CM) ountainccr. FACTS AND FANCIES. Wine drowns more than the "66i. - The yoiinaj lady's TcquoBf " Make mo uu otfT." v Woman is said to bo a mere delu sion, but It is "sometimes pfcutiapt to :.. bug delusions, r "Do you like cod;finh bails, Mr. Wig gins?" Mr. Wigging -hesitatingly, "1 teally don't know, Miss, 1 don't recol lect attending oao." ; ' Mrs. Partington says tho only way to prevent steamboat explosions is to make engineers bilo the wutcr on shoro. In her opinion, all the bustin' '. is done by cooking tho steatu on board. "Stockings 1 tan do without, ns I long as I wear fashionable drowses," said a village belle a little Blruighton ed in her financial resources, "but a .' bosom 'pin and kid gloves 1 have.'' A negro preacher otice observed to bis hearers, at the close of his sermon as follows5: "My obslinacious bi'edrcn, I find it ho more use to preach to jou dan U is for a grass. hopper to wear - kneebtickles.'' The other night Jack M. said to his fair partner, "Don't you think my musHachioua are becoming?" To which she replied, " Well, biv, they may bo corning, but the have not yet arrived.", . It is singular bow pious French .. cloth makes people. For a month niter Mrs. Smith gets a new mantilla, she is at church threo limes a day. Should a, woman paint heaven, the .world wouIJ bo ull festooned with French bonnets and brocade satin. . Madame Murat, of Tiillnhnssee, wid ow.of tbo luto Col. Achille Murat, firnl cousin of the Emperor of Franco, has received ns a gift ft lifo annuity, from Louis Napoleon, of fifty thousand francs i in consideration of her losses by the results of the late War. In consequence of the alarm about the pork disease, the pig dealers of Yienna have telegraphed to their , pgonts in Servia and Hungary not to send them any more animals for tho present, as most oil tho greatest hotels have suppressed all preparations of pork in their bills of fare. "Do you enjoy going' to Church , now," asked a lady to Mrs. Parting. ; . ton. " "Law me,f do,"replied Mrp.Partingi ton. : "Nothing does mo so much good as to get up early on Sunday morn ing, and go to church and hour u pop ulous minister dispense with the gospel." i . . Mrs. P. can be easily suited these ' days. in Justice's Court, before B. Whlttnh. Justice af the l"cace In and for upper Canyon City Precinct. K. C. jiaruy va, A. X. Aewn. fBO A. V. ASIUN. DKFENDANT ARfrVK NAMED ' , JL In tlio name of ther'tntonf Oregon, you are enm ; iuonrd and required to be and appear in tlio sboio etiti' ..tied Court, within tlx mauthafrom dale hereof, then anil there to answer to, a civil fiction, entitled ns nliove. tlio complaint In which la on filo In wild ciinrt j mid tnno no tice. Hint if you fall to appear anil answer, plaintiff will tkejiiii(traent against you for the aunt of $87 76. nnd for ma cost" nem n. K. C. HARDY. Canyon City, March fl tSCft. apiawH Coroner's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION TO ME DIRECT ed, la.ued out hf the Circuit Court, for the rnuutv ot Union. State of Oregon, in favor of I. (icer, aherllf, and iinalnai J. A. J, Chapman et al I have this day levied on tho following ilcacrlbed ronl ealale, to-wlt : The undivided half of the Piiw-inHI (wntor-power) and - land clal " no which said mill is situate , cinllln of 161) acres af land, together with all. the nmiartcnances helotifliig, thereunto. 'J'h mill Is altnnted about six mllea abftvo thetnwn of Union, Union comity. on Cottier's Crook, ami commonly known aa the Bennliigton A Hoi hmok aawnilll, I will expoae the anmeat public aale In , front ol tho Court llouao door In Union county, on FRI DAY. AI'KIL the 27th, between the houra of fl a. m.nnd 4 p. m..snd will aell the same to, the highe.t lildrier for 1 caali. tn satiafy the Mini of tW2 (ii-100, anil Intorett from the ICtk day of November, 1S(.5, tniiether with ro.ta. ' ' . CAAS. A11ERLKY. ' , , apCt ' ' Coroner Union 1,'mintv, ' . taOranile. Union eonnty. Oregon. March 16th, 180U. AdmlulMtFator'H KflTlceli 7" I A N APPLICATION HAVlNa BEEN THIS DAY JVk 'm ole liy Y. 0. Sola, adtninlatrntor. for an order to aell the real property of the eatate of M. II. Adnma. lift eeaaed. for the purpoae of paying the dehta of said estate " land rxnensrsn- ia ordered that wild nnpllearwm be neurit on thefirat Monday of May. 11(14. . and that thia due ttotlco thereof he given by piihlialilng the es'ua In the UotKTiIiiun, s uewaparer piibllalied In Wascoeonnty. ; . W. LAltl HIM, - Judg: f Qrant connty. Conyon City, Marcli 13, I860: . p20w yr. Sail j H Oregon Steam Aavigatioii i'o, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. is) iirrft . THE STEAM WIS AEZ PERCE CU1EF, WEB-FOOT, TE.MXO, OW1I3EK, YAKIMA, SPRAY & OKAIVAGOiV, 'Captains K.F- COE, fl. C FEt'TON. J. II. D. OKAY, antl THOS. J. STUMP, Will run dnrh'K the season rnm CHLILO to VMATIL LA. WAI.I.ULA, Willi's BLUFFS, l'ALOUSK nuil LKWISTON, One oftlreabuvo tinned boata will leavo CM, 1 1,0 for UMATILLA and WAU.ULA, DAILY (fcnmhijs excepted) Xlo Passenger Train to connect with atotimora nt Celilo will sturt fi'nni the ltnilriind Depot, DALLKS CITY lit 6 o'oloc A. M. lloats will bo dispatched for WIIITK IILUFFH, I'A L'lUrJK mill I.r.VVlSTON us oficn ua tlio necessity of the trade will demnud. FOIl PORTiXND-TIlROUQII IN ONE DAY. The Steamers "ONEONTA," OR "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McMII.TY, .-...Commander, Will loave DALLKS. DAILY. (Sunday, excepted) at 6 o'clock, a. M..conneutiiit by the CASCADE It A1LU0AD, with the atunuiera New world, CASCADE, or WILSON G. HUNT, CAPT. 3. WOLF, Commander, Portlam'.. FRANK T. DOriOK, Dallea. Ap' II 3 1808. fnlitfl Aicent 0. S. N. Co. Union State Ticket. FOIl CONGRESS 'f IlirUS JIAI.EOItY, Of Marlon, FOIl GOVEllNOIl: GEO. li. WOODS, Of Wasco. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: S A 3111 EE E. MAY, Of Marlon, FOR STATE TREASURER: E. 18. COOKE, Of Marlon. FOR STATE PRINTER: . W. A. McPKEKSON, . . OfLlun. FOR PROSECUTINO ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT: C. II. MI2M.S, Of Wasco. Shcrlil 's Sale of lUal EMtato BY VlllTUB OF AN EXECUTION laaucd l.y tho Clerk of tlio County Court of tho ."tato of Oregon, for the County or (Irani, and to nie diroctcd, in lavor of R. 11. II. iml and 8. (). UoAidman, ulnintilln, nnd ii;iilnat W. It. Ilurat and Oen. FariniiiKtou, dutendatite, lor the aiim of Four Hundred and twenty cigl't dollnra and twenty ceuta, ($1J8 20.) piincipal, aud twuiite dollars and aHVenty-tiineccnta, i$2J 79)coate,wlthInteri.Ht,coala nndaccrdinjr coata, and cnta of execution, I have, thia lUth ilny of April, A. I). IStlll. levied upon, ami will Bell al public auction, before the Court Ilouaeiloor in Canyon City, on SATURDAY, the 12th DAY OK MAY, A. D. 18(10, between the bouiaof Vi and 2 o'clock p. m., to the hieh ext bidder for rath in liund, the following real eatato, Tlx: One liulf maereat In the claim formerly known aa tho Oonrod cliilma, lying In Canyon Creek; one hnlf In teroat in the certnln mining claiina loruierly known aa the Iluaunnd 4 Vuliroril clniina, the aatnc lying and being In Canyon Creek: two and two-thirds Interoat in five clalnia. known aathe Red Lead clalnia, the aame lylnsin the flat near the Junction ot euid Canyon Crook and John Day Hlver. m. t'. nr-iwii, eneriit. Canyon City, April loth, I860. np2i)wl Shcrifl's) Sale i llcul Etttatc. TTY VIIITUK OF AN EXECUTION laaned by tho 55 Clerk of the County Court In and lordrant County, Btato of Oregon, In fnvor of F. 0. Horaley plaintiff, and airainat W. H. Ilurat defendant, for tho sum of four huti dred and fifty ($451)) dollnra, principal, and thirty-three and 4'J100 (13 42-100) dollars, with nccrulnir ciwta Mid coataof execution, and to me di reeled, have thla loth day of April, levied upon and will eoll at public auction, before thoCoiirthonae door In Canyon City theConntyaont of Grant Connty.on SATURDAY, the 12TI1 DAY OF MAY, 1806. between the hours of12 and 2 o'clock, F. u., to tlie hlLtheat bidder for cash In hand, the following described Ileal Eatate nnd vnlnablo Mining Ground, viz : One-half Interest in the claims formerly Known aa the Conrad claims, lying In Canyon Creek, one hnlf Interest. In the certain mining claims formerly knowu aa tho Husband k Fnlllord claiina, the aame lying and being In Canyon creek. Two and two-thlrda lutoreat in Ave clalnia known a. the Red Lead claiina, the aame lving in tho Set near the Junctlou of said Canyon creek with John Day ltiver. Ai. r. iiisuni, Mterin, Canyon City, April 10th, I860. ap20-4w SunimoiiN. In Justice's Court for West Dalles Proclnct. John Epplnger, plaintiff, vs.. John Young, defendant. Civil Art Inn. ' nO JOHN YOUNG, DEFENDANT: In the namo.of M. the State of Oregon, yon arc herohy required to uu-' pear beforo the undersigned, n Justice of the Pence of tlie aioreinui precinct, on rue zu uay oi .iiino. moo, at tne hour of 10 o'clock In the foronoon of said duy, at the ol Aroof aald Justice of the Peaco. to answer tho above named plaintiff In a civil action, The de:endnnt will take notice, that If he fall to appenr nnd anawer the plaintiff's complaint, the plalnfln' will tako judgment agalnat hint for the sum of Ninety Dollars, with luterest thereon. ' , . . . Given under my hand, this lOfh day of April, 1866. ep20w6 , . ' F.S.HOLLAND,. , Bailee, April 1809. ' ' Juaiice of the Ptsce. UAELES CITY DRVU STORE. P. CRAIG, ' WHULISALI AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES. Ac. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDIV1HESH DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES'! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WHOLES U.I ASD BBTAIL DRUGGIST, Waahiugtun Street, between Main aud Second Stroeta UAELES, OREGON. LEMON Is able to aupply parties In want of Drum, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acldn, Perfumery. ttnd every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. C'er Phyalclaua and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mine, will do well to give lilni n call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BHACE3 In groat variety. S. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St.. between Main ndn Second. AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yant'hlll and Morrison. Stenm Kntrtnea offroin4to4iihorae. . Jt . power.either Portableor -"it6r y5"--tiK--- Statlonary. Also. CIll- Jy?3;Jfc,'Sl U L A It 8 A VV M ILLS M'fP O.MPLETE, conaiantly -PBKffi53 ahand. Alao, Hay Prea- Wjm&uJjri, UULA CO M I'; l'laiilng K 7 SNJ,BV F Machinea.IWoodworth's -JiXxlMi pattern.) brought and ffeMJ UiiHt iron worn lor ver tical SawHiidUilst inillK: Jtiti.HS uu J Iron Castings una WROUGHT IRON WORK of ovory description. I am alao prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Lateat & most Improved Pattorco. Theae Milla can beforwarded to any part of the mlnoa as the weight uf the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements nuiiiulnctured tn order at the verv LOWEST CA.SIl PRICE N. II. Partlciilor attention paid to KKPAIKS. fe20-tf MRS. L. WHITE'S 1EW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Washlngtoa Street. e A VINO NEWLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY over Defruar's Store, would reapoctfully ttuiioutico to ull those wishing t Photographs, Carts dc Yisltc, tc, that they will do well tolvo her n call. Partienlar at tention paid to takiug Lad. oa and Chl'dren'e Pcturea. ocatttt. DENTIST, fAS REMOVED 1113 OFFICE 0PPO LJBL aitellloch, Miiler & Co.. whore he ia prexiared to do all kinds of DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnUhtd manner. TEETH inserter from one to an entire set, on Gold or llubher Plnte. Prices rauire for Rubber Plate, from $-'5 to $35 ; Foi Gold Plato, from $75 tu ilii. Hr Persons having work done by me not provlnn sal iafactory will not be required to receive or pay for tin same. , aul3ti DR.. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditloua Cure for all dlBOnsos of the SEXUAL. OKGANS. rjlIlS prompt nnd efBcntloua Remeily for the cure .81. Uhunorruia, Gleet, Strictuiea, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business; it will radically cure any case which can be produced. The dlfease it removes us speedily as is con sistent with tho production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its ingredients are ontirel v vegetable, mid no injurious effect, eithor constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its use. Price One Dollar nnd Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express careful I v packed . UUSTETTBK. SMITH ft DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 Buttery street, cor Clay. Jy22-0m.. , , San Francisco. 0. w. ARMB8. 0, W. AIIUES. AFIMES D ALLAM, Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, . ' BRUSHES, TWUNE3, CORDAGE, io, , Aud Manufacturers of California Palls. Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 217 ft 219 Sncramonto Street, botwoen Front and Davis pan rrancisen, ocll:8lncUw. LINCOLN HOUSE. Corner Washington and Front Streets, . PORTLAND, OREGON. . F TneT nr iaa itivi.ut LARGEST IN THE STATE. Charlies Keasohahle. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey Passengers and their baggage to tho llouae Free uf Charge, or to any other House in the 01 ry for 60 cents. , 8. COFFIN,' Proprietor. ' P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All tho ptoainors for Oregon City. Vanoouver, Monti Cello and Astoria hind at the Ltutola House Wharf; . sejil:3ui ' r', , ' ' DAILY. MOUNTAINEER POWKK PRESS V BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, between Main and B DALLES... OREGON. JOB PRINTING, OF EVERYVARIETT ' Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IJS A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very beat, nnd AT SATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP 87 to oxdcu : " . ' Cards nnd II i 1 1-BI e a d s .. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RZCEUVS, POSTERS AND PRO GRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS rfc, rfC, drc PKI!tTRn IV THE HOST ATTRACTITI If ANM1J1. ALSO, WAY-BILLS. BILLS Of FARE. LETTER HEADS. ' - , , , RECEU'T BOOKS. BILLS LAD1XG, . Uriels nnd Pnniphlcts, : riSlTlKQ, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS Drucsiaits Labels, In short,' everything that can be done in a Bonk and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest site and most showy Posting Hill and which will be turned out in a style that cannot fail to insure eut ire satisfaction. ' OUR FACILITIES "" KXICUT10K 0 JECORATIVE PRINTING Id the most beautiful Colors, Blmdes mid Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills I From a single Sheet to the Largest UawmuUi, OUNA MK$ 'i'A L SHOW CAHVS. I'VHFV&lEliS lADKLS.dc Aie unsurpRHsed by thoReot any other eatahllshuieut In Oroyou. We devote Hpeulal attention to thiBbraiiirh ot thu buaineHS, nnd are coutiuually adillupto our alroady exteu ive aud well appointed asbortmeut of uinttTinl, , NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the moat mod or n aud elaborate desifrna. Our stock o FANCY INKS, TINTS, ScC, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability,' cairuot be equaled In the State. The principle upon wulcu uuniuess is nsited ior hub en tabliHlnneut is. tliat persons will consult their own inter-1 obis, by awarding their custom to that ofltce in which their money can be expended to the best advantage, Tt , this end we solicit all in want of good PriutiiiM, at very . reasonable charges, to call and examine speeimens, aud) fudtfe for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the intorio may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, ua we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon ! Address: ' . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf llnllea. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, UALLKS, ORKGON, ' THE UNDKHS1GNKD, HAVINO REMOVED FROM TUB "BKI.LA UNION" CKLLAll, 1NIO Gates Now Building, Deft to Inform the public that tbey are prepared to serve their customers with the beat , Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MAUKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A V ' Free Ijiiticli ! Every day and evening. K. HCHL'TZ fc S. KLRIN, doc?-lf Froprletois. ' Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WK BKO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufactnrers and Dealers to the Lsrr.e and Com i plete' assortment of CAllltlAGK nnd M'AUON MATKKIf ALS we are uonatantly receivins; from the East, specially selected for the California market,' comprlslnir, Oakr Hickory, and Second Orowth Ash l'lunk, Hickory Axles, Macon Poles, Hubs, Spukes, Felloes, Klmi, tyialtB, 4c. 4c. . which we oiler at tho lowest Cash Prices, tCf Orders addressed to our house will receive promp.' attention. N.W. 1111AUU A CO., jel6:3m. 29 81 Battery Btreet, tan Francisco,' nnd 17 A 19 Seventh btreet tlacratuento.f . 0. VATKIlHOCdE, II. M'. I1RAUQ 4 Co., 3. W. LWITIli Ban Francisco. - Bucruinenlo. New Yolk ' 801E AUBNI IS CAHfORNIA FOR' '," TILTON & McFAELAND'S ' Tire & Iturglnr Proof Safes. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, ; Combination Locki 4j-Cuuatantly ( JyMin- - , :. hand a flill asaortment of SAFlti. . ITRKKTi , FrnuuuM.' - 318 BATTERY ET . ..... . tias A