ottfttatnwrl '. . tfACTS AND FANCIES. , , " Ah, Doctaw, does the choteraw 'awfeet the hitrhaw awdaf" "No," ro- plied the doctor tithe exquisite," but it.'u HouLh on fools, and vou'd better v r A Georgia Judge lately threatened a lawyer lor contempt of Court. " I have expressed no contempt for the Court," said the lawyer, on the con trary, I have ourefuily concealed my icoiings. , . . The receipts of the horse railroads in Philadelphia, lant year, were 2,788 112 67, which, at seven cents fare, rep. resents 8y,115,898 passengers) The roads paid a Government tax of 68, 452 82. The last sale of negroes in tho Val ley of Virginia was made by a gent le man at Stanton, April Oib, 18C5. Ilo sold two negro children, uged nine and twelve years, lor live thousand cabbage plants. "Japanese Tommy" was the cause of a row at the Cincinnati Palaue Va rioties, the other performers refusing to appear unless Tommy was dis charged. . Tbe managers, however, stood flrmlv bv Tommv. y Hughes, tbe murdercr,Iatoly hanged at Cleveland, Ohio, said, on tho gal. lows, that ho would come back. lie bns kept his word, it soems, and bus frightened a Duicb butcher and the inmates of the very badly. The Cincinnati and Chicago papers contain elaborate reports of working, men's meetings in favor of the Eight- on the Ohio Senate to pass the bill in- . 1 1 . t;: i. . n i ivrpurutiug mo iigiii-uuur principle. " Ha 1" exclaimed Mr. John Thomas standing with his coat tails drawn forward, and his back to the kitchen fire, "I've heered a good deal about tbe cattle complaint, but am 'tippy to ' eay it 'aven't yet attacked my calves." The TfoaBury Department has re. ceivod from the late so-called Confed erato States, sinoe tbe close of the war, the sum bf $27.DG0,000 being mostly from she sale of captured and abandoned property of all kinds, im eluding cotton. .- It has been ascertained that a wind mill with Bails of the best form. and tfwma nf flflaon nnrl a Jhlf Innt fenj-ttl... with the wind moving at tbe fate of . imrieen ieev per secona, nas a lorce just about equal to an engine of one uurue puwor. t ; , Tbere is an old book called " Tbe Praise of Folly.". Authors, actors and artists who are suffering irora the ef fects of. too much pastry in the shape of puffs, might compile an instructive - -worn, ana name it " The lolly of j. raise. An exonange says : " it is better to love a person you cannot marry than to marry a person you cannot love' This ib a short text for a Inner snrtnnn. . 'which human experience will continue tO preach until the last syllable of re oordea time and human passions. - MinimoiiM. - In Justice's Conrt, before 1). Wliltton. Justice af the , Peaoe In and Mr upper Canyon City Product. K. C. - Jriaroy, vs. ai ri askio. mO A. V. ASKIN, DEFENDANT ABOVE KAMKA JL In the name of the Stale Of Oregon, you are sum moned and reqnlred to be and appear in the nbote enti tled Court, within six Uutnthsfroni dale hereof, then and ohore to answer to a civil action, entitled as above, the complaint In which la on file in said caurt; and tune no tice, that if you Ml to appear and answer, plaintiff Will takejudgment against you for the shin of S7 75, and for bis costs Herein. - JS. V. I1AHDY, ' Canyon City, MaroM 89, 1S6G. aplw !nrnnr'ii finis. BY RTOB OF AN EXECUTION TO ME tfiRKCT ed, Issned ont of the Circuit Court, for the Colinty or Union, State of Oregon,- In favor of I. Goer, sheriff, ad against JnA. t. Chairman tl, t have this day levied on til following dnscrlbed real estate, ttf-wlt I The undivided half of the ?aw-mlll (water-power) and land olal it on which said mill Is sltfmto', eon.lstln of 160 acres of land, together with all the appurtenance. . . i . ,i . . . nn... i .1 1 . I -1 . .... ' miles above thetown of Union, Union County, on Cotlmr's Creek, and commonly known as the Bennington k Hoi brook sawmill I will expose the same at public sale in front ol the Court House door In Calon county, on FRI DAY, APRIL the 27th, between the hours of 0 a. m. and p. m.. ana win sen me same to tne nigneai manor lor Ish. to satisfy the sura of $092 61-100, and Interest from the 16th day of November, 1806, together with costs. . OAAS. ABKRLEY. : ,; ' ' andt' Coroner Union Count, la Grande, CtiloA county, Oregon, starch 16tbj 1808; Oregon Steam Navigation Co. , SUMMER ARRANGEMENT THE STEAMKI13 . . .' ' i KEZ PEIKU CII1E1', 1VEB-FOOT, ; TK.VIXO, OWt'IIEE, ' YAKIMA, SI'RAY K Captains E. F. COE, C. C. FELTOX. J. II. ft. tflUY, and TH08.J. STUMP, Will run dnrlrg the season from CELILO to folATIL LA, WAl.LULA, Wlll'lU BLUFFS, l'ALOUiB and LKW18TON. One nl'tlie nbovd named boats will leavo CELILO for UMATILLA and M'ALLULA, DAILY (Sundays ei6epted) 1?lie I?a.l5ieIlel Trulu tn connect with steamers nt Celllo will (tart from" the Railroad Depot, IIALLUS CITY, nt 6 o'cloc ' , A, : llonts will b lIlBlmtchod fur WHITE BLUFFS. PA LI WOK and LKW1ST0N an often as the necessity (if the trade will demand. FOB PORTLAND THltOCQn IX ONE DAY; The Steameri "ONEONTAj" on "IDAHO," CAPT.J. McNULTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES. DAILY. (Sundays excepted) at. 6 o'clock, a. M.. connecting by the CASCADE RAILROAD, Willi tnc mounters NEW WOULD, CASCADE, or WILSON G. IITJINT, CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, f-i Portland. FRANK T. PODOK, Dalles. Apill 8. 1866. riil2tf Agent 0. S. N.Co. Virginia City, Montana & Blackfoot OVERLAND STAGE LINE! BEX. HOLLIDAY, Proprietor. p$ COMORD STAGES LEAVE BOISE CITY EVERY OTIIF.R DAY FOR MLACKFOOT, Salt Lake City, Denver City, MISSOURI RIVER, Connecting at SALT LAKE CITY with Concord Stages jiuuniug to Virginia City, Nevada, AND SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA.. Boise City to Fait lake City 100 00 .. Virginia i:itv, Montana 120 w Missouri Kiver, Legal Tender V300, Uold, $100 m 400 00 For further Information apply at OVERLAND STAGE LINE OFFICE, Boiae City, 1. T., Itihd3m J.N. TODD, Agent. Union State Ticket. . FOR CONGRESS ; . UUFUS niALLORY, Of Marion. FOR GOVERNOR! . GEO. L. WOODS, . Of Wasco. . , : ' '' FOR SECRETARY OF STATE t : SAMUEL E. MAY, ' ' Of Marion, . FOR STATE TREASURER : E. W. COOKE, , ' ' Of Marlon. ' FOR STATE PRINTER: V W. A. McPHEUSOS, ' Of Linn. FOIt I'ROSKCUTINO ATTORNEY FIFTU DISTRICT: c. n. MEIGS, Of Wasco. . Dlt. 13. W. MiTCHELIi. Offioi WALDllON'S BUILDING. ; RtsrMtscB Corner of Third and Washington Streets, LANGLEY, CROWELL & CO,, IMPORTERS AND WH0LE8AUC , Comer of Clay and Battery Sts., SAN jmANCIS?0. OALLES CITY DUIIG STORE. P.CEAIG, vholcsali And kitaii. ; DEALER IN DRUGS. . MEDICINES, , Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, - PATENT MEDICINES, 0. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drnpa, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At tbe lowest market rates. S Physicians and Merchants intending to purchase fbr the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 ib great variety. S. LEMON, Sp.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. POHTLANl) FOUNDRY AND ... MACHINE SIIOT FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and illorrlaon. Steam Bngtnea .L offroin4to4horse- -sSiS f?t power.eitner iiortauioor srxvaf mvrtVi Stationary. Also, Cill- ?ifew CULAll SAW MILLS UOMl'LKTK, cnnsianuy i7'SXSviaKi on hand. Also, Hay Pros-5ffirjj!g si-ii nf all I'lanlnir Machines.! Woodworth's pattern,) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Ver tical SawamlUrist mills; ZSZcfl&f Brass and Iron Castings -ais aud UROUGIIT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of tile entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powers & Agricultural Implement) manufactured murder nt the very LOWEST CASH I' KICK N. B. Particular attention paid to REPAIRS, fe'20-tf MRS. L, WHITE'S 1NEW PHOTOGRAPH BOOMS, Washington Street. HAYING NEWLY FITTED UP TIIR GALLERY over Degnar's Store, woa'ld respectfully announce to all those wishing Photographs, Carts tic Ylslte, fcc, that they will do well to give her fi call. Particular at tention paid to taking Ladies aud Clfi'dreu's Pctures. OCZ1HI. 1. 1. STEPIIEIVSOill DENTIST, HAS REMOVED II1S OFFICE OPIHV site Dloch, Miller A Co., wliere he is prepared to do all kinds of : DENTAL WORK, in a skillful and well flnlslud maimer. TEETH, ffisertec from one to an entire set, on Uold or Rubber Plate, Prices range for Rubber Plate, from tii id tub ; Foi Gold Plate, from 175 to $126. mf Persons having work done by me riot proving sat. lsfactory will not be required to receive or pay lor thi same. i, ,- . aul3 tl DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of tha ' SEXUAL ORGANS. mlllS prompt and efllcatlous Re'mOdv for tbe orire M. Ghonorroso, Gleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the urinary urgans. makes a speedy cure without tbe least restriction to diet, exrjosure or cbanue in sunlirntlim business; It will radically cure any cose which Can be produced. The disease It removes as speedily as is coin aistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted if the 8PECIFIOCOMPOUND Is taken when exposed. Its Ingredients are entire! f vegetable, and no Injurious cudui, euuer constitutionally or locally, can be caused by Its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle: Sent by AApreu vnreiiiujr pncKtiu. HOSTETTEIl, 8M1TII A DEAN. Agents, 401 and 103 Battery street, cor Clav, Jy22-6m. San Francisco, B. DALLAM. 0. W.ABXU. 8. W. ABM, ARMES D ALLAM. Importers and Jobbers of . WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, to. And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tabs, Brooms. M 317 A 210 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davis pp rruuuuHW O0ll:8mdAW. LINCOLN HOUSF Currier Waahlngton and Front Street!, ' fOBTLAND, OREGON. ,. jrIRST-CI.ASS ItOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATX. M2 Charges Reasonable, i . , ... AN .dMNlllUS will attend all tha Boats and convey Passengers and theli1 baggage to tha House Free of Charge, or to any other Ilouse In the Clry for 60 centa. a Li iUi-'- COFFIN, Proprietor. ,P,S nOT AND OdLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers fbr Oregon City, Yanoonver, Monti eello and Antnrl& latiii tl,. f.lnnnl ttn utlj.. --. - - wMvv.u uvun niwt DAILY MOUNTAINEER. POWKK PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Btreet, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY jsxecmea witn acuuritcy aua aiBpaien. . . IN A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP SI to oRnr.a: Cards and Itil 1-13 cads. CHECKS, DRAWS, KECEWTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS PRINTEV IN TDK HOST ATTBAOTITI MANMaB. -ALSO, WAY-BILLS. MILLS OF FAKE, LETTER HEADS, . RECEWTBOOKS. BILLS LAD1KG, Itriefs and ramplilefs, VISITING, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS Drucririats' LnbelK. In short, everything that can be done io a Book and Job Prlntina Office, from the smallest and moBt delicate Card-. or Circular, to the lurgest size and most showy Posting Hill and which will be turned out in a style mat cauuut fall to Insure entire satisfaction. oua rioaiTirs ton tut ijcicutioh or JECOR ATI VE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. , Such as Fancy Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Largest Matunioth. ,. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, rVRt liMERS' LABELS, Are unsurpassed by those ol any other establishment in Oregon. We devote speciul uttention to this branch of the busiuesa. and ore continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material, . NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. rfc rfc etc.. Of tha most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock 0. FANCY INKS. TINTS, AC, Are of the finest Quality, and for richness of color and' durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which business is asxea lor tins es tablishment la, that persons will consult their own Inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office In which . 1 . ...uucj iu ud s.jnuum v " .... . .... ........ . this end we solicit all in want or good Priutiug, at very: reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and judge for yourselves. ' . Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the luterio may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as HAVF THF flNI V IMPROVFIi CMMON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon J ': 1 Address: c , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf Dalles. Oregon. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON, T HE TJNDER8IONKD, IIAVINO REMOVED FROM TUB "BKLLA UN1U" UJSLLAK, IHU . .. Gates New Building?, Beg io Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with tha best v Wines, Liquors and Cigars,: TUB MARkET AFFORDS. ALSO, A . Free Lunch ! Every day and evening. ' BiaCHUTZ S. Ka.KIW, ' dec?-lf Proprietors. . Hard "Wood. Lnmberj CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS" We P. KG TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man 1 ufacturera and Dealers to the Large und Com plete assortment of OAHKJAOE and WAU0N MATEKI AL8 we are constantly receiving from the East specially selected for tbe California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Piank, Hickory Axlea Wagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes. Felloes. Kims. Shalts. Ac. Ac. . Which wa offer at the lowest Cash Prices. jtaT Orders addressed to our house will receive proms' attention. N. W. Bit Add A Cii., , Jel6:3m. . M A SI Battery Street, San Francisco'; and IT A 10 Seventh Etroet Bacrnruento. 0. WaterHOusb, II. W. Braoo A Co., . J. W. Lmixit San Franoisoo. . Sacramento. New Fork aou Aoiiri ti OAUrbitjiiA ro ', TII.TON A lfTn"B APLAWTlifl ' Fire Sc Burglar Proof Safes. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, ' - , i ' ' ' WITH ' ViUlUUlUUUUU JjOUlti ' -Constantly hand a full assortment of BAFKfti ' ... : Jli BATTERY STREET, . jy4tt ' - aa Francis! -.