Epitome of Telegraphic News. I . OOMHUD VaOM THI1 OHSUOKIAS. , ' DATK8 TO APRIL. . Ntw York, April 20 Ttie steamer Arizona has armed from Aapiuwall. A fearful ex plosion occurred od the steamer European, at Aspinwall, on the 3d , inst., destroying tbe bip nud four hundred feet of the wharf. Tbe (apposed cause wai nitro-gljceria. About fitly persona were killed, among them the captain and officers. Fire Marshal Baker, under tbe Instructions ol Mayor Hoffman, to-day seized about three 1 hundred pounds ot nitro-glyceMn stored- up in tbe t.owu ; also, a large quantity on board ship in tbe harbor, and arrested Cul. Otto Iiurtinbinder for shipping a quantity of the s.vno to California that exploded there. The .damage tause.i by the explosion at Aspinwall is eatimatel at one million of dollars. Tbe officers of the Panama Railroad Company in ' this city estimate the loss of that company at one hundred and fifty lliotmud dollars. . Chicago, April 20 Tbe reported death of Olo Bull, which bas caused most extensive obituary notices, is now denied, aud it is ' stated he is not m the country. Waihington, April 20. The rewards for the ' arrest of Booth are divided as follows : Capt. Dougherty, of the Sixteenth New York Cav alry, $75,000 ; Lt. Conger and L. D. Baker, $ 1,000 each ; Detective Gen. L. C. Buker, $3,700; Boston Corbit, $3,000; the privates of the Sixteeuth New York Cavairy about $3,000 each. San francitco, April 20, 9:45 p. u. The coroner's jury found a verdict that Samuel Kuight and other victims of the explosion tame to tbeir death on Monday last, by the explosion of nitro-glycerint, shipped in a wooden box from New York city to W. H. Mills, Los Angeles, by express. Tbe said box arrived in a leaky condition, and had no marks to indicate tbe character of its contents. That this jitro-glycerin is a highly dangerous and very explosive compound as anuears from the testimony of experts, ex ploding not only from concussion and per-I uudstoa, but from spontaneous combua lion. That it is an article which should not be shipped by sea vessels, more fspecially upon i ich a voyage as that from New York, and that the party tnat shipped this partic ular box unmarked was guilty of a crime equal to manslaughter. They urge the in dictment and punishment of the shipper, if be can be found. They exonerate the Pa cific Mail Steamship Company and Wells, Fargo & Co. from blame in this particular tu3tunce, but condemn, tbe practice of express companies and other carriers, in endanger ing human life by receiving without ques tiou, packages, the Contents of which they have no knowledge. The same verdicts are returned in oooh case Frank Morris, second clerk of the Union Club, died last night from the effects of the late explosion. This is tbe twelfth victim known to be dead. Dates from La Paz, Arizona, up to tbe 13th inst., were received last evening.. Major Miller, of the 14th Infantry, and four men were killed by the Indians between Ban Pedro and Tucson.. Dr. Tappan was dan gerously wounded and temporarily left be hind somewhere near a place called Picahico. It is said he will not live, . Summary justlo was meted out to tbe man who committed the murder near Fort Yuma. - He was taken, tried and bung, all in regular form and without entailirg the expense of long detention to the thinly settled country. Fort Stcilacoom, April 11. Last Sunday night, the lath lust., a courier arrived at i t. Hteilacoom, about midnight, with an nrgent request from Superintendent Waterman for ; thirty men and two howitzers to proceed ini' - mediately to Cape Flattery, as tbe Govern ment property and the lives ot the employees . were in imminent danger from hostile li diaus ; one murder having already been com mitted. (In Monday morning, the 16th, Com- . uiandant Ross etaitedtbe detachment, which, ...:nlnM n , W..l. Di. .llnnbnJ . I. . Initio... vu nulling a, .iGiiu unj,n.iavAcu ws luvinm. and in a short skirmish captured thirteen of the ugliest rascals ever seen, who just now Arrived in charge of Sergeant Walker. Lieut. Mistier, twenty-six men, and two howitzers .are still retained by Agent Webster, of tbe Xeah Bay Reservation, The steamer Oneonta brought from below yesterday 130 passengers, most of whom are bound for tbe mines. ThnsB nhn intnnd (rnino tn Mdnlnna i nose wno iniena gomg io mouittutt, we wonld advise to Durchase their ivntfilo fti-. lliA nnllna And take the I dron Dros.' Drug Store. U takes tills method of ex , OUiniS ai ine UUIieB, ana latte tne ,.d thanks, for the liberal natronaoe heretofore ... OVCrland rOUte tO White iSIUflS. J LOrSeS Are plOntV in tbe market and aro BOld at prices no higher than at towns fun ' ' ther op the river. The saving ot dis tance is also an item which every man i ! . i . : . A If mJII WHO lliiuiiua uuiiik iu iu.vuiiu.il a win, '; or ouj;ht to look at. Gruss, wood and wator are plenty lon'g the whole way; ; and it its in evory respect the way to roach tho mines. C. 8. IIiuir, Dalles. Bloc!., Miller & Co., WHOLESALE G: It O O JB B S , AND DEALERS IN "Wines Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHINa Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, ISlankcts, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY office: T7-E HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION I with our business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns In Bars tn tx hours We guarantee all onr Assays and pay tlie HIGHEST CASH PRICE for Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. lllAK;il, M1LL.KH VJ., myOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dalles. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GRO CERIES, BY THE PACKAGE, Tn-T- A -NT s- ' 91 flf SflTI KrnTIPiiPfi - Adding cost of Transportation. CUMMINO I GRANT, I Dalles, Oregon. mlStf W. B. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Birnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, Aim diaus m Fine "Watclies AND JEWELRY, TNYITKS THE ATTENTION OF IIIS FRIENDS AND M. the Public to bis choice selection of New and Fashionable Goods, Respectfully soliciting their patronage. Watches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and WAKIlAflTUU. mstr Next Door to tbe Post Office. MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE ARB PUTTING VP OUR OIUOINAL BUPEltlOR BRAND OF GROtlJVP JAVA COFFEE, ' ALSO CIIAftTRES COFFEE, IS DQUDLE GLAZED PAPERS, To preserve Its strength and flavor for the length of rime requireu to do i rwaraea 10 me apore peaces nor sale oy an cue ODuers, ana HARDEN FOLGER, Pioneer Rteam Coffee and Spice Mills, 220 Front Street, San Sranclsco. al8mlp2 J.W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Slain St., Dalles, Oregon WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the citizens of this place and vi cinity, that having returned from a pro- i I tessional tour through the mlp-ts, he has I I I i nt,., tlceof dentistry, in the i 1 J?.rm?rl'rJ?cV,,,le4.t? h,ro' ,,n. !'.. hiw!g..pccupie ! room r ocouoled b' Wood Butler, Photograph Artists, and adioinintr Wal eaduo mm, ana solicits a continuance of the same. Entire Denture on Gold Base ...418A tot22l I - . uniwr uentiira. Uold Ham mi Denture, Vulcanite Base 70 " ' Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base. 86 " Gold Fillinn inserted from one dollar upward unuarens' xeetu exiractea tree ai cnarge. elS-lf FLOWERS! FLOWERS! t , , I have Jnst received a lot of ASSORTED PLOWEK8 Which I will sell at reasonable Prices. JT. JUKBR. Isaac F. Bloco, San 1'ranclaco. WALDROX BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. , WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone building, opposite Dloch, Miller A Co.. end offer to the pnblie a full and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting iu part of i KEnOSRNE. ; LAMP WICKS ft CHIMNEYS HOPS, , v-: 8AOE. "t BPONOE9. LKKCHBS, . TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS. LINSEED, LAUD, COKKf. CASTOR AND KEATSFOOT Oil, I.NDIOO AND LANP11I.ACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS ANU PATKNT MEDICINES. Onr stock of FANCY 0001)3 I s of the finest and best quality; new styles ond large assortments, such as LUlllN'S PKHFUKKItY, 11 A I It, LUBIN'8 TOILET SOAP, POMADKS, COSMETICS, UAIItOlLS, FLESH, SHAYINO, HAT, ' CLOTHF3. - COLOGNE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAILllltUSHES T00T1I POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purpose. Our fftcilittes fur buying goods are socond to none In thoHtat, and we phi. II t all timet) lell ut a uinull uil vuuee from ootit. Koady sules and wiiinll profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hoars of the day and night. Dulles, sept. V, 1800. seiu-it Visit Y IMPOBTANT TO Merchants, Families, Ilotels and BAR.ROOMH, CUIUS KKAEMEK HAVINU HOUQIIT THE EN- tire Stock of Merchandize and Book Accounts of the late firm of M . Seller A Co., In this city, to which he has added ot his own Importation (wuile doing business in 'ortlaudj an immense clock 01 tbe nest manulactureH' Crockery, Classwure, Plated Ware, Lamps, , CbandcllerN, Table Cutlery Lookln?-Cla8C8 aud All Kinds of Oils; All of which he offers nt reduced nten. Persooti wiah Ing to buy any of the abovo-mentloned nrticten, will do wen to Klvo me a call before mirchrwlne eliewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, aud goods packed to fto secure, lhtu't mil to call on me. ttuulu's stune JUuiluing. WashutiEtoa street, unlit. JULIUS KUAKMKR. Dalles, March 17th, 1805. mhl7tf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED ! BL.VCKFOOT & BIG JSMD MINES BY WAY OF "White Bluffs! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs 100 miles " ', White Bluffs to Pen d'Oieille 100 M " " toCoIvllle .:.170 Travelers by land for either of the above Gold Fields. win save Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluffi Road. Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within easy drives The road Is now open, and possesses advantages over any omer iana ror.ie irora ine imuee. . ( mummed uy order or - ' THE CITIZENS OF TUB DALLES. Dalles, March, 20, I860. , . niSS0:2m. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. . 1O0TB ; .'....BAHKT KITIIOII. BOOTH Sc TSTEVISON, Forwarding anil Commlsalon Merehantl AND DELERS IN GENERAT MERCHANDISE, White Ulufls, . W. X, IREIGHT FOR C0LV1LLR, UPPER COLUMBIA, ' nwiEflAi and ui,ai;ivifuui- miflts promptly lorwaruru. . ,. Mark Goods B. N., White Bluffs, W. T, KimxiHcu : Pokturd Richards A McCraken, A Ilea A Lewis, and IIodgeACalef. Daub Bloch, Miller k Co., French A Oilman. J? . D E II M , Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, . CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver and Plated Ware, Dpecxacies, uunery, o. r Particular attention paid to repalrlns; flnet Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve months. . i N. B. All orders from the upper conn try, by Eipress or omerwise, promptly atienuea to. A OARD. , "ATADAME LE TELLIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY Inform the Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that she is now prepared to doall kinds of DRESS, CLOAK she is i andPJ In a n ana rAU i ox mauni 8 . Also, CUTTING and FITTING In a new and Improved style, never before introduced iu this place. She will warrant to (rive satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patronage in me Rooms lately occupied by Mm. White, over Degener's Store, on Washington street, between Second no mm. apalles, March 37th, 1866 , mr2Ttf COAL OILt COAL OIL! mrALDRON BROS, have lust received a lame In. f voice of COAL OIL, which they offer at creatly NOTICE. W HAVE appointed K. E. HAFT my authorised at M. o collect all moneys due ma tad attend to toy bush ism generally. laattj v. KEXMl, FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHNKPPINOEK Proprietor THE UNDERSIGNED having titled tip the auore Market in the BE.-T m'LE,wlll keep constant ly on baud ail sorts of Fresh aud Cured Meats. Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATS . I My motto is to k PLEASE ALL." ' ' PARTIES HAYING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR 8ALH will do well to call at the Franklin Market. , ' JOUN KPPIKGRR. Dalles, Febreary 19th, 1805. ' WASUHVTUiH ITlAIUiliT. coxxzn or ' COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DAI.LK8, OREGON JOHN MXCHELB A CH, Proprietor. mvlTVL WILL KEEP nu!icontantly on hand all the Tarie-1 saMMaassjues tnai trie rnaiketcan possinir tuwS allord, of .. U i FRESH Sc CURED MEATS, and always of the bt at quality. FAMILIES. HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS - ' supplied on reasonable terms. , Tbe nndersianeq is always orenared to ray the blith est cash price ibr FAT CATTLE. Parties having stock In gucxl conJillon, aro requested to rati on him twlore guiiis; elsewhere. JOUN MIC11KLBAOII. Dalles, March Slat, 1506. niliSltl NOTICE TO FARMERS. rUE DALLES. LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING JL CUMI'ANVIIh. recently attached a : , FLOURING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, in this City, and are now preparod to CHOP FEED, UIUND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant to give the best salisfuctiou. On hand constantly ond for sale FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS. BRAN AND SHOUTS, - CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Snnerior nrttcle of COnN si MAT., frum Corn. The hlahest market nrlce nald for TIIKtT. CnTiK BAItLEV. U. A. 110UUE. Am ur. Dalles, Nor. S, 1885. 'naif. AUCTION AND C0J1MISSI0N, JOHN WILLIAMS . ATJCTIOlSiETDR, Wo. 100, Mala Street, Dalles City. il vi es, new anu ceconu liana ruruiture, biocks, sc., Ac. Regular Sales Day Saturday. Ont-doorand Snecial Sales attended to In mv mni nf the City. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. nl9:3m. ' , JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. Gr. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines Ac Liquors, FRONT STREET, Portland, . . . - . . Oregon. OFFERS FOR SALE A VERY LARGE AHSOltT meat of llraudles, . ( , . ..'" .. .Wines, Liquors, ' ' '. . : Cage Goods, : &C, , . &C.f SiC. J- The Trade Is particularly invited to ei.mln. m stooH before purchasiux elsewhere. - aulM-lf H.IlEUMAlV&CO MAIN ST., DALLEB, 0PP0BITB EMPIRE nOTELt JJAVK JDST BECEI VED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF SPUING AND 8UM31ER GOODS, " Consisting in part of Fancy and Staple Dry Good Clothing, , ' ' Doott ti Slioei, v . Hats & Caps, vyhlch they offer to sell at SMALL PROFITS. ' Dalles, March 27th. 1866. ' mr27lf BOOKS! BOOKS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ounuara snn miscellaneous WUKntl, Lata NOVEL8, MAGAZINES. PAPKHS.si cc, Ac. by every Steamer. . Post-Offlcal oooasiore, nam street, Dalles. , Garden Seeds Tor tbe Million.'. nt-tr ' if. J. WALDHO.V .. PURS,, WOOL and HIDES. I tjb& nianEST cash price paid for ' i lv ' ;r uns, wool, akd hides, at . MoCRAKKN, MERRILL A CO.'S v 1 North Front Street, Portland. ' mhl8Sm NEW YORK BAKEItY . ; AND :: ; . GROCERY STORE ' Main Street Dalles. mh28tf i .-: FREDERICK BENZBR. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. THE NEW BRIDCcE ACROSS TBI LOWER DBS CHUTES IS NOW OOM. ...Jl?,t.n "23 '"''""IngofTiAMsVPAM ANIM iii aVVV'J 01 1 DK8 c.iriTa baai. a ' . I Dalles, Hush . im. 7T ' " ""r' jrs