SUNDAY MOKNIXG, APRIL 22, 18GG. A WASTED. ftOTTO WORK IN THIS OrFICE. No boy taken fcr lew- than one year. , The Orizaba advertises to sail from 1'ortland to-morrow at 6 o'clock, p. m. i Tub Montana had not arrived at 1'ortland when the Cascade left yes. terday morning. W. are under obligations to Hon. E. 1 llolbrook, Dolegate from Idaho, tlire() inci,cg ; circumference at the largo J ' ' FOSSIL REHAINS. . ,.: , Below we publish an interesting communication in relation to the dis covery of tsomo fossil remains in this vicinity: " v,.- .'!'. " Dli.ks, April 21, 18CC. . Ed. Moontainkeu. Pormit me, Hirougta the columns of your paper, to ioform that portion of the public who are curious in re gard to the remains of the natural history tf the pre-hUtoric nge, that Col. Fulton and mytclf took 4bis morning from a newly washed gully, in the hills near Ten Mile creek, from its long resting place, some eight or ton feet below ibe natural of the earth, a huge tusk, six feet long and twenty for Congressional favors. Public School. Wo are requested to state that the Dulles Public School will open again on Tuesday next, the 2-tth inst. . end, but it has been, to all appearance, con. siderably shortened by decay. Whilo taking out the aforesaid tusk, another was found within a few rods of the game spot, about sixtcon feet beneath the surface of the earth, much larger than tho first ; but. not having time to take it out at once its leneth and di mensions generally are yet undetermined. On returning from the scene of the discovery of ' Toe City Council mot last night. Among othpr business transacted they passed an orfinanco directing the City Ilecordor to assess the Cily' for taxation for current yoar, The ordi nance wi 1 to published in our next issue. UEOUL.Ul MBKTINO of the Dalles Soclni Clnb. TUTS KVKNINU, at 7 o'cliy k. By order. The Portland folks aretalkingabout the expediency of having a paid fire department. . This is what might bo thcse tU8,i8) nnoti,er WH8 founa near by, of called putting on metropolitan airs. about the size of tho largest of those men- ' tioned above. . We noticed Captain VV. B. Hushes, A fow day9 ftg0( ftt about a mile from thc U. S. A., among the passengers who piace wbere our discoveries were mado, a came up yesterday. Captain II. has large piece of a tusk was. found projecting many friends at the Dalles, who will from a gravel-bank at the depth of twenty five welcome him back again. feet from the natural surface of the ground. Quite a number of fragments of bones Tas PoMTIUAIi CANVASS. Accord- of the gigantic animals once inhabiting this ing. to the appointments as published country have been found in the vicinity of in tbe Herald, the candidates for Con Columbia Lodge, IV o. 0, 1. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7 o'clock. In Oaten Hall, corner of Second find Court Street. Brothers lu good standing ate invited to attend. By order. . N.U. Wasco Lodge, No. 13, A. F. & A. II. Holds Its ttntcd CoimiHiiilciitioui on the First iiml Third Mondays of ouch month, ut their hull, in Dulles City. Brethren in pood standing nre invited to attend. Si:tu L. Pan, Sec'y. By ordor of the W. M. DENTIL NOTICE.. llelnK about to makes professional tour to the town and settlements up the Colnmbln. I respectfully call the attention of those of my patrons who are in need of Dental Opo rations of any char acter, to the fact, so that they ni-iy have bii opportunity to avail themselves of my services before my departnro. if so desired. I will leave nliont the 20th of March, and return to this place to resume my practice, about tho 18th of June. fWtf) J. W. 0U1U.KV. those ltt9t found ; and when we have sue Dalles ... ,j ., ip .i ceeded in extracting from the earth there- will address the people of the ...... . 1 4 mains already mentioned, we will report i on the 5th of May next, and morefu,lT. andverysoon these mementoes of Sale of tJovernmeiit Stores. Orrics or A. C. Fort Dalles. Om.oo, t April 21, 1SC0. ) Will he sold at Public Auction, at Dalles City, by Mr. John William, Auctioneer, on tiuturilay, the U8th day of April, 1800, 770 Pounds of Tobacco, Moro or Loss. Terms Cash, in Government Funds. JAMHS GILLT8S, ap22t3 Capt.4 A. Q. M..U. 8. A.. A.C.S. Notice. CJEALED IMtOrOSAL?, in duplicate, will be received 3 AUCTION AND iOSIMISSIGN H O TT S E No. 100 MAIS STREET, I) AI LIS. TIIR UXDKTISIONKD THANKFUL POU l'AVi' FaTom. reect1uUy Informs the cilfxem of lit billion, ami th (tubllt gfiienilly, tlmt he iiuiitiiine vo nollht u ' PUBLIC iAXTCTIOIV OR l'MVATK. SALK, Real ENtate. General merchandise, , liioceries, , IHore, Ulut'S, Furniture, '' btOtttN, &.C. SiC. BKGtLAr. SALE DAYS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignments, Aud PllOMl'T HKTU!N m de of sales. Out-door and Special SalM attended to 111 any part at -thc city. JOI1S "WILLIAMS, Auction!. at the oOlce of tho undersigned at Van.onver Depot. W. T., also, at the alike of tho A. (I. 8., at FORT DAI.LKS. Oregon, and ut FoKT BOISH, I. T until Thursday. 12 o'clock M, the 10th DAY OF MAY, 1801!, for tiiriiialiiiie the U. S. Snlnldteneo Department with Two Hundred Head '.WI of Bocf Cuttle, for the Subsist- ih niiKornntnrlnl onndiri.ut AH will I ---i.. :n u. .1.. .1 J i enreof the Troops in tho District of llolse. Sold fattlo mw uapijr uwnm usauum wiu, a; to be of (.'oodand Morchantnblo qnallty. and to be dellv- epeak hero on tho 18th of May. The teresting collection of tho Rev. Mr Condon to the a.c. s. at fdkt boisk.i. t- or nn author. 1 . I " ..... html agfiit of the Subsistence Department, in said Dis- of rour city, who will take pleasure in ex- nut. on or before tho ;wth day of June, ism I- M .t 41, ,i,0- ,k - Kach Did to be accompanied by a llniul (with at least hibiting them them to those who are inter- ie , uf Five Thonsand Dollars, for ested In natural history. . the faithful performance of the proposals contained in - . I Mia imti iii mcu riiA luii 14 aiwianraii L. L. ROWLAND. I Vn i.t.i u-iii it inf.nivMi r..r .i.ha n,i.nm ii,.n vir (00) iiean. the De- tandidates for Socrettfry of State ae curapany tho Congressmen, and will speak at the same lime aod ' plaoo. ' , - A Cowardly Act. Cupt. Barns f : the steamer Orizaba has been arrested and brought before the City Eecorder of Portland,' charged with an assault upon D. C. Ireland, Esq., local editor of the Oregonian, for which offence tho Court fined Cupt. B. $50. We have not much Bpaco to devote to this or , kindred matters, but we desire to say our litllo say, and it is this: We know Mr. Ireland wetl, and have known him for years bo is a gentles man, in every sense of the term, and all wo want to know about any : . . L. -. L - r i I 11, ,. vUvUwu,me,.ouwru. of clothos, flannels and blankets. If taken hold of by the proper persons Wnnrvn Karvrnn V AT THC Datmtr I Hide must stntethe prlc In U. 8. 00I.D coin. T 00LEN U AO fOtt Y AT THE UALLEo. t w he sublect to the aonroval of 1'liiu mi'iiiont. in hnlnrr niri to toil ho nnv tiartiueiit and Division Commanders. J & J n;iie undersigned reserves to himself tho riRht to reject nonnla enrnin Wht t.hprn nhnnld nnt nnv orall Hide that honinydeen) uuiensonable. ' ' Dids to be ndili essed to tlie A. (.'. 8., nt either of the be Something Of the kind here WO Can- above named Posts, aud emlorned thus: ' Proposals lor . , , . . llect uuttio." not see. we navo everytning neces sary a fine grazing country, a cli mate peculiarly adapted to shecprais ing and wool-growing, and the best of waler-powers wasting itself daily at our very doors. Every real estate owner's property would bo enhanced in value if one were built, and there would be an end oi sending one of our Saturday, April SStli, 1S66, mOSt Valuable products away, tO buy That Dosirablo Cottaae Residence, the proporty of Cnpt. . . . - I lull...... .... ...... ..... IT. I.. OKO. H. WEEK?, Capt. and A. a M. U. E. A.. A. C S. V. S. Subshtenci Ones. VuucouvorDepo', u. T., np22-12t April ltith, I860. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE F0K SALE AT PUBLIC ATJCTIOIV TT WILL RKI.I. AT PUDLIO AUCTION AT 11 O'clock Ji. In tho forenoon, on lv an attack as the evidence in this case proves it to have been. Yet there is, we are sorry to say, a crowd iu Portland who are gloating over this dirty deed, and oven trying to make political capital out oi it, as they do of every dirty thing. White i ... i i. i .i i neu wnson, suuaiea on seconu si reel, near union, oo and 11 DUOli Uguin 111 UIO BUOpe ,:unled by Mr. J.Crossen. The house Is in snlendid or- der, coutaius three large rcoins; wntor on the premises: and Is surrounded by a new, neat and substantial iem-e. Terms liberal, v. men will uo oiuue Kuuwn oa appllca- liou to tlie uuuorsiguea. juum n, Auctioneer, LATEST NEWS! ALL TUB rfzm mm LATEST CraSKS EUllOl'EAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA there could be no failure; and our lo. cal prosperity would be stimulated in proportion. Let us see a movement in this matter immediately, and let those who think well of this enter- J.J TJ K E E , Slain Street. Dalies. VnOUSAU A.1D RETAIL DKALER IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF,, PIPES, See. . A1W1T8 IU STORI THR DIRT RHASPS or , Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. fLAYINQ CARDS, l'OCKKT CUT1.KRY, ." POUT MON1KS. ' COMBS and I1UUSIIK8, o' all kinds, , PKRKl'MEItY.ol every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS TOYS, DULLS, etc. . FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLK, ' MIMICAL INM'KUMK.NTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also Powder. Bitot. Lead. Powder Flasks. Baskets, 4 many other articles too numomus to mention. 4W" Interlorilealcrs supplied with Clsnrs. Tobacce.etc. -at less than Portland prices, with fraiiiM added. c.( SI5LlAli OF'' AT COST! J. GOETZ & CO.. FT0NB BUIIiDINQ. W ASIil NOTOX STRUF.T, DAL1ES, Offer their well-selected stock of TOBACCO, . SEGAIiS, PIPEW, . YANKEE JNOTIOISS, AND STATIONERY- AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. mr27tf GlSiJ Ac CHAPIN WHOLESALE t RETAIL ' . DRUGGISTS, 8T0NK DBILDINQ, WASIJINOTON STRKKT, . DALLES, OREGON. Importers and Jobber! of . TATRNT MKDICIXKS, CUEMICAW FANCY GOODS, , SODA, CORKS A ACIDS, OILS, ALCOHOL, PURE WINF.8 A LIQUORS, PAINTS, 0LAS3 4 BRUSHES. . , '. .-, PHYSICIANS' PEKSCRIPTIOXS Accurately compcnndwJ. PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUM. A fiulond completo assortment of all articles fn th- PhotiiKiaptiic Line, at a SMALL ABVANCK ON SAN FRANCISCO PRICKS. Jtir Merchauts will please cet out prices before order- Inn below. 11..L.C1IAPIN, JUSTINOATES.. Dalles. Sacraaiento, Cal. prise BOt forget tbat if they do cot Bi.urps liouxB. A larce move, somebody somewhere else will. NEWSPAPERS tL MAGAZINES. 1 train Of minePB fitted UP in OUr CitV Ut " rflli t0wn east Of tbe I Recoivnd lloguUrly overy Btwmer, by Wtlio i yestorday; and started for Blackioot ra0UUlu'V ""v" uuu. wu'""" 1UU wu-s m w - i . tory, and establish a good wool mar VIA Whl.t.A HI 11 1T.J . llniinaiMi a in.l:n I " ' " . . VU1 ywyn voiioin- jjetat the dalles. jy cannot regret tbe ettorts they have JT. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Blalu St., Dulles, Oregon. s. j Mccormick, FMXRLIX BOOKSTORE, IOS ITrout Street Portland Papers and Magazines packed and , Forwarded by mail or Express made to brin this route to tho nnt.iP Circuit Louar.-ln tbe case of Wil. of tho public;, for while it is all that ,iatafl 8, Wnrd' the renderod . thev have reorosented it tr, h .u verdict is lavor oi Williams lorlU0 , public would never have come t th ond COBts of 8ait- ' knowledge of its merits excentslowlv Tho lrial ef negro Thompson,. TO ANY PART OP THE MINES and too late to rinva hon nr, . I Chttfced with an assault With intent 1 Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. " ' benefit to onr locality Trnhhi ,v. to commit ft rape, resulted in a ver- ...wmuTZ.,,.,, , hundred minors have purchased their dict of B0" tho case of tb KBWSVAPXE OH XAQAZINB-JPHRLISBESe I XtSr w uuiuiD a Jiicb, KU8 Bprini?, WBO o would have gone further ud the river caiue BlBU"u6' u oruuo gumy was I i i ' mt. . i n . i . renaoreu. .. iuuhiubud ana xt-ucnanun will receive their feentebccs on Tuos. day next. , ' - ... ; . ',. , :. Tho Court will probably continue in session three or jour days yet. before leaving it, had not this route j been brougnt to their notice. We hope these manifestly benefioial results will have their proper effect udob our people, and that hereafter thoy will be ub ready to porcoivo,and as willing . to spond a little something to develop anything which can legitimately bo I llAFrtx Tho boys had a jolly time last night at tho Jackson Saltfonraf1 fling for a beautiful meerschaum pipe valucd'nt forty dolitirs. v. j i i i ." vuiueu'iii, joi iy uuiiiit". i v was won ; yade tributary to oar local prosperity. Uy.Louis Import, ho threw 42. , Hew Books, Music,. &e., by every Steamer. S3 0,0 00 WORTH 0( BOOK s;i ' 'X' '' , ND,:'' '; : - FANCY GOODS, D ltKSl'ECTFUf.IjY INFOI1M. , citizens of tills nliico clnity, that having returned from a pro- i icssiniiai louriurouKii tne mu'-s. lie luis again reeumed the nractiee of JKNTlSl'liY, In Uironni lonnoriy occupied by mm. tn tne building occupied hj Wood I Bntler. rh itomj.h AvMsts, ami adjoining V. dron lints.' Drug Hture. Ho takes this method of. ex. tending thanks, fnrlhe liberal patronage heretofore- ex. tended to liiut, anuuoHclts a continuance of the same. LlaT OF PKICEs. Entire Denture nnQ'old Iinse tlS0tot225 ' Lpper Denture, Gold Hose AO " " Denture. Vnlcnnlte Base 70 " 124. " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Unse 5 ' . bo Gold FtiHitfis inserted from one dotlar upward. ' Chlldrens, Teeth extracted free af charge, selO-tf Trcilsurn-'s notice. THE POLLtlWINQ COUNTY 011I1EHS will be paid; upon presentation at my ofiire:: rnjaxortf. K WCrandall. K U Crandoll. .i 3 B Harfonl. ' : 111 ilcauslin., .1 B Harford. , T M M.' C It Meigs. .. J 11 llarford' ' 16.' 17, Aug. P, , SeptT, ' Cept 8, -. No. s, ' Nov 10 " Not 10 " Dee. H " Doe 12 " . Jan. f. ISM , .la13 " , Keb tt; " . and ' .6 169 .f wo '81 b. ...... A 5 ... f ....5 ... fi , ...6....... .... ...'21 ,...'2J ...JfOl ...!i70 ..i!S7 ...171. ...44 .Ma AM: ll. J.VALDIlON.Tr Jrsee Keel. .1 II Harford ' J Khelt U W Mitchell;. 'eosBrer. , CHEAP FOB CASH. ( ; FLOWERS ! FI.O W EttS lY J ', ' J.havejnst received alot of ASSORTED FLOWEBS 7' ri Which I will sell at reasonable Prlccl. . au I' J. JTJKBE, If- 7-