4U8 Klt.VKMKIl UAV1NO IIDUOUT TIIR RN. V tire Stock of Mercliamliee and llook Arcjnui. of tl. lute Arm ot M . fuller V.. in thia cliv.ro which ha It. iidilwt.it Ida own importation (wliUe dulnic buaineatD rui u.uuj an iiiiiueuae mock oi tne beat uianmacturea Crockery, ' - GlaNsnare, Plated It'nro, Lamps, liandcllcrM, Table Cutlery LooIitng-iaaatreH and All Kinds or Oils, All of which he oiTura lU redncnl nttea. P.ntnna wti. loir to buy any of the nboT-mentloncd urtlolea, wiU do well lOAlve men villi Iwroru llltruhita nir u aewhere. ,'Onler. from th interior promptly itttended to, ui gwiis pncKtiu w utrKcure. uon'i iuii to call on me. t Hudlu'aStono Ouilding, WiuIiIiikIoii atret'b DiUle,. 1 JUI.1LS KHAUMKK. , Dnllea. Mnrcli 17th. 180&. mlilitf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED I BLACKFOOT&BIG BEND MINES BV WAY OP THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Dialance from Dullia to White Dluffli 100 mllee u , White Bluff, to Pen d'liiellln M0 " " " toColvllle .ltO Traveler by land for either of the utiovo Gold Pletdi, will aavo Save Time DIstaitcc and Money By taking the White Bluff' ttoad. Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on Ihia Kowl within eaay drive . , The road la now open, and pmepaeee advantages over any oiutir lano rottte iroin cno uitiiea. Publi.hed liv order of TIIK Cri'lZKNS OP TUB DA LLT.3. Dalte. lPtarch. 20, lmie. m'2t):2m. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES ! a. R. ooth nnai srrisos. BOOTH Sc NKViSON, For wanting and Commliklon Jlleroliant AND DRLKK8 IN OKNRIIAT MBItCIIANDISR, TilREIOHT POR rOLVILLK. UPPKIt CTI.TJMlll M? KOtlTKNAI and BLACKPOOL JIINKB promptly lorwaracq. Mark Oooda B. N., White Bluffe, W. T, . Etraiicia : . PoaTLiXD Ricbarda k McCrakera. Allea k Lewie, au Hodge A Caler. Dtttca Bloch. Millar k Co., Prench k Oilman. W- 13. DOUGLASS, (Baceeaaor to William Bl minium.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, a.tD BEtUR let Xino Watches A.1STD JEWELRY. WNVITK8 TIIK ATTKNTION OP III8 FUIKXD8 AND JK. tiio JTIIW1IU MJ Ml OUOICQ Btill'l UOO OI ; . New and Fashionable Goods, Reapoctfnlly uHcltlnavthelr patronage. Wn'chea PROMPl'LY and PUOl'JSRLY repaired and Wi II II 1MTL-II 1 mOif Next Door tatheVoat Oltfen. OAl. OII.I CO At, Oil,! w AI.DliO.N BROS have luat received a Urc. in. vo:ce n yvjku viw irnien in.y oli'r ut irroniiy duc.-d tatia ntf FRANKLIN MARKET. , CORNER OK SKCOND AND WASUIKUTON STIIKKT8 -DALLES, OREGON w . .. . : JOHNEPPINGER Proprlel. fWHK UNDRHSIQNKD JL iitvulitir flit ml mi thu hovi Market fn th UK T BiittC, win fioip const aut i,n liaui aall anat. FrNta and Cured Meats, ' Ofthebeatiinnntyfarniahedat the LOWEST HATK , My motto hi to "PLKASK A-UI-." PARTIK8 UAVINO BBPUKIOR 8T0UK POR SALU will do well to call at Mke VTankllB-Mark..t. Dalle., February lth, itSoo. .W'WJ,U,tft- COURT- AND SKCOND 8TRKKT8. BAJ.LKBtVsvniUM JOHN MXCHELBACH, Proprietor. fSCP WILL KEEP c.r-. ffcjfp'couataiitly on hand all the Yarle.C; lVa.iUtiu Unit tlie niarltetcan.poealbly S,.-! adord, of FHESH & CUKKD MEATS, aadalwaya of the luat quality.- ; ' . FAIBILIES, HOTELS, m STEAMBOATS ; , anppiied.enoeaaonalile terma. Tbe-nnderalciien I. aJ-jrnv. ni-im.i..Mt tn i.ii.. ..t mulu hfllM. fnv L'A'l piwiv n 1 1 i i . . i in good cvndttUin, are roi(Uied to rail on him bt-loie- "'- "iron urn), JUail nijn K1.11AVII. lianea, Mutch 3Ht, 1895.. ... whfiltf NOTICE TO FARMERS. r MMIR DALI.K3 tUMBBR AND MANUPACTUUTM JL COMPANY line rucently attacked a FLOURING MILT. to their Steam 8aah and Door Pnctory, In this Cltv. anil .M lliiw nrmmruJ ... Plinil VL-LH. Ulilun mtiuin . ..w r.wv. muiiui ruaviQiunu n U.A1 una ' CORN, and warrant to icive the keta ell6,cUolk On- mwuu w,.iitnii,ijr nntt mr mile JXTItA PAMII.Y n.orjR, BtCONUSOll MIDDI.TNOS, ' BRAN AND 81IOKT8. . CHOP PKKD, CHICKEN FKRD. Alio, a RunM-Lir arllrlb ..a PltllM livir ' , 1 . ...wv v. lunnu, 1 1 I'll. Ill Corn. The lilvlteat nnrlwt pale paid for WIIKAT. CORN e BAKIiKV. , H. A. IIOQHK. AL.,ir ' ImIIm, Nov. 2. 1805, . u.ltf. A. G. BRADFORD, IMl'OltTBlt AND JOBBKIt OP ' "Wiliest fc ILiiquors, FRONT STREET, , ' Ptrtlin(lf ,. . , Ocr iron.' OPPKltS K9tt 8ALH. i. XUX LARQK AS8011 luettt ol Brandies, ' ; ' '", Liquor, Case Goodir, Ac, . &c, ' &r. - 5T Tit TrAil Ai IvwftrialrM-Kf InvltiiJ n MAMtlM HK . ntnck Iwfuro iiua-liahig j.stjvrhe jo. . .. ru24-if II. IIEttMA JV&CO. MAIN ST., DALI.K8, 01'POSlTP. EMPIKI HOTKfc. JJAVi! JB8T 1IECKI VED A BBAUTIPWC 8T0CK0 .' SPIlllvb AXD SV3I91ER CiOODV , Conalatlng In part of 1 Fancy and Staple Dry Good UootsT & 8boc, '' . HatM&,CapiiA Which thoy offer to ell at SMALL PROFITS, . DaHea, Slnrjh 27th, 18B. mrSTtf MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE Wk ' arb' pvttixo rp ocit ' OllllWNAL BUl'liKIOlt B1UND0V GROHA'D JAVA COFFEE, , , nao ' i CIIARTRES COFFEE. IN D0UDLE GLAZED-PAPERS, . To prt-acrro It atrength and CaTor foa the length of time required' to lie I rtfnrdod to the above p ace. For aale by all the Jobba-a, aud , . . . v - ;5 MARDKN P01.OP.R, , Pioneer 8 team Onrfee and 8plce Slilla, alSntlpl . 420 Front fctreet, Can Sranclaco.. ' BOOKS I BOOKS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. OlIIUUL IIUIIKB, BTAHONKRT, 9 Stniidnrd and Mlacelhtnontie WORKS, . Ute NOVtl.8, UAOAK1NKS, PAPEII8 Ac, Ae.. by every Ktenmer. PoaH0lce BootaloM, Mam atreet. Dull. Garden Seeds for the million. waT-tf U. J. WALDHOM FHIS, WOOL and IIIDLS. T BE II 10 II EST CASU PUKE PAID FOR , - :rURS WOOL, AND IlIDJEg,! McCRARKN. SIKRUILI, CO.'S niMRIm 16 North Vront gtrtel, PorllaneV ' CRYSTAL SALOON IIILLIVIID ROOM. . ' JOHSf Itl N OLA V ft-. Proprietor. WAgrHXttTOS BT., iwnt dop to FRKNCIl A CILMAIT XOTICE. , IHAVR appointed K. R. HAFT my nnthorlfcd anent to coll. rt all money due ma. and attend In m, bneU 1 neu gruerally. aStf at.XXJSIC .