isb. fe'6. DMXRS, OBKGON, SUNDAY, A PBir. , lgtOO. Mountaineer, PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS EXCEPTED,) BV E. G. COWXE & J. lMLl.ORAX, ' DIT0K8 AND PHOPHItTUKii. Tkkmu Twenty-fier, cruLt nor week, payable tothe carrier ' per month, hy until. (1; three mouths, ttoOj alx luuntha, 5 ; ouo, $3. Advertlaeuieute inserted at luw rates. ' ' , Job Printing, . . Every description uf pluln and fancy Job Printing exe uted witli uuutuess and despatch, and forwarded as per on'w to any part of the ouiiiitry. lMynuntJur Job lint ing tantt be made on delivery oj work. Practical Watokmukcr. And Dealer lu I FIVE WATCHES JEWELRY, ' ,-' DALLES, OREGON. lMtablit-ilietl 1857. BALDWIN IsftO., DEALERS IN G-IfcO CERIES ! oiiaxKii of . Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN mh.l-tf F. W. BALDWIN. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE Ili.RJL,AJVI &. AVEIVTZ. ' tlPNITOaj GLOBE HOTEL BUILDINO. T ..JJ. i-HII-M"-. lntlUJPiu i. .......... i .1 !...- Household Furniture, embracing Tablea, Chalra, Bureaus "Jledsand Bedsteads. Beddiliu-.Carnuts .'o.,eto., all oi wuich will bo sold at low rate. Furniture Uepuired, and Upholstering duue to order. Alao. ou hand Mattresses and l'illowa. Spring Beds made to order. uul2 WJI. MOAIIUS. , - - - o. B. KEGEL. WM. MOABUS &.C0., CITY" BAKEEY, 1 AND PROVISION STORE, Corner of Pfrat and B Streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRAUKKRSand Family GROCERIES. "Orders from a distance carefully Slled and prompty . Jspatcbed. 1-U JOSEPIlELFEIsT, ,. WU0IE3.U.B A3tD RETAIL DEALER I!t Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, UATS AND CAPS, AND 3cntlcnien's Furnishing Goods Fire-proof Stone Stnro, corner of Mala and Court streets. oc-l-tt IHUMASOTS .& UDELL, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND CIR call Courts of Oregon, aud the District Courts 0 , Washington Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. 0. 1IUMAS0N Dalles, 0n. J. A.ODKLL. jturixisi-iisd i&ooms ' TO LET, ' By tho Night, Week or Month, NEXT DOOR TO JACKSON KN01NE 1I0USH. ' i2tf .. MttS. BPRKNOKn. x. u. oatbs. 1. 1. haw. ' GATES &, HAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, DALLES, OREGON. UXfc. .A.. II. STEELE, . , ACTING ASSISTANT SURGEON, V. 8. A. OFFICE AT WALDR N BR03. DRTJO STORE WM. BROWN WARNER, M. . . OFFICE 71 SECOND STREET, between Washington 'and Court. . Offioe Hours 9 to 12. a.m.i S to 4 p h .sand 6 to 10. P. O. B. IJKOOKS, M.'D."; Office -A. t Dr. Craia's IJrua Store. .' DALLES, OREGON'. ' TO LET. . VlTVI DE8III ABHS RESIDENCE 8ltn,twl on the Bluff. 1. formerly occupied by T. II. KKI.LY, Is for rent. There are flva rnoma, partly fnrnlihed; nlao out houses; - it Rood spring of cool water, toiolhnr with one aero or Xrh Harden ground, with a secure fence around the anms. ! IWrius reasonable. Apply to KELLY DENNY. 1). WiTI DOUTIHTTY ATTORNEY AT LAW. B AHNOCK CITY. Idaho Territory. . yir rartlcnUr'XUsntlCDps'idto ColUctlnt'r)'t'ts..r Btous Btort, U ii 11 &i ii I 1j 31' A .1, IHP0RTSR8 AND WUULEHAU' Dealers in Wines, Liquors ilt,OOKltIli2, Miners' Goods, Moat Stores, &c, RAVI REMOVED TO THEIR NtW STONE BUILDING, " - CORNER or ' Second and Wasliliigton Streets,. nALi.ES CITY. . VTOW IN STORK A LARUK, AND COMPLETE A8 1.1 sortuicut of the very beat brauds of YV I IV ICS AND LIQUOIW. Also, a mil asBortuient of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. "Oonatantly receiving our supplies direct from New York and Sun Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a atrictly aorrect and prompt method ol doing biuiuesa, tiioy will receive the patronage of the pub. I'0- ' si-lu-tf UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. IIAXDLEV &. Sl.WOTT, I'rop'rs. lHIS POPULAR HOUSE, OSNTRAI.LT LOCATED, Near the Steamboat Landing & Bailroad Depot, Has been recently enlarged and improved, and will now accoiuuiudato 300. OUEMTS. IT WILL BE CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and the patrouage of the traveling public la reapectt'ully aolicite i. AT Bngjcaxe taken to the House froe of charge. House open all niht. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES . Dulles, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, ' miX STREET, DALLES, OREGON, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE; IN TUB CENTRE OP RU9INEE8, Near the Steamboat, and Bailroad Landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao souuuodute Ono Hundred and Fltty Quests. Ueuls 60 cat. Lodging....- SOcti. Fire Proof Safe for dcposltoof valuables. . nouse open all night. Buggaw taken to the Hons free of charge. THOMAS SMITH, mh8-tf Proprietor. CD UMBIA RIVER MINES. A.R. BOOTH, WH1TK BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AND GENERAL DEALER IN MEBOIIANDISE AND Jtl 1 M E KS' SUP PLIES. FACE ANO SADDLE H0B323 FOB SALE. HTlltEIOIITS CONSIONFD to my care for Colvllle tC Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Miues, will re ceivo prompt attention. White Bluffs. Oct. lat, 1364. ' oc 2tf EW Fill) ST, nUOCEKV AND PROVISION STORE. 'PUB UNDEUSIONED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and I the public generally, that be has Just established on Mala street, next door to J, Juker, Tobacconist, . A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment o aelected FRUIT. Also, In storo R complete stock ofchoice GUOVKH1ES, PH0V1SI0HH, VKQETABLKS, ttv. All of which will be sold, wlioleaale and retail, at KB DUCED PRICKS. Come and soe and sntlsfy yourself. JOHN SP08IT0. FRED. LIEBE, GROCERY, PROVISION, . AND FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalles. Has on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Butter & EgffS, Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kluds. FRESH VEGETABLES very morning. Allartlcles warranted. . Give Me a Call, Everybody , PEICKSJ LOW. roUfctf , ' ' . F. LIEBE. WL. BROWN & BUO., . . .f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN f , FANCY AND STAPLK DRY GOODS! , GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco, wt re enabled to Oder great lndcements to purchasers. VYs respectfully Invite the public to examine our stock befor purchasing elsewhere... .i ... mlott norm lias urid sirtst, iisuaa. Democratic State Ticket. : FOB CONQliESSs JAMES If. FAY, " Of Jacksom , FOR aOVeiUKOR: , . JAMES It. KELLY, Of Wasco. ; . . . ' ' FOR SECRETA11Y OF STATE : , " LAFAYETTE LAKE, Of Multnomah. ' " FOR STATE TREASURER: '' JOH. C. HELL, Of Marlon. , FOR STATE PRINTER: ' 1 JAMES O'ME IRA, Of Linn. ; ' FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY FIFTH DISTRICT. J. II. SLATER. , 01 Union. NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY ' ' : Will carry . .. F.AST FREIGHTS FROM U 3-t .A. TILL Jl. , AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE F0LL0W . .. INU REDUCED KATES) : . To noise City IS Cent per pound Idaho City HI) " it " Owyhee MO. '.. ' For leas amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Couts per pound will be charged. TIMK FKOM UMATILLAl To Uolso City To Idatio City.... TO On j Uee, ....... ,3 Days. . 3 1-J Days. ..4 Days. . . JOSEPH PINK11AM, Acent. TJmatllla, Oct. 1, 1866. ocl8:tf. FOH WOlsE UlltEtX. T II E WALLA WALLA &. BOISE LINE , - OF , CONCORD STAGES, CAKRYINO ' .! THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS ''AND ' Wells, Fargo & Cos Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (Boise Mines.) , Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallnla Line of Stages, and th Boatsof the 0. 8. N. Company. OEO. F. THOMAS 4 CO., ap27-tf i Proprietor TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN": FEED! FEED!! SHORTS, ' . " AND OF ALL KINDS, FOR SAE BY ll. II. LAW, 25 Front Street, Portland, ' Opposite 0. S. N. Warehouae. n19:tf. (tUAUTZ MILLS! And all kinds of Machinery Manufacture! at the . '. OREGON IROH WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TII streets, , PORTLAND... . , A.. 0. QIBBS 4 CO., ' - - Succeaaors to Portland. Dec. 6th '64. ' de8tf K. L. Jones Co. ,-NEV SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. .'' rin UNDERSIGNED would reapoctfully annnunco that he will open a first-class Baloon In French A Oilman's New Stono Building, THIS EVENING, and is prepared to serve cuUomers Kith the best of , Wines, Liquors . and Cigars. ; ,': .: also,a: .v E RE E LU NO II ; Every, day and EvenlDj. oc28tL jroiijt r'ik'plavb. Uma till la, 13 o i s oi ' . ANDIDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING order from Umatilla to Idaho City, vnv Bolae City , and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Pscktmvs betweeu these and all Intermediate points with certuiuty and despatch. . . . . . The Line Is Stocked with tbo Best Teams, the country affords and entirely . now xnorougn-joraco ; CONCORD 4mZZ4 Which ensures Speed and Safety In the transmission of Freight, never before offered to muho. We oiler Supe rior inducements for Shippinu; Goods from San Frauciacu ' and Portland to Idaho, as our arraufrenients with the ' Ocean Steamship Company and tho OrVgon Steailt NnvU ' gutloh are such that all Uouds shipped by thia Line will not be subjoct to tlie usual delays, but pass through a ...... 1 - . Goods shipped from San Francisco to onr care at Port land, Charges Will be paid and Goods shipped to destina tion. . . ... GOODS 8II0CLD BB MARKEDtCARK B. M. D. A CO., F. LIN E, and Shipping Receipts Sent to our Agents at Portland aud Umatilla, . ,, x .. . Advance Charges for Transportation raid by the Line and Collected at Destination, floods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owybee nd South Boise. : PASSKNOERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCF.D KATES. Fahilliee will be Itirnlahed with Superior Ac- fliimniiMinciiiiiH in nraiwi kiuv if, Mint ' nnn.inh lip.... Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay over each night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so thut passengers will nut he deprived of regular rest. , AGKNTSt RICHARDS A 5rcCltAKKN.V...'..............Eau Fmnclsro KICIIRDS A McCilAKKN............. PortlunJ JOSKl'il TEAL Dalles POWhl.L A C"K ...i ;. UmatillH J. B. WILKIN SON ,.... .,.LeGrauU B. M. DuKELL A CO Boise City U. M. LiuKKLL A CO........V .....Idaho City MAJOR SPEEK.'. .. ....Jtocky Bar (South Dolsej DoKELL A MOORE... i.. Ruby aud Silver Cities , B.JII.DuUELLkCO - n25tf ; .. , , I'roprietors, A CARD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing Trad6 . OF SAIV FRANCISCO. " " BADGER &LINDENBERGER, Nos. 411, 413 a-nd 419 Battery Street, Cor. merchant, San Franolaco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ' ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK ' Wt WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chauts to our usually large stock of Ooods. Our , stock cutnpriees evory article in ti e Clothing andFur- (-.. mH .inc. ,, vu.,a uuunti.iuij uu iiuiiu me largest aud greatest varloty of Casslmere aud Wool HATS of any house In Bun Francisco, and our for these Good, are leas than thine of any house, as we receive tllAlll fiirnPt frfltll tltn m,1,lfllf.t,ira'a stock of Suminernnd Fall Goops Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the cohu'try merchant Is the unusually low prices. , Less Than the Cost of Importation! Wa ala.t b... .V. B. 1 TIT n a liwmv t. (. 1 . . 1 . n n '' .' line, which Goods we have purchased in tills market un der the hammer, and are ottering them at Kew Yolk Cost, and leas. . We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and Induct those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. . . Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to al who purchase to sell again. .Merchauts who buy of, ie ciyi make R good profit, and sell to their customers at a low figure. H remain, respectfully, ...... , ' BADGER A LINDENBERGER, ',. Wholesale Clothlnii and Hat Warehouse.' Nos. 411. 413 and 416 Battery street, Don rrancisoo, February , 1800. - f9-3mw. FRENCH MILTaiNERY STORE, . ; . ' '' and ' , ' Dress Making; Establishment, Opposite Cohn ib Bobm's, I WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the Ladies 0 the Dalles to my lart e ind fine stock of , , i FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, RoklVETS, H ATS, FEATHERS, '. ' . t. ; . 1 . ; s ' - .-.'1 Having secured the services of MRSk VR A RY, in the ' Drrns Making apartmetit, wo will do all work in that line ' aud guarantee perfect satisfaction. DYING done in all colors. - : ' Give mo nrv early call and I will endeavor to autt ' Particular attention nnld to . - Embroidery and Braiding Bt ampin;, ' , ., ,'. NOTICE. - " XTX CAM. TnE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC to liieas and there.ore.all parties Indebted to as MUST PAY UP WITHIN NINETY DAYS or legal proceedings wiS hehad. . , M.1U10WN A.BltO. Dalles, March 10, 1805. Ut