Epitome of Telegraphic News. . fCOJIPILKB TROM Til)! OBKXHttAX. , Sun Francisco, April 20. No Eastern news to-dny. ' " - The British sieamor Lahovchere, with her npimrel And furniture, was sold at auction th s morning by order of W. A. Mourttt, luw taster, f ir $370, The Lnbnucliere was built in Li) u do ii in 1858, at a cot of $175,000, nnd $15,000 more hud recently I'Oen expend ed on her in the way of repair.', etc She now lici entirely sub wo ged nttl her fxnct jiosition ii unknown, except that all hut her iiiuier de k is suppose.) 10 huve lound iU wfiiy to the bofur. somewho e in the vicinity of l lie reef on which she struck. , .No later gold quotations. Legal tenders raii'e Ironi 79c. to 8')e. nnd dull. Money continues abundant for all legitimate pur pose at 10U per cent. . . , The stock market is depressed with n fren orul Blinding of prices.' Ophlr declined 45; Yellow Jackel $50 : Oollur Po osi, $32 60 : " M ivago $15 : Belcher $5, and Impe iiland Overman each 53, as compared with the morning boad of yesterday. Hale & Nor ooa advanced $20 from last ales. There was ft sale of $10,000 of 7 30 bonds .1 u ue Is-ite, at 81 Jo, and a sale of Situ Fran cisco lire insurance stock at 105c. ; At:tson, of the distinguished firm of Mason & Henry, was killed a few days since in Te jon Canyon.' by some citi.ens. Th-re appears to he but li tlo doubt that this is the verita ' bio Mri'on. It seems there were several of his elm together and they all got off, except the chief. Arrived Bark l"idetle,mae days from Freo , port ; lumber. Sailed April 10'h, steamers Del Xorle, .- CJrcsent city ; bark Sldan, Paget Sound. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BE.Y. IIOLLID.4Y, Proprietor CONCORD STAGES LEAVE UOISK CITY EVERY OTHER DAY FOR BLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, D,enver City MISSOURI RIVER, Competing at 8 ALT LA KB CITY with Concord Stages nun mug 10 Virgflniti City, Nevada, AND BACRAMKNTO, CALIFORNIA. FAKKi . , . Boise City to f nit Luke City $100 00 ... .. virgin! City, Montana 126 00 " . " " Miaauurl lllver, Legal Teiulor 300, Uold, $100 400 00 For further Information apply at . OVERLAND STAOB LINK 0FFtCF Boise City, 1. T., nihOdSm J. N. TODD, Agent, MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE VTTB ARB PCTTISO UI OUR -VT ORIGINAL SUl'KRIOll BRAND OV GKOl'i'D JAW COFFEE, CUAUTRCS COFFEK, AV DOUBLE GLAZED PAVERS, To prmcrro Ha strength nnd duror for Hie length ot tuuM required in ue I rwitruea 10 iuu luiure p ncee. . 'or nule by all the Jobbe'a, and HARDEN k F01X1KR, Plonoer Ptenm Coftoe and Splro Mill'. 220 e'nmt Btrtot, Sun Hrmichiso. klSmlp2 , LANQLEY, CROWELL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE . 23IITJ Gr GrISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts. ' : : SAN FRANCISCO. mliSidom. ' i -. NOTICE I IIHREBY GIVEN it REV. FATHER MESPI.IK Inu nothing to do nny more with the CATIIOLIB JIISSION a AllU AT THIS IMLl.h.l; mnt me leaning oi theeald MlMlon Farm hy blm to .TORN II MKBI'I.IK, lieriitng date of the 6th of July, istiu, niw not U' on ran , Uod hy F. N. BLANCIIKT, Aichblnhop of Oregon Cltyi whole the ginrdmn and nolo iidml' lutrntor oi nil tin l.mnertv of the Cathnllo Ohnrch ill tha Dulles end else ' xbere; tlmt khIiI Arelieiehop la M"t roipnn'llile nnd ahull nnt ii.v aiiv oxiiAnilitiire or Itnrii'oveinenta lllftde on anid f.rtn, nor nny debta cunlnwlod hy nny person or peraoul not nnthorized by tlia aljcu at tue auuwriuiT. . t. N. III.ANCIIF.T, ' . . ' Archbbhop.or 0. 0. rortland. Oregon. April 0. ISOfl. nlUMwl. PU. B. W. MITCIIELI Office WALDROS'3 BUILDING. Rieuiwct Cornet of Third and Wudilngton Street. C. S. Miller, ' . , Dalle BIocli, Miller & Co.. ; VHOLESALE - g r o c e je& is;., '. AND DEALERS IX "Wines & Iiqiiorts, And Importer and Jobbers of clothing; fiioots Jc Shoes, Under Clothing. Blankets, etc., , etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICII. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wit1! our Imalnepa, under the otitlre aupervialon of .Mr. Milter. We make retuma (n linn in alx hour We friitirnntee nit unr Assnva nnil pay the Willi K9T CASH PRICK lor Hare. We also pay the Highest Cnah Price Tor Gold Dust. BLOCK, MIL1.RH 0).. DiyGtf Cor. Mala nnd Washington atrt-ats. Dallea. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. BY TIIR PACKAGE. "FORCASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding coat of Transportation. '. CUMMINO & GRANT, m!3tf Dnlloi, orogon W- 13. DOUGLASS, (Succeaaor to William Blrnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, 1 AST DKALEk IX .,,, Fine Watches AND JEWELRY, WNVITBSTIIK ATTKNTION OF III8 FRIENDS AND JL the Fubllc to bla choice aelection of New and Fashionable Goods, Reapectfhlly oliclting their patronage. Wa'cbea PROMPTLY and l'ROPERLY repaired and n AiutA.iieu. niUtf Next Door to the Post Office NOTICE. Orrics or Chikf QuABTr.nsiASTMt, DrAnTr! or Tin Coliiiiiiia, Tbrt rauemmr, W. T March 28: 18UI). C1EALED PROPOSALS will be.recelvedfor theTKANS- 3 POItTATION OF UOVKKNA1BNT FUE1UUT over ttw following named routee: let. From Fort Dnllea, Oregon, to OamnaCurrv. Wat. aorrand Wright. Hiddeia to acute the price per nonud inuoiH, they will tHice the freight or. Uniirat hid reqiilrod for each Ciimn. DMa for this eorvice will be recniroil at Fort Dallea. Orezou. bv Oant. Janie(lilllea. A. (i. M., V. H. A., nnd at thiaelllce. un w i u., un no ji liny ni may, loou ai. From Watlirla, W. T, to Fort' Cohille. W. T, The price tier pound In Coin to be atated bv hlilriVra lllda for tola aervlce will be recolvetl nt Fort Walla Wnllo, W. T., by 1 t f.ieot. John Noble, A. A. y. M., and ai inu oince; i to i t .11. on tne it nny ot Mar, 1800. 3d. From 'Wallitla. W. T., to Fort Uolao. 1. T. Tlie prlcv per pound In Col to be etnted by bidden lor tlila tranaportHtion. Hide for thla aervlce will he received by Capt. T. J. Kckereon, A. Q. M , U. S. A.. Fort Bolae. 1. I .- ana ie una oiuce, up to Vi 11., on tins 15th day of May 4th. Erom Fort Dallea. Ofeanin. to Fort Rolun T. T the price per pound lu Coist, i t which tramnortatlnn will be fnrnialuid over thla route to be atated. Bids for hia aervlce will tie received nt Fort Dallea, Oreoon. Ii Capt. J.imrn QillUe. A. Q. M- U. S. A Fort DoIms 1. T. by Capt, T. J. Eckoraon. A. U. M, U. 8. A.: and at thla UI11C1, up to l'J M., on the loth day of Mny, IH(K). Uhldeca fir all the route will be requited to give bomla with good and aulHcient aecurlty lor the faithful perfiirmance of nny contract which' may be awarded mom unocr uii4 nnvoi-iiaeiiieuc. lima to ne in duplicate anil nccompauiod by au oath of nllegluuco to the United Btntoa. The right to ntfect nny or all blda la roaerved, If 10 uconieu uoet nir 1110 iniereaa 01 ine aervlce, . All contract made auhjeut to the approval of the De' nariuieai aim lmieion uouimnnnem. ; lIKNItYCi H0D0K9, , Brevut Lt.Col. nnd Chief Q11 irtermnaier, a3dlntt.tatral . Department of the Colunihl. CRYSTAL SALOON , BILLIARD ' BOOM, " JOHN niSDLAlR, Proprietor. WASHINGTON ST., naxt deor to FRENCH I OILMAN . lauo F. ni.twR, ' San Francisco. , ALU RON imOS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, ' Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. KTX NOW OCCUPT OUR NEW TWO 8T0HY F1RK II proof Htone bnildiue;, opposite Bloch. Millor A Co.. and offer to the public n full nnd complete atock of Drut;i, Medicines nnd Chemicals, consisting lu part of , KKltOSi'.NE. TUIIPKNm'E, ALCOHOL, ACT I. L1NSKKD, lamp wicks 4 chimneys hop. , , SAUK. SI'ONORS. ... - LEKCIIKS, . . . LAUD. UOHKS, CA.-TOR AND IMJIIIO AND . NEATUKOOT Oil, LANPUI-ACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, AND Onr atock of FANCY 00 )11 j I nf the fluent nnd boat quiillty; new atylre (nd largo HMKortnicnta. aneh a LL111VS PHUFUKKIlY, 1IAIII, LUHlN'ST.llLKTSuAP, i'LKSII, . .l'OMADKS. SIIAVINO, OODMKTIC8, HAT. . JUAIll 011,8. CLOTIfS. COI-OONH, TOOTH AND ' 1'ASOV fOAPS AND NAILUIlliiHItir) TOOTH IMHDKItS, AND COMUS. PURE WINE3 AND LIQUORS, Fur Mwliclnnl pnrpoaea. , Our fuilttiua for buying gnoda nre aecond to nono In the tfttii. mid wo ahull at nil llnieaaell lit a muall ail Tan.ofrom cont. Knkly aalea and amnll prollte. I'Ul'SICIAXS' PKESCRirnONS arc fully coinpouinh-d tit aH hours of tlie duy nnd nitht. VKIIY ISIPOHTANT Mcrchants, Fiimilies, Ilotcls and BAR.UOOMW. CLIUS KltAI'MEIt I1AV1NII DOUOHT TUB KN llru Mut'k of Morohniidlae uud Dook Accouma of the lii tc Arm ol NJ . Seller 4; Co., In thia city, to which ho line added ol hia own iuipotuiilon (while doing bualnuaa in oruiinui an immense tiocn ol tno beat nimiulactured Crockery, Glassware, I'lated Ware, Lamps, Chandelier, Table Cutlery Lookln-Glaftscs and , All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced ratoe. Teraona wlah Ing tu buy any of the nuore-mentluniHl article, will do well togivo me a can belore piiidinalug elaewhere. Ordera from the Interior urunintlr attended to. and goo.li piu ked to io avcure. Dun't lail to call on me. vuuio a stone uulimug, unhlnitlnn atreet. Dnllea. ' JULIUS lUtAKUER. Dalles. March 17th, 1863. tiihlTtf ONE HONDREtVMILES SAVED 1 BMCRFOOT&MG KEM) MIXES HY WAT OF . i Wliito JBliifls ! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. ' Dlatnnce from Dalles to White Dlnlfa... 100 miles " ', White Ulufla to Pen d'Oiellle 160 ...".. . toColvlll 170 " Travelers by land for either of tlie above Gold Flehle. will save Save Time Distance and Money Ily taking the White Blnlfi Koeil. Wood, Water and Grass An found on thla Road within eaay drives The road la now open, nnd pmaeaea advantages over any other Ian. I mi. to from the Dalles. runiiimen ny order or THE CITIZENS 0V THE DAT.LR3. Dallea, March, 20, 18UA. ; ni'.M:2in, COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. n. BOOTU , HAMT NSTno.t. IJOOTII &, NIlSVISON, Forwardlugsiid Conimla.lon Merchants AND DELKltS IN GKNERAT MERCHANDISE, Wliito ISlulTri, W. X, fREJBIIT FOR COLV1LLK, EPPKR COLUMBIA, ? KOil'KNAI und ULACKFOOT MINES Dromittlv turwardrd. Mark Oooda D. N., White BlufTs, W. T, Iffiimcu: ' ' Poictlaxd Rlcharda A McCraken, Allen t Iwla, and 1 lodge t CuM. i' Dai.i.m Bloch, Miller k Co., French k Oil ion n. F. DEIIM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DKALF.R IN FINE WATCHES. JKWRLRV, , CLOCKS, Gold Pena.Sllver and Plaed H r. ( Dpeciaciea, i.uiiary, c. . 4T.rrartlcuim attention nam to repair Inn flnelHihi Tatchoa, Clocka, Jewelry, e(c. All Watdiea repaired by. N. II. All ordera from the upper eountry, by Exprras or uiuerwiav, pnjinpiijr aueuueu io A. CARD. MADAMB LB TRLLIKIV WOULD RESPF.CTFCLLT Inhirui the Lad lea of the Dallea and vicinity, that she la now prepared to do all kiuda of DRKSS. CLOAK. nud PALUTOT nraklnK. Alao, CUTTING nnd FITTING In a now nud inipruvea style, never betoro Introduced In this idace, Klio will wnrranttn give antlafactlnn, nud would moat roapectfnlly solicit a liberal patronage. . In the Rooms lately occupied by Tm. White, over uogener a owre, on naaiiiugtuu street, Iwtweyn Second nun A iiim . ' . Dtllea. March 27lh, lHOft' mr27lf COkk. OIL! COAI, Oil.! ' WALDRON BROS, have lust ni'clvnl a lrgo In voice of COAL OIL, which they oner at rnvatly ducedratoa. . . Jii7 fitl XOTXCK. IHAVH appointed K. E. HAFT my uthnrlr.c.l nuent to collect all moneys due nw,und sttoml lo my hnai new generslly. aSlfJ U, llEfiUi. FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER Oi- SECOND AND WASH1NOT0N STREET DALLES, 0HEQ0N, , . JOHN IDI'PlCSKri Proprietor , fWm UNDKIISIONKD Jl having Hired up the alxwe Market lu the UK T k"l'YLK,wlll beeii-eouamat- ly on hand all aorta of FreNh and Cured Meatss Of the beat quality furu4bli.il at the LOWEST RATB '. llji motto le to 'PLEASE ALL." , PARTIES II AVINO BUPHRIOR STOCK FOR SAlrl wi.ldo well to call at the Fiauklln aliuket. 4 Dallea. February ioth,lW5. , M WWSttKtt' X ASZiliWTi MAUKIiT. ' coitxut or - , COURT AND SECOND STREETS. DALLES, ORKGON JOHN WICHELBACH, Pioprletot.' ' TS,. " WILt KEEP tti-Str conatanlVy. 011 hand all the varle- ISMf fT'!f!j MwJJuitiea that the uiuketcuu poaaibly I&;a,' 1 nfloiihuf t Ii i'l 1 FRESH Sc CURED MEATS, , nnd ahvaya of tlie bi at quality. , FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAM30ATS - liVpded ou reasonable terms. Tbo wideralgneq la nlwnya umunred. to pay IJie lilitla eatcnah price lor FAT CATT1.E, Pnrtlca having atock In good uonifilleu, wo rcqiualed to call on hlui beloie koiogelaewhero. JOUN MlCHLBAt.'IL Dallea, March aiat,1865. tnli81tf NOTICE TO FARMERS. . f JjMIK DiALI.KR MJM11ER AND MANUHACTL'RINO Ji. tOMPAN i' Ima recently attached a FLOUKING 3IUL.IL, : to their Steam Snah nnd Door Factory. In thla Cltv. and !l..,l".'ar mrxuni lo CU0P FEED. Olil-ND WHEAT and CORN . and warrant to give the Seat aatleluotioii. Oi hand couatnutly nud for aale If.XTRA FAMILY' FLOUR, " , "'. " bKOONDS Oil MIDDLINGS, . DKAN AND BIIOHTf". ' C1UIP FKKD, CUICKEN FBKD. Clin ' Supel'1'"' ,rtlcl0 f CORN MEAL, rrom peer The liljelieet market price paid for WHEAT. COHN ' JIAKI.hY. 11. IloutlH. A, Dallea, Nov. 2, 1805. AICTI0X AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS, atjctionehir: Wo. lOO, Main Street, Dalles Cllr. WILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION id (.enerul Merchandlao, lteal.Esrate, (JrooerU a. Horaea.New nnd Second Hand Furniture, Stock., ic, Ac. stt-Kuiar saics uay Salurday. OuMoor nud SdmIuI RuIm. tf.....i t , the City. . ....ii,r.rroi literal Atftances made on Consignments, : Mm WILLIAMS, Auctioneer, ' IMPORTER AND JOIIBER OF , . " Wines & Liquors, FRONT STREET, Portland, . Oreiron. FKIta FOR SALE A TEltV LARGE ASb0))T went ol Drandies, : Uquorg, : v, . 1 Case Goods', &c, Ac, &c. ..T!,, Tr pia.Ttlol,irly Invited to examine my at .ck beluiopnri'haalugelaewhore. nu2.tf . i. me umaR & C(Ki MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE HOTEL, J AVE JEST RECEI TED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK Or S1-IUG AM) SUMMER GOODS Consisting In part of ' Fancy and Staple Dry Good Clothing:, . Hoots & Shoes, . Hats & Cops, WhfrR they offer to sell nt SHALL. PROFITS, i Dnllea, Miir.li 27th. 18n, mrtTtf BOOKS! BOOKS I , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.' wjCHOOI, BOOKS, 8TATIONERT. ' '' K7 Stanilaidnnd Mlanellnneoua WORKS. fiflfFx Late NOVELS. MAGAZ1NKS, PAPEII8.,,W5(.'' c.. s.. by every Steamer. PoeC-0UiWtsuU44JAr . Buokatore. Main atraet. Dalles. Garden Seeds lor the Million. In"7-ff n. J. WALDRoy IUKS, WOOL nud III DliS. rjniiE inoifKST f ash prick paid for Fl'RS, WOOL, AND IIIDESa MoCRAKRN, MKRRir.fi k CO.'tt ' ' North Front Streef, Portland:. mh 88m IVItSW YORK AND GR O CE R.Y BAKERY STORE Main i trcet Dalles. v ; ' " ' ' WBDBBlCKBEXZBJt. mhmr TO TUB rttAfJEUMaTpriiLlct THK NEW ' I51tirG!K A CROSS TIIR LOWER DE8 CHUTES 18 NOWrOM.