Epitome of Telegraphic News. raoanun riOH xhi omooiuab. DATES TO APRIL. IT. Chicago, April 16 Judge Test, in the Cir- cnit Court of Lafayette county. Indiana, de cided ibat tbe amendment to tue United States. Constitution abolishing slavery make all negroes citizens, and tberefore tb 13th Section, of the Indiana constitution, and the black laws are void. Tbe question came be fore him on an appeal of a colored citisen to enforce a contract, claiming the benefits of the civil rights act. Judge Test says: wub out reference to the civil rights aut, I Bhall sustain the demurrer to tbe defendant s answer, being fully satisfied that the plaintiff is a citizen of tbe Unite! States,' Independ ent of tbe act of Congress on that subject. Chicago, April 10. The steamship Ore gonian, built by Messrs. Laurence & Fonlke of New York, tor L-idd A Bradford, and in tended to run between San Francisco and Portland was launched on Friday, tbe 13th instant. She is not expected to be ready for her trial trip for thief) months. The Commissioner of tbe General Land Office has received returns from the Oregon City land office, showing that 5,263 acres were eutered for actual settlement in Febru ary, while preliminary evidences of title were submitted, covering 12,000 acres of do nation lands for actual settlement. Uh:ago. April lb. Tbe re is not even a gnesi as to when the House will proceed to consider the resolution admitting Tennessee, nor is it known that the committee have ma lured any measure with regard to tbe late re bellious States, in addition tothose already reported. Tbe committee continue to exam ine witnesses, and enough testimony has been collected to make several ponderous volumes, li is not all printed yet, though ordered to be. .. Tbe Joint resolution protesting against tbe pardouing criminals by foreign powers on coudition that they emigrate to tbe United States, passed both nouses, ana will be com mitted to all foreign powers, altboogb par ticularly called out by tbe action of the Swiss government. - Mr. Moolton, of Illinois, from the committee on territories, reported a bill, appropriating $10,000 for tbe survey ef tbe boundary be tween Idaho and Oregon, which was referred to tbe committee of tbe whole. . San Francuco, April 17. Tbe great exposion that occurred in the heart of the city yester day afternoon and resulted In such terrible destruction of life and property, continues to 'be the topic of conversation among our citi zens, and has cast a gloom over the publio mind such as has been produced by few events since the foundation of tbe city. Workmen have been employed in removing the ruins In tbe vicinity of the explosion, and searching for tbe bodies of tbe missing. The work is now nearly completed and all but one or two of those supposed to have been tb victims of the accident have been satisfactorily accounted for. The question as to wbat caused the explosion and what it was that exploded still remains without de finite answer. Enough, however, has been. ascertained to bx its connection beyond a doubt with one of the two boxes that were taken yesterday from the Pacific Mail Steam ship dock to W. F. & Co.'s office, as men tioned in last evening's dispatches. The facts relative to these boxes are as follows: In unloading the freight from the steamer Sacramento, that arrived here on Friday last two boxes were found in a dam aged condition. They were eonsigned to Wells, Fargo & Co., and one of them was addressed to J. M. Moore, Idaho City, and the other to W. H. Mills, Los Angeles. They were shipped fiom New York, under the ireneral term '-merchandise." Being dam' aged, Wells,. Fargo Co. refused to accept them from, the raclno Bieamenip uompany. . until the extent of tbe damage wag ascer tained, so that it might be known to whom the resnonsibility, if any, should attach For this purpose the boxes were placed in the back yard to be examined.' Mr. Havens, the froleht agent of the steamship company was sent for to hold a survey of the damaged merchandise, and he, together with Drank WebBtor, one of the employees of Wells, Eargo & Co., and one or two other persons, proceeded to the back yard to make an ex amination of the boxes. Tbe last that was aeen of the party was by a man In the em ploy of Mr. Bell, who says that there were three or four men- standing around the box havlnor in their hands-tools, suco as natebets hammers.. chisels, etc. -The cover- e4 one of tbe boxes be thinks had. been forced off be foreJie left the .yard. I Soon" after leaving he beard the explosion, and the reasonable Inference is that it camo , from tbe box .that wan undereoinir examination. ' This infer ence is strengthened by the fact that Moms Webster and Havens were alcaost blown to atoms, and by the additional fact thatalUhe ' annnarances indicate., the explosion took Bin at the precise soot where the boxes ' wm ntandjinc. The nest question that rlona: what were the contents othe boxes Until this morning it was supposed that the . . .nnisnti of both boxes were tbe same. It bag now been definitely asceitalned that they were entirely different, ana me oozes prooa My bad no connection with each other,-fur' ther than tbe fact than they both happened to be more or less damaged on tne pasvnge, and were on that account ma-tie subjlect to a survey before being accepted' by -the con signees. Among the ruins were found a number or stiver spoons, copper silver ware, which when found yesterday, were Bupposed to have come from the'dirring room of the Union Blub. On examination to-day they were found to be all marked with tbe luitials J. M. M., and were doubtless a portion of the contents of the box, addressed to J. M. Moore, Idaho City. Mr. Moore is now in New York, aud shipped the box himself. He is said to be a wealthy man residing In Idaho City, This disposes of the Moore box, and renders it almost certain that it was not the box that exploded. Now as to the box addressed to W. H. Mills, Los Ang)es. This was tin doubtedly the box that Webster and Havens were examining, and must bave been tue one that exploded. WALDRON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists,. Hall Street,. alle, Oregon. wi now oeouPT our new two story tire WW proof Stone- building, opposite Btoeb, Miller , Co., and offer to theuubllo fall and eomplete atoek of Drags, Medicines aaevuuomicais, consisting ui pan oi KEROSENE, TURPENTINE, AU1U3, LINSEED, Uiiuij OAfcTOR AND NKAT8FOOU OIL, LAMP WICKS ft CIIIMNEYB HOBS, BAGE, BPONORS, LEECHES, UUKKK, FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER 61 SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS- DALLES,. ORBdOlf, JOHN KFPINOKK Proprietor nruiE UNDERSK A having titled op the above Mrt in the BKU STYLE, will Moop constant'-' 1 1; on hand all aorta of Fretm ana Jure meaiss Of the beat quality furnished at tbe LOWEST HATS' My motto la to " PLEASE ALL." 2 B4DIOO AND LANPBLAOK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AMD PATENT MEDICINES. Onr etock of FANCY GOODS I a cOwie-Sneet and beat quality; new styles ond large assortment, even as LUblfli'S rKllFUHKKI, 11A1H LUHIN'8 TOILET BUAP, rUMAUBB. COSMETICS, I1A1K 011.8, COLOGNE, FLESH, BHAVINO, HAT, C110THF.B, SOOTU AND ISAAC F. BLOCH, San Francisco. O. B. Mulik, Dalles. Bloch, Miller & Co., ' WHOLESALE GROCERS j AND DEALERS IN Wines fc Liquors, And Importers and Jobbera of CLOTHING Boots & Shoes, . Under Clothing, . Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. rrB HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION W with onr business, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns In Bare In six hours- We guarantee nil our Assays and pay the II1U11KHT CASH PRICE for Bars. We also pay tbe Highest Cash Price lor uoia Dust. ' ttYrtnrr mit t Tin 1 Duuxjn. j.i uiii.i. m w .... myStf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. FANCY SOAPS AND NA1LBHU8HF.S TOOTH POWDERS, AND OOMBtfc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, Fur Medicinal pnrpoeei. uur mcinuen lur ooying gnoas are mcodq to nono in the 8tais nod we shall at ttU times sell at a small ad raace from cost. Ready sales and small profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS I Carefully compounded at all hour of tbe day and night. Dalles, Dept. v, loo. eeiu-w VERY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and HAlt-HOOMH. TULIU8 KRAEMER HAVING BOUGHT THE EN- v tire Stock of Morchandtce and Book Aooounta of the late Arm of M . Seller A Co., In tbiicity, to which he has I aaaeu 01 ma own importation (wnue aoing ousiues id rortianuj an immense stock 01 in beet manuiactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaases and All Hinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish. Ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere, PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALE will do well to CjrfUt tbe Franklin Market. JOUN EPPINQKR1. Dalles, February 19th, 1685.. WASHINGTON MARKET, oommaor C0OHT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JCQHN MICHELBACH, Proprtatfor. MBRL . WIBJb KEIF j nLA constantly on hand all the varle- i rflmllil-" - that the market can possibly aiioru, ot niESH Sc CURED MELA.TS, and always of the btsttojiallT,. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. TBe nndersigneq Is always prepared to pay the high est eash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties havlni stock lsgood condition, art requested to rail on blia before going elsewhere.. JOHN MICHELBACH. Dalles, March 8Iet,Ut, rahsltf NOTICE TO FARMERS frHE DA LI, KB LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING JL COMPANY haa reeentlyattaohed a FLOURING MILL to their Bteam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, anil are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UHIND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant to give the best aatUflwtioii. On hand constantly and for sal FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, BKC0KD8 OR MIDDLINGS; BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Com. The hle-hest market nrlee nald farWRKAT PftPM - Dalles, Not. J, 1865. II. A.UOtiUK, Agenrt. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and nRtc JULIUS KRAEUER. goods packed to ira secure. Don't fall to call on me. uuuio's atone jjuiidlng, Washington street, Dalles. Dalles, March 17 th, 1806. mliHtf AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN W I Us LI A. M S . AUCTIONEEB, IVo. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. VVwif imtnuiA MA snirn A ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED! LW-yTO DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON Sl STEEL. GROCERIES. - - BY THE PACKAGE. FOE CASH," At San Francisco Prices, Adding cost of Transportation, . CHMMINO k GRANT, ml3tf Dalles, Oregon. BLACKFOOT & BIG BEND MIKES BY WAY OF - "White UluflHl THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST KOAD For Land. Travel. W. 13. DOUGLASS, . (8nccessei to William BIrnbaum.) PRACTICAL "WATCHMAKER, AND SCALES I!f Fine "Watches. AJSTD JEWBLRT, WNVirES THE ATTENTION OF IIIB FRIENDS AND M. the Publio to his choice seieonon oi i New and Fashionable Goods, Respoctfnlly soliciting their patronage. Wa'ches PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and WARRANTED. "" ' . m9tf Next Door to tne iob umti, Distance from Dalles to White Blufrs..............10O ', White Bluff, to Pen d'Oiellle......l0 " " , to ColTllle ...M.1TD " Travelers by land for either df the aboTe Gold' Fields. will save I Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Blnffi Road. Wood, Water and Grass Aro found on this Road within eu drivel The road Is now open, and possesses advantage over any other land rotste from the Dalle, ; . . . , furnished Dy order or THE CITIZENS OF TIIE DALLES. Dalles, March, 20, 1808. mS0:2m. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! 1. . BOOTH HARBT ttlvnoK. BOOTH & NEVISON, Forwarding and Commlsalon Bf arohant AND DKLKHS IN GKNEKAT MERCHANDISE,. Whlto JSlufTki, W. X, FREIGHT FOR C0LVILLE. PPRR COLUMBIA, KOOTENAI aud BLACEFOOT MINES DroniDtlv ioi-wardt-di Mark Goods B. ft N., WLIte Bluffs, W. X, tomica : , -Pobtuxs Richards k MoCrakeo, AUea A Lewi, and Illidge A Calef. Daui Bloch, Miller A Co., French k Oilman. I? . I E II 31 , Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, ... E8, JEWELRY, jmo nd Plated Wan, mv Kocses, New and Second Uand Furniture, Stocks, ac, Ac. Regular Sales Day Saturday. OuMoor. and Special Berts attended to In any part of theCitjs. ; ' . Liberal Advances mad on Consignments. nl:3m. , J0UN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. ; A.'. J3H,r)ir,OItr, ' -;; IMPORTEIt AND JOBBER 01 ' iirW,inesi 'Sc Liqu.orsr .. . FRONT STREET, Portland, - - - . ' Ore gen. OFFERS FOR SALE A. TJRI LARQB. AfiSQltt ment of ' Brand fe, ' ' ''. ' ',- ! wines,':- v.: !....: j ,IqUOrr, '-' .', 'as Good's',' Ve.' . &c, ';, " , Ac. ' The Trade fs particnlarly Invited to examine ma, t.ck before purchasing elsewhere. . i . . au24.tr- ! DEALER IN FINE WATCI1E8, JEWELRY, a CLOCKS. Gold Pens. Silveraod Plated Ware. VrrV Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. &"yk -i'art cu ar attention nam to renairmK nnewauwss Tatches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc All Watches repaired by me warranted for twelve month, - - " . - . a . . I N. II. All orders from the nnper nountrv, by Express or otherwise, promptly attended to. . . p AOARD. MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE WE ' ARB PTTlWa " VV OUR ORIGINAL. SUPERIOR BRANS OF OROITKD JA.V 1 COFFEE, . . ALSO ' ' CIIAUTBES COFFEE, IN D0UDLE GLAZED PAPERS, To preaorve It ttrength and flavor tor the length of time required to be t rwarded to the above p anee. . . ! For sale by all the Jobb-, nd u... , HARDEN FOLMRv Pioneer Steam Coffee and Splc Mills, alSmlpJ 1 220 "root Strvet, Sab Srilsoor ADAMS LB TELLIER WOULD RESPECTFULLY XvJL Inform the 1 now prepared tLETOT making. In a new and Improved etale, never before Introduced In II.IIEUMAN&CO., MAIN ST., DALLES, OPPOSITE EMPIRE IIOTEL," , JJAVB JUST BECEI FED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF srniiva AND SUMMER GOODS, I -. , Consisting In part of ' ' Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Clotnlxig,'. i .' ; ' .:" . Boots-& Sboes, ' ' ' .; ' ' nats A Caps, Which they offer to sell at SMALL PROFITS. ' ' ' Dallee, March 8Tth, I860, ' '.. . . . tnrtTtf BOOKS! BOOKS r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SJCHOOB BOOKS, STATIONERY, 3 Btandard and Mlsoellaneoua WORKS, , uhs kveijb, atiiuAinus, 1'Al'EHS.p Ao Ac. by - every Stoamer. . Post-Office' Bookstore, Main street. Dalle. . . , . ,, :., w : Garden SeedS for tue Million; aT-tf " :' 1 H.' j. WALDRON I UItS, AVOOL anil rpHE niOHEST OABU PRICE paid FOR. :rrjRs, wool, and HiDssvav . - - Inform the lAdloe of the Dalies and vicinity, that I aud PALETOT making Also, uunuu ana m riN rnhlSSm MoCRAKEK, MERRILL k CO.'S 16 North Front Street, Portland. this place. She will warrant to give satisfaction, sad. would Boat respectful! solicit a liberal patronage. ' ' - . Id, the Roams lately occupied by MraH White, over uegenecs btore, on- nshlngtoa street, ktwea Eeeood ana inira. Dalles, Mkrah 17th, ISO . .. ; '.' - r2f DAKEKY tOiL OILl COAL OIL! WALDRON BROS., have Itiet received a large In voice of 0O&L OIL, which they oner at greatly daced rates. JnTtf - fltf NEW tOKK ' "' and,':'-: ", . T QROC ERY STOREV ' Hatr street Dalles. - ' 'mhSStr ' - r-RBDERTCX BENZERv NOTICE. tltlAYE appelnted E. . RAFT my authorised egeest to oolifCtiaM saoaej due me, and attend to my baat- i geowaiiy. iai a. Mass. TO TUB TKATELING MDLIC THE NEW IHlirJCrE ACROSS THE LOWER BIS CHUTES t8 NOW CO, plete. and ready fr the crossing ef TEAMS. PACvS ANIMALS, eto. TOhLS MOPRRATE DltS CHUTES R0A9 k BRIDOWCB. Dalle, Maish 3$, 1W. MMUw.