kiltr Momtf mitt'. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 23, 1860. For tiie MiNEe. .Yesterday a large number of men left hero, bouud for I Montana , and the Big Bend mines, tho majority of whom bad arrived from below the pvocing previous. One of tho claims of More & Co., on These men have gone by tho way of Buena Vista Bar, Idaho, cleaned up White Bluffy crossing tbe Columbia after four days run, about five buns at this placo. Anotbor party of about dred ounces. fourteen porsons bought their outfits V The cars of tbe O. S. N. Company t'6tore f Mo- Baldwin Br8-' were yesterday engaged in hauling yesterday, and will start out over tho sand to fill up Main fetreet, to a level " thifJ morning. These men with tbe railroad. . fund n0 difflculty ,n P00" 7'" . . mals in this market at reasonable ; The sidewalk on Union street, be. price8) und in lftct lhey wore wen twoon Second and Third needs tbe af BIUj8fied with tho cost of their en- tention of the city authorities. The tiro out.fil8 -Vo noticed that whilo planks are loose, and ought to be fixed tho piirty wa8 ongaged i pneking before any accident happens. tncir animaH, thut tho runners and A mercuanx at Idaho city has been bummers for toll bridges and ferries put under bonds in the suju. of 8500 for wcro busily engaged in praising up hid appearanco at tbe .Circuit Court, tho peculiar advantages 10 do oenveu on 'tho charge of using heavy woigbta in traveling over their road, and cross ing the various steams on their furry jargo or using in his gold dust scales. , . ' . or bridge ; but of course tbey had no The World says that tho snow has Ui Ul,u J . , ,. , r. . r,-,.. nterest in cither routo were only nearly disappeared from Idaho City, 1"VV , : . . . . BUVISIHIT IUO UUUCOK miner o mj iuu nrl rlrtr winda are nrenarini the town s 7 . . . ,i,nt j best and most practicable way to react) for kind wg wood, in caso afire should " , r. ' r ' tho m nes. It is well lor travelers to rvi Anir nn r. in nnv iiiiiii-ihi-. i uwnvu.iu - . , !,, tillQ III I U MO tu that theso themselves in fel fur- Helena, and assumed the editorial charge of the Radiator. In bis saluta tory he says: Wo now proposo to devoto ourself to tho task which wo originally proposed. We will endeavor from this on, to fur ninli the people of this section with a reliablo Democratic journal,' devoted to tho ancient principles of the Demo crat io party, and in opposition to every other ism, no matter whether it comes undor the name of Abolitionism, Bet publicanism or Unionism, falsely so called. We as a Democrat do not al low any man or set of men to claim precedence before ns in our devotion to tho union established by our fore fathers. The citizens of Ilelona held a mass meeting for tho purpose of endorsing President Johnson's administration. Speeches were made by several gen tlemen, and a series of resolutions adopted, which recognizes tho policy of reconstruction as enunciated by the chief magistrate of tho nation as the only safe and constitutional modo of securing peace and tranquility to tho country. Religion! Nut ice. Caihouo Ciiijrcii Morula service: Mmw, nt 10 o'clock. EviiiiIhiz seivice: Vespers aud llcnodlctlon, at V,i o'clock. Sunday School at i o'clock, i. in. aSldtf FATHKU L. DIKLESIAN, Pwtor. Columbia Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. F. Muots every Friday' evening nt 7 o'clock, tu Outcs AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE! " Xo. 100 MAIS STREET, DALLES. UXDKltSlOXKD THANKFUL FOll TAM" mm, ra.iicct fully Informs the rlliiens of llio - liullo, aud tbe public generally, that Lb continues to ill nt . PUBLIC AUCTION ' Oil PltlVATK 8ALK, Real Estate. General merchandise, Gioceiie, llurNCH, Mules, x Furniture. Mocks, Vc. &.c. REOliLAR SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, Aud PROMPT RKTUB.N m ill of sales. Out-clour anil Special Sales attended to in any iurl nt lbs city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. A man named Abijah Gibson was h0WB who busy aceidently killed by tho caving of a 1 niohing information about tbo routes bank while mining on iiuona visia nnthe Columbia. are interested in some iiuii, comer of second ami court strait, itrotiu-i in , . n.i i tt ,.. I 1 , ... i irood standing are invited to uttoud. By order. J.U., Idaho, on tbo 0th inst. Ho was toi.ro0(j ferry or bridge, and euro n ,..,,.. HTi00nl n.? ... JJKNTAL NOTICE UeinK about to make l ro 111 i.n notliing aoom IUO Ulinui- cauujh, k. profcs,unili ,01tr ,,, ti,e towns aud,t up tbo aged 31 years. make him pay his "regular toll" for Columbia, i rmprotruiiy cnii tbo ntti-ution of ib.we or my . . . . . .. ,, pHtronawboim in ueod of Denial Operations of any diar- TOB CllICJ IIOUTB. The CltizOnS Of Crossing On their " privilege ncter, tn the ruct. no Hint limy miy liuve au o)hriunity . xt i i l ...K-:tT ,r , f to avail tlieniwlvea of my m-rvlceii before my depaniire, Chioo recently hold a mooting to make Wo nave tne autnoriiy oi some oi )f , AmimX. i win ie, about ni author March, nmt . . ku, ..,,: hn hiteit ttiiARAd retiiru to Uib ploct towmiw my prartlce. about the urraniremonts concorninn iiio irous- i . r ristboi r.iune. rim .i. n.uuuw.i . . m'r a- ti-i. I ..- ,,A honna In Wlnlfl 15 HirJ. " ni-ivtnt.inn nr treurnc inenco vo luiiuu, "" , y, -.--0- Oi tliiiiiiiee IV o. 38. it which ai Ofrent Ol tho California On their way tO Montana, that It IS a An Ordinance directing the City Roconlorto make a b .:,, Asm-iwuioiit of all tbo taxailo property wltliin tli Steam Navigation Company gave no. good road, witu every convcnienco 101 corporate iimiia of Dulles city, Oregon, a.d make i. Mr. M. Eenig, a turitH d( tin. name. t The l'conlc nt' liallej Vilu da ordain anfiJlmei: tico that tho company would reduce camping purposes , . !!. .1 f il.a Tlnlloa Sectiok 1, That llio Kevopler f said t'lt.v lie ornereii the prico of transportation on froight gentleman well known at llie JJalles, ,,,, ,n ,,,,, ril, tsxilb. pr,wv wi,i,fll , . . . , . ,, u :.i finnrl f,.-,m VV hi I n T.l nff tin city limit lor tlia enrront yoar, and make rotnina to that point, to an extent that would writes to a Iriona trom wnuoijiuns, ofu,0sH1totK, their Knun- "that-himself and party had ariiveu lin Btlirrr!torv , safely after five days travel from the Is the Circuit Court, yosterday, uuneH Mr. II. pronounces tho rond Jaraos Buchanan, found guilty of cati a g0od one with plenty of wood water tie stealing, was eontencod to one and grass tne wuoio uistaueo. . ycar'8 imprisonment in the penitonti ary. Jas. Thompson (colorod) found gulur moeliiiR In Mny. lHt'.U. bein the I'Jtli pruxiino foaaca April ill, ibuo D. QILMAN,-Muyor. f J. JTJKBK , Main Street. Dalles, WU01I8ALE IMP knAIL PEALXR IX CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUPF. PIPES, Jtoo.. AltTATtl IR STOR1 TDK BEST BltAlfDB OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. JTJLAYINO CARDS. & POOKKT CUTLERY, , POUT MON1KS. ' COMBS mi.l IlKUSUES.o' nil Xlnits, PKItKL'MERY. ot every description, 1 CHINA ORN'AMKNTS. TOYS. DOLLS, etc. PISH HOOKS and FTSIPNO TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. 4c. AIho Powder. Shot, Load, Powder Flank. Raaketa, and oiHny other articlea ton numerous to mention. ff- luteriorilealeni supplied with Cfeiirs.xonacce.eic. at lens than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-fi TlULNtt OFF AT C?T ! J. GOETZ'A CO.- ?T0NM HLII.lllNO. WASHINGTON 8TRKKT, DALLES, Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, SEGARS, PIPES, YASKEE NOTIONS, STATIONEEY, -AT SAN FIlANClSCO COST. mr27tr MONTANA NKWS. From the Radiator, of March 10th, guilty of an assault with intont to wo compile the following commit a rapo, was also sent up for MINING NKWS. It. Cath y, ltecrrdor. April Itli. ISCfl. NOTICE ALT, PKRSON8 IXDBUTKD to the nndcrsiKiicd are reripi'Ctfullv rfquerited to come and settle tbuir ac counts i thin TllIU'l'Y DAYS, and save costs. aWdltu A. 1. 1IL0C1I A CO. iVisolulion Notice. N0T1CK IS IIBHKDY GIVKN, that the co-partnership heretofore existing between 1. M. bVANS and A. W. DAVIS, in th Li vim. T btable busliien, has m. " I I .1 one year, mey win do laaen uuwu to their now quarters by Sheriff White, Jiis morning. Ttrnnthnr fnr Bnvnrnl (lllVR hilH boen dissolved; that A. W. Davis Is indebted to Ibeco- he weatner ior several uays o.ib p,irtll(.rihi). ,, mt ftblll , tviity , bpea n)H), fur Continued Cold and dlBagreeublO. I the mttlenicntuftha copartnership ncconuti. All per- M;nn,.a ,., U r, inn rlnvu mm wnr Hninrr sousnro notilled that A. w. Davis lias uo powor to ins iners wno ton aajs ago were -aoing rolllof the piunorl, ll0r contract Uubts on the credit j. .11. r. a o. a'Jodlm Da. A. II. Steele, for several years a resident of this city, and Acting Assistant Surgeon at Fort Dalles, will leave to'tnorrow for Fort Stevons, Bnarinnly , aud business of all kinds is where ho has boen ordorod to take dull, though wo anticipate new dust rrniwl urnrlr. wit h full gluicos. ttfH COms of theflim. ?.,i..j...i.'-l.fl..l.--L-i hnifc Dalles. April 20, 18IW. on account of tbo scarcity of wator and the intensity of tho cold. Gold dust continues to offer very LATEST IEWS! mm ALL TUB LAT EST EUUOPKAN, KASTnilN AND CALIFORNIA post. We regret to loso such worthy will soon begin to circulate, there bo. lVcweB.DCDO - s f ATIMCC Litizena a, , the Doctor. We hope, ng l;rg "t o pay dirt 0uj NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, however, that with the return of the heV wiU pe.-mlb. It ToZl d , .very .t.mer, by GATES &, CHAPIN' WHOLESALE RETAIL DRUGGISTS, STONE BUILDIXO, WASIIINOTOX STREET, DALLES, OREGON. Importers und Jobbers of , v PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS 4 FANCY GOODS, .. SODA, CORKS ACIDS, OILS, & ALCOHOL, PURE WINKS A LIQUOR?. ',' , PAINTS, GLASS k UH USUI'S. ". ', PI1YSICIAXS' rRKSCRIPTIOXS Accnnitoly cuu.pcuuded. ' :V 4' PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. Afuiland complete assortment of ail articles In the Photoiimnhlo Line, ut a SMALL ADVANCE ON SAX VHANCISGO I'lllCES. tar Mirchauta will please got our prices before onlor- bebiw. II. L. CHAT!??, JUSTIN DATES. Dalles. . Sacramentu, Cat. troopatothis post in the fall, that he lhat 1,000,000 of gold dust will be J, McCOKMICK? will be ordered to resume nis oiu sia sluiced out witnin xa uaysauer me miners can get fairly at work in the immnHtiita f 141 tt h hnr ll flflft . .n r. . !-. . 11 O . ,, ... A stampede of some magnitude bei Tho Idaho World ot tho 16th inst., gan on Monday ia8t jn tho direction says that tho new steamer on Snake 0j Xndian and Crow Crreks, wbero, it river 5a nearly oompletod. Sho will is reported, in a shaft eighteen feet WTDctween Olds' Ferry, which has deep, from five to fifty cents to tho iuua pan had boen obtained, with good in been removed 12 or .15 miles down tho dimUions for B lttrg0 and rich eurap. river, and a point on Snake river, wA t.onn tri0 ptutomonts mav Drove about 30 miles from Boiso City, and true, as these discoveries noar homo NEWSPAPER 0B MAGAZIXE PIBLISI1ED FRASRLIN BOOKSTORE, IOS ITroiit Street Portland Papers and Mayuiiuus packed and Forwarded by mail or ICxpreM TO ANT PART OP THE MINB3 In Oregon, Waalilugtoc, Muho or Moittana. 8ubnc rip tloiu ltecelvotl fcr ny irom Owyhee. Tho landing will are ot lar more importance io us asai u .u.,lffi ';,n TrJRhn r:itv. community than those at a distance. iUO . r sanctity of our office JNot satiBfied riverfortho transportation ot Uoverm wjlh depvjng us 0f our dovil, the mout freight, when roquired A land' next pass struik higher up and swept ins will be madenear the mouth of away the foreman, Thos. II. Mallory. Now Books, Musio, &o., by every Stoamer. 83o7boo WORTH OK passengers and freight for the Basin. Q bo mining cnmp( be will b8 The stoamer will be convenient lor the raigUty apt to make a pile this Bum- . BO O K S , AND , transportation of freight, but proba. I mer.; biz will not much interfere with the ,.. political. taee transportation pi PftBBengorB. Mr. T. J. Favorite had arrived at I FANCY GOODS, "cheap ITOtt OA 811. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOlt SALK AT PUBLICAUCTION r WILL 8KLI. AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT 11 O'clock , L in the ioruuoou, ou . - Saturday, April 2Sth, 1866, That Desirable Cottage Reslitonre, the property of CiJt. ., Fred Wilson, situated on Snconii siroot, neiir Union, oc cupied by .Mr. J. Crossoti. The house is in splendid or- ' nor. cnntnliii three lame rooms; water on the premises : . and Is surrounded by a new, neat and MibHtanlJal leurw. - Tonus unerai, nuicn win do uiaue Known on applica tion to the undersigned. apJIld JOHN W1LL1MS, Auctioneer, Sale oi' (iovcrnineiit Stores. OrncKor A.C. 8., . l'ORT DAI.LM. ORKaOH, '. irt 21, 1806. j Will be sold at Public Auction, at Dalles City, by Mr. John Wlllluuis, Auctioneer, on Saturday, the Iffilli day tt April, 1860, ' . , 7TO rounds of Tobacco, More or Los. Terms Cash, In Ooveruuicut Funds. ' JA.MKS0II.LI8S. . ' ap22tl , , Capt. t A. Q. M, U. S. A, A. C. S. CRYSTAL SALOON " , ' AND . .. : BILLIARli KOOM. ; 1 ' 1'; 1 : JOHN RINDIiAVn, Proprletar. ' WiSaiKQTOX ST., next dear te VKKNCU t OILMAf ;,...,,.'. ' f i V-