1" hnxt our Epitome of Telegraphic News. ' . fOOMPlLIS FROM THt OBEOOSUS. ' DATES TO APRIL 18. . Chicago,' April 18. Conncss reported a bill to prohibit tiie absence of Territorial officers lust Fri'Jny, aud adverted in severe litnsitge to tho conduct uf Secretary Meagher who had given new direction to udmiuistralion and sentiments of the people.. Governor Edierton's abseuce seems to be inexcusable. The Prcdidout has filled bis ihu:e. - Thri IVar Dnnnflmnnt rttfAf.ta fhn mnotAi.- out of ull colored troops, except twenty regiments, which a e retained as fo lows : District of Columbia, 1 regiment; South Carolina, 1: N rth Carolina, I ; Elorida, 1 ; Alabama, 2; Mississipti', 4; Tennessee. 4 ; Kentucky, 2; Snerman'i i military division, 4. ' The Adjutant General' announce- olliciully 'that the President's peace proclamation does tint. U'il.hHriLnr mnrt.iiil lnw. lint nHHa Ihut It . u not expedient to resort to military tribu nals in any case where justice may be ob tained through the civ. I authorities. Fortran Alnnroe, April 10. 0. 0. Clay was relea.-e under the President's order thisj moraine - Clucuim, April 18. Gen. Meade and staff have crmifl to E slum t. Ma.. aunuoged to Kink o - r I 1 ri after the P nians. The House commi'tee on territories hove bad. under consideration for sums time an application of tbe people of Utah, asking admi-siou into the Union. The committee have taken i onsiderable evid-nce in relation . to ii, and are of opinion that the condition of affairs lu that territory will not permit her admission. There were some rich de velopments before the committee telative to from several thousand citizens of Indiana, Pennsylvania and Michigan, were ' presented to the House, in favor of iucreas ' ing the duty on foreign wool. 'I bo repor of the House Judiciary Com mittee, couinining strong evidence against ' IHF n.ivla. heret.nfiirA in nnnapflRlnn nf IhA bureau of mil tary business, will be pre sented on Friday, the 20th inst. New York, April 18. Tho Lincoln funeral car was purchased by II C. Durand, who tenders it for tbe use of tl e Union Pacific Railroad, for the accommodaion of its officers on special occasions. The car leaves in a few days for the west, with several Government directors, who go out to exam the condition of tho road. Tho car was bought by Ward II. Lamton, lit a sale of Gov ernment stock last week, to prevent its pur chase by speculators, and tbe Secretary of War consents to tbe nual disposition as above. . ' : ' . New York, March 18. The stoamer City of JSoraich of the New London lino collided on the Sound with a schooner at 4 o'clock this morning, lue itenmer was set ou hro and burned to the water's edge. , It is supposed that ten lives were lost. Tne car ariver s striae nas oroKcn out ' with increased violence. Tbe driven found they, were to be deceived by tbe arrangement made yesterday. . .. A fire at TititsviUe. Pa., this morning de stroyed a number of blocks in the coutral uart of tne city, boss, over 30 ,oou. Haltfax, April 18 A resolution in favor of tbe confederation of tbe provinces passed both houses of tbe Nova Scotia parliament. : The New Brunswick parliament has adjourn' ed for a month, to enable the now minority to be formed and elections held to fill tbe va cancies caused by the resignation of mem- . berg. .-' Omaha, April 18. The Government Corn. m'isainnnri have examined and accented the second section of tbe Union Pacifio Rail road. 1 The track is now being livid at (he rate Of a mile a day. ' Mia York,. April 18. Thirty ships left Lit ernool for this port during the month of March,, with 3,048 cabiq and. 1,084,, ateernge Dasseniiers'. ' Number of passengers- for tbe Ole Bull, tbe celebrated violinist, died at Quebec on the lutb inst. - The Timet' Wasbingtqn special correspond noe sava the Postmaster General is fatiuQei of tbe leasibility and practicability of Incor ' norated nroposed National Telugraph. Com . uanies, to connect lines over all post routes. Lf the estimates ore correct, ordinary men. usees can. be- transmitted' at the rate of one (lent for three word".. St. Louii. April 18 The Pacifio IUilroad. is completed twer.ty-two miles westof Topeka, New Orlean. April ih. urnw nsvine an vines gov the Liberals captured a wagon, trai between Veni Cruz and .Mouterey, killing and , cantnriniz 250 French soldiers. One hundred ' and fifiv wnirona were in the train. ' Washinalon. April the U. S. Oonsu , at AfDinwall, informs tbe State Dt partmen tbata disease rejembling tho, rinderpest has ,l i . .t .i.- n.. r ti.A n; DrUKfiQ Olll nilllllf lUO IIHCVI .UW I aunmn , road. A large number of cattle are. dying The Secretary of tbe Treasury orders that after the 1st of May, deposits for temporary . loans-shall bear onij lour per ceoi. interest. C. 8. Mima. . Dalles. Block, Miller tfc Co., - WHOLESALE ' .: G E O C E R S i, . . AND DEALERS IN Wines ' & Liquors, , And Importers and Jobbers of .'.'.-., CLOTHING; Boots fc Shoes, Under Clothing, . Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. MTV, niVB AN ASSAY OFFICE IX CONNECTION f with our hiialncaa, nnrtor the entire supervision nf Mr. Miller. We make returns in liars In lx hours. We miiranlee ell our Assuvs unci nay tbe I1IOIIK.ST CASH PltlCB for num. Ws alao pay tbe Hixhoal Cuah Price for Cold Dust. . BLOC II. MIM.RR C., myCtf Cor. Main and Wimliinnton atreets. Dullea. DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. GROCERIES. a BY TUB PACKAGE. -m yv --- a s a- At San Francisco Prices, Adding coat of Trannportation. , CUMMINO k GRANT, m!3tf ' Dallea, oreion. W. 13. DOUGLASS, (Sncceaaor to William Blrnbaum.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, AND DIALBB IX Fine Watches AND JEWELRY, fNTITKS THE ATTENTION OF III8 FRIENDS AND I. the Public to bit choice selection of , New and Fashionable Goods, Reapoctfnlly aulicltlng their patronage. Wa'chea PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and WAItUANTED. iu9if Nest Door to the Post Oraea). NOTICE. Orrica or Cniar Quhtem urn, ', .' ' I DaPAETHSHT Of TH COLDMOI t, 4 BALED PROPOSALS will be received for the TRANS- 3 P0KTATION OF UOVEltNMENT FRE1G11T oror the following named routea: lat. From Fort Dallea. Oregon, to CamnaCurry. Wat' aonand Wright. ' Bidden to atate the price per pound leu-UK. tney win taxe me ireiuni or. Separate hide required for each Camp. Dida for this aerrice will be roeelred at Fort Dallea. Oregon, by Capt, Jamea Gilliaa. A. Q. M., U. S. A., and at thla olllce, up to li M.. on tne lat dar or May, laoo. 2d. From Wallula, W. T, to Fort CoWllle, W The price per pound In Com to be atated by bidden, Rlda for tnia aerrice will bo received at Fort Will In Walla, W. T., by 1 t Lieut. John Noble, A. A. Q. M.,aod at thla office. t:p to 12 M. on the 1 t day of May, 18611.' SUI rrom wallula. w. 1, to Fort llolae, I. T. The price per pound In Coin to be atated by biddera for thla Imnsportiitliin. Jllua for thla aorvlce will pe recelveu u; Caot.T: J. Kckeraon. A. Q. M , U. S. A.. Fort Bolae. T.- and at thia office, up to 12 M.,ou the 16th day of May, J8DO. ' 4th.' Krom Fort Pallet. Orecon. to Fort Dolae, I. T the-nrlce per pound in Coin, i r which traneportatlnn will be furnlahed'orer thla route to be atatedl Bida for. thia aervlce will be received at Fort Dallea, Orogon, by Cupt. Jamea.OllIha, A. Q. M., U. 8. A4 Kurt Bole, I. T., iy cnut. T. J. Kckeraon, A. VI. M., t): a. A.; amr at tnia olllci, up to 12 M., on the 16th day of May, 1800, Biddera for all the routea will be required to.gl hernia with rood and auftlclent aecurity for I he fait 1111 performanoe of any. ooutraot which may he awarded them nnder ibla advertiaement. Bida tp be in duplloate mill acoompanied uy au, oath or allegiance to tne uuitea Statu. ,. . , . 1 The rlghi to reject any, on all bida la raaarred, if ao deemod buat for tbr interaet of theaerrloe, . ' AU Goulracts mule subject to the approval of tbe De pnrtment aim Dlviaion.Uoiumanoera. , HENRY 0 HODGES, . t 1 k nkl ..r .t-mmt.m 3Jlw4t.t itml ... - Depnrtiiiunt of the Columbia. CRYSTAL S A LOOM ;i ',' AND. .;,,'".... r, , ' . ISIIL.XJCA.III BOOM,, " ' 'jOHK R1MB1.AUB,. Proprietor. WASniKGTOJi STi nait deer to FRENCH OILMAN IsiiO F. Blocs, San Frauciaco. WALDRON IIROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon, We now occupy orm nkw two stohyfirr iiroor Stune buibiinic, otiuoalte Uloch. Millor k Co.. aud nfTer to lb pnbllo a full ami omiipleLe atock of Druga, Medicioea aua Cboinicala, cooflittini; iu pint of ' KKIIOSENR. IMMP WICKS 4 CU1MNEYS HOPS, . 8AOK. ' ; BPON'OKfi. , LKIiOIlKS, .. , ' COItKH. TUHPKNTINR, ' , . ALCDIIOL, ACII)!. ' , UNSKRD, CA.-TOR AND ' NKATSVOOT OU, ' I.N WOO AND ' , LAM'ULACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, ANO PATENT MICDICINKS. Our atuck of FANCY GOOD? I a or tbe flaeat and best quality ; new atylea ond tarue aaaui'tuienta. ancb ua tUltl.N'S PKUFUKKItY, 11 A I II, LUltlN'8TiHI.LTSuAP, , VbESII, VOMADKS. BIIAVIXO, . Cv8M KTIC8, ' ' . HAT. UAIIIOII.S, CLOTIfS, CObitUNE. , TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND ' NAIIillKUSITKB TuOTII PJWDKltS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQTJORS, For Medicinal purpoaee. r Our fiu'.ilitiua fur buying iooda are aeeond to none to tlie Stnie, and we aliall at all times aell t a anutil ad vame from coHt. lteiuly aalea and amiiH proHta, . - PUISICIAXS' 1'RKSCUIPTIOXS Cftrwfully compounded at ftll hours of the day nnd nlttht. VK1IY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and IiAR.KOOMH. ULIC8 KKAK.MK.lt HAVING 1IOUGHT THE EN tire Stock of Mercbaiuiiie aud Unok Accounta of tba ate firm ol M . Seller ft Co. . In thia cil v. lu wblcb bo line added of hia own importation (wbile doing buaineaa iu roruanu; an iniuieuae ciock oi mo beat manuiactureal Crockery, ' ; OlaHsware, -Plated Vare, Lamps, Cliandcllei'N, Table Cutlery LiOuklng'tLilasscH and' All Kinds of Oils, All of which he olfora at reduced rates. Peraona wlili- nii to buy auy of tbe above-ineiitlenad artlr.lea. will do well to Rive me a cull before puruhaeinic eUewhere. Ordera from tbe interior promptly attended to, and gonde packed to no aecure. Don't tail to oall on me. uuuiu'e atone liuiming, naaliinniiin atreet. Uallea. JULIUS KKAKMKlt. Dallea, March l'tli, 1865. rolilitf ONE HUNDREDMILES SAVED! BL ACKFOOT & BIG BEND MIXES BY WAY OF . Wliito UUiIIh! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST ROAD For Land Travel. Diatance from Dallea to White Bluff)..... 100 mllea " , White BlutTa to Peud'Oiellle 100 - '.'" ' " " to Colville.......;.......170 ' Traveler! by land for either of the above Gold Flelda. will aave . Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluff Road. Wood, Water and Grass Aro fonnd on this Road within may drives ' Tbe road la now open, and poaaeaaea adrantacaa over any oiuer lana route irom me vaiiea. 1'uniiaiiMi ny order or THE CITIZENS OF TIIE DALLR3, Dallea, March, 20, 1866. . , ip20:2tn, COLUMBIA. BIVJER MINES ! A. 1. BOOTH...... BABttl REVISOIf.. BOOTH te NEVISON, Forwarding and Commli.lon Merchant AND DELERS IN OENERAT.MERCIIANDISB, White BluflTa, V. X, FREIGHT FOR COLVILLK, UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI and BLACK. FOOT MINES promptly lorwaroro. "t Mark Oooda B. N., White Bluffa, W. T r i',i HFWKKOEBl: r,f. Pobtuxd Richards k McCraken, Allen 1 Lewis, and , i Hodge Calef. ' ' Diilta Bloch, Miller A Co., French Oilman. F. DEHM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, DEALER IN PINB WATCHES; JEWELRY, . CLOCKS, Gold Peoa, Sliver and Plated Ware, Bpectaciea, cutlery, ac. Af Particular attention paid to repairlnc One' 'Watchea, Clocka, Jewelry, etc. All Watnbea repaired by me warranted for twelre montha. :(. ' . N. B. AH ordera from the upper country, by Expreaa or owerwiee, promptly anenaeu.to, .A. CARD. AD AMBLE TELI.IKIl WOULD RlrSPECTFuif.Y Inform tbe Ladiea uf the Dallea and vlrinltv. thai aba m now projiared to do all kluda of. Ull ESS, CLOAK and PALKIOT maklna. Alao. CUTTING and FITTING In a new and improved stale, never before Introduced In thia place. ' She will warrant to give aatlafaotlon, and would most reapecuuiiy solicit a liberal parrouaKe. In the Itoonia lately occupied by. Mm. White, over uegenera store, on waauingion atreet, Between. Second nnu inirn. Dallea, March 57 1 h, 1866 'If. mr27tf CO 4 1, OIL! COAL OIL! VtrALDItON RROS. have Inat received a lane In vidceof COAL OIL, wMch they offer at irreatly uuceo rates. , . jn?ti 1711 m HAVE appointed R. I. BAFT my anthorlted agent- M. to collect all uoncyl one me,ana attend to my beat ncaj generally.. altfj U. RKNW rRANKLIN MARKET. . COKNEK 01 SECOND AND WABUIKGTON. STIIKEIS r , DALLES, OREGON, ) ' , JOHNKPP1NGER Proprietor TViK UrWEItSIOKKD baring filled up the ive M-rkeln tUa-UK-T STYLE, will keep cvualaut- ly ou IihihI ail aorta of 1 ' ' VrasU and Cured Meals, ',' Oftb beatqnalitji furiiabed at tba LOWEST KATB - My motto ta to " PLEASE ALL.". PARTIES HAVING 8UPEU10R STOCK J0R BALI will do well to sail at tba franklin Market. Dallaa, February 19tb, 1864.. . , " mm or ' COURT AND 8EC0ND STREETS. DALLES, MlEQOft JOHN MICHELBACH, Ptoprtotor. !-5Wi WILL KEEP h-i' eonatantly on hand all tbe varle- . in HuT Hea tbal the market can iiauililr .uutu, n ... FRESH 8c OTJimiD MEATS, , and alwaya of the b. at quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AJYD STEAMBOATS auppiled on reaaonable teama. Tbe nnderalgiieq 1b alvraya prepared to pa' the lilglh eatcaah iirlce lor FAT CATTLE." Partlea hav.lug atoek ingocMi conuition, are rciyiaate.1 to call on lilm before koing elaewliere. AHCUaLUACII. ,i. mli81tf Dallea, March 3Ut,180S NOTICE TO FARMERS ': ' UrnD,wLi'SS. LDMBKa MANUFACTURING. A COMPANY baa recently attached a to their Strain Saab and Door Factory, In thla City, and are ao preuured to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT and ' CORN, and warrant to give the bos aatislactlun. Ou band eonatantly nnd for. aale-' . . FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, , 1 ... SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, . . , '.',-. SRAN AND SHORTS.. CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. ' Alao. a Sainerior article nr rnnv urii- t. Corn. , u. u,jr n i ,,. n'i'''' 'rltet price paid for WI1KAT, CORN a '. ' UAHI.EY. II. A. IlltflHU l. . Dallea, Nov. 2, 1865. ; . 3tf! ; AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLI A TVT M . AUCTIONEER..' Ko. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO TILE BELLING AT AUCTION ill General Merchandlte, Real Eatate, Grocerb a. Uui'Bea,New and Second Hand Furniture, Stock., Ao,icv iteguiar sale Day Saturday. - Otrtwlooitand'Snarlal RhIa. .A tH the City. r -T " , " "f r" . Liberal Advances made or eoimJgnments. niuiaiu. JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. A.. Gr. 13 K. I) FOTM1. : , FRONT STREET, ' Portlantl, -. " - . X Orearoit'.. VWmiio .An. a i n . .... ..roi.o Mva, oWin. A, t,B' LAJIUE ASSORT nient ot .; . . ... ... j i . . , Brandies. ? n Liquors, v ,f;...; ,j ' t ,.w ,', .".''' . -' GtMd9 The Trade IS paetlenl.rly Invited to oxamlne am ck before rruroliiuiiijj.la.where.. auM-tr II. HERMAN & GO.; MAIN 8T., DALLE8, OPPOSITE EMPIRB HOTEL, ' JJAVB JUST RECEI VED A BBAUTIKVL STOCK Or SPUIKa AKD SUMMER tSOODS, . ' ' Oonalatlng lu part of '' ;,'.:,.'' Fancy aud Staple Dry God IIoot&Snoes, . V., jAjV,, ,.Mal&Cap,v : Whltlttlley oflor to lell'at SMALJI PROFITS., Dalles, Mnrttb 27th, 1866. mrZTtf BOOKSI BOOKS t , , WHOLESALE ' AND RE3AIL.,. (( v soCHOOb BOOKS, STATIONERY,.! 3 Standnrdand Mlacellaneoua WORKS. i . I ' "'rJt8, rAFKItg.i ao., Ae,, by. every Steamer. Poat-Offlce' duuk.ujio, iuaio street, uaiies. Garden SeedS for the Million . ""7-tf - , , H, j, WALDROV '' WOOL and rtll HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR. ; '., ; " , h . IBtfJRS, WOOL, AND HIDESat McCRAKRN, MERRILL COS ' 16 KortH Kiont Stre.t; Portland! mbl63m ! NEW YORK BuOClSHY . ...- AND'''1 i GR OCERY STORE Main Street Dalles. mh23tf FREDERICK BENZER.i TO TIII3 TRATELINQ PiJljXic. the new nmrGH ; ACROSS TIJH LOWER DBS CHUTES IS NOW COW ANT,?." a'" rdr fnr ""' of TEAUfi I PACi ANIMALS, eta TOLLS MODERATE '- . DESCUUTEK nnin i WD.no. .v : uaiea, uarcb , 1866. . ; , irffla.