mm oitutahutr. THURSDAY MORNING, APBIL 28, 18G6. There are nine thousand shoe makers Jn Hew York City, FoR thousand four hundred and ninety-six books were published last year in England. Washoi Ijali rauet be a great place for game. The Virginia Union says that four sportsmen went oat there recently, with great preparttons, shot one owl, one bawk, two chickens, one small pig, one jaokass rabbit, one Irish goose, and one Chinaman. The Oregon Statesman comes to us this week with a half sheet supple ment, owing to the rush of advertise ments. We are glad to see those tokens of prosperity in the Statesman. It is a good, sound paper, and de serves the support of tho Union men throughout the State. , '1.0. or O. F. Tfye Odd Follows throughout the State will celebrate to-day as the 47th anniversary of the introduction of the order in the XJoited States. Colombia Lodge, No. 5, of this city, at their last regular meeting, elected the following named members as .Representatives to the Grand Lodge of Oregon, which convenes in this city on the I5th of next month r N. H. Gates, E. A. Hogue, A. W. Fer guson and Jas. Halloran. Tna Yreka Journal, in noticing the nomination of Hon. S. E. May by the Union State Convention, says "that the Union men of Oregon have cause to congratulate themselves that the ranks' of the Uhion party contain a man so true to the cause of freedom as Mr. May, and . one so eminently qualified for the honorable and respon sible pofition for which he has been nominated." We heartily concur with the Journal. Mr. May is acknowledged by men of both parties to be the most competent man in Oregon for the po sition of Secretary of Stato. Owthei Niws. We compile the following from the Avalanche, of the 14th inst.f A new lead has just boon discovered near Haby City, wbioh the editor of the Avalanche made personal inspec tion of, and fouud it to be forty-five feet wide. The discoverers are Mar tin Bullor, Hugh McGraw and others An assay of the croppings gives per ton : Silver, 914 10 gold, $38 88; to tal, $52 98. A contract to run a tun nol across the lodge bad been lot, and the work already commenced. Diamond czoitomont has been lively ; this week. On Wednesday parties came in and exhibited finer looking fipocimens than at any previous time. Somo of thorn closely resembled the one exhibited by Caleb Lyon, Wo are informed that they containod spots of uncrystalizod earbon easily dintin guishable.. Many new prospectors or confident of success have gone to the district. , The Morning Star Mill deaned up ' $12,000 daring tho week. . Tbero is a disposition among the citizens of Ruby City to have the pro'i priotors of hardy bouses suspend ope. Tations or try other localities, or take the chances of an "unfriendly ebulli- tidn of temper." The Avalanche savs that they are proline of more rpws, .' fights and funerals than any other What would be Considered Teea. son. In an article published in the San Francisco Flag, a sweet-scented negro. suffrage sheet, entitled "Let him bo Impeached," occurs the fol lowing paragraph : "The headstrong course of Johnson thus far authorizes the assumption that there are bo bounds to his usurpation audacity. With out any of the higher attributes of a states man, destitute of prudence and impelled by a pig headednes intensified by habitual in toxication, he is capable of proceeding to any extremity of self-lmportnnt folly; ro that witb the belligerency peculiar to drunk en men, and with the self-conceit belonging to ignorant mediocrity, be will scarcely hes itate to charge upon the National Congress with the headlong recklessness of an angry bull. The recent action of Congress shows that the demented inebriate wilt be met and repulsed with equal alacrity and determina tion, and that at the very first opportunity be will be brought to an accountability such as has never been required of an American President. With a reformation of his per sonal deportment and an abatement of bis overbearing and tyrannical disposition, the Presidential sot will not run through an other year withont a formal impeachment by authority of Congress. He is already impeached and stands arraigned at the bar or publio opinion as a common drunkard, an associate of traitors, an enemy of universal freedom, a thrall of enlightened legislation, a recreant to the principles which ho hypo critically professed, and a personal and of ficial disgrace to a situation1 which was ob tained under the gory auspices of assassination." it is a good thing that the wretch who penned the above is liot reoog nized by the Union party of Califor nia. Indeed, such a paper would damn any organisation to which it would attach itself. The traitorous villian deserves to be incarcerated In tho durkest dungeon in Fort Lafayette. Two years ago, bad any paper dared to call tbe President an usurper, this same dirty wbelp would have shouted traitor AlcatrazI Fort Latayette! Now tho table is turned. Because President Johnson will not be a party to what be no doubt honestly consid ers infractions of the fundamental law of tbo land, bo is vilified by this mis erable black-mailer who has just been releasod from tbe Sacramento county mil, whore he had been justly connn ed fey the California state senate for similar libelous articles. Five years ago, in the Ohio State Prison, a man succeeded in making his escape. A few days ago he rei turned and expressod a desire to serve out bis time. Tbe only explanation is, that while out of prison ne got married. I. O. of O. F. There will be a Special Meeting of Columbia Lodge, No. 6, 1. 0. 0. F., TU18 EVENING, 7 o'clock. Member of tbe order lu govt standing re invited tolattend. By order of the N. O. Religion Notice. Cunouo Church Morning service! Mmi, at 10 clovk. Evening service: Vespers and Benediction, at Vi o'clock. Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p. in. Wasco Lodge, No. 15, A. F. dr A. III. Holds Ita stated Communication on the First and Third Monday! of each month, at their hall. In Dalle City. Brethren In good standing are InTlted to attond. DiTu li. rope, eecy. ny onier oi tue w. m. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. Meets every Friday evening at T o'clock, lu Qatea Hall, corner of Second and Court Street. Brothers In good standing ar invited to attend. By order. N. U. DENTAL NOTICE. :Belng about to makes professional tour to the town and aettlomenta up the Columbia, I respectfully call the attention of those of my patrons who are In uoed of Dental Operations of any char acter, to the fact, so that they m-iy have an opportunity to avail themselves of my eervices before my departure, if so desired. I will leave about the 20th of March, and return to this place to renume my practice, nbout the 18th of June. ff27tf) J. W. OUKLKY. SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA RANCH BUTTER! A Few Packazos Choice, la quantities to suit, at e'rtlf BALDWIN UllOS. NOTICE. REMOVING MY RESIDENCE TO CLATSOP, MR. H. J. WALDKON will act aa my Agent, and is au thorlied to receive all moneys due me. 20dlin A. II. STEELE, M D. AUCTION SALE I fill sell at public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 2StU, 1866, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., 770 lbs. OF TOBACCO. Sold bv order of Cant. J. Ollllss, A. Q. M.. U. 8. A. Tills sale will be without reserve and In lots to suit pur chasers. Terms-Cash In Government Fnnds. np'2tl8. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anct, Circuit Court. The Circuit Court closed its session at noon yesterday, tbe 24th. Tbe business transacted was not so great in amount or in value as at forcer terms. Two persons were sentenced to impiison ment in County Jail for one month each, and two persons sentenced to tbe penitentiary- James Buchanan, for larceny, for .one yoar, and James Tbompson, for attempt to com mit rape for one year. Several criminal causes were continued. ' During the last four days judgments have been rendered on trials and defaults, as fol lows ' Palmer vs Mofiit, judgment for plain tiffs for $2,077 60 ; Miller vs Il.ike, judg ment for $570- 75 ; Sail vs Neyce, judgment for $985 82 ; Williams vs Ward, judgment for $100 ; Torrence vs Stump, judgment for $523 r Henley v Briziutine, judgment for $912 80 : Bauor & Co. vs Robbing A Co judgment for $475 41 ; Teal vs Blakeny & Gates, judgment for $279 ; Teal vs Blakeny & Buchanan, judgment for $ibb 75 ; Tomp kins vs Silver ft Cbaby, judgment for $12 Several canses continued. The amount of judgments rendered during the term was $12,672. Partition was allowed in tbe case of tbe Laughlin estate. Mo divorces granted. . Owyhhb vs. Columbia Eiveb. This case has been on trial and a vor diet found for the plaintiff. Tho ar rival at Owyhee ot bolb mufe trains and wagons, from California, freighted decides tho question without any more palaver. Mam World. . It is very strange if loaded wagon and male trains- can arrive at Owyhee lrom California, why ,the Avalanche man aoes not snip dim puper ttnu otuer nrintintr material by that route. (Jan the World explain ? When a missionary collector dis turbed Horace Greeley at bia writing, the great journalist said tCBtrly, that not bait as many people went to be as vagal w, . ;, ' MICTION AND COMMISSION H O TJ S 33 ! No. 100 MAW STREET, DALLES. MT1IIB UNDEIfSIGED THANKFUL FOR PAS JL Favors, respectfully Informs the citizen of tbe Dalles, und tbe public generally, tliat Le coutinues to sell at . vi PUBLIC -A.TJCTIOIST OR PRIVATE BALE, , , '; Real Estate, General merchandise, Giocerleg, ,.. : llorseM, Mules. , . ' . Furniture, Stocks, &c. &c. REGULAR BALE BAYS, ; :. Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETURN of sales. Out-door and Special Sales attended to In any part ol the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. J U K EE, Main Street. Dalles, WHOUSAU 4MB UTAH. MAUI M CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Sco.- ALWAYS IV STOR1 Till BUT BRANDS OF tears, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLATING CARDS. ' POCKKT CUTL1SRT, PORT MONIK8, COMBS and BRU8HE8, o' alt kind, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS, DOLLS, etc - PISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. c. Also Powder.Shot, Load, Powder Flask, Baskets, and manyotbsr articles too numerous to mention. 49T Interior dealers supplied with Cigar, Tobaeco. etc. at less than Portland price, with freight added, oc-8 Ordinance No. 38. An Ordinance directing the City Recorder to make an AMesHntent or all the taxable property wiiuin tns corporate limits of Dalles City, Oregon, ai d make re turns ol tun same. The Penult af Pallet Cilv do ordain at follow!: , Siotioh 1. That the Hecorder of said City be ordered to niHke an assessment of all taxable property within the cltv limits for tbe current year, and make returns of tbe same to the Common Council, at tlietr second re gular meeting in Msy. 1861), ueiug the 18th proximo. raised April Zlat, loot). G. D. OILMAN, Mayor. H. Catlxt, Recorder. April 24th, 1866: 2516t. SELLING OFF AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO, STONE BUILDINO, WASHINGTON BTREKT, DALLES, Offer their well-selected stuck of . , TOBACCO, v 8EGARS, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, AND STATIONERY. AT ., SAN FRANCISCO COST. . ... .' . nirKtf NOTICE. LL PERSONS INDEBTED to the nmlorslgncd are ratnoctfiillv reanested to come antsettle their ac counts within THIRTY DAYS, and save Costs. . aKjuim a. l. ubuuti a w. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, that tbe co-purtner-ahlo heretofore existing between X. M. KVANS and A. W. DAVIS, In the Livery Stable busluei-, has been dissolved: that A. w. Davis Is Indebted to the co partnership; and that a bill In equity has been Sled for the settlement of the eo partnership account. All per sons are notified that A. W. Davis ha no power to dis rose of the pioperty, nor contract dobta-on the credit of the firm. fJU. EVANS. Dalles, April 20, 1868. aSidlm IrATEST NEWS! LATEST EUROPEAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS a MAGAZINES) Received Regularly every steamer, by s. j. Mccormick, FRANKLIN BOOKSTORE, lOiSITront Street Portland Papers and Magazines packed and Ifopwnrded by mail or Express TO AHTT PART OF THE MINES In Oregon, 'Washington, Idaho or Montana. Subscriptions Received fcr any NEWSPAPEB 0B MAGAZINE PIBLISUED New Books, Music, &o., by every Steamer, S3o"boo WORTH OF - -B O O K S , STATIONERY " AND J' , ,; : ' FANCY GOODS, CHEAP ITOll CASH, ; aWdlwJw.:-' . GATES & ciiAiirsr WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, OEEGON. ! . Importers and Jobbers of , ' PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS- k FANCY GOODS, ; v ' ; ; SODA, CORKS ACIDS, OILS, ALCOHOL, . PURE WINES LIQUORS, , . PAINTS, GLASS A BRUSHES. PHISICIANS' PlJESCEirTIOSS Accurately compconded. , PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A foil and aomplote assortment of all articles In thm Photographle Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. WMercbautl will please cat our nrlces bof.i mW. Ing below. ... - U. L.CUAPin, JUSTIN GATES. Dalles. . Sacramento, Cnl. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE I FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION WILL SELLA! PUBLIO AUCTION AT 11 O'clock In tbe forenoon, on. Saturday, April SStb, 1S66, That Desirable Cottage Residence, the property of Capt. Fred Wilson, situated on Eeeoud streot, near Union ocl cupled by Mr. J. Crosseu. The house is In splendid or der, contnlus three large rooms; water un the premises : anu w Burruunuuu ujr n now, uvm, mm BUUHtautlal feni'e. Terms liberal, which will be Blade known ou applica tion to the undersigned. ap21td JOHN WILLIMS, Auctioneer, sale oi' Government Stores. w A. C. S., 1 JiaoN,. L (21,1806. y Orncior A. ' Fobi Dalles. Omoon,. ' . Jpril-i Will he sold at Public Auction, at Dalles Cltv hv ii- John Williams, Auctioneer, omSaturday, the 2th day of April, 1866, . - - : '. 110 Pound of Tobacco, Mors or Less. ' ' . Terms Cash, lu Guv ernment Funds. ap22t3 JAMKS OTTT.TSa Capt. A..Q. M, U. S. A, A. C.' 8: CRYSTAL SALOON . 7 , . ' ' ;: AND . ; , : ,. ..." BILLIARD ROOM, ; JOHN RINDLAUB, Proprietor. WAgEINOTON ST, next dor t FKENCU ft vULMAS