1 V 11 CVYY IHUU X'lToDne McDonnell, who was taken down through hero Inst winter to SATURDAY HOKNLNS, APRIL 21, 1860. About two boridred passengers came up- on- th Qneonta yesterday y nearly all bound for the mines. ". The weather : remains i unu void for this season of the year. . Yes terday fixes were quite bandy to have: about the house. A telegram from San Francicoan - n ounces the arrest of the-robbers of Collector Adams, and the probable re- covery of a part of tho stolon money. ; Since November lot, 1865, the So licitor of tho Treasury has disbursed from the " Secret Service Fund," $27,' 535 11, for the apprehension of coun terfeiters ot tho national notes. Secbetary McCuLLoeH has author ized special Treasury agents in tho South to seize us confiscated property all cotton which was during tho ro . bellion subBonibcd. to. the so-called Confederate loans. Circuit Court. The case ot Wilt- Hams vs. Ward occupied, the entire time of the Court yesterday, and was submitted to the iury at a- lato hour. Tbey will probably render their verdict to-day. The Orieaba is in below. She brings over three hundred passengers und five hundred tons. o freight. The Montana was expected, ia last nighty and about threo hundred and fifty pas songers- are telegraphed as being on ber. , ; ' Nuisances. Marshal Koelor desires lis to call attention, to the ordinance for the prevention. o throwing of filth, offal,, ete. Into the streets and alleys of ouc town, the injunctions of ' which bavo been, disregarded in many. oases of late. IleroaHer- offences ot this, nature will be brought to the notioe of the anthorities,,and punished as the law directs. The ordinance makes it the duty of the City Marshal 'to rigidly enforce its provisions, and in view of the- fact that the obol. era may visit this, pact o th world, the most perfect cleanliness- of' our city which oan bo secured, may be of untold benefit. People- should, bean . in mind when they do these things -.that not only are- epidemics aggra vated, but that disease p every bauure is more frequent in. dirty localities. and that tbey not only inconvenience but danger tbemsel.veBandtbeis neigh Sacrnmento under suspicion of being Wells tho murderer, called- , upon- us yoBterday evening. lie has with him the most incontrovertible proof that be is not Wells,, and that he iuDonnell McDonnell', and'lhatj bo was in another part of the world at the time of the Series 01 Crimes, Ot WhlCU the real acter, to tho fact, to ttmt they nuy have no opportunity Wdls i8 doubtless guilty, Were COm. ! aTB" l'' T .ervlo,. ber,,r. n,y departure. c ' ' l If no desired. I will lean abmit the 2(Hh nf March, ana mitted. Among Other interesting j return to this place to resume my practice, about the Columbia Lodge, No. S, I. O. O. P. Meets every Friday evening at 7 o'cluclc lu Gates Hall, oonior of Second anil Court Streets. Brothers la good standing are Invited to attend. By urder. N. 0. Wsitfl Lodge, No. 15, A. P. efc A. M Holds Its stated Conuiiunlcntlon. on the First and Third Mondays of each month, at their halt. In Dalles City. Brethren In good standing are invited to attend. : Bsta L. Pofe, Sec'y. ' By order of the W. M. DENTAL NOTICE. Being about to make a professional tour to the towns and settlements np the Columbia, I respectfully call the intention of those of my patrons who are In need of Dental Operations of any char- proofr, bo has, in his possession two photographs, one of himself and the otbor of the real criminal, and for our parts, laying aside entirely the other evidences of his not being the man, we do not see how any one, even making all allowances for tho changos of time and sickr-uss or health, could for a moment discover any resenv bianco. White the picture be has of Wells does not have any very great marks of the villian, still that of him self, which is very like him, is not a faco which we would select as that of a murderer or of a criminal at all. Having been subjected to great hnrd ships and gross indignities, he of course feels very sore, and, perhaps, overrates the enmity of his accusers; yet we are inclined to believe from his statements,; that whilo under ars rest be has been inhumanly treated and. unnecessarily abused in person, oven wero be the guilty party. His hands and ancles are still Bore from the chains he wore, and ono of his shoulders is permanently injured from being strained by the weight of his manacles, which kept bira so long in an unnatural position. Ho slates that those who had him in- custody pursued a systeraatio course of aggravation, as he believes, with tho intention ot forcing him to some act which would bo a pretext for shooting, him down, and then claiming the reward for Wells, " dead or alive.!' Conscious as he was of his innocence, it was with difficulty that he at times restrained himself from resistance, but now be believes ho owes not only bis liberty but his life to the meokness and coolness with which, ho conducted himsolf through all these trials. He says that Sheriff White of this place, is the only officer on tho route from Idaho to Sacramento, who treat' ed. him with that deconcy and consid eration which the possibility of bis not being Wells, entitled him to. He was 18th of June.. ff27tfl J, W. QURLKY. AUCTION SALE ' I will sell . 1 ' THIS DAY, At 10 o'clock, In the forenoon, At No. 100, Main 8trset, a. genoral assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND ' Kltclaeir rurnituro Blankots, Hats, Caps, Cigars, Onus; Pistols, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Ac. ap21tl JOHN WILLIAMS, Auct. bora Heave on. Golonbi. Copeingie. A insufficiently clad and fed, and suffer- friend" in this cUv. writioff to the ed moch from cold and hunger, and Democrat, gets ofiE the following, which wa 8 exposod. to,, insulting epithets,. will be news to Col. CoDoincer. as w,lu u" 0 o' puun, on mo - I i i well as to our citizens feneniilv wnoie journey. When, our delation, to. the State Al Snoramento, however, especially Convention returned here last SaturJ the proof of bis being, tbe wrung day night, tbey were met at the wharf man. began to accumulate, he was boat by a crowd of Demoenats, and an treated with marked kindnoss, and for osuurt, uobuou vy iu coinmaouing days Delore his- release, he fed the officer at this post, marched" tbm. in whole jail full of prisoners on luxuries errand procession, to the ofiloa of Col. I uchw.w lh nonnU sont. in oa , Kelly,' where he iwas regularly notified ftni 'when finally released, money v u.u - . vuvviumv euuugu uuvu- uiuuu in ui . a very candidate tor Governor, and. at once, handsome stake was offered him bv in a neat speech, signified, bis accopt- different parties, Being possessed of nuoo vi me uouur. va uao o uuninr? c aim m irliihn. ho That. is certainly a coed thins. accepted ot scarcelv'anythiiicr of value James, your "friend at tho Dalles" disdaining to make a speculation out V.. ...l.l.l. k... .1 . ui 1110 iiiidiui yuuuo. , j. uuo vw-iuij u tvu ii uW YI return tn.ilav far Tilnhr.. h.. wrote the above.: Tho commanding wo hope bo will be ' successful, as his omcer at f ort i;anes did not head tho fortitude and trials entitle him to be ErpoesBion; but was a passenger on While upon this suhject we would ilm hodt. and wan wnlkinn. nn an th etate. mat ,tno .opinion: is. gamma bridca at the tima tha , ( round tl,ftt the man arrested atSulem. jassoov. , ' . ;, v want of proof, was tha real' Walla, DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION IWITX 8ELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT 11 O'clock In the forenoon, on . Saturday, April 2Sth, 1866, That Desirable Cottage Roslilonce, the property nf Capt, frea n usuti, Bit im tea oit eecona street, near union, oc cupied by Mr. J. Crosflun. The house lain eplemliil or der, cotitninn three large rr.oma ; water on the premiBus t am) Uttiirroii' ded by a new, neat and mibRtanthil ionre. Termt) liberal, which will be made kuown oa applica tion to the undersigned. ' ' iip21t. J (UN WILLTM3, Auctioneer. LATESTJEWS! ALL TUB j0(8TZk LATEST mWir KUROl'KAN, EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES, Received Regularly every stesuier, by s. j. Mccormick, FFiARLI. BOOKSTORE, lOS ITront Street Portland Tapers anil Magazines packed and Forwarded by mail or Express TO ANY PART OP THE MINES In Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Montana. Subscriptions Kocetved fcr any NEWSPAPER OB MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. New Book, Uasle, fto., by every Steamer. S3o7boo WORTH OF BOOKS, STATIONERY AUCTION AND COMMISSION H O TJ S E ! No. 100 MAW STREET, DALLES. TUB BNDKIISIONRD THANKFUL FOR PAST Fuvors. respratfiilly Informs the cillaens of ths Dnllesraud tu public generally, tliat be continues t soil at :'.. ' . PUBLIC AXJCTIOIV. OR PRIVATE SALE,. Real Estate. General merchandise,. CiiucerleM,. llorNCN, Mules,, furniture, MockM, &c. &c; BEGUIiAR SALK DAVS, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Cash Advances made on Consignmeats, And PROMPT RETURN m de of sales. Outdoor and Special Sales attvudsd te in any piirt at toe cuy. JOHN WILLIAMS, Anctlanecr. J. JU'K E K ,' Main Street, Dalles, ' WDOLUAU AMD tVIAO. DIALKR W CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &o ALVATS IIT 8I0HI TBI BEST BRANDS OF ' Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. fjLAYINO CARDS. JL POCKKT CUTLERY. PORT MON1K8, COMBS and 1IKUSHKS, o' all kinds, PKRKUMEHY. ot erery description, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS. DOM,8, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLB, . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac. Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. sr lutenordoaiers suppneu Willi t;t?ars, ToDacco.ei. at less than Portland prices, with freight added. ocR BULLING Oi l AT tOM! J. GOETZ & CO.- STONE BUILDING, WASUINOTON STREET, DALLES. Offer tlialr well-selected stock of TOBACCO, SEGAItS, PIPES, YANKEE NOTIONS, ' - AND STATIONERY. AT SAN FRANCISCO COST, mi-zrtf AND FANCY GOODS, CHEAP FOR CASH. al9dlwt!w AU PUTTING. VS OWR OUIOINAL SUPKR10U BRAND Of MONTANA! IDAHO!. WASHOE v. GR.OUKJB JAVA COFFEE, ALSO . CII AUTRES COFFEE,: ' IN DO UDLE OLA ZED . PAPERS,. To preserve Its strength and flavor for tho length of time ri-quireu to na i rwaraeu 10 iu Rlwvo y aces. 1'or sale by all tha Jubbxcs, anih f , .: , al8mlp2 . MARDEN. k SOWER, , , Pioneer Steam Cones and 8plc Mills, . i . 220 Front btreet, San Srahcisco, NOTICE; 18 HEREBY GIVEN that REV. FATHER MRSPLIE has nothlnir to do any mure with the CATHOfclC MISSION FARM AT THIS DALLES: that the leaslnir of the said Misnlon Harm I.T hi in to JOHN 11 MKSPLI baarlnif data of tha fl Hi nf July. 180o. lias nnt biota rati fled by F. N. BI.ANCHKT. Aichtilshon of Oreson City. who la the eaardiau and sole oilnil iHraUir of all the property of Ihs Catliolio Cliurch at. the Dullea and el.e- nen; tnas sara arcucisnop is imt rwpunIUIe and alta.ll not pay any axnamllturo nr Imr.rnvoiiHTit. made on said farm, nor any debts contracted by any person or per sous noi aninorxea vy me sigu 01 tne subscriDer.. - . , , . r. N. HI.ANCHBTl ArcbblsboporO.O. . toriiaua, uregon Apru a iouu. . auaswi, Gi-A.ri1ii:!5; & CHAPI1V ' WHOLESALE RETAIL S druggists; STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STREET, DALLES, OREGON. Importers and Jobbers of PATENT MEDICINES,, .. , ...... ' CHEMICALS 4 FANCY GOODS, SODA, CORKS ACIDS, 1 OILS, ALCOHOL, ' PURE WINES 4 LIQUORS, PAINTS, GLASS A BRUSHES. . PHYSICIANS' PRESCUIPTIOXS , Accurately compennded. . . . . y PHOTOGRAPHIC EMPORIUrVT. A (nil and eomnlete assortment of all articles In tb Photoi;raiho Line, at a SMALL ADVANCE ON BAN FRANCISCO PRICES. M Merahauts wlli oleaso est our prices before order- Ins; below. 1 U. L. UlIAl'IN, . JUSTIN GATES. Ba41es. Sacramento, Cal. . J-..W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Matla St., Dalles, Oregon. ; WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM tha citiKflfis of tills nines and tI; clnity, that having; returned from a pro- I leasionai rour inronun tne nui-is. ne has ayaln resumed tbe practice of JENT1STRY, In the room formerly occupied ay. biro, in. the bulhling occupied by Wood A Butler. Photograph Artists, and adjoining Wal dron Bros.' Drug Store. He takes this mr-thod of x- tending thanks, fitlie lOxsral potronags heretofore ex tended to biui, and solicits a contiaiiancaof tha, srnne.. I.I8T OF PRICES. Entire Denture on Qi.li.Bine . w $180 to (2St Vpner Denture, Oold Has........,. ...... go " 1 ' Denture. Vnl.anlte Don.. u... 70 "' 12 11 Upiier.Dcnture, Vulcanite Base 36, " W., Gold Fillings inserted from one dollar upward. Cbildrens' Teeth extracted free af charge. sel3-tr Tr.easurfr's A'otice. rflHK FOLLOWING COUNTY ORDERS will bapaiJi 1 JL upon presentation at my office:; July 14, 18(16...... 6. 166. IV " ...6.....W3- 17, " ... ....6 169 Aug. K, ' MU 6i...u..180 " " .-...... 6 iftl, Sep T;. .' ww.........&..i..-.....a3-J SeptS,. 6...,.,..48. Nor. , '. ..6... .IM Not 10- it. 21)1 NoT.10, . ................. 6..1.....i!70- Dec. 8 " 6.. a7 u 11 Deo 12 " 6. J7I .lesso Neel. . Jan. 6 1804 6 4Mi J II Harford ' ' Jim 19 " ..6 .44 J-KltPlt '1 Feb 9 " 6 .484' B W Mitchell. a0d& H.J. V ALDRON. Traasarar. " In favor ot. U W Crnndall. X BCrandulL a I B Harford. TM McAuilio. .11) Harford. T.M McAu.lie,. OR Meigs. J B Harford-.. Jfc'LiUtV liKS I FLO WERS I t. x t s , I harejnst rscclrod alot of .' ASSQK,TEI FLOWERS Which I will 111 at reasonable Prices. ' I at .. ,,-.y v , J. Jtjreh. '