TUESDAY MOBSIXG, APRIL 24, 18067" THE PUBLIC DEBT. . ThO Statements of the public debt .. . . ., made out monthly under the diree- tion Of Secretary McCullocb, presont, iu. u-.i . j on the whole, an enuouraging and highly Satisfactory Condition Of the National finanoes. In his annual re- .,, .k:itj 4 n n port, submitted to Congress in Docem- ber last, MoCallooh estimated that there would ba an increase of the debt t jj , .. a for the fiscal year ending on the first of July next, Of One hundred and ... , ,, ,.. . twelve million dollars, lhis increase, ltOWever, WOS Occasioned by the heavy rr.nrUrrn.n inMirrnrl in Jnlv nnri expenditure MlCUirea IU JUiy UDU August, in paying Off the VOlunteerH and Bottling up tho war accounts. The debt nan thnu inr-rAnae'd nhnnt n. ua.a --.i vr. .u: -.tii jiuiiuiDu miiu iri,y uuiuiuu uuiiuio in the first two or three months of the , T . .. ... . . fiscal year. But the anticipations of the Secretary as to the future were u rt .u r. .u I i ' 'I eacn successive Statement re puolisnea, the prospects of the realization of the most sanguine expectations seem to brighten. Wo have not yet roceivod the state ment for the first of April, but on tho flrat of Mhrfth tlm rfnhr. nmnnnt.nrt , , ' , , deducting cash in the Treasury, to 32,711,850,000 being 829,00&,793 lees ,u ,i,e,.f.,,,L.i,, cm. than on tbe first of Ootobor last. 'Ihe innpints fVom intpponl rnrnnnn nnii . natomi, r rrraatl riin., thJ estimates, and the expected deficiency of one hundred and twelve million j-.ii v . t, 7""'" "ai:,r J?"' 10 'T ,D duoed to fifty million, according to tiie latest esumates ot tne treasury officers. tk ranant'itnUiaaia n.. . the Loan Bill have developed the fact , that tbe National finances are now in a healthy oondition-the current re- ceinta larrfelv excoadHur tha oznendi. tures-and the report of the Bevenue . , , r. ., commission, Bnowing me vast re- , sources of the country, has given in-1 creased confidence in our securitios, both at home and abroad. It is ovi- a " AnntnVul(Alill anil ti.ci! ri.w. r.ipnl.n i n ard to dur ahilitv to BUnCeBflfnllr flr ZXl'J . .: ... .. . b naoiine or me cold nremium aa com. pared with the currency. fieat. irAT.r.Bmc nnMinn. fnn TT1 i. j;rl ,l Tif;i:,. tv:o .. leek, commanding the Military Div.ss ion of the Paoifio, is oxpocted to visit this part of his command in a week or two. on a general tour of observa- . "tion and inspection. Our people should ,, ... r . , not let him come and go from amongst ua without making evory etfort to : .l.ita kafnua him tlia avnnr. innrlltinn of affairs hereabouts It is to be Dre- .... ...f sumed he desires to know the military wants of evory part of the country ; comprised in his division, and the pre- Humption is " equally clear that, if in : itia powor, ho cannot fail to do some- . , At . n thing for the protection of the Canyon jiiy roaa, proviaeu no once unuur , etands its reul condition, and its ims ' 'portanoo to a largo portion of the pop , clatlop of Ifiastern Oregon. Wk have received the second num. hot of The Miner, a monthly maga- r.ine, published by the California Min. iog Jluroaii, and "devoted espenially .rtAh r,romdtion of the mininir Inter, oflte of the Pacific States and Tcrrif tvries." V-;'" : : ' . IDAHO NEWS. From the Idaho Statuman of the 18th, we take tbe following : Mr. Dover nod another gentleman arrived in town, from Rocky Bar,' Sunday afternoon, bringing tbe news that V. v.. U pay He una Me Dixon were bansinir at Sirup Creek, Dover and nie companion eampea at Syrup Creek about dark on Saturday night, and fad occa8ioo ,0 K0 down 10 the house, a short distuoce, and were surprised at finding no one living tbere.'but Updyke suspended . (he,hed between the two houses. ' Ou the no one living therebut Updylte suspended body was pinned the following card: DATIt DrDYKt!i The aider of Murderers and Horse Thieves. XXX. The discovery had the effect to make their oP lonesome one for that night. Coming on the next morning they learned that Jake Djj.on WBS als0 hanging to a tree a few miles down the creek, Tbey could not tell bow long tbe bodies bad been there. Justice K" ft,rted rester(W mornox for Syrup Creek for the purpose of properly disposing of theD1- Mouday morning the following card WM foun,l posted oa Main street, written In the same handwriting as the one found on Clark a week ago : OAVI Accessory afier the fact to the Port Neuf stage robberv. Accessory' and accomplice to the robbery of Ibe stage near Boise City in 1864. Chlef cunspir8tor in burning property on the Overland Stage line. Guilty of aiding and. assisting West Jen- kens, tbe murderer, and oilier criminals to escape, while you were Sheriff of Ada county. Accessory and accomplice to the murder of 15nvmonQ. Threatening tbe lives and property of an already outraged and suffering community. Justice has overtaken yon. AAA LIES DIXON, Horse thief, counterfeiter and road agent generally, A dope and tool of Dave Updyke XXX. ah the living accomplices in the above crimes are known through Updyke's confes- sion, and will surely be attended to. The roll U being called. XXX. FllOM XHE UPPER COLUMBIA. From General James McAuliff, the Walla la atean follow.ng: The steamer " 49 was all ready to take her place on the route to the Big Benc mines, and was expoctod to start on ber brst trip on Saturday lant, the 14th. She is pronounced by those wbobave examined her, a fino boat, f"? lZT.'ll pUV8er. and the whole crew wore on the ground.and it is quite certain that me Doai riariea at ino lime Biatea. nie8kw.h( h?ea hu.rrJ'ing fl?"r through to Colvillo. paymg cxorbit- ant froights, are in bad luck, it being difficult to realise charges. In the Colvillo market, flour is quoted at $14 Per hundred but when sold in large quantities viz is tne ruiinc rate. Too a.n,ma'9 frequently mtr.ng down, and ZplffZ raanv othors. and vet he nrnnonno.oH . r . . - . . . . ville there are three storos doing a I I a I r. J . i it. I . . J . .. neutiny Duainess, ana ul ino iunuing two more raercantUe establish mentH, both faavi ft tr&do M Dalles, which is to bo the landing placo of the steamer, it is expected that a little town will spring up. All J-hrouKh th c0,un,try tbe settlers are hopeful, and calculate upon big things th'a Bi Bend min The trial of Thomas Donahue, at I Wnlln. Wnlld. AlmriroH nil.h lha mnr. der of Ferd-J- "ereon, ocoupied the court for four days. Tbe evidence for iL .. .L,i. toe pruBouuiiuu was, we iuum, uieur on tbe charge of murder. Tbe jury was out from four o'clock p. ra. on Wednesday until Thursday afternoon, ." ' -7 I lUta VV4 UIV VHI MU4 MW a V VUII SVljSVSls The cae wUI probaby be tried again Mbe present term ot court. 11 - M - Killed by Indians. Among the tolegraphio news in this morning's paper, is an item of the death ot Maj Miller, 14th U. S. Infantry, who was kil,ed h7 Indians in Arizona. Maj. our citizens. He was a brother-in-law to Hon. J. G. Wilson j with whom he spent several weeks uero, last winter. rfl ED. In Dulles CUT, April 22(1. of consumption. HlLiS B.. wife of W. D. Bum, aired 38 years. Portland, Oregon, anu tl. jahiu, mo, papers, please copy. . Friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from ber late roeldence, north aide of Fourth street, above Court, THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock), Religions Notice. Catbouo Church Morning service: Mass, at 10 o'clock. Evening sorvlce: Vespers and Benediction, at l o'clock, Sunday School at 2 o'clock, p. ra. aSSdtf FATHER L. DIELEMAN, raator. Columbia Lodge, No. 0, I. O. O. P Meets every Friday evening at 7 ojclock, iu Gate Hall, corner of Second and Court 8treeta. Brothers In good standing are invited to attend, By order. N. Q. Wasco Lodge, No. IS, A. P. to A. M.- Holds Its stated Communications on tbe First and Third Mondays of each month, at their bull. In Dalles City. Brethren In good standlugare Invited to attend. Szth L. Von, Sec'y. By order of tbe W. M. DENTAL NOTICE. -Being about to make a professional tour to -the towns and aettlements up the Columbia, I respectfully call the attention of those of n.y patnmewlioarelnueedofDentalOperatlonsofanycliar. actor, to the fact, so that they may bare an opportunity to avail themselves of my services before my departure, if ao desired. I will leave about the 20th of March, and return to this place to resume my practice, about the 18th of Jnne. ff27tf J. W. GURLKY. NOTICE. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED to the undersigned are respectfully reqneated to come and settle tbelr ac counts within THIRTY PAYS, and save costs. aosdiin A. i. uijUuu c lu. . Dissolution Notice, TkTOTICB IS IIF,R15BY GIVBN, that the co-partner- snip neretoiore existing between 1. M. i,VAN3 and A. W. DAVIS, in the Livery Stable business, hat been dissolved; that A. W.Davis Is indebted to the co- partnership ; and tbatablll in equity has been filed for tbe settlement of the co'partnorshlp accounts. All per sons are notified that A. W. Davis has no power to dis rose of the pioperty, nor contract debts on the credit oi me mm. i. ju.VAnB. Dalles, April 20, 186 a2Sdlm Sale of Government Stores. Office or A. 0. 8., ) Fort Dallui, Ontoo.i, AprilQl, 186S. ) Will be sold at Prtbllc Auction, at Dalles City, by Mr. John Williams, Auctioneer, ou Saturday, the 28lhday of April, isuo, no Pounds of Tobacco, More or Less. ' Terms Cash, In Government Funds. I AMES GILLISS, ai)Kt3 Capt. t A. Q. M., U. S. A., A. C. 8. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALK AT PUBLIC A.XJCTIOINT IX WILL SELL AT l'UBLIO AUCTION AT 11 O'clock the forenoon, on' Saturday, April 2Stl, 1SGO, MJit!t enpiod by Mr. J. Crmsen. The bouse Is In splendid or-- Uor, contains tnree large rooms; wuter on the premised : ml is surrounded by n new, neat and anbstuutial lenre. Terms liberal, which will be mode known on annlica- uon to me uuuereigneu. apzua jjun 1LI.DI3, Auctioneer, LATEST NEWS!. ALL THE MS) LATEST fiinSa EUltOPEAN, EASTKItN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, . .. . .. Received Regularly every steamer, by IS. .B. (1 CI fl I Ifltl D I J 14. . J FltWKLIN BOOKSTORE. IO ITront Street Portland Papers and Magazines packed and Forwarded by mail or Kxpresa TO ANY PART OP THE MINES- to Oregon, Washlnicton, Idaho or Montana.. Subscriptions Received fcr any NEWSPAPER OR MAGAZINE PUBLISHER. . ' Hew Books, Muslo, &o., by every Steamer. $30,000 WOUTIf OF BO O K S , AND FANCY GOODS, , CHEAP IT-oit CASH. alOdlwiw : ' ; ' ' CRY ST A L SALOON . AND ,. ,'. BILLIARD ROOM, I wasuikotos st., ntxt deor to frescu gilmak AUCTION AND COMMISSION; ECOTJSE! No. 100 MAIN STREET, DALLES. Tub undersigned thankful for past Favors, respectfully Inform tbe cltliens of the- . Dulles, and the public generally, that be continues sell at - , PUBLIC AUCTION OR PKIVATK BALK, Real Estate, General Merchandise, Giocerleg, llorNein, ; Mill eft, Furniture, Stock, &.C. &c BEQULAR SALE BATS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, And PROMPT RETUHN mide of sale. Out-door and Special Sales attended to -in any part of the city. JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. J. JUKER, Main .Street. OnlleH, WBOLISAXI AKtt KIIL CIALIB IX CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF,, PIPES, tVo, ALWAYS lit 8T0BI Tni BEST BRANDS 0F" Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &e PLATING CARDS. P0CKKT CUTLER.T, PORT MONIES, COM KS and BKUSHKS. o' all kinds, PKRFUMEKY. ot erwy description, CUINA 0RNAMKNT8 TOYS, DOLLS, etc. . F1SII HOOKS ami iPISHlNO TACK LB; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. c. Also Powiler.Shot, Lead. Powder. Flasks. Baskets, an many ether articles tonumerons to mentions 43 Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco, etc. at leas than Portland pricos. with freight added, 8ELLIr pFF AT COST V. J. GOETZ & CO.. PT0NK BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES,. Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, 8EGAR9, PIPES, YANKEE JNOTIOINS, AND' STATIONEEYr AT SAN PKANC1SCO COST. mrZftf ' GATES & CHAPIN: WU0LEJALE A RETAIL. DRUGGISTS STONE BUILDIJKJi WASDINOT0N STREET,; DALLES,OREGON Importtri and Jobbers of. PATENT MEDICINES, CHHM1CAL8 A FUNCY OOODSj. SODA, CORKS A ACIDS, ' OILS, ALCOHOL, PTJRK WINES A LIQUORS, PAINTS, GLASS A BRUSIIESi. PHYSICIANS' PRBSCinPlIOXfr Aocuratoly comptundi'd. 1 ' . . PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUrVT. A full and comuleto assortmenAnf all artlelra In rK. ' Photogranlile-Line, at a SMALL ADVANOK in bam FRANCISCO PRICES. 9Mercbunta will please get our prices before order ing below II. L.CUAPIN, . Dalles.. JC9TIN OATES. Sacramento, Cat. NOTICE. OVFICIt OF ClItBF QUAnTBHMlSTfE, ) DlPASTIICKT or THt COLUMniA, . 'i Fnrt Vanammr. W. T.. March as. 1KM I SEA-LETWIWPOSALawHI be received for thel'RANS PORTATION OF GOVERNMENT FREIGHT over the follonvio named routes: 1st. From Fort Dalles, Oregon, to CampsCnrry. Wat aon and Wright, lllddeva to stme Die price per nouud. i..Oai ,1 ..... ... : 1 1 ... 1. . .1. .-. . 1 .1 . , 1 , v.-uw .U'wv..., ...uj n.i. 1... f,o lll'lgll. lur. eervUwm.!3v iTa"0'1,! t9..v My 'U? ?."t.d,l-v. "f mf. iso. 2il. From Wallala. W.. T. In Fort Colillli.. w t The price per pound in Coi to be stated by bidder. Bids for this service will lie received at Fort Wafla Walla, Wi X., by 1 t Lieut. John Noble, A. A, Q. M., aud. Ul thi. oBlce, i:p ro-ia . m tbe lt day of May, 189o. iwih ..'muni, i. 10 jsori noise, I. T. Tbe - prlco per noumfin Con to be stated Iit hldri.r. r. .1.1. transportation. Kids for this service will be received bv Paps. T. J. Ecberson, A. J. M , U. S. A., Fort Boise. I.. im VISc'' up tu 12 M7 ",C ll,U dar uf M'' 4th. Krom Fort Dalle. OveRon, to Port Boise, r T the price per pound In Ooi, i t which transportation will be rnmlshed over this ronlr m be stated. Bide for this service will be received at Fort Dalles, Oreimn. bt Cnjit. James Gllllns. A. O, M., V. 8. A4 Fort Dolo. I. T. by t'apt. T. J. Eckerson. A. Q. M., U. 8. As and at this office, up tol2M., on the IIHh dav of Mny, 18e. . . Biddera for all tho routes will be required to civ bonds with good and snffietent security fur tbe faithful Mrforniance of any contract which may lie awarded thorn under this advertisement. Bids to be In duplicate Bta'es n"uoy au oatu 01 alleglauoe ro tbe United jinriRiu to reject any or ell bids Is reserved, if so- decmed beat for the Interest uf Ihe service. - All contractu marie aublect to the nnnrnr.l nt tl. ti. partuteat and Division Commanders. H EN K Y 0. HODGES, : - Brevet Lt. Col. and CblerQu irtermaster, - ' " aOdlwst.t stml Departueut ef the Columbia. : A